HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-15MINUTES CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Room B-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 15, 1993 Mayor Winchell called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 p.m. CITY COIINCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Sullivan, Leipzig, Silva (arrived 5.00 p.m.) ABSENT: None CLOSED SESSION The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives regarding Labor Relations Matter - Meet and Confer. (120.80) The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(A) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation - Victoria Haserot v. City - OCSCC 600500 (120.80) The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation - Stanley M. Bloom v. City - OCSCC 671306 (120.80) The Chairman called a Closed Session of the Redevelopment Agency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(A) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation - Stanley M. Bloom v. City - OCSCC 671306 (400.50) The Chairman called a Closed Session of the Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to its negotiator regarding negotiations concerning the purchase/sale of property located at 303 - 11 th Street (400.50) The Chairman called a Closed Session of the Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to its negotiator regarding negotiations with Abdelmuti Development Company concerning the purchase/sale/exchangellease of property located at 211 Main Street (400.50) RECESS -RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 4:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 5:55 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Winchell adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, November 15, 199 6:00 p.m. i e Cou cil Chat er, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California. ,,OXIAL '� Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: �J City Clerk Mayor/Chairman 152 MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 15, 1993 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office 4:30 p.m. - Adjourned regular meeting of City Council and Redevelopment Agency - see separate minutes 6 p.m. - Adjourned regular meeting of City Council and Redevelopment Agency i p,m. - Regular meeting of City Council and Redevelopment Agency Mayor Winchell called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 6 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig Absent: None The Flag Ceremony and Invocation was conducted by Webelos Pack 226, Cubmaster Joe McFaul and Steve McDonnell. Mayor Winchell and Police Chief Lowenberg accepted a check in the amount of $1000 from the Elks Lodge to be used for the purpose of cross training police dogs in sniffing out nitrates. 1141011117, MaQUo Jeffes, representing the Council on Aging, presented a $250 contribution to the Don Kiser Memorial Fund to show their appreciation for all the extra help Mr. Kiser gave to the Senior Center. Felicia Coco described her struggles as a single mother as she succeeded in attaining her goals through the support of her mother and with the help of Project Self -Sufficiency. She urged Council to continue their efforts in encouraging affordable housing in the city. In response to inquiry by Mayor Winchell, she affirmed she meant the affordable housing issue involving apartments located at 31311 th Street. Shgron Penrogg, representing the Project Self -Sufficiency Foundation, stated they were recently awarded their corporation papers and status as a non-profit corporation. She stated 250 children are currently involved in the Project Self -Sufficiency Program. She urged Council consideration regarding the property on 11 th Street. 153 Page 2 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/] 5/93 Cry Condict stated her income was $490 per month and she now has a subsidized apartment. She urged Council to continue their efforts to provide very low income housing in the city. Allen Baldwin, Executive Director of the Orange County Community Housing Corporation, urged Council to continue efforts in acquisition of the property at 313 11th Street and 17372 Keelson Lane for use as affordable housing. He stated the criteria for very low income in Orange County was $13.70 per hour for a family of four. D�10 - unter, representing Orange County Mobile Home Owners Consumer Advocate, stated one of the problems of mobile home living was receiving information. He stated he had packets of information which he would give to the City Clerk to distribute to each Councilmember. He requested Council read and evaluate the information and respond to him. George Amoid questioned the need of the City Attorney's Office for outside legal assistance for Ming claims for state mandated cost reimbursements. He described problems in the downtown area and charged that some establishments were allowed to stay open five minutes past 2 a.m. Fl Egan stated her appreciation of Council and their willingness to listen to the citizens in the city. She commended Mayor Winchell on her leadership. The City Administrator reported that tagging vandalism statistics have dropped dramatically in the past few months. He summarized the quarterly report and stated September 20, 1993 he would bring alternatives before Council regarding reduction in services which will accommodate the $248,000 budget shortfall. He stated an abbreviated version of the budget was available. Councilmember Silva announced a Waterways Committee meeting would be held at the Hunting- ton Harbour Yacht Club at 7 PM. on November 18, 1993. He invited everyone to attend the meet- ing. (City Council)QISCUSSIQN - CODE 0-F-ETHICS - CITY COMMISSION, BOARD AND COMMITTEE MANUAL (120.10) In response to inquiry by Councilmember Leipzig, Mayor Winchell stated the Code of Ethics was a part of the Council Manual. �. a �" u'.