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5:00 P.M. - Council Chamber
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, March 25, 1996
Call To Order
Mayor Sullivan called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:25 p.m. in the Council
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Leipzig, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Absent'. Bauer
Pledge Of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by those present in the Council Chamber.
Late Communications Announced By City Clerk Pursuant To The Brown Act
Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced that the slide report titled Budget Study
Session, dated March 25, 1996, received from the City Administrator's Office had been
distributed to Council following distribution of the City Council Agenda.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Public Hearing - General Plan Amendment No. 94-2
- Environmental Impact Report No. 94-1 - Comprehensive Update Of The Huntington
Beach General Plan
The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider the
The City of Huntington Beach is in the process of rewriting the General Plan. The General
Plan is the "constitution" for the city. The "constitution" contains the citizens' vision for the
future of the city and translates their hopes and aspirations into a broad set of goals and
policies. These policies are then utilized to help guide decisions for the next 20 years.
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A communication from the Community Development Director, dated March 25, 1996, titled
General Plan Amendment No. 94-2/Environmental Impact Report No. 94-1 (Comprehensive
Update of the Huntington Beach General Plan including a Slide Report of Draft General Plan
Public Hearing No. 1 was distributed to Council.
The City Clerk had received and distributed to Council a communication dated March 21, 1996
from ,ton Ely regarding the visual quality of the city, specifically the Coastal Pacific Coast
Highway corridor between the Santa Ana River and Beach Boulevard.
Melanie Fallon, Community Development Director, introduced Linda Niles, Senior Planner.
Jeff Riley, Envicom Consultant; Herb Fauland, Associate Planner; and Brian James, Senior
Planner; were introduced by Ms. Niles.
Senior Planner Niles, stated that the public hearing procedure would be reviewed as well as
the issues that were raised at the February 26th and March 11th Study Sessions and the
issues and alternatives in the Environmental fmpact Report,
Public Hearing No. 1
• Overview
• Public Hearing Procedure
• Environmental Impact Report
Air Quality Element
Noise Element
Environmental Hazards Element
Hazardous Materials Element
• Utilities Element
• Urban Design Element
• Recreation and Community Services Element
• Historic and Cultural Resources Element
• Public Facilities and Public Services Element
• Environmental Resources and Conservation Element
• Economic Development Element
• Housing Element (Update to occur at later date)
• Growth Management Element (Update to occur at a later date)
• Coastal Element (Update to occur at a later date)
Brian James, Senior Planner, addressed issues regarding noise impacts of the Police Gun
Range, stating that staff believed the Gun Range should be discussed under the Noise
Element. He addressed the Utilities Element stating that staff has recommended additional
language. He presented additional proposed alterations to the proposed General Plan that
were in the report and also to which the Slide Report referred.
Senior Planner Niles reviewed the Environmental Impact Report using the Slide Report. She
reported on proposed alternatives. She referred to differences in the current development
standards and proposed standards such as plans for less residential housing for the city than
previously planned. She spoke regarding Mitigation Measures and Statement of Overriding
Considerations. Ms_ Niles stated that an area that was not feasible to be reduced to below
significant impact levels was along Pacific Coast Highway from North of Beach Boulevard to
south of Brookhurst Street as traffic cannot be mitigated.
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She stated that the level of development permitted under the General Plan would inevitably
result in added development and increase in emission concentration which currently exceeds
state standards, so although the implementation of the Air Quality Element would serve to
minimize this increase, the presence of carbon monoxide hot spots at busy intersections
around the city would never fully be mitigated. Ms. Niles reported that even with the
implementation of the General Plan an inevitable increase in ambient noise levels will occur;
that the effectiveness of the policies in the General Plan will serve to reduce those noise levels
for new development, and redevelopment, however for existing structures, it was questionable
as to whether the new noise concern could be mitigated.
In response to Councilman Leipzig, Ms. Niles stated that Air, Noise and Traffic Impacts can be
reduced from what would be permitted under the existing General Plan.
The public hearing on the Environmental Impact Report was opened. No speakers were
present and this portion of the hearing was closed.
Senior Planner James reported on the utility expansions as it relates to the Air Quality
Councilman Harman gave reasons why he did not believe all Cal Resources, an oil company,
should be designated as a utility.
Discussion was held and Senior Planner Niles stated it yvould be a good addition of utility
companies and industrial uses.
Senior Planner James reported on aspects of the Noise Element, stating staff was
recommending approval as modified by the Planning Commission.
Councilman Harman spoke regarding Impact Noise and Ambient Noise and questioned if there
was an Impact Noise Ordinance on the books
Senior Planner Niles stated that an ordinance was being developed now and would be part of
the General Plan.
Councilman Harman spoke regarding the need for more specific language as it relates to noise
from parties.
At the request of Councilman Harman, Associate Planner Fauland, stated that leaf blowers are
covered under city code and Mr. Riley could contact the Land Use Division of the Community
Development Department.
The Community Development Director reported on leaf blower use.
Senior Planner ,lames reported that staff would have to work in coordination with the Federal
Aviation Authority on the airplane banner issue.
1 a+$ .
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Associate Planner Fauland referred to the section of the proposed General Plan where
airplane noise might be addressed.
Senior Planner Niles reported on the Environmental Hazards Element and stated that staff
recommended approval.
The public hearing on the Environmental Hazards Element was opened. No speakers were
present and this portion of the hearing was closed.
Senior Planner Niles reported on the Hazardous Materials Element stating that staff is
recommending approval as modified by the Planning Commission,
The public hearing on the Hazardous Materials Element was opened. No speakers were
present and this portion of the hearing was closed
Associate Planner Fauland reported on the Utilities- Element. He informed Council that a letter
had been received from Jon Ely and placed in the City Council packet.
At Councilman Green's request, Mr. Fauland reported on staff's recommendation relative to
Mr. Ely's suggestions on the proposed Utilities Element.
The public hearing was opened on the Utilities Element.
John Ely addressed Council regarding his communication. He stated that the Huntington
Beach State Park was the Number 1 visited State Park in the State and was nearby the
visually blighted Edison Company site. He gave reasons why he believed the Utilities Element
is inadequate. He informed Council that he believed the element should be more personalized
and presented reasons.
The Community Development Director reported on the appeal filed by Councilman Harman of
a pending commercial tower.
Councilwoman Dettloff spoke regarding the Orange County Sanitation District's efforts
underway on landscaping issues that had temporarily been delayed due to the county
bankruptcy. She stated that she believed the word "discouraged" should be put under Section
Councilman Harman thanked Mr. Ely for his report and the time it took to prepare. Councilman
Harman stated that he agreed with Mr. Ely's concerns such as if the power plant is sold and
output is increased.
Councilman Leipzig spoke regarding the additional landscaping plans of the Grange County
Sanitation District. He stated that he believed the power plant landscape standards were a
more difficult situation.
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Floyd Crabill, property owner on Glencoe Avenue, stated that he believed Glencoe Avenue
and also Alhambra Drive were the worst kept streets and hoped that curbs and gutters could
be installed. He stated that he had been assessed $2,000 for this 10 years ago when he was
in escrow on the property. Mr. Crabill spoke regarding the problem of stagnant water in the
Senior Planner Niles stated that she would report on what she believed may be planned
improvements on Alhambra Drive.
Councilman Harman asked the other Councilmembers why they believed Mr. Ely's
recommendations should be in the Urban Design Element rather than the Utilities Element.
Councilman Leipzig reported.
Councilman Harman stated he was concerned if the language was not put in the Utilities
Element it could be overlooked when a utility company was making application_
Associate Planner Fauland stated that staff would recommend that it be put in the Urban
Design Element and presented reasons.
Councilman Garofalo stated that he believed in landscaping but did not want to restrict ability
to produce energy.
Following discussion, Senior Planner Niles stated that staff would return with revisions.
Discussion was held regarding the process by which the utilities companies can expand.
Associate Planner Fauland reported on the Urban Design Element stating that staff
recommended approval as modified by the Planning Commission. He referred to Mr. Ely's
communication. He stated that staff would meet with the utility companies.
Jon El y addressed Council and stated that he favored the language in his report but did not
agree with the word suggested "discourage". He spoke regarding procedure and stated that
he had not received a notification on the desalinization plant and that notifications were sent
out by the utility company. He stated that the General Plan is a directional policy tool that staff
must be able to follow and not to return to the Council to see what is desired. Mr. Ely stated
that he would like to see what was done in the Redondo Beach area regarding utilities to be
placed in the Huntington Beach General Plan; that the City of Redondo Beach also had
Woody Tescher as their consultant.
In response to Council, Mr. Ely stated that he would provide the City of Redondo Beach
language to staff. Mr. Ely stressed that notification requirements should be in place.
Bill Riley spoke in opposition to the ugly block walls and particularly the addition to the walls
made by residents that he believed were illegal. He stated that he believed the wording
regarding block walls was vague and that the Code Enforcement Division should be given
more power as he does not believe it should be allowed in south Orange County.
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The Community Development Director reported that this is a Code Enforcement issue.
There were no further speakers to the Utilities Element and this portion of the public hearing
was closed.
Senior Planner James reported on the Historic and Cultural Resources Element.
Councilman Harman asked if the General Plan gave direction regarding historical buildings that
may be in the way of street widening.
Senior Planner James reported on S. 1.3.6 and 1.3.7, however, he stated these sections did
not specifically address street expansion.
The public hearing on the Historic and Cultural Resources Element was opened.
