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5:00 P.M. Room B-8
7:00 P.M. Council Chamber
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, August 5, 1996
Call T—QQrder
Mayor Sullivan called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present. Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, (Leipzig, Garofalo arrived at 5:05 p.m.)
Absent: None
(City Council) Study Session -Orange County Sanitation Disrfct Landscape Improvement
Plan -Surge Towers (420.80)
Melanie Fallon, Community Development Director, presented a staff report.
David Ludwin, Engineering Director, Orange County Sanitation District, reported using wall sketches
depicting the landscaping.
Deputy City Clerk Cleary announced a late communication from David A. Ludwin P.E., Director of
Engineering, Orange County Sanitation Districts, dated August 5, 1996, Subject: Coastal Permit
No. 95-39 and Variance No. 95-32 for Rebuilding of the Ocean Outfall Surge Tower No 1. (CSDOC
Job No. J-34-1)
Council discussion was held.
Councilman Garofalo requested that the landscaping for the proposed project be increased due to
the traffic and signage.
Councilwoman Dettloff suggested that a meeting be held with the Orange County Sanitation District
representatives and Councilman Garofalo to address his concerns.
The Council thanked Daryl Smith, Park, Tree, and Landscape Superintendent, for a job well done.
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Recess - Closed Sessions
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency at 5:20 p.m. to
consider the following closed session items:
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its
designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire,
Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding Labor Relations Matters - Meet and Confer with the
following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Police Officers' Association,
Police Management Association, Municipal Employees' Association, Management Employees'
Organization, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving Employees'
Association. (120,80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its
Attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a
party. The title of the litigation is Huntington Beach Management Employees Organization,
Huntington Beach Municipal Employees Association vs. City of Huntington Beach, Administrative
Hearing before the City of Huntington Beach Personnel Board. (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its
attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a
party. The title of litigation is State of California., et al., v. BP America Incorporated, et al, Orange
County Superior Court Case No. 64 63 39; regarding American Trader, U-S. District Court Case
No. DV 90-2619. (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to
the city's negotiator, Michael Uberuaga, regarding negotiations with Robert L. Mayer Corporation
concerning the possible grant of an easement for the property located adjacent to the Waterfront
Hilton on Pacific Coast Highway. Instruction will concern price and terms of payment. Subject:
Waterfront Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). (120.80)
The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at
7:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Patrick Duchene, a S.H.1.P. (Senior Housing Inspection
Program) volunteer and Mater Dei High School Sophomore.
The invocation was given by David Biggs, Economic Development Director.
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 3
C, ily Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Absent: None
Presentation - To Mayor Dave Sullivan, Fire Chief Mike Dolder, Fire Education Specialists Martha
Werth, and Brigit Davis, from Ron Shenkman, Rainbow Disposal representative, a check in the
amount of $2,000; from Bill Gibson, Community Relations Manager, Cal Resources, a check in the
amount of $1,000; from Fountain Valley Regional Hospital a check in the amount of $1,000 to be
used to purchase smoke detectors for the S.H.I.P. (Senior Housing Inspection Program); and from
Billy Ogden, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association President, a check for $500 for smoke
detector battery replacements. (160.40)
Presentation - To Mayor Dave Sullivan and Ron Hagan, Community Services Director, from Ron
Shenkman, Rainbow Disposal representative, a check in the amount of $2,000 for Project Self
Sufficiency. (160.40)
PresentatLc n - To Mayor Dave Sullivan and the City Council by Patti Goff, Friends of Dog Park
Committee Liaison, to the city of a check in the amount of $4,000 and $200 from the "parking meter"
at the Dog Park. Certificates of Appreciation and Dog Park coffee cups were presented to each
Councilmember for their support of the Dog Park. A sack of coins representing the $200 received
from parking meters was also presented to Council. (160.40)
Late Communications Announced By The City Clerk Pursuant To The Brown Act
Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced the following late communications which had
been received following distribution of the City Council Agenda:
Communication from David A. Ludwin P.E., Director of Engineering, Orange County Sanitation
Districts of Orange County, dated August 5, 1996, Subject: Coastal Permit No. 95-39 and Variance
No. 95-32 for Rebuilding of the Ocean Outfall Surge Tower No 1. (CSDOC Job No. J-34-1)
Revised Page Nos. 6, 12, and 14 of the April 22, 1996, City CouncillRedevelopment Agency
adjourned meeting minutes
Request for Council Action from Public Works Department dated August 5, 1996, regarding contract
with NBS Lowry Incorporated, to perform Public Works Related Plan Check and Inspection Services
Communication from the Personnel Director, dated August 5, 1996, regarding a request by the
Municipal Employees Association (MEA) to have the Agenda Item regarding a Side Letter of
Agreement removed from the Agenda.
