HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-29APPROVED 10/20/87 1 Council Chambers - Civic Center 2000 main Street Huntington Beach, California PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE P P P P P ROLL CALL: Silva, Schumacher, Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, A P Summerell, Livengood A. CONSENT CALENDAR: None None r HEARING ES! C-1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO, 87-39/COASTAL DEYELOPMENT PERMIT 15, 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING) APPLICANT: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Conditional Use Permit No. 87-39, Coastal Development Permit No. 87-29 and Negative Declaration No. 87-38 is a request to permit a subterranean parking structure located on the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier and State Beach north of Municipal Pier between Pacific Coast Highway and Pacific Ocean that will include public restroom facilities, concession facilities (2,500 square feet), a community facility (8,000 square feet), a restaurant pad (10,500 square feet) and a passive recreational park with beach accessways. The parking structure roof is proposed to be one foot below the level of Pacific Coast Highway with passive recreational park located on top of the parking structure. In addition, it is requested to expand the Municipal Pier area to include 8,000 square feet of commercial use. Continue Conditional Use Permit No. 87-39, Coastal Development Permit No. 87-29 and Negative Declaration No. 87-38 until such time as the State Beach General Plan is adopted by the State Parks Commission. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECOND BY SCHUMACHER, TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 87-39, COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 87-29 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 87-38 TO THE DECEMBER 15, 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Silva, Schumacher, Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: None ABSENT: Summerell ABSTAIN: None C-2 LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT N0, 87-2C/ZONE CHANGE NO. 87-13/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO, 87-2 APPLICANT: Dick Nerio Land'Use Element Amendment No. 87-2C, Zone Change No. 87-13 and Environmental Impact Report No. 87-2 is a request to amend the General Plan by redesignating the 65 acre Meadowlark Airport site located approximately 600 feet north and east of the intersection of Bolsa Chica Street and Warner Avenue from Low Density residential to Planned Community and implement the designation with a Specific Plan containing 50 acres of mixed residential totaling 750 units and 15 acres of retail commercial. PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -2- (9231d) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to the City Council certification of Environmental Impact Report No. 87-2 and approval of General Plan Land Use Element Amendment No. 87-2C for a change in land use designation from Low Density Residential to Planned Community. Staff also recommends approval with findings of Zone Change No. 87-13 for the adoption of the Meadowlark Specific Plan, which would allow 15 acres of commercial and 50 acres of mixed residential, not to exceed 600 units (12 units per acre overall). THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED Richard A. Harlow, representing the applicant, presented slides of similar projects in the City and spoke in support of the applicant's request to develop his property with 15 acres of commercial and 750 units on the remaining acreage. He addressed the land use plans and specific plan buffers. Dick Nerio, applicant, spoke in support of his request. He stated that he does not want to keep or sell the airport property and feels that his proposed development will be beneficial to the community. Edward Ramaekers, 4952 Seapine Circle, presented a video reflecting the noise created by the airport and spoke in support of the proposed development. Byron Beam, 17052 Green Street #2, stated that he lives in the Montecello Apartments and feels that it is noisier than the airport. He feels there are too many vehicles in the area and stated that it would be insane to allow anything more than R1 in the area. Guy Van Patten, 4842 Curtis, stated that he opposes the airport and would like to see 400 or 450 single family units developed in the area. Nancy Van Patten, 4842 Curtis, stated that she was in favor of closing the airport. The following speakers expressed support in the closing of the airport: Meaghan Ferrall, 4901 Seapine; Tammy Senese, 4902 Seapine Circle; Jennifer Filipan, 16531 Cotuit Circle; Joyce Gouin, 4942 Seapine Circle,Dan Senese, 4902 Seapine Circle, John Ferrall, 4942 Seapine Circle; Jill Senese, 4902 Seapine Circle. Pat Ramaekers, 4952 Seapine Circle, expressed her concerns with noise created by the airport and the possibility of a fire as a result of the airplanes. Tony Hochschild, 4841 Curtis Circle, Patricia Hochschild, 4841 Curtis Circle, Dick Lutz, 4911 Seapine, and Gary Armstrong, 16292 Del Mar Lane spoke in support of closing the airport. PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -3- (9231d) Dave Benson, 4912 Seapine Circle, stated that he supports staff's recommendation and commended Mr. Nerio for his proposed development. Lilian Merg, 16311 Saratoga Lane, stated that she would like to see the property developed with its current zoning with no changes. She said she is against high rise and anything other than low density. Corinne Welch, 8062 Mermaid, member of the Environmental Board, stated that this property is an archaeological site and that the methane gas determined present on the site could cause air pollution. She further stated that water will be a problem and that open space will be eliminated with the proposed density. She said that she would like to see the area Low Density with the landscaping kept