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Room B-8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, July 13, 1992
Mayor Silva called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Robitaille, Winchell, Silva, Green, MacAllister, Kelly
Absent: Moulton -Patterson
The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government
Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives regarding
Labor relations matters - meet & confer. (120.80)
The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8 to give instruction to its negotiator regarding
negotiations with Coultrup Development Corporation concerning the
exchange/purchase/sale/exchange/lease of the property located between Main
Street, Pacific Coast Highway and 5th and Walnut - Main Pier Phase II.
The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to its negotiator regarding
negotiations with Mike Abdelmuti regarding a proposed second amendment to the
Disposition and Development Agreement concerning the sale/exchange of the
property located at Pacific Coast Highway and Main Street. (120.80)
The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
A videotape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office.
The Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Mayor Silva.
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v lliv n, President, Huntington Beach Tomorrow, stated that he wished to
commend and thanked the Community Services Director for the continuing
practice of soliciting public input early in the planning phases of the
projects. He stated that the new restaurant lease and plans for the Maxwell's
Restaurant should be made available to the public for review and input.
Huntington Beach Tomorrow is opposed to six lanes of traffic on Pacific Coast
Highway. There is the safety issue involved with pedestrians crossing the
highway at random intervals and the projected use of undersize lanes (under
twelve foot) on the project.
Bill Gallegg. , owner of the Shed Restaurant, expressed appreciation for the
new restrooms approved for downtown in the parking structure. He is in favor
of the parking plan and Phase II except for plans for encroachment on Fifth
Street with the parking lot which he has seen on plans for that area.
Bob MandiG spoke regarding the Downtown Parking Master Plan. The Main Street,
fourth block west, is double the parking capacity and will downgrade value of
property. This is a low density residential area and the parking plan has a
high parking density for this area. He questioned whether the H.B. Art Center
had sufficient parking spaces and the reduction of fees for parking spaces
from $6,000 to $1,000 for some businesses downtown. He stated that he
believed there are inequities in the parking plan and that the fourth block
west may be taking more of the burden of parking than it should be.
Loretta Wolfe lives in the Sixth Street and Orange Avenue area and spoke
regarding parking in the downtown area. There is an active and expanding
church, the Art Center, the Library, restaurants and housing in that area with
no parking other than on the street. The city needs to plan for parking
downtown now because it cannot be done at a later date.
Mayor Silva stated that the Council would take Study Session Item No. II, the
Regional Aero Bureau Proposal item first.
The City Administrator stated that the conceptual idea of a Regional
Helicopter Program makes good sense. He and the Police Chief have some hard
questions that need to be answered regarding financing and equity. They have
not spoken in depth with the City of Costa Mesa or the Orange County Sheriffs
Department which will need to be done before staff can recommend approval of
the program by the City Council.
The Police Chief stated that this is an Interim Status Report. The program
has been studied for almost a year now. At the later part of last year the
city did enter into a pilot program in supplying aero support and law
enforcement to other communities, The program could be operational tomorrow
but there are questions that need to be answered about financing and equity
sharing. It will be brought back to Council with more information before
Z 4 implementing this program. The goal for implementation was early in this
fiscal year but it is premature at this point to set a date.
i L
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A presentation was given by Allan Simmons and Richard Heckart, Management
Consultants, with Allan Consulting Group, Incorporated, regarding their
proposal of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for Regional Air Support that
services all Orange County Government agencies.
The mission would be to combine Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach and Orange County
Aero Units in such a manner as to attract other cities into the JPA Program.
The goals would initially be to provide acceptable air support for current
.requirements while maintaining the capability to attract and service
additional customers, identify the potential cost savings, minimize the
personnel. keep current Aero Fleet operational, add Fixed Wing capability,
develop and implement an Aero Support Service Marketing program to increase
funds and reduce cost to equity molders.
A flow chart with a proposed organizational chart for management was shown on
the overhead projector and included in the agenda packet.
Mr. Simmons stated that the flight operations would be located initially at
the Orange County Airport short term. The mechanical, fueling, and clerical
could be headquartered in Huntington Beach. The reason Orange County Airport
was proposed for housing the aircraft was to minimize the air traffic in and
out of the Huntington Beach Heliport. The need for a centrally located
heliport was discussed and could be implemented at a later date when and if
airport facilities become available in a centrally located area.
