HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-04 (8)MINUTES
5:00 P.M. - Room B-8
6:30 P.M. - Council Chamber
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, December 4, 1995
Call To Order
Mayor Leipzig called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call:
Present: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Absent: None
Study Session - Presentation By Orange County Supervisor Silva And Sheriff Gates -
Orange County 800 MHz Communication System
Jim Silva, Orange County Supervisor, informed Council that he and Brad Gates, Orange
County Sheriff, were present to present the correct information on this issue to the City
Brad Gates, Orange County Sheriff, presented a history of the proposed contract and other
entities. He distributed a chart to the City Council. He reported on various aspects of the
proposed system and the financial constraints encountered as a result of the Orange County
bankruptcy. He referred to a comparison of radio system options transmitted by the City of
Newport Beach.
The City Administrator reported and referred to a memorandum to the City Council from Police
Chief Lowenberg, dated November 30, 1995, regarding the 800 Mhz System and a
memorandum from Deputy City Administrator Franz dated December 1, 1995 regarding the
Allocation of City/County 800 Mhz Costs.
The Police Chief responded to Councilman Bauer's questions stating that the county is now
unique in having the capability for different agencies to communicate with each other. He
reported on the effects of not joining the system thus becoming fragmented.
Mayor Leipzig stated that he would like to see alternatives referred to by the Sheriff analyzed
by the Police Chief.
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Supervisor Silva and Sheriff Gates thanked the City Council for the opportunity to make this
presentation to Council.
Recess - Closed Session
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency at 5:40 p.m.
to consider the following closed session items:
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its
designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire,
Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding Labor Relations Matters - Meet and Confer with the
following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Police Officers'
Association, Police Management Association, Municipal Employees' Association, Management
Employees' Organization, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving
Employees' Association. (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with
its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city
is a party_ The title of the litigation is Robin S. Dill v. City. Orange County Superior Court
Case No. 73 95 71. (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with
its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city
is a party. The title of the litigation is In re Orange County; U. S. Bankruptcy Court Case
No. SA-94-22272 JR, Administratively Consolidated with Case No. SA-94-22273 JR.
The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment
Agency at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Absent: None
Flag Salute And Pledge Of Allegiance
The Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brownie Troop 680 from Saint
Bonaventure Catholic School in Huntington Beach, Leader Mary Thompson and Girl Scout
Troop 701, Leader Carol Dubich.
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The invocation was given by Father Larry Dolan, Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church.
State Of The City Address And Presentations By Mayor Leipzig
Mayor Leipzig made a State of the City address and made presentations to fellow City Council
Mayor Pro Tempore Dave Sullivan Elected Mayo
The City Clerk announced that the Office of Mayor is now vacant and called for a motion to
elect a new Mayor.
A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Harman, to elect Mayor Pro Tempore Dave
Sullivan as Mayor by acclamation.
All Councilmembers rose and gave a standing ovation electing Dave Sullivan Mayor by
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to the new Mayor.
Councilman Ralph Bauer Elected Mayor Pro Tempore
Mayor Sullivan declared the Office of Mayor Pro Tempore vacant and called for a motion to
elect a new Mayor Pro Tempore.
A motion was made by Dettloff, seconded by Leipzig, to elect Councilman Ralph Bauer as
Mayor Pro Tempore by acclamation.
All Councilmembers rose and gave a standing ovation electing Ralph Bauer Mayor Pro
Tempore by acclamation.
Presentation To Outgoing Mayor Leipzi
Mayor Dave Sullivan presented outgoing Mayor Leipzig with a replica of the City's Surfer
Statue to commemorate his year of service as Mayor.
Mayor Sullivan announced a reception to be held in the adjoining room and invited members of
the audience to attend.
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Tom Livengood, Amigos de Bolsa Chica, made a presentation to outgoing Mayor Leipzig in
appreciation of his year of service on the City Council and leadership on the Bolsa Chica issue.
City Administrator Uberuaga thanked Mayor Leipzig on behalf of the staff for his leadership
this past year.
Outgoing Presentations By Mayor Leipzig
Mayor Leipzig presented Mayor Sullivan with a gavel. He presented starfish to Mayor Pro
Tempore Sullivan and City Council members and the City Administrator for their year of service
to the city.
Statement From New Mayor
Mayor Sullivan thanked Council and the audience for their confidence in electing him Mayor
and introduced his family members present.
Late Communications Announced By The Citv Clerk
Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced the following late communications
regarding agenda items which had been received following the distribution of the agenda:
Communication to Michael Uberuaga, City Administrator, from Robert Franz, Deputy City
Administrator, dated December 1, 1995, regarding allocation of city/County 800 MHz costs
Communication from Police Chief Lowenberg, dated November 30, 1995, regarding the
800 MHz System
Certificate of Insurance for the Agreement with Employment Systems, Incorporated (ESI) to
provide Staffing Services for Building and Safety Services
Communication to Connie Brockway, City Clerk, from Ralph Bauer, City Councilman, dated
December 4, 1995, regarding the item pertaining to the City Charter Amendments
Public Comments
Public Comments Regarding Closed Public Hearing On The Seabridge Village Homeowners
Association Zoning Text Amendment
Michael Fein, applicant, Gaylen Van Haun, Teddi Penewell, Seabridge Homeowners
Association President, and Thomas Saltarelli, Seabridge Village Home Owners Association
Legal Counsel, spoke in support of the Planning Commission recommendation.
