HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-06 (8)MINUTES
Huntington Center Mall
Community Room
7777 Edinger Avenue
Huntington Beach, California
Saturday, May 6, 1995
A videotape recording of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk
Mayor Leipzig announced that this adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach had been called to conduct
neighborhood visits by City Council members, Planning Commissioners and Department Heads
from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. discussion of the community
visits will be held in the Community Room in the Huntington Center Mall. The time between
1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. is scheduled for invited speakers and public comments.
Councilmember Bauer arrived at 9:00 a.m. and a quorum was reached.
The Mayor called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 9:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Harman, Bauer, Leipzig, Dettloff, (Green, Garofalo, Sullivan arrived later in the
Community Outreach Invited Speakers For May, 6,-1995
Carla Rush - Principal Oceanview High School
Eric Wershing - Oceanview High School Student Body President
Wendy Weber - Golden West College
Lieutenant Luis Ochoa - Huntington Beach Police Department
Delia Chadwell - North Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce - Huntington Center Mali
Ray Silver - Assistant City Administrator - Edinger Avenue Corridor Study
Alberto Angelini - California Transportation Authority (Caltrans)
Les Jones - Public Works Director, City of Huntington Beach
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Community Outreach Teams Scheduled For Neighborhood Walks
Mayor Victor Leipzig and City Administrator Michael Uberuaga
Councilmember Dave Sullivan and Assistant City Administrator Ray Silver
Councilmember Shirley Dettloff and Deputy City Administrator Rich Barnard
Councilmember Dave Garofalo and Public Works Director Les Jones
Councilmember Ralph Bauer and Assistant Building Official Ross Cranmer
Jan Halverson, Library Services Manager and Tom Huntley, Fire Department Division
Chief/Operations Officer
City Clerk Connie Brockway and Jim Engle, Deputy Director Beaches, Recreation & Development
City Finance Director Dan Villella and Planning Commissioner Haydee Tillotson
Councilmember Peter Green and Jim Hanggi, Public Information Specialist
Mayor Leipzig called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency meeting at
9:00 a.m. to conduct a walk of the neighborhood, Area 5, Northeast area of the City. The
meeting was reconvened by the Mayor at 11:30 a.m. The Mayor reviewed the purpose of the
meeting stating the area covered by the neighborhood walk was generally ranging from
Springdale Street on the west to the eastern boundary at the city and from Slater Avenue on the
south to the northern boundary of the city.
Discussion Of Community Visits Issues And Comments Reported On Included The
(RD 118_& 128) - Mayor Leipza and City Administrator Uberuaga reported on their visit to a
residential area of the city stating that most of the residents were opposed to residential
development near McDonnell Douglas. A comment had been made that perhaps the Police
Department might have been too heavy-handed during the Fourth of July but everyone else was
in support of the Police Department, felt the city was safe, however, car thefts were a concern.
Many residents commented that they shopped at Westminster Mall. Cars on lawns were reported
to be a problem as well as trucks in residential neighborhoods with the residents wanting the city
to go out and do code enforcement. One person, a resident since 1966 living across from the
park, wanted speed bumps to slow down traffic. Comments were made on the condition of
streets and equipment at the park that needed repairs (except for Murdy Park). Ray Silver,
Assistant City Administrator, reported on the Edwards to Springdale - Edinger to McFadden area,
stating that the residents had stated they were generally very happy with the City. Concerns
regarding the Dial -A -Ride Program, more opportunities needed to shop in the mall area and the
need for the downtown area to provide uses to attract older residents were expressed. Mr. Silver
also reported favorable comments on the City Fire Med Program.
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RD 168, 169 & 261 - Councilwoman Dettloff reported that she and Rich Barnard, Deputy City
Administrator, had met with neighborhood satisfaction from long-time residents. The shorter -term
residents were interested in the schools and the aspect of safety in the city. Concern was
expressed that school sites remain open space and provide recreational opportunities. The need
for more median landscaping such as that along the park by the library was mentioned. Interest
had been expressed in musical groups being a cultural part of the city. Rich Barnard, Deputy City
Administrator, reported that people generally felt very safe. He stated that the residents were
very appreciative of left turn lanes being put in, especially at Heil and Beach. The desire that the
lake at Huntington Central Park be constantly filled was expressed as well as streets being slurry
seated. The opinion that city employees were paid too much and provided too many benefits was
also expressed.
RD 149 & 159 - Councilmember Garofalo reported on the question received regarding what
happens if sales tax measure does not pass. Also an opinion received that no more development
occur until downtown vacancy situation fixed. The need to expand library operation hours was
expressed. A resident questioned why trash fees should be paid if the resident was gone for a
five month period and not used the trash services. Councilman Garofalo stated that a
businessman who pays taxes questioned why a business from out of town that delivers food to
restaurants does not. Les Jones, Public Works Director, reported that the problems of sand bees
at a local park had been mentioned and the resident knows the city can't spray because of
children playing there. Better play equipment at College View Park was requested. The question
was also raised as to why Edwards Street is a truck route and why does it stop at McFadden. He
stated that the Public Works Department would get back to the resident on this question. Mr.
Jones reported that a question had been asked as to whether the trucks along Edwards Street
weaken the banks of the channel that runs down the center. He sated that Public Works would
respond to the resident.
RD 138. 139 & 232 - Ross Cranmer, Assistant Building Official, reported that there were resident
concems around the closed Gill School site regarding future development and how it will affect
their homes including whether the development would cause parking problems in the
neighborhood similar to what had occurred from apartments being constructed along Goldenwest
Street and regarding density - where one story homes exist and then two stories are being built.
Concern was expressed regarding the bankruptcy and opposition to the sales tax was stated. He
reported a sense of community was seen in the Oakview area. Councilman Bauer reported on
the visit to the Oakview Area stating that some of the mothers were interested in beginning a
project to prepare and place planter boxes at their new neighborhood library.
Councilman Sullivan arrived at the meeting.
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RD 271 & 272 - Councilman Harman reported on the Oakview area Cinco de Mayo celebration
being held. He reported on the clean-up campaign by the children and their excitement about the
new Oakview Library. Councilmember Harman reported on a video that had been prepared by
the Public Information Office to orient new residents to the Oakview community. He reported on
the requests of the residents for larger dumpsters to accommodate refuse. He stated that
vending trucks are getting trash receptacles. Councilmember Harman reported that the Beach
View Mobilehome Park residents expressed concern with the Dial -A -Ride situation.
Councilmember Harman stated they drove by the county toxic waste site at Nichols Street and
reported that there is a real need for expanded hours. Police Lieutenant Luis Ochoa reported the
residents concern for the need for more police officers and expanded hours at the community
center. He stated vending trucks were still an issue and that there is a new ordinance pending
which it is hoped will help resolve the issue.
RD 251,252 & 253 - Gail Hutton, City Attorney, reported that the residents expressed a feeling of
safety in the city; very satisfied with parks; a need for slurry sealing and drainage problems was
mentioned. She reported a comment had been made that TV Cables had created elongated
potholes in the street. She stated concerns had been expressed regarding Rhone Lane - a street
near Sun View School, which seems to be a street that is a real quick route to Huntington Beach
Mall or between Heil and Edinger to get to the freeway, which causes a lot of traffic that
residential neighborhoods should not have. She stated the residents had suggestions for more
police enforcement of stopping at stop signs and keeping the traffic speed down to the 25 m.p.h.
Tom Huntley, Fire Department _Division Chief/Operations Officer, stated that he had met residents
who were very pleased with paramedic service. Captain Huntley stated that there were mixed
comments on the stop sign at Rhone and Kim, some had just wanted 25 m.p.h. speed signs;
others liked the stop sign but wanted more police enforcement as people are not paying attention
to it.
RD 262 & 263 - Jim Engle, Deputy Director Beaches Recreation and Develo ment, reported that
he and City Clerk Connie Brockway had visited an area near the vacant Rancho View School site
and concern had been expressed regarding the criminal activity occurring when Little League was
not using the site; that the area should be developed or the site used year -around. Police, Fire,
paramedic, library and park services were favorably commented upon. The area where a
pedestrian bridge had been removed, the removal which was welcomed by residents still had an
accessway which had caused problems with misbehaving children and also some children playing
in the area unable to get out and the neighbors having to get them out. Ingress and egress
problems for residents near Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue was expressed. Concern was
expressed regarding a video arcade on Beach Boulevard because of vandalism, trash and noise
problems. Mr. Engle reported that residents had expressed a need for a stop sign at Terry and
Glenhaven Lane due to speeding by people as a short cut from Beach Boulevard to Newland and
that there was concern that a child may be hit by a car. He stated that apparently a petition had
been submitted some time ago and the people would like something done. Mr. Engle stated that
some business owners of a strip commercial on Warner Avenue had stated that business was
slow but they love Huntington Beach clientele and had overall satisfaction. One business owner
stated that the kids from Ocean View School would hang out there after school but that they were
very well behaved and did not cause problems. He reported that it had been commented that the
City Council and city staff were very responsive.
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RD 273 & 264 - Haydee Tillotson, Planning Commissioner, reported on the upgrading of the area
occurring and the satisfaction of the residents. The drainage improvement and signal installation
was appreciated. She stated that a mother reported she was happy to be able to send her
children to the school nearest where she works. Expansion of Murdy Center hours was
requested. Another resident suggested that if the city could supply a tree shredder the property
owners could cut down their own trees. Many abandoned cars on driveways posed a problem
and residents had complaints regarding run down houses that were rented. Dan Villella, Finance
Director reported that a concern had been expressed that if Murdy Community Center hours had
to be reduced it would be during the week rather than weekends when more parents could share
the facilities. Complaints about the condition of some rental homes was of concern to residents.
RD 241 & 242 - Councilmember Green reported on residents concerns regarding empty stores at
the mail; also that many people would like to see an Automatic Teller Machine at the mall. He
reported that Officer Bob had been transferred from the Oak View area to the mall and that many
people from the Oak View area walk to the mall to visit with him which is a tribute to the Police
Department. Jim Hanggi, Public Information Specialist, reported on their canvass of the mall and
to the west near Golden West College. He stated overall, great comments had been received
about the city. He stated some concerns had been expressed from Old World representatives
about past dealings with the police. He reported a need was expressed for trash cans at bus
stops. The need was stated for adjustments of the left -had traffic light at Edinger and Electric as
well as the need for a bigger sign to promote Old World.
Mayor Leipzig extended appreciation to all those who participated in the walking exercise. He
stated he would like to issue a disclaimer as he believed it may be important for all the public to
understand that the walking that is being done by Council, Planning Commissioners and staff is
not intended to be a systematic survey of this section of the city; that reports are being brought
back regarding tree limbs that need to be trimmed etc.; but that the purpose is not to identify
every single problem at every single lot we have covered; that the purpose is a broader one of
trying to ensure that elected and appointed leaders are familiar with the fact that there are people
out in the community who rarely communicate with us and they also have concerns. It is our
responsibility to get out there and go more than half way to meet them and get a feeling for their
concerns as well.
Mayor Leipzig called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency meeting at
1:25 p.m. Mayor Leipzig reconvened the meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency at
1:30 P.M.
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Community Outreach Invited Speakers
Carla Rush, Principal, Ocean View High School, thanked Council for the opportunity to speak and
addressed Council regarding the school and some of the directions they are taking and help they
need from the City Council and citizens of Huntington Beach. She spoke regarding the grant they
were writing - Goals 2000 - a vision toward which schools must strive to prepare children for the
primary purpose of school - to learn. She spoke regarding the goal of preparing students to go
directly into the work force, value of a closed campus, code of honor and dress code. Ms. Rush
introduced Eric Wershing, Ocean View student, who has been accepted at UCLA and who has
been awarded the Alumni Scholarship.
Eric Wershing, Ocean View Student, spoke regarding youth needs from the viewpoint of a poll he
took of his friends. He suggested having establishment such as Denim and Diamonds where
young people can socialize with one night a week to be family night - any ages. He stated that
this would help solve concerns regarding teenage loitering in the downtown area. He spoke
regarding young peoples desire to see some of the open land remain for them and their children.
Mr. Wershing requested that the city solicit volunteers from the school as there are individuals
and student groups who can help as a school service to their community.
Wendy Weber, representing Philip Weston, President Goldenwest College, and herself a
representative of Golden West College, spoke regarding operations of Golden West College,
including budget reductions, goals and their methods of obtaining revenue including revenue from
the Golden West Swap Meet. She spoke regarding the College For Kids that the college
Police Lieutenant Luis Ochoa spoke regarding improvements during the past two years in he
Oakview area of the city including sidewalks installed and improvement of the general
appearance. The most important issue for a police officer assigned to Oakview (assignments are
voluntary) is wanting to be there. Attendance by the officers at Task Force Meetings and school
functions and meeting the leaders of the community are valuable. Lieutenant Ochoa stated that
Bill Fowler, Community Services Superintendent, does an admirable job chairing the Task Force
Meetings as does the Code Enforcement employees who have worked hard to clean up the area.
Lieutenant Ochoa informed the Council and audience that pending issues include a job center for
day laborers and a larger substation at Slater Avenue which will provide better working conditions
for the police officers, and a Child Guidance Center.
Della Chadwell, Uptown Committee of the North Huntington Beach Business Association and
Manager, Huntington Center Mall, spoke regarding the mall management's efforts to make the
mall a community mall. She cited examples of the police substation, making the mall available
for Girl Scout, Boy Scout, and YMCA functions as well as for the functions of other community
groups, and a new post office substation on a trial basis. She spoke regarding working with the
city on the landscaping of the Beach Boulevard/405 Freeway on and off ramps and on the efforts
to secure an entrance into the mall at Center Avenue off the 405 Freeway off ramp as well as a
location for a new pylon sign for the Mall.