►�_ � * :.... � � �� In response to inquiry by Councilmember Robitaille, the Deputy City Administrator stated there was a good chance the city would be successful in receiving Mandated Claim Reimbursements. 154 Page 3 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 (City Counc€I).ki4'M,AN RESOURCES BOARD APPOINTMENTS OF LUCIAIPHILLIPSISTEEN AND REAPPOINTMENT 0E„IiROUSSARDISCHWABLIVILLASENOR (110.20) Councilmember Silva stated the city was fortunate in having so many qualified citizens volunteer to serve on boards and commissions. He stated he wanted to highlight the appointment of Daris Steen to the Human Resources Board. (Chy Council) DISCUSSION - ADDITIONAL FUNDSICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) DOWNTOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - RECOVERY_METHOO SUGGESTED (340.70) Councilmembers Sulllivan and Silva inquired whether it would be cost effective to provide a mech- anism in the Downtown Payment Assistance Program to pay back the principal of the loan at the time the unit or house was sold. The Director of Economic Development stated it would require too much administrative time to track the loans in an effort to gain repayment. She stated the loans were for low income housing and was for matching the down payment for a home, points and other financial charges and not necessarily part of the value of the house or property. Councilmember Bauer suggested staff devise a program which would provide a method by which the city could recover the loans and establish a revolving account. (Redevelopment Age_ ncy) DISCUSSION - AUTHORIL41I0N TO NEGOTIATE ACQUISIT ON OF.313 11TH STREET, IN, THE DOWNTOWN AREA FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING (430.50) Councilmember Bauer stated his concerns regarding acquisition of the property at 313 11th Street. He stated he would like a better understanding of how the Orange County Community Housing Corporation operates. He stated he believed the building was not worth the amount the city is planning on paying for it and the real costs of the building should be examined; that there was a 10-unit building in the same area that was a better buy. He stated he believed the rental schedule was unrealistic and the building would not command the kind of rent planned, even after rehabilitation of the building. He suggested the item be continued until staff could provide the answer to some of these questions. Councilmember Sullivan stated he had grave concerns regarding the building. He referred to the inspectors report and described the extensive rehabilitation that would be necessary on the build- ing. 7-P.M. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING COMMENCED PUBLIC COMMENTFt EdXerins, representing Huntington Beach Tomorrow, stated their opposition to proposed Resolu- tion No_ 6547 setting the time of Council meetings. He referred to a letter he sent to Council out- lining alternatives. He suggested the resolution be modified to start the meeting at 6 p.m. with no action to be taken until 7 p.m. and with public comments scheduled for 7 p.m. 15 Page 4 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 (City Council) CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUED TO 217l94 - CODE AMENDMENT 93-2 - NEGATIVE DECLARATION 91-32 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING - ORDINANCE NO 3214 (430.50) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a decision on a public hearing, closed on October 4, 1993, to consider: APPLICATION NUMBER: Code Amendment No. 903-21Negative Declaration 91-32 APPLICANT: City of Huntington Beach, Department of Community Development LOCATION: City-wide ZONE: All Residential Zones REQUEST: To amend the City's Zoning Code to include provisions for affordable housing which require all projects of three (3) units or greater to address affordable housing. The Ordinance also provides incentives for providing affordable housing. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: This request covered by Negative Declaration No. 91-32 which will also be considered by Council. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. The City Clerk stated she had received a communication in support dated November 10, 1993 from Kirk Kirkland, Kirkland & Associates and a communication in support from Frank Horzewski dated November 9, 1993. The Planning Director recommended the matter be continued to February 7, 1994 to give staff time to answer questions previously raised by Councilmembers. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Silva, to continue the decision on Negative Declara- tion and Code Amendment #93-2 to the February 7, 1994 City Council meeting and renotice the public hearing for this date. The motion carried unanimously. • •�r •� •;• • :u R• The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the fol- lowing appeal: APPLICATION NUMBER: Appeal of the Planning Commission's Conditional Approval of Special Sign Permit No. 93-9 APPLICANT: Southern California Restaurant Enterprises APPELLANT: Councilmember Dave Sullivan LOCATION: 10001 Adams Avenue (Northeast comer at Brpokhurst Street) ZONE: C2-FP2 (Community Business-Floodplain) 156 Page 5 City Council/Redeveloprnent Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 REQUEST: Appeal of the Planning Commission's action approving a 12 foot high, 57 square foot free standing pole sign for the recently approved Rally Hamburgers' Drive- thru Restaurant pursuant to Section 9610.5 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. ENV R NSTATUS-. Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15315, Class 15 of the California Environmental Quality Act COASTAL STATUS: Not Applicable The City Clerk presented a staff report prepared by the Planning Director. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published and posted. The City Clerk stated she had received a communication dated November 10, 1993 from Robert Riedesell, President of Meredith Gardens Homeowners Association in opposition to the approval of Special Sign Permit No. 93-9. The Planning Director presented a verbal report and showed slides of the area. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Ed rin , President of the Meredith Gardens Homeowners Association, stated the association's concerns regarding the economic growth of business at Brookhurst Street and Adams Avenue and the enforcement of city codes. He reminded Council the special sign program was adopted to improve signage of commercial areas and reduce visual blight, not to be used as a means to cir- cumvent the provisions of the sign code. He requested Council to uphold ordinances and over rule the Planning Commission's approval of Special Sign Permit 93-9. Davy Bartlett, Land Use and Planning Consultant, representing Rally's Southern California Res- taurant Enterprises, gave a slide presentation of the proposed Rally's sign and slides of other signs in the area. He requested Council to sustain the Planning Commission's approval of Special Sign Permit No. 93-9. Jim Hirks warned Council that should the changeable sign change while a driver is passing through the intersection it could be a definite safety hazard. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilmember Sullivan stated the main reason he appealed the Planning Commission's approval of Special Sign Permit No. 93-9 was that he believed a changeable copy sign was not appropriate for the area and he did not believe a case had been made that an economic hardship existed and warranted the special sign permit. Following discussion, a motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Bauer, to grant the appeal and deny Special Sign Permit No. 93-9 with findings in Attachment No. 7 of the RCA dated November 15, 1993. Following discussion, a substitute motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Bauer, to modify the Planning Commission's approval of Special Sign Permit No. 93-9 by reducing the sign height to seven feet high, the sign not to exceed 30 square feet, with no changeable copy and a land- scaped planter area. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: 157 Page 6 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 AYES: Bauer, Winchell, Sullivan NOES: Robitaille, Moulton -Patterson, Silva, Leipzig ABSENT: None A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Moulton -Patterson, to modify the Planning Commis- sion's approval of Special Sign Permit No. 93-9 by reducing the square signage from 57 to 36 square feet, with no changeable copy, with the following findings and conditions. Strict compliance with Article 961 will result in substantial economic hardship to the applicant because the 12 foot high, 36 square foot monument sign is necessary for identification of the site. The proposed drive4hru restaurant is dependent on impulse decisions and will benefit from a freestanding pole sign. 2. There are unusual site or building characteristics that preclude Rally-s Hamburgers from yielding adequate signage from the provisions of the sign code. The proposed restaurant building is under 900 square feet in size and is setback over 50 feet from both streets, requiring the site have both wall and a freestanding sign for adequate exposure. 3. Due to the fact that there are special site or building conditions applicable to the site, approval of additional signage for a 12 foot high, 36 square foot freestanding sign is necessary to enjoy sign provisions enjoyed by surrounding properties. 4. The proposed 12 foot high, 36 square foot freestanding sign will not adversely affect other signs in the area, nor will the sign obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic vision. The sign will comply with the minimum site angle requirement for signs within the landscape planter. 5. Additional signage for this site would not constitute an aesthetic impact to the site and surrounding properties. The proposed sign will be compatible with signage in the surrounding area. .,. i3O _ alb, '- a •x � The site plan and site elevations received and dated July 19, 1993 shall be the approved layout with the following modifications; a. Maximum height of the freestanding sign shall be 12 feet- b. Maximum area of the Rally's primary sign shall be 36 square foot sign; with Qg changeable copy- C . A planter box shall be provided at the base of the sign. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, a copy of revised plans depicting the modifications pursuant to Condition No. 1 shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for the file. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: Robitaille, Bauer, Winchell ABSENT: None 158 Page 7 City CounciURedevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 (City Councils PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED TEMPORARY BARRICADE INSTALLATION OIjRHONE LANE 13EMEEN ALHAM,BRA DRIVE AND N NCY DRIVE - ST_OP SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED AT RHONEIKIM & NANCYIRH-QNE & SHERiRHONE & VOLGAISHE (580.50) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing for the purpose of considering traffic conditions relative to the proposed temporary barricade installation on Rhone Lane between Alhambra Drive and Nancy Drive which is intended for the purpose of reducing or eliminating through traffic on Rhone Lane. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted, notifi- cation was provided by the Department of Public Works. The City Clerk stated she had received seven forms from people in favor of the barricade who did not wish to address Council; and received 17 forms from people in opposition to the barricade who did not which to address Coun- cil. She stated two communications had been received from Mr. and Mrs. Shieldhauer, however they did not indicate whether they were opposed or in favor of the barricade. The City Clerk stated she had received an informal petition with approximately 56 names of residents in favor of the barricade. A communication from Jim Houghton dated November 5, 1993 in opposition had be received by the City Clerk. The City Clerk presented a staff report prepared by the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works presented a verbal report regarding the matter. The Traffic Engineer reviewed the procedures followed when citizens request street closure or a barricade. He stated he believed there was a need for the City Council to formulate a policy regarding street closure and barricade requests. The Traffic Engineer stated the Public Works Department does not like to install barricades on public streets and the Fire Department and Police Department recommended against installing a street barricade on Rhone Lane. He stated he believed when left turn lanes are installed at Heil Avenue and Beach Boulevard the traffic cutting through Rhone Lane would be alleviated. The left turn lane is scheduled to be installed in February or March of 1994 as part of the Smart Street Project_ The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Tim O'Boyle spoke in opposition to the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane. He stated he had submitted 39 petitions against the barricade. Michel Hsiang, principal of Sun View School, stated she was not for or against the barricade, but expressed her concern regarding the safety of students if the barricade increased traffic at the school crossing. She requested the city staff to carefully study the traffic flow that would result from the barricade and how it would impact school crossings. MarK Warn spoke in opposition to the barricade referring to the inter -department memo from the Police Traffic Division to the Department of Public Works Traffic Engineer which he believed supported his position. Darren Newton, Huntington Beach Fire Paramedic and resident on Alhambra Drive, stated his opposition to the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane and suggested three 3-way stop signs be installed at Rhone and Nancy, Rhone at Kim and Rhone at Sher. He stated the barricade would place school children at risk walking to and from school. 159 Page R City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 Al Ha referring to viewgraph stated his opposition. He cited hazards the city should address in their overall plan, including the pool of water at the corner of Glencoe and Silver; the left turn on Heil problem, accidents on Silver Lane and Juliette Low near the school from speeding. Julio Zamarria, opposed the barricade and referred to the minutes of the Transportation Commission. He stated that only residents of Rhone Lane were represented and that they were not advised or asked for their opinion. Allie Harrison, student at Sun View School, opposed the barricade as all the fast cars on Rhone and Silver will sometimes come down the street she walks or rides on; she requested that Council slow down the cars but not install a barricade. Marge Knack stated she lived at the house across the street from the school looking down at Sher Lane and expressed concern for the safety of the school children. Leona Miner referred to a letter she hand carried to the Mayor. She stated speeding vehicles was the problem on Rhone Lane. She stated her recommendation was in her letter. Jim Frassett stated his opposition to the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane. He suggested Council conduct a Townhall meeting where the residents could share their ideas on how to allevi- ate the traffic problem on Rhone Lane. He stated the various factors the Traffic Commission had failed to consider. He stated the children at Sun View School would be placed at greater risk. liff LaqW stated he was in favor of the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane. He reminded Coun- cil the barricade was temporary and collapsible so emergency vehicles could pass through it into the tract. He stated he did not believe stop signs were the answer as there was one at Rhone Lane and Nancy and cars sailed right through it. Kenneth Hanvey stated he was in favor of the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane citing the safety and well-being of children. He stated the plan called for a 60-day monitoring period of the traffic flow and pointed out if the barricade did not solve the problem it could be removed. Fred Aikins spoke in favor of the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane stating it should not be used as a short cut to Huntington Center. He spoke regarding the increased business bringing in more traffic. Lynn Clamp spoke in favor of the barricade, but urged Council to look at the traffic problems in the tract as a whole and not just Rhone Lane. She stated she had three children she cannot allow in the front yard. Gregory Clamp stated that there was a safety problem on Rhone Lane for his children and that a solution was needed for the whole tract as he empathized with people who were afraid traffic would be diverted to their street. Terry T resin stated he was some what in favor of the barricade, but not at Rhone Lane, rather suggested it be installed at Amazon on Sher Lane. He suggested that if a barricade was not installed then stop signs be installed through out the tract. Thomas Doney stated he was in favor of a barricade somewhere and reminded Council it was to be installed for a trial period of sixty days. He requested Council ask the Traffic Engineer for the number of vehicles counted on Rhone Lane and to compare that number with the number of vehi- cles using an average tract street. 