HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-30MINUTES CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Huntington Beach High School 1905 Main Street Huntington Beach, California Saturday, October 30, 1993 A videotape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Vnchell called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Huntington Beach High School Band Room. CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CAL PRESENT: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Sullivan, Leipzig ABSENT: Robitaille, Silva PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL PRESENT: Cook, Richardson, Dettloff ASSENT: Bourguignon, Biddle, Gorman, Inglee PLEDr2E OF ALLE IANCE Mayor Winchell led the Pledge of Allegiance_ COMMUNITY OUTREACH MEETING Mayor Winchell announced that this is the second Community Outreach meeting to receive input from the citizens in order to make Huntington Beach a better community in which to live. She stated that a report of the first Community Outreach meeting is available for the public and that a similar report will be prepared following this meeting and will be available to the public after December 15, 1993. She requested those interested in receiving a copy of the report to put their name and address on one of the sign-up sheets and the report would be mailed to them when completed. Mayor Winchell welcomed the citizens in attendance. She reported on the purpose of the Community Outreach Program and stated that the City Council wants to be aware of needs and issues in the community. The Mayor announced that several members of the community were invited speak INVITED SE!EAKERS Jim Stau,DlQn, Huntington Beach High School Principal, welcomed guests and thanked Council for the support of the Community Services Director and the Police Chief. 131 Page 2 - Council Agency Minutes-10/30/93 The City Administrator spoke regarding the purpose of the meeting, addressing fiscal problems pro -actively and concerns of the community. Mayor Winchell introduced elected officials and staff present at the meeting and thanked Richard Barnard, Deputy City Administrator and staff for the work required to prepare for this meeting. The Police Chief spoke regarding Community Oriented Policing, police programs in the community and public safety. The Community Services Director thanked Dave Hagan, Huntington Beach Union High School District Superintendent, Jim Staunton, Huntington Beach High School Principal and Donald Ito, State Park and North County District Recreation Superintendent, for their continuing cooperation. He spoke regarding beach parking lot improvements, concession buildings, removal of sea wall, rebuilding of the Maxwell's Restaurant building, and separation of wheeled and non -wheeled pedestrian traffic proposed in the Beach Master Plan. Dave Hagan, Huntington Beach Union High School District Superintendent, spoke regarding the School for the Performing Arts program beginning this year including orchestra, theater, vocal music and instrumental music. He invited the City Council to the first performance which will be held tonight. He thanked Police Chief Ran Lowenberg, Officers Jerry Webb and Randy Payne for their help and commendable work in support of student safety. He spoke in support of the new trespassing ordinance for schools and the canine program in support of drug control. He requested that the canine program be expanded to include weapons control, He invited the Council to a Youth Safety Summit scheduled for the morning of November 18, 1993 which will include members of the City Councils of the Cities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster as well as School Board members. He commended the Community Services Director for the support he has given to the schools. He spoke in support of the proposed renovation of the stadium and construction of a skateboard park at the Huntington Beach High School. He requested support from the city for renovation of the Huntington Beach High School Theater and stated that cultural arts grants would provide some funding. He spoke in support of the proposed Sports Complex and stated that the Ocean View High School site is available for the housing of a swimming pool. Mr. Hagan also spoke regarding the new school district office to be constructed at the Main Street and Yorktown Avenue site. 11'chael Bolen, Huntington Beach High School Student Council Executive Board representative, spoke regarding the anti -drug program "Red Ribbon Week", the anti -violence program "Green Ribbon Week", Youth in Government Day, and Junior Lifeguards. He stated that the youth in the community need a facility or club and requested that Council consider establishing such a club in the downtown area to keep kids off the street. Julie Rechsteiner, Edison High School Student Body Vice -President, spoke regarding the lack of things for the youth to do in the community, the downtown area closes at 10:00 p.m. and the movie theaters are expensive. She stated that the youth need jobs, concerts, contests, entertainment and a youth facility or club. She stated that students who are not in sports or in trouble do not get recognition for doing good things. Brian Rechsteiner, Huntington Beach City School District Board of Trustees member, thanked Council for the new trespassing ordinance for schools and stated that he was looking forward to working with the city to renovate the City Pool and Gym. Dale Caufield, Huntington Landmark Association President, spoke regarding the Huntington Landmark development and stated that it is the largest senior citizen community in the city. He stated that the residents of Huntington Landmark support the city council, provide for their own trash removal, security, streets and landscaping. He stated that members of the Huntington Landmark volunteer at schools, hospitals, rest homes and the entertainment group performs at rest homes. He requested that the Police Department patrol the Huntington Landmark grounds. He invited Council to visit the community today if possible. 132 Page 3 - Council Agency Minutes-10/30193 David Tamarin, Huntington Landmark Association representative, thanked Council for the two traffic signals that were approved at Edison High School and at the Atlanta Avenue entrance to the Huntington Landmark. He spoke in support of the Police Department patrolling the area and the proposed bridges over the Santa Ana River. Donald Ito, North County District State Park and Recreation Superintendent, spoke in support of preserving the natural resources of the community. He thanked the Police Chief and the Community Services Director for their cooperation since he took office in May, 1993. Dr. Peter Green, Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau President, presented booklets and magazines produced and distributed by the Visitors Bureau to promote winter tourism to the area. He requested that Council increase the percentage of Transient Occupancy Tax being allotted to the Conference and Visitors Bureau from 11.8 percent to 12 per cent per year for increased advertising to attract more tourism. Dr. Green requested that the city identify a space in the downtown area for the Conference and Visitors Bureau and stated that it is important to make the downtown area more visitor friendly through increased signage, law enforcement and keeping the beaches attractive and lighted. He distributed a communication to Council, entitled Huntington Beach Community Meeting October 10, 1993 Presentation by Dr. Peter Green, Chairman Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau. Loretta Wolfe, Downtown Resident's Association member, thanked Council for the establishment of the Downtown Task Force. She reported on the subcommittees formed and goals of the two groups including letters to irresponsible Sandlords, Main Street cleanup, extra trash pickups, fencing problem properties and review of the ordinances to make improvement. Bob Mandic, Downtown Business Association representative, spoke in support of getting more people involved in the process to improve the downtown area. He thanked the Community Services Director, the Police Chief and the Public Works Director for their cooperation in the events planned downtown. He stated that the downtown businesses are doing well this year. He spoke in support of the Halloween Party planned downtown for October 31, 1993 with contests and candy. He stated that there is a problem with vagrants in the downtown area and the Association is working with the Police Department. He requested that Council work with staff and the Downtown Business Association to make the closing of Main Street easier for special events as it was good for businesses and crowd control. Mayor Winchell asked if the Downtown Business Association was working with the Downtown Residents Association. Bob Mandic replied that the Downtown Business Association does have a representative attending the Downtown Residents Association meetings and a representative on the Special Events Review Committee. Barry Ellerbroek, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce representative and Burger King franchisee, spoke regarding the Burger King restaurant soon to be open in the downtown area and job opportunities it would provide. He stated that the Chamber of Commerce provided continued support to businesses through activities, programs and services supported in cooperation with city government. He spoke in support of the city's exploration of regional service programs to serve the needs of the community. He complimented the "Red Carpet" program instituted by the Economic Development Department and stated that the program needs some improvement. He spoke in opposition to increased business fees, taxes and licenses. He requested that a business forum be instituted with the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce to meet on a quarterly basis beginning January, 1994. 133 Page 4 - Council Agency Minutes - 10/30/93 Jerry Q=inaugz, Southern California Edison Company Area Manager, stated that the Edison Company is a member of the community and committed to retain businesses and jobs and attract new businesses to the area. He spoke in support of the program for the undergrounding of utilities and work with environmental groups. He thanked Mayor Pro Tem Moulton -Patterson and the California Coastal Commission for approval of the Wetlands Conservancy site and Wildlife Treatment Center located at Newland Street and Pacific Coast Highway. He stated that Southern California Edison is negotiating with the Municipal Water District for a proposed desalination plant. Mary Jo_ Jeffes, Council on Aging President, spoke regarding the goals and objectives of the group. She stated that the purpose of the Council on Aging is to represent senior citizens and organizations, to provide support for seniors through companionship, nutrition, transportation, health, education and housing and is supported by fundraising, grants and donations. She stated that there is a need for a larger facility which could house expanded services such as an Adult Day Care Center. The Fire Chief spoke regarding the fires in Orange County and how the Central Net Fire Area organization worked to provide help to the fire stricken areas. PUBLIC COMMENTS Harold Ewell spoke regarding ordinances which are adopted and not enforced including animal permits, sigr ordinances, code enforcement and parking enforcement. He stated that the Fire Department has a problem when cars are illegally parked. He spoke in opposition to the voice mail at the Water Department and Paragon Cable Company. Theadora Parnavelas, member of the Concerned Citizens for the Disabled, spoke in support of making cit, buildings more accessible to the disabled especially the City Pool. She stated that she had problems at th city pool with accessibility to the wheel chair ramp, wheelchair lift being locked and limited hours of availar for the handicapped. She requested action this week or she would complain to the state government. The Public Works Director reported that a work order has been processed for construction of a new wheelchair ramp at the City Pool. John Scott stated that he was present at the June 19, 1993 Community Outreach Meeting and had sub written questions to Council and the Orange County staff but had not received a response. He spoke ii opposition to the proposed Santa Ana River Bridges. He distributed a communication to Council with r of people present at the June meeting, John Ely spoke in opposition to the proposed Santa Ana River Bridges. He distributed a communicate Council. Mayor Winchell thanked Richard Barnard, Deputy City Administrator, Public Information Office staff r HBTV 3 staff for their work in planning and making the arrangements for this Community Outreach F Richard Barnard thanked the City Council members, Planning Commission members and departme for their support of the program. COUNCILIAGENCYIPI_AN ING COMMISSION RECESS - RECONVENE Mayor Winchell declared a recess of Council at 11:15 a.m. She stated that the Council and staff' neighborhood would commence. The meeting was reconvened at 1:15 p.m. in the Huntington BE School Band Room. 134 Page 5 - Council Agency Minutes-10130/93 COUNCILIAGENCYlPLANNING COMMISSION -RECONVENE Members of the following teams reported on their neighborhood tours and resident surveys: Mayor Pro Tern Linda Moulton -Patterson, Public Works Director Lou Sandoval and Don Noble, Public Works Contract Administrator; Planning Commissioner Phil Inglee and Police Lt Jeff Cope; Stephen Kohler, Economic Development Project Manager; Councilman Victor Leipzig and Ron Hagan, Community Services Director, Mayor Grace Winchell and Michael Uberuaga, City Administrator, Planning Director Howard Zelefsky and Planning Commissioner Debbie Cook report read by Mayor Winchell; City Attorney Gail Hutton and Planning Commissioner Shirley Dettloff; Planning Commissioner Roy Richardson and Deputy City Administrator Richard Barnard; Library Services Manager Jan Halvorsen and Meg Riley, Community Development Environmental Officer, Councilman Dave Sullivan and Robert Franz, Administrative Services Deputy City Administrator; Fire Chief Mike Dolder and Deputy City Clerk Maybrice Johnson. Tonics of discussion and items of concern encountered by the teams included: An overall positive image of Huntington Beach and city services. Problems with the downtown area image, transients, alcohol establishments, proposed cleaning plant, crime, loss of low cost housing, graffiti, proposed parking meters in residential areas, need to increase Police personnel on weekends, need to increase trash pick-up, gang activity and fishing on the pier. School sites need to be saved. Opposition to proposed Santa Ana River Bridge crossings, traffic concern for school children at Eader School. Need for green arrow at Newland Street and Adams Avenue and at Gothard Street and Heil Avenue due to accidents at these locations. Need for more free activities, sports programs, student discount program with local businesses and school recreation programs for youth of the community. Support for program that gives discounts for students to city businesses, need for after school activities for students perhaps at Peterson School. Support expressed for the new library expansion. Suggestion for boat races from Huntington Beach pier to Newport Beach pier. Traffic too fast on Farnsworth between Indianapolis and Kingfisher. More trees needed at Dwyer Park and light standard replaced which is adjacent to basketball court. Positive support for the city's Community Development Department. Reluctance to visit downtown area because of "gang bangers" in the area. More frequent trimming of trees along Magnolia Street between Yorktown Avenue and Garfield Avenue. Problem with cars parked on streets for long period of time; also street sweeping program and perhaps program could be used to deal with cars Parked for a long period of time. Support expressed for the Police Department. 135 Page 6 - Council Agency Minutes-10/30/93 Would like Police Department to clamp down on bike helmet law. Need to increase tree trimming. Need to keep municipal pier and streets cleaner. Need to publicize local procedure for hazardous waste disposal. Need for more golf courses. Need for handicapped ramps on Indianapolis at Newland Street and Magnolia Avenue for two senior on oxygen; also need for ramps at restaurants. Opposition to early beach closing - recommended increased beach police patrol. Mayor Winchell stated that a written report of the meeting would be prepared and available to the public. ADJOURNMENT - COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Winchell adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, November 1, 1993 at 4:30 p.m. in Room i33-8, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: City Clerk 136 �� 044CA Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor/Chairman • �rrl�...�a_.. ma- Jlf/ erk