HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-21APPROVED 3/1/94 --------------- --------------- MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1993 Council Chambers - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE P P P P P ROLL CALL: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, P P Newman, Inglee A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (4 MINUTES PER PERSON, NO DONATING OF - TIME TO OTHERS) Anyone wishing to speak must fill out and submit a form to speak prior to Oral Communication or Public Hearing items. No action can be taken by the Planning Commission on this date, unless agendized. Gerald Chapman, 6742 Shire Circle, spoke in regards to item E-1. He stated that all lot improvements must be done prior to their sale, according to the Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan. Don Jankowiak, 6711 Shetland Circle, spoke in regards to item E-1. He agreed that Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan states lot improvements must be done prior to their sale. Pamela Rogal, 6672 Shire Circle, spoke in regards to item E-1. She is concerned that if the lot improvements are not made prior to the sale, the equestrian trails will not be finished. Carrie Thomas, 6642 Trotter Drive, spoke in regards to item E-1. She had the same concerns as the previous speaker. Daniel A. Agajaular, 65722 Horseshoe Lane, spoke in regards to E-1. He expressed the same concerns as the two (2) previous speakers. B. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS B-1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-29/COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 93-21 (CONTINUED FROM THE DECEMBER 7, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING): APPLICANT: Caffe Classico LOCATION: 101 Main, Suite 109 Conditional Use Permit No. 93-29 and Coastal Development Permit No. 93-21 represent a request to permit a 2,181 square foot restaurant with live entertainment and outdoor dining at 101 Main Street, Suite 109. The project was continued at the applicant's request from the November 16, 1993 Planning Commission meeting to December 7, 1993, meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the withdrawal of Conditional Use Permit No. 93-29 and Coastal Development Permit No. 93-21: A MOTION WAS MADE BY DETTLOFF, SECOND BY BIDDLE, TO ACCEPT THE WITHDRAWAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-29 AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 93-21, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Newman, Inglee NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED B-2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-32/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 93-17: APPLICANT: Mills Land and Water Company LOCATION: 21401 Newland Street (southwest corner at Lomond Drive) Conditional Use Permit No. 93-32 and Negative Declaration No. 93-17 is a request to establish a temporary recreational vehicle (RV) storage facility (for five [51 years) at the southwest corner of Newland Street and Lomond Drive. The facility will provide approximately 262 RV parking spaces while taking access off Newland Street. Included in the applicant's proposal is a request to install an eight (8) foot high slatted chain link fence along Newland Street with an average ten (10) foot setback to reduce visual impacts. In addition, the applicant proposes to import approximately 15,000 cubic yards of soil from the Santa Ana River in order to comply with Public Works grading requirements. PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -2- (7542d) The development of the vacant -lot will reduce drainage impacts -to abutting streets with the installation of temporary street improvements. The development will also reduce the unauthorized use of the property for trash disposal and off-roading. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending the Planning Commission approve Negative Declaration No. 93-17 and Conditional Use Permit No. 93-32 with findings and suggested conditions of approval. - THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Robert London Moore, Jr., -Mills Land and Water Company, presented a petition to the Commission from adjacent property owners who were in favor of the request. Mr. Moore stated that he was in concurrence with staff's conditions. Alice M. Loftis, 8491 Lomond Drive, adjacent resident, spoke in favor of the request. Eugenia Moore, 18090 Beach Boulevard, #6, spoke in support -of the request. Dick Cahl, 18090 Beach Boulevard, representing applicant, stated that the engineers on the project had worked with staff for three (3) years. He stated that he supported the request and was available to answer any questions. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY GORMAN, SECOND BY NEWMAN, TO APPROVE NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 93-17 WITH MITIGATION MEASURES, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Newman, Inglee NOES: - None ABSENT: -None ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED A MOTION WAS MADE BY GORMAN, SECOND BY NEWMAN, TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-32 WITH FINDINGS AND MODIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Newman, Inglee NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -3- (7542d) FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE'PERMIT NO, 93-32: 1. The establishment, maintenance and operation of the temporary recreational vehicle (RV) storage facility will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity, nor be detrimental to property values and improvements in the area.