HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-21MINUTES
7.30 A.M. - McDonnell Douglas Aerospace
Conference Facility
5301 Bolsa Avenue, Huntington Beach
Friday, July 21, 1995
An audio tape recording of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk
Call To Order
Mayor Leipzig called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 a.m. in the Conference Building of the
McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Facility.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call:
PRESENT: Bauer, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
ABSENT: Harman, Sullivan
(City Council) Mayor's Business Forum At McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Facility - Industrial
Area Businesses (460.10)
The Mayor welcomed the meeting participants to the Mayor's Business Forum hosted by
McDonnell Douglas. The meeting had been called to exchange concerns and ideas relative to
business retention, expansion and attraction.
The Mayor introduced the Councilmembers and requested the participants to introduce
List Of Business Participants:
Bob Bennett
5853 Engineer Drive
Huntington Beach
Ken Bourguignon
Dotken Engineering
17712 Gothard Street
Huntington Beach
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Barry Bussiere
Pacific Strand Real Estate
8101 Slater Avenue
Huntington Beach
Frank Jao
Bddgecreek Group, Incorporated
9030 Bolsa Avenue, Suite 312
Frank and Ruth Kurisu
SolderMask, Incorporated
17905 & 17875 Metzler Lane
Huntington Beach
Gary "Mac" McConnell
Slaney McConnell Company
5401 Industrial Drive
Huntington Beach
Victor Rossi
Rossi Engineering
1605 E. Beechwood Street
Santa Ana
Duf Sfreddo
Southridge Homes
18281 Gothard Street No. 201
Huntington Beach
McDonnell Douglas
M. A. Falley
Realys Contract Manufacturing
7601 Woodwind Drive
Huntington Beach
Martin Jespersen
Metri-Tech Engineering, Incorporated
5411 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach
Ed Laird
AQC Environmental Engineers,
5582 McFadden Avenue
Huntington Beach
Nancy Munoz
Specialty Vehicles, Incorporated
16371 Gothard Street, "C"
Huntington Beach
Taylor Rudd
TR Customs
Millie Sweesy
Tomfoolery Serious Chocolate
5362 Oceanus Drive, Suite C
Huntington Beach
Ted Rogahn, Director of Socioeconomic Development Programs
Janice Carter, Small Business Administrator, Small Business Program
Vicki Boatman, Senior Manager, Government and Community Relations
Bobbie Shaw, Senior Secretary, Government and Community Relations
Armando Martinez, Manager, Facilities Design
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City Council and Staff
Mayor Victor Leipzig
Councilman Ralph Bauer
Councilwoman Shirley Dettloff
Councilman Dave Garofalo
Councilman Peter Green
City Administrator Michael Uberuaga
Assistant City Administrator and Acting Director of Economic Development Ray Silver
City Clerk Connie Brockway
Police Lieutenant Luis Ochoa
Building Director Ross Cranmer
Hank Cunningham, Cunningham and Associates
Tom Andrusky, Assistant Project Manager, Economic Development Department
Eli Naffah, Development Specialist, Economic Development Department
Denise Wylie, Office Specialist, Economic Development Department
(City Council) City Overview
Mike Uberuaga, City Administrator, presented slides regarding the demographics of the city and
addressed the city's fiscal condition. He stated the possibility of the state legislators taking more
of the city's revenue base. A presentation on major city projects was made by the City
Citv Councill Overview Of Citv's Economic Develooment Programs
Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator and Acting Economic Development Director, outlined the
city's economic development strategy efforts. He stated that the Industrial Directory will be issued
in October and commented on the number of businesses involved in the International Committee.
Mr. Silver informed the meeting participants that the city's goal is to help businesses in any way
possible and requested business owners to always advise the city where government help is
needed and where the government needs to stay out of the way.
Ted Rogahn, Senior Manager of Social Economic Development Programs McDonnell Douglas,
distributed a document titled Developing a Working Relationship With Large Businesses". He
used this document to present a side report. Mr. Rogahn informed the gathering of the avenues
to follow to market their business to McDonnell Douglas stating that communication was the key
and stressing the use of "soft persistence". His slide and verbal report covered: The First Step -
Communication is Key; When Talking to Buyers; Quotations and Bidding; Terms and Conditions;
Purchase Order Award; Delivery (Tied to Supplier Performance Measurement Systems); Recei t
and Inspection (Quality is Key); Payment, Procurement Ethics and Commitment.
Mr. Rogahn stated that the highest quality, not the lowest cost is what McDonnell Douglas seeks.
He opened the floor to discussion and questions were asked of Mr. Rogahn relative to whether
McDonnell Douglas had a "Women Owned Business Program" and Mr. Rogahn reported on an
upcoming federal program and the program already existing under NASA. Many questions were
asked of Mr. Rogahn regarding processes involved in working with McDonnell Douglas. 380
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Discussion Between Participants
Michael Falley, Realys Contract Manufacturing, spoke regarding the problem of traffic flow on
Gothard Street south of Ellis Avenue and the Mayor responded regarding the plans being
developed for Gothard Street as a result of the proposed Holly-Seacilff Development Project.
A question was asked as to whether there was a program for natural gas vehicles and the Mayor
stated that the city does not have a program. Another participant answered that the post office
trucks were natural gas vehicles and also that the gas company has a program. Discussion was
held regarding natural gas support systems.
Tom Andrusky, Assistant Project Manager, stated that the city does have a Small Business
Assistance Center and explained its function.
Questions were asked regarding the indoor swap meet recently approved by the City Council.
Councilman Bauer responded that the operator was investigated thoroughly relative to his other
operations and also the owner of the building is very responsible and has a vested interest in
having his property suitably utilized. Considerable discussion was held by the participants
regarding what the city hopes will be the benefits of the indoor swap meet. Mr. Silver, Assistant
City Administrator, stated that the name "swap meet" was a misnomer, that it will be more of a
low end Costco type store. Lieutenant Ochoa addressed questions on security for adjacent
properties relative to the swap meet.
Michael Falley, Realys Contract Manufacturing representative, informed the participants that he
and other business people were forming a Huntington Beach Manufacturer's Association to
network with the city. Mayor Leipzig asked Mr. Fahey to keep Mr. Andrusky informed as Mr.
Andrusky is ready to offer the city's help.
Barry Bussiere, Pacific Strand Real Estate representative, stated that the Board of Realtors has a
sixty (60) person occupancy facility to assist as a conference room for Mr. Fahey. Mr. Fahey was
informed that the Chamber of Commerce would be able to help. Mr. Falley reported that the
intent of the organization is to promote business within the manufacturers themselves. Another
participant informed Mr. Falley that her group is a business networking group that meets at
Seacliff to network and refer business to each other.
A question was asked regarding whether business permits or fees were proposed because of the
bankruptcy and the City Administrator reported on the uncertainty that the bankruptcy has caused
stating that increases are not anticipated for this coming year other than a proposal of increased
refuse and water fees. Councilman Bauer spoke regarding what he believes will be the action of
the state which may result in over a four million dollar ($4,000,000) loss to the city. He stated that
the total property tax is twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) and the police, marine safety and
fire department costs are forty-two million dollars ($42,000,000); that the state now takes money
from the city when they had not previously done so.
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The impact of the bankruptcy on the city was extensively discussed by the participants. The
Mayor answered questions regarding who invests the city's money and the Mayor reported on the
city's current investment process. He stated that the forthcoming March ballot would present to
the voters measures to make the Office of the City Treasurer and the Office of the City Attorney
appointive offices. The Mayor responded to a question regarding the proposed recall of
Assemblywoman Doris Allen and the reasons why he had given his personal support to her. He
stated that he will always try to keep out of any partisanship and he was a strong supporter of
non -partisan politics.
Mayor Leipzig thanked McDonnell Douglas for hosting the meeting and providing an informative
program on sub -contracting. The Mayor on behalf of the Council thanked all businesses and city
officials for their participation. He announced that another Mayor's Business forum would be held
on Friday, September 22, 1995 at the McDonnell Douglas Conference Center.
Material Distributed During Meetinq (460.10)
McDonnell Douglas-SGde Report. "Developing A Working Relationship With Large Businesses"
Invitation to Local Economic Conference, Thursday, November 16, 1995 - Annual Conference
"Economic Strategies for the 90's and Beyond" - Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort - co -sponsored
by Chamber of Commerce and City of Huntington Beach
Pamphlet - Huntington Beach Small Business Assistance Center
Pamphlet - Welcome to the City of Huntington Beach
The 1995 Visitors Guide - Huntington Beach
City of Huntington Beach 1995 Community Overview
Interdepartmental communication to City Administrator from Deputy City Administrator/Economic
Development dated June 23, 1994 - Subject: Industrial Interview Program 1993-94.
Communication titled - "Development Assistance Committee Established" dated April 27, 1995
Article - Orange County Business Journal/Special Report - Riding wave of business development
in Surf City by Tom Andrusky
Communication titled - "A Lot Went Into Becoming Number One"
Communication titled - Welcome Letter to Business Owner from James C. Lamb, Business
Development Project Manager, and Welcome Letter to Business Owner or Manager from Chief of
Police Ron Lowenberg
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Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency
The Mayor adjoumed the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, July 24, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic
Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City
of Huntington Beach California
City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman