HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-17MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1996 - 1:30 P.M. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Michael Strange STAFF MEMBERS: Catherine Johnson, Mary Beth Broeren, Lisa Koch MINUTES: December 13, 1995 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Approved. ORAL COMMUNICATION: None ITEM 1: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO, 95-99 VARIANCE NO.95-33 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NO. 95-55 Applicant: Huntington Capital Corporation - Steve Dodge Request: To construct a new 14,830 square foot building to replace an existing 12,000 square foot building at the Huntington Executive Park. The variance is for a reduction of 11 parking spaces. Location: 16168 Beach Boulevard, Suite 200 (east side of Beach Boulevard between Edinger and Stark) Catherine Johnson, project planner, stated that this was a request to construct a new 14,830 square foot building to replace an existing 12,000 square foot building at the Huntington Executive Park. It was noted that restriping the parking area and gaining compact spaces would eliminate the need for the variance, therefore the variance request has been withdrawn. The Design Review Board approved the architecture and materials for this use with conditions, all which are noted on the floor plan of this project. Ms. Johnson stated that Parks, Trees and ]Landscaping requires that all mature trees be replaced on a two (2) to one (1) ratio. Staff recommended approval of this request. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 2 Steve Dodge, applicant, stated that he was concerned over the required two (2) to one (1) tree replacement ratio. It was noted that with this project, approximately 10 to 15 trees must be removed. Mr. Dodge stated that currently there are approximately 175 trees on the subject property, therefore a two (2) to one (1) replacement ratio is unnecessary. In addition, Mr. Dodge addressed his concern over the cost of replacement using 36 inch box trees. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mary Beth Broeren, staff planner, stated that there have been instances on environmental assessments where it has not been practical to do the two (2) for one (1) mitigation on site. Therefore, off -site mitigation has been addressed for other projects and might be a consideration here. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.95-99/DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NO.95-55 WAS CONDITIONALLY APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. HE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-99 / DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NO, 95-55: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 95-99 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the commercial building will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity nor detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The proposed commercial retail building will replace an existing building, will upgrade the appearance of an existing office/commercial center and will provide additional retail shopping opportunities for City residents. The required right turn lane will improve traffic circulation within this area. 2. The granting of Conditional Use Permit No. 95-99 will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach because retail commercial uses are permitted within the General Commercial Land Use Designation. Further, the architecture of the proposed retail commercial building will upgrade the appearance of an exiging center and is therefore consistent with the General Plan goal of enhancing the visual image of the City. 3. The proposed use will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. The proposed building is consistent with the provisions of the General Commercial Zoning District in terms of height, setbacks and lot coverage. A condition of approval has been included which requires compliance with the landscaping requirements contained within the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. (g:zamin0117) January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.95-99 / DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NO. 95-55: 1, The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated January 17, 1996 shall be the conceptually approved layout with the following modifications: a. The trash bin area shall be revised so that the entrance is oriented away from Beach Boulevard. b. A landscape planting area shall be incorporated between the western wall of the trash bin area. 2. Prior to submittal for building permits, the following shall be completed: a. Conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on the cover sheet of all working drawing sets submitted for plancheck. b. Depict utility apparatuses, such as but not limited to backflow devices and Edison transformers on the site plan. They shall be prohibited in the front yard and exterior sideyards unless properly screened by approved landscaping or any other method approved by the Community Development Director. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the following plans and items shall be submitted and/or completed by the applicant: a. A grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. b. A Landscape Construction Set submitted to the Department of Public Works. The landscape construction set shall include a landscape plan prepared and signed by a State Licensed Landscape Architect which includes all proposed/existing plant materials (location, type, size, quantity), irrigation plan, grading plan and approved site plan, and copy of conditions of approval. The landscape plan shall be in conformance with Chapter 232 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. The set must be complete and approved by both Departments of Community Development and Public Works prior to issuance of building permits. c. Rooftop Mechanical Equipment Plan. Said plan shall indicate screening of all rooftop mechanical equipment and shall delineate the type of material proposed to screen said equipment. 4. Prior to final building permit approval of the first unit, the following shall be completed: (g:zamin0117) January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 4 a. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. b. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished. 5. Fire Department Requirements: a. Note On Plans - Automatic sprinkler systems will be installed throughout to comply with Huntington Beach Fire Department and Uniform Building Code Standards. Shop drawings will be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. b. Note On Plans - A fire alarm system will be installed to comply with Huntington Beach Fire Department and Uniform Fire Code Standards. Shop drawings will be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. The system will provide the following: water flow, valve tamper ii. 24 hour supervision D iii. annunciation c. Note On Plans - Fire extinguishers will be installed and located in areas to comply with Huntington Beach Fire Code Standards. d. Note On Plans - Fire lanes will be designated and posted to comply with City Specification #415. e. Note On Plans - Address numbers will be installed to comply with City Specification #428. The size of the numbers will be the following: i. the number for the building will be sized a minimum of six (6) inches with a brush stroke of one and one-half (1/2) inches. f. Show On Plans - Fire access roads will be provided in compliance with the Huntington Beach Fire Code and City Specification #401. Include the circulation plan and dimensions of all access roads (24' or 27' fire lanes, turnarounds and 17' by 45' radius turns.) Attached is City Specification #401. 