HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-19MINUTES
Hawes Elementary School
9682 Yellowstone Drive
Huntington Beach, California
Saturday, June 19, 1993
A videotape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Mayor Winchell called the regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8 a.m. in the
courtyard of Hawes Elementary School.
PRESENT: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Sullivan, Leipzig
ABSENT: Robitaille, Silva
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
The Mayor thanked Rich Barnard, Deputy City Administrator, and staff for their
planning arrangements for this Community Forum Program.
Mayor Winchell welcomed the citizens in attendance. She reported on the
purpose of the Community Forum and stated that the City Council wants to be
aware of needs and issues in the community.
The Mayor announced that several speakers from the community were present to
address Council.
Marie $Mith, Principal, Hawes School, thanked the Council for choosing Hawes
School as the site for the first Community Forum. She spoke about the
Importance of the DARE Program.
Mike Uberuaaa, City Administrator, stated he hoped this forum would prove
successful and that staff was there to listen to concerns of the community.
Police-Lt. Jeff Cope, Area Commander, spoke regarding the Police Department's
role in the community. He explained the concept of "Community Oriented
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Jean _Abel, Manager, Village Townhomes, stated that adequate funding for
police, fire and paramedic services was a main concern. She also displayed a
piece of crumbling street stating the streets were not in just a little need
of repair but were falling apart. She stated that there was a feeling of
residents that the area was being ignored; that there had been no response to
a petition which had been submitted. She stated that the downtown area
development should not take precedence in funding. She stated that
infrastructure shall be looked at before the city builds more. The present
infrastructure should be maintained. She stated the children want help in
building a skateboard park.
Bob Riedesel, President of Meredith Gardens Homeowners Association, stated
that copies of their associations comments would be provided to Council; that
a report card on city services had been prepared at a Directors Meeting.
Mr. Riedesel read the comments contained on the report card for Council and
several departments.
Bruce White, Activities Director, Meredith Gardens, spoke with reference to
the fine services provided by the Police, Fire and Paramedics. He also spoke
regarding the fine library services and the good progress on the Cultural Arts
Center. He suggested that, in regard to the Art Seawall, the possibility of
lead going into the sand and being eaten by children should be looked into.
Mr. White stated that Paragon Cable rate increases were of concern as were
trucks going through their subdivision as a shortcut to their work on the
Santa Ana River. He stated that bicyclists were almost hit and that pets were
hit on Craibet Drive.
Ed Kerins, Civic Affairs Chairman, Meredith Gardens, stated that the city did
a good job in landscaping in general; however, medians need attention as they
become receptacles for debris; the blighted lot at the northeast corner of
Brookhurst and Adams is of great concern and that the residents would like
utility undergrounding in this area. Mr. Kerins stated that driving north on
Brookhurst in Fountain Valley a noticeable difference could be seen. The need
for the city to create an ordinance to prevent abandoned gas station sites
from becoming eyesores. Mr. Kerins stated their concerns that entertainment
establishments not be permitted near residential areas, causing fights, crimes
and helicopter surveillance. The need for an ordinance to be developed
regarding oversized vehicles in front yards was stated. The need to revise
priorities and give southeast Huntington Beach its share of services was
stated as well as for the residents to be kept advised on the Ascon Mud Dump
(NESI Site), the Metropolitan Water District Desalting plant, the proposed
bridge over the Santa Ana River and the General Plan Updates.
Meg --Watson, a resident of Fashion Stores, spoke regarding the concern over the
Ascon Mud Dump (NESI). Also the city's responsibility to protect beaches and
wetlands. She spoke regarding the importance of the city maintaining its
facilities. Ms. Watson stated there is a need for signs informing the public
when cars must be moved for street sweeping. She thanked Council for holding
the public forum.