160 Page 9 City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 Della Chadwell, Manager of the Huntington Beach Mall, stated that if the barricade slowed emer- gency vehicles response time she would oppose it. She stated she was surprised the barricade was offered as a first attempt to regulate traffic, rather than stop signs. She suggested a left turn signal on Heil and stop signs first prior to a barrier. JeLQmg Firzhgr stated he was opposed to a barricade and that he believed stop signs would help. He stated his concern for paramedic response. He stated a left turn at Heil would solve 50% of the problem. Ro in Ravize stated she began the process of notifying the city there was a traffic problem on Rhone Lane. She stated the tract should be looked at as a whole and whatever stringent mea- sures were needed to control the traffic they should be taken such as a raised median on Sher Lane, north of Rhone to stop all incoming traffic. She urged Council to hold their decision in abeyance and return the matter to the Transportation Commission for further consideration. Olivia Chambers stated she opposed the barricade and suggested speed bumps be installed. She stated she believed it had been forgotten that the Pavilion Mall had made a great traffic impact, there are two new traffic lights there and missing is a left turn lane off of Heil onto Beach Boulevard. She suggested installing speed bumps. The City Clerk stated five persons who did not wish to speak gave her forms in opposition to the barricade on Rhone Lane. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The Traffic Engineer reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of three types of traffic control devices usually used in residential neighborhoods to slow down traffic: stops signs, raised pave- ment "rumble" markers, and speed bumps. Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the installation of stop signs at various locations within the tract. A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Leipzig, to return the issue of the proposed barricade on Rhone Lane to the Transportation Commission for further analysis and input from the commun- ity and return to Council with alternatives; staff to advertise the Transportation Commission meet- ing. Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn. The Chairman of the Transportation Commission suggested Council direct staff to install two stop signs at this time. In response to inquiry by the Mayor he suggested the stop signs be placed at Rhone Lane and Kim and Nancy and Rhone Lane. Discussion was held regarding the need for stop signs on Sher Lane. In response to inquiry by the Mayor, the Traffic Engineer suggested additional stop signs be placed at Sher and Rhone Lane and Volga at Sher. A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Silva, to install stop signs at Rhone Lane and Kim; Nancy and Rhone Lane; Sher and Rhone Lane; and Volga at Sher; with staff to assess the matter by July 1994. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None The Director of Public Works stated the stop signs would be installed by tomorrow afternoon. 161 Page 10 City Council/R.edevelopmert Agency klinute� - 1111.5193 RECF.$S-RECONVENE The Mayor recessed the meeting, The meeting was reconvened. CONCONSE T CA ENDAR -_(ITEMS REMOVED), Councilmember Sullivan requested that the item pertaining to the Community Development Block Grant Downtown Payment Assistance Program be removed from the Consent Calendar for separ- ate discussion. The item pertaining to the negotiations for acquisition of 313-11th Street in the downtown area for affordable housing was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of Councilmember Bauer. The City Administrator stated that the item pertaining to the Orix USA Corporation as the buyer of Pierside Pavilion/Huntington Pier colony from Haseko Pier Colony, Inc. would be removed from the Agenda and would be returned for Council consideration at a later date. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Silva, second Moulton -Patterson, Council approved the following items, as recom- mended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council/Redevelopment Agency_) MINUTES - APPROVED - Approved and adopted min- utes of the adjourned regular meetings of July 9, 1993 and August 2, 1993 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk_ Council) APPROVED JEC LF CY 1994ACDQN PLA -Approved Community Services Department's Project Self -Sufficiency 1994 Action Plan which describes the mission, and goals and objectives for the local program and also describes the community inter- action between the public and private sectors. (570.50) (City Council) DID AWARD - APPROVED - TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION - YORKTOWNlLAKE - REGINALD_ GENERAL CONTRACTOR COMPANY - CC:A7 - Accepted the low bid as submitted by Reginald General Contractor Company in the amount of $46,511 for installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Yorktown Avenue and Lake Street; auth- orized execution of construction contract, authorized the Director of Public Works to expend a total of $70,000 which includes the contract cost of $46,511, city -purchased equipment (mast arms, controller assembly, service cabinet, type 1A & 15 poles and microwave sensors) estimated cost of $18,838 and estimated construction Change orders of $4,651, hold bid bonds on the low- est three bidders until execution of contract and filing of bonds, rejected all other bids and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Contractor Bids' Bid Amount Reginald General Contractor 46,511 Steiny and Company 51,593 Peek Traffic 63,950 Skipps Electric 69,000 Macadee Electric 76,695 (600.55) 104 Page 11 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 (City Council) NOTICE OF SALE OF CREST VIEW ELEMENTARY SQHQQL - SIE BEACH BLVD ALBERT - CITY NOT TO PURSUE ACQUIITIQbl - Dirqcted staff to forward to the Ocean View School District a formal written notice that the City of Huntington Beach has no intent to pursue acquisition of the Crest View Elementary School. (Notice of Sale submitted by Ocean View School District to the City pursuant to Government Code Section 65402(c) and 54220 et. seq.) (650.70) (ity Council) RESOLUTION N0,W415-ADOPTED -ALLOCATION OF CDBG FUNDS - FLORIDA-YO KTOWN STREET IMPROVEMEND - CC- 7 - AGREEMENT & CATALINA LOPEZ - APPROVED - PURCHASE OF PROPERTY - 2317 ENGLAND STREET (600.10) 1, Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and Catalina Lopez for the purchase and sale of property located at 2317 England Street. 2. Adopted Resolution No. 6545 approving allocation of $25,000 of $25,000 of Community Development Block Grant Funds for the street widening at 2317 England Street - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING ALLOCATION OF $25,000 OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS RELATED TO THE WIDENING OF ENGLAND STREET." 3. Authorized the Director of Economic Development to expend $25,000 for the purchase of certain property required on England Street for the Florida -Yorktown Street Improvement. (600.10) (City Council) USE OF JAIL REVENUE TO PURCHASE PAN.IS.ALARM SYSTEM FOR THE JAIL STAFF & RESTRAINT CHAIRS FOR VIOLENT OFFENDERS - APPROVED - Approved appropriation of $3,500 from the unexpended General Fund and authorized expenditure of $4,500 for purchase of a jail personnel panic alarm system and prisoner restraint unit for violent offenders_ (320.20) (City Councill CITY COMMISSION. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MANUAL - APMVE.D - Approved the "Commissioner Manual' as attached to the RCA dated November 15, 1993 as the manual to be utilized by all city boards, commissions or committees and directed that each staff liaison to a city board, commission or committee provide a three ring bound copy of the manual to all current members of their respective city board commission or committee, and to each new member of same upon their appointment. (120.10) (City Council) APPROVED AGREEMENT - DAVID M. GRIFFITH & ASSOCIATES - ASSISTANCE IN FILING CLAIMS FOR STATE -MANDATED COST REIMBURSEMENTS WAIVER OF PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS - Approved and authorized execution of Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd., for Preparation and Filing of Claims for State Mandated Cost Reimburse- ments. (600.10) (City Council) APPROVED HUMAN RESOURCES BOARD APPOINTMENTS - LUCIAIPHILLIPSISTEEN - APPROVED REAPPOINTMENTS - BROUSSARDISCHWABLI VILLASENOR - Approved appointment of Anthony Lucia, Floyd Phillips and Daris Steen to the Human Resources Board for four-year terms expiring September 30, 1997 to fill the vacancies created by the expiration of terms of office of Howell Foster, Dorothy Kelly and Merry Lent respec- tively and approved reappointments of Come Broussard, Kathryn Schwabl and Cheryl Villasenor for terms October 1993 to September 1997_ (11020) 163 Page 12 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 Mf MLT�I I1t t COM11 N ;L11►1 Yd@VJI1'ilNJ:1 t Icl 5l.�`L�4�I� L :1<i� 4*Id 11Fk9 JtI' t 17[�=T�3 REQUESM (430.50) The City Clerk presented a report prepared by the Director of Economic Development. Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the possibility of requiring the loans to be repaid, interest to be charged and the housing be kept affordable at the time it is resold. A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Silva, to continue discussion of the issue of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Downtown Payment Assistance Program to December 6, 1993 to allow staff time to prepare an analysis of methods to require repayment of the loans, to consider charging interest on the loans at various levels. The motion carried unanimously. (Redevelopment Agency) AUTHORIZATION TO COWINUE NEGOTIATIONS FOR ACQUISITION OF 313-11TH STREET -APPROVED - AFFQRDABLE HOUSING_- STAFF TO PREPARE REPORT WIADDITIONAL INFORMATION (430.50) The City Clerk presented a report prepared by the Director of Economic Development regarding the acquisition of a nine -unit building located at 313-11 th Street for affordable housing. Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the Chief Inspector's report on the extensive rehabilitation that would be required on the building at 313-11th Street. The price of the building was discussed. Councilmember Bauer requested information be provided to Council regarding the Orange County Community Housing Corporation, who would be the participants in the program and if there are other buildings in the area that would serve affordable housing purposes that would be a better buy. The Director of Economic Development stated that since the Chief Inspector's report a structural engineer inspected the building and submitted his report to the building inspection and they agreed with the conclusions in the report. She stated that the lender agreed to deduct the cost of the rehabilitation of the building from the cost of the purchase and that amount would be