- With the conditions imposed, the proposed RV storage facility will not create traffic or noise impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, the facility will provide temporary street improvements which will reduce drainage impacts in the area. 2. The location, site layout, and design of the temporary RV storage facility properly adapts the proposed structures to streets, driveways, and other adjacent structures and uses in a harmonious manner. The proposed RV storage facility is designed to reduce adverse impacts to surrounding properties by requiring vehicular access off Newland Street, and by providing screening from streets and adjacent properties. 3. The proposed eight (8) foot high slatted fence with a ten (10) foot landscaped front setback will not impact vehicular traffic on Newland Street. The slatted fence will screen the storage facility and will be situated behind a ten (10) foot wide landscape planter to minimize visual impacts. 4. The granting of Conditional Use Permit No. 93-32 will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. The proposed temporary RV storage facility is consistent with the General Industrial land use designation of the General Plan, and M1-A-O-FP2 zoning designation of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-32: 1. The site plan floor plans, and elevations received and dated October 29, 1993, shall be the conceptually approved layout with the following modifications: a. The proposed six (6) foot high chain -link fence shall be increased to eight (8) feet and shall include redwood slats, or similar material, to provide screening from adjacent properties. b. The entry gate off Newland Street shall be recessed a minimum of 30 feet from the proposed curb line to allow for adequate RV stacking. 2. Outdoor lighting shall be required with the use of high-pressure sodium vapor lamps or similar energy savings lamps. All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties and shall be noted on the site plan and elevations. PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -4- (7542d) 3. Prior to issuance of building permits and/or grading activities, the applicant/owner shall complete the following: a. A grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and must be approved (by issuance of a grading permit). A plan for silt control for all water runoff from the property during construction and initial operation of the project may be required if deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works. b. The property -owner shall dedicate ten (10) feet on Newland Street, 20 feet on Lomond Drive and a 27 foot corner radius per Public Works standards. c. Prior to the installation of any gates, plans shall comply with Fire Department Standard 403 and shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development, Fire and Public Works Departments. d. A Landscape Construction Set must be submitted to the Departments of Community Development and Public Works and must be approved. The Landscape Construction Set shall - include a landscape plan prepared and signed by a State Licensed Landscape Architect and which includes all proposed/existing plant materials (location, type, size, quantity), an irrigation plan, a grading plan, an approved site plan, and a copy of the entitlement conditions of approval. The landscape plans shall be in conformance with Section 9608 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The set must be approved by both departments prior to issuance of building permits. Any existing mature trees that must be removed shall be replaced at a 2 to 1 ratio with minimum 36-inch box trees, which shall be incorporated into the project's landscape plan. Intensified landscaping shall be provided within the parkways to reduce impacts from vehicle headlights onto adjacent residences. Landscaping shall be provided in a manner to screen -the slatted fence from adjacent residential properties. The applicant shall be - required to submit a landscape plan for review and approval by the Public Works Department. e. Prior to issuance of grading permit the applicant shall submit payment of the mitigation monitoring fee -in effect at the time. 4. Fire Department Requirements are as follows: a. Service roads and fire lanes, as determined by the Fire Department, shall be posted and marked. b. Fire access lanes shall be maintained. If fire lane violations occur and the services of the Fire Department are required, the applicant will be liable for expenses incurred. PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -5- (7542d) c. Address numbers shall comply with City Specification No. 428. d. On -site fire hydrants shall be provided in number and at locations specified by the Fire Department. 5. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. - 6. Prior to initiation of any hauling activities, a soils hauling plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The plan shall also be submitted to the City of Fountain Valley Public Works Department for review prior - to any hauling activities. The plan shall include the following: a. A hauling route shall be the route best designed to accommodate soils truck traffic with the least impact to residential, educational/institutional and other sensitive facilities. The plan shall identify such sensitive uses as well as the location of school crossing guard locations along the route. b. The dates, hours, and proposed number of truckloads (not to exceed 270 per route per day) of hauling activities. Hours of hauling activities shall be restricted to 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Hauling and grading activity shall be prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays and federal holidays. c. The method of monitoring and policing of truck operations and truck speeds. This shall at minimum include provisions for policing of trucks at key intersections. (Policing is not intended to imply City police, other methods can be utilized). d. Prior to initiation of soils hauling activities, crossing guards along the hauling route shall be notified of the duration and hours of operation of hauling activities. Soils truck operators shall be informed of school crossing guard locations along the haul routes so that they can curtail their speeds in these areas during early mornings and afternoons when students are traveling to and from school. 