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Harbour View Clubhouse
16000 Saybrook Lane
Huntington Beach, Califomia
Saturday, June 25, 1994
A videotape recording of this meeting is
on file in the Office of the City Clerk
Mayor Moulton -Patterson called the adjourned regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency
meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Harbour View Clubhouse.
PRESENT: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Leipzig, Sullivan
ABSENT: Silva, Robitaille, Winchell
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Mayor Moulton -Patterson.
Mayor Moulton -Patterson reported on the purpose of the meeting; to find out what is being done
right in the city and what is being done wrong. The Community Outreach program is a unique
effort by the City of Huntington Beach to develop a cooperative spirit of working with residents
and businesses in a number of areas to make government more responsive to the needs of the
The Mayor announced that the area to be surveyed at this community meeting is Area Four,
extending from Pacific Coast Highway inland to Springdale on the east, and from Slater Avenue
on the south of the 405 Freeway on the north. It includes the Huntington Harbour community and
the area around Marina High School.
From approximately 9:00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. the City Council members, Planning Commissioners
and City Department Heads will visit neighborhoods within Area Four talking to residents and
gathering their views about their neighborhood and the community.
The Mayor announced that from approximately 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. the City Council and
participants would discuss the field visits.
From 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. invited speakers and members of the public can speak to the City
Council on any number of topics. The focus is on the neighborhoods within Area Four. 71
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The Mayor called a recess of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency at approximately 9:20 a.m.
for the purpose of conducting the neighborhood visits.
At approximately 11:30 a.m. the meeting was reconvened by the Mayor.
Councilmember Sullivan was absent. He had informed the Mayor that he hoped to join the
meeting later in the afternoon.
Team members reporting back were as follows:
RD 153 Area - Mayor Moulton Patterson and City Administrator Mike Uberuaga
RD 173 & 174 Area - Councilmember Ralph Bauer and Fire Chief Mike Dolder
RD 156 & 157 Area - Councilmember Victor Leipzig and Police Lt. William Clyde Stuart
RD 117,126,127,136 &137 Area - Councilmember Dave Sullivan and Deputy City Administrator
Richard Barnard
RD 151 &162 Area - Planning Commissioner Shirley Dettloff and Assistant City Administrator Ray
RD 155 & 163 Area - Planning Commissioner Ed Kerins and Assistant Library Director Jan
RD 165 Area - Planning Commissioner Roy Richardson and Tom Andrusky, Economic
Development Assistant Project Manager
RD 166 & 157 Area - Mike Strange, Senior Planner/Zoning Administrator, and Personnel Director
William Osness
RD 146 & 147 Area - Planning Commissioner Susie Newman and Jeff Renna
RD 164 Area - City Clerk Connie Brockway, Jim Hanggi, Information Specialist, and Janice
Peterson, Public Information Office Assistant
RD 152 & 154 Area - City Attorney Gail Hutton and Bill Richardson, Marine Safety Captain
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Issues and comments reported on included the followin
Area RD 151 & 162 - The industrial area appears that it will encompass service related uses)
Residents of this area reported satisfaction with their decision to reside in the city.
Area RD 155 & 163 - Positive comments generally, however the need for roofing inspectors to
carry ladders and need for residents to obtain appointment times for inspections was stated.
Trash bins on Kona Lane should not be directly against the homes but should be nearer the
apartments; good service from paramedics and praise for the arts center, Community Services
Director and Naida Osline, Cultural Services Supervisor.
Area RD 166 & 167 - Concerns reported were the lengthy time for development in that area; a
request for City Hall to be open on a Saturday or a morning or evening; and need to handle the
homeless problem; traffic hazard coming in an out of the golf course.
Area RD 165 - Problem of high vacancy rate at the strip mall at Heil Avenue and Bolsa Chica
Street and the drop in crime which has been experienced. He reported on complaints regarding
the problem of inaccessibility to strip mall at Warner Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street because of
traffic lane configuration. He stated there was extreme satisfaction with Police and Fire
Area RD 146 & 147 - Favorable comments on the city's handling of the graffiti problem, request
for more frequent tree trimming' concern with Franklin School crossing in Westminster and what
was to happen with it.
Area RD 164 - Strong support for curfew downtown, water quality was improved with water
dredging; proposed lighting for night games at the school would cause traffic increase and be a
hazard to children.
Area RD 152 & 154 - Residents of mobilehome park happy with emergency services.
Disappointment that graffiti wall removed as it provided an outlet; concern with city logo being
used by so many people. (The City Attorney informed the resident that the city logo was not
copyrighted and vigilance can help against misrepresentation. Concern expressed regarding rent
increases at the Mobilehome park. Concern expressed regarding traffic on Venture Drive -
teenagers seeing how fast their cars can go. (The City Attorney suggested that perhaps more
police presence could help. Residents stated concern that there were no longer lifeguards at the
two small beaches; perhaps the telephone company can get telephones there. Extremely happy
with emergency services, water quality in harbour all right but could be much better. The Public
Works Department is very customer friendly.
Area RD 117,125,127, 136 & 137 - Report that a new bus company business is in the industrial;
problems relating to the building of a fire wall; closure of some businesses in the industrial area
has affected a restaurant; concerns regarding a proposed swap meet.
The Mayor called a recess at 12:50 a.m. The meeting was reconvened at 1:10 p.m. 73
..._ . A
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Guest Speakers at the meeting included: Ron Lowenberg, Police Chief, William Clyde Stuart,
Police Lieutenant, Area Commander, Lieutenant Dick Olson, Orange County Harbor Patrol, Dale
Skerik, Huntington Harbor Philharmonic Society, Barbara Snegg, Huntington harbor Philharmonic
Society, Tom Andrusky, Assistant Project Manager, Della Chadwell, Huntington Mall, Pat
Rodgers, North Huntington Beach Business Association, Vicki Boatman, McDonnell Douglas, Fire
Chief Michael Dolder, Adrienne Morrison, Amigos de Bolsa Chica.
Lt. Dick Olson, Orange County Harbor Patrol, spoke regarding their work at the Sunset Aquatic
Park; the types of assistance rendered to the public including rescues, planning for oil spills,
protection of the coast including the wetlands, law enforcement relative to operation of boats
under the influence, weapons etc.;.
Dale Skerik, Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Society, spoke regarding their organization and
thanked the city departments which assist their boat parade event.
Barbara Snegg, Huntington Harbor Philharmonic Society, informed Council of the organization's
work and their fund-raiser the Cruise of Lights, and the assistance to the community from the
fundraising revenue. She thanked the Director of Community Services, the Chamber of
Commerce, the Conference and Visitors Bureau and the harbour residents for their support.
Vicki Boatman, McDonnell Douglas, spoke regarding the ride share for clean air program and
presented a book to Council on their ride share program. She presented a photograph of the
Dare to Ride Share -Clean Air event to Police Chief Lowenberg. She left a book on the event for
the City Council.
Della Chadwell, Manager, Huntington Mall, stated she would like to answer any questions
regarding the mall. She stated that the planned to stay and they are close to finalizing plans with
a major retailer and would like Council and city staff to assist in getting it open as soon as
Pat Laude-Rodgers, North Huntington Beach Business Association, stated that their organization
came about because they wanted a awareness of the north part of the city. She stated that many
attractions are in the north part of the city including Golden West College, Old World, hotels,
industry and residential. Ms. Laude Rodgers stated that north Huntington Beach was the
economic engineer of the city. She stated that they had worked with the city to put two stop signs
between the mall and the Holiday Inn as there had been a death there. She stated that the North
Huntington Beach Business Association looked forward to a partnership with the city.
Adrienne Morrison, representing Amigos de Bolsa_Chica, stated their organization's appreciation
for the graffiti removal program of the Public Works Department, paramedics, landscaping in
replacing and trimming trees. She stated that new and rebuilds in the harbour are not in
character and they would like the code to be looked at. Springdale Avenue and Heil Avenue are
bumpy. She spoke regarding the benefits of the county linear park. She stated that the Amigos
de Bolsa Chica would like the Koll Project to be brought back to the city.
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Jean Schwartz-Dewrance, expressed concern over the planned lighting of the Ocean View field
for night soccer games as it might invite traffic problems and be an impact in other ways not yet
Don Estrin, Christiana Bay Townhomes, informed Council that fifteen cars had gone through the
wall at the intersection of Heil/Saybrook; the need for the flashing light to be replaced, there is no
reflectors on areas; would like support for flashing light back. Mr. Estrin stated that many
residents were present at this meeting because of the planned lights at Harbour View School
Fields; the problem with the tennis court surface is not being resolved with the school district. He
questioned the environmental study as it pertained to traffic stating that the traffic situation is
dangerous as at Heil Avenue and Saybrook Lane He stated there is red curbing now which must
have been determined be important to have; and if the soccer games are held it will have to be
removed. He stated that the school facility at Pinehurst Lane and Warner Avenue has huge fields
where the night soccer games would be most suitable. Mr. Estrin stated he did not know what
jurisdiction the city had in this matter but that the residents do need help.
The City Administrator stated regular meetings are held with the school districts and this issue
could be discussed. He also stated letters could be written by the Council to the district regarding
a possible solution to the matter.
Rick Talbot, thanked the Council for coming to their neighborhood. He spoke regarding his
concern with the school district's proposed night lighting of the school fields. He cited traffic,
inadequate bathroom facilities, litter on streets, sidewalks, where are cars going to be parked. He
stated that he believed the Council and Planning Commission has a duty to respect the decisions
of previous Councils and Commissions that this area was designed specifically as a residential
area. He stated that it would increase transient problems and increase need for police and other
city services.
David Cohen, Harbour Pines Homeowners Association, stated he wished to echo comments
made in opposition to the night lighting of the fields; that seven nights a week and daytime noise
level is not acceptable in the evenings.
