HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-25MINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Lake Park Club House llth and Lake Streets Huntington Beach, California Saturday, January 25, 1992 An audio cassette tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Silva called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:30 a.m., Lake Park Club House, llth and Lake Streets, Huntington Beach, California for the purpose of a City Council Retreat Meeting. CITY COfJNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Robitaille, Moulton -Patterson, Silva• Green, Winchell, Kelly arrived at 9:10 a.m. ABSENT: MacAllister PUBLIC COMMENTS George Arpo1 d spoke in opposition to changing the policy regarding push carts and kiosks. He stated that it is unfair to businesses in the downtown area. Councilmember Winchell. gave a report of the Commission on Affordable Housing on which she and Councilmember MacAllister serve. The task force recommends that the city take a pro -active approach in order to achieve city-wide affordable housing. This includes the Implementation of city incentives and the adoption of developer obligations. The city's affordable housing needs should address both rental and for -sale housing units. The report was accepted and the item will appear on the February 3, 1992 agenda. HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY GOVERNMENT Discussion was held regarding the type of services that the city wants to offer over and above the basic police, fire, sewer, street and public safety. Concern for community perception of the city and employee morale was expressed. Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1125/92 Councilmember Green opened discussion regarding approach to and process of labor relations and negotiations with employee associations, Council is concerned about prolonged labor negotiations. It was recommended that a date be set for conclusion of negotiations and this date must be mutually agreed upon at the beginning with no retroactive pay paid after that date until a settlement is reached. Council requested a report of how other cities handle this problem. EFFECTIVENESS OF ODDE EMFORGEMIMT -- PRIORITY LIST REQUESTED A report was given my Mayor Jim Si report dated January 22, 1992 was the Code Enforcement Division, investigation requests received i Discussion was held regarding the areas of the city as there is more in the ordinance code and focus on Enforcement Task Force was directed prioritized list for violations. lva regarding Code Enforcement. A written presented with an organizational chart of breakdown of the type and number of n 1991, procedures, and response times. need for more code enforcement in older of a need. Identification of any problems priority issues was discussed. The Code to return with a report to Council with a Councilmember Moulton -Patterson requested a status report on the Pier Plaza Project. Mike Uberuaga, City Administrator, stated interim improvements will be brought to Council within the next six months. The Council believes it is a focal point and key project in the downtown area. Councilmember Winchell requested information as to when the Main Street Improvements would be made. Discussion was held and Council directed the Public Works Department to prepare a report on the schedule for construction -and completion of the Main Street Improvements. Councilmember Winchell also questioned the agreement with Cal -Trans regarding six traffic lanes on Pacific Coast Highway. Discussion was held and Council directed the Public Works Department to verify the necessity of having six traffic lanes on Pacific Coast Highway. r_ . J Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/25/92 Councilmember Moulton -Patterson stated a need for a tree ordinance to establish a city tree policy. Discussion was held about the Tree USA program which provides funds for the purchase of trees. Council directed the Public Works Department to prepare a report outlining the current city tree policy and to prepare a proposed tree ordinance for City Council in April. Councilman Green stated that as well as the streamlining and efficiency now going on there is a need to look for revenue sources. There is a great potential for tourism in the city by marketing coastal resources. During times of recession, people look for recreation closer to home and the city should promote Huntington Beach as a "Get Away Weekend" area. He stated that the Visitors and Conference Bureau is doing a fine job and that the city should continue to support the Bureau and expand efforts to promote tourism and industry to provide new jobs and added revenue. REPORT-RMSTED Councilman Green gave a report on oil as a revenue for the city. The Angus Tower has been taken down and citizen complaints have disappeared. The Angus Project will bring in approximately ten million gallons of oil in the next twenty years and will be a revenue source of two million dollars to the city. Councilman Green requested that the Fire Department prepare a feasibility analysis on oil consolidation as a revenue source. :X' ',,1 K47:T11J I 41 w ' i Police staff Van Bethea and Lt. Patrick Gildea gave a presentation on the relationship between the Police Department and the people it serves. A video was shown entitled "Community Oriented Policing" (COP). The Police Department is concerned with crime prevention, apprehension, service to the community and quality of life. Policing in the 90's will use the resources of the entire city and people who live in the city to get the job done. The Huntington Beach Anti -Crime Coalition is being formed and the first meeting will be February 12, 1992 at 5:00 a.m. at the Police Department. A presentation will be made to department heads in the near future. Mr. Uberuaga, City Administrator, distributed a list of thirty major projects going on within the city. Staff meets every two weeks to internally coordinate and discuss the status of these projects. He stated that with so many projects in progress, responses to City Council requests take longer than anticipated due to agenda deadlines and volume of work. Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/25/92 Discussion was held regarding adding a section to the agenda for the City Administrator's Report. This would give the City Administrator the opportunity to respond to public comments, address issues at meetings and report on status of projects. Council directed that a City Administrator's Report section be added to the agenda after the public comment portion of the agenda. � , Zl. '�.a 1 ■l � �ll�il� _ � i . ,il,' � 1 � � � � 1 ��_f. �1 - C,i Mr. Uberuaga, City Administrator, gave a report on the financial status of the city. The city will continue with the cutbacks made over the last two years. In the General Fund anything above 5% gain should be captured for capital. The Budget Task Force recommendation regarding roll back of employee wages was not feasible to renegotiate in the middle of a contract. Mr. Uberuaga, City Administrator, stated that City Council had a report regarding the Goals and Objectives but that Council should wait until after the budget was approved and the cuts made. At that time, the Goals and Objectives can be brought back and discussed. ©SSION OF OTHER ISSUES QF INTEREST TO CI QOUNCIL MEMBER - PERS/GENERAL PLAN CMNITTEEIBMET Mr. Uberuaga, City Administrator, gave a report on the budget. As of June 30, 1992, there is a projected six million dollar reserve due tthe cutbacks over the last two years. There is another six million dollar reserve due to the set -aside funds to be returned to the city from the Public Employees Retirement System, At this time the PERS issue is still iii litigation and should not be considered until the litigation is settled whi6h may take six months to a year. .f♦ Mr. Uberuaga stated that we should have a balanced budget in 1991/92. At the beginning of the budget process in June. 1991, there was a three million dollar shortfall. This has been eliminated in part by the hiring freeze and not filling positions that were fully funded in the budget, expenditure reductions, and managing resources. Mr. Uberuaga distributed a report on Budget Policy Guidelines for 1992/93 General Fund Budget Preparation. Discussion was held regarding need for revenue increases. Councilmember Moulton -Patterson requested that a representative of the school districts be included on the General Plan Committee as there are thirteen school sites that are affected. Mr. Uberuaga stated that it would have to be brought before City Council to add another member to the committee. Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1/25/92 1 Mayor Silva adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment AGency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, February 3, 1992 at 5:30 P.M. in Room B-8, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Huntington Beach, California Mayor/Chairman