7. Prior to any hauling activity, a traffic control plan shall be submitted to Public Works for approval. The plan shall at minimum identify any street closures or obstructions to traffic and provide adequate warning signs to bicyclists and motorists (pursuant to Traffic Division standards). The plan shall be implemented prior to initiation of grading activities. The -plan shall also be submitted to the City of Fountain Valley Public Works Department for review prior to any hauling activities. 8. During soils import and grading activities, the following shall be adhered to: a. Use low sulfur fuel (.05% by weight) for equipment; b. Phase and schedule soils import and grading activities to avoid high ozone days (first stage smog alerts); PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -6- (7542d) c. Discontinue soils import and grading activities during second stage smog alerts and during windy conditions where winds exceed speeds of 15 miles per hour locally or when blowing dust becomes a nuisance as determined by the Director of Public Works. d. Provide continuous street sweeping along the entire hauling route between the channel and the project site during soils import activities. Sweeping shall be conducted using vacuum type sweepers (watering trucks and broom type sweepers shall not be used as substitutes). e. Provide weekly cleaning of intersecting streets and sidewalks, or on an -as needed basis as determined by the City of Huntington Beach Public Works Director, for the duration of the soils import activities. f. At the completion of daily soils import and grading activities, the subject site shall be seal rolled to compact loose top soils and irrigated with a palliative complying with the State of California DOT standards Specifications (Section 18) to control exposed soils when winds are_ predicted to exceed 15 mph locally or ordered by the Director of Public Works. g. The proposed chain link fence shall be equipped with redwood slats, or similar material, to reduce light and glare impacts into adjacent residences. h. The total number of truck loads of soil permitted to depart from the Santa Ana River Channel to receiver sites in the City of Huntington Beach shall not exceed 270 truck loads_ per day along any single truck route. Should multiple sites along the same route receive soils on the same day, the total 270 truck loads shall be distributed among the sites. i. Soils hauling trucks shall be spaced so that no more than two soils trucks will be at any intersection at the same time; excluding stacking at left turn lanes. j. To minimize truck vibration impacts and dust generation impacts along hauling routes, soils hauling truck speeds shall not exceed 5 miles below the posted speed limit along hauling routes. k. Ingress and Egress to the project site shall be restricted to Newland Street (except for emergency purposes). 9. During construction, the applicant shall: a. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems in all areas where vehicles travel to keep damp enough to prevent dust raised when leaving the site; PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -7- (7542d) b. Wet down areas in the late morning and after work is completed for the day; c. Soil hauling trucks and grading equipment shall be washed down completely prior to departure from the project site to minimize project related dust impacts along the truck routes. during soils import. d. All soils to be transported to t-he subject site shall be loaded in compliance with Section 23114 of the California Vehicle Code and watered down prior to departure from the Santa Ana River Channel to prevent the spilling of soil and generation of dust along haul routes. 10. Prior to commencing the RV storage_ business, the following shall be completed: a. All site improvements pursuant to the conditions herein, including fencing, and required landscaping and irrigation systems, shall be completed. 11. The RV storage facility shall operate in -conformance with the following: a. Sewage disposal shall be located and installed in compliance with Orange County Health Department standards. b. There shall be no washing of vehicles on -site. c. Access from Lomond Drive shall be restricted to emergency vehicles only. d. Hours of operation for the storage facility shall -be limited to 7:00 AM through 8:00 PM, daily. e. A telephone shall be provided on -site for emergency purposes. 12. The Planning Commission reserves -the right to revoke Conditional - Use Permit No. 93-32 if any violation of these conditions or -the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. 13. This conditional use permit shall not become effective for any purpose until an "Acceptance of Conditions" form has been properly executed by the applicant and an authorized representative of the owner of the property, recorded with County Recorder's Office, and returned to the Planning Division; and until the ten day appeal period has elapsed. 14. Conditional Use Permit No. 93-32 shall become null and void unless exercised within one (1) year of the date of final approval, or such extension of time as may be granted by the Planning Commission pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -8- (7542d) C CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. 2. The applicant shall meet all applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards. 3.-The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building Division, and Fire Department. 4. The developer -will be responsible for the payment of the Traffic Impact Fees prior to issuance of the Certificate to Operate. B-3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-16/CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION (VARIANCE) NO. 93-21/COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO 93-9A: Applicant: Frank Alfonso LOCATION: 119 Main Street Conditional Use Permit No. 93-16, Conditional Exception No. 93-21 and Coastal Development Permit No. 93-9A are requests to establish a 3,500 square foot restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales and live entertainment and a variance for an 18 space parking reduction at 119 Main Street. The restaurant includes approximately 2,400 square feet on the first floor and a 1,100 square foot mezzanine area. No restaurantuer is selected; no hours of operation, type of restaurant service, nor type of live entertainment are proposed at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not support the unknown aspects of the requests, and therefore, recommends denial of the project. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Frank Alfonso, 6630 Vickiview Drive, West Hill, applicant, gave the Commission a brief history of the site. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Discussion ensued regarding what type of restuarant would be selected, the hours of operation, and what type of live entertainment would be requested. The Commission agreed with staff that the details were still a little vague and suggested a continuance to further analyze. PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -9- (7542d) A MOTION WAS MADE BY BIDDLE, SECOND BY NEWMAN, TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-16, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION (VARIANCE) NO. 93-21 AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 93-9A, TO THE FEBRUARY 1, 1994, TO FURTHER EVALUATE THE REQUEST, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Newman, Inglee NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED B-4 SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 93-13: APPLICANT: Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. LOCATION: 9891 Adams Avenue (northwest corner at Brookhurst) Special Sign Permit No. 93-13 is a request to permit a sign face change to a five (5) foot by 30 foot cabinet on an existing 45 foot high pylon sign located at the northwest corner of Brookhurst and Adams (Mervyn's Shopping Center). The subject sign, identifying Cudini & Lucas Jewelers, was installed without permits, which resulted in the issuance of violation notice by the City's Code Enforcement section in May of this year. Following a request for prosecution to the City Attorney's Office, the applicant submitted this special sign permit application. The 150 square foot sign cabinet is part of a 45 foot high, 634 square foot non conforming freestanding sign, which identifies Mervyn's, Thrifty, and Cudini & Lucas Jewelers. As a condition of approval for Administrative Review No. 85-55, and a requirement for Planned Sign Program No. 86-5, the freestanding sign was required to be removed or altered to comply with the City's sign code by January 29, 1988. Since the status of the overall sign is that it - must be removed, it is inappropriate to consider a sign panel which is part of the overall sign. The entire sign must be evaluated before a panel can be considered. The City is actively pursuing compliance with the conditions of the aforementioned entitlements, as the applicant has not complied to date. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny Special Sign Permit No. 93-13 with findings. r-J PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -10- (7542d) A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARDSON, SECOND BY NEWMAN, TO CONTINUE SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 93-13 TO THE FEBRUARY 1, 1994, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Newman, Inglee NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN:- None MOTION PASSED C. CONSENT CALENDAR C-1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 90-49 - CENTRAL LIBRARY CALENDAR PHASING PLAN: C-2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1993: C-3 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 5, 1993: A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARDSON, SECOND BY DETTLOFF, TO ACCEPT AND APPROVE ALL CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Inglee NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Newman MOTION PASSED D. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None E. PLANNING -COMMISSION ITEMS/INQUIRIES E-1 REVIEW OF ELLIS-GOLDENWEST SPECIFIC PLAN LANGUAGE REGARDING COMMON IMPROVEMENTS: DISCUSSION ONLY Commissioner Gorman - asked staff if the Downtown Specific Plan the City Council is reviewing has changed since the Planning Commission's approval. Staff explained that the City Council had a sub -committee reviewing the document, and they would be making the changes. It would not come back to the Planning Commission, except at the direction of City Council. Commissioner Gorman also requested staff to do a formal inquiry requiring drinking establishments in the downtown area and the guidelines that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board uses. PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -11- (7542d) 1 F. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEMS Howard Zelefsky, Planning Director, restated actions taken at the December 20, 1993 City Council meeting. G . ADJOURNMENT A MOTION WAS MADE BY BIDDLE, SECOND BY RICHARDSON, TO ADJOURN TO A 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION (AGENDA REVIEW, SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT), ON JANUARY 4, 1994, AND THEN TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING AT 7:00 PM BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cook, Gorman, Biddle, Richardson, Dettloff, Newman, Inglee NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MOTION PASSED /kj 1 APPROVED BY: I A"'� 2"A Ho Zele S �n ary Plann n Commission Clfel7rperson PC Minutes - 12/21/93 -12- (7542d)