HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-20MINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, September 20, 1994 Mayor Pro Tempore Robitaille called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 6:30 p.m. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Sullivan, Leipzig (arrived 7:15 p.m.), Silva (arrived 8:00 p.m.) ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED OPEN FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - CODE AMENDMENT NO.91-10 - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO.91-32 - PROPOSED ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - DIVISION 9 REWRITE - NEGATIVE DECLARATION - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 91-32 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED ORDINANCE NOS. 3252, 3253, AND 3254 (640.10) The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set to consider a public hearing continued open from September 19, 1994 to consider the following: APPLICATION NUMBER: Code Amendment No. 91-10 - Environmental Assessment No. 91-32 APPLICANT: City of Huntington Beach, Department of Community Development REQUEST: Repeal existing Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Division 9, and establish a new zoning and subdivision ordinance for inclusion in the Huntington Beach Municipal Code. The new ordinance updates the zoning and subdivision provisions by incorporating current planning principles and planning requirements of state law, deleting duplications and conflicts, and streamlining review processing. COASTAL STATUS: An amendment to the Huntington Beach Local Coastal Program Implementing Ordinances will be filed with the California Coastal Commission following adoption by the City Council. The Community Development Director presented a staff report. Susan Pierce presented a staff report using slides. She distributed a communication to Council from the Community Development Department entitled Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance dated September 19, 1994. Mayor Pro. Tern Robitaille declared the public hearing open. 35 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09120/94 The City Clerk announced a communication received and distributed to Council on September 19, 1994 from the Waterfront Corporation. There being no, one present to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Chan a to Section Eight of Recluest for Council Action Page Four Regarding Higher Education Permitted _Subject to Approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission Councilmember Sullivan requested a change be made on Page Four of the Request for Council Action Section Eight as follows: "Change to reflect no elementary or secondary schools. Higher education subject to Conditional use permit approval by PC; add personal enrichment; disallow churches." The Planning Director notes the change. Straw Vote - Part -Time Use in Industrial Zones for Churches - Approved A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Leipzig, that in industrial zones a church be able to use the space in an existing business on a part-time basis as a secondary use subject to a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson, Silva (arrived 8:00 p.m.) Straw Vote - Temoorant Use of Industrial Space for Churches - UR to Five Years - Approved A motion was made by Sullivan, seconded by Leipzig, to allow the temporary use for churches in the industrial space for a period not to exceed five years with a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Planning Commission. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson, Silva (arrived 8:00 p.m.) 36 Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes = 09/20/94 Straw Vote - Remaining Items as Recommended by the Council Committee - Approved A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Sullivan, to approve the remaining items as recommended by the Council Committee on List One through Sixteen including staff's recommendation to hold off on the Mobilehome portion. (Issues Trailed from the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance for Further Review on Pages Three, Four and Five of the Request for Council Action dated September 19, 1994.) The City Clerk clarified that the Mobile Home issue would be brought back at a later date. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson, Silva (arrived 8:00 p.m.) Discussion was held by Councilmember Bauer and Susan Pierce, Associate Planner, regarding the definition of a mature tree. The Planning Director reported regarding "Big Box" commercial users in industrial zones. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Winchell, to approve all twelve of the items discussed by the Council Committee and the staff. (Other Issues for Inclusion or Revision on Pages Eight and Nine of the Request for Council Action dated September 19, 1994.) The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson, Silva (arrived 8:00 p.m.) A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to approve the following: 1. Negative Declaration - Environmental Assessment No. 91-32; and after reading by titles, 2. Approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3252 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REMOVING ARTICLES 937 AND 964 THEREOF AND ESTABLISHING THEM AS SPECIFIC PLANS." The ordinance removes Articles 937, North Huntington Center Specific Plan, and 964, Pacifica Community Plan, from the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and establishes them as Specific Plans; and 3. Approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3253 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REMOVING ARTICLE 900 THEREOF AND ADDING IT TO THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AS NEW CHAPTER 2:34." The ordinance removes Article 900, City Planning Commission, from the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and amends the Huntington Beach Municipal Code by adding Chapter 2.34; and 37 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 4. Code Amendment No. 91-10, the Proposed Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance based upon the findings outlined as follows: Findings for Approval - Code Amendment No. 91-10 (Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance) 1. Code Amendment No 91-32 is consistent with the requirements set forth in the California Government Code, Title 7, Division 1, Planning and Zoning, and Division 2, Subdivisions. 