Councilmember Robitaille spoke regarding the difference in renting space at
the Orange County Airport and the reduction in cost when the city maintained
their own heliport and purchased the fuel. He stated consolidations can
improve service for areas that have no services but degradate the good systems
and services involved.
Mr. Simmons stated that there are four variations of services offered to the
smaller entities. Huntington Beach is known for its expertise. The other
entities involved have the same goal of high level of service. This service
has the ability to attract other entities such as Fire Departments, Forestry
Departments and Search and Rescue Programs, especially with the new infra -red
Councilmember Kelly spoke regarding the expanded capabilities and support the
Regional Aero Bureau Program could have and how tremendous it would be to have
that capability to rescue over the sea.
The Police Chief spoke regarding the Municipal Pier opening this weekend and a
demonstration planned with the Marine Safety Division of lifesaving off our
coast. This Regional Aero Bureau would expand these rescue operation
Councilmember MacAllister spoke regarding the City of Huntington Beach
packaging a program of what the city has to offer instead of consolidating
with other entities. If the city has the expertise and the most money
Invested in the program, why not have the city lead and sell to the other
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Mr. Simmons stated that the initial reaction from cities has been that they
need a concrete program and a solid commitment from the three entities to take
to each City Council. If the City of Huntington Beach in not involved in the
Initial organization of the Regional Aero Bureau, the city would not have the
advantage that it does at this point. The concept's most attractive feature
is the investment return.
The City Administrator stated that after meeting with the different entities
the item would be returned to Council for action.
City Administrator stated that the Community Development Director would give a
report on the next three items, the Village Concept, Downtown Parking Master
Plan and Main -Pier Phase II.
The Community Development Director reported on downtown area from 1983 to
date. In 1983 the City County and Coastal Commission adopted the Downtown
Specific Plan. The overall ideas have the same emphasis as ten years ago. To
enhance the beach area for visitors, residential and commercial need to be
part of every design. The pier area would be a major focus of revitalization.
A report was made by Howard Zelefsky, Planning Director, regarding the Village
Concept principals adopted in 1983.
There are three parts of the Village Concept including (1) creating a
pedestrian environment linking the Pier down Main Street to the Art Center,
(2) Sixth and Lake Streets commercial on frontage portion and (3) wide
sidewalks to provide indoorloutdoor atmosphere which has been successful
particularly with outdoor dining.
The Planning Department will be requesting a reduction in height to three.or
four stories from six or eight stories; to reduce floor area ratio to two
times the lot size from three and a half times the lot size; eliminate parking
fee to promote commercial; goal of one third commercial to two thirds
residential from the 50/50% ratio currently provided. This plan still needs
Planning Commission, City Council, and Coastal Commission approval.
Councilmember Kelly questioned why the plan would have to go back to the
Coastal Commission when it had already been approved in 1983.
The Planning Director responded that there were changes being made to the plan
with the reduction in the visitor serving commercial and parking requirements
since the Downtown Specific Plan and Downtown Parking Plan were approved by
the Coastal Commission in 1983.
Councilmember Kelly questioned the how the Coultrup Development got to this
point in concept and plans without meeting the commercial requirement of the
Coastal Commission on Pacific Coast Highway.
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In response to Councilmember Kelly's inquiry, the City Administrator reported
that when he arrived here in February, 1990 the projects in progress generally
showed commercial on the first block on Pacific Coast Highway and the second
block residential. The change in plans has resulted from the economic
climate. The Coastal Commission's objective is for Visitor Serving Commercial
on Pacific Coast Highway to benefit the visitors coming from outside the
community. The City's objective is to have an appropriate mixture of
commercial and residential with enough residential developments to support the
commercial portion of the downtown area.
Councilmember Green questioned parking in the downtown area and Niccole's
Restaurant that has off -site leased parking, was there a plan should Niccole's
lose the lease for parking.
