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Council Chamber, City hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, March 27, 1989
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Mayor/Chairman Bannister called the adjourned regular meeting of the City
Council and the adjourned regular Redevelopment Agency meeting of the City of
Huntington Beach to order at 6 p.m.
Present: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine
Absent: Hone
These minutes encompass the
scheduled for 6 p.m and the
p.m. A separate ro11 call
the proceedings.
adjourned regular Redevelopment Agency meeting
regular Redevelopment Agency meeting held at 7
at 7 p.m. was not taken to avoid interruption of
No one came forward to speak at this time.
The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator trans-
mitting a summary showing the estimated funded capital improvement Projects
for the next four years.
Discussion was held between Council and staff on the General Facility Projects
proposed to be funded from Public Facilities Corporation funds and utility tax
revenue. The projects were prioritized by staff.
The City Administrator stated the Shields Pump Station was inadvertently left
off the list and will be put in the budget at the amount of $500,000.
The City Administrator stated funding for the Mobile Home Park Construction
will be brought to Council in Closed Session on April 3, 1989.
Councilman Mays stated he believed belief the following items should be added
to the funded list from the unfunded list: (1) additional monies for the
pier, (2) Slater Avenue Flood Control Lining, (3) Redlands Lane Storm Drain,
(4) Downtown Street Light Conversion, and (5) Hamilton Pump Station Engine
Addi ti on. He stated his priorities are more for the projects that pertain to
safety, rather than recreational or social.
The City Administrator explained that the
ing structure north of the pier, central
are listed in the unfunded list and not
are available to start construction, such
for the parking structure.
reason the pier improvements, park -
library, and arts center renovation
the funded list is that other funds
as the certificates of participation
Page 2 - Council/Agency Meeting - 3l27/89
Les Evans, City Engineer/Public Works, explained the County's. plans to upgrade
the channels in Huntington Harbour and the work already completed by the
Councilman Erskine commented on the possibility of a bond issue for the. pier.
The City Administrator reported that the pier is a three-year project;
expected City money amounts to 40% of the total and sources in Sacramentoi
Washington, and Santa Ana should be exhausted before implementing a. bond
Councilman MacAllister asked why roofing the Civic Center is not a higher
priority. The City Administrator stated it. would be proposed for the next
fiscal year.
The City Administrator stated the Carr and Greer Parks. Lake Improvements are
needed due to water quality being a safety problem.
Councilman MacAllister inquired about cable television improvements such as a.
mobile unit, new cameras, and a studio. The City Administrator stated that
only the studio would appear under capital improvements. He suggested
Councilman MacAllister and the Public Information Officer provide him with
their requests.
In answer to Councilman Silva's inquiry, the City Administrator stated that
Jim Palin, Deputy City Administrator/Zoning, is assembling ten packets with
the story of the pier, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) application,
and justification why the government should apply money toward pier renovation
rather than just the repair of damages sustained. The City Administrator
suggested that Councilmembers Silva, Erskine, and Green decide who. in
Washington.should receive these packets.
The City Clerk presented a communication from the City. Administrator trans-
mitting a revised listing of unfunded Capital Improvement projects.
The City Administrator stated that staff is researching to determine if Certi-
ficates of Participation would be a way to finance the library expansion.
That is one reason funds needed was not listed for the library.
The City Administrator recommended that the development and operation of the
mobile home park golf course should be accomplished with private funds which
that would reduce the estimated cost given on the list.
Councilman Mays stated he believed the bond capacity exists because of the
public popularity of wanting a gym and pool for Central Park.
Councilman Mays expressed his concern for projects regarding hazardous waste
stating they should have a higher priority along with flood control and safety
projects. He would lime to see a cost analysis done to show where money could
be saved.
Mayor Bannister suggested the Police Department's Asset Forfeiture Fund as a
possible funding source for drug related programs instead of using the general
Page 3 - Council/Agency Meeting - 3/27/89
In response to Mayor Bannister's inquiry, Fire Chief Picard stated the Gothard
Fire Station is currently needed as a response bay, not a reserve bay.
Mayor Bannister requested that Daryl Smith, Superintendent, Park of Tree &
Landscape, contact Mr. Martin of the Edison Company regarding the new standard
Light that is similar to the city's planned light for the downtown street
Tight conversion.
Councilman MacAllister requested staff to group the unfunded projects into
catagories or department.
In response to Councilman May's inquiry of application for Proposition 70
funds, the City Administrator stated that the Community Services Director is
working on the matter. The available funds based on population have been
applied for, and now grant applications for competitive funding are in the
process of being completed. Mayor Bannister Stated that the Washington Team
reports there is also adequate funding for drug prevention activities.
Mayor Bannister requested recommendations from the Council. Councilman
Erskine requested a separate list on potential funding for the half cent so
Council may be prepared as other cities are prepared. Councilman Silva would
like to see cutbacks. Councilman Mays expressed his opinion that flood
control and safety projects should have higher priority, and he requested a
financial schedule on proposed pier expenditures to take to Sacramento or
Washington D.C. Councilwoman Winchell stated she had no problem with priori-
ties established. but is concerned with the budget. She reported that citi-
zens would like to know how the revenue from the various taxes being charged
is used, i.e. utility tax, trash fees, and property taxes. She requested a
presentation on how the city has dealt with cost and revenues over the past
ten years. She stated there is a need to address managing cost and growth.
The City Administrator stated he would prepare a ten-year cost and revenue
Councilman MacAllister stated that the information could be made available to
the public via a bookmark or other means showing a pie chart of the dollar
broken down to allow people to see how it is spent and the cost of operating
the city. The City Administrator stated that this could be done at the
beginning of the next fiscal year.
Mayor Bannister was concerned with allocating Public Cable and Television
Authority money for capital improvements. He felt it should be used for spe-
cific purposes and not routine capital improvements He .suggested looking
into other revenue sources. such as the Asset Forfeiture Fund, and investigate
ways to accrue funds besides ways to spend.
The City Administrator stated that the growth of operating funds has been very
conservative, but the reason it is recommended this.one-time money should not
be spent on anything besides capital improvements is because the cost of pro-
jects keeps increasing and it is more appropriate to get top priority projects
out of the way.
The Mayor called a recess of Council at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened
at 7:55 p.m
Page 4 -- Council/Agency Meeting - 3/27/89
The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director
dated March 13, 1989 regarding the Celebration Plaza- Projec t and the Percent
for the Arts/Public Art Program (Municipal `Arts -Center) for Council's
Michael Mudd, Cultural Affairs' Manager, Project Coordinator, presented a
report.using slides on the Celebration Plaza.and the Municipal Art Center.
Ron Hayden, Library.-b'irector, presented a report :rising Il des ors the -Central
Librarty Exparts-ion -Plan.
The City 'Clerk presented a transmittal dated March 21, 1989 from the City
Administrator of a status report listing the various new revenue sources that
the city -has reviewed in the last. year and a hal f and - provi di ng a status on
eactr o.f the new revenue source. Separate reports wi°Tl be'"' presented on the
following three revenue sources: (1} Revision of Park Acquisition &Develop -
meat, Fees, (2) Parking Meters in City Parks, and (3) Arts and Cultural
Development Fee (Percent for the Arts Development Fee).
Max Bowman --Director of Community Services, presented a staff report on the
revision of park acquisition and development fees and on proposed parking
meters in city parks.
Mayor Bannister directed the City Clerk to include the proposed parking meters
on the next agenda,
Michael Mudd, Cultural :Affairs Manager, Project. -Coordinator, presented sT`fdes
And a staff report ona proposed Percent for the Arts Development Fee.
Discussion was held regarding using the proposed cultural arts fee for the
librarjI. This proposed: "fee -would. be -imposed on new commercial building'and
would excl ud'e new residential- _.W.l ding
Councilman Mays requested the City Administrator to provide Council with
information from Laguna Beach, Long Beath, and Costa Mesa on how those -cities
finance theie'art operations.
The City"Clerk presented a communication from the'CitpAdmini,strator regarding
the status of the Ci ty' s�� �refulse collection fee.
The City Administrator presen#ed a -staff report,
Councilman Mays suggested putting the Ci'ty's refuse collection fee on the tax
rolls. The City Administrator stated that would be possible in 1990.
Page 5 - Council/Agency Meeting - 3/27/89
A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Silva, to make a determination that the
need to take action on the issue of relocation of the historic structure
located at 511 llth Street arose subsequent to the agenda being posted as
specified in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2). The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine.
NOES: None
A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bannister, to direct staff to
relocate the structure located at 511 llth Street to the Bartlett Park area
east of the Newland Center, and that $20,000 be appropriated from the General
Fund unappropriated fund balance to effect such a relocation, and to secure
the structure at the new location. The motion was carried by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine
NOES: None
A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Bannister, to direct staff to draft
plans for a waterscape treatment of the corner of Main Street and Pacific
Coast Highway. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine
NOES: None
The Mayor/Chairman adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council
and the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington
Beach to 5:30 p.m., Monday, April 3, 1989, in Room B-8, of the Civic Center
Compl ex.
ATT T: .
City Clerk/Clerk
Clerk of the Redeve pment Agency
and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of
Huntin&ton Beach, California_,----)