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Rooms B-7 and B-8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, July 24, 1995
Mayor Leipzig called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Rooms B-7 and B-8.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
PRESENT: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Garofalo, Green (arrived 5.35 p.m.)
Closed Session
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 5:05 p.m. for the
purpose of considering the following Closed Session item.
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its
designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire,
Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding Labor Relations Matters - Meet and Confer with the
following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers Association, Police Officers
Association, Police Management Association, Municipal Employees Association, Management
Employees Association, Huntington Beach Fireman's Association and Surf City Lifeguard
Employees Association. (120.80)
Reconvene Council/Redevelopment Agency
The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency at
5:10 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Roll Call
PRESENT: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Garofalo, Green (arrived 5:35 p.m.)
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An audio tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
Motion That Need To Take Action Arose After Posting Of The City Council Agenda - Adopted
- Huntington Beach -Fountain Valley Independent Vs. City Of Huntington Beach Closed
Session Required
A motion was made by Harman, second Bauer, to make a determination that the need to take
action on the issue of the litigation regarding the Huntington Beach - Fountain Valley Independent
vs. City of Huntington Beach arose subsequent to the agenda being posted as specified in
Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2). The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Recess - Reconvene City Council/Redevelopment Agency
Mayor Leipzig called a recess of the City Council Redevelopment Agency meeting at 5:12 p.m.
The Mayor reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council Redevelopment Agency at
6:15 p.m. in Room B-7 and B-8, Civic Center.
Planning Commission Roll Call Holden, Livengood, Biddle, Gorman, Kerins, Tillotson,
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
PRESENT: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Joint City Council - Planning Commission Study Session On The "Vision" For The Draft
General Plan - Council Action Deferred (440.50)
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Community Development
Director transmitting the Issues Statement, Vision Statement and Planning Principles which
contain the basic visions, issues, issues and opportunities utilized in the creation of the Draft
General Plan created by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) at the beginning of the
General Plan update process, using a combination of public, GPAC, City Council, Planning
Commission and city staff input. The action recommended by the Community Development
Department is as follows:
Review and approve the Vision Statement for the comprehensive update of the Huntington Beach
General Plan as established by the General Plan Advisory Committee and establish a joint
Council Committee to oversee the update of the General Plan.
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Public Comments
There was no one present to address Council.
Late Communications Announced During The Meeting By The City Clerk
The City Clerk announced pursuant to the Brown Act, the following late communications which
had arrived since the agenda printing:
Communication dated July 24, 1995 to Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers from the
Community Development Director - Subject: Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study
Session on the "Vision" for the Draft General Plan
Communication titled Vision Statement - General Plan dated July 24, 1995
Communication titled City of Huntington Beach General Plan Update - Planning Commission
Review Schedule
Slide Report titled General Plan Update Visioning Process - Joint Study Session July 24, 1995
Communication dated June 30, 1993 titled Visual Preference Survey Analysis
Communication dated June 20, 1995 from the Governor's Office regarding Senate Bill (Killea) -
Orange County Bankruptcy
Communication titled Financial and Legal Update - Presentation from the Office of the Chief
Executive Officer - Salomon Brothers, dated July 18, 1995
Communication titled Draft Copy, Orange County's Legislative Delegation Plan
Vision For The Draft General Plan - Council Action Deferred
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Community Development
Director transmitting the Issues Statement, Vision Statement and Planning Principles which
contain the basic visions, issues, issues and opportunities utilized in the creation of the Draft
General Plan created by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) at the beginning of the
General Plan update process, using a combination of public, GPAC, City Council, Planning
Commission and city staff input.
Mayor Leipzig introduced Jack Bowiand and Dr. Gerald Chapman, representatives of the GPAC
Committee, and Wood Tescher, consultant, ENVICOM Corporation. The Mayor then turned the
meeting over to Melanie Fallon, Community Development Director.
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The Community Development Director informed Council that it was staff's intention to spend time
with the Planning Commission and City Council to let the two key GPAC members share the
process by which the General Plan was formulated and how the vision was created. She stated
staff's strong support for the public participation process that staff has embarked upon. Ms.
Fallon reviewed the state law on the preparation of the General Plan and the public input process
She requested that comments be made by the City Councilmembers and Planning
Commissioners following he presentations so that the comments can be recorded.
Linda Niles, Senior Planner, referred to the June 30, 1993 Visual Preference Survey Analysis and
a Slide Report titled General Plan Update Visioning Process and City of Huntington Beach
General Plan Update - Planning Commission Review Schedule. Ms. Niles informed Council that
a study session would be held prior to every public hearing on an element of the proposed
General Plan.
Woody Tescher, ENVICOM Corporation, stated that the plan before Council is the view of the
citizens of Huntington Beach, not written as a staff plan and that it is the city's constitution. He
spoke regarding the diligence of the General Plan Advisory Committee. Mr. Tescher reported on
the efforts made to keep the plan from turning inwards; that the General Plan Advisory Committee
went again out into the community at different points to gather input.
Jack Bowland, Chairman of GPAC, presented background information on the development of the
proposed General Plan. He read the names of the persons and groups who had worked on the
General Plan, stating that easily over 50,000 people were represented through this process.
Dr. Gerald Chapman, GPAC member, used slides and photographs to review the General Plan
Update Issues Statement document dated July, 1992.
Mr. Tescher clarified the meaning of the wording "no consensus" appearing after some of the
statements in the Vision Statement. He stated this meant that there were a number of items on
which there may have been split opinions in the voting and which were ultimately resolved in later
discussion of the plan.
Councilman Bauer stated his concerns as to how the execution of the General Plan will be
implemented to maintain quality of life.
The Community Development Director responded that if it is known, believed in, followed and
kept on desks, there will be a greater chance for implementation. She responded to Councilman
Bauer regarding aspects of the economic issues involved.
At the request of the Mayor, Planning Commissioner Gorman reported on the Planning
Commission's study sessions on the proposed general plan, the public hearing that had been
held by the Planning Commission and the procedures used as well as procedures to be used for
future public hearings.
Planning Commissioner Hoiden stated that he believed there were policies that will take away
from the economic position of the General Plan such as new fees for development in addition to
building fees. He believed this issue needed discussion.
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Planning Commissioner Speaker stated that he believed the proposed General Plan needed to
have room to grow, that the General Plan was in fact very specific, perhaps too specific and that it
should be kept a little more open and broad.
Planning Commissioner Kerins stated his concern as to whether the policies, procedures, and
implementation programs satisfy the vision. Are new ones needed? Is revision needed, and will
they serve for ten to twenty years?
Planning Commissioner Livengood stated that he believed the Vision Statement should be looked
at as a foundation of actions that were taken. He referred to Page No. 3 - Population Forecasts,
and stated that staff has been asked to report back on evaluations of population comparisons on
the old and new general plan as well as other evaluations of dates and figures. He cited a
section on Page No. 6 regarding `route beach traffic onto other streets" and on Page No. 17
"Medium High Density from Beach Boulevard to Newland Street." He stated he believed that
direction was needed on these types of statements; to modify or to be kept as is, as this is the
foundation on which the General Plan will be built.
Planning Commissioner Tillotson stated the importance of implementation of all of the elements.
Planning Commissioner Gorman stated that he believed there is too much emphasis on
residential and that more emphasis should be placed on commercial.
Councilman Harman presented questions regarding building height determination and the section
under the school portion regarding potential development sites to subsidize school programs.
Councilman Harman stressed that he believed that closed school sites should be used for public
uses. He stated that "no consensus" disturbs him.
The Community Development Director clarified the "no consensus" designation on the Vision
Dr. Chapman spoke regarding the school representatives input.
Councilman Harman stated concern regarding Page No. 4 - "active versus passive use of parks"
and how the word "encourage" active uses is interpreted.
Mr. Bowland addressed the GPAC's intent stating that as Council gets into the General Plan it will
be seen that the word "encourage" is translated into other terms which he believes Council will
find more comfortable and show that active use as well as passive use is to be allowed.
Councilman Garofalo questioned whether the General Plan is prepared for the costs it will take to
implement. He stated that the question must be asked if the General Plan maximizes economic
potential - least cost to taxpayers.
Councilman Green stated that he believed there should be a section on the City Council Request
for Council Action (RCA) Agenda Document Report showing how the subject of the Request for
Council Action relates to the General Plan. He stated this same procedure could also be done for
the Planning Commission.
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Councilwoman Dettloff stressed Council appreciation to the General Plan Advisory Committee for
the commitment to the community which they have fulfilled. Councilwoman Dettloff stated that
she believes the addition of other elements such as economic element will help implement the
plan. She stated that if the document is right it will lessen the need for amendments.
Councilman Bauer cited items he believed must be considered including setting priorities, dealing
with deferred maintenance of infrastructure, and affordable housing that can be developed
through existing housing --not necessarily by building new housing.
Councilman Sullivan cited areas to be considered such as the feasibility of a convention center,
need for better uses downtown, an explanation for residential nodes on Beach Boulevard, auto
access to Main Street and preservation of school sites.
Mayor Leipzig stated his vision was to have the intensity remain low/moderate density, not
overgrowing itself --not developing a true urban character --not looking like a small version of a big
city. The Mayor stated he wished to see the balance of geographic uses in the city preserved and
promoted, particularly open space natural areas such as our wetlands and a balance of industrial
and commercial as well as residential uses of different kinds. He stated a balance of good
planning creates business opportunities. He stated his concern that high density residential
swallows other uses.
Discussion was held regarding the schedule of Planning Commission and City Council hearings.
The Community Development Director reported on how the state law affects the process.
Dr. Chapman stated that the concerns expressed by Council were similar to those of the GPAC
when they began. He cited the limitations including existing Development Agreements and state
and federal laws.
Jack Bowland, spoke regarding his agreement with Dr. Chapman. He stated that he believed the
General Plan will answer Council's questions. He spoke regarding the difficulties and challenges
involved in the combined effort of the committee members, staff and ENVICOM Corporation.
Mr. Bowland stated that he considered it an "operating plan".
The Community Development Director stated that she believed Councilman Bauer's suggestion to
hire a top notch urban planning design firm was a good suggestion and that it could possibly be
done for less than $5,000. Councilman Bauer gave reasons why he believed it would be
valuable. Considerable discussion was held regarding this proposal.
Discussion was held regarding the recommendation to approve the Vision Statement, and it was
determined that action would not be taken at this time.
Recess - Reconvene City Council/Redevelopment Agency
Mayor Leipzig called a recess of the City Council Redevelopment Agency meeting at 8:15 p.m.
The Mayor reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council Redevelopment Agency at
3025 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
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Report From City Administrator - Potential State Legislation Pertaining To Orange County
City Administrator Mike Uberuaga announced that he had just distributed documents relating to
the Orange County Bankruptcy including: a communication dated June 20, 1995 from the
Governor's Office regarding Senate Bill 10XX (Killea) - Orange County Bankruptcy, together with
a communication titled Financial and Legal Update - Presentation from the Office of the Chief
Executive Officer Salomon Brothers, dated July 18, 1995, and a communication titled Draft Copy,
Orange County's Legislative Delegation Plan.
The City Administrator referred to the aforementioned Financial and Legal Update communication
which included an idea of solving the county problem by taking property and/or sales tax
revenues from the cities. He reviewed Senator Lucy Killea's proposed legislation and read
excerpts. Mr. Uberuaga spoke regarding the committee that he serves on with other city
managers to develop a plan to put on the table and stated it was extremely important that cities
become proactive rather than reactive. He stated that he did not believe the Council should rely
on the numbers of the firm of Arthur Anderson but should rely on Price Waterhouse figures.
Mr. Uberuaga reported that there will be a meeting of elected officials August 3, 1995 regarding
the Bankruptcy and Settlement Agreement.
Mayor Leipzig stated that he believed a letter of outrage should be sent regarding any county
attempt to get the city's property tax funds.
Planning Commissioner Holden, at the request of Councilman Garofalo and with the permission
of the Mayor, addressed Council stating that citizens' backup in responding will make a difference
in the city being heard by the county.
Councilman Bauer stated the need to develop a plan and to gain city representation.
Discussion was held regarding the issue of changing the Settlement Agreement.
The City Administrator spoke regarding the issues including legalities involved. He stressed the
city's need for grass root support from its citizens and organizations for the plan to be developed.
The City Administrator, at the request of the Mayor, presented the financial impact report.
Motion Adopted - Stating City Council Outrage Regarding County Proposals To Take City
A motion was made by Sullivan, second by Bauer, that the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach is outraged by and opposed to proposals to take any of the city's sales tax or property tax
in order to resolve the Orange County Bankruptcy for which the city had no part in creating and
that the press be informed of this motion. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
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Motion Adopted-- To Invite Assembly Speaker Allen To Address State's Perception of
Orange County Bankruptcy and for Staff to Develop Community Campaign to Communicate
with State Legislature Regarding Sales Tax/Bankruptcy Issue
A motion was made by Garofalo, second Greed, to direct:
1. Mayor Leipzig and Councilmember Bauer to make a courtesy call on the
Assembly Speaker, Doris Allen, at the earliest possible convenience and during
that meeting invite her to Channel 3 immediately for an interview on the state's
perception of the Orange County Bankruptcy, and
2. Direct staff to develop a community campaign to communicate with the state
legislature on the sales tax and property tax issues.
The motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Regarding Appointment Of City Treasurer
Councilmember Garofalo spoke regarding the need for Council to be proactive on the
appointment of a City Treasurer at such time as the resignation of City Treasurer Watson is
effective. He stated that he would like to see the advertisements before they are issued and the
whole campaign that is being developed. Councilman Garofalo stated that he believed a Council
Committee was needed and proceeded to make a motion to form such committee.
The City Administrator reminded Council that the item was not on the agenda and reported that a
committee was formed that was working with the City Attorney's Office (Harman, Leipzig,
Sullivan) and had met last week. Following brief discussion the City Administrator stated that he
would report on August 7, 1995.
The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, August 7, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center.
391 City Clerk/Clerk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and
Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the
City of Huntington Beach California