HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-05MINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, July 5, 1994 Mayor Moulton -Patterson called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:15 p.m. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Leipzig, Winchell (arrived 5:20 p.m), Sullivan (arrived 5:30 p.m.) ABSENT: Robitaille STUDY SESSION - CODE AMENDMENT NO.91-10 - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 91-32 - PROPOSED ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - DIVISION 9 REWRITE (640.10) TITLE -21, Base Districts: Chapter 210, R Chapter 211, C Chapter 212, 1 Residential Districts Commercial Districts Industrial Districts The Community Development Director reported. Susan Pierce, Associate Planner, distributed a matrix regarding Chapter 210, 211 and 210 of the proposed Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to Council. Discussion Held Regarding Police Department Denial for Entertainment Permit - Nightclub Known as Club 5902 (630.10) Sarah Lazarus, Deputy City Attorney, reported regarding the denial of an Entertainment Permit for Club 5902. She stated that a revised Ralph M. Brown Act was distributed to Council. The Deputy City Attorney responded City Council questions and clarified Councilmember Leipzig's questions regarding action to be taken on the entertainment permit and the thirty day appeal period. 79 Page 2`- Council/Agency Minutes - 07105/94 Discussion Held Regarding Code Amendment No. 92-5 - Downtown Specific Plan Code Amendment and "Village Concept" - Downtown Parking Master Plan - Ordinance No. 3239 (450.30) The City Administrator reported that due to substantial changes in the ordinance, staff has recommended that it be referred to the Planning Commission for review. Discussion was held by Council and staff regarding the preparation of a legislative draft which includes all the changes and Planning Commission review of the Downtown Specific Plan and Downtown Parking Master Plan. Sarah Lazarus, Deputy City Attorney, stated that a legislative draft would be prepared for the August 1st meeting and Council would be notified if there was a delay in the preparation. The Community Development Director reported regarding building height, the proposed transportation corridor and state law requirements. The Planning Director reported regarding the process for adopting the Downtown Specific Plan and responded to Council questions. The City Clerk stated that the public hearing should be opened for public comment, direction to staff, and continued to a certain date. Discussion Held Regarding the Development Standards for Residential Infill Protects - Relative to Urgency Ordinance No. 3240 Moratorium Enacted on Certain Property on June 6, 1994 and Code Amendment No. 94-4 (640.10) The Community Development Director distributed a revised Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes to Council. Legal Options Available for Challenging Public Em to ees Retirement System Rollover Benefits The City Administrator reported regarding the Council action taken to hold in abeyance the processing of retirements and the potential for legal challenge by the employee associations. He stated that Attomey Peter Brown, outside legal counsel, would be present during the Closed Session to advise Council of their options. CLOSED SESSION The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(3)(B) to confer with its City Attorney regarding pending litigation - legal options available for challenging PERS roll over benefits. (120.80) so Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54958.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Geoffrey Edmund Flynn vs. City of Huntington Beach, et al - U. S. District Court Case No. SA CV-93-2597 SVW (Shx). (120.80) The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54958.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Douglas Brandenburg vs. City of Huntington Beach, et al U. S. District Court Case No. SA CV-91-406 AHS (Rwrx). (120.80) The Mayor called a Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esq., Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson Law Office regarding labor relations matters - Meet and Confer regarding the following employee organizations: Police Officers Association (POA), Municipal Employees Association (MEA), and Huntington Beach Firemens' Association (HBFA). (120.80) RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 5:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened by the Mayor at 7:10 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Announcement of Councilmember Robitaille's Absence The Mayor announced that, for the record, she had received a letter from Mayor Pro Tern Robitaille stating that he would be out of town and unable to attend the meeting. FLAG CEREMONY, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION - HUNTINGTON BEACH JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS The Flag Ceremony, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation were presented by the Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguards. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan ABSENT: Robitaille Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 PRESENTATIONS AND INTRODUCTION OF SISTER CITY'S ANJO, JAPAN CITIZEN AND STUDENT DELEGATIONS Doug Erber, Sister City President, introduced members of the Sister City's Anjo, Japan Citizen and Student Delegations to Mayor Moulton -Patterson and City Council. Mr. Erber read from a letter from the Mayor of Anjo to Mayor Moulton -Patterson. The delegation presented gifts and an elaborate kite to the Mayor and City Council. The Mayor presented a plaque and video tapes of the Fourth of July Parade to the Anjo's Citizen and Student Delegations. Anjo Citizen Delegation members. Takeo Sugiura, Tomoko Fukuda, Ayako Egawa, Miyoko Nakata, Kiyoharu Takeuchi, Kentaro Tsuruta, Takahisa Oya, Hiroyuki Kusaka, Yasuyoshi Kamiya, Hisao Kasahara. Anjo Student Delegation members: Shigefumi Kubota, Emi Kamiya, Sayuri Ishikawa, Miyuki Ito, Trasisuke Tomita. PROCLAMATION - JULY IS RECREATION MONTH Mayor Moulton -Patterson presented a proclamation to Ron Hagan, Community Services Director, proclaiming "July Is Recreation Month." PRESENTATIONS AND INTRODUCTION OF SISTER CITY'S WAITAKERE, NEW ZEALAND JUNIOR LIFEGUARD TEAM David Simcox, Coordinator, Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguards, introduced members of the visiting Junior Lifeguard Team from Waitakere, New Zealand to Mayor Moulton -Patterson and City Council. The New Zealand Junior Lifeguard Team Coach presented Mayor Moulton - Patterson with a plaque. Mayor Moulton -Patterson presented pictures of the Municipal Pier and video tapes of the Fourth of July Parade to the Junior Lifeguard Team members. Mr. Simcox presented T-shirts to the City Council members which will be used as a fund-raiser for a trip to New Zealand by members of the Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguard Team. PRESENTATION - CHECK FOR 110 000 FOR ART CENTER YOUTH PROGRAM FROM GTE DIRECTORIES Laura Volberding and Don Jankowiak, GTE Directories representatives, presented a check for ten thousand dollars ($10,000) which is a grant for the Art Center's first Youth Program to Naida Osline, Cultural Services Supervisor. PRESENTATION - CHECK FOR $50,000 FOR ART CENTER CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FROM 538 MAIN STREET AND THE ART CENTER FOUNDATION Bob Goodrich, Michael Mudd, Joan Lund and Kay Waldhauser presented a check for $50,000 from the 538 Main Street group and the Art Center Foundation for the Capital Campaign. Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07105/94 PUBLIC COMMENTS The City Clerk presented a communication dated June 24, 1994 from Mr. Bill Mello representing Huntington Beach Citizens' Bureau of Investigation requesting to address Council regarding pension spiking authorization history. (160.30) Announcement of Late Communications The City Clerk announced that letters had been received on the agenda item regarding Walnut Avenue from Jo Christian -Craig and Paul Cook dated June 23, 1994 and July 5, 1994 respectively. Barbara KimbrouQh, Kirk Kirkland, David Burris, Florida/Utica Task Force representatives, and Lewis Shaver, Jr., Oak view area property owner, spoke in opposition to commercial mobile vending in residential neighborhoods as it is unfair to local businesses, trash and clutter, increased noise from loud horns, possible illegal uses of the trucks, ordinances not being followed, parking overtime, danger to children who run out to vending trucks, illegal vending of prescription medication, no records and no taxes paid, some have no insurance, no business license, concerns regarding health standards, decrease property values, visual blight, and recommended the use of a bond on the business license, ordinances enacted that can be enforced the City Attorney and Police Department, and return the neighborhoods to the quiet and serenity as before. Wendy Roves spoke in opposition to the Paragon Cable Television towers placed in the front of homes in the past month. She stated that there was no prior notification, the property owners were not consulted on the placement of the towers, decrease in property values, and stated that the community should have been notified so that the neighborhood could be involved in the decision. Peter Tarr, Newport Beach resident, spoke regarding commercial mobile vending in residential neighborhoods. He stated that his neighborhood in Newport Beach had the same problems and he came to the Oakview neighborhood to learn how to handle the problems. Peter Haddad, John Merzweiler, Gary Holsington, Team Bike Shop representative, and Jim Ri heimer spoke in opposition to the way the Police Department handled incidents in the Downtown area during the Fourth of July weekend regarding the enforcement of the bicycle laws as a way to control troublemakers, people on rental bicycles being stopped for having an unlicensed bicycle, use of the water truck on Main Street, Police Officers in riot gear beating and kicking people in the street, and clearing of all restaurants in the area. George Arnold spoke in support of the Police Department actions on the Fourth of July weekend. He spoke in support of keeping the parks clean and increased parking in the downtown area on holidays. Pat Bushman stated that she was "Patty the Clown" in the Fourth of July Parade and was pelted with silly string which ruined her costume. She stated that member of the parade were hit in the face and could have sustained eye damage. She stated that she is a volunteer clown for charity and fun. She urged Council to outlaw the use of silly string at future Fourth of July parades. iRm Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 Discussion was held by Council regarding the silly string. Richard Harlow spoke regarding the Owner Participation Agreement with the Zeidans. He stated that with the downsizing of the downtown area the widening of Walnut Avenue would not be needed. He referred to the letter from Jo Christian -Craig which he believed stated the matter well. Jim Ball, Teddi Alves, Jim Madden, Bill Mello, Citizens' Bureau of Investigation representatives, Ed Kerins, Huntington Beach Tomorrow Vice -President, and Reed Royalty, Southern California Director for California Taxpayers, spoke regarding opposition to pension spiking, contracts that are illegal and not enforceable, contracts misrepresented to City Councils, increases in contracts over the years, citizens not informed of cost of spiking, urged to stop processing spiked portion of pensions, lawsuit against PERS for a blanket injunctive release to stop processing of spiked portion of pensions throughout the state, recovery of excessive PERS fees for spiked pensions, recovery of illegal payments to past retirees, and requested an independent investigation to establish responsibility for pension spiking problem. CBI members expressed support for the action taken by Council at the June 20, 1994 meeting regarding stopping spiking. The City Clerk announced that information in the City