HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-25MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach; California Monday, January 25, 1988 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerks Office Mayor/Chairman Erskine.called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City -of Huntington Beach to order at 6 p.m. Present: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell Bannister (arrived at 6:15 p.m. Absent: None MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT Mayor/Chairman Erskine introduced Planning Commissioners Pierce, Leipzig and Bourguignon who were present at the meeting. VIDEO PRESENTATION -- DOWNTOWN TASK— FOM Mayor/Chairman Erskine stated that a task force consisting of Police, Fire and Public Works staff had been formed by the City Administrator to identify prob- lems in the downtown area. A video of the area inspected by the Downtown Task Force was presented. Staff described building, health and seismic code viola- tions in many of the buildings inspected. Planninq-.Commissioner Leipzig left the meetin APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RATIFIED - BQI,JRGUIGNON On motion by Mays, second Kelly, Council ratified the Councilman May's appointment of Kenneth Bourguignon to the Planning Commission by the following roll call vote: AYES: Keily,.Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Wincheil NOES: None ABSENT: Bannister Councilman Bannister arrived at the meeting at 6:15 p.m. MATH -PIER ROEVELOPMENT PROJECT -- DIRECTION GIVEN TO STAFF Mayor/Chairman Erskine stated the purpose of the meeting was to review the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project. Page 2 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/25188 Main —Pier Policy Issues and Program options Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the findings of the Downtown Task force. Douglas LaBelle, Deputy City Administrator/Community Development recommended a two part program for seismic improvement and facade improvement with the pri— mary area the 200 block and north on Main Street and the secondary area 3rd and-5th Streets and north. He described the funding as a combination of Hous— ing and Community Development funds and grants and funds from rehabilitation loan programs. Planning Commissioner Livengood 4rrrived at the meeting_-- &tz_: 0_p.m. Discussion of the Facade Improvement Program and the Seismic Improvement Pro— gram was held between Council, Planning Commissioners and staff. Discussion was held between Council and the City Attorney regarding the city's liability in the event of an earthquake in the downtown area. Mayor Erskine requested a report from the City Attorney setting forth reasons for a temporary restrain— ing order which prevented the city from enforcing provisions of the seismic code in some of the -buildings in the downtown area. Dennis Krejci, Deputy Director of Building, reviewed the status of buildings violating the seismic ordinance. He reported that twenty—seven buildings had been referred to the City Attorney's office and that compliance hearings were being conducted. He described present policy was to not allow a certificate of occupancy when a building became vacant if that building was in violation of the seismic ordinance. Following discussion, a motion was made by Finley, seconded by Winchell, to direct staff to begin legal proceedings to order tenants to vacate buildings that are in violation of the seismic ordinance. Following discussion, the motion was held in abeyance pending the public comment portion of the meeting. Public mnents — Main —Pier Policy Issues/Program Opt i Doug Lanaevin described his building located at 217 Main Street, its history and the renovations he made to the building to bring it up to code. He des— cribed other buildings in the downtown area that'he believes have historic value. N4talie KQtsch gave reasons why she believed compliance with the seismic ordi— nance had slowed down and urged Council not to "use a heavy hammer" in dealing with the problem. She stated that she would be presenting a proposal to rehabilitate and revitalize buildings in the 2nd block of Main Street to Coun— cil in the near future, which would provide for seismic work to be carried out while preserving historic facades. Richard Harlow stated his concern that exterior, as well as interior improve— ments of buildings are carried out. He requested Council/Agency to consider expenditures for public works projects, such as improvement to alleys and overhead street lights, as an incentive to encourage property owners to improve their buildings.. U;7 Page 3 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/25188 .Discussion was held between Council, Planning Commissioner Bourguignon and staff regarding possible engineering solutions to bringing the build into com— pliance. A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Winchell, to direct staff to enforce the seismic code, building code and health and safety code in the entire down- town area of the city. .The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None Monthly Report Re: -Code Enforcement to be Prepared Council directed staff to prepare a monthly report on enforcement of the seis- mic, building, health and safety codes. The City Attorney reminded Council that the previous motion pertained to action that had not been posted on.the Council/Agency Agenda. A motion was made -by Erskine, seconded by Kelly, to reconsider the previous motion to direct staff to enforce the seismic code, building code and health and safety code in the entire downtown area of the city. The motion to recon— sider carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Erskine, to make'a determination that the need to take action on the issue of enforcement of the seismic, building, health and safety code in the downtown area arose subsequent to the agenda. being posted as specified in Government Code Section 54954.2. The motion car— ried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green,.Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None .A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Winchell, to to direct staff to enforce the seismic.code, building code and health and safety code in the entire downtown area of the city. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Green, Finley,.Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Winchell requested a staff report outlining city policy to offer incentive to downtown property owners to improve property and facades, such as public works improvement to.alleys and street lighting. The City Attorney stated. that she -would like to make record of the fact that Council/Agency and staff had been very cautious not to rush compliance with Page 4 - Council/Agency-Minutes - 1/25/88 seismic ordinances because of redevelopment plans and Council/Agency action was not an effort to bring about condemnation of downtown property for rede- velopment. Siff Directed to Prepare Incentivp_Programs Following discussion, a motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Mays, to direct staff to return to Council with two incentive programs for downtown property owners to encourage compliance with.city code; one program to involve public works improvements to alleys, street lighting; etc. and'one program to involve grants and low interest loan programs. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly,.Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: None Main -Pier Housing Program Mr. LaBelle reported on the housing set aside program. Historig SquareDistrict Plan. Mr. LaBelle stated that the 3-DI conceptual plan identified the third block of Main Street as a Historic Square District area. Mike Adams reviewed the components of the proposed Historic Square or Heritage Park. Main -Pier Project Overview Mr, LaBelle reviewed the background of the 3D International (3DI) proposal. He described the tasks and plan as outlined in the 1986 3DI plan that staff has been following. In reviewing the status of various projects Mr. LaBelle reported that the Historical. Square, convention center, and the downtown transportation center had not been actively pursued due to priority being placed on other projects. He presented a status report on the parking garage, Pierside, Phase I and Phase II and Townsquare projects and stated that the Cousteau facility had been actively pursued, but that an economic gap existed. Mr. LaBelle recommended that oil well consolidation be prioritized. Discussion was held regarding the 3DI concept of sponsoring competitions for the design of entry portals, gateway and fountains. Discussion was held regarding up-di-ting the market study and modifying the 3DI plan. Maln-Pier Phase I Current Projects,. Overview Mike Adams reported on the status of the Main -Pier Phase I project, Pierside Village and the proposed hotel/residential project. Public Comments - Main -Pier Current Project Lorraine Faber stated she believed that open space in the Main -Pier area had been reduced. Page 5,-. Council./Agency Minutes - 1/25/'88 Discussion was held on the proposed hotel. The Mayor/Chairman called a recess'of Council/Agency at 8:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:45 p.m, Mr. Adams described the Griffin Realty project. Following discussion, the City Administrator stated he believed the key to success in Phase II involving the city in property acquisition anal/or reloca- tion. .Public Cmgnts ReaArding'Ehasg III gay Gazardo stated that one of the reasons the Worthy home, located in Phase II, had been designated as.a national registered historic site was because i•t was sited on its original location. .Doug Lgogemin stated he had been told, that seventy percent of'the property in Phase II were streets and alleys. He questioned how that would affect the two-thirds rule pertaining to property acquisition. Councilwoman Winchell stated she believed that one of the directions to the developers was to design plans with, and without, the Worthy property. Dennis Krejci, Deputy Director of the Building Division, presented a progress report :on- the Koury/Retail Parking, Structure. Town Sguare Civic Center Plaza-Projec Mr. LaBelle presented a status report on the Town Square'.Civic Center Plaza Project. Discussion was held regarding the height of the buildings in the project. Mr. Adams stated proposed commercial use in District 6 was small businesses, similar to drugstores, to serve surrounding residents. He stated a code change to the Downtown Specific Plan was needed. In response to inquiry by Councilwoman Finley, Mr. Adams stated that a cultural node was planned north of Town Square as a link to the Main Street development. Discussion was held regarding the reduction of commercial use in the downtown area. Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/25/88 W terfr n Pr t Mr. LaBelle reported on the Waterfront Project. He stated that work was con- tinuing on an effort to develop workable relocations for families. fir. Adams presented a progress report on the Downtown Specific Plan. Mr. LaBelle informed Council/Agency that the Villa Del Mar Project would be completed by May 1988. Publi_ci n _- Main -Pier Current Projects Richard Harlow stated he represented several builders in the downtown area. He reminded Council/Agency.of the many people who have invested time and money in the Townsquare Project. Discussion was held between Council/Agency and staff regarding the reduction in new commercial use planned. for the downtown area. Doug Langevin informed Council/Agency that the first three blocks of Main Street had been commercial use since the early 1900's and suggested that.if. commercial use in the plan were to be reduced it be reduced on the ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway and placed on the inland side of the highway. NAUlie-Kotsch stated her concern regarding the reduction of office space in the plan. She encouraged the Council/Agency to include a surf museum and theater in the downtown area. Downy wn_ pecifi_Plan Districts 1 Thrg,ugh 11 and Main -Pier Redevelopment. Subareas Mr. Adams stated that if direction was to rehabilitate the existing buildings rather than build new construction new wording would be needed in the Downtown Specific Plan regarding parking and setbacks. He stated the ratio of commer- cial to residential intermix should -be adjusted in the Downtown Specific Plan. Councilwoman Winchell requested an analysis of District 4'and the outskirts of District 5 in terms of usage and heights, with an analysis of what the 3DI plan conceived around District 4. She stated her concern that Council was considering and changing separate sections of the plan and needed an opportun- ity to see the overall plan with the changes to see how the sections interface with each other. She requested that staff review District 9 and 8b, which were left out of the 3DI plan, and stated these sections need to be included in terms of feasibility and the entire cumulative effect on the plan. Specific Plan 1 and 2 and Inland Side of Pacific Coast Highway Mayor Erskine described some of the issues to be considered -regarding Specific Plan 1 and 2 and the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway. The Mayor des- cribed one issue as a need for a number of tighter regulations for the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway. Another issue is the option of placing Dis- trict 1 and 2 in a separate redevelopment project area to capture tax revenue now going to other agencies, which could be used by the city for public improvements. The Mayor stated that a third issue to consider was the pro- 1 1171 Page 7 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/25/88 jects under current development such as the two new development projects along Pacific Coast Highway. He stated there was the issue of conformance with design guidelines, setbacks, landscaping along the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway, creation of a stucco palette, cul—de—lacing of streets and the. issue of underground parking structures that would abut sidewalks and preclude deep—rooted trees and landscaping. Discussion was held regarding the matter. In response to inquiry by Council, Mr. Adams stated that staff would prepare a color palette for stucco with twelve to fifteen pastel colors which would serve as a guideline for developers. Mayor Erskine requested that staff advise the Mayor and an alternate council — member of the meetings of the Design Review Board for the Downtown. Public Hearing be S hedul d In response to an inquiry by the City Administrator it was the consensus of Council/Agency to place on a future agenda consideration of scheduling a pub— lic hearing to establish a new redevelopment project area for the area between 6th and 7th Streets to Goldenwest Street, between Pacific Coast Highway and Walnut Avenue. Project Finn in Robert Franz, Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services presented a report regarding tax increments already received by the city and revenue received from sale of land in the project area. He reported on additional funding sources such as grants and low interest loans for projects such as parking structures and rehabilitation of buildings. Public Commgnts -_ Prodect_Fi nang.i ng k_grr i_�_n-e Faber stated she wanted to see a 5—Year Financial Projection showing the cost of the infrastructure portion of redevelopment.. His-tori-c SqU51re District Plan Barbara Milkovich, Chairperson of the Historic Resources Board, stated that there were many ways to save history, that some buildings must be saved on site and other buildings could be moved. She suggested the Mediterranean guidelines be redesigned to be more compatible with the historical facades present in the downtown. Cultural Centet Pro ram Stephen Kohler, Principal Redevelopment Specialist, presented a'staff report on the proposed Cultural Center Program, with the acquisition of the Edison building for use as an art center with a colonade tie—in with the downtown library. He explained that under the plan the street would remain open to traffic. He stated that staff had ascertained that it would not be feasible to move the Worthy complex to this location. The Mayor requested Mr. Kohler to provide Council/Agency with a memorandum on the proposed project. Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/25/88 Parking Enhancement Program Mr. LaBelle reported on the parking enhancement program. Summarizatign of plain -Pier Project Area Councilwoman Winchell requested a historic preservation report recommending which buildings could be moved and which buildings should stay on their origi- nal site. Mayor Erskine stated'he believed the consensus of Council/Agency was to return Main Street to a two-way street; to not proceed with the Conven- tion Center at this time; and Councilmembers/Directors Kelly and Winchell were to work with staff and the Orange County Transit District on the Transporta- tion Center. Councilman/Director Green suggested that a major tourist attrac- tion, such as the proposed surf museum be planned as a replacement for the Cousteau Center. In response to inquiry by Councilman/Director Mays,'Mr. LaBelle stated that the study on the proposed Cousteau Center predicted a shortfall, with a financial gap of seven to eight million dollars Discussion was held regarding methods to create community awareness, interest and support of redevelopment for the downtown area. Councilwoman/Director Winchell suggested workshop meetings on the subject.be held at community cen- ters and high schools. The City Administrator suggested that the Redevelop- ment Agency meeting held on the fourth Monday of the month be held in differ- ent areas of the city that were under redevelopment. It was suggested that a specific market/economic study be conducted to deter- mine and understand how to better implement the redevelopment plan and to create a commercial retail and residential market in the area, rather than commercial/office. It was suggested the 30I plan be reviewed and up -dated to reflect current market trends. Following discussion, it was determined that Councilmembers Bannister, Winchell and Kelly would meet with staff and clarify the type of market/economic studies they require. Discussion was held regarding the need to consolidate existing oil wells in the area under discussion. Councilmembers Kelly and Green commented on the visitors bureau program and that a meeting with Bill ,Reed, Public Information Officer, Mr. Riddel of the Chamber of Commerce, and members of the Fourth of July Executive Board had been held regarding the matter. The City Administra- tor reviewed the 3DI recommendation that a name unique to'downtown Huntington Beach be created. It was suggested that the 3DI recommendation that the city sponsor a competition for the design of entry portals, gateways, fountains, public plazas and parks to generate public support and understanding of the downtown redevelopment project not be pursued at this time. In.response to an inquiry by Councilwoman Finley, the City Administrator assured Council/Agency that anything in the Downtown Specific Plan that needed to be modified would be presented to the Planning Commission and then to the Council/Agency for approval. Discussion was held between Councilman/Director Kelly and Mr.. Franz regarding a 5-Year Financial Projection. Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1125/88 ADJOURNMENT - COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor/Chairman adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council and the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk BY400 Deputy City Clerk/Deputy Clerk 1 Alicia M. Wentworth Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California *Y Deputy Ci Clerk/Deputy Clrk Mayor/Chairman 171