The Community Development Director responded that it was possible to put a
parking structure in the north of Orange Avenue area between Niccole's
Restaurant and Orange Avenue.
Councilmember Green stated that this should be discussed further in the future.
Councilmember MacAllister questioned the Specific Plan that was adopted in
1983 stating that he had been a Councilmember at that time and questioned how.
the city could not scale down the height and commercial development in the
area without going back to the Coastal Commission for re -approval.
The Community Development Director stated that when the Coastal Commission
would review the Specific Plan and the changes to the overall document and
whether the changes are consistent with the Coastal Commission policies and
city policies.
Councilmember Robitaille stated that he was informed by Mr. Coultrup that all
of the marketing surveys he had done indicated no commercial project that
would be viable and he could not sell it if built. Councilmember Robitaille
recommended that the city have a consultant provide a survey on the viability
of the downtown area as a commercial area.
The City Administrator stated the city has for years employed Keyser Marston
Associates as consultants and the indication is that the type of development
desired in that area and what the market would allow are two different
things. Keyser Marston Associates can perform a review and report back to
Councilmember Green questioned why the city is pushing the downtown parking
responsibilities further up Main Street and questioned whether all the
property owners are being treated equally?
Report by Community Development Director regarding Downtown Parking Plan.
Original Downtown Parking Master Plan addresses the parking needs for the area
bounded by Sixth Street on the west, Acacia on the north, First Street on the
east and Pacific Coast Highway to the south.
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Staff is proposing a shared parking concept similar to a mall. The Downtown
Master Plan concept identified a potential for 220,000 square foot in retail
space, 80,000 square foot of restaurant space, 120,000 square foot in office
space and with the 30,000 square foot theater gives a total of 450,000 square
foot of commercial space in the downtown area.
There are presently 1,800 parking spaces in the area, the proposed planned
restriping will add another 400 spaces which total 2,200 parking spaces.
Staff recommends a 25% reduction in the code requirement for parking in the
area and adopt the Downtown Parking Master Plan this would cover parking for
all commercial south of Orange Avenue. South of Orange Avenue will have
sufficient public parking for all commercial projects envisioned. Projects
proposed north of Orange Avenue will still have the 25% reduction in the
present code requirement and will be required to provide that parking on
site. For that area the city could use restriping to increase available
parking, acquire land for surface parking lots or a parking structure.
The City Administrator stated that the new parking structure downtown cost $17
million dollars, has over eight hundred spaces and needs to be utilized and
full in order to pay the debt on it before acquiring land for more parking.
Councilmembers MacAllister and Winchell requested further study of options for
additional surface parking in the Lake Street area.
Scott Hess, Senior Planner, reported on the time schedule for the Downtown
Parking Master Plan and the Amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan.
The City Council Public Hearing is scheduled for October 5, 1992 and if
approved the Downtown Parking Master Plan and Amendment to the Downtown
Specific Plan will be submitted to the Coastal Commission for review by their
staff for from three to six months. The projected date of the Coastal
Commission Public Hearing is the week of January 12 through 15, 1992.
If there are modifications made to the plan by the Coastal Commission the plan
will return to Council for ratification which would be approximately two to
three months after the Coastal Commission Public Hearing in January.
The Community Development Director expressed concerns of staff regarding the
Coultrup Development project. (1) Plan compliance with the Coastal Element
and Downtown Specific Plan with respect to providing commercial along Pacific
Coast Highway between Sixth and Fifth Streets, (2) the Plan needs to provide
more public plaza or open space amenities on Fifth Street and Pacific Coast
Highway, (3) plan compliance with Parking standards, (4) the need to provide
an affordable housing plan in compliance with Redevelopment Law, and (5) in
addition, there are a number of requests for deviation from various design and
layout aspects of the Downtown Specific Plan.
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THE Mayor called a recess of the meeting at 9:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 5:50 p.m.
The City Administrator stated the presentation would be on the overall
improvements for the Beach Master Plan and Pier Plaza.
The Community Services Director reported on the Beach Improvement Master Plan
which has been approved by Council. The improvements planned include
separation of wheeled and non -wheeled traffic, new restrooms, new parking lot
design and entries, new sand wall and landscaping.
N&IN-PIER PHASE I (600.30)
The Community Development Director reported on options for Pier Plaza with
three options for Maxwell's Restaurant either relocating further south on the
beach which would require a Measure C vote, gut and rebuild the interior of
the present Maxwell's or demolish and rebuild a new facility on the present
Mayor Silva questioned the advisability of Council making a decision about the
Pier Plaza at this time considering the financial status of the state and the
threat of local funding being cut.
Councilmember MacAllister requested a cost breakdown of the different options
for Maxwell's Restaurant alone as the city could double the sales tax revenue
from a new Maxwell's facility. Pier Plaza is not a direct revenue source and
would be more of a luxury compared to increasing revenue. He questioned the
funding for Maxwell's and if Maxwell's would be willing to partially fund a
new building.
The Community Services Director stated under the current lease the tenant was
responsible for interior improvements and the city was responsible for the
outside shell. This could be considered in the negotiations. There is a need
to adopt a Master Plan for the beach area in the event that money becomes
available through Parking Authority funds or Coastal Conservancy funds the
plan can be implemented in stages as funding is available.
The Park, Tree, and Landscape Division Director reported regarding the
Blufftop Landscaping Project that begins at the Huntington Pacific Beach
Condominiums past Goldenwest Street to the city limits. The project is almost
complete except for the oil well area, Phase VI. The question of bike trail
safety and convenience in that area had been reviewed and a separation of
bicycle and pedestrian traffic was planned.
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Councilmember Winchell requested an analysis for a Measure C action with time
frames in order to keep the original shell design of the Pier Plaza with
relocating Maxwell's Restaurant farther south on the beach or even on the
inland side of Pacific Coast Highway.
The City Administrator stated staff could return with options for a new
Maxwell's Restaurant in the same footprint and another relocating Maxwell's
further south on the beach with cost figures, time frames, pros and cons.
Councilmember Kelly stated that the city had a thirty two year lease with
Maxwell's and he requested a report on the cost involved in buying out of'the
lease and relocating Maxwell's Restaurant inland on Pacific Coast Highway.
The City Administrator stated that the intent of this meeting was to receive
direction on the design of the beach improvements. Staff would return to
Council figures on the two options for Pier Plaza for Council action. Staff
would also report to Council within the next six months to a year with a list
of all capital improvements to be placed in order of priority and funding
would be explored at that time.
The City Administrator stated that Council took action on July b, 1992 to
defer action for ninety days on the Pier Concession Buildings. This action
could result in the buildings not being completed for the summer of 1993. If
deferred for ninety days it could project the completion date to late 1993 or
early 1994.
Doug Cavanaugh representing Ruby's Restaurant spoke and introduced Ron Yeo,
Architect, for the pier buildings. He recognizes the city's funding problem
and expressed advantages to opening in the summer of 1993.
Mayor Silva stated the city is $1 million dollars away from the Ruby's
Restaurant at the end of the pier and the city should use the Certificates of
Participation to proceed with plans for completion the summer of 1993.
Paul Himmer, representing Maxwell's Restaurant stated that the new plans for
Maxwell's would be lower overall with Maxwell's planned to be a drawing point
to the city. He stated the city needs to tear down the old building;
remodeling would cost as much and would limit use. The present Maxwell's is a
sixty year old building with twenty one thousand square feet of space. The
plan to rebuild a new Maxwell's building would increase the usable space to
thirty thousand square feet and bring new uses to Maxwell's with banquet
facilities and entertainment planned,
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Councilmember MacAllister stated that a letter should be sent to the
Historical Society regarding the buildings that were formerly on the pier.
Public Works Director stated that the cold pier buildings are in storage at the
city yard.
Councilmember Green stated that during the meetings about the,pier buildings
the Historical Society and the public had given input and the decision was
made to place new buildings on the pier. The Design Review Board and the City
Council have approved the conceptual design of Ron Yeo, Architect, for the
Pier Buildings.
Mayor Silva adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and
the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to 5:30 p.m., Monday,
July 20, 1992, in Room B—B, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California 92648.
City Clerk/Clerk
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency
and City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach, California