Clerk's Office is always available for public inspection and that no new information was made available from the City Clerk's Office due to Councilmember Sullivan's intervention. Loretta Wolfe, Downtown Residents Association, and Dianne Easterling spoke in support of the Police Department, Fire Department, and Marine Safety Department and the plan that was carried out on the Fourth of July. They spoke regarding the city being on the right track but some problems to overcome, keeping the Downtown Task Force active for the planning of the 1995 Fourth of July celebration, and involving the Code Enforcement Division more actively in the plan for next year. Natalie Kotsch, International Surfing Museum representative, spoke in opposition to the proposed policy regarding procedures for putting projects to a Measure C vote of the people. She stated that Council positioned and approved the International Surfing Museum in Pier Plaza in September, 1993. She read from Measure C of the City Charter. She stated that the criteria for putting a Measure C vote on the ballot has changed since the project was approved and that a request was made for a waiver to be included in the policy that the policy can be amended by Council on a case by case basis for projects for non-profit groups. Laurence Karsh spoke in opposition to the grading of the new school site located at Garfield, Edwards, and Goldenwest and stated that it appears to be very high relative to homes in the area. He stated that his home will lose security and privacy if the grading is not corrected. He urged Council to correct the grading error prior to completion of the school. Mayor Moulton -Patterson suggested that he contact the Public Works Department as they are aware of this problem and stated that the problem is being addressed. Page 7 - CounciVAgency Minutes - O7105194 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT The City Administrator reported on the Paragon Cable Television installation of towers in residential neighborhoods. He stated that staff would prepare a report to Council. The City Administrator reported regarding public comments made relating to his housing loan and stated that it was terminated in the fall of 1991. The City Administrator reported regarding a meeting with Bill Mello and Jim Madden regarding the Public Retirement System issue, conversation of vacation roll-over, two side letters in 1988, a change in the method of conversions and stated that quotes were taken out of context from the two side letters. Status Report - Fourth of July Weekend The City Administrator thanked the Community Services, Public Works Department, Fire Department, and all the departments that worked on the Fourth of July weekend. He stated that the event was a success. He stated he was in the downtown area between 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. and supports the action taken by the Police Department to keep things from getting out of hand. Police Chief Lowenberg reported at length regarding the operational plan that was presented to Council on June 25, 1994 and stated that the plan was carried out Councilmember Bauer spoke in support of Police Department actions over the Fourth of July weekend and reported that he spent several hours cruising the streets with Police Officers and support what the Police Chief said and recommended continuing the procedure next year. He suggested requesting surrounding cities to ban fireworks, possible increase in the fines for illegal fireworks, sweep area with code enforcement prior to the weekend to eliminate accumulated combustibles on that day, address problem landlords and make them responsible for the tenants they rent to and enforcement of the loud party ordinance. He urged the city to develop letters to send to landlords with problem tenants. Councilmember Leipzig thanked the Police Department and other city departments for their hard work over the Fourth of July weekend. He requested an after action report to Council in writing. Police Chief stated that a report would be prepared and distributed to Council. Councilmember Silva spoke regarding similar problems that occurred in Palm Springs. He spoke in support of the outstanding job done by the Police Department. He stated that he would like to meet with Jim Righeimer and Police Chief Lowenberg to discuss areas of concern in order to eliminate them for next year. �lJ Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 COUNCIL COMMITTEE/COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS Public Employees Retirement S stem PERS Council Committee Repo (120.25) Councilmember Sullivan reported that a Council Committee was formed and outside legal counsel retained to study the PERS issue. He stated that on the advice of legal counsel a letter was written to PERS regarding the legality of spiking and requesting a response by July 22, 1994. He stated that at the June 20, 1994 meeting a motion was made for Council to take action to hold in abeyance the spiking portion of all applications for retirement. He stated that Councilmember Winchell at that meeting requested that legal counsel be consulted prior to making a motion to hold in abeyance the processing of the spiking portion of employee retirements. Councilmember Sullivan read from the legal opinion prepared by Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, Law Office. He reported that legal counsel has advised that the Council action taken on June 20, 1994 to hold in abeyance all applications for retirement until July 6, 1994 is inconsistent with the city's obligations under collective bargaining laws. Councilmember Leipzig reported that processing of employee retirements is handled by the Public Employees Retirement System and not city personnel. Motion to Not Process Retirement Benefits Which Include Vacation Pay, Auto Allowance, or PERS Pickup - FAILED A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Moulton -Patterson, that the city not participate in processing retirement benefits which include vacation pay, auto allowance, or PERS pickup as salary for purposes of retirement pay until such time that the issue of enhanced salaries in the above categories is resolved by the courts. Employee income which does not include the above three items should be processed for retirement purposes in the usual fashion. Councilmember Leipzig spoke in opposition to the motion stating that the city has been advised by the special legal counsel on this matter that it would be a violation of the Meyers-Milias Brown Act and something which would position the city poorly for subsequent legal action and that the motion is taking a legal chance that is unwise for the city and certainly sends a strong message to the public as to what the council wants to do but it would not be wise to make a mistake on legal grounds just as legal processing is begun. He stated that Council wants to make sure that spiking is brought to an end as rapidly as possible and to do that on the best legal grounds available. Councilmember Silva spoke in support of following the legal advice the city has been given. Mayor Moulton -Patterson spoke in support of the motion. Councilmember Winchell spoke in opposition to the motion and stated that Council took a strong stand last week with the motion to send a letter to PERS telling PERS that the city believes what PERS allowed the city to do was unlawful and asking PERS where they stand on it with a deadline for a response of July 22, 1994. She spoke in support of taking one step at a time. Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07105/94 Councilmember Sullivan spoke in opposition to the motion.stating that the action would be a unilateral violation of collective bargaining and would potentially open the city up to liability and the result of the action will be that the city will be sued by employee groups. He questioned whether the contracts were negotiated in good faith and whether the Council at the time of the fast negotiations was aware that there was spiking and that there was a huge cost to spiking. He stated that there are letters from PERS that were in the city staff s possession prior to those negotiations which put the price tag on spiking, that for every dollar increase in a person's monthly retirement as a result of spiking could cost the city and the taxpayers up to $150. He stated that it is a key question that has to be answered. He stated that if those Councils were not made aware by staff of that information, they were not taking part in good faith negotiations because they did not have the information. He stated that if he knew the answer to that question and it was in the affirmative, he would unhesitatingly vote for this motion tonight. He stated that the question has to be answered. The motion FAILED by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson NOES; Silva, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan ABSENT: Robitaille Councilmember Leipzig stated that there is no further action at this point except to wait for a response from PERS and on the assumption that the response is unfavorable, the city will prepare to go to court. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:15 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:00 p.m. The Mayor announced that the public hearing regarding Development Standards for Residential Infill Projects would be heard first and that the public hearing regarding the Downtown Specific Plan Code Amendment, Village Concept and Downtown Parking Master Flan would be continued open to August 1, 1994 as there is a chance that the meeting will not be completed tonight. (City Council PUBLIC HEARING - URGENCY ORDINANCE - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL INFILL PROJECTS - RELATIVE TO URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 3240 MORATORIUM ENACTED ON CERTAIN PROPERTY ON JUNE 6 1994 AND CODE AMENDMENT NO. 94-4 - ADOPTED (640.10) The Mayor announced that this was that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the following: APPLICATION NUMBER: Urgency Ordinance and Code Amendment No. 94-4 APPLICANT: City of Huntington Beach LOCATION: City-wide 87 Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07105194 ZONE: R-1, Single Family Residential, Oldtown, Town Lot Specific Plan, RA, Residential Agricultural, Downtown Specific Plan, Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan, Meadowlark Specific Plan and Holly-Seacliff Specific Plan. REQUEST: To create development standards for residential infill projects including compatibility requirements for height, setbacks, window locations, architectural design, public hearing process and staff review. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15308, Class 8 of the California Environmental Quality Act. COASTAL STATUS: Not applicable. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published, posted and mailed. The Community Development Director presented a staff report using slides regarding the Infill Issues of privacy, compatibility of building heights, pad heights, and window locations. She distributed a communication to Council entitled Staff Proposed Changes to Ordinance No. 3242A Discussion was held by Councilmember Bauer and the Community Development Director regarding changes requested by the Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association in a communication dated July 5, 1994 and what would be the impact of adding those suggested changes. Discussion was held by Councilmember Sullivan and the Community Development Director regarding the proposed requirement of the Community Development Director responding in writing to letters of comment from homeowners and developers. The Community Development Director stated that the plans would be available to the public in her office for public review. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. The City Clerk announced that thirty-one communications had been received and distributed to Council regarding the building moratorium on infill lots as follows: Pero's Restaurant - Jim and Maria Zanthakis; lvaLee Lawrence; Susan Reeder -Barr; Markolita Camden; Denise de Vines; Brad Estill; Fred Speaker; Sam Garza; Ryan Rieches; Donald Pankhard; Belva Davidson; Carole Buerkle; Carl Lawrence; Mary Jo Jaffes; Nancy Rhyme; James Torline; Ryan Rieches; Patricia Stier; Diane Sorensen; Gary and Marilyn Holman; Bill Reeves; Robert Traver; David Delillo; Donald M. Pankhar, Jim Matlock; Dale L. Dunn; Justine DeMauro; James P. Dwyer, Suzanne Beukema; Laura Madariaga, and Larry Cubit, Huntington Seacliff Corporation. Councilmember Winchell clarified that there were thirty-one letters in opposition to the moratorium not in opposition to the ordinance. She stated that the ordinance intends to bring the moratorium to an end. A communication in support of the building moratorium on infill lots was received and distributed to Council from Billie Marie Tubbs. Page 11 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05194 A communication from Huntington Seacliff Homeowners' Association dated July 7, 1994 was received and distributed to Council. Also distributed were copies of the legislative draft of Ordinance No. 3242 that the Community Development Director referred to and that all were on file with the City Clerk. Jeff Metzel, Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association President, spoke in support of the proposed development standards for residential infill projects regarding new homes and stated that the new homes should be a positive addition to the neighborhood, that there should be a requirement to notify adjacent homeowners, projects should be appealable to the Council, and that the city should respond to comments in writing. J. R. Fowler, Huntington Seacliff Homeowners, spoke in opposition to Urgency Ordinance No. 3242 A and 3242B. He stated that he did support Ordinance No. 3242 approved by the Planning Commission without the staff proposed changes. He requested a sentence be inserted in paragraph 9730.87 Residential Infill Developments - General Provisions as follows: "The Director of Community Development shall cause all requests for plan check and issuance of building permits for infill lot development to be reviewed in accordance with subparagraphs a, b, and c of paragraph 9730.87.2 Infill lot Design Considerations." He spoke regarding a communication from the Huntington Seacliff Homeowners' Association dated July 5, 1994 regarding the Urgency Ordinance for Residential Infill Developments. Richard Norton, Berger and Norton Law Firm, Litigation Counsel to Seacliff Partners, stated Council should have correspondence dated June 28, 1994 from his firm concerning the proposed ordinance and to what extent the Council proposed to newly restrict developments. He requested the ordinance be clarified that property subject to a development agreement cannot be subject to new restrictions as proposed by the infill ordinance. He spoke in opposition to the proposed appeal process as issuance of building permits is a ministerial function. He spoke regarding the non -development agreement parcels of the Seacliff Partners and stated that the Health and Safety Code and Government Code provide that no new restrictions may be adopted after a building permit application has been accepted and the fees paid. He requested that Council consult with the City Attorney before adopting an ordinance that may violate both of those state statutes. Discussion was held by Councilmember Sullivan and Mr. Norton regarding the effect of the proposed ordinance on peripheral houses which are included in a Disposition and Development Agreement. Mr. Norton stated that introduction of new restrictions could not be added. He spoke regarding the Government Code Section 65864 regarding legislative findings of what can be included in a development agreement. Barbara Marrs, Seacliff Coalition representative, stated that she was also speaking as a fifteen year resident and for her neighbor, Mike Jones, a first time homeowner. She spoke in support of an ordinance to protect residents in existing neighborhoods because subsequent developments have caused distress, loss of property value, loss of privacy, increased traffic problems, and security problems. She urged Council to do what they can to spell out this issue in the ordinance to save future confusion and upset in the community. Tom Zanic, Seacliff Partners representative, declined to speak. F.9-Ut Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 John Roe, Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association representative and Planning Commission Infill Ordinance Committee member, spoke in support of the Planning Commission definition of infill lots and in opposition to the staff proposed definition of infill lots outlining differences in the definitions. He stated that there is no appeal process for existing homeowners in an infill situation and that the only course of action is to take it to the courts which does not seem in the best interest of all parties. He requested Council look at a possible appeal process. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Motion to Adopt Emergency Ordinance No. 3242A and Code Amendment No. 94-4 A motion was made by Silva, seconded by Leipzig, to approve the Planning Commission recommendation to adopt Emergency Ordinance No. 3242A, as amended, after reading by title and Code Amendment No. 94-4, with findings as outlined in Emergency Ordinance No. 3242A and Attachment No. 3 to the Request for Council Action dated July 5, - "AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING ARTICLE 973 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS PERTAINING TO RESIDENTIAL INFILL DEVELOPMENTS." See page seventeen for final motion. Amendment to Motion - Substitute Emercency Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes - Accepted An amendment to the motion was made by Leipzig, accepted by Silva, to substitute Emergency Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes. Discussion was held by Councilmember Sullivan and staff regarding clipping roof elevations, base district setbacks, building permit appeals, and that the ordinance would not apply to existing Disposition and Development Agreements. Sarah Lazarus, Deputy City Attorney, reported. Amendment to Motion to Delete Language in General Provisions Section - Not Accepted An amendment to the motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Winchell, to amend Emergency Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes, Section 9730.87 Residential Infill Developments - General Provisions by deleting the last portion of the sentence as follows: "excluding those areas with an existing Development Agreement." 