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Room B-8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, May 23, 1994
Mayor Moulton -Patterson called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Bauer, Robitaille, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan
The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section
54957.6 to meet with its designated representative William Osness, Director of Personnel and
Daniel Cassidy, Esq., Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson Re: Labor Relations matters - Meet and
Confer regarding the following employee organizations: Police Officers' Association (POA),
Municipal Employees Association (MEA), Marine Safety Officers' Association (MSOA), Municipal
Employees Organization (MEO), Fireman's Benevolent Association (FBA) and Police
Management Association (PMA).
The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code. Section
54957 to consider Personnel Matters - Performance Evaluation of City Administrator.
The Mayor called a recess of Council at 5:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:30 p.m. in the
Council Chamber.
The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Administrative Services dated
May 23, 1994 setting forth discussion items as follows: Budget Concepts, Estimated Shortfall,
State Budget, Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Unfunded Liability, Potential Ballot
Proposition, Budget Timetable.
Robert Franz, Director of Administrative Services, announced that two documents had been
distributed to the City Council: "Month of May Revision State Budget Slide 10A" and "Fiscal
Policies Slide 2A".
The City Administrator reported on the topics covered in Slide 2A - Expenditures Supported by
Revenues, Maintain 3% to 5% Reserve, No New Capital Improvements unless all Costs Funded,
Enterprise Funds, Enterprise Funds Should Reflect All Costs, Reserves in Excess of 5% Available
for Capital Projects and Phase in Period Required.
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The City Administrator reviewed the discussion item topics, including Slides 3 through 17. The
topics included Budget Problems; Definitions, City General Fund, Shortfall Estimates, General
Fund Reserves, Fund Balance History, Alternatives Solutions, Impact of Alternative Solutions,
City Shortfall Solutions During the Recession, State Budget--2 Year Perspective, State Budget
Shortfall Estimates, Revenue Losses to the State During the Recession (5 Years), PERS
Unfunded Liability Estimated Costs, PERS Unfunded Liability 1994-95, Potential Local Ballot
Initiative, Budget Timetable May -June and July -September.
Councilmember Bauer commented on areas he would like addressed including the feasibility of
Enterprise Funds and Profit Centers, Performance Based budgeting, public expectation of same
level services with lowered level of resources. The MSI Study as it relates to the budget was
commented upon by Councilmember Leipzig. The fact that the City does not yet know the State
budget plans was discussed. The City Administrator commented on regionalization and
privatization of city services. Mayor Moulton -Patterson asked the City Administrator if he would
investigate consolidating with school districts as well as with other cities and the City
Administrator stated that he planned to do so.
The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Community Services dated
May 23, 1994, entitled, "Beach Capital Improvement Program - City Council Presentation -
May 23, 1994".
Ron Hagan, Community Services Director, reported on the South Beach Master Plan, Maxwell's
Master Plan, Bluff -Top, Bluff Bottom Master Plan. He referred to wall drawings.
Jim Pickel, Purkiss-Rose Associates, reviewed wall exhibits, including Bluff Top Project, Pier
Plaza. The Community Services Director reported on the financing of the South Beach Master
Plan -- cost and revenue projections and funding sources for projects. He spoke regarding the
Maxwell's operation. The Community Services Director spoke regarding the importance of
separating bike and pedestrians and commented on the number of claims filed against the city
from accidents. A report was made on the parking history of the South Beach Parking Area.
The Director of Administrative Services reported on the Maxwell's operation and lease and the
plans for rebuilding Maxwell's. The need for more financial information from a financial consultant
was discussed. The use of Certificates of Participation and the issuance of new debt was
discussed by Councilmember Sullivan and the Director of Administrative Services. Discussion
was held between the Community Services Director and Councilmember Bauer regarding
procedure and process to attain completion of project, use of Certificates of participation and the
parking plan at the Central Library. Councilmember Robitaille presented questions regarding the
priority of Tower Zero.
The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Community Services dated
May 23, 1994 entitled, "Youth Sports Facilities Presentation --City Council.
