HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-06MINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Room B-8, Civic Chamber Huntington Beach, California Monday, January 6, 1992 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Silva called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:30 p.m. CITY OUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Moulton -Patterson, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly Winchell arrived 5:34 p.m. ABSENT: Robitaille PRESENTATION BY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FORMATION COMMITTEE Mike Gifford, Development Specialist, reported on the process of forming the Business Improvement District Formation Committee. Suzanne Beuk.ema, Business Improvement District Formation Committee Chairman, reported on the merits of having a Business Improvement District. Ed,Jennina stated he had been an advisor working with the Downtown Business District Committee. D-1.(City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: PUBLIC NEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING I IQ 'S APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 91-11 E TABLI H CHURCH WITH JOINT USE PARKING) (420.40) The City Administrator stated there had been a written request to withdraw entirely the appeal of Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 91-11. D-3.(City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL QF PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF CUP NO.__9 L-39 WITH SPECIAL PERMITS - CDP NO. 91-21 - CE (VARIANCE) NO. 91-45 -- TPM NO. 91-235 - DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 89-6, NW CORNER MAINIPCH - ABDELMUTI DEVELOPMENT CQ. (420.40) Mayor Silva stated the Appeal of Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 91-39 would be continued. 7 (1 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 E-2, i n it/Red velo men A n ION HELD RE: RE-LANDSCA N -- I-405/BEACH BLVD INTERSECTION - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS Discussion was held between Council and staff pertaining to the process of soliciting bids for plans and specifications before the source of the income to build is identified. E-3.(City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: PARKING _&M)SINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA - HUNTINM HEACU DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - RESOLUTION NO. 6341 Mayor Silva stated he would be removing the item pertaining to Resolution No. 6341 from the Consent Calendar at the 7 p.m. meeting for further discussion. E-5. ity Council/Redevelopment A DISCUSSION HELD • AMENDMENT NO.-3 TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - ASL CONSULTING ENGINEER INC. .--_ DOWNTOWN _ PUBLIC SPACES - CC-763 (600.10) The procedure for Changes Orders pertaining to CC-763 was discussed between Council and staff. E-6. Cit Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: NOTICE OF COM PL TI N - TRACT N0. 13210 - DAHL WMPANY - /S ELLIS AVE - E/S QUARTERHORSE LANE (108) In answer to Councilmember Winchell's inquiry, Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator stated the bonds pertaining to Tract 13210 were clear. E-7.(City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: THEFT OF CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE - RESOLUTION NO. 6326 (100.10) City revenue toss was discussed between staff and Council. E-11.(City_Council) DISCUSSION_ HELD RE: RESOLUTION NO. 6342 - AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CLASSIFICATION PLAN (700.10) In answer to Councilmember Winchell's inquiry, the City Administrator stated there were new classifications but no new positions. E-13.(Redevelo m n Agency) DISCUSSION HELD RE: AGREEMENT - McCORMACK AUCTION COMPANY - AUCTION SALE - DRIFTWOOD MOBILE _HOME - REMOVAL _OF_DEBRIS (600.30) In answer to Councilmember Winchell's inquiry, the Deputy City Administrator/Economic Development stated the $20,000 was needed to remove debris and any unsaleable mobile homes in case of abandonment. F-1.(City Council) DISCUSSION HELD RE: UNUSED CERTI TES, OF PARTICIPATION PROCEEDS - $10.2 MILLION - RESOLUTION NO. 1 (330.50) The City Administrator stated he had received a letter from the Budget Task Force Chairman pertaining to project evaluation and stated he would be prepared for the presentation at the 7 p.m. meeting. Page 3 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/6/92 1 F-2.(Citv Council) DISCUSS-I.00 HELD RE: "SURF CITY HUNTINGTON BEACH" MARKETING STRATEGY (460.10) Cost of the "Surf City Huntington Beach" marketing strategy was discussed between Council and staff. F-3ACity Council)DISCU5SION HELD RE: APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY 0 "ITTEE (GPAC) MEMBERS (440.90) Mayor Silva stated that each Council appointee would be named at the 7 p.m. meeting. CLOSED SESSION The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters — Meet & Confer. 120.80 The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation — Performance v City — Driftwood v City — Jones v City. (120.80) RECESS — RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 6:55 p.m. ADJOURNMENT -- QMNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT A EN Mayor Silva adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 21, 1992, Council Chamber. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk Clerk of the Redevelop nt'"-Agency and City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor/Chairman 2,, NINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, January 6, 1992 A videotape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Silva called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: MacAllister, Winchell, Silva, Green, Kelly, Moulton -Patterson ABSENT: Robitaille FLAG CERL"Y & INVOCATION The Flag Ceremony and invocation was conducted by Tiger Cub Pack 435 from Hawes School in Huntington Beach --Den Leader Cindy Plummer. The Reverend Sarah Koelling, Episcopal Chaplain of the University of California Irvine and Assistant, Saint Wilfrid's Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach offered the invocation. PRESENTATION - LINEAR PARK GRANT DEED FROM SEACLIFF PARTNERS Bill Holman, Project Manager, Pacific Coast Homes; and Tom Zanic, Vice President, Urban West Communities; presented a Grant Deed for Linear Park, Parcel 3 from Seacliff Partners to Mayor Silva. PRESENTATION - MERIT AWARD TO POLICE DEPARTMENT On behalf of the California Safety Belt Task Force, Captain Dave Helsel, California Highway Patrol, presented a merit award to Chief of Police Ron Lowenberg and his department. This award is for the exceptional job the Huntington Beach Police Department has done in educating the public and creat- ing awareness in using safety belts thus reducing fatal accidents and deaths. The Huntington Beach Police Department is only one of two communities in Orange County to receive this award. 7.3 Page 2 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/6/92 PRESENTATION TO MICHAEL LEIGHT—JUNIOR LIFEGUARQ Mayor Jim Silva and Captain Richardson presented a plaque to Michael Leight for his continuing support of the Junior Lifeguard Program. CUMMENDATION TO JAMESM. RE HEIMER — H NTINGTON BEACH/FOUNTAIN VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF REALT Mayor Jim Silva presented a plaque to James M. Righeimer for his contribution to the community as 1991 President of the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Association of Realtors. PUBLIC COMMENTS Philip Inglee. Citizens' Budget Review Task Force, referred to his communica— tion to Council dated January 6, 1992 pertaining to the Task Force Findings and Recommendations on the $10.2 Million Unused Certificates of Participation Proceeds, and he presented the Task Force's recommendations and concerns. He presented the communication to the City Clerk. Mayor Silva thanked the Citizens` Budget Review Task Force for their work. David- Underwood, representing the Orange County Bike Coalition, spoke in support of maintaining stripes for bike lanes on Pacific Coast Highway. He distributed Assembly Resolution Chapter 143 to the Council. He stated it was only one of two east/west routes. Michael Mott, representing California Association of Bicycle Organizations, stated a bicyclist had been killed last year at Bolsa Chica north of Bolsa because of a narrow lane and high speed traffic and that the same situation was being created on Pacific Coast Highway. He stated that a bike lane should have 14' useable curb width, that Pacific Coast Highway would have 11 1/2' useable curb width, and that he did not want the same type of accident to happen on Pacific Coast Highway. Lou Sandoval, Public Works Director, stated he would report on CalTrans recommendations and the concerns and issues of bicyclists at the January 21, 1992, Council meeting. He stated a representative from CalTrans would attend. Councilmember Green requested that the item pertaining to bike lanes on Pacific Coast Highway be an Administrative item on the Council agenda outlin— ing the city's position, the action the city has taken at the degree of influence the city has in bringing this position into effect. Don Harvey, Bicyclists' Coalition member, reported on the meeting called by Senator Bergeson and spoke in support of bike lanes on Pacific Coast Highway. Craig Nuttal, Chairman of the Orange County Bicyclists' Coalition, stated that he believed different modes of transportation could mix and that he hoped that Council would decide for safety. William Hodge and Ewanna Amundson reported that the results of the installed stop sign are positive, and they thanked Council for their action. 74 George_ Arnold spoke pertaining to a business policy on carts and illegal business signage in the downtown area. Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 Steve Wylie and Paui Burnum, Happy Days. Frozen Yogurt, spoke in opposition to push carts in the downtown area. The City Administrator stated a report would be returned to Council on January 21, 1992, pertaining to code stipulations on the subject of push carts. Suzanne Mullen (and sisters Pat and Cathy), Espresso Alla Spiaggia, requested permission to operate their coffee cart and to sell flowers in the courtyard adjacent to Suite 107 at 200 Main Street. She presented an informal petition bearing approximately 223 signatures of persons in support of kiosk style businesses in downtown Huntington Beach. Suzanne Beukema, Business Improvement District Formation Committee Chairman, spoke in support of Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. Bill Gall.l egos , Mike Thorn, Guy Guzzardo and Bob Bolen spoke In opposition of Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. Nancy Wylie presented an informal petition bearing approximately 104 signa- tures of persons in opposition of carts being allowed to operate in the down- town Huntington Beach area. Richard Harlow and Tqm Hyatt spoke in support of the item pertaining to Reso- lution No. 6341. Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. Paul Cook, Downtown Business Committee Chairman representing Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. He requested Council to proceed with the pier plaza and other improvements in the downtown area as soon as possible, to hold off defeasement of the Certificates of Participation until the budget hearings and to prioritize projects. He asked if the Mayor or staff would establish a committee to meet with members of the Budget Task Force to review facts and figures. Natalie Kotsch, Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum Chairwoman, spoke in support of Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. She distributed a letter dated January 6, 1992 pertain- ing to the Surfing Museum and invited elected officials and city staff to participate with their Advisory Board to bring the Surfing Museum to fruition. Bill Stanton, Orange County Bike Coalition, stated he supported bicycling as an alternate means of transportation and that he appreciated Council's support. Jack Bo land spoke in support of the Budget Review Task Force Recommendation for the item pertaining to defeasement of the Unused Certificates of Partici- pation Proceeds. He spoke regarding the MSI report as it pertains to the Certificates of Participation agenda item. Richard Thole spoke in opposition of Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. Douglas Langevin stated he did not believe the notification for the Downtown Business Improvement District was done correctly. LorraineFaber gave reasons why Council may wish to defease part of the bonds. She spoke regarding possible problems relative to acceptance by the city of the Linear Park parcel including the need for site inspection on the 75 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 area west of Edwards Street including top soil removal and posting of archaeological sites. She remembered a staff report prior to the public hearing. Dave Sullivan, Huntington Beach Tomorrow, spoke in opposition to Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. Barbara Devlin requested that the City Council review the Court of Appeal Re: Barbara Devlin et al. v. City of Huntington Beach, et al., 4 Civil No. G010751, Opinion, December 17, 1991. She presented material to Council and the City Clerk pertaining to the litigation. Wade Hawley spoke in opposition to Resolution No. 6341, Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District. Dianne Easterling spoke pertaining to the cherry trees donated by Sister City Anjo, Japan, for the Civic Center Fountain. She stated the existing pear trees should be replanted, and she suggested Sth Street for the site. (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING - WITHDRAWN - APPEAL OF PLANNING OOMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 91-11 (ESTABLISH CHURCH WITH JOINT USE PARKING),(420.40) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing continued from November 4, 1991, to consider the following: APPLICATION NUMBER: Conditional Use Permit No. 91-11 APPLICANT: Haim Katzir/Rabbi Berkowitz APPELLANT: James A. Bent LOCATION: 5432 Heil Ave. (Southwest corner of Heil Ave. at Graham St.) ZON,E_,: R1 (Single Family Residential) RE EST: To permit the establishment of religious services, adult education classes, and nursery/daycare facilities with joint use parking pursuant to Section 9630(c) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301, Class i of the California Environmental Quality Act. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published, and posted. No communications or written protests were received on the matter. The City Administrator stated that the public hearing pertaining to Condition- al Use Permit No. 91-11 had been withdraw indefinitely by the applicant. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, to withdraw the public hearing pertaining to Conditional Use Permit No. 91-11. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None 6 ABSENT: Robitaille Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGE NO 91-4 - APPEAL DENIED - NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 91-26 - INTROMMON OF ORDIRMCE NO. _3129 - FILED — OLAF SMILOZINS - 7511 WARMER AVE (450.20) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the following: APPLICATION NUMBER: Zone Change No. 91-4 Negative Declaration No. 91-26 APPLICANT: Olaf Smildzins (Peninsula Pump) LOCATION: 7511 Warner Avenue jNE: RZ (Medium Density Residential) BEQUEST: Rezone a 7,438 square foot (net) parcel of real property from R2 (Medium Density Residential) to MI (Limited Manufacturing). ENVIRONM NTAL STATUS: Negative Declaration No. 91-26 has been prepared and advertised for a 21 day public comment period which expired on September 24, 1991. This Negative Declaration will also be considered by Council. COASTALSTATUS: Not applicable The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3129 for Council approval - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM 'MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL' TO 'LIMITED MANUFACTURING' ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WARNER AVENUE AND LYNDON STREET (ZONE CHANGE NO. 91-4)." Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published, and posted. No communications or written protests were received on the matter. Mike Adams, Community Development Director, presented a staff report using slides. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Mark Rogers, J.L.A. Planning, Inc., representing applicant; spoke in support of Zone Change No. 91-4 and stated he was present to answer questions. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Discussion was held by Council. Mr. Rogers answered Councilmember Kelly's questions. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Moulton -Patterson, to approve Negative Declaration No. 91--26 and deny Zone Change No. 91-4 with findings for denial as set forth in Attachment No. 1 of the RCA dated January 6, 1992. The motion FAILE by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Green NOES: Silva, MacAllister, Kelly ABSENT: Robitai1le 7 7 Page 5 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1I6/92 RECESS — RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of the Council meeting at 9:15 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:30 p.m. ACTION CONTINUED ON: (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING — ZONE CHANGE NO. 91-4 — NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 91-26 — INTRODUCTION OF ORDINAKE NO. 3129 —, OLAi SMILDZINS -- 7511 WARNER AVE (450.20) The City Attorney reported that the City Charter requires four votes to approve an ordinance. She read into the record the portion of the Council manual pertaining to approval of ordinances. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to return the item pertaining to Zone Change No. 91-4 to Council on January 21, 1992 as a report of the potentiality of a Zone Change Action on behalf of the City Council. There was no action taken based on the following roll call tie vote: AYES: Silva, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: Moulton —Patterson, Winchell, Green ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING — DEFERRED IQ 1121/92 — APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF CUP NO, 91-39 HIIH SPECI-AL PERMITS — CDP N0. 91-21 — CE (VARIANCE) NO. 91-45 _- TPM NO. 91-235 — DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 89-6 — NN CORNER MAIN/PCH — ABDELMUTI DEVELOPMENT CO.. (420.40) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the following appeal: APPLICATION NUMBER: Conditional Use Permit No. 91-39 with Special Permits Coastal Development Permit No. 91-21 — Conditional Exception (Variance) No. 91-45 — Tentative Parcel Map No. 91-235 — Draft Environmental Impact Report No. 89-6 APPLICANT: City of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency/Lang Lampert Architects APPELLANT: Lang Lampert Architects/Abdelmuti Development Co. L TI N: 101 Main Street (Northwest corner of Main Street at Pacific Coast Highway) ZONE: Downtown Specific Plan No. 3—Visitor Serving Commercial REQUEST: To permit the construction of a 48,060 square foot four (4) story commercial/office building with special permits for site coverage, upper story setbacks and adherence to the five (5) foot build to line. The proposal also includes a 141 space parking and one (1) loading space variance. APPEAL: The appellant is appealing the specific condition of approval (Condition #1) which requires that the proposed tower height be lowered four (4) feet from 89 feet to 85 feet and the requirement that a minimum four (4) foot upper story setback shall be provided along the two (2) sheer walls on Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway from the second floor facade to the third floor facade. 73 Page 7 -- Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: The proposed project is covered by Draft Environmental Impact Report No. 89-6. COASTAL STATUS: Appealable This project is in the appealable portion of the coastal zone. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the City Council is final unless an appeal is filed to the Coastal Commission by the applicant or an aggrieved party. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and upon which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be submitted to the Coastal Commission office within ten (10) working days of the date of the Council's action. There is no fee for the appeal of a coastal development permit. An aggrieved person may file an appeal to the Coastal Commission within ten (10) working days, pursuant to Section 30603 of the Public Resources Code, in writing to: California Coastal Commission, 245 W. Broadway, Suite 380, POB 1450, Long Beach, California 90801--1450, Attention: Theresa Henry, (213) 590-5071. The Coastal Commission review period will commence after the City appeal period has ended and no appeals have been filed. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission as to the date of the conclusion of the Coastal Commission review. Applicant are advised not to begin construction prior to that date. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published, and posted. A communication was received December 31, 1991 from Ahmad H. Abdelmuti requesting continuance of the hearing to January 21, 1992. The City Administrator stated the applicant had requested that the appeal be deferred to January 21. 1992. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. A motion was made MacAllister, seconded by Green, to open the public hearing and continue open the appeal of Planning Commission's approval of Cup No. 91-39 with special permits to January 21, 1992. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NQ. 6340 - ADOPTED - ORDERING VACATION OF EASEMENT FQR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES - PORTION OF CHICAGO AVE - (OLD CROSS AVE) NEST OF ALABAMA ST (800.50) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing scheduled pursuant to Resolution of Intent No. 6337 adopted December 16, 1991 to hear all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of an easement for public street purposes (unneeded right-of-way) over a portion of Chicago Avenue (old Gross Avenue) west of Alabama Street. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published, and posted. A communication was received from R.B. Aarvig, Techni- cal Supervisor, Southern California Gas Company, dated January 3, 1992, requesting a copy of the approved vacation. 79 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6340 for Council adoption - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF CHICAGO AVENUE (FORMERLY GROSS AVENUE) WEST OF ALABAMA STREET." The Public Works Director presented a staff report. The City Clerk stated a communication had been received January 6, 1992 from R.B. Aarvig, Technical Supervisor, Southern California Gas Company, stating they had no objection to the vacation. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, to adopt Resolution No. 6340. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEM REMOVED) The following items were requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration: (MacAllister) Re -Landscaping - I-405/Beach Blvd Intersection - Plans and Specifications/Call for Bids; (Kelly) Parking & Business Improvement Area - Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District - Resolution No. 6341; (Winchell) Amendment No. 3 to Consultant Agreement - ASL Consulting Engineers, Inc. - Downtown Public Spaces - CC-763. CONSENT CALENDAR -(ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by MacAllister, second Silva, Council approved the following items, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) MINUTES - APPROVED -- Approved and adopted minutes of Council/Agency adjourned regular and regular meetings of December 2, 1991 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. LCity Council)REJECT BID - BEACH MAINTENANCE FACILITY - PHA E I- CALE ENGINEERING COMPANY - CC-738 - APPROVED (600.05) - Rejected all bids for the Beach Maintenance Facility - Phase I and forego construction of these improve- ments at this time. 30 Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes - 116192 (City i 9yci l ) -NOTIC-E OF___COMPLETION - APPROVED - TRACI NO. 13210 - DAHL COMPANY - SIS ELLISS AVE - EIS OUARTERHORSE „LANE (108) - Accepted the improvements dedicated for public use, released the Faithful Performance Bond, released the Monument Bond, accept Guarantee and Warranty Bond Number 1145224, instructed the City Clerk to notify the developer and the City Treasurer to notify the bonding company of this action. (City CoUncil) THEFT OF CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE - RESOLUTION NO. 6326 - ADOPTED (100.10) - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH URGING COOPERATION BY THE ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY IN THE PREVENTION OF CABLE SIGNAL THEFT." (City Council) MARCUS McCALLEN PARK - PHASE 3 - CC-789 - APPROVED (600.65) - Directed that Phase 3 improvements to McCallen Park be included as part of the Phase 2 construction, now in progress, utilizing the same contractor and bid unit prices at a total cost of $116,249 and approved transfer of $45,249 from Park Fund Account E-SK-CS-340-6-59-00 into E-SK-CS-600-6-39-00. (City council) _DONATION TO MICHAEL E. RODGERS SENIORS' CENTER - APPROVED (320.10) - Approved an appropriation of $40,041.96 from the Revenue Account R-AA-CA-374-6-95-00 to Expenditure Account E-AA-CS-374-6-59-00 for use in completing the new Seniors' Outreach facility and the remodeling of the subse- quently vacant office areas in the Rodgers Center. (CityitCHERRY TREES FOR CIVIC CENTER FQUNTAIN - PR ED - FUNUS DQKATED BY SISTER CITY ANJO JAPAN ROTARY (320.10) - Approved an appropria- tion of $1,500 to fund the purchase of cherry trees to be planted around the Civic Center Fountain from funds donated by Anjo City Japan Rotary and accepted by the City of Huntington Beach. (CityCo ncil) RMLUTION HO. 6342 - AMPTED - AMENDMENT TO THE CITY LAS I- FICATION PLAN (700.10) - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TO AMEND THE CITY CLASSIFICATION PLAN." (New classifica- tions: Inspector Water Services Senior, Inspector Water Services, Cross Connection Control Specialist) (City -council) AGREEMENT -- MAINTENANCE OF STATE HI Y RESOLUTION 6339 - ADAPTED (600.20) - Approved agreement between State of California Department of Transportation and the City for the maintenance of state high- ways Route 1 and Route 39 and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement and adopted ResolUtion N - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH." (Redevelopment Aenc AGREEMENT - APPROVED - McCORWK AUCTION PANY - AUCTION SALE --DRIFVVM MQBILE HOME - REMOVAL QF DEBRIS (600,30) - Approved and authorized execution of the contract between the Redevelopment Agency and McCormack Auction Company to provide services for the disposition of Agency -owned Driftwood Mobile Homes and site clearance; approve $13,600 plus 10% of the gross sales proceeds for auction services to be deducted from Page 10 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/6/92 the sale proceeds; approved and appropriated $20,000 to remove debris and any unsaleable mobile homes remaining at Driftwood from the auction sale proceeds. (City Council/Redevelo{ Agency) RE —LANDSCAPING — APPROVED — I-405/BEACH BLVD INTERSECTION — PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator/Executive Director dated January 6, 1992 pertaining to authorization to solicit bids for preparation of plans and specifications for re —landscaping, I-405/Beach Boulevard Intersection in Huntington Beach. A motion was made by Green, seconded by Winchell, to authorize the Public Works Department to solicit bids for the preparation of plans and specifica— tions for the Huntington Beach portion of the re —landscape project at the I-405 Beach Boulevard Freeway interchange. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton —Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council) PARKING & BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT- AREA HUNTINGTON BEACH 00WN— iOWN BUSINESS_IMPRUEMENT DISTRICT — RESOLUTION NO. 6341 (460.30) The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6341 for Council adoption — "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CIJUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ESTABLISH A PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE HUNTINGTON BEACH DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT." Barbara Kaiser, Deputy City Administrator/Economic Development, reported. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to continue the item per— taining to Resolution No. 6341 to January 21, 1992 and direct staff to return to Council with an action plan with recommendations, a letter to be sent to people with all the details, a list of those people, what the city`s cost and responsibilities are and how the city can incorporate a sunset clause. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton —Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister NOES: Kelly ABSENT: Robitaille Request from Councilmember Winchell re: Procedurg Councilmember Winchell requested that the list of persons be identified as to what type of merchant the person is and that the list include property owners. She requested that the list be published along with what had been proposed by the committee and that there be 2/3 agreement at the public heari ng. She requested examples of voting requirements of different types of bondings as it may relate to this proposed district. 0_, Page 11 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 (Giitv__Q�un-i 1lRedeyelo�m�nt Ag��t��y) Awl NDMENT NO TO N LTANT AGREEMENT APPROVED WITS!_ NEAT __TQ_ RETURN__ TQ_M_NGIL___1 lZ1 /92_. WITH Af�TERN�T_1 E3E:.. _ >=$ ON MAIN - ASL CONSULTING ENUN-EERS, INC. - DpW[VI" PUBLIC SPACES - CC-W (600.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator dated January 6, 1992 pertaining to Downtown Public Spaces; CC-763. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Green, to approve and authorize execution of Amendment No. 3 in the amount of $42,380 to the existing contract with ASL Consulting Engineers, Inc. and appropriate $42,380 from the Emerald Cove Fund balance to the project account; staff to return to Council January 21, 1992 with an alternative that keeps buses on fain Street. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council) UNUSED CERTIFICATES O PARTICIPATI PROCEEDS - $10 2 MILLION -- RESOLUTION NO. 1 - DEFERRED (330.50) The City Clerk presented a communication from Robert Franz, Deputy City Admin- istrator, transmitting a Resolution of the Budget Task Force - Resolution No. I - "A RESOLUTION OF THE BUDGET REVIEW TASK FORCE REGARDING $10.2 MILLION UNUSED COP BOND FUNDS." The City Administrator presented a staff report. He commented on the communi- cation submitted by the Citizen Budget Task Force Committee. Scott $ollers, representing Stone & Youngberg, explained the comparison chart of redeeming Certificates of Participation from the 1986 and 1989 issues ver- sus retaining those funds for future city projects. Mayor Silva requested a meeting with Ron Hayden, the Library Director, per- taining to the ability of the library to support the additional staff and maintenance for a larger facility. Councilmember MacAllister requested clarification of the Sone & Youngberg report. Mr. Sollers from Stone & Youngberg reported. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Green, to defer consideration of defeasement until the City can assess the capital projects that are coming forward and review the alternatives of those projects. Councilmember MacAllister suggested an amendment to the motion that the item is returned to Council no later than the first Council meeting following budget approval. The maker of the motion agreed. The motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Green, to defer consideration of defeasement until the City can assess the capital projects that are coming forward and review the alternatives of those projects, to return to Council no later than the first Council meeting following budget approval. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (Kelly - out of the room) al) Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 Cost Figures Requested Councilmember MacAllister directed staff to return to Council with the cost figures relative to the payoff of the bonds. (City Council) "SURF CITY HUNTINGTON BEACH" NARKETLNG STRATEGY (460.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director regarding the need for Council review of the "Surf City Huntington Beach" Marketing Strategy. Ron Hayden, Library Director, presented a staff report. Rich Barnard, Deputy City Administrator, reported. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Winchell, to direct staff to proceed with the "Surf City Huntington Beach" Marketing Strategy as outlined in the Attachment to the RCA dated January 6, 1992 on file in the Office of the City Clerk. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council) APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (GPAC) MEMBERS - APPROVED (440.90) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Community Development transmitting the proposed appointments to the General Plan Advisory Committee. Mike Adams, Community Development Director, presented a staff report. Councilmember Green stated he had received a letter from the Huntington Beach Automobile Dealers Association, Inc. requesting appointments to the City General Plan Advisory Committee. He requested appointment for the following members: Fluntinaton Beach Acura: Primary - Lee Froelich, Alternate - Ed Coscolluela, Terry York Ford. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to approve the appoint- ment to the General Plan Advisory Committee as follows - Transportation Commission: Primary -- Albert Ward, Alternate - Ken Ward; Community Services Commission: Primary - Elaine Craft, Alternate - Margaret Hickey; HiStoric Resources Board: Primary - Jerry Person, Alternate - Elizabeth Binsaek; Environmental Board: Primary - Chuck Montero, Alternate -- Bill Limehax; Library Board: Primary - Mal Mc0onald, Alternate - Claire Hansen; Allied Arts Board: Primary - Phil Mosbo, Alternate - May Shebell; Aseon Landfill Ad Hoc Committee: Primary - Beverly Titus; Council on Aging: Primary - Jim Townsend, Alternate - Mary Jo Jefferies; Chamber of _Commerce: Primary - Dick Harlow; Huntington Bgach/Founta4in Valley Association of __Realtors: Primary - Kirk Kirkland, Alternate - Kent Pierce; HB Downtown B isi ness Asso- ciation Formation Committee: Primary - Suzanne Bucama; Amigos de golsa -Chi ca: Primary - Lorraine Faber; Huntington Beach Tomorrow: Primary - Bob Biddle; Home Council: Primary - Jack Bowland, Alternate - Dominick Tomaino; Huntington Beach Acura: Primary - Lee Froelich, Alternate - Ed Coscolluela, Terry York Ford; Roger Slates 1 Page 13 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 appointed by Councilmember MacAllister; Debbie Cook appointed by Councilmember Winchell; Phil Zisakis appointed by Councilmember Green; Greg DeWolf appointed by Mayor Silva. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille (Redevelo..pmegt Ag-ncv) CENTRAL PARK BURGERS LOSS OF GOODWILL AS A RESULT OF RELOCATION-- CLAIM DENIED - MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMEXT PROJECT AREA (600.30) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Economic Development Director regarding a claim filed by Central Park Burgers for loss of business goodwill in the amount of $23,000 as a result of being relocated by the Redevelopment Agency. The City Attorney presented a staff report. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to deny the claim made by Central Park Burgers for loss of goodwill and redirect staff to return to Council with additional backup information or lower settlement figure. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister NOES: Kelly ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council) ORDII+IANCE NO. 3127 - ADOPTED - ALIGNMENT OF GARFIELD AVENUE B£TNEEN EDWARDS STREET AND GOL ENNEST STREET. (800,90) The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3127 for Council adoption - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING DISTRICT MAP 38 and 3 TO INCLUDE PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO. 91-1 ALIGNING GARFIELD AVENUE BETWEEN EDWARDS STREET AND GOLDENWEST STREET." A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, to adopt Ordinance No. 3127 for Council adoption. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille QD KGU EMBER MOULMN-PATTERSON COMMENDED CITY TREASURER FOR WISE ILVESTMENTS Councilmember Moulton -Patterson thanked Don Watson, City Treasurer, for his conservative investments for the city. 35 Page 14 — Council/Agency Minutes — 1/6/92 STAFF REPORT REQUESTED — HQLLY SEACLIEF GENERAL P Councilmember Winchell requested a staff report on City monitoring of the Holly Seacliff General Plan in regards to archaeology, grading, etc. STAFF REPORT R E T D — STANDARDS FOR DEDICATED PARK LND Councilmember Winchell requested a staff report on standards for park land parcels that is accepted by the city. STAFF R RTREQUESTED—EMR N Councilmember Winchell requested a staff report addressing the safety and ability of emergency roads that are approved by the Fire and Police Depart— ments to accommodate heavy equipment. STATUSSIATUS RE RT RE ESTED — GONEIELD AVERUE CONSTRUCTI Councilmember Winchell requested a status report on the schedule of Garfield Avenue work. LML ANALYM RE TED — LEIEEER READ S. DEMLIN RE: COULTRUP Councilmember Winchell requested a legal analysis to the letter presented by Barbara Devlin during the Public Comments portion of the meeting addressed to the City Council dated January 6, 1992 Re: Barbara Devlin et al. v f Huntington Beach, et al., 4 Civil No. G010751, Opinion, December 17, 1991. re: Coultrup . TAFF REPORT REQUESTED — PER IREE REMOVAL Councilmember Winchell requested a staff report on the proposed location of the pear trees that are being moved from city hall. She stated that it was important to relocate rather than destroy the trees. BOLSA CHICAVAN F DIREMRS APPOINTMENT — APPROVED-- RIO RNARD A motion was made by Green, seconded by Winchell, to appoint Rich Barnard to the Bolsa Chica Conservancy Board of Directors. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton —Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille STAFF REPORT REQUESTED- PUSH CARTS Councilmember MacAllister requested a staff report in a timely manner on the use of push carts used in Huntington Beach. 36 Page 15 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 QINCILMEMBER MaMALLIST R TO AT END CAL TRANS MEETING FOR INFORMATION Councilmember MacAllister stated he would attend CalTrans meetings to obtain facts on stripes and bike lanes. COU CIL STIPEND REDUCTION QMSIVEREDI - FAILED A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Silva, for Council to consider a 10% reduction of Council salary and expense accounts as a good faith gesture towards citizens and staff. The motion FAILED by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Green, MacAllister NOES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Kelly ABSENT: Robitaille Monthly Billing For Dinners Approvad A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to be billed on a monthly basis for dinners at Council meetings. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister NOES: Kelly ABSENT: Robitaille COONCIL LJAI_5SQN5 TO CITY RELATED BOARDS, 02WISSIONS & COMMITTEES - APPOINT- MENTS APPROVED The City Clerk presented a communication from Mayor Silva dated January 6, 1991 pertaining to the appointment of Council liaisons to city related boards, commissions, and committees. A motion was made by Silva, seconded by Green, to appoint the following: Allied Arts Board - Jack Kelly, Linda Moulton -Patterson Ascon (HEST) Landfill Ad Hoc Committee - Peter Green, Grace Winchell Board Qf Anneals - Jack Kelly Bolsa Chico Planning Coalition - Peter Green, Linda Moulton -Patterson, Jim Silva (alt.) Community Svcs. CQ_w. - Peter Green, Earle Robitaille Council on Aging - Grace Winchell, Linda Moulton -Patterson Design Review Board - Jack Kelly, Grace Winchell (alt.) Environmental Board - Peter Green, Linda Moulton -Patterson Fourth of July Board - Don MacAllister, Peter Green BCD Citizen Advisory - Jim Silva, Grace Winchell Historic Resources Board - Grace Winchell, Peter Green HumAn Resources Board - Jack Kelly, Grace Winchell Huntington Harbour Waterways & Beaches - Jim Silva, Jack Kelly Lib -nary BQar - Grace Winchell, Jim Silva Neighborhood Watch - Earle Robitaille Personnel Commis ion - Jack Kelly, Jim Silva Public Cable Television Au _th. - Linda Moulton -Patterson, Don MacAllister (alt.) Redevelopment/Council Comm. - Peter Green, Grace Winchell, Jim Silva Sister City Association - don MacAllister, Jim Silva " Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/6/92 TransportatiQn Qgpp. - Earle Robitaille, Jack Kelly Youth B&Ar - Jack Kelly, Peter Green FiXed Guidewa.y - Earle Robitaille, Don MacAllister H.B._Visitors & CQnf. Bureau - Don MacAllister, Earle Robitaille O.C. Sanitation District - District #3 and III - Jim Silva-#3, Robitaille-0 (alt.), Grace Winchell-#11, Jack Kelly-#11 (alt.), Moulton-Patterson--#ll (alt.), Don MacAllister-#ll U.C. Vector Control Peter Green W.O.-C. Water Board - Earle Robitaille, Jim Silva Santa Ana Flood (SARFA) - Jim Silva The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell. Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Robitaille BUDGET TASK FARCE TO MEET WITH O Mr1ITTEE Earle Linda Mayor Silva stated a committee consisting of two downtown business owners, Phil Inglee, Mr. Uberuaga, Mayor Silva, and Councilmember Winchell would meet with the Budget Task Force on a Friday afternoon to discuss concerns. Mr. Uberuaga stated he would arrange the meeting. ADJ RNMENT - COU CTL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Silva adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Tuesday, January 21, 1992 at 5:30 P.M. in Room B-8, Civic Center. Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: L�lt�l'GGti �, City Clerk/Clerk 1JMayor/Chairman 1 38