Richard Harlow, representing Bill Anderson owner df three lots on Palmdale Street, the site of
Primo Roofing Company, spoke regarding the reasons for these objections to an historical
overlay in that area,
Discussion was held between the staff and Councilman Garofalo regarding the issues raised
by Mr. Harlow.
Associate Planner Fauland presented an example of the Slater House; how it was preserved
to house a related architectural firm; and that such integrated use was what had been in mind.
Ms. Niles stated that this is an area that should be set aside for a report.
Further discussion was held regarding reasons for why this area was used for an example
rather than the downtown area.
There being no one further to speak on this element, the Historic and Cultural Resources
Element portion of the public hearing was closed.
Senior Planner James reported on the Recreation and Community Services Element of the
General Plan as notified by the Planning Commission.
Shirley Carey, Community Services Commission member, urged Council support. She spoke
regarding the Community Services Commission formed on the Youth Sports and Senior Citizen
issues. Ms. Carey stated that it was important to look at both city and school issues.
There being no one further to speak, the Recreation and Community Services Element portion
of the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Harman spoke regarding what some members of the community believed to be a
shortage of youth sports facilities but enough facilities for adult sports.
Senior Planner James stated it referred to all segments of the population.
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Senior Planner Niles reported on the Public Facilities and Public Services Element of the
General Plan. She spoke regarding meetings held between the schools and staff regarding
development on school sites..
The public hearing on the Public Facilities and Public Services Element was opened.
There were no speakers to the Public Facilities and Public Services Element present and this
portion of the public hearing was closed.
Senior Planner Niles reported on the Environmental Resources and Conservation Element and
reviewed the word changes on Major Issues.
The public hearing on the Environmental Resources and Conservation Element was opened.
Bob Biddle, Huntington Beach Tomorrow President, stated that he strongly urged that Mr. Ely's
recommendation be used as other cities do this. Mr. Biddle stated that the Huntington Beach
Tomorrow organization opposed linking the city's General Plan to the California Environmental
Quality Act as CEQA can be disbanded by the state and the city's requirements should stand
on it's own.
Discussion was held between Council and Mr. Biddle regarding the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA).
Senior Planner Niles reported on staff's intent and presented recommendations. She stated
that she believed this is an area that should be set aside for future staff review.
There being no one present to speak further on the Environmental Resources and
Conservation Element, the public hearing was closed.
Associate Planner Fauland stated that the Housing Element would be updated within the next
several months and would return to Council. He stated that the Growth Management Element
was being reviewed to determine if it should be brought up for future review from the date of
1992 when it was done. He reported on the update of the Coastal Element which was
A motion was made by Green, second Dettloff, to approve the recommended action on all
Elements including the Environmental Impact Report and with the following exceptions of items
to return after review by staff:
Noise - Impact noise directly adjacent to residential areas.
Environmental Resources and Conservation - CEQA issues as it relates to city's own
stand alone regulations.
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Utilities Element - Landscaping and aesthetics as it pertains to the Orange County
Sanitation District and Southern California Edison Plants, etc., as
addressed in Mr. Ely's report and schedule the presence of utility
company representatives.
The motion carried unanimously with Councilmember Bauer absent.
A motion was made by Leipzig, second Dettloff, that the next public hearing on the General
Plan begin at 6:30 p.m.
The Community Development Director and the City Clerk informed the City Council that 9,000
notifications of the pubic hearings had been mailed to city residents.
The motion and second were withdraw.
Public Comments
Rosemary Cowell addressed Council and requested that a standard of care for those who
depend on senior services such as the Meals on Wheel Program be set and requested that
services not be cut.
Tom Logan spoke in opposition to Ballot Measure GG (Youth Sports Facilities, Senior Citizen
facility site and beach improvements) and presented reasons.
Wade Hawley spoke regarding the communications from the Library Board and affiliates which
included recommendations for an increase in the Community Development Enrichment Fee.
He spoke in opposition to proposed parking meters at the library.
Discussion was held between Council, Mr. Hawley, and Library Director Hayden on the parking
meter issue.
The Library Director responded to Councilman Green's questions which included issues
relative to the retirement of Library Bonds.
Councilman Garofalo stated that he would encourage the Huntington Beach citizens to vote on
March 26, 1996, as it is predicted by the Secretary of State that it may be the lowest turnout
ever recorded,
Recess - Reconvene
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency meetings at
7:55 p.m. The meetings were convened at 8:05 p.m_
1 '73
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(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Budget Study Session - Review Of Alternative
Solutions To Future Years' Budget Shortfalls
The City Administrator distributed a late communication titled Sewer Maintenance Program,
City of Huntington Beach, Public works Department (Slide Report). The late communication
(Slide Report) titled Budget Study Session, dated March 25, 1996, had been announced
earlier in the meeting by the City Clerk.
The City Council considered a communication from the City Administrator transmitting
summaries listing Potential Revenue Increases and Potential Expense Reductions as
discussed at the past two Budget Study Sessions. No final decisions were needed on any
specific revenue or expense issues; however, policy direction was needed from the City
Council on addressing the long-term budget issues. Tentative subjects for this study session
Review Cause of Budget Problems
Looking Back: Past Budget Reductions
Looking Ahead: 5 Year Projections
Review Alternative Solutions
Expense Reduction
Revenue Increases
Review Options
City Council Discussion
Communications were received, dated March 20, 1996, from the Library Board, Library Board
Chair and President of the Library Patrons Foundation recommending an increase in the
Community Enrichment Library Development Fee to assist in revenue shortfalls.
Communications were received, dated March 20, 1996, from the Library Board of Trustees and
the Presidents of the affiliated groups informing Council of a recommendation from the
affiliated groups requesting that all other options be studied prior to consideration of parking
meters at the Central Library.
The City Administrator presented a lengthy report and reviewed the Slide Report.
Discussion was held between Councilman Green and the City Administrator.
Councilman Green stated that he believed in increasing fees for services rendered so that the
General Fund would not be depleted.
The City Clerk announced that the late communication titled Sewer Maintenance Program, City
of Huntington Beach, Public Works Department (Slide Report) had been distributed to Council.
The Public Works Director presented a staff report on the Slides Report
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Councilman Garofalo, at the request of Councilwoman Dettloff, reported on the concept of
using a General Obligation Bond.
Councilman Leipzig stressed the importance of infrastructure needs and presented examples
by referring to sewer related issues.
Councilmen Leipzig and Harman stated that they wished to see more facts and details prior to
making decisions.
Councilman Harman stated that he would like to see another look at reducing expenditures
prior to raising revenues,
Discussion of sales of property were held and Deputy City Administrator Franz reported that
there were limited areas such as rights -of -way on some property along Utica Avenue. He
reported on reviewing the terms of leases.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated that she believed a Study Session may be needed regarding the
impact of Budget cuts, citing the impact that she knows there would be if, for example, five
Senior Outreach personnel were cut.
Discussion was held between Councilman Garofalo and Councilman Leipzig regarding steps
needed to develop a budget. Further discussion was held regarding the process of balancing
the budget.
The City Administrator stated that more information and recommendations would be provided
to Council at a future meeting, such as possible service cuts and revenue sources.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Council Resolution No. 96-26 and Agency
Resolution No. 271 Adopted Establishing The Time Of City Council And Redevelopment
Agency Meetings And Meeting Procedures .-
The City Council considered a communication from the City Administrator and City Clerk
transmitting pursuant to Council direction, Agency Resolution No. 271 and Council
Resolution No. 96-26 which would change the starting time of the business and public
comments (televised) portion of the Council/Agency meetings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. due
to the amount of time consumed by Closed Session items causing the meetings not to begin
on time and the public to wait.
A motion was made by Green, second Dettloff, to adopt Council Resolution No. 96-26 - "A
THE TIME OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS."; and Agency Resolution No. 271 - "A
03/25/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 11
1. Change the time for regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency to
begin at 5:00 p.m. with the televised/business and public comments portion of the
meetings to begin at 7:00 p.m., and,
2. Reaffirm that no meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency shall continue
beyond 11:00 p.m. without a majority vote of the Council/Agency, and,
3. Items not acted upon will be carried forward to an adjourned meeting to be called by
the City Council/Redevelopment Agency to commence at a time and place to be
announced at the time of adjournment, and,
4. The fourth Monday of each month would no longer be set as a regular meeting at a
regular set time; however, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency would at such times
as meetings on the fourth Monday are necessary, adjourn to the fourth Monday of the
month at a time and place as may be called for in the order of adjournment.
The motiory carried b the followli g roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green,
NOES: Garofalo
(City CouncillRedevelopment Agency) Opposition To Senate Bill 1626 (Senator Kopp) -
Additional Restrictions Upon Redevelopment
The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Director
regarding Senate Bill 1626 which would place additional restrictions upon redevelopment
including the payment of in -lieu taxes for Agency -held property.
David Biggs, Economic Development Director, reported that there are some good elements but
the portion of the bill regarding payment of in -lieu taxes would cost the city thousands of
dollars. He presented examples.
Councilman Garofalo recommended that Senator Ross Johnson and the League of Cities be
enlisted to assist the city on this issue.
On motion by Harman, second Dettloff, Council opposed Senate Bill 1626 and authorized the
Mayor to transmit, on behalf of the city, position letters in opposition to Senate Bill 1626, to the
appropriate party's.
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Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency
The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach.
City Clerk/Clerk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach California