HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-11MINUTES CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 5:00 P.M. - Room B-8 6:30 P.M. - Council Chamber Huntington Beach, California Monday, September 11, 1995 Call To Order Mayor Leipzig called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call: Present: Harman, Bauer, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo, (Sullivan arrived at 5.03 p.m.) Absent: None Recess - Closed Session The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency at 5:05 p.m. to consider the following closed session items: Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire, Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding Labor Relations Matters - Meet and Confer with the following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Police Officers' Association, Police Management Association, Municipal Employees' Association, Management Employees' Organization, Huntington Beach Firemens' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving Employees' Association. (120.80) Closed Session - Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation. Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative body of the local agency has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation. Number of Potential Cases 1 - Coultrup; and pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to the Agency's negotiator, Ray Silver and/or Stephen Kohler, regarding negotiations with Jon Coultrup concerning the Coultrup Disposition and Development Agreement. lnstruction will concern: price and terms of payment. (120,80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Edwards, Subnick v. CBI, et al. Orange County Superior Court Case No. 735699. (120.80) 479 Page 2 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is City of Huntington Beach v. Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, Incorporated, et al. United States District Court Case No. SACV95-189 LHM(EEX). (120.80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is in regards to Orange County; U. S. Bankruptcy Court Case No. SA 94-22272 JR Administratively Consolidated with Case No. SA 94-22273 JR. Joint Agreement of the County of Orange, the Official Investment Pool Participants' Committee and each option a pool participant for resolution of all claims against the County of Orange. Reconvene The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 7:10 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Mayor. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call Present: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo Absent: None Late Communications Announced By The City Clerk Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced the following late communications regarding agenda items received following the distribution of the agenda: Communication from the City Administrator, via the Public Works Director, dated September 11, 1995 regarding the Budget Reduction Proposal, fiscal year 1995-96 Communication from Seacliff Partners dated September 7, 1995 pertaining to the Proposed New Water Capital Facilities Charge Communication from the Administrative Services Department pertaining to the MSI Fees Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 Communication from Ron Hayden, Library Director, regarding the Library Department Reorganization Communication from Melanie Fallon, Community Development Director, dated September 11, 1995 pertaining to the Growth Management Element Communication from the Community Services Department regarding the Proposed Budget Communication from the Public Works Department regarding the Standard Connection Fees Communication from Boyle Engineering Corporation regarding the Water System Master Plan, Financing Plan Update and September 5, 1995 Council meeting public comments regarding construction of additional ground water wells Communication from Administrative Services Department of the Budget Study Session Slide Report dated September 11, 1995 Public Comments Gerald Umer stated his concern with reduction of the current street sweeping program in the city. He stated that residents in the Huntington Harbour area were concerned as he believed many people would go back to sweeping refuse into the storm drains causing problems in addition to the problems of winter rains and trash coming from other areas. He stated the city can not retain tourists and have the water full of garbage. He presented suggestions such as moving the sweeping program to a fee based system or turn it over to a private sector contractor. He stated that some things private sector contractors do well and some they can not do well. Mr. Urner stated that the current program seems to be working well and perhaps a way can be found to fund it. Councilman Sullivan stated that perhaps more efficient sweeping would work such as signs for a parking ban and Mr. Umer responded that their association had just approved a parking ban in some of the Huntington Harbour. However, he believed it must be looked at on a city-wide basis. Ann White, Trinidad Island Homeowner's Association Secretary, stated that she had secured signatures of residents requesting a street sign posted to remind residents to remove their cars during street sweeping days. She spoke regarding her concern for refuse going into the storm drains. Councilman Garofalo presented questions