natural. LaVonne M. Benson, 4912 Seapine Circle, stated that she was in favor of closing the airport. Cecil Wright, 5612 Middlecoff Drive, expressed his concern with pollution and stated that he wants the area to be Low Density. Anthony Passannante, 20302 Carlsbad Lane and Roy Lahti, 17192 Lynn Street spoke in support of closing the airport. Cheryle Browning, 16771 Roosevelt Lane, stated that she questions the level of integrity regarding the proposed development and expressed her concern with sewage problems, pollution, and traffic. She is in favor of R1 zoning. Bob Floyd, 30 Via De La Mesa, Rancho Santa Margarita, pilot, said he feels that the property owner has a right to develop his property the way he wants however feels that the pilots are getting a "bum rap". Jacqueline Lahti, 17192 Lynn Street, spoke in support of closing the airport. Sally Graham, 5161 Gelding Circle, stated that she was in favor of R1 zoning and presented a petition with 187 names also in favor of R1 zoning. Jeanne Collins, 6271 Newburg, said that she feels the airport should be closed and that the Nerio's should be given fair zoning for the property since he already dedicated Central Park property. Janet Lewis, 16322 Bayshore Lane, stated that the traffic light presently on Graham and Meadowlark and the proposed light at Heil and Del Mar had not been addressed and she was concerned with problems created by these lights. She further stated that she would rather have the airport than a high density development. PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -4- (9231d) Kathy Hawksford, 5162 Stallion Circle, stated that she is against high density and ruining the community just for a profit to the property owner. Tom Huntley, 4882 Seapine Circle and Robert McMullan, 17172 Sandra Lee Lane spoke in support of closing the airport. Mark Browning, 16771 Roosevelt Lane, stated that he was in favor of R1 zoning in the area. Steve Lefferdink, 17181 Green Street and Charles P. Haber, 17161 Sandra Lee Street spoke in support of closing the airport. Paul Durazo, 8102 Artesia Boulevard, Buena Park, Search and Rescue Pilot, stated that he feels the property owner has a right to develop his property however feels that noise, traffic, sewage, etc. will be increased. He said he feels the community needs an airport in case of a national disaster. Don Dodge, 5291 Kenilworth, stated that the runway at Meadowlark is not too short however does not meet the FAA requirements because it is a private airport. He feels the airport would generate revenue for the City, the property owner would profit with tag write-offs, and that it would be beneficial to the community. John Ramsay, 4862 Curtis Circle, stated that the airport should be closed and the property owner should be able to develop his property the way he wants. Bob Asadourian, 17122 Newquisy Lane, spoke in support of closing the airport and in opposition to a high density development. He said that he would like to see single family homes in the area. Jolene M. Foord, 6142 Fenley Drive, spoke in support of closing the airport. She asked the Commission why the City has a General Plan if the zoning is constantly being changed. She asked that the residents of the City be considered and stated that the City does not need additional traffic. Loretta Wolfe, 411 6th. Street, Huntington Beach Tomorrow, expressed her concern with the added population and traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. John Calcagno, 16672 Parlay Circle, stated that he wants low density in the area. John Clark, 6561 Halifax Drive, said that he feels the City should reconsider purchasing the airport. He said that he feels the City would be get all of their money back in one year. Marjorie A. Barnes, 17132 Newquist Lane, said that she would like to see the airport saved. She is concerned with any development that will increase traffic. PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -5-- (9231d) Larry Plank, 17152 Swain Lane, expressed his concern with a high density development that will add more traffic to the area and said that he is favor of keeping the airport. Ralph Ricks, 5362 Old Pirate Lane, stated that he is against approval of any of the recommendations made so far. Samuel Moreno, Los Patos Drive, spoke in support of low density. Dean Albright, 17301 Breda Lane, member of the Environmental Board, expressed his concerns with the overloading of sewer lines and problems with water in the area and feels that these issues should be addressed further. Jack Humber, 3441 Val Verde Avenue, Long Beach, pilot, stated that he resented remarks made about pilots and feels that the airport is a good site for evacuation in case of a national emergency. Wayne Kratzer, 5304 Overland Drive, stated that he would rather have airplanes in his back yard rather than a block wall and a high density project. James MacMillan, 5181 Stallion Circle, spoke in opposition to a high density development. There were no other persons present to speak for or against the development and the public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS, SECOND BY SILVA, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CITY NOT PURSUE ACQUISITION AND CONTINUED OPERATION OF MEADOWLARK AIRPORT WITH FINDINGS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Silva, Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: Schumacher ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None TION PASSED FINDINGS AGAINST ACQUISITION: The Planning Commission does not recommend that the City Council consider acquisition of Meadowlark Airport based on the following findings: 1. The airport does not meet the current FAA Standards for a "Basic Utility Type II" airport and does not meet all CALTRANS requirements. PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -6-- (9231d) 2. To qualify for FAA funds, FAA requirements would have to be met. To accommodate 1,000 foot clear zones, at each end of the runway, would require the purchase of private property at each end of the runway. This is not consistent with City's General Plan land use designation and would negatively impact established neighborhoods and commercial uses. Over 50 homes on the north end would have to be purchased and on the take -off clear zone apartments, homes and commercial property would be impacted. 