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Ms. Van Haun referred to photographs she had submitted to Council.
Dennis Sato, representing a coalition of surfers spoke regarding the hazardous conditions
caused by fisherman's hooks in the surf around the pier. He requested that the City Council
adopt an ordinance restricting fishing in the surf zone and to give lifeguards more authority.
He presented a petition from people, who he stated spanned a wide age group, in support of
his position and public safety.
At the request of Councilman Leipzig, Mr. Sato stated a definition of surf zone.
Councilman Leipzig stated that in order to have a surfing zone a fixed point would be needed.
Michael Morgan, Professional Longboard Association representative, 30 year surf veteran and
manager of Chuck Dent Surfboards, recommended that a surf zone be established.
Tom Livengood, Huntington Beach Good Government Committee representative, spoke in
support of the proposed measure for an appointed City Attorney and City Treasurer. He gave
reasons why he supported the Council Committee recommendation.
Steve Gullage spoke regarding the request from the Mobilehome Committee for a Mobile
Home Survey by Lawrence Research that was deferred sixty days for a liaison committee
Sandra Cole, Huntington Beach Mobilehome Owners Association member, spoke regarding
Councilmen Garofalo and Green's comments at the last meeting, stating that the Mobilehome
Review Committee had adopted by-laws.
Richard Wright, Police Officers' Association representative, stated that the necessary data had
not yet been provided to the Police Officers' Association as had been the understanding. He
spoke regarding the legal advice that was given to the city by the same firm that gave a
neighboring city advice that was not upheld. He questioned if the information received in
negotiations was Council's last, best, and final offer. He requested information regarding
health care premium costs. He questioned whether Council had information regarding the
outside counsel used by the city in negotiations as it pertained to the malpractice suit against a
neighboring city.
Bob Winchell, Huntington Beach Tomorrow Board of Directors representative, spoke in support
of agreement with Rose and Kindel for lobbying services related to the Bolsa Chica Local
Coastal Program scheduled on the agenda.
Mark Porter, Huntington Beach Tomorrow Board of Directors representative, thanked Mayor
Leipzig for all his efforts on behalf of the city and for the Boisa Chica area. Mr. Porter spoke
regarding his attendance at the last City Council Committee meeting relative to the proposed
ballot measures. He recommended that the matters of qualifications and selection of the City
Treasurer and City Attorney by set forth by ordinance.
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(City Council) Council Liaison Report - Mobilehome Review Committee By -Laws - Midbury
Lane Church Services (120.20)
Councilman Garofalo explained his position on the Mobilehome Review Committee By -Laws
as referred to during public comments by Ms. Cole.
Councilman Garofalo reported on the success that Councilman Green, and Mike Strange,
Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, the Police Department representative, and he had
met with regarding the Midbury Lane issue brought up at a previous City Council meeting
regarding church services.
(City Council) City Administrator's Report - Fishing vs. Surfing Near The Pier Issue -
Police Officers' Association Request For Information - Affordable Housing Policy -
Economic Development Strategy: Financial Report
The Community Services Director at the request of the City Administrator reported on the
fishing vs. surfing issue remarked upon during public comments. Mr. Hagan stated that fishing
was a protected activity and any ordinance adopted by Council would have to be in compliance
with state law.
The City Administrator stated that he was not aware that the Police Officers' Association did
not have the necessary data. He and reported that the data would be provided to the Police
Officers' Association.
The City Administrator reported on this past Saturday's City Council meeting stating that
further information would be presented to Council in the spring and summer to assist Council
in adopting an affordable housing policy statement.
The City Administrator reported on the Economic Development Strategy for proposed merger
of the five project areas and other project amendments in January.
The City Administrator reported on the quarterly financial report received from Deputy City
Administrator Franz and encouraged Council to read it when they have an opportunity.
(City Council) Public Hearing - Resolution No. 6715 - Fee For Use Of Public Right -Of -Way
In The Downtown Area - Outdoor Dining - (Downtown Specific Plan) - Continued To
December 18 1995 (340.20)
The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing continued open from
October 2, 1995.
Applicant: City of Huntington Beach
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Request: To establish a fee in the Downtown Specific Plan Area for use of public right-of-way,
for outdoor dining by private business.
