HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-29MINUTES
5:00 P.M. - Rooms C and D
Central Library
7111 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, April 29, 1996
Call To Order
Mayor Sullivan called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Rooms C and D of the Central
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, Garofalo, (Dettloff arrived at 5:25 p.m.)
Absent: None
Late Communications Announced By The Citv Clerk
Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced the following communications which had
been received following the printing of the Agenda:
Communication from Barbara Johnson, dated April 26, 1996, in support of Project Self -
Communication from the City Administrator, dated April 29, 1996, titled Draft Potential Budget
Solution - Alternatives
City Council Member Selection of the Preferred Method of Funding 1996-97 General Fund
Supported Public Service Programs
Ranking of Public Service Programs supported by the General Fund
City of Huntington Beach Priority of Programs - General Fund, dated August 15, 1991
Community Development Department - Planning Division Work Program dated April 29, 1996
1995 City Council goals and Objectives Year End Progress Report, dated 4/29196
Communications from the City Administrator requesting to Examine Specific City Programs
And Services. Distributed to Council by the City Administrator.
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Olympic Torch Program
The City Administrator spoke regarding the success of the Olympic Torch Program at which
approximately 10,000 persons turned out early in the morning. He thanked staff and in
particular Public Information Officer Rich Barnard for his hard work.
Councilman Bauer thanked the 100 volunteers who assisted.
The Police Chief stated that many of these volunteers are graduates of the Retired Senior
Volunteer Program (RSVP).
(City Council) Procedure For Council Meeting
The City Administrator outlined the procedure for the Council meeting. He informed Council
that the Community Development Director would present a special program on her
department, presenting it as an example of a Department Operation.
(City Council) Budget Prioritization By City Council
The City Administrator stated that the Councilmembers will be asked to rate priorities which will
be placed on a viewgraph for discussion.
(Redevelopment Agency) Review And Discussion Of Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing And Approval Of Action Plan 1996-97 - Consolidated Plan
The City Administrator stated that a review of the procedure for the Community Development
Block Grant Public Hearing scheduled for May 6, 1996 would also be discussed.
(City Council) Study Session - Goals and Objectives -1995 Progress Report And 1996
The City Council considered a communication from Administration, dated April 26, 1996, titled
1995 Goals And Objectives Update For Administration.
(City Council) City Council Goals And Objectives (120.30)
The City Administrator referred Council to the 1995 City Council Goals and Objectives Report
which had been revised from the report in the agenda packets. He spoke regarding a
consultant who was in the process of preparing a report on privatization when he became ill
and stated that the consultant had now resumed work on the report.
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City Council) Police Helicopter Program (530.20)
Discussion was held regarding helicopter service to the city and the fact that all member cities
are not paying their share.
The City Administrator stated that he would be meeting with representatives from the City of
Santa Ana and other south county cities to advise them that their fair share must be paid. He
also spoke regarding the feasibility of the cities of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, and
Huntington Beach being the only joint members.
Discussion was held between Council and the Police Chief regarding the Aero Bureau
Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding the feasibility of having more officers and less overtime
in the Police Department and the need for an analysis.
(City Council) Code Enforcement Responsibilities
The feasibility of Code Enforcement responsibilities being divided between other departments
was discussed.
(City Council) Infrastructure Facilities
The Public Works Director reported on the city's Infrastructure Facilities.
Councilman Garofalo commented on the need to prioritize the most critical priorities for
Council's information.
(City Council) Fire Services - Bolsa Chica Project
Discussion was held between Councilman Garofalo and Fire Chief Dolder regarding fire
services required by the Balsa Chica Project.
Councilman Garofalo questioned whether the Fire Department reviewed its relationship to
industrial developers so that the industries could have incentive such as lower insurance rates.
(City Council) Business And Tourism Environment
Discussion was held regarding Councilman Bauer's concern that a proactive approach for
creating a viable business and tourism environment be made and the fact that it was written
somewhat passively in the document goal.
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(City Council) Ingress To And Egress From Huntington Beach_ And Gothard-Hoover
Connection (120.30)
Councilman Garofalo requested that an Objective be added to continually evaluate the ingress
and egress to the city including the proposed Gothard-Hoover connection.
The City Administrator stated that the Public Works Director would return with a task priority
Councilman Harman stated that he did not want this direction to be construed as the Council
desiring bridges over the Santa Ana River.
Additional Wording Recommended (120.30)
Councilman Garofalo requested that "Establish and Implement" be put under Goal No. 5 and
he requested the wording "and implements" be inserted (on Page No. 6) and a Task be
included "Edinger Corridor Development Plan".
(City Council) Biennial Review Of Goals And Objectives Progress (120.30)
Considerable discussion was held regarding the time frame to review the progress in these
Goals and Objectives and it was the consensus of Council that a biennial review, following
Council elections, was best.
(City Council) Participation In Regional Boards And Committees - List To Be Presented
Councilman Harman stressed the need for Council to participate as members of regional
boards and commissions.
The City Administrator was requested to prepare a list of available areas for such service.
Contacting Supervisor Silva was recommended in order to gain his assistance in identifying the
committees on the League of Cities, in which the city is interested.
(City Council) City Gift Ban Ordinance To Be Reviewed By Councilmembers Dettloff
Harman, And Garofalo (640.10)
The City Administrator stated that he believed the Gift Ban Ordinance should be revisited to
determine if ceremonial presentation items such as T-shirts etc. are allowable gifts.
Councilmembers Dettloff, Harman and Garofalo were appointed to review the city ordinance
on gift bans. A study of other gift ban ordinances of other cities was requested.
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(City Council Senior Citizen Facilities To Be Discussed During Future Review
Councilman Garofalo stated that he believed the senior facilities should be added as a Task
under Goal No. 9 and it was determined that this and other additions could be made at a
thorough review.
Huntington Central Park Master Plan And Environmental Impact Report EIR - Report To
Be Presented (920.50)
Councilman Harman requested information regarding the solution to move forward with the
Huntington Central Park Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report.
Jim Engle, Deputy Director of Beaches, Recreation and Development reported on the need to
do the EIR before anything could be done.
Councilman Garofalo suggested the soil analysis be included in the Police Gun Range Soil
Further discussion on the soil analysis issue was held and staff was directed to return to
Council with a plan of what could be done, timing, and process.
(CitV Council CommunitV Development - Department Planning Division Work Pro ram
Summary (320.20)
The Community Development Director referred Council to the report titled Community
Development Department Planning Division Work Program Summary which had been
distributed to the City Council.
The Community Development Director presented an extensive report on the Work Program of
the Planning Division. She stated that the Community Development staff was 12,000 hours
staff hours or the equivalent to four or five people short to meet resources needed to complete
work in the department. The report covered the 50 prioritized work projects.
Discussion was held between Council and the Community Development Director.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated that she believed Council needed to carefully evaluate their
requests to departments.
Councilman Bauer stated that there is a City Council policy that any Councilmember request to
departments which would take two hours or more of work time must first be presented to the
City Council for approval.
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(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Study Session - Review Of Budgetary Priorities
For Fiscal Year 1996-97 (320.20)
The City Council considered the communications relative to the Budget Study Session which
had been announced by the City Clerk earlier in the meeting.
The City Administrator referred to the City of Huntington Beach Priority of Programs dated
August 15, 1991 whereby in 1991 the Departments had prioritized all the city programs.
Discussion was held regarding the document.
Resort Requested Regarding Number Of City Employees Per Population (320.20)
The City Administrator reviewed the report titled Potential Budget Solutions - Alternatives,
dated April 29, 1996.
Discussion was held regarding the fact that if it were not for the State taking funds away, there
would not be a need to cut expenses or raise revenue.
Councilman Green requested that a report be prepared covering facts and statistics regarding
the number of employees per population and salaries of employees, etc.
City Council) Refuse Collection
In response to Council's questions, Deputy City Administrator Franz stated that the City
Council would be close to covering its cost for refuse collection after the county fee reductions.
Discussion was held regarding the importance of Assembly Bill 2828 wherein a tax rebate
would be returned to the cities rather than to individual taxpayers.
(City Council) Selection Of The Preferred Method Of Funding - 1996-97 General Fund
Supported Public Service Programs (320.20)
The City Administrator explained the process that he was requesting the Council to follow
when ranking of Public Service Programs.
Recess- Reconvene
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 7:35 p.m. in
order for Council to complete their forms ranking the Public Service Programs. The meeting
was reconvened by the Mayor at 8:10 p.m.
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Results Of Ranking Public Service Programs ( 320.20)
Discussion was held regarding the results of the department head review, Council review,
method of funding, and requests regarding Public Service Programs.
Mayor Sullivan requested that Council receive copies of the results.
Feasibility Of Merging Library Department And Community Services Department -
Establishment Of Trenching Fee (320.20)
Discussion was held regarding the feasibility of merging the Library Department and the
Community Services Department.
Councilman Bauer stated that a trenching fee should be added to the list. The Public Works
Director reported that the proposed trenching fee was being studied by the Public Works
(City Council) Review Of Potential New General Fund Revenue Sources (320.20)
The City Administrator and Council reviewed the Summary of Potential New General Fund
Revenue Sources which was an attachment to the document titled Potential Budget Solutions -
(City Council Discussion Regarding Fees - Report Requested Regarding Data From
Other Cities On 911 Calls (340.20)
Discussion was held regarding use of the Community Enrichment Library Fee and methods
and procedures for establishing fees in general.
The Fire Chief reported on aspects of Fire Inspection fees.
Considerable discussion was held.
The City Administrator reported that he would ask Deputy City Administrator Franz to prepare a
report regarding each revenue source.
Councilman Green stated that the Police Chief had sent a memorandum regarding reasons
why false 911 Calls should not be charged. He asked that data from other cities be presented.
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(City Council) -Discussion Regarding Draft Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Public Hearing And Approval Of The Action Plan 1996-97 Consolidated Plan (340.70)
The City Administrator reviewed the document titled Draft Request for Council Action on the
Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing scheduled for May 6, 1996. He advised
Council of the groups, including city staff, involved in presenting recommendations within this
Mayor Sullivan and Councilwoman Dettloff commented on the Human Resources Board
involvement, concerns, and feelings regarding their role.
Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding the Plan 1A - Expenditure Side Nos. 1 and 2 (Code
Enforcement) and No. 6 (Handicap Accessibility). He commented on Public Services
Expenditure Site No. 1, (Oakview Community Center) No. 7, (Oak View Branch Library) No. 9,
(Youth Shelter) No. 11, (Interval House) No. 12 (Ecumenical Service Alliance), and No. 14
(Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter).
Councilwoman Dettloff stated the criteria which must be met, that all these groups have made
In response to Councilman Garofalo's question, Councilwoman Dettloff spoke regarding the
nearly year long process taken by the Board.
The Assistant City Administrator reported on the process by which the Silver Lane Storm Drain
was recommended for funding as it was in an Enhancement Area.
Further discussion was held including discussion on the Human Resource Board's position on
funding of city based programs.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated her concern that at the public hearing, Council not try to take on
the role of the Human Resources Board.
It was determined that staff would prepare a work sheet of city and other programs.
Councilman Green stated he would like to know if staff does on -site evaluation as does the
Human Resources Board. The Economic Development Director stated that he believes staff is
as well acquainted.
Recess To Closed Session
The Mayor called a recess of Council to consider the following closed sessions:
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with
it attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is
a party. The title of the litigation is League for coastal Protection, et al, V. California.
Coastal Commission (and City of Huntington Beach, R.P.) San Francisco Superior Court
Case No. 976698. (120.80)
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Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with
its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city
is a party. The title of the litigation is Pettet v. City of Huntington Beach. West Orange County
Municipal Case No. 21 73 01 (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give
instructions to the city's negotiators, Michael Uberuaga and Ron Hagan regarding negotiations
with H.B.P.O.A. concerning the lease of the property located at 18221 Gothard Street.
Subject: H.B.P.O.A. Lease of Gun Range. Instruction will concern price and terms of
payment. (120.80)
Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency
The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency
of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, May 6, 1996 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic
Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk/Clerk
City Crerk and ex-officio Clerk arthe City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach California