HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-04 (7)1 f, MINUTES CITY OUUKILIREDEVELOPNEKT AGENCY Room B-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 4, 1990 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Mays called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Nays, Bannister, Silva ABSENT: Erskine The City Clerk. stated a letter had been received from the applicant requesting that the ttem pertaining to Ohdttional Use.Permit No, 89--66 be continued. (340.70) Councilman MacAllister stated he had distributed a letter to the Council members regarding the Human Resources Board -Funding Recommendations and that he would be referring to it and the recommendation for Public Services at the 7-p.m. meeting �� ��:�����'�►.����i:I'1:�.�����,�'rE��i�.�1::Tl:if�i�.��:�+I�iifi ���I�i�I�i)7 Councilman MacAllister expressed concern regarding the recommended motion. He stated he wanted to insure that the amount of $250,000 was not an obligatory amount. He stated there should be monthly payments according to materials and that there should be a monthly report and the ability to terminate if the progress was not satisfactory. In answer to Councilman Bannister's inquiry, the Rich Barnard, Deputy City Administrator, stated that fund raising services do not work on percentage but that the range is generally 9-15%. 7 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minut#s - 6/4/90 (City Council) QISCUSSI RE: KWENER 6 1990 GENERAL RMICIPAL ELECTIOlt RESOLUTIONS (620.20) In answer to Councilwoman Winchell's inquiry, the City Clerk stated that in the past, the candidate's statement had always consisted of 200 words rather than 400 words. ZACK'S (600.35) Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the terms of Zack's Beach concession lease and ownership of lease improvements. arznf% REVENUE (600.30) Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the waiver of liabil- ity insurance in the Agreement between the City and Spear Street Advisors, Inc. relative to the Waterfront Project Financing. The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54959.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litiga- tion - City Y. Southern California Gas.Company - OCSCC 60-79-84 (120.80) RECESS - REQUIN XE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 6:55 p.m. Mayor Mays adjourned the adjourned the Redevelopment Agency of the June 4, 1990, Council Chamber. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk regular meetings of the City Council and City of Huntington Beach to 7 p.m., r • �5� Clerk of the Redevef6pment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor/Chairman 76 NI IRJTES CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPWAT AGEWY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 4, 1990 A videotape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Mays called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Reach to order at 7 p.m. PRESENT: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva Erskine arrived 8 p.m. ABSENT: None The Flag Ceremony and. Invocation was conducted by representatives of Ocean View Little League, American Youth Soccer Organization and Huntington Beach All American Youth Football - Directors Philip Saumfeld, President, and Tom Duchene, Vice President, Ocean View Little League. .�. rx0r-iAc� [ac.wa _ ■w.:i'-fi1� wf-va _ a =KAR �4 r■il� nFat _�l AA.m Mayor Mays presented a proclamation to Trudy Christensen, Co -Chair of Huntington Beach High School's Grad Night. Mrs. Christensen received. .this proclamation on. behalf of Huntington Beach, Ocean View, Marina and Edison High Schools A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bannister, to make a determina- tion that the need to take action on the issue of city use of Southern California Edison Company poles for parade banners arose subsequent to the agenda being posted as.specified in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2). ..The .motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchel.l, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva NOES: None ABSENT: Erskine 7-7 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 A communication from the City Administrator regarding the proposed agreement with Southern California Edison Company had been distributed by Council. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to approve the agreement with Southern California Edison Company pertaining to city use of Edison Company poles for parade banners. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green. Mays, Bannister, Silva NOES: None ABSENT: . Erskine For the benefit of those in the audience, Mayor Mays announced that the item pertaining to the public hearing`of Conditional Use Permit No. 89-66 with Special. Permits/Coastal Development Permit No. 90-61Tehtative Parcel Map No. 89-456 would be continued at the applicant's request. �ItG=I1iUT.=M3 W ttyCouncil) PUBLIC HEARING -- CONJINUED OPEN TO 6118/90 - _STAFF DIRECTED TO PREPARET (320.20) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the fiscal year 1990-91 City Budget. The proposed budget totals $176,747,308 including General Fund expenditures proposed at $93,089,655. The budget can be inspected by the public from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday at City Hall. 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach. Copies are also available for public review at the City's Central Library located at 7111 Talbert Avenue (Goldenwest St. and Talbert Ave.). Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. No communications or written protests were received on the matter. The City Administrator presented a staff report. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. ,fan pAImer, representing Friends. of the Children's Library, Library Patrons Foundation, Friends of the Library, and the Library Coalition, stated the library support groups had provided 22,000 service hours, $300,000 in personnel services, and had raised over $100,000. She urged Council's support of the funding of the proposed library expansion project. ,ferry Peron, representing Historic Resources Hoard, spoke in support of providing a $2,700 budget for the Historic Resources Board. He also requested an additional $1,300 for materials and other supplies for the Board. Gerald Chapman, Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation Director, presented a communication entitled hUntington Beach Ar-t_ Center Project Update to the Council and City Clerk. He urged Council to reinstate the administrative support monies in the Community Services budget to aid the foundation's effort. He stated the secretary position should be funded immediately. He 478 Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes -- 6/4/90 stated the Foundation requests a meeting between Council and staff to draft a memorandum of agreement that will delineate the responsibilities and obliga- tions of both organizations. He urged Council's commitment to the proposed Art Center project. Bob Biddle, Huntington Beach Tomorrow President, presented to Council and the City Clerk a document from Huntington Beach Tomorrow entitled, Findings of the Comitteft on finance, and he presented his comments on the proposed city budget. Elaine Keelev, Allied Arts Board member, stated that she believed a part of the Community Enrichment Fee should be used for the proposed art center project and she presented other ideas for sources of revenue. Rene Shannon, Allied Arts Board member, spoke ih support of the proposed art center project and presented a communication to the Council. Bill Anderson, Allied Arts Board member, spoke in support of the proposed art center project. Don JankQwiak, Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation member and GT Corpora- tion employee, stated it is the intent of corporations and citizens he has contacted to provide a four -day equestrian event during the summer of 1990.on an annual basis to raise funds for the proposed art center project. Bruce Po,Wgrs, Huntington Beach Concours Committee which is a committee of the HB Library Patrons Foundation, extended an invitation to the concours at the Huntington Beach'Central Park June 10, 1990. He presented Council and admin- istration tee-shirts and tickets to the event. Clans, Yu oder spoke in support of the proposed city budget and of the increased refuse fee of .$9.52. Bob Goo rich, Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation Chairman, stated the fundraising was going well and that the project would be done on time. Ma�rv_Harris, Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation Board, spoke regarding the proposed summer equestrian event.. and stated it is hoped that $75,000 would be raised for the Art Center from this event. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being.no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by MacAllister, to continue the public hearing open to June 18, 1990 and direct staff to prepare a budget resolution for formal adoption on June 18, 1990. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell,.Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: 'None .� g Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the contents of the City's Sixteenth Year Submission to HUD for receipt of $1,257,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds. Copies of the Submission are available for inspection in the.City Housing and Redevelop- ment Office, City Hall. STAT�ENT OF ODMiINiITY DEVELOPMENT OB3ECTIV FORM 1990-91 I. Provide community service related programs and facilities. 2. Upgrade and preserve declining neighborhoods. 3. Preserve the existing housing stock. 4. Expand the housingopportunities availaible to low -and moderate income households. 5. Expand the economic opportunities available to low -and moderate income households and minority groups. AUINISTRATTON: $251.400 - To meet the personal services, operating costs and for Project Self -Sufficiency of the CDBG program. FAIR HWSING,.000NCIL: $34,779 - To support the services provided by the Fair Housing Council of Orange County. These services include but are not limited to the promotion of fair housing practices and the provi- sion of services for the reconciliation of tenant and landlord disputes. This activity supports, QWgCtive t4 by providing financial assistance to this agency to assist in furthering housing opportunities for low and moderate income -households. Tberefore,< this project also meets the broad national objective of maximum. feasible priarityaof !benefit to such house- holds. HOUSING REMBILITATION. f372R072 - To finance low interest rate loans to improve owner occupied single --family and investor owned multi -family uni is wi th i n . the _ci ty:: These loans .,are avai tabl-e;, _to 1.ow .'and moderate income fami11es and within designated target areas. This project meets by providing direct assistance to low and moderate income households. , This -project -also meets the broad national objectives of benefiting low and moderate income. households, and of slum and blight elimi.nation., QAKVIEN T - Funding allocated for this project will be used to improve the circulation and public improvements in the Oakview; neighborhood. This project; meats_. Objective 02 by upgrading and. preserving declining neighborhoods. This project also meets the broad national objectives of benefiting low and moderate income households which. are predgminate in this no$.ghborhood..- and of slum and blight elimination. To pay :salary and equipment costs associated with this youth employment program operating in the Oakview and Commodore Circle neighborhoods. Funds allocated to this activity will be used for the payment of salary and overhead costs related to the enforcement of local codes, in targeted areas gnly. This activity supports Objecti.ves_42_ind #3, and meets the national objective of slum and blight elimination. M Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 614/90 LAlN]_ ! ] ME ORC MT: 145.000 - This program aims at eliminating blighted conditions under the category of "Interim Assistance" while pro- viding economic opportunities for unemployed minority, youths, thus it effectively addresses QbJectives #2 and..#6. The program also addresses the broad national ob3tctive of maximum benefit to low and moderate income households, area benefit, and slum/blight elimination. SERUMPURUC $167, - This activity meets one by providing financial assistance to agencies which meet the social service needs of low and moderate income. households. This project also meets the broad national objective of benefiti-ng low and moderate income households. CONTINfi 1G1t; SiQO_298 - To. support previously approved -projects which experience cost over -runs, andcould ire feralTocaterd for new projects on an "as needed' basis. Pact Spencer. Director Housing and Redevelopment, presented a staff report. Dorothy Campbell, Housing and Community Development Citizens' Advisory Board Chairperson, gave a presentation on the funding recommendations. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. No communications or written protests were received on the matter. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilman <MacAllister referred to his communication to Councilmembers, dated June 4, 199. regarding Human., Resources Board -Funding Recommendations. He stated he needed additional-inforaation on some of the organizations listed. Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding funding allocations. A.motion was made by Hinchell, seconded by Green, to approve the contents of the City's proposed 16th Ye r CDBG uWss4o. a to HUD for receipt of $1;257,000. A motion was moved by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to amend the main motion to leave the amount of $167,550 in Public Service but remove the stipulations of where that money Is going to be allocated to for final approval of it and other item allocations to JVne TO. 1 . The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None The amended main motion made by Hinchell, seconded by Green, to approve the contents of the City's proposed 16th Year CDBGSubmission to HUD for receipt of $I M7,000 and to leave the amount of $167,550 In Public Service but remove L-; Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 the stipulations of where that money is going to be allocated to for final approval of it and other item allocations to June 18, )990, carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Bannister requested from staff the reasons for any rejected requests from organizations. In answer to Councilman Silva's request, the City Administrator stated that he would insure that there is adequate notification for the groups that are potential applicants for next years consideration. The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider: APPLICA11ON NUMBER: Appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Special Sign Permit No. 90-1 APPLICANTIAPPFLLANT: Watt Commercial Development Corporation LOCATI(M: Shopping center at the southwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Sher Lane ZM: C2-FP2 (Community Business District-Floodplain) REQUEST: To permit the construction of a freestanding sign that exceeds the Code permitted maximum height (29 feet in lieu of 7 feet). maximum area (250 square feet in lieu of 30 square feet) and does not comply with the minimum distance required between other freestanding signs on the site (approximately 60 feet in lieu of 200 feet). Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published, and posted. No communications or written protests were received on the matter. The Community Development Director presented a staff report. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Ron Phadnis, applicant, stated the "Kids R Us" sign was installed originally without a permit. He distributed copies of that information to the Council. He stated the request was an effort to rectify -two businesses not included in the sign. Constance Nicholson spoke in support of Special Sign Permit No. 90-1. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. J 1 8n 4, Page 7 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6i4f90. The City Attorney stated that under Article 9610.2 from Huntington Beach Ordinance Code a tenant needs -a letter from the property owner in order to obtain a permit for a sign. Mr. Phadnis stated he had not given a letter of consent for the "Kids 'R Us" sign. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Erskine, to continue decision on the closed public hearing regarding the Special Sign Permit No. 90-1 to June 18, 1990. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine HOES: None ABSENT: None The Mayor announced that this was the .day and hour set for a public hearing to ccrosider: APPLICATION NUMBER: Appeal to Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Use Permit No 89-66 with Special Permits/Coastal Development Permit No. 9t3-IlTentative Parcel Map No. 89--456. PPLI 5outhridge Homes LWTION: Northeastern corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Fifteenth Street. I=: Downtown Specific Plan District 2 RE7: Appeal to the Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 89-66 with Special Permits/Coastal Development Permit No. 90-611'entative Parcel Map No. 89-456 which is a request to construct a 4 unit condominium complex with special permits for: (1) encroachment into front yard setback (2) exceed site covers a (3) reduced common open space (4) reduced private open space (5) . W I N from upper story setback. (6) reduce private access .width and consolidate two lots into one lot for condominium purposes. Eftyl& EEBTAL_STATUS: Pursuant to Section 15182(a), this project is. exempt from further analysis under California Envirornnental Ouality Act. STAL STATUS: APPEALABLE This project is in the appealable portion of the coastal zono. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the City Council is final unless an appeal is filed to the California Coastal Commission by an aggrieved party. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and upon which the appl.1- cant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. An aggrieved person may file an appeal within ten (10) working days pursuant to Section 30603 of the Public Resources Code, in writing to: California Coastal Commission, 245 W. Broadway, Suite 380, POB 1450, Long.: Beach, California. . The Coastal Commission revi ow. period will. commence. after the Ci ty` tbuntl 1 action. Applicants will be 83 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 notified by the Coastal Commission as to the date of the conclusion of the Coastal Commission review. Applicants are advised not to begin construction prior to that date. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published, and posted. Communications were received from Yvonne Fowler dated June 4, 1990, Gilbert Rameriz dated June 4, 1990 both stating opposition of Conditional Use Permit No. 89-66/Special Permit 90-61/Tentative Parcel Map No. 89�456, and a communication dated June 4, TM from Richard Kelter requesting continuance of the public hearing. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Bannister-, to continue the open public hearing pertaining to Conditional'' Use Permit No. 89-66 with special permits, Coastal Development Permit No. 90-6 and Tentative Parcel Map No. 89-456 to June 18, 1990. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None Fran Ha 1haus stated her safety concern for children due to lack of sidewalks on main thoroughfares in the Goldenwest-Ellis Section. She also stated that sidewalks could be put in the adjacent developments that had not been con- strutted yet. She stated a busy shoppingcenter would be in the area soon. Shirley Cohen, representing Feedback Foundation, requested support from Council for the meals for seniors program. Cathie Scott requested support from Council for Grad Night at Westminster High School. Police Chief Lowenberg.was asked to comment and the matter was left to the decision of the City Administrator. Larry _ , isse spoke regarding the Save Our Parks Charter Amendment. He stated that all persons who read the petition signed it. "CC" Stuhl spoke regarding her family hardship due to the Driftwood Mobilehome Relocation. The City Administrator stated he would meet with Mrs. Stuhl with appropriate staff members June. 18, 1990, to discuss the status of relocation. Ggorgee Arnold,old spoke in opposition of the city budget and the beach concession item on the agenda. Epp Easterling presented her comments on the item pertaining to Zack's Beach Concession. Debbie Cook, proponent of the Charter Amendment petition, spoke regarding the petition drive for.the Save bur -parks Charter Amendment. Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 Donn_ Klein stated her recommendations for the Warner Ave. curve to promote safety. She stated her concerns regarding the Harbour area and Bay & Raquet Club property as it pertains to beingg an earthquake hazard. She distributed a paper to Council entitled, j#arni dut ,fgr Pl sen atign to City Council June 4. 1990. Shim_ Millbern with Waterfront Inc. project stated there was no intent to serve liquor at Zack's Beach Concession or on. the beach. The Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10 p.m. The following items were requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration: (MacAllister) Professional Fund Raising Services - (Municipal Pier); (Silva) Resolution No. 6148; (Bannister) Gosney Property Acquisition. On nation by MacAllister, second Silva, Council approved the following items, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT4 None (_City Counc1l1Redeveloament Agency) MINUTES - APPRdVED - Approved and adopted minutes of Council/Agency regular and adjourned regular meetings of May 21, 1990 as written and on file in the Office.of the City Clerk. A1.TIMARI-RISI ER..J,-i1HAi.IML, ,- ,AP(110.20) - Accept the resignation of Gail Alt mari-Brown with regrets from the Environ- mental Board and approve appointment of, Christopher J . Dhal i wal with a tern to expire aU.ne 6, 1991. D US - AU7WRIZED - CC-793 (600.55) - Approved plans and specifications, approved contract subject to award of contract by Council, and authorized call for bids for the following projects to be constructed for traffic signal coordination: Warner Aver between-P.CH ,6,Bd Harbor Blyl. Solemn West St. between Warner Ave. and Garden Grove Blvd. s Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 (510.40) - Approved appropriation of funds donated by private citizens in the amount of $12,223.56 for use in purchasing paramedic supplies and a fire prevention display board. CALIFORNIA-EDI50l1.,,(MPANY (600.10) - Approved . and. , authorized execution of Agreement between the City and Southern California. Edison' Company for loan to the City of a prototype electric van for temporary use.. GLEE r4E AVENUE W/O BEACH BLVD (420.70) - Approved final parcel map pursuant to the mandatory findings set forth by the Planning Commission and instructed the Cit Clerk to affix her signature to the map and release to the County for processing. for bids for the replacement of the Banning No. 3 vertical turbine pump, authorized the cit for bids, and approved contract subject approved forest responsible bider. prepare a $3,660 amendment to the P preparation of the necessary plans and where oil wells have been removed, federal, state or county grants and construct. landscaping of abandoned estimate for this work is $190,000. pecifications and authorized call Flood Control Pump Station's Unit Director of Public Works to soli- to..awar.d of contract to Council . (600.10) -. Authorized staff to urkiss Rose Associates contract for the specifications to landscape those areas and directed staff to pursue obtaining any other viable .source of funding to oil well. sites. The preliminary cost the amount of $90,000 for reconstruction of the Joint Powers priate $99,000.which includes bid costs of $90,000 plus an for construction contingencies and anticipated project authorized execution of contract. of an agreement with Blayney-Dyett.in tl rewritingand updating the Huntington PlanninglBuilding Code. i 1" VI\ Nll�411 RVl�7 .Spec Builders in Burn Room, appro- additional $9,000 incidentals, and amount of $69,500. for the purpose Beach Or l:nante Code - Division 9 on of 1 e• Page 11 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 1 (110.20) - Approved reappointment of Blanche Deight to a term on the Personnel Commission to expire 3une 30, 1994. The City Clerk presented a communication from the City: Administrator regarding the proposed contract between the City and the Robert B. Sharp Company to provide a professional fund raising campaign. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Green, to approve and authorize execu- tion of Professional Services Agreement between the City and the Robert B. Sharpe Company, Inc. for Fund Raising Services in an amount not to exceed $25O,000 and to waive Section 10.8 Professional Liability Insurance of the Professional Services Agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Green, Mays, Erskine NOES: MacAllister, Bannister, Silva ABSENT: None , i r.. i_Y i Iiiayr 1 1.kil1 •l�y +.s _i k1W. •100 i .yI atll'fft�� .a_ . a, i WX The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator regarding the MOU Amendment - Building Inspectors. The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6148 for Council adoption - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING MODI- FICATIONS TO THE MEMORAN#ItIM OF UNDERSTANDING BETNEEN THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATIVE TO SALARY PARITY/BUILDING INSPECTORS.° The City Administrator explained the proposal. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by MacAllister, to adopt Resolution No. 6148. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister; Wi.nchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None — mrrwii rv■ — The City Clerk/Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator/ Executive Diractor pertaining to the Gosney Property Acquisition. in answer to Councilman Bannister's inquiry, the Finance Director stated the note was restated to be approved. The attorney representing Jack and Marilyn Gosney stated the note was correct and acceptable. 8 Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes - 614190 Bob Franz, Deputy City Administrator, presented a staff report. A motion was made by Bannister, seconded by plays, to approve escrow instruc- tions and amend note reflecting the terms for acquisition of. the Gosney property (408, 408A, 408 112, 410 Pacific Coast Highway) and to appropriate $ 1,035,000 in the 1989-90 Redevelopment budget for final payment on the purchase of this property. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: Mona W& Cmucil) MEMBER 6. 1990 GENERAL ISM WEAL EL9JIO W-RESOLUTIONS - RES (620.20) The City Clerk presented a communication from the her office transmitting the following resolutions necessary to conduct the General Municipal Election on November 6, 1990. The City Clerk presented -Wling Electionfor Council adoption - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL KMICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY..NOVEMBER 6, 1990, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE CHARTER." The City Clerk presented Resgl uti on No. 6153 Consolidates El ectign Ni th the County for Council adoption - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD -OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CONSOLIDATE A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1990, WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE DATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 23302 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE." The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6154_- Qeoulatiops for Candidates' Statements (200 wordsl for Council adoption - ."A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATE'S STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY. NOVE14BER 6, 1990." A motion was made .by Nays, seconded by MacAllister, to:.adopt Resolution Nos. 6152, 6153, 6154. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None 6/251 (440.30) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Acting Director of Community Services regarding. the need to initiate the proper zoning to designate a park in the quartersection southwest of Ellis Avenue and Goldenwest Street. Jim Engle, Acting Director Community Services, presented a staff report. Page 13 - Council/Agency Mihutes - 6/4/90 A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Green, to direct staff to initiate the proper zone change to designate a neighborhood park site in the quarter - .section southwest of Ellis Avenue and Goldenwest Street; said location to be Alternative A, the.most centrally located. The motion failed.by the following roll call -vote: AYES: Winchell Green NOES: MacAllister:,.Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine ABSENT: None A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Bannister, to have a study session pertaining to the Holly-Seacliff Park Zoning on June 25. 1990. The motion carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: MacAllister. Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ASSENT None The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Community Devel- opment regarding Assembly Bill (AS). 886 amendment relating to public notice requirements and public review periods. The City Clerk 'presented Resolution No. 6149 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AS THE PERSON AUTHOitIZED TO REQUEST SHORTENED REVIEW PERIODS FOREtV IENTAL DOO)MENTS PREPARED PURSIUANT TO THE Mum" 8WIKNTAL QWIilyr) (m), A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to adopt Resolution No. 6149. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None, - (540.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Fire Chief transmitting Resolution No. 6150 which establishes fine/bail schedule and forms for fire code infraction program. The .City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6150 for Council adoption - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF. HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE FORM OF WRITTEN CITATIONS AND THE PENALTIES FOR IA1F1t11CTIQNS UNDER THE HUNTINGTON BM FIRE QQOE " A motion was made by Mays, seconded by MacAllister, to adopt Resolution No. 6150. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: Bannister ABSENT: None Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Attorney transmitting an amendment to agreement with Donald Maynor for legal assistance on the franchise matter of City of Huntington Beach vs. Southern California Gas Company. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Silva, to approve and authorize execution of Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Donald Maynor for franchise legal services .and approve appropriation of an additional $55,000 for a total contract not to exceed $75,000. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 AMENDMENT IQ LEASE ASSIGNMENI - "THE WATERFRONT" TO BE PREPAM (600.35) The City Clerk presented a communication from Robert Franz, Deputy City Admin- istrator, transmitting a request for an amendment to the Assignment of Zack's Beach Concession from Cecil Wheat to "The. Waterfront" which was previously approved April 2, 1990. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by days, to direct the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the lease reflecting a new term for the Assigned Lease Agreement of ten (10) years with the City's option to extend the lease by two five (5) year options following the initial term, and to authorize the staff to negotiate these new terms with "The Waterfront". The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None (600. The City Clerk presented a communication from Robert Franz, Deputy City Admin- istrator, transmitting an Agreement between the City and Laventhol & Horwath to prepare Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue Projection for the Waterfront Development Project in order to issue a public debt offering. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to approve and authorize execution of Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and Laventhol & Horwath for preparation of Market Study, Prospective Financial Analyses and Estimates of Prospective Transient Occu- pancy Tax for Waterfront Hotels. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 Page 15 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 The City Clerk/Clerk presented a communication from Robert Franz, Deputy City Administrator, transmitting an Agreement between the City and Spear Street Advisors, Inc., to prepare Tax Increment Revenue Projection for the Waterfront Development Project and the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area in order to issue a Public Debt Offering. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Erskine, to approve and author- ize execution of Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach and Spear Street Advisors, Inc., for Financial Projections of Assessed Valuation and Tax Increment Revenues for the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area and approve waiver of the City's professional liability insurance requirement for this Agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Silva, Erskine NOES: Bannister ABSENT: None Tint Pigs] :! ►ll 1 i.�.11� The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3043 for Council adoption - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 5.48.370 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL. CODE RELATING TO DRIVER'S PERMIT--TERM--RENEWAL." (Provides for renewal on year-to-year basis and increases renewal fee to $15.) Taxi -Cab Driver. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Green, to adopt Ordinance No. 3043. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3044 for Council adoption - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 10.68 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 10.68.015 ENTITLED 'PARKING INOPERABLE METERS'." (prohibits parking at inoperative meters.) A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Green, to adopt Ordinance No. 3044. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Winchell, Green, Mays, Bannister, Silva, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: Alone 9i Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 614190 TRAFFIC STUDY UPDATE REO(JESTED Councilman MacAllister directed staff to present a city traffic study update as it relates to using radar. FIRE NED REPORT-PRESENTE Fire Chief Picard presented a`status report on Fire Med as it relates to percentage of participation. .� f IIRRC/STnruALKS [, MFUNESTIELLTS - CounciIooman 'WinchelI requested a staff report regard ng.:cu�rbs-`and sidewalks in similar developments as Goldenwest-Ellis to see. why other cities- with .-similar development standards which the city used do not have a problem. She requested a staff report regarding Coultrup Development -Huntington Harbour Bay and Racquet Club. She requested a staff recomlendation,on the possibilities of improving the traffic situation on the Warner Avenue curve. LEAF BLOWERS TO BE PLACED QN-0 819O COUNCIL AG€N Councilman Bannister requested an 'item regarding leaf blowers be placed on the June 18, 1990 Council agenda. PARKING - HUNTINGTON HARBOR AREA Councilman. Silva stated there was a need for parking control on the weekdays in the Huntington Harbour area. Police Chief Lowenberg reported on parking enforcement. In answer to Councilman Erskine's inquiry, the Public Works_ Director stated the traffic impact ordinance would be presented at the June 18, 1990 Council meeting. The City Attorney stated the handbill ordinance was being drafted. Councilman Erskine requested. a study session be held regarding Shell Oil Company's Modernization Program for their Huntington Beach oil field. 9 Page 17 - Council/Agency Minutes - 6/4/90 ADJOURN14ENI -. WUNCILL$DEVELMENt AGEN Mayor Mays adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevel- opment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to 6 P.M., June 11, 1990, Closed Session of City Council, Re: Personnel Matters, and to adjourn to Adjourned Meeting at 7 P.M. to hold a Study Session on the 1990/91 City Budget, Room B-8, Civic Center. Clerk of the Redevel ment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: L� sR City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman 1 93