HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-23 (7)MINUTES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council. Chamb.e:r,. Ci.vi c Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 23, 1987 A tape recording of this meeting ts. on file in the City Clerk's Office Chairman Erskine cal>led the- reg.u.lar meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to order. ROLL CALL Present: Kelly, Green, Finley,, Erskine, Mays, Winch6 1, Bannister: Absent: None JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Chairman Erskine announced that a joint meeting of the City Council. and. the Redevelopment Agency had been called. COUNCIL ROLL CALL Present: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister Absent: None (Redevelopment Agency) STATUS REPORT — TOWN SQUARE PROJECT MAIN' PIER. REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA — DISCUSSION The Deputy City Administrator,/Community Development presented a staff: report regarding the status of the Town Square Project. Utilizing wall maps he showed Council/Agency the property acquired for the project and proper.t.ies now under the control of Mola Development. Frank Mola made a presentation on proposed developments for the property under consideration. Discussion was held regarding the proposed Townsquare Project with commercial development included in the. project and the proposed Townhouse Project. Mr. Mola recommended the Townsquare Project and stated he could build either project Council chose.. He stated the Townhouse. Project would take approximately nine months to complete and the Townsquare Project would take approximately eighteen months and that he believed the Townsquare Project was the more responsible project. Page 2 — Redevelopment Agency -Minutes = November 23, 1987 Richard Brody, consultant representing Keyser Marston -Associates; .'Inc., compared the, possible land value, of the two proposed: projects for -the•"property under discussion. Discussion was held between Council, staff and Mr. Mola regarding the proposed projects. It was the consensus of Council/Agency that no motion would be made at this time and direction would be given during.Closed Session later in the evening. (Redevelopment Agency/City Council) JOINT COUNCIL/AGENCY/PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION SCHEDULED - 12/14/87 — DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN — 3DI CONCEPTUAL PLAN The Deputy City''Clerk presented a communication from the Deputy City Administrator/Community Development- recommending that the Council/Agency schedule a joint study session with_ the Planning. Commission to-- review' the Downtown:Specific P1an:and the 3DI conceptual plan. On motion by Winchell, second Green, Council/Agency scheduled a joint study session with the Planning. Commission. for Monday, December 14, 1987, to review the Downtown Specific Plan and the 3DI conceptual plan by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell NOES: Bannister ABSENT: None (Redevelopment Agency) ..PURCHASE OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR GOTHARD—HOOVER EXTEN— SION — APPROVED. The Deputy City, Clerk ,presented . a communication from the : Deputy City Administrator/Community Development regarding authorization and appropriation of funds to purchase the right—of—way for the Gothard—Hoover extension. The City Administrator presented a. staff report on the purchase of the right of way for the proposed Gothard—Hoover Extension. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Erskine, to authorize the Redevelopment Agency's Chief Executive: Officer to purchase the land from Southern Pacific Transportation and amend the existing Operating Agreement by appropriating $lj060,000 from the City of Huntington Beach to the Redevelopment Agency, Huntington Center Commercial District Redevelopment Project. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None At the request of Councilman Kelly, Mayor Erskine agreed to serve on the Gothard—Hoover Ad Hoc Committee. q'IV Page 3 — Redevelopment Agency Minutes — November 23, 1987 PUBLIC COMMENTS Paul Picard inquired regarding the value of the land i.n the Townsquare Project area when it is developed. Discussion was held regarding the matter. Natalie Kotsch requested. that Council., during it's deliberations, remember the property across the street from the Townsquare project area for possible commercial use.. PUBLIC COMMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN 3RD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING On motion by Winchell,, second Finley, Council/Agency unanimously, agreed to include a public comment section during;. the third• Redevelopment Agency regular meetings. Mayor Pro Tempore Erskine requested the City Attorney return to Council with clarification as to which meetings public comments should be scheduled on the agenda. (Redevelopment Agency) CLOSED SESSION — MAIN —PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Chairman Kelly called- a Closed Session of the Redevelopment Agency pursuant. to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to the Agency's negotiator regarding negotiations with Mola Development Company, Collins Trust, Tovalt and' City of Huntington Beach concerning the purchase of the property located within Phase I of the Town Square Sub —area being specifically identified as 12-416 Fi.fth. Street, Assessors parcel 24-133-1&2, 408. Fifth Street, Assessors parcel. 24-133-3, 421 Main Street, Assessors parcel 24-133-8. Main & Fifth Streets Assessors. parcel 24-133-60 and a portion of property located at Orange and Fifth Street Assessors parcel 24-136-1&2. RECESS — RECONVENE The Mayor/Chairman called a recess of Council at 9 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:10 p.m. (City Council) AGREEMENT FOR PERSONAL SERVICES — PAUL C.. COOK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR — APPROVED On motion by Green, seconded by Erskine, Council approved the Agreement for Personal Services between the City and Paul C. Cook, City Administrator and appropriated the annual salary and contingent benefits. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None 12 Page 4 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - November 23, 1987 (City Council) APPOINTMENTS APPROVED —ORANGE COl1NTY SANITATION DISTRICT #3 - (Erskine/Winchell) #11 - (Erskine/Winchell/Mays/Green) A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Kelly to make,. a _deter'mi nation , that the need to take action on the appointment of representatives, •to.Orange.County Sanitation Districts No. 3, and arose subsequent to the posting of the agenda as specified in Government;., Code, Section 54954..2.. The motion carried unanimously. A motion was.,mad.e, by.; Kelly, , seconded ; by Erskine- .to ratify the following appointments to the Orange County Sanitation Districts: (OCSD #3). - Mayor Erskine Councilwoman Winchell - alternate (OCSD,#11);-.Mayor •Er.ski.ne,,.:. Counci:•T.woman Winchell - alternate Councilman Tom Mays Councilman Peter..Green'- alternate The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly., Green, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley (City. Council) APPOINTMENT TO ORANGE COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT - COUNCILMAN -PETER GREEN A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Erskine, to make a determination that the need to take action on the appointment of Councilman Peter Green, as the City' s representative to,;- _the Orange County Vector Control Board,; arose subsequent - -.to, the, posting. of. .the agenda as specified in Government'Code Section 54984.2 The motion carried unanimously. On motion by Kelly, seconded by Erskine, Council approved the appointment of Councilman Peter Green to serve as the -City's representative to the Orange County Vector Control Board by unanimous vote. ADJOURNMENT - COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor/Chairman adjourned. the madjourned regular meeting of the.,City Council and the -regular meeting of -the Redevelopment Agency of ,the .City of. Huntington Beach to 6 p..m., Monday,�November 30, 1987. Page 5 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - November 23, 1987 ADJOURNMENT The Mayor/Chairman adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to 6 p.m., Monday, November 30, 1987. Alicia M. Wentworth Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Deputy C' y Cle D ut Clerk. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth ( `' City Clerk/Clerk \ Mayor/Chairman BY: 44� Deputy City Clerk/ Deput lerk