Brian Rechsteiner, member, Huntington Beach City School District, thanked
Council for the outreach program. He introduced Shirley Terry and Jerry
Buchanan, Assistant Superintendent, Huntington Beach City School District. He
spoke regarding graffiti stating that it should not be called tagging as it is
vandalism. Involving children in cleanup is necessary as well as the parental
involvement besides monetary.
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Jerry Buchanan, Assistant Superintendent, Huntington Beach City School
District, informed Council that he had brought a master plan of the school
district's plans and spoke regarding the areas of anticipated growth in
districts. He stated his district was working closely with other districts in
the area. He thanked the Council for making the School Districts part of the
General Plan Amendment.
In response to a question by Mayor Pro Tem Moulton —Patterson, Mr. Buchanan
reported on budget cuts the county was making.
David man, Huntington Beach Postmaster General, stated that as a newcomer to
Huntington Beach he perceived the city to be a very vibrant community. He
spoke regarding the goals of the post office.
Cathy Stan, Neighborhood Watch representative, explained the program and
invited people to join. She requested people to inform her of Neighborhood
Watch signs in need of replacement. She spoke regarding the graffiti problem
and stated the city's graffiti hot line is one of the best programs
Frank PucCilli, Florida/Utica Task Force, spoke regarding the traffic needs in
the Florida/Utica. Florida/Yorktown area. He referred to material that he had
provided to Council on their table.
Jerry Dominguez, customer service, Southern California Edison Company, spoke
regarding his company's role In the Community including providing
rights —of —way for parks. He reported on power outages as well as illegal
signs on utility poles.
Tom Dawes, General Manager, Orange County Sanitation District, spoke regarding
their goal of upgrading the plant so that it will resemble one of the best
kept industrial parks.
Marsha Rechsteiner, PTA Co —President, Eader School, thanked Council for the
forum, stating that is was almost like being in a small town being able tc
meet with people we know such as Cathy Stan, police officers and postmaster.
Ms. Rechsteiner stated the community's concern with the empty businesses and
downgraded appearance of Brookhurst/Adams, particularly the empty service
station site.
Gary Gorman, Planning Commissioner, presented information on the Huntington
Beach Wetlands Conservancy and the acreage at Brookhurst and PCH.
Dory Colhurst spoke regarding problem of oversized vehicles parked on property
and that Costa Mesa had adopted an ordinance dealing with this problem. He
suggested that the city provide a decal to residents who do not want
unsolicited material which is left on doorsteps, inviting burglaries. He
stated an administrative fee could be imposed on homeowners to pay for
enforcement. He stated the need for parking meters for people at the beach,
parked on Brookhurst.
Shirley Carek, President of the Huntington Beach City School Board, stated her
concerns about proposed cuts at the community center.
TQpp gr_Horack stated that the NESI Site (Ascon Dump) was a main concern of the
residents and that the site should be left as is. He brought Council's
attention to the good news that Eader School was the recipient of the
Distinguished School Award.
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Tracy Gaglio, Park Huntington, spoke regarding the problem of recreational
vehicles on private property and on streets; that the street cleaners cannot
clean and that there is difficulty in obtaining petition signatures required
for cleaning.
WsIrd Pizurs1k, Costa Mesa resident, stated he believed Huntington Beach was
setting a positive example with this forum. He stated he, was a member of the
Costa Mesa Bridge Alternative Study Committee and he hoped the cities of Costa
Mesa, Fountain Valley, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach could work together
so that bridges are not necessary and alternatives can be found.
Nancy O1 ni k, resident of Newport Beach, and Alan Beek spoke regarding
potential impact of the proposed bridges and the impact on Newport Beach.
They spoke regarding their interest in working with Council.
Dean Ryan, Newport Beach, stated he believed the rough draft of the
cooperative study showed a spirit of cooperation and shows alternatives can be
found. He spoke regarding the proposed bridges which he did not believe were
warranted. He stated the City of Newport Beach has a very effective ordinance
prohibiting distribution of leaflets and door-to-door soliciting.
Cathy Stan spoke regarding the problem of leaflets left on doorsteps but
stated she did not believe an ordinance was necessary. She stated she would
be glad to lend her assistance in this matter.
Ray Shey stated he lives near the park, monitors police calls and spoke
regarding the police problems. He spoke regarding the fast traffic on
Everglades Lane and his concern for children's safety especially on rainy
days. He requested a traffic study immediately. He suggested the graffiti
problem might be reduced if the school lights were left on until midnight.
10:25 A.M. There were no further public comments.
Members of Council commented briefly.
10:30 A.M. - The Mayor declared a recess of Council. She stated that the
Council/Staff tours of the neighborhood would commence.
The following teams reported on their neighborhood tours and resident sur-
veys: Councilmember Victor Leipzig and Fire Captain Chuck Reynolds; Mayor Pro
Tem Linda Moulton -Patterson and Police Lt. Jeff Cope, Daryl Smith,
Superintendent of Parks, Trees and Landscapes Division of the Department of
Public Works, and City Treasurer Don Watson; Planning Commissioner Debbie Cook
and Assistant City Administrator Ray Silver; Planning Commissioner Shirley
Dettloff and Library Director Ron Hayden; Planning Commissioner Roy Richardson
and Deputy City Administrator Rich Barnard; Councilmember Dave Sullivan and
Planning Director Howard Zelefsky; Councilmember Ralph Bauer and Stephen
Kohler, Project Manager, Economic Development Department; Jim Engle,
Superintendent of Park Development/Recreation Division of the Community
Services Department and City Clerk Connie Brockway; Bob Winchell, citizen, and
Gary Gorman, Planning Commissioner; Mayor Grace Winchell, Deputy City
Administrator/Administrative Services Robert Franz, and City Administrator
Mike Uberuaga.
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Topics of discussion and items of concern encountered by the teams included:
An overall positive image of Huntington Beach and city services,
particularly the safety services.
Concern with graffiti problem; supportive of graffiti hotline.
Need to preserve wetlands; crowds downtown on Friday and Saturday nights
- not breaking law, but intimidating to older people.
Florida Street - concerned with lack of sidewalks and speeding vehicles.
Need for information to citizens regarding Bartlett Park.
Suggestion that city look at SCORE Program in effort to assist emerging
businesses. School vandalism next to Newland School.
Need for information as to how taxes are used by the city. Traffic light
needed at Brookhurst and Constitution. Good comments on building process
and satisfaction with services in Community Development. Excellent park
system; need to remove billboards on PCH; gang activity.
Street repair necessary in Meredith Gardens, unawareness of recycling
program; development of Gisler Park; seawall controversy.
Suggestion for a dog park; satisfaction expressed with downtown develop-
Need for road maintenance in Continental Townhomes; the cost of new
things at the expense of not keeping the old up should be explored.
Willingness to pay a surcharge for upkeep of Bushard School site
Speed bumps needed on Innsbruck as cars roar down street; bottle brush
trees not appropriate plantings; endorsement of seawall art program.
Garfield and Newland visibility problem.
Delivery problems downtown (no place to park and ticketed in loading
zone; that a parking permit process is needed). Speed reduction on
Garfield needed.
ChuckReynolds stated that he would like to add that a resident took
Councilmember Leipzig and him to Garfield Avenue between Magnolia Street and
Newland Street and stated that trees that are quite a ways down the street are
growing up and creating a visibility problem to cars approaching the median.
Captain Reynolds stated this needs to be addressed in the development of
medians. He also reported that a resident stated that the city tree trimming
crews were much more efficient than the private contractors hired the previous
Prior to adjournment, a Neighborhood Watch Block Captain spoke regarding the
Bushard School site and 7-Eleven School serving as a magnet for unwanted
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Mayor Winchell adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Red-
evelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, June 21, 1993, at
5:30 P.M. in Council Chamber, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California.
�� 4��n
City Clerk/Clerk
Clerk of the Redevel opoWnt Agency
and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach, California