6. Public Works requirements prior to issuance of Building permits: a. A Grading Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. (g:zamin0117) January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 5 b. A Landscape Architect Plan shall be designed, submitted and approved by the City Landscape Architect prior to issuance of Building permits. Said Plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. An assessment and inventory of all existing trees, the trunk diameter at four (4) foot -six (6) inches above grade and the identification of each. ii. Shall indicate those that have been mutilated (butchered), those that are to be removed for the construction of the building, and those to be removed for parking lot modifications and street modifications. iii. A Planting Plan indicating the proposed replacement mitigation for trees/palms and all shrubs and ground coverings. iv. An Irrigation Plan. V. Specifications for the installation. c. For purposes of a future "right turn only lane", the developer shall execute an irrevocable offer to dedicate a strip of land 12 feet wide along Beach Boulevard and curving along a radius joining the existing Edinger Avenue right-of-way. The irrevocable offer of dedication shall become effective on February 19, 1999 with the termination of the El Torrito lease. This document shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorders Office. d. The developer shall furnish the Public Works Department with a legal description, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or a Licensed Land Surveyor, of the above mentioned irrevocable offer of dedication. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION OR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: e. All water improvements shall be designed and installed per the City of Huntington Beach Water Division's design criteria, standards plans and specification. f. The proposed building shall have a separate fire service constructed per Standard Plan No. 618. Size of the fire service shall be approved by the City of Huntington Beach Fire Department prior to plan approval. g. Location of all backflow devices shall be approved by the Water Division and Landscape Architect prior to plan approval. h. Replace all mature trees removed with two (2) 36 inch box trees or the palm equivalent. (g:zamin0117) January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 6 i. Existing trees that have been mutilated in the past are to be replaced at a one (1) for one (1) ratio with 36 inch box trees or the palm equivalent. Some of those tree replacements that are to mitigate trees removed for the building may be used to replace mutilated trees. j. Existing mature trees in the parking area or the street widening area (right turn lane) that must be removed shall be replaced at a one (1) for one (1) ratio with 36 inch box trees or the palm equivalent. 7. As noted in item #3 of the letter submitted by the applicant dated November 21, 1995, Huntington Executive Park shall only be responsible for costs to replace the landscaping and moving of signs caused by the construction of the right hand turn lane. Said landscaping shall comply with all standards contained within the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan in place at the time of dedication and/or improvement of the right turn lane. Installation of required landscaping and irrigation systems shall be completed prior to final inspection/within twelve (12) months. 9. A planned sign program shall be approved for all signing. Said program shall be approved prior to the removal and/or relocation of any existing monument sign. 10. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 11. If lighting is included in the parking lot, high-pressure sodium vapor lamps shall be used for energy savings. All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS• 1. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, Building Division, and Fire Department. 2. The applicant shall meet all applicable local, State, and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards. 3. The applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. 4. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. 5. Traffic Impact fees shall be paid at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection. 6. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the City right-of-way. (g:zamin0117) January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 7 7. A Cal Trans permit shall be required for any work within Beach Boulevard. 8. All signs shall be brought into compliance with the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance prior to 9. Landscaping shall comply with Chapter 232 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. 10. A Certificate to Operate shall be issued by the Department of Community Development. 11. Construction shall be limited to Monday through Saturday, 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction shall be prohibited Sundays and federal holidays. 12. A review of the use shall be conducted within six (6) months of the date of this approval to verify compliance with all conditions of approval and applicable Articles of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. If, at that time, there is a violation of these conditions or code sections, Conditional Use Permit No. 95-99 / Design Review Board No. 95-55 may become null and void. 13. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 95-99 / Design Review Board No. 95-55 if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance occurs. ITEM 2: VARIANCE NO. 95-36 Applicant: Martin Jaconi Request: To convert an existing storage area to a 267 square foot garage with a one (1) foot side yard setback (five [5] foot setback required by Code). The garage will have a second story deck. Location: 4051 Humboldt Drive, Huntington Harbor (northwest corner of Humboldt Drive and Wayfarer Lane) Mary Beth Broeren, project planner, stated that this was a request to convert an existing storage area into a 267 square foot garage with a one (1) foot side yard setback. The property is zoned R1 (Single Family Residential) and is located within the Coastal Zone. Ms. Broeren stated that this request includes a second story deck above the proposed garage. It was noted that the second story deck would not directly impact any private yard areas or habitable rooms from adjacent properties. One (1) letter from an adjacent property owner has been received stating no opposition to this proposal. The Fire Department has expressed concern over the one (1) foot setback in regards to accessibility to the rear yard resulting in a recommendation to install a pedestrian gate off of Wayfarer Lane. Ms. Broeren stated that staff also expressed concern over the proposed setback and therefore recommended that the applicant have either a three (3) foot (g:zamin0117) January 17, 1996 Zoning Administrator Meeting Minutes Page 8 setback or a zero (0) foot setback with a maintenance easement instead of the one (1) foot. Staff recommended approval of this request with conditions. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Martin Jaconi, applicant, stated that five (5) other homes on Humboldt Island have had this same type of conversion and photographs of these homes were presented. It was noted that Mr. Jaconi's purpose was to provide an enhanced structural integrity to a weak design feature of the original construction and provide a third parking space. Mr. Erner, representative of the Huntington Harbor Property Owner's Association, was present and requested that the Zoning Administrator uphold the City Ordinance that requires a five (5) foot setback. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Michael Strange, Zoning Administrator, expressed concern over the proposed structure and recommended continuance of the application in order to research the history of the other homes with similar conversions. VARIANCE NO. 95-36 WAS CONTINUED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR UNTIL THE JANUARY 24, 1996 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MEETING. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 2:30 P.M. BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1996. Michael Strange Zoning Administrator MS:MBB:Iek (g:zamin0117)