Presentation by the Community Development Director - Layout showing the dimension of the
proposed donor wall for the Fourth of July Parade 2000 Membership Organization
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Request For Council Action dated August 5, 1996, from the Community Development Director, Fire
Chief, Library Services Director, Public Works Director, and Police Chief, titled Bolsa Chica Service
and Coastal Issues Status Report and Authorization to Discuss a Water Service Agreement with the
Koll Real Estate Group
Communication from the Sunset Beach Community Association, dated August 1, 1996, regarding
the city's water resources
Communication dated August 5, 1996, from Arlene and Marcus Howard in favor of preservation of
all the Bolsa Chica mesa from development
Communication from Topper and Marina Horack, dated July 29, 1996, in opposition to providing
water services to the Koll Company
Communications from Dean Albright regarding Proposition 218 on the November Ballot and its
effect on the Balsa Chica Koll Development Water Agreement Agenda Item
Communication from Larry Geisse, M.D., dated July 27, 1996, in opposition to giving entitlement to
Koll Company for Huntington Beach water services
Communications from Cindy and John Andreassen received August 5, 1996, in opposition to giving
water entitlement to the Koll Company
Communication from Bessie Levy, dated August 5, 1996 in opposition to provision of water services
to Koll Company
Slide presentation from Administrative Services titled Financial Issues Impacting Huntington Beach
Koll Project relative to the Agenda Item relative to provision of water services to the Koll Company
Memorandum from Councilman Bauer titled Financial Issues Impacting Huntington Beach due to
The Koll Project dated August 1, 1996.
Public Comments
Bob Ka k addressed Council and urged all present to donate to the Veterans Memorial to be
placed at City Hall. He informed Council that if the 16,000 Huntington Beach veterans donated $1
each it would mean that $16,000 of the $20,000 goal would be reached.
Mayor Sullivan requested Mr. Kakuk to contact HBTV-3 to place their fund-raising effort on the
Television Scroll. He also suggested that Mr. Kakuk contact the Times Warner Cable Company and
the Public Cable Television Authority (PCTA) to get coverage on other local stations.
Mr. Kakuk stated that the names of 90 veterans killed in World Wars I and II, the Korean War, and
the Vietnam War as well as Desert Storm will be on the memorial.
Councilman Harman requested that all levels of city staff cooperate with Mr. Kakuk in this effort.
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Tom De Guelle, representing the Young Men's Christian Association, addressed Council and
extended an invitation to all to contribute to their Garage Sale Fund-raising event.
William Bernard, Rancho del Rey Mobile Homeowners' Association representative, stated his
disagreement with the premise upon which the City Attorney's opinion is based relative to the
Agenda Item on water meter fee rates charged to mobile home residents by mobile home park
owners. He stated that the issue was connection fees, not water meter rates. He referred to a letter
he had received from a Public Works Department employee regarding the matter.
On another subject, Mr. Bernard requested that the Council be very astute in their negotiations with
the Koll Company relative to city provision of water services.
Pauline Robison spoke regarding the overcharge of connection fees at Rancho del Rey Mobile
Home Park and requested Council's assistance.
Steve Gullage expressed dismay that anyone would initiate a recall against Councilman Bauer. He
presented reasons why the statements on the Notice of Intent to Recall are ill informed. Mr. Gullage
stated that if this city gave medals for honesty and fairness, Councilman Ralph Bauer would be
proudly wearing the Gold.
Sandra Cole stated her support for Councilman Bauer relative to the matter of the Notice of Intent to
Recall. Ms. Cole stated that she cannot possibly list all of Councilman Ralph Bauer's
accomplishments on behalf of the city.
Wendy Mello commended the Fire Department on a job well done in fighting a fire in her
neighborhood. She spoke regarding the condition of a sidewalk on Scenario Drive that caused a fall
to her neighbor. She spoke regarding correspondence between the city and a citizen who had tried
to.initiate the repair process. Ms. Mello spoke regarding the financial situation where palm trees
were being put in another area of the city when she believes the sidewalk repair on Scenario Drive
should take precedence.
Billy Ogden, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association President, spoke regarding the Finance
Board report as it pertains to the money -saving achievements of the Fire Department, He spoke
regarding the comprehensive report prepared by the Fire Department for the Finance Board.
Mr. Ogden informed Council of the portions of the report which he believes to be inaccurate. He
stated that he did not believe there was substance, priorities, or solutions in the report.
Gage Arnold spoke in opposition to the Koll Company's request for water service to the Bolsa
Chica Development. He stated that he believes business delivery vehicles in downtown alleys
which do not take more than two minutes should be allowed to park in alleys without getting
Nancy Donaven, Bolsa Chica Land Trust President, spoke regarding the Amigos de Bolsa Chica
organization's initial efforts on wetlands preservation. She requested that Council support the Land
Trust's vision for a larger area for the wetlands. Ms. Donaven presented reasons for their request
that the City Council not negotiate away the city's water.
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Flossie Horgan stated her comments were directed at Councilmembers Green, Dettloff, and Leipzig.
She spoke regarding these Councilmembers' past ten years of meetings with the Koll Company and
Signal Landmark Company when they were officers of the Amigos de Balsa Chica organization.
She stated reasons why she believes their participation, as Councilmembers, in decisions affecting
the Koll Company development water issue is a moral conflict of interest and requested they recuse
themselves from voting on any issues surrounding the Bolsa Chica area.