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Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator, spoke regarding the critical issue of economic
development. He reported on the Edinger Corridor Plan and the Council meeting on the Edinger
Corridor which had been held in this same meeting room last week.
Alberto Angelini, Caltrans representative, referred to a City of Huntington Beach Project Location
Map - Caltrans, which had been distributed to Council.
Discussion was held between Mr. Angelini and Councilman Garofalo regarding the Adopt -A -
Highway Program where organizations and groups obtain sign recognition. Councilman Garofalo
presented questions regarding when the street overhead signs will be put up again as the Beach
Boulevard street widening is complete.
Councilmember Sullivan presented questions regarding Caltrans plans on the pavement
rehabilitation and drainage improvement on Pacific Coast Highway between Goldenwest Street
and Warner Avenue and Mr. Angelini responded. Councilmember Sullivan questioned if the
traffic light change cooperative project at Pacific Coast Highway and Warner Avenue would be
completed by summer of 1995 and Mr. Angelini reported that Caltrans was only in the position to
provide a portion of the funds and he believed it was to be implemented by the summer of 1995.
Councilmember Sullivan stated his concern it be completed due to the dangerous condition.
Mayor Leipzig presented questions regarding the landscaping project at Beach Boulevard and the
405 Freeway and Mr. Angelini reported that it was a city project with a Caltrans permit.
Les Jones, Public Works Director, stated that the Department of Public Works is working with car
dealers on a concept that goes further than the Adopt -A -Sign Program. He reported that the
traffic light project at Warner Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway is in the design phase and that
there is a difference of opinion as to how the crosswalk will be configured and that the county is a
one-third share participant and a decision will have to be made as to where that funding will be
coming from. Mr. Jones reported on the 8.5 million dollar Gothard Hoover Project and Mr. Jones
also reported on the water Master Plan and flooding issues as well as the Smart Street Project
(Beach Boulevard) and the city's application for landscaping grants.
Announcement Of Communications By City Clerk
The City Clerk announced the following communications presented at this meeting and which are
available to the public:
A twenty-one (21) page packet of written comments from shoppers at the Huntington Center Mall
submitted by Jan Metz of Lins Hallmark.
Caltrans Huntington Beach Project Location Map.
The team members who visited the various districts in the neighborhood visits had been provided
with a packet of information from the Department of Community Development - Code
Enforcement Section relative to their particular area.
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Michaela Wakeman, Huntington Beach Girls Softball, informed Council that their group needs the
city's help as they did ten years ago when the city had financially helped them to develop three
fields at Circle View Elementary School. She spoke regarding the need for a playing site, stating
that she believed the sites were not divided up unfairly. She provided her phone number to be
reached regarding the matter.
Chuck Beauregard, representing Save Our Kids, spoke regarding the need for soccer fields in the
city. He stated the need for sports playing fields for girl's sports participants.
Councilmember Bauer questioned staff as to whether it was still a policy for each quarter section
to have a park or to use school space if the city does not have the money to buy the park at the
time. Jim Engle, Deputy Director Beaches, Recreation and Development stated that it was more
a goal than policy. Discussion was held.
Meg Walker, Trustee, Ocean View School District, informed Council that Haven View School is to
be leased for five years to Grace Lutheran Church and the park space will still be available; that
their intent is to keep it open until the Bolsa Chica is developed. She spoke regarding the
school's financial needs and that she did not believe it was in the best interests of the city to
come forward with statements as to how the city could restrict the use of those facilities and how
the facilities should be used.
Discussion was held regarding school sites and their relation to youth sports and Jim Engle,
Deputy Director Beaches, Recreation and Development reported.
Councilmember Dettloff reported that the city's Planning Staff was meeting with the school district
regarding the use of school properties. She requested that anyone interested in becoming part of
the process contact her as input was needed.
Mark Horvath, President, Huntington Beach Girls' Softball, spoke in support of a playing field for
the group. He stated that no child who cannot afford to be a member of the team is tumed away.
He stated that he would like the issue to be on the Agenda.
Chuck Beauregard, representing Save Our Kids, stated that needs of de -centralized sports
should be met as well as the goal of youth sports in Central Park. He requested that a group be
formed to work together on this issue.
Mark Horvath, President, Huntington_ Beach Girls' Softball, informed Council of the difference in
field specifications between girls and boys softball uses.
On behalf of the Council the Mayor thanked all of the participants for their attendance at this
community meeting.
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The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, May 8, 1995, at 5:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center.
City Clerk/Clerk
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
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