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Ron Hagan, Community Services Director, reported referring to wall drawings. Jim Engle, Deputy
Director/Beach, Recreation and Development, reported on three potential park or school sites for
youth sports complexes.
(1) Huntington Central Park (Old Mushroom Farm Area -- east of Goldenwest Street, North of
Ellis Avenue, sixteen acres west of Goldenwest Street at Talbert Avenue terminus,
southwest of Goldenwest and Gothard Streets)
(2) Park View School/Murdy Park
(3) Peterson School (One block east of Beach Boulevard, south of Indianapolis Avenue)
Jim Engle presented slides. He reported on proposed uses at Huntington Central Park stating
that roller hockey would also be a proposed sport. He presented the constraints and
opportunities on each site. Mr. Engle also reported on the portion of the report entitled Other
Opportunities For Youth Sports Facilities: Ocean View High School, Dwyer School, Irby Park,
Bolsa Chica Linear Park, Lagenbeck Park, School Fields. He reported on the status of city efforts
for joint projects. The Community Services Director stated it was planned to set up a Youth
Sports Task Force from the community.
Councilmember Sullivan thanked Mr. Hagan and Mr. Engle stating that it was an outstanding
report particularly for pointing out the pros and cons. He congratulated the Department all the
way back to former Recreation and Parks Director Norm Worthy, who had enormous vision.
Presentation by Chuck Beauregard -- Save Our Kids - Youth Sports
Chuck Beauregard, representing Save Our Kids, 5942 Edinger Avenue, Suite 307, Huntington
Beach, was introduced to the Council by staff. Mr. Beauregard presented written information to
the City Council.
He stated that some of the Save Our Kids,.Board members were present: Board Members
include: (Representing Baseball/Softball) Vicki Czuleger, Past President of Robinwood Little
League, Mike Simon, Robinwood Little League, Philip Baumfeld, Past President of Ocean View
Little League, John Ringer, Huntington Beach Girls' Softball, (Representing Soccer) Tim Phelps -
Commissioner of Region 56, Paul McLoed, Commissioner of Region 143, Bruce Bricks, President
South Coast Soccer Club, AYSO Referee, USSF Referee, Dr. Ann Chlebicki, representing
Aquatics and Richard Henderson representing pre-school sport.
Mr. Beauregard reviewed his communication that was presented on slides. He referred to a
research document, The Benefits of Parks and Recreation produced by the Ontario Ministry of
Tourism and Recreation in 1992, which he stated he would be glad to provide to Council. He
used a slide to present figures and information from the City Planning Department outlining the
1993-94 Community Profile. He referred to a Register Newspaper article dated April 14, 1994,
Huntington Considers Sports Complex. Mr. Beauregard presented other slides showing current
use of school parks. He stated that Save Our Kids had three stated objectives: Save Our Kids
wants: (1) The City to establish its youth as the City's number one priority, (2) The City Council to
pass a resolution that before the City can allow the sale or zoning of a public park or school land
currently being used for a Youth Sport activity, the city must find or develop a new facility or
enhance a current facility to accommodate the displaced activity. Such replacement facility must
be a long term solution (3) The city to establish a defined plan for satisfying the land, water' and
facilities needs for the youth of the City of Huntington Beach for the next twenty-five years.
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The materials referred to by Mr. Beauregard were filed with the City Clerk.
The City Clerk presented a communication from Melanie Fallon, Director of Community
Development dated May 19, 1994 entitled Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Rewrite.
The Community Development Director presented an overview of the proposed Zoning and
Subdivision Ordinance and the proposed public hearing schedule.
Susan Pierce, Associate Planner, reviewed the current and proposed Title 20 General Provisions
and summaries of Title 24 Administration, Title 22 - Overlay Districts and Title 25 - Subdivisions.
Request For Opinion Re: Conditional Use Permits
Councilmember Leipzig stated that he would like to see the law where the City Council can
extend conditional use permits. The City Attorney reported. Councilmember Leipzig stated his
desire to see this opinion in writing.
The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, June 6, 1994 at 5:00 p.m., Room B-8,
Council Chamber, Civic Center.
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
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City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman