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8:30 A.M. - Talbert Room
Central Library
7111 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach, California
Saturday, October 14, 1995
Call To Order
Mayor Pro Tempore Sullivan called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Talbert
Room, Huntington Central Library.
The purpose of the meeting is to conduct an outreach to the community through visits to the
neighborhood by City Councilmembers, Planning Commissioners, Department Heads and staff
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff
(Leipzig, Green, Garofalo arrived later in the day)
Absent: None
Rich Barnard, Deputy City Administrator, reviewed the packet of material provided to each
team. He stated that upon reconvening the meeting, team presentations will be made and
requested that staff make notes of comments made which affect their departments.
Community Outreach Teams Scheduled For Neighborhood Walks
Mayor Victor Leipzig and City Administrator Mike Uberuaga
Councilwoman Shirley Dettloff and Deputy City Administrator Rich Barnard
Councilman Dave Sullivan and Fire Chief Mike Dolder
Councilman Dave Garofalo and Economic Development Director David Biggs
Councilman Ralph Bauer and Community Development Director Melanie Fallon
Councilman Peter Green and Deputy City Attorney Joe Barron
Parks, Tree and Landscape Superintendent Daryl Smith and Community Services Director Ron
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Assistant City Administrator Ray Silver and Police Captain Ed McErlain
Deputy City Administrator Robert Franz and Library Services Manager Jan Halvorsen
Maintenance Operations Manager Don Noble and City Clerk Connie Brockway
Recess - Reconvene
Mayor Pro Tempore Sullivan called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency
meeting at 9:15 a.m. and the groups proceeded to the neighborhood visits. The meeting was
reconvened at 12:30 a.m. by Mayor Leipzig in the Talbert Room.
In addition to the aforementioned teams the following persons reported on neighborhood visits:
Councilman Dave Garofalo, Planning Commissioner Tom Livengood and Public Information
Specialist Jim Hanggi.
Discussion Of Community Visits Issues And Comments Reported On By City Officials
And Staff Included The Followina:
City Administrator Uberuaga reported on the area between Warner Avenue, Los Patos Drive,
Green Street, and Sims Street. He stated that the Bolsa Chico area was the prime concern of
the residents who believe the proposed development will be too dense; that it is unfortunate
that the city is not in charge of the development process. He stated that some residents
suggested a bond issue to finance the purchase. More constructive activities for youth were
suggested. The planning permit process was mention as being bureaucratic. Mr. Uberuaga
reported that the primary complaint of business was the median island on Warner Avenue
lacking a cut to go into the businesses. Mr. Uberuaga stated that it showed him that to be pro -
business the city must be sensitive as to how a small thing such as lack of curb cuts can affect
businesses detrimentally.
Councilwoman Dettloff and Deputy City Administrator Barnard reported on the area east of the
Library between Slater and Warner Avenues beyond Edwards Street. They reported on the
impact from the torn up streets along Slater Avenue/Edwards StreetlTalbert Avenue; that
schedules should be planned so three streets are not torn up at the same time. Reluctance to
change. Huntington Central Park was expressed with unused school sites as potentially good
locations for parks mentioned. More public use and improvement of the gun range was
recommended. A person expressed concern regarding undocumented workers at Beach
Boulevard and Slater Avenue being detrimental to his business. The difficulty of getting to the
beach restrooms on rollerblades was mentioned. Trash scavenging was reported as a
problem. Persons "hanging around" downtown was mentioned unfavorably, however, the
downtown improvements and outdoor dining received approval. A number of people
expressed a desire for a standard of cleanliness in the city as they believe cleanliness has
been in decline over the years. A new resident, from Moscow, Russia, loves living here and
had good things to say about the schools.
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Councilman Sullivan and Fire Chief Dolder reported on the area bordered by Slater Avenue,
Talbert Avenue, Edwards Street and the Bolsa Chica area. They reported on residents desire
that there not be development of the Bolsa Chica area. Residents on Varsity Lane wondered
if they had been skipped on the street rejuvenation. People expressed a desire for street
sweeping and stated they would work with the city to move their cars to have it accomplished.
Some people stated that they would be willing to pay $50 to $50 per year for youth needs.
Concerns were expressed regarding undocumented workers in the Slater Avenue area. The
desire to shop in Huntington Beach was expressed in relation to the deterioration of
Huntington Mall. A resident expressed appreciation for the Police RSVP Program. The
residents liked the Police Department presenting public information in the schools. Support for
a youth complex and a fear that sports fields will disappear was expressed. Concerns were
stated in a very positive way.
Councilman Garofalo and Economic Development Director Biggs reported on the area
bordered by Slater Avenue, Talbert Avenue, Newland Street and Gothard Street. They
reported that they had stopped at City Hall for an event for Neighborhood Watch Volunteers.
The area covered contained industrial, mobilehome, residential and a hospital and the biggest
group of comments reflected that people love living in Huntington Beach. Tremendous
infrastructure problems and housing stock in bad repair was noticed by Councilman Garofalo.
The residents in the mobilehome park on Talbert were pleased to hear of a second Police
substation for the area. Concern was expressed regarding day laborers in the area and the
residents were glad to hear of the planned day labor site. The need for tree trimming was
expressed. Resident were pleased to hear that the city is taking proactive steps regarding the
Fourth of July problems.
Councilman Bauer and Community Development Director Fallon reported on three areas, one
at the bottom of Edwards Street hill, a small area north of Talbert and a small area south of
Talbert. They reported that their area covered was a pleasant well maintained area, a portion
of which is near Central Park. A concern was expressed that there be no development in the
Bolsa Chica lowlands and when will the Linear Park be built. Most residents of the area
covered had lived in the city for a long time. Positive comments about Huntington Central Park
and the Dog Park were received; however a request for more benches at Dog Park was made.
The Public Works Department received expressions of appreciation for their quick repair of the
drainage problem at the comer of Inlet Drive and Westlake Circle. A report was made that the
downtown area be made more conducive to visits by seniors. Concern was expressed
regarding traffic speed on Edwards Street as three fatal accidents had occurred at Varsity
Avenue and Edwards Street and at night people could hear the traffic gong through stop signs
and moving too quickly on Edwards Street. People were anxious for Slater Avenue street
improvements to be finished. A suggestion was received that perhaps the RSVP Program
could continue the bike patrols at Central Park at least on weekends throughout the rest of the
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Councilman Green reported on the Amigos de Bolsa Chico 10 K Run Fund-raiser. Deputy City
Attorney Barron reported that he had stayed at the entrance to the Central Library and met
people who had been in the city from two days to 50 years. He reported that people had
expressed a desire for the engineering and technical areas of the library to be built up. One
resident stated that he would like a sidewalk on Beach Boulevard between Atlanta Avenue and
Pacific Coast Highway so one could walk to the beach.
Councilman Harman and Police Captain McErlain reported on the Seacliff area located at
Goldenwest Street and Yorktown Avenue and the Seapoint Street area. They reported that
residents were positive about the city and city government in general. It was found that
residents would like to shop at Huntington Mall if it were upgraded or revised. Citizens
reported that they would be willing to pay for a Beach -Park Improvement District; even the
residents with grown children.
Maintenance Operations Manager Noble and Cily Clerk Brockwa reported they had walked in
the Seacliff and Beachwalk areas and had met many long time residents of the community.
Concern was expressed regarding speeding at Palm Avenue and Ofelia Lane. Concern was
expressed regarding dogs in the downtown area and the potential for dog bites. Satisfaction
was expressed with schools and the Police Department's rapport with youth. A resident
reported on his long attempt to get his street address changed from a Little Harbor Drive
address to Seacliff Lane but his otherwise great satisfaction with living in the city. More
selective police enforcement in Beachwalk was requested. The overwhelming concern of
residents in the Seacliff area is speeding along Palm Avenue; that many families with young
children are moving in, that the stop signs are not working, also reported was the signalization
at Goldenwest Street and Palm Avenue where there has been three accidents. Synchronized
intersections along Goldenwest Street specifically at Warner Avenue and at Edinger Avenue
need timing changes in the early morning hours.
