HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-0411 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Golden West College Huntington Beach, California Friday, May 4, 1990 I A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Mays called the special meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:30 a.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine City staff: Ron Lowenberg, Police Chief; Rich Barnard, Deputy City Administrator; Mike Adams, Community Development Director ABSENT: None The City Clerk read the Call for Special Meeting. CALL FOR. SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Tom Mays, Mayor Peter Green, Mayor Pro Tempore Wes Bannister, Council John Erskine, Council Don MacAllister, Council Jim Silva, Council Grace Winchell, Council You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California is called for and will be held at Golden West College Community Center, 15744 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, California at the hour of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 1990, for the purpose of holding a City Council/City Administrator Retreat with the following agenda items: Public Comments, discussion of the setting of City Goals and Objectives, a brief report by the City Administrator regarding the City's financial condition and City service levels and discussion of the process to be used by the City Council in evaluating the City Administrator. Dated: April 27, 1990 ATTEST: CONNIE BROCKWAY, CITY CLERK /s/ Connie Brockway /s/ Thomas J. Mays City Clerk Mayor P-6 Page 2 - Council Minutes - Special Meeting 5/4/90 I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting of the City Council" prior to 8:30 A.M., on Friday, May 4, 1990. /s/ Thomas J. Mays Mayor A full packet of information for this special meeting had been provided to Council and is on file in the office of the City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENTS Steve Schwartz, Chairman of Allied Arts Board, urged Council's continued support for the Arts Center in the downtown area. Councilman MacAllister questioned Mr. Schwartz regarding the fund raising activities. Discussion was held. Ralph Bauer spoke regarding the need for a long term financial plan to be updated each year. He stated the need for Council to gain public input and suggested this could be done by strengthening city boards and commissions. He suggested a news letter be distributed informing the public of Council actions and matters on which the Council would like public input. Mark Porter spoke regarding the goals and Objectives Document formulated by the Council and community several years ago. He stated that the more people are able to make their opinions known and the more participation by the public, the government becomes more responsive. DISCUSSION OF THE SETTING OF CITY'S GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The City Administrator stated that the Police Chief, Deputy City Adminis- trator, and Community Development Director, were present as representatives of the city departments. The City Administrator stated that he wished to deter- mine the Council's goals and visions for the city as a prelude to discussion of specific goals. He distributed a communication titled Rank Order Goals. The City Administrator reported on the document titled Preliminary Assessment of City Organization 5/4/90. Discussion was held regarding the Each Council member presented thei- sented by Council were: need for Council due to the high volume c quality of life the community now clean and safe environment with a oil consolidation, waste disposal planning, capital improvement progi tives document which would be a "1 plan; regional planning very impor goal setting, improved communicat quality time on important issues. need for an economic development program. goals for the city. Among the goals pre- 3 15 year plan, long term goals, aides for f Council business, need to maintain high enjoys, the city's mandate to provide a high priority for emergency preparedness, and coastal enhancement; long range broad am needs to be realistic; Goals and Objec- iving document" to lock into a long range ;ant; necessity for public participation in ions at all levels and Council spending r 27 Page 3 — Council Minutes — Special Meeting 514190 RECESS — RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 12:10 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 12:38 p.m, The City Administrator reviewed the items Council had listed earlier in the meeting and referred to the Rank Order Goals which he had presented. Discussion was held regarding the ride —share program, the need to increase the city's tax base, and Councilwoman Winchell requested a report on residential versus industrial markets. The Police Chief, at the request of Council, reported on efforts to stop gang activity in the city and other police programs. RECESS —..RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 2:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 2:55 p.m. Discussion was held regarding transportation issues. Councilman MacAllister spoke regarding the feasibility of curbside recycling and discussion was held. Community social issues were discussed. A brief report by the City Administrator regarding the city's financial condi— tion and city service levels was also an agenda item as well as material given to the City Council regarding the process to be used by the City Council in evaluating the City Administrator performance. ADJOURNMENT — COUNCIL The Mayor adjourned the special regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. ATTEST: w. City Clerk, City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor 0� CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Tom Mays, Mayor Peter Green, Mayor Pro Tempore Wes Bannister, Council Member John Erskine, Council Member Don MacAllister, Council Member Jim Silva, Council Member Grace Winchell, Council Member CALIFORN[A 92648 You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California is called for and will be held at Golden West College Community Center, 15744 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, California at the hour of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 1990, for the purpose of holding a City Council/City Administrator Retreat with the following agenda items: Public Comments, discussion of the setting of City Goals and Objectives, a brief report by the City Administrator regarding the City's financial condition and City service levels and discussion of the process to be used by the City Council in evaluating the City Administrator. Dated: April 27, 1990 ATTEST: CONNIE BROCKWAY, CITY CLERK City Clerk Mayor V I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting of the City Council" prior to 8:30 A.M., on Thursday, May 3, 1990. 77&e�� Mayor ( Telephone: 714-536.5227 )