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7:30 A.M. - Salon B
Waterfront Hilton
21100 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, December 12, 1995
Call To Order
As Mayor Sullivan had been delayed, Councilman Garofalo welcomed the meeting
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call:
Present: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo, (Sullivan arrived 7:50 a.m.)
Absent: None
Councilman Garofalo introduced Mayor Pro Tempore Ralph Bauer.
Mayor Pro Tempore Bauer addressed the gathering regarding the importance of economic
development in the city and the various current and past avenues which have been taken to
achieve this goal.
Material Presented At This Council Meeting
Edinger Corridor Economic Market Study approved November 6, 1995
Long Range Opportunities and Constraints approved December 4, 1995
Roster of members of the Red Team
Economic Development Strategy approved October 16, 1995
The Smart Choice For Business (pamphlet prepared by Economic Development Department)
Slide Report - Economic Development Strategy, October, 1995
List Of Meeting Participants
Lou Banas, Public Affairs Director
GTE California, Incorporated
Jerry Dominguez,. Region Manager
Southern California Edison
Bill Ellis, President
Huntington Seacliff Corporation
Bob Eck, President
SIR Industries, Incorporated
Carol Freeman, Chief Executive Officer
Huntington Beach Medical Center
Bill Williams, Chairman
Clayton, Williams and Sherwood
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Phil Inglee
President and Chief Executive Officer
Liberty National Bank
Tom Andrusky, Assistant Project Manager
Economic Development Department
Eli Naffah, Development Specialist
Economic Development Department
James Connors
Masco Corporation
Richard Zamboni
The Zamboni Company
James Swearington
Christopher Stahl, President
Long Beach Iron Works
Ken Bourguignon, President
Dotkin Engineering
Ed Laird, President
Coatings Resource Corporation
David Biggs, Director
Economic Development Department
Jim Lamb, Project Manager
Economic Development Department
Ray Silver
Assistant City Administrator
William Rea
TR Trading Incorporated
Barry Bussiere, President/Broker
HB-FV Association of Realtors
Pacific Strand Real Estate
Joe Garofalo
Management Consultant
Donald Goodwin, President
Goodwin Company
Paul Viviano, Senior Vice -President
Saint Joseph Health System
Tom Parkinson, Division Director
McDonnell Douglas
Mayor Sullivan arrived at the Council meeting and reported on the business community's help
in assisting the city to bring business to the city.
David Biggs, Economic Development Director, spoke regarding the city's goal to make the city
attractive for economic growth. He made a slide presentation and referred to the city's current
General Plan Amendment issues. He reviewed the role of his department including
redevelopment, housing and Community Development Block Grant and business development
issues. Mr. Biggs spoke regarding the organized effort of the city to utilize its 1,100 employees
to be the eyes and ears of the city relative to economic development needs. He presented
recommendations including "Target Clusters" which include a High Tech Cluster, Health Care
Cluster, Tourism, Cluster, Entertainment and Retail, International Trade and Regional
Opportunities. The Economic Development Director stated the city was concerned with the
type of jobs created in order to have economic activity. He continued his presentation referring
to the written material provided to all participants. He stated that he believed Huntington
Center was a big opportunity for the city to capture a tax base.
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Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding requests for increased services and declining revenue
and infrastructure needs. Councilman Garofalo stated that the Economic Development
Committee was working toward business expansion, retention and expansion. Councilman
Garofalo requested input from the participants as to their recommendations and if there is
agreement with the city's plan or disagreement?
Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator, stated that staff needs to know if the city is on target.
Phil Inglee, President and Chief Executive Officer, Liberty National Bank, spoke regarding the
need for the city to develop a procedure whereby the city would study proposed expenditures
against a model of what is trying to be achieved in the city. He spoke regarding providing
incentives to business by assisting them with the cost of compliance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act (ADA) in providing access to facilities. He stated that having fiber -optics
capabilities should be a high priority and should be investigated.
Discussion was held.
Lou Bangs, GTE California, Incorporated representative, reported on what GTE has done in
the area of fiber -optics and discussion was held.
Jerry Dominguez, Southern California Edison Company representative, reported on the
deregulation hearings this month which will determine, to a great extent, future electrical
services. He reported on how his company could assist businesses.
Councilman Garofalo referred to the many people on the Red Team and stated that through
personal relationship with Ed Laird, President, Coatings Resource Corporation, a new
business was located to Huntington Beach.
Phil Inglee, Liberty National Bank representative, again stressed the need for fiber -optics. He
stated the need to identify the major commercial nodes for ADA also ADA retrofitting
procedures as it is so difficult to find a business location which meets compliance.
Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator, concurred with Mr. Inglee and stated that he would be
attending a meeting this Friday with McDonnell Douglas.
Tom Andrusky, Economic Development Assistant Project Manager, spoke regarding his
discussions with the U. S. Department of Commerce relative to tying global communications
with them.
Tom Parkinson, McDonnell Douglas representative, spoke regarding the business climate
which his company is in and the fact that they are competing globally. He stated that they
need congressional help and asked if the city can get involved nationally by writing letters, etc.
He stated that his main issue is that McDonnell Douglas is very cost driven. As an example he
questioned whether the Waterfront Hilton is a tourist or business hotel as most restaurants
have coffee shops for business people. He cited the need for restaurants in the city.
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Richard Zamboni, the Zamboni Company representative, stated that he believed the city was
proceeding in the right direction.
Carol Freeman, Huntington Beach Medical Center representative, spoke regarding the labor
pool and its cost.
Councilman Bauer reported on training facilities including Coastline Community College and
the adult high schools. He spoke regarding the issue of high housing costs.
Comments were received that the city had to decide what kind of city it wished to be; that not
every business from Los Angeles is what the city wants and it must be planned carefully.
James Swearin ton, Unisource representative, questioned if the city has audited its "Red
Carpet" treatment to determine if it has been working.
Ed Laird, Coatings Resource Corporation representative, stated that this type of meeting
should be held for commercial Realtors who could attract businesses to the city. Mr. Laird
questioned what type of trees should be planted in the industrial areas to not uproot the
sidewalk. He stated that the city needs to be known; that he would like a logo to be developed
that he could place on his cans stating "Made in Huntington Beach" and other companies
could do so. He stated that the schools need to be emphasized that the student's SAT scores
are among the highest in the country. The schools need to be wired for the Internet and
perhaps a program such as "Adopt a School" could be established.. He suggested a network
program through the city and businesses to communicate with the levels of government citing
an instance where a federal representative had voted against a businesses measure because
he had received one letter from a constituent. He complimented the Assistant City
Administrator for giving Red Carpet treatment.
Ken Bour ui non, Dotkin Engineering representative, spoke regarding the need for a positive
approach was needed in permit processing.
Jerry Dominguez, Southern California Edison Company representative, stated that a letter to
an assemblyman or congressman can be very effective and cited an instance where his
company had been successful_
A suggestion was made that the brochure developed by the Economic Development
Department include the word "commercial".
Councilman Green stated that he would like to see a focus on tourism and that the city's
facilities were at the peak in summer and a feasibility study is being made of a conference
center and depending on the results of the study the Waterfront Hilton could be asked to build
another tower and the city to have a conference center. He stated that the resources would be
needed to keep up beach maintenance if the goal of more tourism was realized.
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Councilman Harman asked what the time lines are in reaching out with mailers and contacts
and Jim Lamb, Economic Development Project Manager, reported. Councilman Harman
stressed the critical need for private sector involvement as they are knowledgeable about
potential businesses.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated that the Red Team's goal was to go forward with these plans
and not have the plans left on the shelf.
Councilman Bauer stated that he believed it was important to have answers to the questions
that have been presented at this meeting. He stated that due to Council elections every two
years, continuity has to be ensured, and that there are ways in the internal organization to
ensure continuity.
Mayor Sullivan stated that there were many tremendous ideas generated from this meeting.
He summarized the recommendations made by the -business people present at the meeting.
The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Tuesday, December 4, 1995 at
5:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California.
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City Clerk/Clerk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach, California