HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-18MI"11TES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Room 8-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, September 18, 1989 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Bannister called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:30 p.m.. ROLL CALL Present: MacAllister, Green, Bannister, Mays, Silva (Winchell arrived 5:45 p.m., Erskine arrived 6 p.m.) Absent: None PUBLIC COMMENTS Jo Christian -Craig addressed Council and expressed her opposition to eminent domain in the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area. Doug Langevin statedhe believed the Council/Administrative Communication 89-88 (a report on the property owners in the Main -Pier Redevelopment area and their progress to date) was incorrect. He stated he believed the report should have reflected that his property did meet code requirements. (THIS ITEM WILL APPEAR ON FORTHCOMING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS UNTIL THE CITY ATTORNEY HAS RECEIVED THE FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION OPINION RELATIVE TO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WHICH WILL DETERMINE THE PROCEDURE BY WHICH COUNCIL CAN APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE RECOMMENDED ACTION WHICH IS TO CNT tINUETTO 111 0/89 SO THAT THE HOLLY-SEACLIFF ,&STAR, PLAN MAY BE, O1PLETE0. ) The City Administrator and the City Attorney stated the appeal to Planning Commission Denial of Zone Change No. 87-16 and Negative Declaration No. 87-49 would be continued. (THIS ITEM WILL APPEAR ON FORTHCOMING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS UNTIL THE CITY ATTORNEY HAS RECEIVED THE FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION OPINION RELATIVE TO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WHICH WILL DETERMINE THE PROCEDURE BY WHICH COUNCIL CAN APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE RECOMMENDED ACTION.) 201 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 DISTRICT) - RESOLUTION NO.__§Dj64 The City Administrator stated the item pertaining to the fee for processing divisions of land within Assessment District 88-1 would be continued. ANA RIVER) The City Administrator stated the item pertaining to Zone Change 88-18 would be continued pending a study session to be held. WSJ 11.1 ME SEM. I XATAN: I[ Aa.'1EI■IIS11 i,ME\IE1ltAYA.1M=I The City Administrator stated the item pertaining to the park acquisition.and development fees would be continued. PSA The City Administrator and the City Attorney stated the joint public hearing pertaining to California Resorts and the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area - Phase I would be continued. In answer to Councilman Green's inquiry, the Public Works Director stated the signal modifications would be federally funded. (CityCouncil . I S ON HELD RE: LEASE AGREEMENT - HUNTINGTON SH[LTER - HUNTINGTON CENTRAL PARK Councilman Green questioned the lease agreement being a 24-year lease with a' month -to -month tenancy. Robert Franz, Deputy City Administrator, reported on the agreement and discussion was held. The City Administrator stated that it was a standard lease that the city uses. 202 Page 3 -- Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 I (Releme oment Aoen. y)_ DISCUS,SION_ELD RE: SURPLUS REDEVELMENT PROPERTY - REWE5T FOR ROPOSALS/DIQS--1214 5Ty TREET -- QW TE$RY QUICK BODY SHOP) In response to Councilman MacAllister's inquiry on the $25.000 deposit check, the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services stated that it is required only when a selected candidate enters into an exclusive right to negotiate. Mr. Franz stated he would clarify the fact that all bidders do not need to submit a deposit check. NIMMI V The City Administrator stated the item regarding the Owner Participation Agreement should be considered after the Second Block Facade Rehabilitation New Construction Grant Program. CCity Coynci l ) DISCUSSION HELD RE: RESOLUTION NU. §Q68 - RFVISIQ%S TO FEES, PERMITS AND FINES FOR FY 1989-90 Discussion was held regarding the documentation for the revisions to fees, permits and fines for FY 1989-90 and how it should be identified. (Redevglooment Agency) 0I5CQ.SSION HELD RE: RES NO 182 -- MODIFICATION OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 48 ADOPTED 2/82 TQ ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS - MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENI PROJECT AREA The City Administrator explained that Resolution No. 1.82 modifying Resolution No. 48 is an effort to keep costs down. He also explained the intent of original resolution. (City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: RESOLUTION NO 606¢ - IMPROVED EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - ESTABLISHES FEE FOR FIRE-MED SERVICES TO NON-RESIDENTS Chief Picard explained Resolution No. 6066 was the first milestone mark to fund administrative portion of the emergency medical services project. (Redevelopmgnt Agency) DISCUSSION HELD RE: REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MAIN -PIER PHASE II DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN In answer to Mayor Bannister's inquiry; the City Administrator stated Roger Torriero, representing Griffin/Related Properties, would present a total presentation at the regular 7 p.m. meeting. (City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: PIER PLAZA DESIGN The City Administrator stated presentations would be made at the 7 p.m. meeting by Ron Yeo, Faia Architect, Inc.; and Ralph Bauer, Pier Design Committee. 