Councilwoman Dettloff invited Ms. Horgan to meet with her as she believes there are inaccurate
statements in her presentation. She stated that she has not taken any contributions from Koll
Company employees. She spoke regarding her previous meetings with Ms. Horgan's group.
Couneilmember Green responded to Ms. Horgan and spoke regarding the Balsa Chica Coalition
Councilman Garofalo stated that he believes comments should be kept on the subject and not
Councilman Leipzig spoke regarding his belief that he has stood for the interests of the city, public,
and wildlife throughout this issue.
$ally Alexander announced she is a candidate for office in the 45th Congressional District. She
spoke regarding budget needs for the city's drainage system. She requested that council "just say
no" to the Koll Company,
BQb Winchell spoke regarding the financial loss to the city from the planned Koll Company
development and presented figures. He stated that about half of the items on staffs list are things
that the Koll Company has to do anyway and the others are one-time costs that will never defray the
the different types of costs to the city. He spoke regarding what he believes is the stonewalling by
the Koll Company including failure to agree to match the city's building standards. He stated that
the Koll Company stonewalled the Amigos de Balsa Chica organization and environmentalists
relative to the conservation easement on land they have to give pursuant to the adopted plan, and
also relative to buffers. He spoke regarding the potential danger to the beaches from the
development. Mr. Winchell stated his opinion that the city must not approve water services unless
the Koff Company is willing to meet city costs.
Lois Vackar spoke regarding the detrimental effects on wildlife from the Koll Company development
at Balsa Chica. She requested that water services not be provided by the city to the Koll Company.
Nancy Harris requested that Council consider future costs to city as a result of the Koll Company
development. She requested that the city not provide water services to the Koll Company.
Dgan Albright spoke regarding the city's history as it pertains to the water supply and sewer system
facilities in relation to the McDonnell Douglas Project. He also spoke regarding the Meadowlark
Development project for which water is needed and stated that the wells required of the developer
have not been provided. He referred to State Proposition No. 218 which will stop cities from raising
fees without voter approval.
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 7
Paul Horgan presented reasons why the sale of water to the Koll Company should not be approved
by the Council. He stated that approval of the project will destroy the largest unprotected coastal
wetlands south of San Francisco.
John Fleming stated that city water resources are being used to full capacity and that money should
not be spent to study this issue. He stated that a local newspaper reported that a Koll Company
spokesperson has stated that city water is not needed.
Topper Hcrack stated reasons why the Koll Company should not receive city water and that the Koll
Company should pay for the study. He stated that resources should not be given away that may be
needed in the future. He spoke regarding future costs to taxpayers.
Jeff Metzel spoke against negotiations with the Koll Company. He stated the issues which must be
raised if negotiations are held, including the question as to whether all costs for services will be paid
to the city in perpetuity. He stated that no costs should be placed on Huntington Beach citizens. He
inquired if the development requirements in the Holly Seacliff development Agreement will be
carried out and if the Koll Company requirements would be in addition to and separate from the
Holly Seacliff development requirements. Mr. Metzel stated the city sits on a major earthquake fault
and does not have the water capacity to fight two major fires in the city.
Connie Boardman requested that Council tell the Koll Company that the city does not have water to
provide to their development. She spoke regarding the costs of the development as cited by the
county and by the city.
Robert Metzel stated his concern that Council will approve water without a guarantee that city
residents will not have to pay. He stated that the Holly Seacliff infrastructure that has been
promised has not been delivered. He spoke regarding past water shortages and questioned what
will;happen in the future if this development is approved.
Melvin Long stated that he did not believe there will be another development with more negative
impact and no positive impact to the city. He spoke regarding the effect on the city if water is
provided to the Koll Company development. Mr. Long stated that developers are gamblers and that
the developer should find the water and pay for it.
Juana Mueller stated that several years ago the Koll Company took the development proposal away
from the city and went to the county. She spoke regarding the city's efforts to get infrastructure
improvements. She stated the need to take a long view of this development and other
developments. Ms. Mueller requested that Council not give the Koll Company a drop of the city's
precious water.
Eileen Murphy spoke regarding a meeting she attended recently with city staff and Councilwoman
Dettloff regarding the water needs of the city in relation to homes planned in the city which do not
include those planned for the Holly Seacliff development or for the proposed Koll Company
development. She spoke regarding the Koll Company proposal and questioned how it would benefit
the city.
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Bob Biddle, Huntington Beach Tomorrow President, stated the organization's opposition to the Koll
Company project. He spoke regarding the calculations presented by Mr. Albright earlier in the
meeting as to water use and stated that Huntington Beach Tomorrow was in agreement. He stated
that he did not believe the Agenda Item pertaining to the Pier Plaza Project should be considered
until the Design Review Board reviews it and that the funding should be reviewed prior to
solicitations of bids.
In response to Mayor Sullivan, Mr. Biddle stated that he is a member of the Design Review Board,
Chauncy Alexander informed Council that he deplored the irrational attack on Councilman Bauer.
He spoke regarding Councilman Bauer's contribution on the Council. He urged Council not to
approve water services to the Koll Company development.
Jay Kreitz spoke in opposition to the Notice of Intent to Recall Councilmember Bauer. He requested
that Council disapprove water service to the Koll Company development.
Ben Allen spoke regarding the poor decisions of other City Councils, such as not putting enough
emphasis on commercial development. He stated that he would like the City Council to decide
against water services for the Koll Company development. Mr. Allen stated the water underground
is not an infinite resource, that it should be held in trust for the city and future generations of
Huntington Beach citizens. He stated that even if the city thinks it has discovered a way to provide
the water, it would not be in the best interests of the residents of the city.
Marge Allen informed Council that the Koll Company has stated their company has the water
coming from the City of Fountain Valley and that they would run pipes from Fountain Valley to the
project. She stated that the City of Fountain Valley had said "yes" to the Cities of Costa Mesa and
Newport Beach and consequently, the water is no longer available to the Koll Company. Ms. Allen
spoke regarding the county Environmental Impact Report figures regarding water usage per person
and the consequences to the city. Ms. Allen stated that the city has a responsibility, now, and in the
future, to city residents but not to others.
Lionel Okgn stated he was present as a neighbor from the City of Seal Beach and as a member of
the Bolsa Chica Land Trust organization. He spoke regarding what would be the adverse effect on
the City of Seal Beach from the Koll Company development. He stated that he believes the low
share price of Koll Company Real Estate Group should tell the Council something.
Laura Thissell, City of Westminster resident, spoke regarding what would be the adverse effect on
the Cities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Seal Beach and Westminster. She read a letter
from her 1 0-year-old daughter in opposition to the Bolsa Chica development planned by the Koll
Terri Kolpin spoke regarding what she believed would be the adverse impact on the beaches from
the Koll Company development.
Kathryn G ddard stated that at least two decades forward should be thought of in planning the
economic and quality of life factors for the city in relation to the Koll Company development.
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 9
Stan Borren. in Native American dress, spoke regarding water pollution and the need for weekly
inoculation of the lifeguards due to ocean pollution. He stated fires will not be able to be put out.
He stated that the Koll Company has destroyed land in San Diego.
Don Guillaume suggested that as soon as possible the city should annex the State Ecological
Reserves as well as other areas where annexation may be possible. He spoke regarding a tract
built at Edwards Street and Edinger Avenue where pilings are put under the buildings to keep them
level and cited this as an example of the detrimental effect of taking water out of the ground.
Toni Squires stated that she does not believe the Koll Company has concern for the wetlands,
wildlife, or the standard of living conditions for the current Huntington Beach residents. She spoke
regarding the leveling of land, dumping of huge amounts of material, and stated that when the rains
come, the wetlands will not be there. She stated opposition to planned oil well pump activity a few
yards from existing homes and the associated noise and environmental impact, and whether it is
legal. She spoke regarding the non -biased study of the proposed development attempted by her
high school students. She stated the Koll Company video called and made the wetlands look like a
wasteland. Ms. Squires stated that the wetlands is changing before her eyes.
Councilman Garofalo questioned the City Administrator as to the truck situation referred to by
Ms. Squires.
The Community Development Director stated that she did not know the answer but would prepare a
Bill Gregory-, Surfrider Foundation representative, spoke regarding the issue of garbage he
encounters in the ocean when he surfs and stated that people are becoming sick from the garbage.
He spoke regarding the areas which have run off into our ocean basin. Mr. Gregory spoke
regarding the traffic impact, ocean jetties, and urban runoff which will come as a result of the Koll
Company development.
Mark Porter, Huntington Beach Tomorrow Board Member, commended Councilmembers Leipzig,
Dettloff, and Green for their efforts on the Bolsa Chica Coalition Agreement but stated that he
believed very little of the Bolsa Chica Coalition Plan survived to get into the development plan_ He
spoke regarding the Bolsa Chica Coalition Agreement. Mr. Porter stated that the Coalition Partners,
the Amigos de Bolsa Chica being one, were not even notified when the Koll Company took their
project to the county. Mr. Porter stated that the Koll Company acts in its economic interests and the
city should act in its own economic interests. He spoke regarding the possible alternatives to
preserve the wetlands including sale by the Koll Company to the public interest through available
funding from the Interior Department and other funding sources.
Gerald Chapman, Arts Center Foundation Director, spoke in opposition to city provision of water
services to the Koll Company project. He stated that the Arts Center will get a bill for city services
provided to the center and that the Koll Company should also pay for services provided. He stated
if the city does approve providing the water, the city should charge 100% of the service costs.
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Carrie hgmas spoke in support of a previous speaker's comments regarding the midnight truck
operations in the Bolsa Chica area. She stated that she would appreciate the city looking into this
issue. She stated that she does not understand how the Koll Company can expect the city to use
staff time and city money for this study. Ms. Thomas stated that after listening to the speakers she
would request that Council not waste City Council and city staff time to look into this matter.
Public Works Director Jones stated that the county is overseeing soil mitigation in the area referred
to and that he would review the matter,
Norma Brandel Gibbs, former Mayor and City Councilmember, read a section of a newspaper article
which addressed "Issue Management" and stated that in order for decision makers to predict the
future it is necessary to have power to shape the future. She stated that Council has this power.
She then read a quote from Native American (Cree Indian) philosophy about the importance of the
Pat Downey spoke regarding the arrest of a young man on the Fourth of July which may result in his
being unable to go to police school even though the charges were dropped. He presented reasons
why he believes people should not have been yanked off yards. He stated that he believes there
were bad guys out there but not in the afternoon in their out of yards. Mr. Downey displayed a letter
from the Police Department that was distributed and placed on cars. He stated that it inferred that
parties should be kept on private property.
In response to a question by Council, Police Chief Lowenberg replied that people arrested were not
charged $10 to place a phone call as reported by Mr. Downey,
Sylvester Lucio stated that a substantial number of people arrested on July Fourth had retained
legal counsel. He presented reasons in opposition to Police Department action on July Fourth.
Mr. Lucio announced his phone number and pin number for other people who wish to join the law
Bill Halpin stated he hoped Council will vote against the water service to the Bolsa Chica
Leslie Edwards spoke regarding the vote by Councilmembers Harman, Sullivan, and Bauer to have
legal action on the Bolsa Chica issue when Meals on Wheels and other programs require funding.
She stated that nothing has been done to reinstate the police officer in charge of the apprehension
of sexual predators. Mrs. Edwards requested an apology from Mayor Sullivan for his attack on her
efforts to recall Councilman Bauer as she believes this destroys public discourse.
Elleni Maureas stated that she had signed the Notice of Intent to Recall Councilman Bauer. She
stated that she believed Councilman Bauer and the Council should settle the contract with the
Police Department_
Recess -Reconvene
The Mayor called a recess at 10:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened by the Mayor at 10:45 p.m_
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 11
(City Council) ove Of Funds - Orange County Bankruptcy
The City Administrator reported on the recovery of city funds in the Orange County bankruptcy.
(City Council Third Block West Project Status Repo (460.30)
The City Administrator reported that at the August 12, 1996 adjourned meeting, the Third Block
West Project Status Report will be presented and that a closed session will be held on the proposed
granting of an easement to the Waterfront Hilton.
(City Council City Budget Available To Public (320.20)
The City Administrator announced that the proposed 1996-97 City Budget is available to the public.
(City Council) Report Regarding Proposed Easement To Waterfront Hilton (120.80)
The City Administrator reported on the proposed easement to the Waterfront Hilton.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Public Hearing - Consent To Grant Of Parking
Easement By RedevelopmentAgency To WaterfrontHilton/Continued Open To
August 19, 1996 (600.30)
The Mayor stated that this was the meeting at which a public hearing has been scheduled to
consider approval by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach extending the
term of a parking easement previously granted to the Waterfront Hilton.
The City Administrator clarified that this would be a new easement and that there is not existing
easement granted to the Waterfront Hilton as reflected on the agenda.
A motion was made by Green, second Harman, to continue the public hearing open relative to the
Consent to Grant of Parking Easement by the Redevelopment Agency to the Waterfront Hilton to
August 19, 1996. The motion carried unanimously.
(City Cou cil olsa Chica Service and Coastal Issues Status Report - Authorization To
Discups Water Service Agreement With the Koll Real Estate Group (KREGl (440.60)
The following Agenda Item pertaining to the Bolsa Chica Service and Coastal Issues was taken out
of agenda order to be considered by the City Council.
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The City Council considered a communication from the Community Development Director, Fire
Chief, Library Services Director, Public Works Director, and the Police Chief transmitting a status
report on the Library, Fire, Police, and the city's Bolsa Chica Coastal Act Issues. Said
communication contains a request for authorization to negotiate with Koll Real Estate Group
regarding agreements to provide water and sewer service to the Bolsa Chica area.
The City Administrator presented a staff report. He stated an agreement should not be entered into
that does not benefit the city. He stated that the report to be prepared on the subject is not
recommended to be city funded.
Councilman Bauer stated items of concerns to him. He reviewed the slides presented by the
Administrative Services Department titled Financial Issues Impacting Huntington Beach Koff Project.
Councilman Bauer stated these concerns should be put on the agenda.
Councilman Leipzig referred to Councilman Bauer's Agenda Item scheduled later in the meeting.
He stated a closed session must be held regarding the acquisition and that the city should not pay
for a study. He spoke regarding other steps that should be taken. He stated that the city should
never negotiate out of fear but never fear to negotiate, as stated by President John F. Kennedy.
Public Works Director Jones responded to questions by Councilman Green regarding provision of
water services.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated there was much work to be done before commencement of
negotiations. She stated that if the city decides to provide water services the benefit must be to the
community_ Councilwoman Dettloff requested staff to prepare a matrix of certain issues. She
stated that she would like a workshop on different areas in which information is needed.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated that the city will get many benefits from the proposed fire and library
agreements. Councilwoman Dettloff stated that if the mesa is acquired, then these issues will not
matter much; however, if acquisition is not realized, it is the City Council's responsibility to plan.
A motion was made by Dettloff, second Bauer, to request the City Administrator to develop a
process for discussions and possible negotiations with the Koll Company for services. Financial
impacts of the project on the City of Huntington Beach must be considered in any process he
develops, including a complete list of those issues that this Council feels important, and should be a
part of any discussions and negotiations. The Council will be kept fully informed as these
discussions progress and will make all final decisions as to the services and the benefits the city
may acquire.
Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding the progress that has been made in the planning of the
development including open space and proposed wetlands restoration. He stated that the
recommended action on the agenda was simply put_ He repeated the recommended action.
Councilman Harman stated his agreement with Ms. Horgan that the city has been stonewalled. He
stated his agreement with Bob Winchell, Connie Boardman, and Mark Porker. Councilman Harman
stated that the Council could take action tonight to stop the project due to the project's impacts on
the city, including financial, traffic, water, sewer, library, fire, and police resources.
Jeff Renna, Water Operations Manager, at the request of Mayor Sullivan, reported on water issues
including city procedures in drought situations.
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 13
The Mayor spoke regarding the many aspects which must be dealt with including police, fire, and
library issues. He gave reasons why water should not be provided for the development. The Mayor
stated the two possible things that may make him consider the possibility of the city providing water:
(1) If the project density on the mesa is reduced, and (2) If the project is built to city standards. He
stated his agreement with Councilman Harman's position.
Councilwoman Dettloff repeated the motion as follows, which again received a second by Bauer, to
request the City Administrator to develop a process for discussions and possible negotiations with
the Koll Company for water and sewer services. Financial impacts of the project on the City of
Huntington Beach must be considered as a part of the process. Included should be a complete list
of those issues that this Council feels are important and should be a part of any discussion and/or
negotiations. The Council will be kept fully informed as these discussions progress and will make all
final decisions as to services provided and the benefit that the city may acquire.
In response to a question from Councilmember Bauer, Councilwoman Dettloff stated that it was her
intent that before proceeding with discussions that the City Administrator will return to Council with a
process as well as a possible agenda and proposal.
The motion made by Dettloff, second Bauer, carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: Harman
In response to Mayor Sullivan, the Public Works Director explained the process used by the city
during a drought.
Consent Calendar - Items Removed
The following items were removed from the consent calendar for separate consideration.
All Agenda Items pertaining to the Amicus Curiae Briefs; Pac Bell Lease of Antenna Pale, Pier Plaza
Project; Resolution No. 96-64, Federal Grant; Water Meter Fees charged by Mobilehome Park
Owners; Request by Fourth of July Board; and Resolution No. 96-65 pertaining to layoff procedure
for the Municipal Employees Association was removed from the consent calendar at the request of
the City Administrator.
Consent Calendar - Items Approved
On motion by, Green, second Sullivan, Council approved the following items, as recommended by
the following roll call vote:
Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes - 08/06/96
Councilman Harman abstained on the Agenda Item pertaining to the Acquisition of Right -of -Way
Easement Deeds, Pursuant to Holly Seacliff development Agreement (Hansen RM! & Kemp RM).
(Qily Co I/Redevelo meat A 9enc Minut roved And Adopted - Approved and
adopted minutes of the regular meeting of April 15, 1996, and adjourned regular meetings of
April 22, 1996 and April 29, 1996.
(City Council) Resolution No. 96-61 - Adopted - Annual Appropriations Limit - (Gann
Appr_Qpriation Limit) (320.20) -Adopted Resolution No. 96-61 - nA Resolution Of The City
Council Of The City Of Huntington Beach Establishing The Appropriation Limit For Fiscal Year
1996/97." Required by Article 13(B) of the California Constitution. Appropriation Limit of
$271,664,286 for fiscal year 1996/97.
(City Council) .Amendment No. 1. -Professional Services Contract Between City A-nd GibbsF
Giden. Locker, And Acret For Legal Services - Peck Reservoir - Approved (600.10) - Approved
and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services
Agreement with the law firm of Gibbs, Giden, Locker, and Acret to continue the services of outside
legal counsel, Bill Locker, Esquire, for representation of the city in the Peck Reservoir litigation.
Citv Council) Acquisition Of Right-Of-Wav Easement Deeds - Garfield Avenue Widenin
From Goldenwest To Main Street - Carl Weaver - Pursuant To Holly Seacliff Development
Agreement - (Hansen R/W & Kemp_R/W) - Approved (650.40) - Approved and accepted
easement deeds, authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same, and the City Clerk to record
with the Orange County Recorder. (AP No. 111-110-07, 10)
Councilman Harman abstained from voting on the Agenda Item pertaining to the Acquisition Of
Right -of -Way Easement Deeds.
(City Council) Notice Of Completion - Modification Of Three Traffic Signals - CC-879 -
De La Cruz Cor$#ru-Ction Inc. - Project Budget Increase - Approved (600.55) - Accepted
improvements completed by De La Cruz Construction, Incorporated, on the modification of three
traffic signals for a total project cost of $133,133.75; authorized an increase of $13,051 to the
approved project budget; and the supplemental limit for the project; and authorized the City Clerk to
file the Notice of Completion.
(City Council Mobile Home Advisory Board Appointments - Pica/Sorter! i Drag nlShomaker!
dwell/Cole/Katg/Novarro/Pollock - Approved (110.20) - Approved the appointments of
Eugene Pica, Mark Porter, Pauline Robison, and Jan Shomaker each to a three-year term to expire
August 5, 1999, and appointed Don Caldwell, Sandra Cole, Steven Kato, Steve Novarro, and Ken
Pollock each to a one-year term to expire August 5, 1997,
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 15
(City Council) Resolution No. 96_762 - Adopted -1996 Weed Abatement Costs (520.80) -
Adopted Resolution No. 96-62 - "A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Huntington
Beach Confirming Reports Of Cost For Weed Abatement On Lots Within The City 1996 Season'.
and directed that all charges listed thereon be certified to the county 1996-97 tax roll.
(City_. Council) Professional Services Contract - NBS Lowry, Inc. For Related Plan Check And
InseA ctign Services Public WorkE Department - Appropriation Of Funds - Approved (600.10)
- Appropriated funds in the amount of $204,500 for consultant to provide subdivision -related Plan
Checking and Construction Inspection Services of proposed public and private facilities on a time
and materials basis not to exceed $204,500 and approved the contract with NBS Lowry
Incorporated, and authorized execution by the Mayor and the City Clerk.
(City Council) Acceptance Of Improvements - McDonnell Douglas Realty Company -
Completion Of Public Storm Drain - Notice Of Completion -Approved (550.40) - Accepted the
storm drain line as constructed with this project; accepted Guarantee and Warranty Bond
No. 12-0120-27414-96-2, the security furnished for guarantee and warranty of the storm drain line;
instructed the City Clerk to file the band with the City Treasurer; instructed the City Clerk to notify
the developer, McDonnell Douglas Realty Company, of this action; and the City Treasurer to notify
the bonding company, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, of this action. McDonnell
Douglas Realty Company will file the Notice of Completion.
(City Council) Amendment No. 1 -Agreement- Employment Systems, Inc. - Planning Staffing
Services - Community Development Department - Appr ved (600.10) - Approved and
authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with
Employment Systems, Incorporated (ESI), to provide for temporary personnel for Planning Services.
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Down Payment Assistance Participant - Pacific Park
Villas - Talbert -Beach Redevelopment Pro'ect Area - Approved (600.30) - Approved the
borrower listed on the Request for Council Action by name, the amount of the loan, and the specific
property subject to trust deed; approved and authorized the Agency Chair and Agency Clerk to
execute the Loan Agreement and related documents between the Agency and the participant as
prepared by the City Attorney.
(Redevelopment Agency) Main -Pier Phase II Negotiations - Pavment To Law Firm Of
Stradling, Yocca. Carlson And Rauth - Approved (320.45) - Authorized payment of invoices in
the sum of $43,941.72 to Stradling, Yocca, Carlson, and Rauth law office in connection with the
Main -Pier Phase II negotiations and appropriated such sum from Account No. E-TM-ED-909-4-05-
00 to pay such invoices.
Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 08/05/96
(City Council) Authorization To Join Amicus Curiae Brief - Flooding Of Private Property -
Inverse Condemnation - Akins v State Of California - Motion To Join - Approved (630.50)
The City Council considered a communication from the City Attorney recommending joining the
amicus brief relative to Akins v. State of California. The appellate court ruled that public entities are
strictly liable for inverse condemnation damages when flooding of private property occurs as a result
of flood control projects which intentionally diverts waters. The amicus brief will argue that the Court
of Appeal's rule of strict liability is wrong as a matter of law and policy, and the finding should be
rejected by the Supreme Court.
A motion was made by Garofalo that Council not join said Amicus Curiae Brief.
Discussion was held.
The City Attorney reported.
The motion made by Councilman Garofalo failed to receive a second.
A motion was made by Harman, second Bauer, to join the Amicus Curiae Brief, Flooding of Private
Property, Inverse Condemnation, Akins v. State of California. The motion carried by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff
NOES: Garofalo
ABSENT: Leipzig, Green
(City Council) Authorization To Join Amicus Curiae Brief - Parcel Tax Ordinance Thomas et
al v. City Of East Palo Alto et al --Motion To Not Support - Approved (630.50)
The City Council considered a communication from the City Attorney recommending that Council
join the amicus brief regarding the class action suit against the City of East Palo Alto, challenging
that its parcel tax ordinance is an unconstitutional, non -ad valorem property tax. The case is
currently on appeal and will decide whether parcel taxes must be considered "property" taxes
governed by Article XII, Section 1 of the California Constitution_
A motion was made by Garofalo, second Sullivan, that Council not join the Amicus Curiae Brief
regarding the Parcel Tax Ordinance, Thomas et al v. City of East Palo Alto, et al. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
Sullivan, Dettloff, Garofalo
Bauer, Harman
Green, Leipzig
� s •
08/05/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 17
(City Council) - Authorization To Join in Amicus Curiae Brief Regarding Placement Of
Measure Before Voters Without Ere-Election--CEQA Review - Lee v. City Of Lompoc -Motion
To Not Join - Approved (630.50)
The City Council considered a communication from the City Attorney recommending that Council
authorize joining the amicus brief relative to a question as to whether a City Council, in reliance on
Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) and cases such as Lee v. City of Lompoc, can place a measure
before it voters for their approval without conducting a pre -election California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) review.
A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green, that Council not joint the Amicus Curiae Brief
regarding placement of measure before voters without pre -election CEQA review - Lee v. City of
Lompoc. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer
(City Council) Resolution No 96-63 - Adopted - Pac-Bell Lease Of Antenna Pole At Librm
Site - Re -Recordation Of Deed With A Notice Of Removal Of HUD Deed Restriction (600.10)
The City Council considered a communication from the City Attorney transmitting a resolution
relative to the need to remove deed restrictions on property at the Central Library site.
Councilmember Bauer requested information as to which other cities have been in these situations
and whether the City of Huntington Beach has an ordinance on this subject.
The City Attorney and the Community Development Director reported.
A motion was made by Bauer, second Green, to adopt Resolution No. 96-63 - "A Resolution Of
The City Council Of The City Of Huntington Beach Ordering The Re -Recordation Of Deed With
Notice Of Removal Of Deed Restriction." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
(City Council) Permission To Solicit Bids For Pier Plaza Project - CC-1029 - Approval To
Solicit Plans and Specifications - Approved (600.80)
The City Council considered a communication from the Public Works Department regarding
solicitation of bids for the proposed Pier Plaza Project and requesting approval of the project plans
and specifications.
The City Administrator referred Council to the funding issue in the staff report.
Page 18 - Council/Agency Minutes - 08105/96
The Community Services Director stated that the Design Review Board has been involved and on
Thursday they would determine the final colors.
Councilman Harman stated his concern with the large delivery trucks going out on the pier.
The Community Services Director informed Council of the delivery procedure in the city's agreement
with Ruby's Restaurant that he will ensure is enforced. He informed Council that he will check into
this first thing tomorrow.
Councilman Harman stated that young children were darting around and that it caused a dangerous
The Community Services Director reported, at the request of Councilwoman Dettloff, on the time
plan for funding the beach restroom improvements.
On motion by Bauer, second Dettloff, Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized
the Public Works Director to solicit bids for construction of the Pier Plaza Project, CC-1029, and
approved the attached sample contract subject to award of contract to approved lowest responsible
bidder. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
(City Council) Resolution No. 96-64 - Adopted - Federal Grant - Community Oriented Policing
To Combat Domestic Violence (340.70)
The City Council considered a communication from the Police Chief regarding Resolution
No. 96-64 - "A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Huntington Beach Authorizing
Participation In Community Policing To Combat Domestic Violence Federal Grant Program."
Mayor Sullivan congratulated Police Chief Lowenberg and the Police Department for obtaining the
federal grant to combat domestic violence.
A motion made by Sullivan, second by Dettloff, to adopt Resolution No. 96-64. The motion carried
by roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Bauer, Sullivan, Leipzig, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
ABSENT:'-. None
(City Council) Water Meter Fees Charged By Mobile Home Park Owners - Direction To Mobile
Home Review Committee (MHRC)_-Joint Meeting To Be Scheduled (110.10)
The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Department
recommending that Council direct the Mobile Home Review Committee to inform residents that
water meter overcharges must be handled between the mobile home park owners and mobile home
park residents as private parties.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated that she would like a joint meeting between Jeff Renna, Water
Operations Supervisor, staff, and the mobile home park residents.
08105/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Minutes - Page 19
On motion by Green, second Leipzig, Council deferred the communication from the Economic
Development Department regarding water meter fees charged by Mobilehome Park owners to a
later date following a joint meeting between staff and residents. Motion carried unanimously.
(City Council Council Direction Given To Staff Regarding RequestBY Fourth of Jul Board
To Create Donor Wall For "Parad 000" Membership nization 130.55
The City Council considered a communication from the Community Services Department regarding
the creation of a donor wall for the "Parade 2000" membership organization.
The Community Services Director informed Councilman Harman that there was not a policy
established relative to the display of works of art in city buildings.
A motion was made by Bauer, second Green, to direct staff to work with the Fourth of July Board to
create a donor wall in the lower level reception area between rooms B-6 and B-7 of City Hall which
will include art work, plaques and recognizing members who join "Parade 2000". The motion carried
LCity Council Support Stated For Councilmember Ralph Bauer
Councilman Green stated that he would like to go on record as strongly opposed to any recall of
Councilman Bauer.
Councilmembers Dettloff, Sullivan, and Leipzig stated their concurrence.
Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency
The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach at 12:20 a.m. to Monday, August 12, 1996, at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8,
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City CI�'�rk and ex-officio Clerk o e City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach California
ity ClerklClerk Mayor/Chairman