HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-18MINUTES CITY COUNCIVREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 5:00 P.M. - Room B-8 6:30 P.M. - Council Chamber Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 18, 1996 Call To Order Mayor Sullivan called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call: - - Present: Harman, Leipzig, Green, Garofalo, (Sullivan arrived at 5:08 p.m.), (Dettloff arrived at 5:03 p.m.) Absent: Bauer Recess - Closed Session The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency at 5:05 p.m. to consider the following closed session items: Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire, Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding Labor Relations Matters - Meet and Confer with the following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Police Officers' Association, Police Management Association, Municipal Employees' Association, Management Employees' Organization, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving Employees' Association. (120.80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Lloyd Edwards and Howard Subnick v. Citizens Bureau of Investigation, et al. Orange County Superior Court Case No. 73 56 99. (120,80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Raymond Orlando v. City of Huntington Beach. Orange County Superior Court Case No. 74 14 77. (120.80) 139 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation. Subject: Peck Reservoir. Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative body of the local agency has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation. Number of Potential Cases - 1. (120,80) Closed Session - Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to the Agency's negotiator, David Biggs, Economic Development Director, regarding negotiations with Coultrup Companies concerning the purchase/sale of the property located at Main Pier Phase 11 Project Site, Pacific Coast Highway, bordering 5th and 6th Streets, the areas known as Block 104 and Block 105. Instruction will concern price and terms of payment. (400.50) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to the city's negotiators, Michael Uberuaga and Ron Hagan, regarding negotiations with the Huntington Beach Police Officers Association concerning the lease of the property located at 18221 Gothard. Subject: Huntington Beach Police Officers Association Lease of Gun Range. Instructions will concern price and terms of payment. ((120.80) Reconvene The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 6:45 p.'m. in the Council Chambers. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call Present: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance And Flag Ceremony The Pledge of Allegiance and Flag Ceremony was led by Huntington Beach Girl Scouts: Daisy Troops No_ 1501 and 651 from Hope View and Village View Schools, Leaders Mary Boysen and Lori Knowles; Brownie Troops No. 231 and No. 959 from Hope View and Village View Schools; Leaders Debbie McGeary, Bunny Frakes and Pat Larson; Junior Troops No. 297 and No. 1594 from Village View and Star View Schools, Leader Jodi Harkey and Nancy Mancuso; Cadette Troops No. 111 and No. 202 from Marine View and Spring View Schools, Leaders Miachelle Lally and Chris Carlson; and Senior Troop No. 826 from Huntington Beach High School. Invocation The invocation was given by Pastor Emeritus Melius Bollesen, Grace Lutheran Church. 140 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 3 Presentation: Mayor Dave Sullivan presented a proclamation to James Harris, Past President of the American Institute of Architects Orange County, proclaiming the week of March 11-15, 1996 as "Architecture Week". Presentation: Mayor Dave Sullivan presented a proclamation to Paula L. Coker, Huntington Beach Girl Scouts, Community Relations Chairperson, proclaiming March 12th "Be Your Best Day", which was celebrated during Girl Scout Week, March 11-17, 1996, Presentation: Mayor Dave Sullivan introduced and presented proclamations to the new Miss Huntington Beach 1996 and her Court: Miss Jaime Nicole Westman, Miss Huntington Beach; Miss Joanna Campos, First Runner Up; and Miss Darcy Mack, Second Runner Up. Late Communications Announced By The City Clerk Pursuant To The Brown Act Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced the following late communications regarding agenda items which had been received following the distribution of the agenda: Three communications in opposition to the item pertaining to Local Coastal Program No. 2-94: Robert Nastase, Surviving General Partner, Pacific Enviro Design, The Coastal Magnolia Group, dated March 15, 1996 Maria P. Rivera, McCutchen, Doyle, Brown, and Enersen, LLP, dated March 14, 1996 Todd A. Green for O'Melveny and Myers, dated March 18, 1996 Communication from Juana Mueller, dated March 18, 1996, presenting her recommendations for the item pertaining to the Harriett M. Wieder Regional Park Deed Restrictions and New Issues City Attorney Opinion dated March 18, 1996, titled Design of Harriett Wieder Linear Park RLS 96-105 (City Council) Harriett M. Wieder Regional Park Deed Restrictions & New Issues - (Formerly Linear Park & The Bolsa Chica Regional Park Continued To April 15 1996 (650.10) The Mayor referred to a communication from the Community Services Director and the Community Development Director regarding the August 15, 1994 direction of the City Council. to work with the county to prepare deed restriction language to be incorporated into the deeds transferred from the city to the county for the Harriett M. Wieder Regional Park. 141 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 The following late communcation was announced earlier in the meeting by the City Clerk: Communication from Juana Mueller, dated March 18, 1996, presenting her recommendations for the item pertaining to the Harriett M. Wieder Regional Park Deed Restrictions and New Issues City Attorney Opinion dated March 18, 1996, titled Design of Harriett Wieder Linear Park R LS 96-105 The Mayor stated that staff had informed Council that they wanted to review the City Attorney's legal opinion received on this matter. A motion was made by Dettloff, second Green, to continued said communication from the Community Services Director and the Community Development Director to April 15, 1996, to allow staff to analyze the City Attorney's Opinion and to hold public meetings with those people who have had a long held interest in the Linear Park issue. Councilmember Bauer presented background information on the issue. The motion made by Dettloff, second Green, carried unanimously. Public Comments, James Townsend, Council on Aging, representative Harold_Schecter, President of Council on Aging, Mary Jo Jeffes, Shirley Carey, nurse and parent, addressed Council regarding the need to maintain services to the senior citizens. Mr. Schecter read excerpts from letters written to the City Administrator by seniors regarding their need for the Meals on Wheels Program. Opposition to the closure of the Senior Outreach Program was expressed by Ms. Jeffes. Shirley Care} spoke in support of the Senior Outreach and DARE Programs stating that she knew Council had tough decisions to make, however she hoped funding for these programs would continue. Mr. Townsend spoke in support of senior services stating that the increased demand for services actually means that if funding remains the same, the increased demand for services results in less funds to fill the needs. Chuck Beauregard, Save Our Kids representative, addressed Council in support of the March 26, 1996, Ballot Measure GG which includes youth sports facilities. Melody Carruth, Mayor Pro Tempore, City of Laguna Hills, distributed a document titled Opportunities For Commercial Aviation Development at MCAS El Toro and spoke in opposition to Measure S on the county's March 26, 1996 Ballot. Thomas Edwards, Councilmember, City of Newport Beach, thanked Council for their support on the Offshore Oil Moratorium. He also thanked Council for their opposition to Measure S and spoke regarding the merits of a commercial airport in El Toro to the City. 142 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 5 John MacGinnis addressed Council and inquired as to the reasons why a couple who used to pick up discarded newspapers in his neighborhood were advised they could not legally do so. Councilman Leipzig explained the law that allows papers and other materials to be donated for pickup but cannot be picked up by others if the material is left at the curb for the disposal company. Steve Gullage, Huntington Mobile Home Owners' Association representative, and Sandra Cale, resident, Huntington By The Sea Mobilehome Park, thanked the City Council for adopting the resolution in opposition to State Proposition No. 199 - (mobilehome issue). Ms. Cole also spoke in support of the Senior Outreach Program and city Ballot Measures EE (Appointive City Treasurer), FF (Appointive City Attorney), and GG (Youth Sports, Senior Center Site, Beach Improvements). Carole Ann Wall, President of Therapeutic Riding Center, invited all to come to the organization's function to be held at the Meadowlark Golf Course. She presented invitations to the City Council. Buck Marrs, Seacliff Coalition representative, and Steering Committee Chair, presented a communication written to the City Council, dated December 4, 1995, and updated March 17, 1996, titled (How our lifestyle has changed since Seapoint Street, Was connected to Pacific Coast Highway nearly two months ago). He spoke regarding problems since the opening of Seapoint Avenue, including surfers with boom boxes, their trash, nudity and urinating; mass of traffic, particularly large trucks on Seapoint, a posted street; the need to paint curbs red which was to be done January 1, 1996, on the Regional Park side all the way to Palm Avenue and to clearly post for trucks. He spoke regarding the need to stabilize the park and implement the eight deed restrictions. Councilman Garofalo suggested that he and Councilman Green meet with Mr. Marrs and Traffic Engineer Otterson regarding this matter, including possibly posting it as residential parking only and dealing with public nuisance issues. The City Clerk announced that a copy of Mr. Marr's communication will be available in the City Clerk's Office on Tuesday morning. Ron Russell, Pride Foundation representative, spoke in opposition to the reduction of funds for fighting alcohol and drug use and in support of the dare Program. Suzanne Beukema, Friends and Neighbors of Seacliff representative (FANS), urged Council to include FANS in the Regional Park process. She spoke in support of the Coastal Commission action on the public hearing issue on the White Hole area of the city located along the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway between Beach Boulevard and the Santa Ana River. Jim Xanthakis, Friends and Neighbors of Seacliff representative (FANS), informed Council that he would defer his comments on the Harriett Wieder Regional Park issue until it was before the City Council_ 143 Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Denise DeVines, Friends and Neighbors of Seacliff representative(FANS), stated that she lived in the down town area and children there do not have a park; that the beach cannot be considered a park as Pacific Coast Highway cannot be safely crossed. She stated that the Linear Park serves a good purposed and that some of the downtown people can also go over and access the park. Barbara Marrs stated that the deed restrictions were approved by the Council and county and; that the deed restrictions were not completed by staff as directed_ She urged Council to proceed and referred to the City Attorney's opinion on the issue stating that the Quimby Act does not require the city to provide active uses and play areas in the park. She stated that leaders of the area requesting another type of park knew of the issue and could have had input at the 1994 meetings. She spoke regarding the mission of preserving a unique park in Orange County that would be a wonderful place to take children. Laura Madariaga spoke in support of the consensus plan submitted by the Linear Park Task Force for native plantings and passive activity for the Harriett Wieder Regional Park. She stated that she believed the recommendation of this recent Task Force differed from an earlier Task Force, not because of the different make-up of the members but due to a growing awareness and appreciation of the uniqueness of the wetlands area. She stated that due to the narrowness of the park you would have children playing either at the edge of a bluff, or next to a busy street. She stated that active play areas had not been presented to all 170 homeowners for their input, opinion, or vote but had been the vote of the five Seacliff Board Members, acting on the recommendation of a few homeowners. Jan Vandersloot requested that when the Harriett Wieder Regional Park returns to the Council Agenda, that it be as a public nearing item. He stated that he does not believe tot lots should be in an area inhabited by coyotes. Bill Holman stated that he believed the deed restrictions went too far and he looked forward to the return in a month with a plan. He stated that he believed the wording relative to remaining park use in "perpetuity" should remain. Torn Liyengood, President, Amigos de Bolsa Chica, spoke in support of scheduling a public hearing for the Harriett Wieder Regional Park Deed Restrictions issue. He stated the Amigos de Bolsa Chica's support for the Local Coastal Program Resolution scheduled later on the Council Agenda. 144 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 7 City Clerk's Announcement Regarding Comments On Public Hearings Made Under The Public Comments Portion Of The City Council Agenda The City Clerk informed the City Council and speakers that comments made by speakers during the public comments portion of the City Council Agenda which relate to public hearings cannot be entered as a part of the public hearing record; that persons wishing to have their comments recorded as a part of the open public hearing should not make their comments during the general "public comments" portion of the meeting but at the time the of the public hearing. (City Council) City Administrator's Report -City Employees Input On Budget Issues Requested The City Administrator stated that on March 25, 1996, he would present a history of the revenue and other budget involved issues. He presented a slide report on the City Budget and a four year history. He spoke regarding a memorandum from Councilman Garofalo requesting that the City Administrator ask city employees to present any new and constructive ideas to address the city's needs or budget issues. (City Council) Discontinue Public Hearing Continued Open From September 18, 1995 - Appeal By Former Councilmember Robitaille - Special Sign Permit No. ,93-13 - Mervyn's Center - Request From Applicant To Withdraw Application Approved (420.35) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by former Councilman Robitaille on Special Sign Permit No. 93-13 - Mervyn's Center. A request from the applicant to withdraw the application for Special Sign Permit No. 93-13 which is a request to retain a non -conforming freestanding sign identifying Mervyn's, LA Tronics, Smart and Final, and Cudini and Lucas at the Towne House Plaza located at 9891 Adams Avenue. The applicant indicated that a revised sign proposal would be submitted to the city in the near future. The public hearing was closed. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Bauer, to accept the applicant's request to withdraw Special Sign Permit No. 93-13. The motion carried by unanimous vote. sty Council) Discontinue Public Hearing Continued Open From September 18, 1995 - Appeal By Former Councilmember Silva - Special Sian Permit No. 93-11 - Max Market - Request From Applicant To Withdraw Application - Approved (420,35) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by former Councilman Jim Silva on Special Sign Permit No. 93-11 - Max Market. 145 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 A request from the applicant to withdraw the application for Special Sign Permit No. 93-11 which is a request to retain two non -conforming freestanding signs identifying MAX Market and Lamps Factory Outlet at the Sterling Center located at 17422-17438 Beach Boulevard. The applicant indicated that a revised sign proposal would be submitted to the city in the near future_ The public hearing was closed. A motion was made by Bauer, second Dettloff, to accept the applicant's request to withdraw Special Sign Permit No. 93-11. The motion carried by unanimous vote. (City Council Public Hearing Reprogramming Of $237,000 Of Community Development Block Grant Funds And Consolidated Plan Amendment For The Purchase Of A Portion Of The Boys And Girls Club Of Huntington_ Valley - Approved (340.70) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider comments on the reprogramming of $237,000, Community Development Block Grant Funds, due to the receipt of program income derived from the termination of a lease agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the Fountain Valley School District for the now demolished Bushard Gymnasium and to amend the City's Consolidated Plan. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley completed its facility located at 2309 Delaware Street, south of Yorktown, in September, 1991 and now desires the city to enter into a purchase agreement for a portion of the facility, thus creating joint ownership between the city and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley, a non-profit agency. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley and the city declare that the city's purchase is necessary to preserve this recreational facility for low -moderate income youth. The city is proposing to expend the $237,000 as its ownership share in the project. Projects considered by the City Council to be approved for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding are to benefit low and moderate income persons and neighborhoods. Adopting new activities over $100,000 is a substantial change in the Consolidated Plan and a public hearing is required. After the approval of the Consolidated Plan Amendment, the public may send written comments for a period of 30 days. The Amendment along with any written comments will be forwarded to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for review and approval. Funds will not be expended until HUD approves the project. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted_ The City Administrator reported. David Biggs, Economic Development Director, presented a history of the issue. He responded to Councilman Harman's and Councilman Garofalo's questions which included time line issues and structure of payment if the Boys and Girl's Clubs should go out of business. 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 9 Considerable discussion was held between the City Council and the Economic Development Director. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. David Barr spoke in support of the staff recommendation and presented reasons for his support including the need to fulfill the commitment made by the City Council five years ago. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Harman, second Garofalo, to: 1. Amend the Consolidated Plan by reprogramming $237,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds (program income) from funds derived from the Termination of a Lease Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the Fountain Valley School District, and 2. Approve an amendment to the Consolidated Plan by appropriating and authorizing $237,000 for the purchase of a portion of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley facility located at 2309 Delaware, Huntington Beach, and 3. Appropriate and authorize a loan of $107,000 from the unappropriated General Fund balance to the Boys and Girls Club, with the General Fund being reimbursed by the CDBG funds after the purchase is approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: - AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council) Public Hearing Annual Review Of The Waterfront Development Agreement - Robert Mayer Corporation - N1S Pacific Coast Highway Between Huntington Street And Beach Boulevard -Approved (600.10) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing for the Annual Review of the Waterfront Development Agreement to determine whether or not the developer, Robert Mayer, has complied with the terms and conditions of the Waterfront Development Agreement that was approved by the City Council in August, 1988 and recorded in .January, 1989. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. 147 Page 10 - CouncillAgency Minutes - 03/18/96 Howard Zelefsky, Planning Director, presented a staff report. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Shawn Millbern The Robert Mayer Corporation representative, stated he was present in the event Council should have questions of him. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Dettloff, to approve the Annual Review of the Waterfront Development Agreement and deem the developer, Robert L. Mayer, in substantial compliance with the terms and conditions of said Agreement_ The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: (Leipzig out of room) (City Council) Public Hearing - Resolution No. 96-20 (Supplemental Fee No. SO) Adopted - Increase Parking Rates For Passes, Meters, Zones And The Parking Rates In The Downtown Parking Structure - Council Committee Formed (340.20) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider the city's proposal as follows: Making the rates for parking meters and zones (business, recreation, residential) all $1 per hour. The business zone is already $1. The current residential zone is 750 per hour. The current recreational zone is $1.50 per hour. Also included is a proposed increase of the beach parking pass fees. The current regular beach pass is $50 per year. The proposal is to increase it to $60. The current senior pass is $20. The proposal is to increase it to $25. Also included is a proposal to change the Main Promenade Parking Structure fee from a flat rate of $2 per day through the week, $3 per day on weekends, and (90) ninety minutes of free parking, to a $1 an hour rate with two hours of free parking with validation. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. The Community Services Director presented a staff report and slides. He responded to questions from Council regarding validations and concerns of the business owners and operators. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. 1118 03118196 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 11 Dennis Ashburn, owner of Seaside Books, addressed Council and stated the Downtown Merchants' Association agreed with the proposed parking garage changes, however that he would like to have 10 cents of each 25 cents validation go to positive promotions of the Downtown area such as toward cleanliness, policing, and parking signs for the parking garage. He requested less fees, fines, and inspections and requested that Council do more to promote the Downtown area. Mr. Ashburn stated reasons why, when looking at the parking revenue for the garage, all parking situations should be included; the meters, the parking tickets and the garage which when combined, are the most profitable businesses downtown. He urged the completion of the Downtown area as planned in order to bring more people downtown which will increase city parking revenue. Stephen Daniel, Downtown Merchants' Association President and owner of the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, presented a procedure where the fees could be distributed so that two police officers could always be there. He requested a committee be formed of Councilmembers and businessmen. Michele Turner, Sugar Shack owner, stated that she believed everything was coming too fast as now the business people must have umbrellas all of the same color, also people do not realize they have to put money in the parking meters. She requested that Council look at the umbrella issue as she believes differences should be allowed. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilman Garofalo presented his viewpoint stating that he hoped the suggestion relative to the 10 cents of validation will be looked into. Considerable discussion was held. Councilman Bauer stated that he would consider a part of the money to go to the merchants, if the merchants come forward with a Business Improvement District. He stated that he disagreed with the idea of devoting money from the Parking Structure extensively to downtown as the parking structure was paid for by all of the taxpayers' money. A motion was made by Bauer, second Green, to adopt Resolution No. 96-20 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 5159 ENTITLED, 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A CITY FEE SCHEDULE' AS TO SERVICES OFFERED UNDER THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (SUPPLEMENTAL FEE RESOLUTION NO. 50)." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None 149 Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Formation Of Council Downtown Business Committee - Dettloff - Leipzig - Garofalo - Approved A motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Green, to form a Council Committee with the Downtown Business Persons and return with validation cost and recommendations. Councilmembers Dettloff, Leipzig, and Garofalo were appointed to the Council Committee. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council Public Hearin - Local Coastal Program No. 2-94 - Zone Change No. 88-18 - Code Amendment No. 93-8 - Whitehole Area - Approved Introduction of Ordinance No. 3325 Ordinance No. 3326 -232 Acres Located Alonq The Inland Side Of Pacific Coast Highway Between Beach Boulevard. And Santa Ana River (450.20) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider: Applicant: City of Huntington Beach Request: To rezone various parcels to a CC (Coastal Conservation) base zone and to amend Article 969.7 of the Huntington Beach Local Coastal Program and Zoning Code to be consistent with the Coastal Commission's suggested modifications to Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94. Location: Inland side of Pacific Coast Highway between Beach Boulevard and the Santa Ana River (Whitehole Area) LCP Amendment No. 2-94 is located in the Coastal Zone and will be consistent with the California Coastal Commission's action on November 16, 1995 relative to LCP Amendment No. 2-94. Environmental Status: Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15265 of the California Environmental Quality Act. Three communications in opposition to the item pertaining to Local Coastal Program No. 2-94: Robert Nastase, Surviving General Partner, Pacific Enviro Design, The Coastal Magnolia Group, dated March 15, 1996 Maria P. Rivera, McCutchen, Doyle, Brown, and Enersen, LLP, dated March 14, 1996 Todd A. Green for O'Melveny and Myers, dated March 18, 1996 The following late communcation was announced earlier in the meeting by the City Clerk: 150 03/18196 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 13 Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. Scott Hess, Senior Planner, presented a staff report. He presented a history of the "Whitehole" area and referred to slides and wall charts. Discussion was held regarding whether a case could be made regarding economic viability under Coastal Conservation zoning. The Planning Director stated that he believed a case could be made under certain circumstances and that he believed the Coastal Commission was perhaps trying to balance two issues, the taking of property and to craft an administrative remedy. Councilman Garofalo presented questions regarding the mobilehome parks, Edison Plant and other nearby uses. The City Attorney responded to Councilmember Garofalo's question regarding how adoption of this procedure would affect pending or anticipated litigation. Councilman Green commented on the letter from Maria P. Rivera, McCutchen Doyle, Brown and Enerson, Counselors at Law, dated November 13, 1995. Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk read letters which had been received following preparation of the Agenda and which also had been announced earlier in the meeting, as follows: Robert Natase, Surviving General Partner, Pacific Environ Design, the Coastal Magnolia Group, dated March 15, 1996. Maria P. Rivera, McCutchen, Doyle, Brown and Enerson, Counselors at Law, dated March 14, 1996. Todd A Green for O'Melveny and Myers, dated March 18, 1996_ The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Joel Buffa, student, stated that he would like to see the birds around his house and did not want them endangered. Jack Buffa stated that it was his understanding that the person who owned the property had not paid taxes for 50 years. He stated that he believed it is wetlands or at least restorable as he had seen water during the construction of his house. Cindy Buffa stated that if the area is to be developed there was a possibility of more millions of dollar having to come from the taxpayers not the owners of the land. She spoke regarding not losing the birds and surroundings. 15t Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Chris Buffa, Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy representative and Los Angeles County Fire Captain, stated that he believe the citizens had for years made their desire to save the wetlands quite clear. Gordon Smith, Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy representative, requested that conservation zoning be adopted. David Simmes, California Department of Transportation representative, spoke regarding the area in "red" that would remain "Visitor Serving Commercial" as it was designated as non - restorable by the Department of Fish and Game. He stated that it was a convoluted mechanism for potential purchasers or users to learn that a Visitor Serving Commercial use is allowed within that area and that they would like to work with staff to clarify it for potential purchasers or users. John Ely addressed Council in support of approval --so that the process can go forward. He stated that he hoped Council could see the limitations of this resolution and that Council's responsibility was to make sure that they interface with the different city departments such as the City Attorney's office and Planning Department to see that no one gets away with anything. Eugenia Moore, Mills Land and Water Company representative, stated that they were not speculators, they have been here almost 100 years. She spoke regarding restorable as it applied to certain provisions of the Coastal Act. She reported further on the issue stating the history of the State Fish and Game on this matter regarding design engineering, including their ignoring the presence of hazard toxic runoff which would prevent restoration through polluted water from the Flood Control channel, Ms. Moore answered Councilman Bauer's previous questions regarding why Mills Land and Water Company had not applied for a project, stating that in 1989 they had applied for Light Industrial Office headquarters which was permissible, that they appealed the decision relative to the General Plan and that their appeal has never been answered by the City Council. She stated that the cost must be shared by the public at large for acquiring private property for public use and benefit. Robert London Moore, Jr. Mills Land and Water representative, stated that their family looks at this as an unconstitutional land grab by the city, of 50 acres, without payment; that the proposed zoning is a complex and carefully crafted subterfuge to deprive the landowner of use of the property. He stated that for almost 100 years, property taxes, assessments and other revenue to the city and other government agencies have been paid by the family. Mr. Moore presented reasons why the proposed land use designations of Mills Land and Water property and Cal -Trans property were technically and legally flawed; also that the Pacific Coast Highway frontage has never been designated by any agency as wetlands or other environmentally sensitive habitat identified. Mr. Moore stated that constitutional standards have been violated. He quoted Nolan. Dolan, and Erlich vs. Culver City regarding dedication requirements. Discussion was held between Councilman Garofalo and Mr. Moore_ I52 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 15 Mr. Moore, in response to Councilman Garofalo, stated that a fair article was written by reporter Cano of the Orange County times. He referred to the State of California Conservancy request to buy undeveloped land for $7,000 to $10,000 per acre and reported on the 1978 option by the State Legislature to purchase, for a substantial amount of money, the land required in 1965 by the State for the Pacific Coast Freeway which was never constructed. Councilman Garofalo asked if there was a project that the Mills Land and Water Company believed could be put on the table to be considered. Mr. Moore's response included that standing in the way of proposed development on the frontage is dedication of all of Mills land and Water Company remaining undeveloped property the issue of Mills having to buy Cal -Trans property to give away as dedication along with their own property and if a design could be made without having to give away his property. Councilman Garofalo stated that he would like Mr. Moore, staff and Council to meet together. In response to Councilman Green, Mr. Moore stated that since November, he has suggested that city staff, City Attorney and he could meet together to work on the issue and that he was informed that this was a matter for the City Council. Dr. Fred Gallucio, Huntington Beach Wetlands representative, stated that he believed it is a wetland for the same reasons as his neighbor stated; regarding the water found when constructing. He stated that open space and wetlands were necessary and that he hoped this could be made to work and redeveloped as a wetland. Monica Mueller Galluccio stated that the plants, birds, and coyotes were there in the summertime, contrary to what the Orange County Times had reported relative to the article on the property. She stated that if the wetlands are built on, it cannot be reversed for the next generation. John Scott stated that he believed there was a point when individual property rights must give way to the good of the planet. He spoke regarding the history that showed that property was not a natural right. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilwoman Dettloff stated that one thing is consistent at every hearing, meeting and discussion is that the Department of Fish and Game, Coastal Commission, Coastal Conservancy have designated these as wetlands. She spoke at length regarding the history of the issue and the strong stand taken by the Coastal Commission on this land. 153 Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Scott Hess, Senior Planner, responded to Councilman Garofalo's question regarding the property owners having to dedicate property. Mr. Hess stated that it only required him to record an easement or convenant or mechanism to protect wetland area according to Public Resources Code, but did not stop him from selling to the Port Authority or someone else who needed to mitigate a project. Councilman Leipzig stated reasons why he was strongly in support of the staff recommended action. He stated that he was convinced that this was constitutional. He presented a history of the matter, including the work that was accomplished by staff to remedy and improve earlier actions on this property. Councilman Leipzig spoke regarding the Coastal Commission's unanimous vote on the issue. Councilman Harman and Councilman Green stated reasons they were in favor stating they believed it was favorable to all parties. Councilman Bauer requested confirmation that there was the possibility of getting economic use of this land. A motion was made by Leipzig, second Dettloff, to: Approve Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94 , Zone Change No. 88-8 and Code Amendment No. 93-8 incorporating the suggested modifications recommended by the California Coastal Commission based upon the findings outlined in Attachment No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated March 18, 1996 by approving introduction of Ordinance No. 3325, after reading by title, Attachment No. 3 to the Request for Council Action dated March 18, 1996 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP PURSUANT TO SECTION 201.04E TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING WITHIN VARIOUS DISTRICTS WITHIN THE'WHITEHOLE' AREA OF THE COASTAL. ZONE." and, 2. Approve introduction, after reading by title, Ordinance No. 3326 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE 969.7 THEREOF TO CONFORM LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. SERVICES DEPARTMENT (SUPPLEMENTAL FEE RESOLUTION NO. 50)," Attachment No. 7 to the Recommended for Council Action dated March 18, 1996. 154 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 17 (City Council) Resolution No. 96-24 And Resolution No. 96-25 - Adopted Relative To Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94 (450.20) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider Resolution No. 96-24 which indicates agreement and acceptance by the City Council of the modifications recommended by the Coastal Commission as part of their approval of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94 and Resolution No. 96-25 indicating to the Coastal Commission that the modifications of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94 are to be codified in the city's pending Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 1-95 for the Zoning Code rewrite. A motion was made by Leipzig, second Dettloff, to: Adopt Resolution No. 96-24 which indicates agreement and acceptance of the modifications recommended by the Coastal Commission - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, WHICH ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE COASTAL COMMISSION ACTION AND ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 2-94 AS MODIFIED.", and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 96-25 which transmits a communication to the Coastal Commission to incorporate Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94, Zone Change No. 88-18, Code Amendment No. 93-8 into Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 1-95, Zoning Ordinance rewrite pending before the Coastal Commission - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TO AMEND THE TEXT OF LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1-95 TO REFLECT ADOPTION OF COASTAL COMMISSION SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS TO LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 2-94. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES_ None ABSENT: None Councilman Green stated that he believed the Bolsa Chica Committee should be named the Bolsa Chica Wetlands Committee. 155 Page 18 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Consent Calendar - Items Approved On motion by Garofalo, second Dettloff, Council approved the following consent calendar items, as recommended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (City CouncillRedevelopment Agency) Minutes - Approved And Adopted - Approved and adopted minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 22, 1996 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Redevelopment Agency Agreement - Repair Of San Joaquin Reservoir Slope Repair - Irvine Ranch Water District - Metropolitan Water District - Mesa Consolidated Water District - Laguna Beach County Water District - South Coast Water District - The Irvine Company - City Of Newport Beach And City Of Huntington Beach - Approved (600.40) - Approved the Redevelopment Agency Agreement for the San Joaquin Reservoir Slope Repair between the city, Redevelopment Agency and the above mentioned entities and authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. (City Council) Notice Of Completion - Prince Park Emergency Bulkhead Repair - CC-1021 - The John S. Meek Company - Approved (600.80) - Accepted the improvements completed by the John S. Meek Company on the Prince Park Emergency Bulkhead Repair, approved the total project cost of $112,134, and authorized the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion with the Orange County Recorder. (City Council) Notice Of Completion - Warren Lane Parallel Sewer Proiect And Acceptance Of Materials For The Banning And Bushard Sewer Rehabilitation Proiect - CC-840 And CC-844 - Clarke Contracting Corp. - Approved (600,60) - Accepted the improvements completed by Clarke Contracting Corporation on the Warren Lane Parallel Sewer for a cost of $219,133.57 and authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Orange County Recorder and accepted various materials ordered for the Banning Sewer Lift Station Project of which the contractor had already taken delivery (and was unable to return or re -stack) or had specifically fabricated, prior to staff's direction not to construct the sewer lift station. 156 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 19 (City Council Bid Award - Excel Paving Company - Repair And Replacement Of Street And Public Improvements - MSC-381 - Pont Circle - Bushard_Street - Cove Circle - Moontide Circle - Nautilus Drive - Marina Lane - Culpepper Circle - Howland Lane - Lydia Drive - Medford Drive - Littler Drive - Bosun Circle - GentEy Lane - Approved (600,50) - Accepted the low bid of $692,283.90 submitted by Excel Paving Company the lowest responsible bidder, approved a total project budget of $798,512; this amount includes $692,284 for contract work, $69,228 for any unanticipated change orders and $37,000 for incidental expenditures; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract on behalf of the city. (City Council Draft Notice To Golden West Refining Company - Relocation Of Oil Pipeline To Facilitate Eventual Development Of Waterfront Site - Approved (520.40) - Authorized the City Administrator to send the Notice to Relocate Oil Pipeline which crosses to Golden West Refining Company in order to facilitate the eventual development of the Waterfront site. (City Council Acceptance Of Resignation Of David Bishop From Human Resources Board And Removal Of Member Bridges And Authorization To Not Fill The Vacancies At This Time - Approved (110,20) - Accepted the resignation of David Bishop and declared position vacant; removed Bryan Bridges as a member of the Human Resources Board in accordance with the attendance policies of Boards and Commissions (HBMC 2.100.085) and declared this position vacant; and directed these vacancies not be filled at this time. (City Council Resolution No. 96-22 - Adopted - Supports And Encourages Passage Of Senate Bill No. 1590 Establishing December 14, 1995_As Effective Date Of Proposition No. 62 - Santa Clara/Guardino Supreme Court Decision - Required Vote For General Taxes And Special Taxes-(640.40) - Resolution No. 96-22 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL* OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING SB 11590 WHICH DECLARES DECEMBER 14, 1995 AS THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE SANTA CL ARAIGUARDINO SUPREME COURT DECISION." (City Council Resolution No. 96-23 - Adopted - Disposition of Records - Copies of Claims (170.50) - Adopted Resolution No. 96-23 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS." Copies of 1991-1992 Claims, 1991-1992 ID Claims. (City Council Big Independent Cities Excess Pool f BICEP Financial Statements And Independent Auditor's_ Report Submitted For Receipt And Filing As Public Record By City Council - Approved (310.75) - Received and filed as a public record the Big Independent Cities Excess Pool Financial Statements and Supplementary information with the Independent Auditor's Report for the year ended June 30, 1995 and June 30, 1994 pursuant to the BICEP Joint Powers Agreement with Member Cities. 157 Page 20 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 Redevelo ment Agency) Transfer Of Funds - Main Pier Debt Service Fund - Huntington Center Capital Projects Fund - Yorktown/Lake Debt Service Fund - Approved (320.10) - Approved the transfers of Redevelopment Agency funds between the Redevelopment Capital Projects and Debt Service Funds to eliminate funding deficits outlined in Attachment No. 1 to the Recommend for Council Action dated March 18, 1996 as follows: Redevelopment Agency Projected Cash And Investment_ Balances At September 30, _1996 (in thousands) Main/Pier Huntington Center Oakview Talbert/ Beach Yorktown/ Beach Low Income Housing Total Debt Service Fund $3,320 1,280 221 238 487 $2,986 Capital Projects 2,402 4,983 518 926 395 687 4,312 Total 918 3,703 734 1,164 92 6871 7,298 (City Council) Rough Draft Aareement - Aooroved in Conceot - Huntinaton Beach Union High School District - Lighted Athletic Fields - Approved (600.10) - Approved in concept the Rough Draft Agreement between the city and the Huntington Beach Union High School District for Development of Improvements upon certain portions of District Property. Provides for lighted athletic fields at district sites if funding becomes available through community user groups. (City Council) Discontinuance Of Emolovee Alternate Commute Program - Agnroved (700.20) - Authorized the discontinuance of the Employee Alternate Commute Program as of March 15, 1996, (the city has complied with Rule 1501 of the South Coast Air Quality Management District since 1989)_ On December 8, 1995 the Governing Board of the District, in concert with earlier State legislation signed by the Governor, rescinded Rule 1501. The City Council on February 5, 1996 directed staff to use either "the Old Vehicle Scrapping" or the "Air Quality Investment Program" option to comply with new District Rule 2202. Consent Calendar - Items Removed The following items were requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration: (Garofalo) Breakfast in the Park Concession Agreement and (Bauer) Cotton and Beland Associates, Incorporated, professional services contract. 1S8 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 21 (City Council) Resolution No. 96-19 - Continued To A Later Date Authorizes A Procedure For Destruction Of Police Records - Updates Current Resolution Regarding Purge And Destruction Of Police Department Records (170.50) The City Council, at the request of the City Administrator, continued Resolution No. 96-19 to a later date - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING A PROCEDURE FOR DESTRUCTION OF POLICE RECORDS." (City Council) Breakfast In The Park Concession - Lease Agreement - Amendment No. 1 - Alice Gustafson - Approved (600.35) The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Community Services Department recommending approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between the city and Alice Gustafson for operation of Breakfast In The Park food concession. This agenda item was removed from the consent calendar by Councilman Garofalo. In response to Councilman Garofalo, the Community Services Director reported that the concession was exempt from outdoor dining requirements. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green, to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between the city and Alice Gustafson for operation of the Breakfast In The Park food concession and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the city. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None [City Council) Professional Services Contract - Waiver Of Professional Liability Insurance - Cotton _And Beland Associates, Inc. - Planning Services Regarding Preparation Of Housing Element Up -Date For The General Plan Of The City Of Huntington Beach - Approved (500.10) The City Council considered the agenda communication from the Economic Development Director and the Community Development Director regarding the proposed Professional Services Contract and Waiver of Professional Liability Insurance between the City and Cotton and Beland Associates, Incorporated, for planning services regarding preparation of the Housing Element Up -Date- This agenda item was removed from the consent calendar at the request of Councilman Bauer. Councilman Bauer requested clarification as to under what circumstances the city waives Professional Liability Insurance requirements. He stated his inclination to never waive the insurance requirements. 159 Page 22 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 The City Attorney reported on the Council resolution regarding this issue and outlined the procedure. The Community Development Director reported. The City Administrator stated that a policy must be developed and that he would work with the City Attorney on this issue. He assured Council that in this instance said waiver could be granted. A motion was made by Bauer, second Leipzig, to approve the Professional Services Contract with a Waiver of Professional Liability Insurance requirements, in an amount not to exceed $24,740 with the firm of Cotton and Beland Associates, Incorporated for preparation of the update of the City's Housing Element, and authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None Vote To Continue Meeting Past 11 p.m. Approved A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green, to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. (City Council) Harriett M. Wieder Regional Park Deed Restrictions And New Issues - (Formerly Linear Park And The Bolsa Chica Regional Park) - Deferred to April 15,1996 (650.10) The City Council continued the communication from the Community Services Director and the Community Development Director regarding the August 15, 1994 direction of the City Council to work with the county to prepare deed restriction language to be incorporated into the deeds transferred from the city to the county for the Harriett M. Wieder Regional Park. sty Council/Redevelopment Agency) Staff Authorized To Prepare A Proposed Lease/Sublease Between City And Huntington Beach Union High School District To Facilitate Commercial Development And Recreational Development On Portion Of Ocean View High School And Wintersbur Site (420.10) The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Director transmitting information regarding a structure to facilitate commercial development on a portion of the Ocean View High School and Wintersburg site and the development of recreational facilities of benefit to the community. ISO 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 23 The Economic Development Director reported at length regarding the proposed lease and sublease. A motion was made by Dettloff, second Harman, to direct staff to develop the legal documentation necessary to implement the proposed structure outlined in Attachment No. 1 to the Recommend for Council Action dated March 18, 1996 and return to the City Council for final approval at a future meeting. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None Public Information Office Requested To Provide Information Regarding Lease/Sublease - Wintersburg Site Councilman Garofalo recommended that the Public Information Office make it clear to the public that this is an innovative project, as he had encountered a citizen who had a misunderstanding regarding the nature of this issue. Bonnie Castrey, Huntington Beach Union High School District President, spoke regarding the hard work of the respective staffs on this project. Redevelo ment Agency) Staff Direction Given Regarding Restriction Of Eminent Domain Power - Redevelopment Plan Amendments - Various Redevelopment Project Areas (550.50) The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Director regarding the issue of restriction of Eminent Domain Power, Redevelopment Plan Amendments, and formation of a Project Area Committee (PAC). The Economic Development Director presented a staff report. He referred to an overhead map of the area. Councilman Leipzig requested clarification as to when a Project Area Committee is required. The Economic Development Director reported that the displacement of residents and number of low and moderate income residents in the area, and displacement of even one legal resident were 'the tests. 161 Page 24 - Council/Agency Minutes - 03/18196 A motion was made by Garofalo, second Leipzig, to direct staff to structure the amended Redevelopment Plan to limit the use of eminent domain within the Main Pier Project Area to commercial properties only, to extend the term of eminent domain powers for all properties within the Huntington Center Project Area, and to not extend eminent domain powers within the Talbert/Beach, Oakview, or Yorktown/Lake Project Areas. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: Harman (Absent from room) (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Resolution No. 96-2.1- Adopted - Adopted Mortgage Credit Certificate Program With County Of Orange - First Time Home Buyers (600.25) The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Director requesting authorization to continue a first-time Home Buyers Cooperative Agreement between the County of Orange and the city for the Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program, and adopt a resolution adopting the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program for the new funding cycle. The Economic Development Director reported. Councilman Garofalo stated that he believes this program should be publicized as it is a way to help people to afford to live in Huntington Beach. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green, to adopt Resolution No. 96-21 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING A MORTGAGE CREDIT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY OF ORANGE and appropriate $30,000 from the unreserved low income housing funds as a set -aside with the County of Orange in order to participate in the MCC program, and to secure certificates for an estimated twenty (20) units. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None 16Z 03/18/96 - City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 26 (City Council) Ordinance No. 3324 - Adopted - Curb Parking Restrictions - School Student - Loadin Zones (640.10) The City Council considered Ordinance No. 3324 for adoption. Following a reading by title, on motion by Dettloff, second Green, Council adopted Ordinance No. 3324 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 10.48 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO EFFECTIVE TIME PERIODS FOR CURB PARKING RESTRICTIONS." Ordinance introduction was approved on March 4, 1996 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council) Ordinance No. 3323 - Introduction Approved - Personnel Commission Term Limits (640.10) The City Council considered a communication from the Personnel Director regarding Ordinance No. 3323 which proposed a limit to the terms of members of the Personnel Commission. This ordinance had been deferred from the February 26, 1996 Council meeting. Fallowing a reading by title, on motion by Bauer, second Dettloff, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 3323 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 2.72,060 AND 2.100.060 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE TERM OF THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION." Exhibit No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated March 18, 1996 to place a two -term limit on Personnel Commission appointments. The term of any persons having already served at least two (2) consecutive terms on the Commission on the effective date of this ordinance shall terminate immediately upon the City Council appointment of their successor. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council) Announcement Of Appointment To The Huntington Beach Finance Board_= Floyd "Bud" Belsito Councilman Garofalo announced his appointment of Bud Belsito to the Finance Board. 163 Page 26 - Councif/Agency Minutes - 03/18/96 (City Council Request For Staff Report Regarding Cost Of Placing Computers In City Council Offices Councilman Garofalo requested a report be prepared regarding the cost of placing computers in the City Council Offices. (City Council) Announcement Of Appointment Of John Ely To Huntington Beach Investment Advisory Board (110,20) Mayor Sullivan announced the appointment of John Ely to the Huntington Beach Investment Advisory Board. (City Council) Change Starting Time Of Business And Public Comments_ Televised Portion Of City Council Meeting - City Attorney Directed to Prepare A Resolution (120.10) The City Council considered a communication dated February 14, 1996, from Mayor Dave Sullivan requesting Council consider a change in the starting time of the business and public comments (televised) portion of Council meetings. A motion was made by Sullivan, second Green, to direct the City Attorney to place a resolution on the next agenda to amend Resolution No. 6588 which was adopted April 18, 1994, to change the starting time of the business and public comments (televised) portion of Council meetings from the current 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, NOES: Harman, Garofalo ABSENT: None (City Council) Announcement Of Appointment To The Huntington Beach Finance Board - Richard Harlow Councilman Green announced his appointment of Richard Harlow to the Huntington Beach Finance Board. 164 03/18/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 27 Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, March 25, 1996, at 5:00 p.m_, in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk 01 - M Z Z 1 i Sri City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach California Mayor/Chairman 165