Location: Downtown Specific Plan Area
Coastal Status: Located in the non -appellate jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone
Environmental Status: Covered under Environmental Impact Report No. 82-2
A motion was made by Harman, seconded by Green, to continue the public hearing open to
December 18, 1995. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
(City Council ) Public Hearing - Closed on November 6. 1995 - Zoning Text Amendment
No. 94-7 - East Of Beach - South Of Adams - Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 94-18 -
ApAroved As Amended - Seabridne Specific Plan - Seabridge Village. Homeowner's
Association - Michael Fein - Introduction Of Ordinances Nos. 3314 And 3315 - Approved
As Amended (450.30)
The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing that had been held
and closed on November 6, 1995 with the decision continued to this date on the following:
Application No: Zoning Text Amendment No. 94-7 - Negative Declaration (Environmental
Assessment) No. 94-18
Applicant: Michael Fein
R_ eguest: To amend the Seabridge Specific Plan as follows: 1) to change the maximum
allowable units from 400 to 422 residential units (an increase of 22 units) on the east side of
the flood control channel, 2) to allow medium density residential development on a portion of
3.38 acres within Area A currently designated for Resource Production (01), 3) to allow reuse
of properties designated Resource Production (0) for parking and/or open space use, and 4)
to make minor corrections to the text.
Location: East side of Beach Boulevard, South of Adams Avenue.
Environmental Status: Environmental Assessment No. 94-18 is a determination that this item,
with mitigation, would not have any significant environmental effect and that a mitigated
Negative Declaration is warranted.
The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Development Director on
zoning text amendment on which a public hearing was closed on November 6, 1995.
The Community Development Director reported
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Howard Zelefsky, Planning Director, reported on issues relating to the number of units per acre
allowed by the Seabridge Specific Plan and the research he had conducted back to 1982. He
also reported on the oil production issue.
The Planning Director announced that the school district and homeowners association had
reached agreement that $1 per square foot above what is required by state law would be paid
to the school district. He reported on park requirements.
The Planning Director responded to Councilman Green's questions regarding oil production.
In response to Councilwoman Dettloff, the Planning Director stated that Council could, as a
finding of fact of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, put the fact that the school district had
reached agreement with the homeowners association.
Councilman Harman stated that residential and oil production are incompatible and spoke
regarding the death some years ago of a child on an oil rig in the Yorktown area.
Thomas Saltarelli, outside general counsel, for Seabridge Home Owners Association, stated
that the homeowners association would oppose having the oil drilling above ground and that it
not be a requirement for this project.
Councilman Sullivan presented questions regarding density.
Discussion was held.
Mr. Saltarelli was requested to address Council regarding the oil lease. A presentation on this
issue was made by Mr. Saltarelli.
A petition dated November 18, 1995 was received and distributed to Council from Gaylyn Van
Haun, Property Manager, for Seabridge listing approximately 94 owner/residents, 10 off -site
owners and 21 tenants in support.
A motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Dettloff, to approve the following Planning
Commission recommendation to include the placement of a finding in the Mitigated Negative
Declaration and Ordinance No. 3314 relative to the agreement reached by the school district
and the homeowners association.
Planning Commission Recommendation
1. Approve Negative Declaration No. 94-18 with Mitigation Measures as outlined in
Attachment No. 7 to the Request for Council Action dated November 6, 1995, and
2. Approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 94-7 with findings as outlined in Attachment No. 1
to the Request for Council Action dated November 6, 1995 and approve introduction of
Ordinance No. 3314, after the City Clerk read by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
12/04/95 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 9
Findings For Approval - Zoning Text Amendment No. 94-7
1. The proposed zoning text amendment to allow (a) 422 residential units (an increase of 22
units) on the east side of the flood control channel; (b) medium density residential
development on a portion of 3.38 acres within Area A currently designated for Resource
Production (01); (c) reuse of properties designated Resource Production (0) for parking
and/or open space use; and (d) to make minor corrections to the text is consistent with the
objectives of the Seabridge Specific Plan and the Planned Unit Development concept of
the code in allowing for a development that has an integrated design and adapts to the
terrain and compatibility of the surrounding environment; and is consistent with the Housing
Element of the General Plan because it provides new housing opportunities.
2. The proposed zoning text amendment is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the
standards prescribed for, the Seabridge Specific Plan. The proposed zoning text
amendment is compatible with the surrounding residential land uses because the increase
in maximum allowable dwelling units from 776 to 798 is within the maximum 800 units
anticipated in the Seabridge Specific Plan pursuant to Policy No. 5 of the Purpose section
of the document. The Seabridge development will maintain a medium density residential
design on the east side of the flood control channel.
3. A community need has been demonstrated for the proposed zoning text amendment. It will
provide an opportunity for the aesthetic improvement, proper maintenance and reuse of the
vacant, resource production area. it will allow for the development which would enhance
and integrate with the entire Seabridge planned community.
4. Adoption of the proposed zoning text amendment will be in conformity with public
convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice because allowed uses will be
subject to conditional use permit approval and density of all residential development will
average 14.6 units per acre for the entire 54.5 acre Seabridge Specific Plan area (including
the residential commercial and resource production areas).
Mitigation Measures - Negative Declaration No. 94-18
1. Prior to issuance of building permits, a geology report shall be submitted to the Public
Works Department which addresses Alquist-Priolo Special Study zone requirement for the
project area.
2. Prior to issuance of building permits, a structural engineering study shall be submitted to
the Public Works Department which evaluates proposed foundation designs with respect to
the groundshaking and liquefaction hazards.
3. During grading activities, the applicant shall discontinue grading activities during second
stage smog alerts and during windy conditions where winds exceed speeds of 15 miles per
hour locally or when blowing dust becomes a nuisance as determined by the Director of
Public Works.
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4 At the completion of daily grading activities, the subject site shall be seal rolled to compact
loose top soils and irrigated with a palliative complying with the State of California DOT
standards Specifications (Section 18) to control exposed soils when winds are predicted to
exceed 15 mph locally or ordered by the Director of Public Works.
5. Structures will be elevated a elevation 12.0 in order to comply with FEMA's flood protection
requirement for developments within a floodplain.
6. Prior to issuance of building permits, Hydrology and hydraulic calculations shall be
submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. The calculations shall
demonstrate that (1) the development will not result in increased runoff volume during a
100 year, AMC III condition, or that downstream portions of the Seabridge project have the
ability to store any increased volume from a 24 hour event, with the Adams Pump Station
being not operational, without flooding living spaces, and that (2) any increase in peak
stormwater discharged from the site, from a 100 year, AMC III condition, can be either
stores on -site, or can be accommodated in downstream systems upstream of the Adams
Pump Station. Calculations may be based on either the unit hydrograph method or the
rational method using calculated times of concentration for each case.
7. The construction areas and access areas to such shall be staged as far from existing
residences as practical.
S. Use of reflective or glare producing finishes or building materials shall be minimized.
9. An on -site qualified archaeologist should monitor all earth moving activities.
10. Should any cultural materials be encountered during the initial site survey or during grading
and excavation activities, all activity shall cease and the archaeologist shall determine the
appropriate course of action.
11. Should any human bone be encountered during any construction activities on the site. the
archaeologist shall contact the coroner pursuant to Section 5097.98 and 5097.99 of the
Public Resources Code relative to Native American Remains. Should the coroner
determine the human remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage
Commission shall be contacted pursuant to State Law SB 297.
Public Services (Added by City Council action December 4, 1996
12. Prior to issuance of building permits for the proposed 20 additional residential units, the
developer and/or property owner shall pay school mitigation fees, greater than mandated
by the State, to the Huntington Beach City School District and to the Huntington Beach
Union High School District in an amount determined in the mutually accepted agreement of
December 4, 1996.
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The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
Consent Calendar - Items Removed
The following items were requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent
Calendar for separate consideration: request for proposals for automated teller machine(ATM)
at Pier Plaza at Pacific Coast Highway and Main Street, Grant Deed for acceptance of
dedication of land for park purposes from Huntington Beach Company at the northeast corner
of Ellis Avenue and Edwards Street, and Amendment No. 1 to agreement with Rose and
Kindel for Lobbying Services related to the Bolsa Chica Local Coastal Program.
Consent Calendar - Items Approved
On motion by Green, second Bauer, Council approved the following items, as
recommended by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
(City Council) Amendment No. 1 To Agreement Between City And KPMG Peat Marwick
For Services - Independent Internal City Audit - Actuarial Valuations - Retirement
Supplement Plan And Retiree Medical Program --Approved (600.10) - Approved and
authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between
the city and KPMG Peat Marwick for $17,000 to perform actuarial valuations of the Retirement
Supplement Plan and Retiree Medical Program.
A communication was distributed to Council and the City Clerk by the City Attorney, dated
December 4, 1995, replacement of contract numbered item E-2.3 and E-2.4.
The City Attorney announced a change in the Agreement and referred to her late
communication and revised Pages 3 and 4 to the Request for Council Action dated
December 4, 1995.
(City Council) Notice of Completion - Traffic Signal Installation - Ward Street And Garfield
Avenue - CC-1013 - De La Cruz Construction, Incorporated_._ Approved (600.55) -
Accepted the improvements completed by De La Cruz Construction, Incorporated, Cash
Contract No. 1013, traffic signal installation at Ward Street and Garfield Avenue; approved the
total project cost of $89,782, and authorized the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion.
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(City Council) Agreement - Employment Systems, Incorporated (ESI) - Staffing Services -
Lease of TempoESM Personnel - Building And Safety Services - Approved (600.10) -
Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Employment
Systems, Incorporated (ESI) in an amount not to exceed $201,880, to lease personnel for
Building and Safety Services.
A late communication was received and distributed to Council of a Certificate of Insurance for
the Agreement with Employment Systems, Incorporated (ESI) to provide Staffing Services for
Building and Safety Services
(City Council) Greer Park Renovation - Budget Revision - Capital Improvement Projects
Park Acquisition And Development Fund - Approved (320.20) - Approved a budget revision
to the Capital Improvement Projects Budget Park Acquisition and Development Fund for fiscal
year 95-96 of $35,000 to be used to complete the renovation of Greer Park. Additionally, the
1995/96 budgeted revenues in the Park Acquisition and Development Fund should be
increased by $54,829 to recognize the balance of Roberti-Z'Berg grant moneys owed by the
state due to the completion of the Norma Gibbs Park project.
(City Council) Amendment - Capital Improvement Projects Budget - Park Acquisition And
Development Funding FY 1994-95 Carryover Projects -_Golden West College Backstops -
Murdy Community Center - Building Modifications - Approved (320.20) - Approved an
Amendment to the fiscal year 1995/96 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for the Park
Acquisition and Development Fund to allocate $4,000 for Golden West College backstops and
$28,000 to complete the Murdy Community Center building modifications to meet Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
(City Council Request For Proposals - Automated Teller Machine ATM At Pier Plaza -
Pacific Coast Highway And Main Street - Approved (240.40)
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Community Services Director
dated December 4, 1995 regarding Request for Proposals for an Automated Teller Machine at
Pier Plaza. The agenda item was removed from the consent calendar by Councilman
Discussion was held between Councilman Garofalo and the Community Services Director
regarding the number of ATM kiosks that would be allowed by the California Coastal
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A motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Harman, to approve the attached Request for
Proposals for the operation of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Kiosk next to the
Huntington Beach Pier within the proposed Pier Plaza at Pacific Coast Highway and Main
Street and to authorize the staff to solicit proposals to local banks. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
ABSENT: (Leipzig out of room)
E-6.(City Council Grant Deed - Acceptance Of Dedication Of 4.5 Acres Of Land For Park
Purposes From Huntington Beach Company - Northeast Corner Ellis Avenue And
Edwards Street - (Per Option in Holly-Seacliff Development Agreement) - Approved
The City Council considered the agenda communication from Deputy City Administrator Franz,
the Community Services Director, and the Fire Chief dated December 4, 1995 regarding
accepting the dedication of 4.5 acres of land for park purposes from the Huntington Beach
Company. The agenda item was removed from the consent calendar by Councilwoman
In response to a question by Councilwoman Dettloff regarding clean-up, the Fire Chief stated
that the owner of the oil well is responsible for clean-up. He explained how the city is
protected under the oil well abandonment process.
A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Dettloff, to accept the transfer by Corporation
Grant Deed of Assessor's Parcel No. 110-151-15 and 16 from the Huntington Beach Company
to the city pursuant to a five-year option in the Holly-Seaciiff Development Agreement and
direct City Clerk to record same. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
(City Council) Appropriation Of Funds - Amendment No. 1 - Agreement With Rose And
Kindel - Lobbying Services - Balsa Chica Local Coastal Program (600.10)
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Community Development
Director dated December 4, 1995 regarding Appropriation of Funds and Amendment to the
Contract with Rose and Kindel to Assist the City in addressing its Bolsa Chica Issues at the
Coastal Commission. The agenda item was removed from the consent calendar by
Councilman Green.
Councilman Green gave reasons why he believed the city could provide its own representative
in this matter.
Councilman Garofalo reported that the memorandum he had received from the Planning
Director regarding how the money to the lobbyist had been expended was satisfactory.
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Councilman Leipzig asked for further information on a break -down of expenses for lobbying
Following discussion a motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Dettloff, to appropriate
$12,000 from the General Fund for consultant services to assist the city in addressing its Balsa
Chica Issues at the Coastal Commission and approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between the city and Rose and Kindel for
Lobbying Services related to the Bolsa Chica Local Coastal Program. The motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff
NOES: Green, Garofalo
lCity Council Discussion Held Regarding Memorandum From Councilman Dave Garofalo
To City Attorney Renarding Proposed Alternative Charter Amendment - Special Municipal
Election -March 26, 1996
The City Council considered a communication from the City Clerk transmitting resolutions
necessary to conduct a Special Municipal Election to submit to the voters the following three
proposed City Charter amendments and one advisory question regarding the formation of a
citywide assessment district to fund parks and other recreational facilities as follows:
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 1, amending Sections 300 and 309 of the Charter of
the City of Huntington Beach changing the City Treasurer from an elective office to a position
appointed by the City Administrator with the approval of the City Council, be approved?"
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 2, amending Sections 300 and 311 of the Charter of
the City of Huntington Beach changing the City Attorney from an elective office to a position
appointed by the City Administrator with the approval of the City Council, be approved?"
Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 3, amending Section 309 of the Charter of the City of
Huntington Beach adding the requirement that the City Attorney shall have six (6) years of
experience in municipal or governmental law prior to his or her election, be approved?
"Advisory Vote Only. Should City of Huntington Beach acquire, develop, improve, maintain
sports fields for soccer, football, softball, baseball, and other sports; replace restrooms,
bicycle/pedestrian trails, lighting, and showers on city beach; acquire senior center site;
develop swim complex; and improve neighborhood parks and tot lots by establishing a citywide
assessment district not to exceed thirty years or a cost of:
$12 annually per mobile home unit
$24 annually per apartment unit
$36 annually per residential, commercial and industrial unit?"
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The City Council decided to consider memorandums from Councilman Garofalo to the City
Attorney regarding proposed alternative Charter Amendments.
Councilman Garofalo gave reasons why he believed that the alternative proposal should be
adopted by Council. This alternative proposal would provide that an elective City Attorney
have six years of experience in municipal or government law, delete the residency
requirement, and have the office remain elective.
Motion To Require Six Years Experience For The City Attorney And Have No Resident
Requirement - FAILED
Following considerable discussion, a motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Green, that
the ballot amendment should read:
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 3 amending Section 309 and the other
appropriate section of the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach adding the
requirement that the City Attorney shall have six (6) years experience in municipal
or governmental law prior to his or her election be approved and that such
candidate have no residency requirement in the City of Huntington Beach.
At the request of Councilman Leipzig the City Attorney reported on the Charter requirement
and the city ordinance provision regarding residency requirements for elected officials, as well
as the provision in law for appointment of City Attorneys in General Law cities, the City
Attorney reported further on election code and state code provisions relative to office holders.
Following discussions, the City Clerk repeated the motion made by Councilman Garofalo
seconded by Green, with the inclusion of the repeal of City Charter Section 312(b) as follows:
"or ceases to be an elector of the City"
As it pertains to the Office of the City Attorney and City Treasurer only.
The amended motion FAILED by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Green, Garofalo
NOES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff None
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(City Council) Resolution Nos. 672_6 And 6727 - Adopted - Calls And Gives Notice Of
March.26, 1996 Special Municipal Election - Requests Consolidation with Statewide
Primary - City Charter Amendments Proposed By Legislative BodyRegarding Office of
City Attorney, Office Of City Treasurer, And Advisory Question Regarding Formation Of
Citywide Assessment District To Fund Parks/Other Recreational Facilities (620.30)
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the City Clerk transmitting
resolutions necessary to conduct a Special Municipal Election to submit to the voters the
following two proposed City Charter amendments and one advisory question regarding the
formation of a citywide assessment district to fund parks and other recreational facilities as
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 1, amending Sections 300 and 309 of the Charter of
the City of Huntington Beach changing the City Treasurer from an elective office to a position
appointed by the City Administrator with the approval of the City Council, be approved?"
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 2, amending Sections 300 and 311 of the Charter of
the City of Huntington Beach changing the City Attorney from an elective office to a position
appointed by the City Administrator with the approval of the City Council, be approved?"
"Advisory Vote Only. Should City of Huntington Beach acquire, develop, improve, maintain
sports fields for soccer, football, softball, baseball, and other sports; replace restrooms,
bicycle/pedestrian trails, lighting, and showers on city beach; acquire senior center site;
develop swim complex; and improve neighborhood parks and tot lots by establishing a citywide
assessment district not to exceed thirty years or a cost of:
$12 annually per mobile home unit
$24 annually per apartment unit
$36 annually per residential, commercial and industrial unit?"
Communications were received and distributed to Council from: Ralph Bauer, City
Councilman, to Connie Brockway, City Clerk, dated December 4, 1995, regarding the item
pertaining to the City Charter Amendments and Richard I Lambros, Apartment Association of
Orange County Public Affairs Director, dated December 3, 1995, regarding the proposed
citywide Assessment District for March, 1996 municipal election.
Councilman Harman presented the recommendations of the Council Committee relative to the
City Treasurer and City Attomey offices.
12/04195 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 17
Straw Vote No. 1 - Qualifications For The Position Of City Treasurer
A motion was made by Harman, seconded by Dettloff, to approve by straw vote the Sub -
Committee recommended changes for the City Treasurer's Office as indicated on Page 2 of
the Council Committee Report dated November 29, 1995 entitled Report from the City Council
Sub -Committee regarding the selection process and qualifications for the position of City
"The minimum qualifications for the position of City Treasurer shall be a
combination of education and experience in an area relative to fiscal management
to include the following:
1. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Public
Administration, or a related field.
2. Six years professional experience in government or private sector financial
management, to include responsibility for the investment and protection of
3. Extensive management experience in making the receipt, disbursement,
banking, protection and custody of funds, securities and financial investments."
The motion tamed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
Councilman Garofalo stated that the question appearing on the ballot gives the City
Administrator the right to appoint but he believes the request to discharge should be included
The City Attorney referred him to Section 401 (a) of the City Charter.
The City Administrator stated that Exhibit A (ballot pamphlet text) would reflect this language,
however, it is not on the language on the ballot question.
Following discussion, Councilman Leipzig stated that the Council Committee discussed this
point as the original version had the City Administrator's power to remove language but that
the committee recommended that it be removed in order to simplify the language and the
power to remove is implicit in the power to appoint.
Councilman Bauer spoke regarding the rationale of why he was submitting wording regarding
providing the citizen's input in the process. He reviewed some of the benefits of an appointive
position and read his suggestions as to the ballot question wording which would provide the
citizens direct input. He read his recommended language to be inserted in the text of the
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Discussion was held regarding Councilman Bauer's recommended language.
The City Administrator at the request of Councilman Garofalo stated his opinion of the
proposed citizen's committee.
The Mayor summarized what he believed was Councilman Bauer's rationale for his proposal
and Councilman Bauer stated the Mayor's summarization was correct.
Straw Vote No. 2 - Selection Process For The Position Of City Treasurer_ To Include
Screening By A Citizen's Committee
A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Harman, to approve by straw vote a language
change to the proposed ballot measure language as follows:
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 1, amending Sections 300 and 309 of
the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach changing the City Treasurer from an
elective office to a position screened by a citizen's committee and appointed by
the City Administrator with the approval of the City Council, be approved?" and
A language change in the text of the City Charter after "minimum qualifications" as follows:
"Selection process for the City Treasurer shall include the following. Applicants for
City Treasurer will be reviewed by a screening committee at least one half of which
shall be made up of citizens who are registered voters in the City of Huntington
Beach and the balance of the committee shall be persons with current municipal
investment experience. The City Administrator shall appoint the Treasurer from
candidates recommended by the screening committee subject to the approval by a
majority of the City Council."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff
NOES: Green, Garofalo
Discussion was held by the Council regarding the process by which to tie the straw votes
together and to adopt the final resolution relative to Councilman Garofalo to have his votes
recorded separately as against the Advisory Measure and for the other two measures.
The Council then reviewed the Council Committee's recommended change to the proposed
Charter Amendment language as set forth on Page 2 of the Council Committee Report
underlined and shown there shall have six years increasingly responsible experience in
Municipal Government Law and calls for the office to become appointive and the ballot
language wording as set forth in the Request for Council Action dropping the word "removed"
on F-1 Page 1 (white sheet).
12/04195 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 19
Straw Vote No. 4 - Approved Sub -Committee Recommended Change In Charter Wording
As Amended
A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Harman, to approve by straw vote the Sub -
Committee recommended changes for the City Attorney's Office as indicated on Page 2 of the
Council Committee Report dated November 29, 1995 entitled Report from the City Council
Sub -Committee regarding the selection process and qualifications for the position of City
"To become and remain eligible for City Attorney, the person elected or appointed
shall be an attorney at law, duly licensed as such under the laws of the State of
California, and shall have six (6) years of increasingly responsible experience in
municipal or government law and have been engaged in the practice of law in this
State for at least three (3) years prior to his/her assumption of office."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
Straw Vote No. 5 - Selection Process For The Position Of City Attorney Include Screening
By A Citizen's Committee
A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Harman, to approve by straw vote a language
change to the proposed ballot measure language as follows:
"Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 1, amending Sections 300 and 309 of
the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach changing the City Attorney from an
elective office to a position screened by a citizen's committee and appointed by
the City Administrator with the approval of the City Council, be approved?" and
A language change in the text of the City Charter Section 309(i) regarding the selection
process for the City Attorney shall include the following:
"Applicants for City Attorney will be reviewed by a screening committee at least one
half of which shall be made up of citizens who are registered voters in the City of
Huntington Beach and the balance of the committee shall be persons with current
municipal legal experience.
The City Administrator shall appoint the City Attorney from candidates reviewed by
the screening committee subject to the approval by a majority vote of the City
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The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff
NOES: Green, Garofalo
Brief discussion was held regarding the ballot wording on the Advisory Measure. A motion was
made by Harman, seconded by Bauer to approve the Advisory Measure wording as submitted.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Garofalo
NOES: Green
Resolutions Nos. 6726 and 6727 - Adopted As Amended - Calls And Gives Notice Of
Electron And Consofidates With Statewide Primary Election
Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding his contention that there should be a method to split the
subjects within the resolution to enable him to record his final vote separately rather than in
one resolution.
A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Harman, to adopt Resolutions Nos. 6726
and 6727 with the language as presented and modified this evening, both voter pamphlet text
and voter ballot wording as follows.
Resolution No. 6726 as amended -"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
and gives notice of election. and,
Resolution No. 6727 as amended - °A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
resolution consolidates with statewide primary election.
12/04/95 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 21
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff
NOES: Green, Garofalo
Announcement Of HBTV-3 Employee Ron Davey Heart Attack During Meeting
Mayor Sullivan announced that HBTV-3 employee, Ron Davey, had suffered a heart attack
during the City Council meeting and was being transported to the hospital.
(City Council) Resolution No. 6728 - Adopted - Sets Priorities For Written Arguments And
Directs Preparation Of Impartial Analyses - Submitted For Formal Action - Straw Votes
Taken By Cif Council on November 20, 1995 (620.30)
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the City Clerk informing Council
of requirements for filing of arguments and preparation of impartial analyses of proposed city
Written Arguments
If Council wishes to have first priority to file arguments relative to a City Measure, the Council
may vote to authorize and name Councilmembers to file an argument in favor, authorize and
Name Councilmembers to file an argument against, and authorize and Name Councilmembers
to file an argument in favor and an argument against (Sometimes done by Council to allow
minority of Councilmembers to file opposing arguments)
Should Council choose not to authorize its members to file written arguments, written
arguments shall be selected by the City Clerk pursuant to the State Elections Code.
Impartial Analvses
The City Council may direct the preparation of impartial analyses by directing the City Attorney
to prepare impartial analyses on two of the three measures: (City Treasurer) and (Citywide
Parks and Recreation Assessment District) and the City Clerk to prepare the impartial analysis
of the City Attorney measure.
Following discussion a motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Harman, to appoint Mayor
Pro Tem Sullivan, Councilmembers Harman, Bauer, Leipzig, and Dettloff to write arguments in
support of the proposed Advisory Measure. Councilmembers Green and Garofalo were
appointed to write arguments in opposition to the proposed Advisory Measure.
A motion was made by Garofalo to direct the City Clerk to post the deadline for arguments
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The City Clerk stated that a motion to direct the City Clerk to post the deadline for arguments
was not necessary as it was a automatic procedure performed by the Office of the City Clerk.
Discussion was held by the City Clerk and Council regarding the filing of rebuttal arguments
regarding the proposed Beach and Park Advisory Measure.
A motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Green, to adopt Resolution No. 6728 as
amended to give Council first priority to file written arguments and to direct the preparation of
regarding Arguments and Impartial Analysis.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
Motion To Continue Council/AgencyCouncil/Agency Meeting Past 11:00 P.M. -Approved
A motion was made by Leipzig, second Harman, to continue the Council/Agency meeting
past 11:00 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Approval Of Economic Development Long Range
Opportunities And Constraints Analysis - Cunningham And Associates - Approved
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Economic Development
Director transmitting the Economic Development Long -Range Opportunities and Constraints
Analysis, dated September, 1995, submitted to city by Cunningham and Associates, Municipal
Management Consulting.
The Economic Development Director distributed a report to Council and presented a staff
12/04/95 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 23
A motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Green, to adopt the recommendations
contained within the Opportunities and Constraints Analysis and implement recommendations
in priority order according to availability of funding and staff. The motion carried by unanimous
(Redevelopment Agency) Agency Resolution No. 269 _Adopted - Financial Support For
Oran a Housina Development Cor oration - Bower Court Senior Apartments - Corner Of
Yorktown Avenue And Lake Street - Approval Of Option A reement And Authorization To
Negotiate - Disposition And Development Agreement And A HOME Program Funding
Agreement (600.30)
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Economic Development
Director transmitting documents relative to a request by the Orange Housing Development
Corporation that the Redevelopment Agency support its application to the California Tax Credit
Allocation Committee for federal tax credits, which if awarded would be used as part of a larger
transaction that would lead to the construction of a 20 to 23 unit senior apartment complex on
Redevelopment Agency owned land at the comer of Lake Street and Yorktown Avenue.
The Economic Development Director presented a staff report.
Considerable discussion was held.
A motion was made by Leipzig, seconded by Green, to:
1. Adopt Resolution No. 269 authorizing funding support by the Huntington Beach
Redevelopment Agency with a grant of Agency -owned land acquired at a cost of $885,000
and a loan of $100,000 in redevelopment housing set aside funds for the construction of
senior apartments by Orange Housing Development Corporation, and
2. Approve and authorize the Agency Chairman and Agency Clerk to execute the Option
agreement with Orange Housing Development Corporation (OHDC), and
3. Waive the required liability insurance for OHDC only as they apply to the site control
document, and only for purposes of applying for tax credits. This waiver will not be
requested if a Disposition and Development Agreement is approved at a later time, and
4. Authorize Agency staff to negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and
a HOME,Prggrani f unding Agreement with Orange Housing Development Corporation if
ta) 66dits are avva?d6dtd the P�oposed project by the TCAC.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
Page 24 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 12/04/95
(City Council)_ Ordinance No. 3317 - Introduction Approved - Uniform Fire Code - Public
Hearing Scheduled November 18, 1995 -
The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Fire Chief dated
December 4, 1995 regarding adoption of 1994 Uniform Fire Code.
Fire Chief Dolder presented a staff report.
A motion was made by Harman, seconded by Bauer, to approve introduction after reading by
THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1994 EDITION." The motion carried by the following roll call
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach to Tuesday, December 12, 1995 at 7:30 a.m., in the
Waterfront Hilton, "Salon B", 21100 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk/Clerk
4�� �R�
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk ofThe City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach California