HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-26MINUTES
Room B-8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Thursday, January 26, 1989
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Mayor Pro Tempore Mays called the adjourned regular meeting of the City
Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order
at 6 p.m.
Present: Green, Winchell, Mays, Erskine
Absent: MacAllister, Bannister, Silva
The Mayor introduced members of the ad hoc Growth Management Committee: Phil
Zisakis, Shirley Commons Long, Tony Passannante, Shirley Dettloff, Gary
Gorman, Dick Harlow, Bill Holman, Flint Morrison.
The Mayor Pro Tempore declared the Public Comments open. There being no one
present to speak, Public Comments was closed by the Mayor Pro Tempore.
Orange County Supervisor Wieder presented an introduction to an update on the
County Growth Management Plan. She stated that the strength of the plan is
the money commitment. She distributed an agenda entitled, "Traffic Improve-
ment Through Effective Growth Management, An Opportunity for an Effective
City/County Partnership".
Michael Ruane, Environmental Management Agency, reviewed the status of the
County Plan. He stated that if the cities use the same standards it would be
easier for interjurisdictional cooperation.
Supervisor- Wieder offered to keep the city informed of other cities' activi-
ties towards expansion. Mayor Pro Tempore requested that Rich Barnard, Assis-
tant to the City Administrator, be the ci ty's liaison with the county. Mayor
Pro Tempore Mays stated he believed this information to be vital to the
Council developing a long range strategic plan. Councilman Green stated that
city staff should keep the county apprised of its activities.
Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/26/89
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Steve Hogan, County, Environmental Management Agency, spoke regarding
city/county transportation.
Participation in the Use of dditional Revenues Discussed
A half cent sales tax was discussed as a source of revenue. Supervisor Wieder
suggested that if cities want to participate they need a plan that is in
concert with the whole region. Councilman Erskine informed the Council and
Committee that he and Rich Barnard will attend the League of Cities meeting.
The Mayor Pro Tempore called a recess of Council at 7:15 p.m. The meeting was
reconvened at 7:35 p.m.
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Following discussion, a motion was made by Erskine. seconded by Winchell, to
direct staff to properly notice and agendize the preparation of a traffic
impact fee ordinance in concurrence with the recommendation of the ad hoc
Growth Management Committee. The motion carried by the following roll call
AYES: Green, Winchell, Mays, Erskine
NOES: None
ABSENT: MacAllister, Bannister, Silva
Mayor Pro Tempore Mays reported that the Council had reviewed the Growth
Management Report in detail, read the Department head's comments ,and unani-
mously accepted the Growth Management Report with the inclusion of an intro-
ductory statement which Mayor Pro Tempore Mays read.
A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Green. to direct the ad hoc Growth
Committee to continue their work, focusing on refinement of the committee's
suggested implementing actions program and identification of funding oppor-
tunities to implement the committee's recommendations, to direct city staff to
work with the League of California Cities "Super Committee" regarding regional.
growth management plans, and to accept the ad hoc Growth Management report
with the inclusion of the attached City Council introductory statement clari-
fying the intent of the report as follows:
"The recommendations that are presented in the Growth Management Report, dated
12/27/88, are understood by the City Council to represent reasonable goals and
direction that the city needs to pursue in reducing the impacts of future
Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes -- 1/26/89
growth upon the community. However, due to funding limitations not all the
recommendations can go into effect immediately, but must be implemented incre-
mentally over a period of time, as public or private funding opportunities are
realized. In this way the City Council can effectively address the need to
have public facilities keep pace with new development, population growth, and
job expansion in a responsible manner and move the community in a direction
which will ensure the continued protection of a high quality of life standard.
"The City Council appreciates the dedication of the committee and the extra-
ordinary amount of time and energy the committee has put into developing the
"The ad hoc Growth Management Committee is to be commended for its outstanding
work to date. The City Council looks forward to the committee's continued
efforts to refine the committee's suggested Implementing Actions Program and
identify funding sources which will provide the basis upon which the City
Council can take actions to implement the recommendations presented to it by
the committee."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Green, Winchell, Mays, Erskine
NOES: None
ABSENT: MacAllister, Bannister, Silva
Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tempore Mays directed staff to draft a resolu-
tion to the County Board of Supervisors regarding County assistance in encour-
aging the cities to work together to plan implementation of their individual
growth management plans.
Councilman Erskine requested a presentation from the ad hoc Growth Management
Committee denoting which traffic intersections would qualify as not only
deficient but also having no opportunity to be funded by development fees.
Agenda Items - January30. 1989
By consensus of Council the Mayor Pro Tempore directed staff to include the
following agenda items on the January 30, 1989 Council meeting: Public Cable
Television Authority, Redevelopment Phase II Concept Plan, Capra Oil Interest,
code enforcement.
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Adjournment - Council/Red melonment Agency
The Mayor Pro Tempore/Chairman Pro Tempore adjourned the adjourned regular
meeting of the City Council and the adjourned regular meeting of the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to 5:30 p.m., Monday,
3anuary 30, 1989.
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City Clerk/Clerk IV
Clerk of the RedevelopnlKt Agency
and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of
HuntinUton Beach, California
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