regarding whether there were any conditions unique to Huntington Harbor. AM Page 4 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 The Public Works Director responded that Huntington Harbour residents who experience debris that floats up behind their homes or front on the harbour are unique but otherwise the area is not unique. Councilman Garofalo stated he would be interested to know what the costs are to sweep a street in order to ascertain fees to be charged. George Arnold spoke in opposition to the four parking space reductions in the downtown area that appeared on the last agenda. He stated that he had been ill and had called the City Clerk requesting that her office present his opinion and that her office had not done so. Mr. Arnold spoke regarding the downtown area at night, the noise from cars, car radios and bicycles with no lights. Steve Reuter, Marine Safety Officer's Association President, spoke regarding the alarming rate of overtime hours being used and the layoff of recurrent lifeguards because of hours used not because of lack of work. He spoke regarding burn -out stating they were working six or seven days a week. He stated that more and more special events are being held causing use of Marine Safety resources. He spoke regarding the need for two more positions which would allow a night call system. He informed Council that firemen are responding to the pier, that a fireman had to jump off the pier to rescue a person and that fire personnel are not trained to do that. Mr. Reuter stated that public safety requires a safe level and that they are losing safety. fCity Council) 1995196 Budget - Increase In Water Basic Rate Charge And Usace Rates (320.20) The City Council considered the agenda communication from the City Administrator a memorandum regarding the Preliminary 1995/96 City Budget. Follow up from prior budget study session regarding the Art Center Budget, MSI Fees, Performance Budgeting, Special Events Fund, Infrastructure Needs and Business Development Program. The City Administrator reviewed the General Fund Budget Reductions stating the fact that information received in August revealed large increases in property tax refunds. He reported that city departments were requested to reduce General Fund Budgets to cover revenue reduction and the Library Department reorganization proposal was developed after submission of the Preliminary Budget. The City Administrator presented a summary of proposed General Fund changes, General Fund expense reductions and the impact of the new expense reductions. He summarized the General Fund reductions including information that expenses have been reduced to match the reduction in estimated revenue; General Fund Budget is balanced if recommended reductions are approved and the 1995/96 General Fund revenue projection may need further downward revision after the January, 1996, quarterly review. FU Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 Discussion was held regarding a letter received from the Finance Board relative to the proposed Budget. Councilwoman Dettloff requested that the Finance Board begin a complete review of the city's financial needs in the categories of operating and infrastructure for the next five years. She requested a report be presented to the Council in a preliminary form no later than April, 1996, so that by July 1, 1996, the Finance Board can recommend to Council a plan of action to assure that long-term costs and revenues are balanced through necessary adjustments in expenditures and revenues. Councilman Green suggested that Councilwoman Dettloff's memorandum be discussed by the Finance Board and then placed on the September 18, 1995 Council agenda. Report From Library Director Reaarding Library Department Reorganization The Library Director reviewed the proposed reorganization of the Library Department and referred to his communication which had been announced earlier in the meeting by the City Clerk. He explained how the reorganization would allow for the position of a Literacy Coordinator and also provide for organizational efficiency. Councilman Harman spoke regarding additional revenue sources such as parking meters. The Library Director reported on past considerations of parking meters, stating that it could be discussed again. Discussion was held by Council and staff regarding the former funding for the Literacy Coordinator position. The Library Director clarified the matter. Discussion was held regarding altemabve ways to fund the Literacy Coordinator position. MSI_ Report Deputy City Administrator Franz referred to the NISI Summary which had been announced earlier in the meeting by the City Clerk. The City Administrator reported that a portion of the MSI fees have been implemented however there are sizable infrastructure needs that must be addressed. in Page 6 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 Growth Manaaement Element The Community Development Director presented a slide report on the Growth Management Element. She reported on the goal response times for Police and Fire Departments and the current response times. Councilman Sullivan requested the Police Chief to explain the definition of Priority 1, 2 and 3 and the Police Chief presented examples of each priority. Councilman Green asked if there were standard response times in cities and considerable discussion was held