escrowed to do the extensive amount of rehabilitation needed. Later it was clarified that the rehabilitation to be deducted was code violations. In response to Council inquiry, the Economic Director stated that criteria for low income would be approximately $19,800 and very low income approximately $15,000 per year. She stated that Orange County Community Housing Corporation had agreed that Project Self -Sufficiency participants would be given priority for the very low housing units and there were enough qualified participants to fill the building. She explained the building would be purchased and Orange County Community Housing Corporation would assume it debt free, therefore the participants would contribute $200 to $300 per month for maintenance. Councilmember Silva suggested staff contact the board of realtors and County Planning Commis- sioner Shirley Commons -Long for input on the issue. Councilmember Leipzig stated he believed there was a consensus for approval of the concept of the program, but the problem was with this particular building_ 16 4 Page 13 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 Following discussion, a motion was made by Silva, seconded by Leipzig, to direct staff to continue negotiations for the purchase, sale and rehabilitation of 313-11th Street with California Federal Bank, the non-profit Orange County Community Housing Corporation and Project Self -Sufficiency for the development of nine units of affordable housing on the terms and conditions as outlined in the report as attached to the RCA dated November 15, 1993. The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor confirmed the Director of Economic Development would provide Council with addi- tional information, as requested by Council during discussion of the issue, within the next two weeks. (Qmly Council)-BQDGET AMENDMENT - APPROVED - CENTRAL LIBRARY PARKING LOT, - CONTAMINATED SOIL-AQEtEF.MENT BETWEEN THE S,TY AND GEI?.BCIENCE ANALYTICAL - APPROV>EQ__-_ i'AIVE INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS - APPRO,IIED - CC-876 (600.10) The,,City Clerk presented a report prepared by the Director of Public Works and the Library Director regarding the topographical extent and chemical composition of the contaminated soil at the Central Library Parking Lot. The Fire Chief presented a verbal report. The City Administrator and the City Attorney reported. Discussion was held regarding procedures used for testing the contaminated soil and the possi- bility of recovering costs of soil mitigation from the previous owners of the site. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Moulton -Patterson, to take the following actions: Approve and authorize execution of an agreement between the city and Geoscience Analytical to determine the extent and composition of the contaminated soil at a cost not to exceed $60,000. 2. Amend the budget by appropriating $90,000 from the fund balance of the General Fund to cover the cost of analyzing the soil and covering the contaminated soil until a remediation plan is approved. 3. Waive Professional Liability Insurance Requirement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None (Cityit RESOLUTION 546 - ADOPTED - EaTABLISHES PA " - 22ND STREET BETWEEN PCH & WAI.N_UT & RE -INSTALL PARKING METF.HS QN 22ND BETWEEbi WALNUT& P TABLi H ZONE N 22NO 89MEEN WALNUT & 5TH ST BETWEEN PCH & OLIVE (560.40) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Services transmitting Resolution No. 6546 establishing Parking District"E" along 22nd Street between Pacific Coast Highway and Walnut Avenue. 16,15 Page 1.4 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - i 1/15/93 The Director of Community Services presented a staff report and slides of the area. A motion was made by Moulton -Patterson, seconded by Leipzig, to approve the following actions: Adopt Resolution No. 6546 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING PARKING PERMIT DISTRICT "E". 2. Direct staff to remove sixteen parking meters from the inland side of Pacific Coast High- way between 20th and Goldenwest Streets and reinstall those meters on 22nd Street between Walnut Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway. 3_ Direct staff to prepare a resolution amending the city fee schedule by establishing a residential parking zone and fee on 22nd Street between Pacific Coast Highway and Walnut Avenue and on Fifth Street between Pacific Coast HighwayyA d Olive Avenue. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None • rem • 1" no 'MI I I TV*71 MITTA , I =1 Lei „ -ems NX loinN Ill1 1 The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Special Projects requesting appro- val of the HOME Program in order to implement the HOME Investment Partnership Program and to establish the appropriate spending authority and accounting system and a request that condi- tional approvals be given for two acquisition projects in conjunction with HOME eligible non-profit housing developers_ The Director of Special Projects presented a staff report and slide presentation. The Housing/ - Development Specialist described three projects for Council consideration. Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding how long the projects would remain affordable housing. The Director of Special Projects stated that staff does agree that the project should be affordable for the life of the project. Councilmember Leipzig gave reasons why he would like a commercial use considered. A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Silva, to take the following actions: 1. Approve the HOME Investment Partnership Program to Fiscal Year (Federal) 1992 at $881,000 and for Fiscal Year 1993 at $584,000. 2. Authorize the Administrative Services Department to create the necessary chart of accounts for the receipt and expenditure of HOME funds. Approve the initial negotiations of $550,000 in HOME funds to assist the Orange County Community Housing Corporation (OCCHO) and Shelter for the Homeless in the acquisi- tion of two multifamily properties in the Oakview neighborhood (17372 Keelson Lane and 7812 Barton Drive). This approval is contingent on the further approval of the final deal points and of any subsequent agreements or contracts_ 166 Page 16 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 The Clerk presented Resolution No. 245 for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO THE TIME OF REDEVELOPMENT AGLM(;Y iUiEeTIN GS." A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Moulton -Patterson, to adopt Resolution No. 245, as amended to reflect Councit Resolution No. 6647The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3220 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 2.05 AND ADDING NEW CHAPTER 2.07 RELATING TO CAMPAIGN REFORM." On motion by Moulton -Patterson, second Silva, Council continued consideration of Ordinance No. 3220 to December 6, 1993, to review legal considerations, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council) REPORT,REQUE�TED - FIRE DEPARCTMENI RESES? _BEACH FIRE Councilmember Bauer requested the Fire Chief to prepare a brief report regarding response to the fire in Laguna Beach. CROSSINGBE IDGES Councilmember Bauer referred to letters written by Orange County Supervisor Wieder castigating two members of the City Council regarding Council action on the Santa Ana River Crossing Bridge issue at the previous Council meeting. He stated he believed the entire Council should have been castigated, not only the two Councilmembers who were running for election to the Orange County Board of Supervisors. (Cft Council) MEMORANDUM FRQM CQ!JNCILMEMBEO BAUERC ' F (CTU RE The Mayor expressed her appreciation to Councilmember Bauer on his memorandum on items for review by the Finance Committee to improve the City's financial picture. 167 Page 15 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Robitaille, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council) RESOLUTIOH NO 6547- ADOPTEQ AS AMENDED - TIME OFQTY COUNCIL MEETINGS CHANGED TO 5:00 PM AND 6:30 P.M- (120.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from Administration transmitting Resolution No. 6547 regarding the time of City Council Meetings. The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6547 for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 1.03.01 OF THE CITY COUNCIL MANUAL RELATING TO THE TIME OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS." A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Robitaille, to reaffirm that no meeting of the City Council shall continue beyond 11:00 p.m. without a majority vote of the Council; and establish a policy for items not acted upon to be carried forward to the following Monday if scheduling per- mits. Councilmember Bauer pointed out this could result in four Council meetings each month. Follow- ing discussion, the motion was withdrawn. On motion by Leipzig, second Sullivan, Council reaffirmed that no meeting of the City Council shall continue beyond 11:00 p.m. without a majority vote of Council. The motion carried unani- mously. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to establish a policy for only items not acted upon to be carried forward to the following Monday, if scheduling permits. The motion car- ried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Silva, Sullivan, Leipzig NOES: Robitaille, Bauer ABSENT: None A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to change the time for regular meetings of the City Council to begin at 5:00 p.m. with the televised/business and public comments portion of the meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Winchell directed that Resolution No. 6547 be amended to reflect the actions Council approved. lRedevelooment Aaencvl RESOLUTION NO 245 - ADOPTED AS AMENDED_- TIME OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETINGS (120.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from Grace Winchell, Redevelopment Agency Chair- man transmitting Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 245 changing the time of Redevelop- ment Agency meetings to coincide with the new times set forth in Resolution No. 6547 of the City Council. The time of the regular meeting would begin at 5:00 p.m., with the televised/business and public comments portion of the meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m. Page 17 City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Minutes - 11/15/93 DISCUSSION REGALING NOW CITY WILL DEAL WITH BUDGET SHORTFALL - CONTINUED TO 121619 Discussion regarding how the city will deal with the budget shortfall was deferred to December 6, 1993 by consensus of Council. ITEMS FOR REVIEW BY FINANCE COMMITTEE TO IMPROVE CITY FINANCIAL PICTURE CONTINUED TQ 1216193 By consensus of Council the items for review by the Finance Committee to Improve the city's financial picture was deferred to December 6, 1993. PROPOSAL FOR STAFF REVIEW QF "SUNNYVALE MQUEL" OR SIMILAR M012ELS - CONTINUED TO 1216193 By consensus of Council the Councilmember Bauers item regarding proposal for staff review of the "Sunnyvale Model", or other similar models, for presentation to the Council as possible methods for improving efficiency. ADJOURNMENT - COUNCIU E=DEVELO MENT AGENCY Mayor Winchell adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, at 5:00 p.m., December 6, 1993 in Room B-8, Civic Center. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of 71 Huritingfiin h, Caio "ia-- , ' Mayor/Chairman 169