90 Page 13 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 Amendment to Motion to Amend Wording Instead of Deleting - FAILED by Tie Vote A amendment to the motion was made by Leipzig, accepted by Sullivan, to amend the motion to amend the wording instead of deleting the language to: "unless to do so would contravene the language of an existing Development Agreement." The motion FAILED by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson ABSENT: Robitaille Motion to Amend Section 9730 of Emergency,Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes - Approved as Amended A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Winchell, to add the sentence suggested by Huntington Seacliff Homeowners' Association at the end of Section 9730 as follows: "The Director of Community Development shall cause all requests for plan check and issuance of building permits for infill lot development to be reviewed in accordance with subparagraphs a, b, and c of paragraph 9730.87.2 Infill lot Design Considerations." An amendment to the motion was made by Winchell, accepted by Sullivan, to change the wording of the sentence suggested by Huntington Seacliff Homeowners' Association at the end of Section 9730 as follows: "The Director of Community Development shall cause all requests for plan check and issuance of building permits for infill lot development to be reviewed in accordance with Section 9730.87.2 Infill lot Design Considerations. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; Silva ABSENT: Robitaille Motion to Approve Planning Commission Definition of Residential infill Lot - Withdrawn A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Moulton -Patterson, to approve the Planning Commission definition of a residential infill lot as follows: "An infill lot is a vacant parcel of land intended for single family detached development which has a property line within 60 feet of one or more properties on which single family residential units are located (such properties within 60 feet on which single family residential units are located are hereinafter called "abutting properties"). Discussion was held by Councilmember Bauer and the Community Development Director regarding the definition of infill lots approved as part of the forty-five day moratorium. John Roe, Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association representative and Planning Commission Infill Ordinance Committee member, spoke in response to Council questions regarding three lots in lower Seacliff on Scenic Bay Lane and Palm Avenue stating that by the staff definition would not be considered an infill lot and that he disagreed. 91 Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 Councilmember Sullivan withdrew his motion and Moulton -Patterson withdrew the second. Motion to Approve Staff Recommended Definition of Residential Infill Lot - Awroved A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Winchell, to approve the amended staff recommended definition of Residential Infill Lot by deleting "and alleys" as follows: 9730.87.1 Residential Infill Lot - Definition. Residential Infill Lot - An infill lot is a vacant parcel of land intended for single family development which is adjacent to one or more existing single family residential units excluding parcels which are separated by streets. Room additions are exempt from this definition. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; None ABSENT: Robitaille Motion to Amend Article 9730.87.2 - Section D. Public Notification Requirements - FAILED for Lack of a Second A motion was made by Sullivan to amend Section 9730.87.2 Infill Lot Design Considerations Section D. Public Notification Requirements as follows: D. Public Notification Requirements On the day the applicant submits plans for plan check, the applicant shall notify by registered mail all owners of p-operty art;._:ng the planned infill development lot. Letters of notification shall give a brief desc,ipm.ion of the planned development and include the following: a.. Name of applicant b. Location of planned development c. Nature of the planned development, including maximum building height and square footage d. The City Hall telephone number for the Department of Community Development to call for viewing plans e. The date by which any comments must be received in writing by the Department of Community Development. This date shall be the 20th calendar day after the date of mailing. f. The address of the Department of Community Development. 92 Page 15 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05194 The applicant shall submit to the city, concurrent with submitting plans for plan check, evidence of having mailed registered letters. The motion FAILED for lack of a second. Councilmember Bauer requested information from the developer regarding the effect of this change in public notification requirements. Ton Zanic, Seacliff Partners representative, spoke in support of not making the process more laborious. Discussion was held by Councilmember Bauer and the Community Development Director regarding the current policy for public notification and consistency with that policy. Tom Zanic, Seacliff Partners representative, stated that he had reviewed the staff proposal for public notification requirements and thought it was reasonable. Motion to Amend Article 9730.8T.2 - Section D. Public Notification Requirements - Approved A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Leipzig, to adopt staff recommended wording for D. Public Notification Requirements and add a, b, c, d, and f (which would be changed to e) from the Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association communication. An amendment to the motion was made by Winchell, accepted by Sullivan to add the first sentence from e. in the recommended changes by Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association and to change "abutting" to "adjacent'. An amendment to the motion was made by Leipzig to include the last sentence of the first paragraph of the proposed changes by Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association. The original motion as amended as follows: D. Public Notification Requirements Three days prior to submittal for plan check, the applicant shall give notice of the application to adjacent property owners by first class mail. The applicant shall submit proof of mailing of the notice when submitting the application for plan check. The adjacent property owners shall have ten (10) working days from plan check submittal to provide comments regarding the application to the Director of Community Development. All decisions of the Director regarding the application shall be final. Letters of notification shall give a brief description of the planned development and include the following: a.. Name of applicant. b. Location of planned development. G. Nature of the planned development, including maximum building height and square footage. 93 Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 d. The City Hall telephone number for the Department of Community Development to call for viewing plans. e. The date by which any comments must be received in writing by the Department of Community Development. f. The address of the Department of Community Development. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; Silva ABSENT: Robitaille Motion to Amend Section C of the Infill Lot Desicin Considerations - Approved A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Winchell, to amend 9730.87.2 Infill Lot Design Considerations, Section C. Miscellaneous as follows: C. Miscellaneous 1. Pad height for new construction shall match to the extent possible, grades of adjacent residences. Any property owners who intends to add more than two (2) feet of fill to an infill lot or to add any fill to a lot where the grade differential is already two (2) feet or more relative to an abutting lot shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that there is no other acceptable method to drain the property adequately. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; Silva ABSENT: Robitaille Motion to Adopt Ordinance No. 3242A and Code Amendment No. 94-4 - Approved The original motion made by Silva, seconded Leipzig, to approve the Planning Commission recommendation to adopt Emergency Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes, as amended, after reading by title and Code Amendment No. 94-4, with findings as outlined in Ordinance No. 3242A with Staff Proposed Changes and Findings for Approval as outlined as follows - "AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING ARTICLE 973 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS PERTAINING TO RESIDENTIAL INFILL DEVELOPMENTS." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; None 94 ABSENT: Robitaille Page 17 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/06/94 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 3242AICODE AMENDMENT NO. 94-4 1. Code Amendment No. 94-4 creates requirements for the orderly development of residential infill lots, including public notification, setback and architectural design. 2. Code Amendment No. 94-4 is consistent with the goals and policies contained with the City's General Plan. Motion to End Fa -Five Day Moratorium A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Silva, to bring to an and the forty-five day moratorium that Council enacted twenty-nine days ago. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; None ABSENT: Robitaiile Councilmember Winchell thanked staff and the Planning Commission for their hard work. Discussion Held Regarding Continuance of Meeting Past Eleven P.M. The Mayor announced that it was past the hour of eleven o'clock and to comply with Council resolution, asked for a motion to continue the meeting. Discussion was held by Council on what date to continue the meeting. A motion was made by Leipzig to waive the eleven p.m. witching hour and proceed with the agenda until completed. The motion FAILED for lack of a second. The City Administrator stated that a meeting could be held on Monday, July 11, 1994, at 6:30 p.m_ Fire Chief Dolder requested that action be taken on the oil spill contingency plan grant acceptance of additional grant funds. (City Council) OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLAN GRANT - ACCEPTANCE OF ADDITIONAL GRANT FUNDS - RESOLUTION NO. 6611 - ADOPTED (340.80) _ The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6611 for Council adoption - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLANS." 95 Page 18 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Leipzig, to adopt Council Resolution No. 6611. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; None ABSENT: Robitaille The City Clerk stated the need to open and continue the public hearings regarding the appeal of Revised Conditional Use Permit No. 91-57, Revised Coastal Development Permit No. 92-2 and Revised Negative Declaration No. 92-9 regarding a basement addition to the health club at 303 Third Street and Resolution No. 6608 ordering vacation of an easement for public street purposes over a portion of public street - Island Bay Lane north of Palm Avenue. Sarah Lazarus, Deputy City Attorney, stated that the public hearings do not have to be opened as the meeting on July 11, 1994 is a continuance of this meeting. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to continue the meeting to Monday, July 11, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Moulton -Patterson, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES; None ABSENT: Robitaille (City Council PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED OPEN FROM JUNE 6 1994 - CODE AMENDMENT NO. 92-5 - DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN CODE AMENDMENT AND "VILLAGE CONCEPT" - DOWNTOWN PARKING MASTER PLAN - INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3239 - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (450.30) Ci Council PUBLIC HEARING - CODE AMENDMENT NO. 91-10 - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO.91-32 - PROPOSED ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - DIVISION 9 REWRITE -CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (640.10) (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL FILED BY COUNCILMEMBER RALPH BAUER OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.94-10 WITH SPECIAL PERMIT FOR COMPACT PARKING SPACES - FRAZER TREMBLAY ENTERPRISES - INDOOR SWAP MEET - 5555 McFADDEN AVENUE - CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (420.40) (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING FILED BY COUNCILMEMBER EARLE ROBITAILLE OF COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF REVISED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 91-57, REVISED COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 92-2 - REVISED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 92-9 - BASEMENT ADDITION TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED HEALTH CLUB - 303 THIRD STREET - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (420.40) W Page 19 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO.6608 ORDERING A VACATION OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES OVER A PORTION OF PUBLIC STREET ISLAND BAY LANE - NORTH OF PALM AVENUE - CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (800,50) ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION - THE MAYOR WILL RECESS THE COUNCILIAGENCY MEETING IN ORDER TO CONVENE ANNUAL REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (Citty Council) FEDERAL FUNDING FOR FEMA DISASTER NO. 1008 - NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKE - DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT FIRE CHIEF DOWER AND EMERGENCY SERVICES MANAGER REYNOLDS AND EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR MORRISON - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (340.70) (City Council FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 14648 - PORTION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14134 - SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - SOUTHEAST_ CORNER OF SEAPOINTE AVENUE AND PALM AVENUE - CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (420.60) (City Council AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL AND SHELTER SERVICES - COUNTY OF ORANGE - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (600.25) I(CitV Council) YOUTH BOARD APPOINTMENTS - WILLIAMSITERHUNEIO'SULLIVANI SHUNMUGAVEL - REAPPOINTMENTS - HORACK/GILLESPIEITRAN/LIU/RECHSTEINER - CONTINUED TO JULY 11. 1994 (110.20) (City Council AMICUS BRIEF - CITY OF LAGUNA HILLS V. COUNTY OF ORANGE - ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 71-73-38 - CONTINUED TO JULY-11, 1994 (630.50) (City Council) REAPPOINTMENTS TO PERSONNEL COMMISSION -_BLANCHE DEIGHT - WALDEMAR VAN COTT - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (110.20) sty Council) PARCEL MAP NO. 92-203 - H.R.L. CONSTRUCTION, INCORPORATED - 7541 AND 7555 WARNER AVENUE - CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (420,70) Redevelopment Agency) SELECTION OF NON-PROFIT DEVELOPER - ORANGE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - YORKTOWN- LAKE SENIOR HOUSING - COMMENCE NEGOTIATION OF EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT - YORKTOWN-LAKE PROJECT AREA - CONTINUED TO JULY-1 1, 1994 (430.55) 97 Page 20 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 (City Council) LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT - TWO GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS IN HUNTINGTON BEACH - NEWLAND STREET NORTH OF ELLIS AVENUE AND LAMBERT PARK WEST OF NEWLAND STREET - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (600.25) (City Council PHASE III GOLDENWEST STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM WALNUT AVENUE TO YORKTOWN AVENUE - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BIDS - CC-911 - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (600.50) (City Council) RESOLUTION NO. 6609 - MATCHING FUNDS FROM ORANGE COUNTY COMBINED TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PROGRAM - FISCAL YEARS 1995/96 AND 1996197 - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (800.45) (City Council) AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NOS. 14007 AND 14009 - SEACLIFF PARTNERS - THE HAMPTONS - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (428-" 43o..so (City Council) POLICE DEPARTMENT DENIAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT= NIGHTCLUB KNOWN AS CLUB 5902 - CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (630.10) (City Council) RECLASSIFICATION OF WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN THIRD STREET AND MAIN STREET - CIRCULATION ELEMENT - ORANGE COUNTY MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS - CONTINUED FROM JUNE 6 1994 - CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (800.10) FRO PURSUANT TO HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY CHARTER - - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (620.50) (City Council CREATION OF NEW DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 POSITION - DEFERRED FROM JUNE 6, 1994 - CONTINUED TO JULY 11, 1994 (700.60) (City Council) REGULATION OF COMMERCIAL MOBILE VENDING WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT- OF-WAY -CONTINUED TO JULY 11 1994 (640.10) 98 Page 21 - Council/Agency Minutes - 07/05/94 ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Moulton -Patterson adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, July 11, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California. Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman WE