2.0 3 .f Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 AOQJRNM1 NT - COUNC LI.U- LytIOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor/Chairman adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and the adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to 7 p.m., Monday, September 18, 1989, in the Council Chamber. Clerk of 'the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex--officio Clerk of the City Council, -of the. City of Hunting on Beach, California ATT T:Xf City Clerk/Clerk MayorlChairman 204 L F� MINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, September 18, 1989 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Bannister called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Flag Ceremony was conducted by Mayor Bannister.. MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMQRY_4F DR. SHIPL_EY AND TED BRRTLETT Mayor Bannister called for ,a.,.-Mometit of Silence in memory of Dr. Donald D. Shipley, former mayor and councilman and for Ted W. Bartlett, former mayor and councilman. PB-QW A K "I.NDEPENDENT_. LIVING WATN'" -- !MT* f E . QE OEZt Mayor Bannister presented a proclamation designating, the month of October as "Independent Living Month to Brenda Premo, Executive Director, for the Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled. PRESENTATION - "PRIDE -IN -OUR -TOWN" EVENT - 10/7/82_ - 1411 INGTON CENTRAL Pfll�i K Orange County Supervisor Harriett Wieder announced the Upcoming "Pride-In--Our-Torn" Event to b.e held at 1 p:m. at Huintington Central Park on Saturday, October:7, 1989. Mrs. Weider distributed plaques to the Council. PRESENTATION-- RE: CHANGE OF__[tUCEr_S CABLE Y5TEM5 .TO PARACO_C, LE - NILLIANS Councilman MacAllister introduced Navarra R. Williams, dice President and General Manager. of Rogers Cablesystems, who made a presentation to Council regarding the change of Rogers Cagle to Paragon Cable and the improvements being made to their service. Page 2 - CouncillAgency Minutes - 9/38/89 PUBLIC COMMENTS Barry Ross, representing MaxwelllIs Restaurant, spoke. in opposition of adopting Resolution No. 182, relative to eminent domain procedure. He stated that the eminent domain law is in the process of being restricted by California legis- lature by Assembly Bill 160 with hearings set on November 8, 1989. He requested Council defer action on Resolution 182 until the outcome of Bill 160. He cited wording in the resolution that he did not believe to be consistent. JQ Christian -Craig spoke in opposition of adopting Resolution No. 182, rela- tive to eminent domain procedure. She urged Council to uphold individual rights. Clancy Yoder spoke in opposition of the Fire-Med Program. He requested Council continue for more study. He stated he believed this program infringes on the private ambulance service operation. Chris Crain spoke in opposition of adopting Resolution No. 182, relative to eminent domain procedure. He stated he believed eminent domain should be the last thing considered as a solution and that it threatens his security. Bob Biddle spoke in support of Resolution No. 6066, Improved Emergency Medical Services, and donated a check of $36 in support of the Fire-Med Program. Dg4n Al ri .Lht spoke in opposition of th.e°proposed golf course in Central Park. Doug Langevin spoke in opposition of eminent domain in the Main -Pier Redevel- opment Project Area. Allison Childers spoke in opposition of development of Irby Park. Larry Geise showed slides of Meadowlark golf ;course and of the area where the proposed golf course is planned. He spoke in opposition of the proposed golf course. James Rush spoke in opposition of the proposed golf course at Central Park. Darrel Cohoon, representing the Transportation Commission, spoke in support of adopting the proposed 20--year Transportation Plan. Na all Kot-s h spoke in support of the surf museum being included in the pro- posed pier plaza. She urged Council to let the experts plan the End Cafe so it will be totally functional. She stated the Main -Pier Redevelopment'Project Area Committee will meet October 4th, and she requested the opportunity for the committee to review Resolution 182 as the original resolution came from that committee. Jonathan Keith, President of Eagle Pass Development Corporation, spoke in opposition of awarding California Resorts exclusive right to negotiate with the Agency on redevelopment of Block 101. Steve, Harris, representing South Coast Oil Company, spoke in opposition of awarding California Resorts exclusive right to negotiate with the Agency on redevelopment of Block 101 in reference to their mineral rights in the down- town area. f] 1 OL, 206 Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 Merrilee Madrigal spoke in opposition to the modification of Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 48.. She requested Council to continue the item for further study. David Sullivan spoke in opposition of the proposed golf course in Central Park. RobertMoore, representing Mills Land & Water Company, urged Council to pro- cess his application on Zone Change 88--18, direct staff to give an idea of permissible use and if there is no use permissible, that Council exercise its power of eminent domain. Bill Curtis, representing. Daisy Picerilli and Title Energy, spoke in support of Zone Change 88-18. He distributed a letter, dated September 18, 1989, to Council and the City Attorney. (THE FOLLOWING ITEM WILL APPEAR ON FORTHCOMING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS UNTIL THE CITY ATTORNEY HAS RECEIVED THE FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION OPINION RELATIVE TO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WHICH WILL DETERMINE THE PROCEDURE BY WHICH COUNCIL CAN APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE RECOMMENDED ACTION WHICH I,� T INUE TO 11120/89SO THAT THE H IFF MASTER PLAN MAY BE P ET ) Public -hearing closed on 3/21/88 and study session held on 6/20/88 on an appeal by the Huntington Beach Company of the Planning Commission's denial of Zone Change No. 87-16 and Negative Declaration No. 87-49 on February 17, 1988. Zone Change No. 87-16 is a request by the Huntington Beach Company to rezone 55.5 gross acres generally located at the NW corner of Edwards Street and Garfield Avenue which are presently designated with three different zoning classifications. The request is to change the zoning as follows: (1) Approximately 43 acres from RA-01 (Residential Agricultural combined with. Oil Production) to R1-(2)-01-10,000 (Low Density Residential-2 units per acre -with a minimum 10,000 square foot lot size -combined with Oil Production); (2) Approximately .5 acres from RA-0-CZ (Residential Agricultural combined with Oil Production in the Coastal Zone) to Ri-(2)-0-10,000-CZ (Low Density Residential-2 units per acre with a minimum 10,000 square foot lot size -combined with Oil Production in the Coastal Zone); and (3) Approximately 1,2 acres from RA-01-CZ (Residential Agricultural combined with Oil Production and Drilling in the Coastal Zone) to Rl-(2)-01�-10,000-CZ (Low Density Residential-2 units per acre -with a min- imum 10,000 square ,foot size lot -combined with Oil Production and Drilling in the Coastal Zone). In response to the Planning Commission's denial, the applicant has requested a... the addition of the "Q" suffix to the zoning to conditionally require environ- mental analysis prior to the approval of any development entitlement on the , property. IV Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 (THE FOLLOWING ITEM WILL APPEAR ON FORTHCOMING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS UNTIL THE CITY ATTORNEY HAS RECEIVED THE FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION OPINION RELATIVE TO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WHICH WILL ..DETERMINE THE PROCEDURE BY WHICH COUNCIL CAN APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE RECOMMENDED ACTION.) Public hearing to consider -Resolution No. fi054 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR PROCESSING LAND AND ASSESSMENT DIVISION APPLICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE. 'IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915'; BEING DIVISION 10 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA." The following fee schedule is an amount which will cover reimbursement for the necessary costs in processing applications for divisions of land and assess- ment pursuant to the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California: All applications for division of land and assessment are $50.00 for each sepa- rate part or parcel of land into which the original lot or parcel has been divided. If no application- is_.filed, at the. time the Superintendent of Streets files the amended assessment pursuant to order of this legislative body, the fee is determined to be $100.00 for each separate part or parcel of land into which the original lot -,or:. parcel:.has been, -divided. Prior to making the division, the Superintendent of Streets shall notify the property owner as to the costs for the apportionment., If costs are not paid within fifteen (15) days of notification, the Superin- tendent of Streets shall, in preparing the amended assessment, show separately thereon the amount of said fee charged to each individual parcel. The amount so charged shall then be-,e,ntered. i-f ;n.ot -.paid., ;;uponthe�.:assessment roll and collected along with the first install-ment of -the a�ended assessment. . That all fees so collected, eiiher by application or as- an installment on the Assessment, are to be deposited in the General Fund of the"Treasury of this Agency. Mayor B nniL r left jhg room. The Mayor announced this was the day .and I hour. set .•for. a publ,i,c hearing. to consider the following: APPLICATION NUMBER: Zone Change No. 88-18 (Appeal to Planning Commission's action to withdraw) APPLICANT: City of Huntington Beach ARPELLANT:. Councilman Peter Green Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 IQQIThe Non -Certified Coastal Area of the City of Huntington Beach generally located on, the "inland side of Pacific Coast Highway between Beach Boulevard and the Santa Ana River. REQUEST: A publ it hearing to consider an appeal filed by Councilman Green of the Planning Commission's action to withdraw Zone Change 88-18. Zone Change 88-18 proposes to rezone the entire subject area to 7.0 acres of Visitor Serv- ing Commercial, 17.0 acres of Industrial Energy Production with a Coastal Conservation ,Overlay, 83.0 acres of Industrial Energy Production within the Coastal Zone, and 124.5 acres of Conservation as indicated on the attached map.. The zone change is further identified.as follows: Area Qne: From RA-0--FP2 (Residential Agricultural District combined with Oil Production and Floodplain Districts) to VSC-CZ--FP2 (Visitor Serving Commercial combined with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); 6rga. Two: From RA-0-FP2 (Residential Agricultural District combined with Oil Production and Floodplain Districts) to CC--CZ-FP2 (Coastal Conservation District combined with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); Area _Three: From MI-A-0-FP2 (Restricted Manufacturing District combined with Oil Production and Floodplain Districts) to CC-CZ-FP2 (Coa:stal Conservation District with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Overlay Zone) ; Area Tour: From M2-0-FP2 (Indu;strial District combined with Oil Production and Floodplain Districts) to M2-0-ACC-CZ-FP2 (Industrial District combined with Oil Production, Coastal Conservation, Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); RA-FP2 (Residential Agricultural District with Floodplain District) to M2-0-CC-CZ-FP2 .(Industrial District combined with Oil Production, Coastal .Conservation, Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); Area Fie: From LUD-FP2 (Limited Use District combined with Floodplain District) to CC-CZ-FP2 (Coastal Conservation combined with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); Area .wig: From LUD-FP2 (Limited Use District combined. with Floodplain District) to CC-CZ-FP2 (Coastal Conservation District with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); , Aresl Seyffl: From LUD--FP2 (limited Use District combined with Floodplain District) to CC-CZ-FP1 (Coastal Conservation District combined with Coastal. Zone and Floodplain Districts); LUD-FPl (Limited Use District combined with Floodplain. District) to CC-CZ-FP1 (Coastal Conservation combined with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts).; Arga Eight: From M2-0-irP2 (Industrial District combined with Oil Production and Floodplain District) to M2-0-CZ-FP2 (Industrial District combined with Oil Production, Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); Arg4 Nine: From M2-0-FP2 (Industrial District combined with Oil Production and Floodplain District) to M2--O--CZ-FP2 (Industrial District combined with Oil Production, Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); and Ml-A-FP2 (Restricted Manufacturing District combined with Floodplain District) to M1-A-CZ-FP2 (Restricted Manufacturing District combined with Coastal Zone and Floodplain Districts); Page 6 - Council,/Agency Minute5.- 9/18/89 Area Ten: From. (Q)ROS-FP2 (Qualified Recreational Open Space District com- bined with Floodplain District) to (Q)ROS-CZ-FP2 (Qualified Recreational Open Space District combined with Coastal Zone and FloodplAin'Dirstricts). fNVIR NiiEN14 STATUS:. Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15265 of the California Environmental Quality Act. C ASIAL 5TAIUS: This project is in the Coastal Zone. This zone change must be ultimately reviewed and approved by the California Coastal Commission. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by MacAllister, to continue Zone Change 88-18 to a closed session September 25, 1989 and to continue the public hear- ing to October 16, 1989 pending receipt of legal analysis. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Wincheli, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None (Bannister - out of the room) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Resolution No. 6025 to revise the City's Park Acquisition and Devel- opment Fees. The purpose of the proposed revision isto- adjust the valuation of parkland which is used to determine the fee on residential development. A motion was made by Silva, seconded by Mays to continue the open public hear- ing on Resolution No. 6025 to October 16., 1989. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, Silva NOES: None NOT VOTING: Erskine ABSENT: None (Bannister -- out of the room) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a joint public: hearing to consider an amendment to a Disposition and Development Agreement heretofore entered into between the Redevelopment Agency and California Resorts. The project in question is within the'Main'-Pier Redevelopment Project Area and has been previously designated as the Main -Pier Phase I Project. The proposed amendment and a staff report i6cTuding a summary of the amendment is available for public inspection at the Office"of the City Clerk. Legal requirements for publication and posting had been met.. No communica- tions or written protests received on the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. 1 Page 7 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Erskine, to continue the public gearing on the Main -Pier _.Redevelopment . Project Area Phase I open to October 2, 1989.1: The:.mat on:.carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: Mac'AlJi.ster, Green; Winchel.l, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None.(Bannister out of the room) LET} - (ITEMS REMOVE. Councilman Green requested. the item pertaining to Irby Park be removed from the Consent Calendar. and -considered separately. Councilwoman Wincheil requested the item pertaining to the signal modifications and the amendments to five Operative Agreements be removed from the agenda and considered sepa- rately. Councilman Silva requested the item pertaining to the Narcotic Forfeiture Fund and the Huntington Youth Shelter be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Councilwoman Winchell requested that the item pertaining to the Owner Participation Agreement and the item pertaining to Surplus Redevelopment Property be held and considered after the Second Block Facade Rehabilitation New Construction Grant Program. CONSENT CALENDAR:- (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Mays, second MacAllister, Council approved the following items, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: -None y ABSENT: Nvne::(Bann s,ter out of the room) (City Council1RedevelQp%gnt Agency) MINUTES - APPROVED - Approved and adopted minutes of Council/Agency regular meeting of August 7, 1989, adjourned regular and regular meetings of August 21, 1989 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PLAN AND 86REEMENT - APPROVED - PSG CORROSION ENGINEERING, INC. - Approved and authorized execution -of. An .engi;neering services agreement between the City and PSG Corrosion' Ehgi.neering; Inc.... to prepare a pipeline corrosion study and cathodic protection plan for a fee not to exceed $18,650, and accepted Pro- fessional Liability Coverage with the $7,500- deductible and established a project budget:. of, $20,,000. - PLo___Aw SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVEI specifications and directed the City l struction of storm drain systems ,.at Warner Avenue & Nichols Street..,' CALL FOR BIOS - Approved plans and erk to advertise for bids for the con - the following locations: 20th Street, Page 8 -W Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 (CityAMENDMENT NO. , 2 10 &GREEMENT - APPROVEIN SYSTEMS, INC. - OOWNTQWN PARKING STRUCTURE,- Approved and autbori zed execu- tion of. Supplemental. Agreement No. 2 to the `Agreement between the City and Conrad Building Systems, Inc. for Design Services- for Parking Structure at Third and Walnut for a fee not to exceed $75,000, t0 provide.,for:the review of design submittals during the design phase of the project, interpret contrac- tor's recommendations for changes in the design, provide design char es<(if necessary) and advise the City on how closely this contractor is. meeting the designer.'s plan; and approved an additional $75,000.,fgr design budget. TION - APPROVED - NE BEACH Bi,YD1gTLAN g &ME -,Pursuant to Section 66499.7 of the Subdivision Map Act,.accept improvements dedicated for pub.li.c; use- of Tract 12820 .aut.horized release of the Faithful Performance Bond and the Monument Bond and accept Guarantee & Warranty Bond #3SM72173900 - (American Motorist Insurance Co.) and instructed the City Clerk to notify the developer and the City Treasurer to notify the bonding company of same. .1._v+sar. �f ...�ra�v...a — r,i.. rwa.., rrar..�i'11154"f�Frr k� -. r wrn ....,-■r, ,,r}�r,� •.wv .qua — V\iJJ-i Approved �h selection .of Cash & AssoEiates Engineers for the preparation of preliminary engineering services (Phase I) the Final Design (Phase II) and construction support (Phase III). for ,the Re-servoir.HillJOvermye:r Pump Station Complex for a fee not to exceed $ authorized the. Mayor. and., City Clerk to execute the contract and es:tabl i sh a project: budget,. of 13r_�I. 1CLk r , & nr%4 v L-,a Me � ra+,[,��.Z�; APPRQVEDM1lLSTD,, IML. ' LD 1" - Approved waiver of professional liability insurance .requirements for. STA, Inc., pursu- ant to Resolution No. 6023 adopted May 1.5. 1989.rel .lve; to professional; ser- vices agreement between the City and STA, Inc., fpr. - vironmeht.al and planning services. (City Council) ALLIED ARTS 80ARO RE$I j:IOH-� ACCEPTED DRAKE - Accepted, with regret, the resignation;of William Drake frog the Allied Arts Board. 141 &)[ %.W. Ulm 1 J. ! P LU I nmmy — t%rr13VV r U -Sr, M411 Kl}L 1 tV11- ClfCtAULL [•J .. ;NFEMKIMA 18KI [)RAN SYSTEM - ROGERS DRIVE MSC-284 - S __ { i R _ E10 GIlJ4HAM Accepted .the low bid of Construction Engineers in the mount of.433,387.50 for the con. struction of supplementary drain system on Rogers Drive in District #270; and authorized expenditure of $3.339 to cover change orders on increased contract bid items, hold bid bonds on the lowest three -bidders :until- execution of con- tract and fiIi.ng of bonds, rejected -..al I .other. bids and, directed, the ,City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful, bidders and, return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Construction Engineers Changing Enterprises, Inc. Ruiz Engineering Co. Glamuzina Construction Co. Excel Paving $33,357.504 $34, 772.W $36,637,.25 $45, 599,.00 $46,994.00 1 1 I Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes _ 0/18/89 1 LX 5,W911t,C2WL.L1 I ALM lWo LWQ9 — PIWI: I &W — 11614-JAW14 1 1 FINES FORS 11"- - "A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH`AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. S159 ENTITLED `A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A CITY FEE SCHEDULE`." (Supplemental Fee Resolution No. 26) autnorizea exe ments between Improvements (Exhibits "B" the City and Jerry Gal i ch on Crystal Street based on , Plot Plan and "C" Plot Plan 1_ILill I V,—V&U &ID J 1 VSf 16n pa - OF GARFIELD/C� RYSIA - Approved and to Agreement to defer street improve - to allow Mr. Galich to install street the standard local street section. on file in the City Clerk's Office.) (City Corn �.1)_--PRIME FIRE , SERVICE .WATER . RATES - APP - Approved an effective date of January 1, 1989 instead of the effective date of Resolution No. 5892 - (August 17, 1988) for increased rates for private fire service water rates described in Section 14.12.070 of the Municipal Code for the approximately 575 private fire service commercial customers not retroactively billed due to the billing for the second half of 1988 (July - December) having been prepared at the old rate. A communication entitled Fire Service Rates,. Supplen.r,ntal Information from Robert Franz, Deputy City Administrator, dated September 13, 1989, was dis- tributed by the City Administrator '.o Council prior to the meeting. Councilman S-ilya left the room. • 1 REQUELT FOR QUALIFL(ATIONS FIMSALS FOR O . The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator recom- mending approval of the Request for QUsjlific.atjQn$.an4 pr=sals for pevgjp- mgnt of a Residential Parcel - City of , ntingtcaBeach as prepared by the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services for the 6f acres of vacant City property located SW of Irby Park for development under existing RI zoning - (S/Heil Avenue - W/Goldenwest Street). The Community Development Director presented a staff report. Councilman Green requested clarification of some of the provisions of the pro- perty sale and stated that he believed the lots to be developed' should be at least 6000 square feet. Councilwoman Winchell requested that when the developer does the study that he look into the best location to place the houses. She also expressed concern regarding the soil stability abutting Diane Lane, and she requested that this be looked into and reported to Council. The City Administrator reported further on the matter. Page 10 - Council/Agency'Minutes - 9/18/89 A motion was made by Green, seconded by Silva, to approve the Request for Qual 1 fi cations. and Proposals for Development of a Residential Parcel - City of Huntington Beach as prepared by the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services for the 6± acres of vacant City property located SW of Irby Park .for development under existing R1 zoning and to stipulate the lots would be a minumum of 6000 square feet. The Mayor called for the question on the amendment part of the motion. The amendment failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Winchell WOES: MacAllister, Mays, Erskine ABSENT: None (Bannister, Silva - out of the room) The City Clerk asked for clarification on the maker and seconder of the main motion. The Mayor Pro Tempore stated the main motion was..mad.e by,..Green. seconded by Silva. The Mayor called for the question on the main. part of the motion made by Green, seconded by Silva, to approve the Request for _Qua lif.ications and Proposals for Development of a Residential Parcel - City of Huntington Beach as prepared by the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services for the 6t acres of vacant City property located SW of Irby Park for development under existing R1 zoning. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mays, Erskine NOES: Green, Winchell ABSENT: None (Bannister, Silva - out of the room) The City ;Administrater stated he would review past studies and report to Council. CQunc i man Si I va. returned. -to the room. _ (Ci tv Cnunci I) SIGNAL mnnTF1rATT0Ne% _ FDTMGFR AVFRI IF AT AllTHORI fD The City Clerk presented a communication,;regarding..the approval to advertise for bids for, the -signal.modi:fications on Edinger Avenue..At ,llalsa China, and Springdale Streets. The Deputy City Administrator/AdministrativeServices':presented a staff report. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mays, to approve plans. and specifications for the modification of traffic signals on Edinger Avenue at Bolsa China and ' Spridgdale' 'Streets and authorize,,. .the Department of Public Worsts to advertise for buds. (Includes left -turn signals, safe ty..lighting;a.nd emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment.1 The motion.carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None (Bannister - out of the room) 214. u Page 11 Council/Agency Minutes- 9/18/89 (City_ Council) RECONSTRUCT_ APPRDP IATICIN . llAU1MCE FROM NARMC l=ORFEITURE RU - - The City Clerk presented a communication pertaining to reconstructing the appropriation balance from the Narcotic Forfeiture Fund. A motion was made by Silva, seconded by MacAllister, to appropriate $125,000 from the Narcotic Forfeiture Fund balance to re.plaCe funds .which were trans- ferred to the General Fund to continue salary and benefits for two narcotics officers to July 1, 1990. The motion carried by;the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister.., Green, Wincheli, flays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None (Bannister - out of the room) SGitYCounci 1, . WSE- AGREEMENT — _APPROVED - HUNTIOMN YOUTH SHELTER - HO-TINGCQN CENTRAL PARK The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator per- taining to the Lease Agreement between the City and the Huntington Youth Shelter. Discussion was held between Council, staff, and the City Attorney regarding the lease. A motion was- made by MacAllister, seconded by Mays, to approve and authorize execution of a- Lease Agreement between the City and the Huntington Youth Shelter for .City property located at 7291 Talbert Avenue for. use as a tempo- rary home facility for youth only, for a 20 year "term at .$1"0 per `year. -The motion carried by the following roll call vote:. AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, SilvaErskine NOES: None ABSENT: None (Bannister out of the room) The City Clerk presented a communication from the.City Administrator regarding the amendments to.opera�tive agreements for five redevelopment protect areas. A motion was made by Wi nchel l , seconded by Green, to approve the debt of the Low Income Housing Fund and to approve and authorize execution of amendments. to the five Operative Agreements between the City 'of Huntington Beach and. the Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency as followt: wwA 7r/T .. •Alrla w:..IF_ Aw-0. h16 Page 12 - CouncillAgency Minutes - 9f16189 s The motion carried by the following roll call vote AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, Silva;:Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None (Bannister - outof the room) The Clerk presented a communication from the Executive Director of the Rede- velopment Agency transmitting Resolution No.. 182 which -proposes to modify the procedures for approval, of development proposals within the Main-Pier'Redevel- opment Project area, to delete" the requirement that any development proposal which requires property acquisition by the use of eminent domain be approved by 60% of.,the property owners within the site by land area.'and by number of, voters. The City Administrator/Executive Director presented a report on the proposed resolution. The Clerk presented Agency. Resolution No. 182 for -Agency ''consi-deration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINOON BEACH ADOPT ING PROCEDURES FOR APPROVING DEVELOPMENT POOPosALS WITHIN THE 14AID-PI1R REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA." A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by green, to R adopt Resolution No. 182. The motion carried by the .following `rol,1 . 11. vote::.._ AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine' NOES: None ABSENT: None - At t n. 4 r-" A. ' The City Clerk presented a communicati.o.n from the Fire Chief transmitting a proposed resolution to establish a user fee for non-residents either Advanced or Basic Life Support Emergency Medical Services beginning October 1., .1989 ($100 for basic life support/$150 for advanced life support.) Fire Chief Picard presented a staff report. The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6066 for Council consideration "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWTIHGI'OW BE 1. ESTABLISHM A FEE FOR FIRE—MED SERVICES TO NON-RESIDENTS," A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to adopt Resolution No. 6066. 'The motion carried by the following:roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Erskine TOES: Bannister, Mays, Silva ABSENT: None 1 Page 13 — Council/Agency Minutes. — 9/18/1I9 CRedevelopme Agency) REVIEW AND APP O.1lA . F,, —PIER PHA EWMET CONCEPT ANDIMPLEMENTATION PLAN ---RIFFIN/RELATED PROPERTIES � APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from the Executive Director regarding the final development concept for both the :residential and commercial blocks as shown in the site plans, Roger Torriero and Ernie Vasquez, representing Griffin/Related Properties; presented slides depicting the design schematics for Main —Pier Phase II Blocks 1 and z. A motion was made by- Mays, seconded by MacAllister, to approve design schemat— ics (site plan and elevations) for Block 2 (A.ttachment 1—A & B), approve development concept Scheme B-3 (site plan) for Block 1 (Attachment 2—A & B),. and authorize staff to proceed with final ne.got.iati;ons for. .:a.;Disposition and Development Agreement and an Owner Participation Agreement with the developer and owner participants, respectively. The motion,°carried by - the. following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchel1, Bannister,.Mays, Silva, .Erskine NOES: None ASSENT: None RECESS—„8EECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at, 9:55_p m. The meeting: eras. reconvened at 10:08 p.m. The City Clerk presented a communication from Janes Palin, Deputy City Administrator, regarding the Pier Plaza Design. A revised communication entitled, "Pier Plaza Design" from the City Adminis— trator, dated September 18, 1989, was distributed by �th.e,;City.;.Admin:istraior to Council prior to the meeting. Ralph Bauer, - Pier Design Committee, spoke -::in support :_qf ..-the .plaza in a presentation. Ron Yeo, Fai a Architects, Inc., addressed. Counci 1 regarding; the pier and pier plaza and answered Councils' questions. Uri Gati, developer of Phase I, Pierside Pavilion/Huntington Pier Colony, stated the Pier Plaza Design. would enhance ,.his prof-ge t,.. across ::the, street, and answered Mayor Bannister's questions. A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Green, to approve the larger concept "A", Pier Plaza, which is approximately 2.-1.acres in -size, sand: directed staff, Ron Yeo, and the Pier Design Committee to hot10-,a Plihin.IPg Session-wifth the architects, representatives of Council and Planning Commission and other appropriate community groups. Page 14 — Council/Agency Minbtes — 9/18/89 An amendment to the motion was made by Silva, seconded by MacAllister, to add the time frame of six months to the Requests for Proposal. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Silva NOES: Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Erskine ABSENT: None The main motion made by Erskine, seconded by Green, to approve the larger con— cept "A", Pier Plaza, which is approximately 2.1 acres in size, and directed staff, Ron Yeo, and the Pier Design Committee to hold a Planning Session with the architects, representatives of Council and Planning Commission and other appropriate community groups carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Erskine NOES: MacAllister, Silva ABSENT: None (Ci ty Council/Redevelopment Agency) --STATUS BEFORE +l� — $EtBL4 FACADE REHABILITATION NEW CONSTRUCTION GRANT PROGRAM A communication entitled, "2nd Block Facade, Rehabilitation/New Construction Grant Program", from the City Administrator, dated August 23, 1989, was distributed by the City Administrator to Council prior to the meeting. Keith Bohr, Redevelopment Analyst, presented a staff report reviewing the status of the use of grant funds and, answered questions from Council.. nfyl-- SURPLUS REDEVELOPMEMI: P_R4PERly -Qi FOR _ R£OIfEST FOR PROPOSA.LVSIDS -- INTERVIEW OF DEVELOPERS (214 5!H STREET — OLD TIRMY QUICK BODY SHOP) The Clerk presented a communication from the Executive Director, dated September 9, 1989, entitled "Surplus Redevelopment Property Request for Proposals". A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded. by.Efskine,-'to approve the format as proposed by staff for the Request for Proposals/Bids two surplus City of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency vacant. lots. — known as A.P. #024-147-34 at 2`14 5th Street and authorize staff to proceed with the process of inter— viewing developers. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSTAIN: Bannister ABSENT: None F..WALMLYA2V The City Clerk/Clerk presented a Council/Agency communication regarding the Owner Participation Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and Richard Harlow. 1 Page 15 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6067 for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY PURSUANT TO AN OWNER PARTICI- PATION AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND RICHARD A. HARLON AND SYLVIA M. HARLOW." The Clerk presented Resolution No 183 for Redevelopment Agency considera- tion - "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF REAL .PROPERTY PURSUANT TO AN ONNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND RICHARD A. HARLON AND SYLVIA M. HARLON." A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Erskine, to adopt Council Resolution No. 6061 and Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 183. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSTAIN: Bannister ABSENT: None RDINANCE NO. 3016 -ADOPTED -- PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF44AY The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3016 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON ,EACH AMENDING TITLE 12 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CHAPTER 12.38 PERTAINING TO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF NAY. "` {Pertains. to private gncroa, hnlgBts on the oubl c rights of way.) - (Sets forth Encroachment Permits which are required, not required and prohibited encroachments.) A motion was made by Bannister, seconded by MacAllister, to adopt Ordinance` No. 3016. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None A communication entitled, "Block 101 - California Resorts" from Couneilmember Don MacAllister, dated August 24, 1989, was distributed by the City Adminis- trator to Council prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Green, "between Agency and California Resorts" in regard agreement for Block 101, Main -Pier Redevelopment Projec motion fai]ed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Winchell NOES: MacAllister, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine ABSENT: None s t to strike the words, to the negotiating Area - Phase I. The Page 16 - Council/Agency minutes - 9/18189 A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bannister, to direct staff, to determine the proper procedure to take regarding 'an Exclusi've. Negotiating Agreement between the Agency and California Resorts 'relative. to Block 101.- Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area - Phase I for present*tion at the 10/2/89 meeting. The motion carried by the following roll call Vote: AYES: MacAllister, Bannister, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: Green, Winchell ABSENT: None A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by MacAllister, to consider this item at a Closed Session on September 25, 1989 and to have Tom Clark, Redevelopment Agency Counsel, present. The motion:carri'ed by the Joilowt" _rgl11 call vote: AYES: mMacAl 1:i ster, Green, Winch -ell, Bannister, Mays , Si;Ivaa;' Erskine- NOES: None ABSENT: None REPORT REQUESTED ON CITY CHARGED--AOMD EEES UAFF 1%Y STUDY USE OF IN OMBUSTIQN -ENGINESGAS BURNING Councilman MacAllister stated the City would be requested by AQMD (Air Quality Management District) to pay a large amount of fees for operating internal combustion gas burning engines. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bannister, to make a determina- tion that the need to take action: on :.the. issue . of -fees'.: charged,; by, AQMD for operating internal combustion gas burning engines arose su'sepuent to the agenda being posted as specified in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2). The motion carried by the following roll call vote:. AYES: MacAllister, Green; Winchell, Bann ste.r„ Mays, Silva slC e NOES: None ABSENT: None A motion was made 'by MacAllister, ::seconded by Bannister, to. direct staff through the City Administrator's office and City Attorney's office to :study the city's use of internal. combustion gas'.,borning. engines. as it;wouid pertain to the fees charged by .AQHO. The. vot.ton,. Carried by -the-,; f*11owing- roll call vote: AYES, MacAllister, Green,"Utnich.e1.1, Bannister, May:$.,: SiIn..-rskine, NOES: None ABSENT: None An amendment to. the main motion was made by.. Bannister, seconded' by MacAllister., to direct staff to present a supplemental report to council on all fees brought about by .AQMD. to the City. The motion .carded by the following roll call- vote: AYES: MacAllister, Green, Winchell, Bannister, Mays. Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None ;]I 230 Page 17 - Council/Agency Minutes - 9/18/89 ILSE ORDINANCE REQUESTED Mayor Bannister directed staff to obtain information pertaining to any ordinance on boom boxes per Councilman Macallister'`s reque''st. RECYUING COMM TT Councilwoman Wlnchell stated the Council advisors and staff on the Recycling of Taste Reduction Committee met last week. She announced the need for citi- zens who mould be interested in participating in this committee. stating they may obtain a board and commission application from the City Cleric's office in order to apply. Mayor Bannister stated the Orange County pump would be available for the next six years only, so the Waste Reduction Committee should address that issue. The Chairman call a Closed Session of the Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instruction to the Agency's negotiator regarding negotiations with Griffin/Related Properties Master Developer for the Main -Pier Phase II Project concerning the purchase/sale/exchange/lease of the property located at the block bordered by Pacific Coast Highway/6th Street/ Walnut Avenue & 5th Street The Mayor called a recess of Council at 11 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 12:30 a.m. A03CU iNMENT The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency to 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 25, 1989, at Huntington Beach Inn, ATTEST: L City Clerk/Clerk Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency, and City Clerk and ex-officio Clark of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor/Chairman Awl