3. The character of the surrounding area would be adversely impacted by increased use of the airport and lengthening of the runway. 4. Cost is prohibitive, with land cost estimated at 32.5 million and an additional cost of 7.5 million to 17.5 million to meet FAA Standards. Neither the County nor the City has funds for acquisition and the State policy is to set up a loan that, would have to be paid back. There is no guarantee FAA will provide funds. 5. The existing landowner does not want to sell or lease the property. The only recourse the City would have is to enact eminent domain to take over the property. The City's policy has been to limit such action and have a large percentage of property owners to support the action. In this case, there is one landowner who strongly opposes the action. 6. The City would have to invest an estimated $200,000 or more for studies. The FAA review time would be approximately 2 years. This process is a gamble for the City, and creates a financial hardship for the property owner. 7. Sixty-five acres would be taken out of private land subject to property tax, and changed to public land which is not taxable. 8. Warner and Heil may have to be realigned to accommodate the FAA clear zones which would have a negative impact on property owners, who would have to give up their land for the right-of-way. 9. Based on written testimony, existing businesses on the property were notified 10 years ago that the property owner was considering closing the airport. Closing the airport at this time does not create undue hardship for the businesses. PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -7- (9231d) 10. The City, as the operator of a "Basic Utility Type II" airport could greatly increase the City's exposure to high liability claims and subsequent costs. 11. Increased jet aircraft landings at Long Beach Airport creates an increased risk factor for airplanes landing and taking off at Meadowlark Airport. 12. Due to noise pollution, some homes in the area have already experienced reverse/negative value of homes. Commissioner Livengood expressed concern regarding utilities, recreation and water issues on the environmental checklist. He felt that the checklist indicated No or Maybe and felt that they should have been checked Yes. Staff explained that the checklist was prepared prior to the analysis of the area, and pointed out that the issues were subsequently addressed in the environmental impact report and stated that an addendum would be prepared showing exactly where they are addressed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHUMACHER, SECOND BY PIERCE, TO RECOMMEND CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 87-2 WITH AN ADDENDUM INDICATING WHERE UTILITIES, RECREATION AND WATER ARE COVERED IN THE EIR, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Silva, Schumacher, Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: None ABSENT: Summerell ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED Chairman Pierce stated that he would like to see a Specific Plan completed on the area. Commissioner Leipzig said that he feels R1 is the best zone for the area and that the community needs more single family development as evidenced by the petition presented to the Commission containing 187 signatures in favor of low density. He further stated that he would like to see single family homes and four-plexes in the area. Commissioner Schumacher said that she would prefer a Planned Development (PD) put on the property not a Specific Plan. Staff explained that the project could be guided better through a Specific Plan. A STRAW VOTE MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECOND BY LEIPZIG, TO DESIGNATE THE REMAINING 50 ACRES AS LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(R1), BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Schumacher, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: Silva, Higgins, Pierce TRAW VOTE MOTION FAILED PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -8- (9231d) The Commission directed staff to diagram site plans showing 350 units and 600 units and to complete an analysis on the proposed 15 acre retail/commercial zoned area with a phased development plan addressing sewers and water systems. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECOND BY PIERCE, DIRECTING STAFF TO DIAGRAM SITE PLANS SHOWING 350 UNITS AND 600 UNITS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: Silva, Schumacher ABSENT: Summe re l l ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECOND BY PIERCE, TO CONTINUE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 87-2C AND ZONE CHANGE NO. 87-13 TO THE OCTOBER 20, 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Silva, Schumacher, Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: None ABSENT: Summerell ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -9- (9231d) D. ITEMS NOT PUBLIC HEARING None E. DISCUSSION ITEMS None F. PENDING ITEMS None G. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS None H. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEMS None I. ADJOURNMENT A MOTION WAS MADE BY PIERCE, SECOND BY HIGGINS, TO ADJOURN TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING AT 7:00 PM, OCTOBER 6, 1987, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Silva, Schumacher, Higgins, Pierce, Leipzig, Livengood NOES: None ABSENT: Summerell ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED APPROVED: IL I'm � Mike A ams, Secretary Af-<'�� 1�evk M. Pierce, Chairman 1 PC Minutes - 9/29/87 -10- (9231d)