2. Code Amendment No. 91-32 implements the policies of the Huntington Beach General Plan as provided in the California Government Code, Title 7, Division 1, Planning and Zoning, and Division 2, Subdivisions, and in the California Constitution, Chapter 111, Section 7. 3. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan by including provisions to a. allow development while preserving and protecting properties with geographical and topographical features and significant historic, scenic and archeological value; b. manage and preserve water resources; and c. ensure adequate properties are available for open space and recreational purposes. 4. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Seismic -Safety Element of the General Plan by including provisions to regulate development in the floodplain consistent with the recommendations of the California Department of Water Resources and to regulate oil related activities. 6. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Noise Element of the General Plan by including provisions to separate noise generating uses from sensitive uses such as residential and public semipublic uses. 6. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Recreation Element of the General Plan by including provisions that require dedication of land for park and recreational facilities or payment of parkland dedication in -lieu fees. 7. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan by including provisions to require sufficient on -site parking for all uses in the City of Huntington Beach and to minimize adverse environmental and aesthetic effects created by parking facilities. 8. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Scenic Highways Element of the General Plan by including a. building design criteria to enhance the street scene and to reduce building bulk; b. additional landscape requirements along scenic corridors; and s Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 c. design review for development in and adjacent to public -semipublic districts, adjacent to state highways, and within redevelopment project areas. 9. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the housing. element of the general plan by including provisions for a variety of housing opportunities by type, tenure, and cost for households of all sizes throughout the city. 10. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan by including provisions that address community appearance; parks, recreation and open spaces; natural resources; shoreline; housing; community facilities; residential development; tourism; industrial development; high-rise development; and public, semipublic uses. 11. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Community Facilities Element of the General Plan by including a balanced community statement that ensures that prior to approval of any discretionary application it can be established that the development will be supported by adequate public facilities and services. 12. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Coastal Element of the General Plan by including provisions that implement the Coastal Act. 13. Code Amendment No. 91-32 is consistent with the Growth Element of the General Plan by including provisions that address transportation demand and parks and recreation facilities. 4. Approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3254 after reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REPEALING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE AND ADOPTING A NEW ZONING AND SUBDIVISION CODE." The ordinance repeals the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code except Article 910 entitled Residential Agriculture and amends the Huntington Beach Municipal Code by adding Titles 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson, Silva (arrived 8.00 p.m.) (City Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - BOLSA CH1CA REGIONAL PARK - PRESENTATION BY COUNTY OF ORANGE - GAS PLANT SITE - MOTION TO APPROVE PRESERVATION - FAILED (440.60) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Development Director regarding the Orange County Department of Harbors, Beaches and Parks proposed plan for the preservation of specific gas plant elements for incorporation in the Bolsa Chica Regional Park. The Community Development Director presented a staff report. 39 Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 The Fire Chief reported regarding the impact of the structures on remediation of soil on the site, water intrusion and fire protection. Robert Fisher, Orange County Harbors, Beaches.and Parks Director, introduced Scott Thomas and Jenny Stets from the Orange County staff. He stated that the park dedication ceremony is scheduled for October 20, 1994. He stated that the gas plant parcel could have the potential for telling the story of the oil and gas industry and its importance to the city and Orange County. Scott Thomas, Orange County Senior Landscape Architect, presented a report using slides of the site and the surrounding area. He spoke in support of preservation of selected components of the gas plant and stated that the site is visually and educationally fascinating. Robert Fisher, Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks Director, reported that the proposal was considered by a combination meeting of the Historical Resources Board, Community Services Board, and Allied Arts Board and the concept was approved. Straw Vote - Preservation of the Gas Plant - FAILED Mayor Pro Tem Robitaille called for a straw vote of all Councilmembers who are enthusiastic about and supportive of this plan. The motion FAILED by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Leipzig NOES: Robitaille, Bauer, Sullivan ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson, Silva (arrived 8:00 p.m.) RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor Pro Tern called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 7:45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8.00 p.m. Councilmember Silva arrived at 8:00 p.m. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PARKING AUTHORITY Vice Chairman Robitaille called the regular annual meeting of the Huntington Beach Civic Improvement Corporation to order. PARKING AUTHORITY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson The Secretary was directed to read the Call for Special Meeting. 40 Page 7 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF PARKING AUTHORITY Linda Moulton -Patterson, Chairman Jim Silva, Director Ralph Bauer, Director Earle Robitaille, Director Grace Winchell, Director Victor Leipzig, Director Dave Sullivan, Director Gentlemen: You are hereby notified of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Parking Authority on Monday, September 19, 1994, at 6:30 P.M., or shortly thereafter, in the Huntington Beach City Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California for the purpose of considering Parking Authority Resolution No. 19 regarding changing the meeting time of the Huntington Beach Parking Authority to coincide with regular Council/Redevelopment Agency meetings held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers at 2000 Main Street. Parking Authority Resolution No. 19 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REVISING RESOLUTION NO. 1 FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS, APPOINTING OFFICERS AND PROVIDING FOR SERVICES AND FACILITIES OF CITY DEPARTMENTS." and to consider Parkin Authority Resolution No. 20 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF SPECIAL FUNDS", regarding the need to provide a pressure steam washing and sanitizing of the flooring of the Main Promenade Parking Structure. Dated: September 16, 1994 /s/ Linda Moulton -Patterson Chairman, Huntington Beach Parking Authority ATTEST: Is/ Connie Brockway Secretary I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call For Special Meeting of the Huntington Beach Parking Authority, prior to 6:30 p.m., on Sunday, September 18, 1994. /s/ Linda Moulton -Patterson Chairman, Huntington Beach Parking Authority41 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 PARKING AUTHORITY ROLL CALL PRESENT: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council/Parkins Authority) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - RESOLUTION NO. 19 - MEETING TIME OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PARKING AUTHORITY - ADOPTED (125.40) The Secretary of the Parking Authority presented a communication from the City Administrator regarding changing the meeting time of the Huntington Beach Parking Authority to coincide with regular Council/Redevelopment Agency meetings held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers at 2000 Main Street. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Leipzig, to adopt Parking Authority Resolution No. 19 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REVISING RESOLUTION NO. 1 FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS, APPOINTING OFFICERS AND PROVIDING FOR SERVICES AND FACILITIES OF CITY DEPARTMENTS." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson (City Council/Parkin Authori CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - RESOLUTION NO. 20 - MAIN PROMENADE PARKING STRUCTURE - STEAM CLEANING - ADOPTED (275.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director regarding the need to provide a pressure steam washing and sanitizing of the flooring of the Main Promenade Parking Structure. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Leipzig, to adopt Parking Authority Resolution No. 20 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF SPECIAL FUNDS." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT Moulton -Patterson ADJOURN MEETING OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PARKING AUTHORITY Mayor Pro Tern Robitaille adjourned the special meeting of the Huntington Beach Parking 42 Authority. Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS REMOVED The following items were requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration: (Leipzig) amendment to city and county Circulation Plans regarding Pacific View Drive, authorization for HBTV-3 to televise candidate nights as a public service, office space lease between Tae II Kim and Abdelmuti Development Company, Seapaint Avenue Extension Noise Analysis, (Silva) amendment No. 2 to agreement with Ervin, Cohen and Jessup for review of the Balsa Chica Environmental Impact Report. CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Winchell, second Leipzig, Council approved the following items, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City CounclURedevel0 ment Agency) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - MINUTES - APPROVED AND ADOPTED - Approved and adopted minutes of the Council/Agency adjourned regular meetings of July 5, 1994 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - BID AWARD - NEWLANDIHEIL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS - KEN THOMPSON INCORPORATED - CC-905 - APPROVED (600.55) - Accepted the low bid of Ken Thompson, Incorporated in the amount of $307,812.00 with estimated construction change orders of $30,781.00 and supplemental expenditures of $3,000.00 for the construction of Newland/Heil Traffic Signal and Storm Drain Improvements project CC-905, hold bid bonds on the lowest three bidders until execution of contract and filing of bonds, rejected all other bids and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Ken Thompson, Incorporated $307,812.00 Hiilcrest Contracting $317,165.50 Hillside Contractors $348,250.00 Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 (C& Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - BID AWARD - TOWN LOT AND OLD TOWN ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS - ANRO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INCORPORATED - CC-9071CC-850 - APPROVED (600.80) - Accepted the low bid of Anro Construction Company, Incorporated in the amount of $1,037,446 with anticipated construction change orders of $103,745, construction inspection of $82,781 and supplemental expenditures of $60,000, for the construction of the Town Lot and Old Town Alley Improvements project and CC-907 and Old Town Alley Improvements project, CC-850, hold bid bonds on the lowest three bidders until execution of contract and filing of bonds, rejected all other bids and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Anro Construction Company, Incorporated Peter Arturkovich and Sons Mladen Buntich Construction Miramontes Construction T. A. Riovard Steve Bubalo Construction Williams Supply Company Shawnan Corporation $1,037,446.00 $1,067, 299.75 $1,270,681.25 $1,263,351.50 (corrected to $1,347,331.50) $1,379,379.00 $1,520,000.00 $1,638,058.25 (corrected to $1,638,052.25) $1, 932, 942.00 (corrected to $1, 944, 327.50) (0y Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION - PHASE I - GOLDENWEST STREET WIDENING FROM ELLIS AVENUE TO WARNER AVENUE - CC-575 - APPROVED (600,50) - Accepted the improvements on Goldenwest Street from Ellis Avenue to Warner Avenue for a total construction cost of $3,744.394.17 and authorized the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion. (City Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - RESOLUTION NO. 6630 - AGREEMENT TO ADD CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO EXISTING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - AIRBORNE LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES ABLE - ADOPTED (600.40) - Adopted Resolution No. 6630: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ADDENDUM AGREEMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE AIRBORNE LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES." (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT - WILLDAN ASSOCIATES - ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING - HOLLY-SEACLIFF AMENDMENT NO. 1 APPROVED (600.10) - Approved Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between the city and Willdan Associates for Assessment Engineering; increased authorized appropriations from the Holly-Seacliff Fund by $23,000 from $42,800 to $65,800; and increased authorized expenditures for engineering services and supplemental expenses by $23,000, from $35,800 to $58,800. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER -19, 1994 - LOAN AGREEMENT - AFFORDABLE HOUSING - ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION - A PURCHASE OF 611 SIXTH STREET- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS �.`� CDBG - RESOLUTION NO. 6631 - ADOPTED (600.10) - Adopted Resolution No. 6631 - "A Page 11 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20194 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO 611 SIXTH STREET BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION." The ordinance authorizes the Mayor and City Clark to execute the documents as required; and approved appropriation of the sum of $300,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG) to be loaned to the Orange County Community Housing Corporation to purchase 611 Sixth Street for use as affordable housing. (City Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - ESTABLISHMENT OF AD HOC HUNTINGTON BEACH FILM COMMITTEE - APPROVED (120.25) - Approved the establishment of the ad hoc Huntington Beach Film Committee to advise and work with the City Council on attracting more film and television productions into our city. (City Council} CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - GRANT AGREEMENT - HUNTINGTON BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISITORS BUREAU INCORPORATED FOR FY 1994-95 - APPROVED (600.10) - Approved the grant agreement between the city and the Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau for Public Relations Services in the amount of $172,500. (Redevelopment Agencyl CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS - NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT - ORANGE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (OHDC) - YORKTOWNILAKE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA - APPROVED (600.30) - Approved and authorized execution by the Agency Chairman and Agency Clerk to execute the Negotiation Agreement between Orange Housing Development Corporation and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach for a twelve-month period. Orange Housing Development Corporation to be the ultimate owner and operator of the housing project. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - ANNUAL REVIEW - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.88-1 - MEADOWLARK - DICK NERIO ET AL - APPROVED (600.30) - Accepted the annual monitoring report and find that the developer has complied in good faith with Development Agreement No. 88-1. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - YOUTH ROLLER HOCKEY ARENA FUNDING FROM PARK ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT FUND - APPROVED (320.20) - Approved an amendment to the FY 94195 Budget to allocate $9,000 from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund for the purpose of buying materials to build two roller hockey arenas. Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - PARTICIPANT APPROVAL - SET ASIDE FUNDS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS (CDBG) - APPROVED (340.70) - Approved the borrower listed by name, the amount of the loan and the specific property subject to trust deed, authorized incorporation into the previously approved Down Payment Assistance loan documents, authorized the Mayor/Chairperson and City/Agency Clerk to execute the Agreement between the city and/or Agency and the participant as approved and released funds for Down Payment Assistance Program participant. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL - INTERSECTION OF MAGNOLIA STREET AND INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE - CC-915 (600.55) - Approved Alternative B as outlined in the Request for Council Action dated September 19, 1994 by declaring that the project to modify the traffic signal at the intersection of Magnolia Street and Indianapolis Avenue, CC-915, is of urgent necessity for the preservation of life, health, or property, and authorized staff to advertise for bids for the modification of the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Magnolia Street and Indianapolis Avenue. (Redevelopment Ac3encyACJty Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - AMENDMENT TO CITY AND COUNTY CIRCULATION PLANS - PACIFIC VIEW DRIVE - THE WATERFRONT -APPROVED (440.50) The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator regarding the Amendment to Circulation Element - Pacific View Drive dated September 19, 1994. Councilmember Leipzig spoke in support of further analysis of traffic needs. The Economic Development Director reported. The City Engineer reported regarding traffic studies to be performed and stated that the amendment will have to be approved by the Planning Commission and ultimately by the City Council. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to authorize The Waterfront to apply for an amendment to the city and county Circulation Plans to eliminate a segment of Pacific View. Drive within the site of the proposed Waterfront project for the purposes of analyzing the impact of the deletion of this segment of the street. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson W Page 13 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09120/94 (City Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - AUTHORIZATION FOR HBTV-3 TO TELEVISE CANDIDATE NIGHTS AS A PUBLIC SERVICE - ALTERNATE PROPOSAL APPROVED (160.10) The `City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator entitled Authorization for HBTV-3`to Televise Candidate Nights as a Public Service. Councilmember Leipzig stated that Councilmember Sullivan has an item on the agenda that relates to this agenda item. Mayor Pro Tern Robitaille stated that Councilmember Sullivan's item should be moved up and discussed prior to this item. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - PROPOSAL TO TELEVISE TWO CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE NIGHTS -APPROVED AS AMENDED (160.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from Councilmember Sullivan proposing that the city hold two candidate nights on HBTV-3 in addition to the candidate night that is sponsored by the League of Women Voters. Rich Barnard, Deputy City Administrator, presented a staff report. Councilmember Leipzig spoke in support of the candidate forums and individual candidate interviews. He stated that he would like to continue what we are doing and to allow for school board candidate forums. Councilmember Sullivan spoke regarding candidate forums and televising of candidate forums held in the community. He stated that the newspaper reporters would be the ideal group to have an additional forum. He suggested that two additional candidate forums be held and televised. Councilmember Silva spoke in support of the individual candidate interviews. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Sullivan, to authorize city staff, as a public service, to proceed with televising and re -broadcasting candidate nights from the City Council Chambers, for the City Council race with the League of Women Voters and with the newspaper reporters and the Huntington Beach Union High School District race. In response to Councilmember Leipzig's question, Rich Barnard reported regarding the request for a candidate forum by the Ocean View School District that was withdrawn. Councilmember Leipzig spoke in support of an "open mike" forum. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Sullivan NOES: Leipzig ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson 47 Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20194 A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Silva, to have an "open mike" type of forum in addition (to the candidate forum) for up to five minutes. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (Redevelopment Agency) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - OFFICE SPACE LEASE BETWEEN TAE IL KIM AND ABDELMUTI DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - AGENCY APPROVAL OF BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS - OCEANVIEW PROMENADE - MAIN -PIER PROJECT AREA - APPROVED (600.30) The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator entitled Approval of Lease Between Tae II Kim and Abdelmuti Development Company for Office Space in Oceanview Promenade (Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area) dated September 19, 1994. In response to Councilmember Leipzig's question, the Economic Development Director reported regarding leasing of space in the Oceanview Promenade. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Winchell, to approve the lease between Tae If Kim and Abdelmuti Development Company as summarized in the Basic Lease Provisions as outlined in Attachment No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated September 19, 1994. OFFICE SPACE LEASE BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS - The foregoing basic lease provisions are presented here and represent the agreement of the parties hereto, subject to further definition and elaboration in the Additional Lease Provisions and elsewhere in this Lease. In the event of any conflict between any Basic Lease Provision and the balance of this Lease, the latter shall control. Tenant's Name: TAE IL KIM 2. Premises, including Floor, Suite No. and Rentable Area: Third Floor, Suite H3, 1,071 rentable square feet. 3. Estimated Commencement Date: September 1, 1994. 4. Lease Term: Three (3) years and one three (3) year option. 5. Basic Annual Rent: $16,065.00 payable at $1,338.75 per month. 6. Rent Commencement Date: October 15, 1994. 48 7. Space Plan Approval Date: NIA. Page 15 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09120/94 8. Security Deposit; $1,338.75; payable upon execution of Lease. 9. Prepaid Rent: $1,338.75; payable on execution of Lease: 10. Broker (s): None 11. Address for Payments and Notices: To Landlord: Abdelmuti Development Company Go Jack's Surf & Sport 113 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Attn: Mike Abdelmuti Tel.: (714) 536-6557 To Tenant: Tae II Kim Tel.. 12. Minimum Coverage for Comprehensive General Liability Policy: $2,000,000.00 combined single limit. 13. Addendum: An Addendum consisting of None (if no Addendum is attached, insert the word none) numbered paragraphs is attached to and forms a part of this Lease. 14. Lease Execution: In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Lease, consisting of the foregoing provisions. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig NOES: Sullivan ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - SEAPOINT AVENUE EXTENSION, NOISE ANALYSIS - CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 3,199 (800.60 The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator entitled Seapoint Avenue Extension Noise Analysis dated September 19, 1994. Counciimember Leipzig stated that the Request for Council Action does not contain any dollar cost estimates, that Council had authorized staff to study Seapoint extension from a trafficltransportation!circulation point of view and that this analysis sounds like an environmental impact report. 49 Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 The Assistant City Administrator presented a staff report. Jim Otterson, Traffic Engineer, reported regarding basic components of the study and baseline existing noise levels. The City Engineer reported that homeowners contend that their homes were not properly attenuated when they were built with the developer and city staff knowing that Seapoint was going through. He stated that noise studies were done by the developer but are not available. Councilmember Robitaille asked if the report may be used in the defense of the city should litigation follow and the city needs to ascertain its legal footing. Councilmember Sullivan spoke as a member of the Council Committee and stated that certain Seapoint residents have indicated that they might sue somebody. In response to Councilmember Leipzig's question, the City Engineer responded that the cost of the noise analysis was in the range of four thousand dollars ($4,000). The Community Development Director reported regarding noise levels that would be created by Seapoint Avenue going through, conditions of approval of the developer, and state noise standards. The Assistant City Administrator reported. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to continue the Seapoint Avenue Extension Noise Analysis to October 3, 1994. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - AMENDMENT NO, 2 TO AGREEMENT - ERVIN COHEN AND JESSUP - REVIEW OF THE BOLSA CHICA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT -APPROVED (600.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from Gail Hutton, City Attorney, entitled Amendment to Contract with Ervin, Cohen and Jessup for Review of Balsa Chica EIR dated September 6, 1994. Councilmember Silva spoke regarding establishing priorities better than we have in the past regarding the Finance Board, evaluations of different departments, and expressed opposition to spending $100,000 on the evaluation of the Bolsa Chica, Councilmember Sullivan spoke in support of the expenditure and stated that it is a necessary expenditure to protect the city's interest. 50 Page 17 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to approve Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement between the city and Ervin, Cohen and Jessup for services regarding the review of the Balsa Chica Environmental Impact Report and to appropriate an additional $50,000 for fees and an additional $5,000 for costs pursuant to the amendment. The total appropriation under the two contract amendments shall be $100,000 for fees and $10,000 for costs. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: ' Silva, Robitaille ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council/Redevelopment Aaency) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 - LOAN PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT - RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION (RTC) - TOWN SQUARE RETAIL CENTER - 501 MAIN STREET - MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (600.30) r The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Attorney informing Council that the Redevelopment Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement with Mola Development for the development of the Town Square project and as a result acquired a two-thirds ownership interest in the commercial portion of the project. This property was placed in escrow by Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) to be sold to a third party. The transaction requires the Agency to reconvey its interest, under a Deed of Trust and the Loan Participation Agreement is designed to preserve the Agency's rights to all proceeds of the sale and allow such sale to close on September 10, 1994. The City Administrator reported that the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) has asked for a continuance as they are working out some of the details of the agreement. Art DeLaLoza, Deputy City Attorney, reported. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Sullivan, to continue the loan participation agreement with Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) regarding the Town Square Retail Center to October 3, 1994. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig NOES: Sullivan ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - MUNICIPAL ARTS CENTER - TERMINATE LEWIS JORGE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT,INCORPORATED CONTRACT - APPROVAL TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR REMAINING PORTIONS OF WORK - CC-753 - APPROVED (600.80) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director and Acting Public Works Director regarding the need to complete the Municipal Arts Center. The Community Services Director presented a staff report. J t • Page 18 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 Discussion was held by Councilmember Leipzig and the Community Services Director. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to terminate the construction agreement with Lewis Jorge Construction Management, Incorporated, authorize the Director of Public Works to solicit bids for the remaining portions of work, and approve the Sample Contract, subject to award of contract by Council to the approved lowest responsible bidder. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - CENTRAL LIBRARY PARKING LOT EXPANSION - RESUMPTION OF CONSTRUCTION - CHANGE ORDER INCREASE - SHAWNAN CORPORATION - CC-875 - APPROVED (600.80) The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director and Acting Public Works Director regarding an increase of the change order limit on the Central Library Parking Lot Expansion. The City Engineer presented a staff report. A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Sullivan, to authorize the increase of the change order limit on the Central Library Parking Lot Expansion, CC-875, from $203,720 to $729,570 and increase the parking lot budget with $75,000 in FY 94-95 Gas Tax Funds to reconstruct the entry road from Gothard Street into the parking lot. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council)_ CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - APPROVAL OF LEGAL INVOICES - LIEBERT CASSIDY AND FRIERSON - REVIEW PROCESSING OF EMPLOYEE OPTIONS UNDER PERS TO ESTABLISH A COMPENSATION YEAR - APPROVED (600.10) The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Attorney regarding whether to approve July 21 and August 22, 1994, invoices for attorney fees for Peter Brown, Esquire, Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson. Art DeLaLoza, Deputy City Administrator, presented a staff report. 52 Page 19-- Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, that the unpaid July 21 and August 22, 1994, invoices from Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson for legal services in the total amount of $7,625.00 on PERS issues have been reviewed and authorize payment for the two invoices dated July 21 and August 22, 1994 from.Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson for legal services in the total amount of $7,625.00 on PERS issues. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: Robitaille ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - ORDINANCE NO. 3251-B - AMENDING ARTICLES 902,942 AND 969.9 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE ADOPTED - WHITEHOLE - PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY BETWEEN BEACH BOULEVARD AND THE SANTA ANA RIVER - tREGARDING ZONE CHANGE NO. 88-18) (640.10) - The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3251-13 for Council adoption -"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLES 902,942 AND 969.9 THEREOF." Requires a conceptual development plan, environmental studies and restrictions on "CC" (Coastal Conservation) zoned property should any portion be proposed for development. Public hearing and introduction held on September 6, 1994. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Winchell, to adopt Ordinance No. 3251-B after reading by title. An amendment to the motion was made by Winchell, accepted by Leipzig, to direct staff to amend the Division 9 to add this to it. The City Clerk clarified with council that it would be amending the New Division 9. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bauer, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: Silva, Robitaille ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson 53 Page 20 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 (City Council CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1994 - ORDINANCE NO. 3241 - AMENDING CHAPTER 5.16 - RATES CHARGED TO BUSINESS BY ADDING SWAP MEETS. INDOOR , SPECIAL EVENTS, SPECIFIC EVENTS AND CHARITABLE EVENTS - ADOPTED (640.10) The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3241 for Council adoption - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 5.16, OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO RATES CHARGED TO BUSINESS BY ADDING SWAP MEETS, INDOOR SWAP MEETS, SPECIAL EVENTS, SPECIFIC EVENTS AND CHARITABLE EVENTS." A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Leipzig, to adopt Ordinance No. 3241 after reading by title. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council? CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - ORDINANCE NO. 3249-A - AMENDING ARTICLE 985 - DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - ADOPTED (640.10) The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 3249-A for Council adoption - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE 985 THEREOF RELATING TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD." Public hearing held and introduction approved on September 12, 1994. A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Sullivan, to adopt Ordinance No. 3249-A after reading by title and to add this to the new Division 9. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - ORDINANCE NO. 3250 - RELATING TO DEFINITIONS "BOARD" -ADOPTED (640.10) The City Cleric presented Ordinance No. 3250 for Council adoption - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION'2.100.020 THEREOF RELATING TO DEFINITIONS." This ordinance adds definition of "Board". Public hearing held and introduction approved on September 21, 1994. Page 21 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20194 A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Winchell, to adopt Ordinance No. 3250 after reading by title. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - RESOLUTION NO. 6620 - SUPPORT PROPOSITION NO. 187 - SAVE OUR STATE INITIATIVE - ADOPTED (120.70) The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 6620 proposed by Councilmember Silva - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING ITS ENDORSEMENT AND SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION NO. 187 THE SAVE OUR STATE INITIATIVE." Each Councilmember presented reasons for their position on Proposition No. 187. A motion was made by Silva, seconded by Sullivan, to adopt Resolution No. 6620. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Robitaille, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: Bauer, Winchell ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson (City Council) STAFF REPORT REQUESTED REGARDING YORKTOWNJFLORIDA IMPROVEMENTS Councilmember Robitaille requested a staff report and timetable regarding the Yorktown/Florida improvements that were mentioned at the September 19, 1994 meeting. Councilmember Winchell stated that she was unable to locate the expenditure in the budget and requested clarification. The City Administrator stated that would be done. (City Council) CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 - REVIEW OF CITY NOISE ORDINANCE - REQUESTED BY COUNCIL (640.10) Councilmember Winchell requested that staff be directed to review the Noise Ordinance with the intent of providing for a variance process to provisions of the ordinance. 55 Page 22 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/20/94 A motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Sullivan, to direct staff to review Noise Ordinance with the intent of providing a mechanism for a variance process to provisions of the ordinance. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Silva, Bauer, Robitaille, Winchell, Leipzig, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Moulton -Patterson Liaison Report - El Toro Reuse Planning Authorit Councilmember Sullivan reported as liaison to the ES Toro Reuse Planning Authority that a series of six meetings will be held for the public. The first meeting will describe how it is set up and how the public can provide input and is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Community Center in Garden Grove on Stanford Street. The City Administrator stated that further information regarding the meeting would be available in his office. Budget Discussion Continued to Monday, September 26, 1994 at 4:30 P.M. The City Administrator reported that discussion regarding the Budget will be continued to Monday, September 26, 1994 at 4:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Pro Tern Robitaille adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday; September 26, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor/Chairman