Planning Commissioner Livengood covered the area bordered by Graham Street, Warner
Avenue, Springdale Street and Slater Avenue and reported that overall, great satisfaction with
the city was expressed. The need for a larger city swimming pool was expressed. Concern
was stated regarding recreational vehicles parking on the street and people living in them,
break-ins and a problem of a drug house.
Public Information Specialist Hanggi reported on the area between Edwards Street and
Goldenwest Street which backs up to Central Park. He reported that residents liked the idea of
the Linear Park and Seapoint Street going through. Concern was expressed regarding the
speed on Alta Mirano Lane, that there are no stop signs along the stretch and it borders the
park. They stated that people have lost control of their cars in the past six months and the
residents have concern for safety of their children. The residents wondered if the city could
post stop signs along the way or have "children at play" signs.
A desire was stated for more parking spaces on the west side of Goldenwest Street at Central
Park to keep parking from spilling over to the residential area.
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Deputy City Administrator Franz and Library Services Manager Halvorsen stated they had
covered the quarter section of the Equestrian Estates (Edwards and Ellis) and going east to
Five Points area including the Wycliffe Gardens. They reported that former residents of the
City of Irvine had expressed that they had a real feeling of community in Huntington Beach.
Concern was expressed that parks are becoming so popular as to cause parking on residential
streets. Difficulty in reaching accord within Homeowners Associations was reported. Concern
was expressed regarding seniors crossing at Florida Street from Huntington Terrace to the
medical offices and hospital due to speed of vehicles on Florida Street and the number of cars
parked there that obstruct vision. Seniors expressed desire for curbs painted red, speed
bumps on Florida and a crosswalk, and more frequent patrol as they have sight and hearing
difficulties making it difficult to cross the street. Some residents of the equestrian estate had
no interest in having horse trails. Residents stated they were looking forward to the Big 5
coming in.
Community Services Director Hagan and Park, Tree and Landscaping Superintendent Smith,
reported they had covered the commercial area along Beach Boulevard, the Emerald Cove
area and the residential area behind Crest View School and the Oakview area. They reported
that residents liked Dog Park. infrastructure maintenance was reported as a big concern. A
desire that street sweeping signs and fines for non-compliance was stated. Traffic speeds on
residential streets was a concern expressed. One resident stated that he had been opposed
to the rebuilding of the pier but that he was now glad it was built. People in general were very
satisfied with the living in the city.
Public Comments
Robert Cronk informed Council that he had been a city resident since 1972. He stated that he
is awaitin d`sP'orts COMpIL-0--ory h as the Central Park has places to walk and play but
lacks sports fields. He stated that he believed one of the best decisions made was the
bringing on of the current City Administrator, as when city departments are contacted a
response is received. He stated that he did not believe the gun range was conducive to
Huntington Central Park. He spoke regarding the noise from the range. He stated that the
residents wanted Crest View School to remain a school or open space, that they do not want
eight year old children crossing Beach Boulevard to go to a park. He questioned the change of
Beach Boulevard to commercial when it should be residential. He stressed that school issues
were different frorrrrc,�y issues. -t& Cronk applauded the Council for holding the line on
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Dean Albright stated that he was an electrician at Long Beach Naval Shipyard and that he is
working on the shutdown of the yard. He stated his involvement with the various city boards
and commissions through the years. He stated that he believed the city was causing the
residents to pay twice for recycling as the state already charges. Mr. Albright stated that he
believed the developers were having the biggest impact on the water resources and should
have to pay for the water improvements. He spoke regarding the need for economic
development stating his disagreement with the indoor swap meet as there is not a big area
remaining for industrial use. He suggested a tax break be given to businesses to come into
the city as the City of Camarillo did. He stated that he believed the results of the survey
should be published and a write-in survey should be requested.
Mayor Leipzig informed Mr. Albright that the fees were mainly to be charged to developers.
The Mayor stated that the city has a new Economic Development Director who will continue to
aggressively solicit businesses to the city.
The Mayor stated that the results of the survey will be published.
The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, October 16, 1995 at
5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach California
City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman