HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-31 (7)MINUTE
Council Chamber, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, May 31, 1988
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Mayor/Chairman Erskine called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Coun-
cil and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
5:30 p.m.
Present: Kelly, Green, Finley, Erskine, Mays, Winchell
Bannister (arrived at 6:10 p.m.)
Absent: None,
The following citizens spoke in support of SB 1517 (Bergeson) pertaining to
the proposed Bolsa Bay Harbor and Conservation District: Craig Sufficool, Jahn
ShQm ksr,._up,Ee e „ i na _the Huntington Beach/Fountai n Valley Board of Reaitqn,
R05._Qi,L Behrens, consultant for Signal Landmark, Bill F cker. Orange Qgunty
Coast Association, John Vgrnich. representing Woodward, Clyde, Consultants.
Larry Brose. consUltant to Signal. Landmark, Qpp Hartfelder, representing the
Huntington Club, Mel Malkoff. represgnti n Malkoff Associates, Pamela
The following citizens spoke in opposition to SB 1517 (Bergeson) pertaining to
the proposed Bolsa Bay Harbor and Conservation District: Dgnna Klein, repre-
senting fifty neighbors, Victor Leipzig, Presi ent. Amigos de Bolsa Chica, PWt
McCabe, Geri Ortega, President. Huntington Beach Tomorrow, Dr. Robert
Winchell, geologist, Tom Pratte representing Surfriders Association,.Ridgely
Keeley, Coordinator for Orange County Whale Watch, Margaret Carlberg, Director
for the Audubon Society, Mary Rosczvk, reores ntino Orange County Native Plant
The Deputy City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator
regarding SB 1517 Bolsa Bay Harbor and Conservation District which has been
rescheduled for hearing by the Assembly Natural Resources Committee (A.N.R.C.)
on June 20, 1988.
A notion was made by Mays, seconded by Erskine, to request Senator Bergeson to
pla'�e SB 1511 into an interim study for one year and if that was not possible
the City Council to schedule a public hearing in June and take a position on
the bill at that time.
Page 2 Council/Agency Minutes - 5/31/88
Following discussion, a motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Green, to
amend the vain motion by approving the recommended action as outlined in the
RCA dated May 26, 1988.
The amendment was held in abeyance, until discussion was held regarding the
bill, by consensus of Council.
Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding alternative actions
%,such as exploring the possibility of purchasing the wetlands with Long Beach
and Los Angeles Port Authorities funding. Another alternative discussed was
proceeding with the development of the Bolsa Chica without an ocean cut.- The
studies of the Army Corps of Engineers was discussed.
Mayor Erskine read a letter from Senator Bergeson dated May 31, 1988 written
In response to the City staff recommendation before Council.
Discussion was held between Council, staff, consultants and a representative
of Senator Bergeson regarding the definition of an "interim study" of the
bill. Discussion was held regarding holding a pubic hearing on SB 1517..
The main motion made by Mays, seconded by Erskine, was clarified as follows:
to request that SB 1517 be placed into an interim study that would postpone
Senate action on the bill this year until issues were resolved; if Senator
Bergeson decides that SB 1517 cannot be put into an interim study then a pub-
lic hearing be scheduled by the City.
The amendment to the main motion was clarified by Winchell, second Green, to
approve the staff recommendations as outlined in the RCA dated May 26, 1988,
as follows:
1. That the City Council respectfully request Senator Marian Bergeson to
withdraw SB 1517 from consideration by the State Legislature for an inde-
finite period of time until all technical studies and planning matters
with regard to the Bolsa Chica have been considered and acted upon by the
appropriate governmental agencies.
2. If SB 1517 is not immediately removed from consideration by the State
Legislature, that the City Council send -a letter to Senator Bergeson;
Assemblyman Sher, and other appropriate state legislators and officials
expressing strong opposition to SB 1517 for the reasons set forth in this
3. That if S8 1517 is considered by state legislative committees a contin-
gent of City Council persons appear before these committees to express
the City Council's united opposition to SB 1517.
Discussion was held between Council and the City Attorney regarding the amend-
ment and voting procedures.
Ttk amendment made by Winchell, seconded by Green, failed by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Green, Finley, Winchell
NOES: Kelly, Erskine, Mays, Bannister
The main motion made by Mays, seconded by Erskine, carried by the following
roll call vote:
Page 3 CouncillAgency Minutes — 5131/88
AYES: Kelly, Green, Erskine, Mays, Bannister
NOES; Finley, Winchell
A public hearing on SB 1517 was scheduled for June 9, 1988 by consensus of
Council. The Deputy City Clerk was informed that a ten day notification and
publication procedure was not necessary as the public hearing was not a'due
process hearing.
The Mayor/Chairman called a recess of Council/Agency at 8:50 p.m. The meeting
was reconvened at 9:05 p.m.
The City Administrator stated that the entire proposed budget totals
$151,789,403 including General Fund expenditures proposed at $79,291,351. The
Federal Revenue Sharing Program has ended and new funds are no longer being
allocated to local governments. The City has $610,000 of residual Revenue
Sharing funds remaining in fund balance and staff is proposing, as a part of
the 1988/89 budget, that these funds be used for the construction of a central
warehouse at the City's Corporation yard.
A budget overview was presented by Paul Cook, City Administrator. He informed
Council of the refuse cost increase proposed by the county. Mr. Cook informed
Council there was no revenue to fund new capital improvement projects.
Slide Presentation
A slide presentation was presented by Robert Franz, Deputy City Administra—
tor. He reviewed the 1988/89 budget for the general fund, revenue sources and
expenditures; and the history of the general fund from 1967 to the current.
year. He reviewed slides pertaining to Tax increment Revenues; Refuse and
Utility Costs; and Water Fund History.
Dan Villella, Director of Finance, reviewed the changes to the proposed budget
pertaining to department requests. Discussion was held regarding the DARE
program. Councilman Mays suggested using teenagers in the Logo Program in
cleaning up the downtown area. The Deputy City Clerk requested Council to
consider their department's request for an additional employee, and a classi—
fication change from part—time recurrent to part—time permanent, as outlined
in the memorandum from the City Clerk dated May 16, 1988.
Mr. Cook reviewed the capital improvement priorities as developed by depart—
ment heads. Councilman Bannister suggested the parking meters that were
scheduled for removal from Pacific Coast Highway be installed at Huntington
Central Park as a source of additional revenue. Discussion was held regarding
the Shields Pump Station and regarding dredging of Talbert Lake as it is a
Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 5/31/88
major storm drain retention basin. Discussion was held regarding a city-wide
mapping system and regarding landscaping of the Huntington Central Park open/
natural areas.
Discussion was held regarding the request by Don Watson, City Treasurer for an
increase in salary to be commensurate with the full-time position. Mr. Watson
stated he would present a report on the matter at the June 6. 1988 Council
The City Attorney thanked the Mayor's Committee for meeting with her on her
department's budget and stated she would prepare a memorandum on the matter
for the entire Council.
Robert Franz, Deputy City Administrator, reviewed the summary of possible new
revenues as outlined in a memorandum dated May 25, 1988. The following reve-
nue sources were discussed and tentatively approved in concept: Paramedic
fees - suggested a policy be created and find ways to recoup costs under cer-
tain circumstances be pursued; Communications/Records Management System User
Fee (Net 6 Cities); Annual Fire Prevention Inspection Fee - to be amended;
Uniform Fire Code Permit Fee; Business License Fire Increase - report
requested regarding how other cities handle these fees and the possibility of
having the fee on the gross revenue of the business; Development Processing
Center Fees; Refuse Collection and Disposal Fee - not to raise revenue but to
cover costs imposed by the county; Increase Park Acquisition and Development
Fees - survey requested on how other cities assess developers; Entertainment
Fee - tax on movie tickets; Business License for Rental Units; Arts and Cul-
tural Development Fee - City to make decision .regarding art work, larger art
works might stay on -site - if a condominium development were located downtown
the artwork would be placed downtown. A suggestion to approach Orange County
to fund Huntington Central Park as a regional park was suggested by Councilman
The MayorlChairman adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council
and the adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of
Huntington Beach to June 6, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. for a joint City Council/Rede-
velopment Agency/Planning Commission meeting regarding Zone Change 87-16,
Huntington Beach Company/Balsa Chica Linear Park Issues in Room B-8, Civic
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City Clerk/Clerk
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A Deputy City Clerk/Deputy Cler
Alicia M. Wentworth
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency
and City Clerk and ex--officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of
Hunting on Beach, California
Deputy City erk/D put Cle