between the Police Chief, Council and City Administrator. The City Administrator stated that he believes the goals need to be addressed in the General Plan. The Mayor stated that he believed care must be taken when comparing other cities as quality must be considered. Further discussion was held. Art Center Budget The Community Services Director presented a slide report on the proposed Art Center Budget. He presented an alternative budget as he believed the revenues in the proposed budget were possibly too optimistic. He presented his recommendation for forming a Huntington Beach Art Center Corporation with a Joint Powers Authority. Councilman Green stated that he believed the Community Services Director and Art Center staff should be commended for their efforts in developing a realistic alternative budget. He presented questions regarding when the employees are scheduled to become permanent, the transition to corporation employees and how it occurred that additional funds are to be committed because the Art Center revenues were not as expected. The Community Services Director reported. Report Regmeged Regard i nDowntown Parkincl Structure Revenue/Expenses Councilman Harman requested a report on revenue collected and expenses relative to the Downtown Parking Structure. The City Administrator stated that he would report back to Council. w Page 7 - Council/Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 The Community Services Director informed Council that a report regarding summer parking structure revenues is underway. Citv Budaet Discussion Councilman Harman, referring to Page 262, Police Overtime, requested clarification of how overtime is handled and allocated and if it is cost efficient as opposed to hiring personnel. The Police Chief gave examples of controlled and uncontrolled uses of overtime. He reported on the procedures used to allocate overtime. The Police Chief reported on the overtime allocated to the Communications Department. He also reported on overtime for positions that become vacant such as dispatch positions which are stressful have turnover. Councilman Harman presented questions regarding the deficit in the City Self Insurance Fund. Deputy City Administrator Franz reported on the need for additional City Self -Insurance funds and it was staffs intent to return to Council al the end of the fiscal year with figures. Councilman Harman asked the status of the Supplemental Retirement Fund and Deputy City Administrator Franz reported that within two years it should be fully funded. The City Administrator stated that the revenue would have to be made up from cuts in personnel. Councilman Bauer spore regarding the costs of special events and questioned if the city is really charging the special events operators the full costs. Councilman Bauer stated his concern with cutting back on Marine Safety. He questioned whether mutual assistance with other cities would be realistic. He stated that if cuts are proposed in Marine Safety next year he would be opposed as he believes the city is dangerously low already. Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding the need to become familiar with a budget document of this size. and stated that he is concerned with the fact that it does not speak to the full financial crisis. He stated that the Finance Board did address this issue. Councilman Garofalo suggested perhaps that the Mayor at each Council meeting, devote 10 or 16 minutes to a portion of the budget. Councilman Sullivan requested that Mayor Leipzig speak regarding the city's water needs and the Mayor's request for a response regarding the feasibility of wells or water reservoir as it pertains to earthquakes. William Everest, P.E., Boyle Engineering Corporation representative, addressed the issue of earthquake damage to reservoirs as opposed to wells. Page 8 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 09/11/95 The City Administrator summarized the general approach to the City Budget. He stated he would like to hold more sessions on infrastructure and the revenue base. He stated the city will have to be mindful of the diminishing reserves. The City Administrator stated he would prepare a memo regarding the Marine Safety concern issues expressed after he meets with the Community Services Director and looks at other options. (City Council Orange County Bankruptcy Recovery Plan - City Administrator Report (310.10) The City Council considered the agenda communication from the City Administrator of a Memorandum from Orange County League of California Cities dated September 7, 1995 regarding the Status of the Orange County Bankruptcy Recovery Plan. The City Administrator presented a brief report on the Orange County Bankruptcy Recovery Plan stating that an hour ago he had received a call informing him that the state was having difficulty with the Orange County Bankruptcy Recovery Plan. He stated that he would have further information to report at the September 18, 1995 meeting. Councilman Harman stated that he would like to publicly recognize the City Administrator for his outstanding job in dealing with the bankruptcy. ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, September 18, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: Lo- � � �46 10 1 - � City Clerk/Clerk PAM City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach California Mayor/Chairman