Sherrie Thompson stated the petition she just presented represented signature of four hundred
homeowners opposed to lights on Harbour View School fields. She referred to a letter from the
Planning Department to the school district and she stated she did not believe the letter said the
city has no control. She appealed to Council and cited Government Code exemptions from
zoning and gave reasons why she did not believe this Government Code section applied in this
instance. She spoke regarding height of the proposed lights, stating that they were equal to an
eight story building. Ms. Thompson stated that American Youth Soccer Organization is stating
that they are the only ones but that other groups will be using the fields and that it is a residential
The City Administrator stated that he would request the City Attorney to investigate jurisdiction
issues, as just mentioned to him by Planning Commissioner Richardson.
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Roy Richardson, Planning Commissioner stated that the city may have jurisdiction if the function
does not have a school related purpose.
Teri Osborn, Board Member, Harbour Pines Homeowner's Association, thanked the Council for
coming to the area. She cited noise problems which would be involved with the proposed
lighting. Ms. Osborn stated that there were other sites more suitably located. Ms. Osborn stated
that she has been told hat the lights will be in within the next three months.
Jerry Urner, Board of Directors, Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association stated that their
membership holds different positions on the issue of the lighting. He stated he would like to learn
the city's jurisdiction in the matter, and that the city's response could be sent to the Huntington
Harbour Property Owner's Association.
The Mayor stated that the information would be provided.
Jeff Hartter, Board Member, Harbour Pines Homeowner's Association, spoke regarding some
vandalism and trespassing in the pool area. He stated that the bright lights will shine directly into
his pool area. He also spoke regarding the money being spent in developing other recreational
Delores Haber thanked Council for the police substation in the area. She stated that there has
been a definite improvement. She stated that she would like to see the Koll Company Bolsa
Chica Project back to Huntington Beach and for the Bolsa Chica to be left undeveloped. She
requested that street sweeping signs be put up in neighborhoods which have a litter problem.
Robert O'Brien informed Council that if sixty (60) to eighty (80) foot towers were approved for the
fields, that the only comparable towers of that height would be at Guardian Center and at the
Westminster Mall.
Richard Faulk stated reasons in favor of the American Youth Soccer Organization use of the
fields. He stated that he lives where the lights will hit and he does not object, just as he does not
object to the tennis court lights. He stated that he was very much in favor of the lights and the
children being able to play and that he hoped people will think about the fact that the children will
have to play somewhere.
Ray Manion, Board Member, Huntington Harbour Estates, stated that he was glad all persons
could voice their opinion such as his good friend Richard Faulk. He stated his concerns regarding
the proposed field lights.
Ann Palmer, stated her opposition to the field lights.
Councilmember Leipzig informed the residents that the city would ensure that the proper
procedures were followed in the determination of the field lighting issue.
The Police Chief spoke regarding the sub -station at the Huntington Mall stating that he was
pleased that the community supported it.. He introduced Officer Gil Coerper, and Cadet
Eidelhuber who are assigned to the substation.
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The Police Chief then introduced Lt. William Clyde Stuart, who explained Community Oriented
Policing and Problem Oriented Policing.
Tom Andrusky, Economic Development Assistant Project Manager, spoke regarding a letter from
Chief Executive Officer, Garey Cooper with recommendations for attracting businesses. Mr.
Andrusky reported on his department's efforts in this area.
Fire Chief Mike Dolder spoke regarding Community Emergency Response Teams. He reported
on the steps taken by McDonnell Douglas to join in a team approach with the city.
Councilmember Leipzig informed the residents who had attended this meeting that he believed
this meeting was a true example of our democratic process --stating that the carrying out of the
democratic process often involves City Councils sitting on hard plastic chairs for hours at a time,
joined by citizens doing exactly the same. He expressed appreciation to the audience in the
clubhouse for attending this community forum.
Councilmember Bauer spoke regarding the Community Outreach stating that he hoped it would
be a continuing cycle with the community.
Material submitted during the meetin
Communication from Teri Osborn, dated June 25, 1994, in opposition to the proposed night
lighting of the soccer fields.
Communication from Dianne Olmsted, dated June 22, 1994, in opposition to the proposed lights
at Harbour View Elementary School.
Communication from Garey L. Cooper, representing 3D Instruments, Incorporated, stressing the
importance of industrial business in contrast with other types of businesses in the service sector
which do not have the depth of employment that a manufacturer does. The letter also stated
other concerns for Council consideration.
A communication listing members of the North Huntington Beach Business Association: Guardian
Center, Golden West College, Holiday Inn, Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Association, One
Pacific Plaza, Liberty National Bank, Huntington Beach Mall, Graphic Edge, Gecko's, Olive
Garden, Paragon KBL-TV, the Local News, Old World German Restaurant.
City of Huntington Beach Inter -Department Communication entitled Community Outreach - Fire
Department Incident Data dated June 9, 1994.
Communication from the Community Development Department - Code Enforcement Districts.
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Mayor Moulton -Patterson adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, June 27, 1994 at 6:30 p.m.
in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California.
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman