HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-11-04 (8)MINUTES
5:00 P.M_ - Room B-8
7:00 P.M. - Council Chamber
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, November 4, 1996
An audio tape recording of the 5:00 p.m. portion
of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion
of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
Call To Ord
Mayor Sullivan called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8.
Cily Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Absent: None
(CityGQk!ncil) Study Session - Proposed Ordinance On Food Vending Vehicles (640.10)
The Community Development Director presented a staff report. She referred to a memorandum
from her department dated November 1, 1996 regarding the Draft Mobile Vending Ordinance and
the following attachments to said communication:
1. Draft Mobile Vending Ordinance No. 3342
2. Summary of the Current Vending Regulation
3. Major Problems with the Current Vending Ordinance
4. Summary of the Major Changes to the Current Vending Ordinance
She reported on the major problems with the current vending ordinance, including: the current
ordinance lacks any prohibition against restocking which causes double parking that causes
dangerous conditions; noise level from horns; a lack of requirement for mobile vendors to have
liability insurance; need for trash containers; and the need to prohibit vendors from conducting _
business in alleys, parkways, or sidewalks.
Community Development Director Fallon reviewed the Summary of the Major Changes to the
Current Vending Ordinance.
Councilwoman Dettloff questioned if there would be an exception whereby horns would be allowed
in commercial areas for a limited time period.
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Councilman Green spoke regarding the need to differentiate between time limits for residential
areas and commercial sites for industrial employees.
Councilman Garofalo stated that he would like Number 11 on the Summary of the Major Changes to
the Current Vending Ordinance as set forth in the report to read 36 m.p.h_ rather than 35 m.p.h_ to
better define the ordinance.
The City Attorney read a provision of the code addressing the concern stated by Councilman Green
regarding time limits.
Councilman Harman requested that the people from the Oak View area and also the mobile vendors
be informed and involved. The Community Development Director informed Council that copies of
the previous draft have been sent to those mobile vending businesses of which staff is aware.
Councilman Bauer introduced Kirk Kirkland who was in the audience and who initiated this issue
some time ago.
The Police Chief, in response to Councilman Bauer, stated that he is glad this ordinance has come
The City Attorney stated that homeowners' groups should be contacted for their input.
Discussion was held regarding dealing with the noise issue such as noise from the Good Humor
type trucks.
The City Attorney informed Council that her office has addressed problems in the ordinance that
have been found unconstitutional.
Councilman Leipzig stated that he believed the part of the ordinance regarding overnight parking is
not clear and needs to be strengthened.
Discussion was held between Councilman Bauer and the Community Development Director
regarding the type of neighborhoods that have vendor customers_ The Community Development
Director informed Council that often housewives who do not have cars buy from the vendors and
purchase vegetables daily.
Councilman Harman requested the City Attorney to further clarify the term "restocking" and the
ability to cite trucks unloading to other trucks and double parking_
Recess - Closed Session
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency to consider the
following closed session items:
~ J
11/4/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 3
Closed Session - Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to give
instructions to the agency's negotiators, Michael Uberuaga and David Biggs, regarding negotiations
with J. T. Development concerning the purchase/sale of property located at Third Block West
Project in the Main -Pier Project Area at Main Street, Orange Avenue, Olive Avenue and Fifth
Streets. Subject: Third Block West. (400.50)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) to confer with its
attorney regarding pending litigation. Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative
body of the local agency has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation. Number
of Potential Cases: 1. Subject: Bus Shelter Advertising (Metro Display). (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 to consider personnel
matters. Subject: In the matter of the proceedings involving City of Huntington Beach Municipal
Employees Association - Grievance: Request for Reclassification to Equipment Operator Heavy
Duty. (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its
designated representatives, William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire,
Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding labor relations matters - meet and confer with the
following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Police Officers' Association,
Police Management Association, Municipal Employees' Association, Management Employees'
Organization, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving Employees'
Association. (120.80)
Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its
attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a
party. The title of the litigation is Talbert & Beach, Inc. v. City of Huntington Beach - United States
District Court SACV96-969 AHS (EEX); Subject: Talbert & Beach, Inc. v. City. (120.80)
The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at
7:15 p.m. in the Council Chamber,
City Council/Redevelopment Agency Roll Call
Present: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
Absent: None
Pledge Qf Allegiance - Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance and invocation were given by Boy Scout Webelos Pack No. 557
accompanied by Den Leader Terre Johnson.
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Recggoition - Mayor Sullivan and the City Council congratulated members of the NASCS Senior
Softball World Series Championship Team, Tiodize D-99. The 1996 championship team, Tiodize D-
99, is sponsored by Tom Adams, owner (and player) of Tiodize Company, Huntington Beach. The
team captured the Senior World Series title in Wayne County, Michigan in September, 1996.
Presentations were made by the Mayor to the team members.
Late Communications Announced By The City Clerk
Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Clerk announced the following late communications regarding
Agenda Items which had been received following the distribution of the agenda:
Agenda Page No. 2, revised to include Closed Session Notice - Subject: Talbert and Beach, Inc. v.
Agenda Page No. 8, revised to include two items submitted by Mayor Sullivan regarding Salaries of
Individual Public Employees and Campaign Finance Reports
Memorandum dated November 1, 1996 regarding the Draft Mobile Vending Ordinance Attachments
1. Draft Mobile Vending Ordinance No. 3342
2. Summary of the Current Vending Regulation
3. Major Problems with the Current Vending Ordinance
4. Summary of the Major Changes to the Current Vending Ordinance
Revised Attachment No. 3 with pages inadvertently not included in agenda packet regarding Traffic
Signal Modifications, CC-1035
Amended Ordinance No. 3340 - Pertaining to General Parking Regulations dated
November 4, 1996, received from the City Attorney's Office at the 5:00 p.m. portion of the City
Council meeting
Slide Report from City Treasurer regarding Investment Report for September, 1996 received by the
City Clerk during the meeting
Pmentation To The Gilmore Family
The Mayor and City Council made a presentation to Dennis Gilmore and his daughter, Kara, in
recognition of their actions during a burglary at their home.
11/4/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 5
OCN News Coverage Video Presentation On SubJect Of Hate Crimes
The Mayor showed a video of a recent OCN news report titled Crying Wolf On Hate Crime -
Investigation that commented on a recent event in the City of Huntington Beach that had originally
been thought to have been a hate crime. The report included interviews with Huntington Beach
residents and business people who, responding to questions from OCN, stated that they feel secure
in the downtown area.
Public Comments
Cindy Condict and daughter, Sierra, addressed Council regarding the problem of illegal use of the
vacant strip of city property running north to south on the west side of Delaware Street, south of
Atlanta Avenue. She referred to a chart of the area and spoke regarding problems which included
the possibility of off -road vehicles causing an accident; damage to an electrical pole in the middle of
the strip of property which had already occurred twice causing service interruption; need to look into
a giant bottle brush bush relative to visibility as several accidents and a fatality had occurred at the
corner; illegal dumping; parking of 18 wheeler trucks emitting diesel smoke to their residences. She
presented a petition listing approximately 37 signatures and photographs regarding the property to
the City Clerk and Council.
Chuck Beauregard, Save Our Kids representative, urged all citizens to vote for Ballot Measures J,
K, and L - Sports and Recreational Facilities - at tomorrow's General Municipal Election. He read
the Save Our Kids rebuttal to an October 6, 1996 Register newspaper editorial, "Son of GG,"
against the measures. He stated that the Register had refused to print this response. He listed the
organizations which support passage of the measures.
Chuck Scheid read his communication dated November 4, 1996 regarding police officer salaries and
information on Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association political flyers stating that the city's
police force numbers half the state average which he believes is a lie. He urged citizens to look at
the material with a "jaundiced eye." He distributed copies of his presentation to the City Clerk.
Jinx Varona stated that he believed the city's spirit is being crushed. He spoke regarding the
businesses leaving due to what he believes is the city tying their hands. He stated that he has
53 employees and is treated like a second class citizen.
Ann Jean Spiegel commended the remarks of Huntington Beach Mobile Home Owners' Association
speakers at the October 21, 1996 Council meeting relative to the incumbent Councilmembers. She
spoke regarding the value of the oral history of Mark Porter, citing Mr. Porter's recollection of a
developer running the city at a Council meeting. She stated that she believes the current mix of
Councilmembers is good for the city. Ms. Spiegel stated that she believes the current situation with
the Police Department is Unfortunate.
Marie Palmer presented reasons why she believes the city is getting its money's worth from the
funds spent on public safety services. She stated her opposition to what she believed was
employee bashing. She urged the citizens not vote for the City Council incumbents.
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Thom Doney, City Council candidate, stated concern for some of the campaign pieces he has
received from Councilmembers Harman, Leipzig, and Sullivan relative to what he believes are
inaccuracies in city crime statistics. He referred to a Register report citing Department of Justice
statistics showing robbery, rape, murder, and burglary are up from 1994-95 even though Huntington
Beach is the safest city in America of cities with a population over 100,000. He stated reasons why
he believes campaign literature in opposition to Pam Julien's candidacy and his candidacy is
inaccurate relative to campaign contributions.
Roy Richardson, City Council candidate, read from the Human Dignity Declaration recently adopted
by the City Council. He stated that at the October 21, 1996 Council meeting there was a lack of
courtesy and respect by some public speakers to the Council and by some Councilmembers to
public speakers with the city employee groups caught in the crossfire. He stated this did not adhere
to the Human Rights Declaration. He informed Council that he believes this is caused by inaccurate
and incomplete information stated at public meetings by Council, a few officials, and some special
interest groups. Mr. Richardson stated that reference is made to obnoxious "Rolls Royce" benefits
to city employees and that it is not mentioned these same benefits have been offered free to the
City Council for the last 20 years. He referred to a report presented to the Council three years ago
detailing why these benefits are paid and the savings involved. He spoke regarding what he
believes to be inaccuracies in statements made regarding police salaries, including the need to
reflect that overtime is mandatory.
Eileen Murphy informed Council of her conversation with Fire Department employees who she
stated were in uniform distributing literature about the election at the supermarket. She questioned
why these employees were doing so.
Councilman Garofalo informed the Fire Chief that he needs an answer tomorrow as to whether the
incident Ms. Murphy described occurred. Mayor Sullivan requested that an answer be provided
Fire Chief Dolder informed Council that he had received a request from Ms. Murphy for investigation
of her complaint. He informed Council that Ms. Murphy's complaint is under investigation. Fire
Chief Dolder stated that such activity is against Fire Department policy.
In response to a question by Councilman Garofalo, Ms. Murphy replied to the Mayor that she had
not taken badge numbers.
Martin Richelli informed Council that a turn lane is needed to turn right on Seapoint Street from
Pacific Coast Highway and requested that it be done before someone is hurt. Mr. Richelli also
suggested that the city attempt to obtain a donation of landscaping on the median down Warner
Avenue from Goldenwest Street to Algonquin Street. He spoke regarding the 1994 municipal
election at which the runner-up candidate was not chosen to fill a vacancy on the Council. He
stated that if this situation again occurs, he believes the runner-up should be selected.
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Thomas Lambert distributed a flyer from the City of Anaheim titled "Inkless Ink Program" and
requested that such a program be established in the City of Huntington Beach to combat check
fraud and credit card fraud.. He stated that surrounding cities are using this program. Mr. Lambert
stated that a Huntington Beach police officer is trying to start this program which would benefit the
city in stopping check/credit card loss. He questioned if this could be part of the reason businesses
are leaving the city. Mr. Lambert spoke regarding questions which he believes have not been
addressed on Ballot Measures J, K, and L on tomorrow's election ballot relative to the swimming
pool and the location of the proposed improvements. He recommended a "No" vote on these
measures. He recommended that attention be given to the downtown area of the city.
Councilman Harman clarified the cost of the assessment which is proposed to finance the sports
facility and other improvements on tomorrow's election ballot.
Mayor Sullivan stated that if one-half of the money that has been spent in the downtown area of the
city had been spent on other areas of the city, the rest of the city would be all park.
Tom Livengood addressed Council and stated that in his many years in the city he believes this has
been the worst election he has seen. He stated that this has been caused by the Huntington Beach
Police Officers' Association. Mr. Livengood listed the Council's achievements. He rebutted
statements made earlier in the meeting by Mr. Doney regarding money spent on campaigns.
Wendy Mello addressed Council and read a letter her husband had received regarding the election
from the union at McDonnell Douglas, signed by Bill Fogarty, Executive SecretarylTreasurer, which
opposed the candidacies of Councilmembers Harman and Sullivan and referred to public safety.
She read a flyer from the incumbents distributed to Huntington Harbour residents stating that
Huntington Harbour water quality and traffic congestion will be affected because of the Koll
Company if others are elected.
Mayor Sullivan stated that the piece of literature from the McDonnell Douglas union had not been
given to the City Clerk as required by the Huntington Beach Municipal Code.
Edward Mello informed Council that he took the previous comments regarding the activities of
Huntington Beach firemen distributing campaign literature with a grain of salt. He stated his
opposition to the manner in which the Fire Chief representative and Police Chief at the last meeting
had been asked questions by the Mayor. He stated his opposition to Councilmembers laughing
when a person, during the public comments portion of the last meeting, had asked Councilmembers
if their streets had pot holes. Mr. Mello informed Council that he had viewed the streets in
Huntington Harbour in Mayor Sullivan's area and the streets were in good repair. He presented a
1995 petition to the Sergeant at Arms.
In response to a question from the Mayor, the Public Works Director stated that the Mayor did not
have anything to do with the Mayor's street being repaired; that the streets repaired were part of the
Five Year Street Maintenance Plan. Councilmember Harman stated his street had not been
repaired in 22 years.
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Leslie Edwards addressed Council and clarified that there is not an FBI investigation about alleged
abuses by the P.Q.A. and that she believes it was wrong for the Mayor to imply there ever was one.
Ms. Edwards spoke regarding the Huntington Beach Municipal Code section which she believes
Councilman Harman, Mayor Sullivan, and Councilman Leipzig have violated relative to campaign
material. She requested the City Attorney to investigate this matter.
Mayor Sullivan requested the City Attorney to investigate the similar campaign material distributed
by Council Candidates Julien and Baker.
Lloyd Edwards, vice president of the Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association, spoke regarding
his commitment to the city. He stated that he did not believe the Council leadership was correct and
cited examples such as one of the incumbent's flyers stating Candidate Julien had run the Koll
Company out of Huntington Beach when he believes the Council ran the Koll Company out of the
city to the county. He stated reasons why he believes the city needs new leadership.
William Ogden, president of the Huntington Beach Firemen's Association, expressed concern
regarding the election, including the fact that the Huntington Beach Firemen's Association is not
trying to control the city as portrayed in some of the campaign literature. Other concerns were that
the current Council leadership is not correct, that blame on city employees is inappropriate, and he
further clarified what is called "spiking," stating that misinformation in this regard is unfortunate. He
informed Council of the reasons why the Huntington Beach Firemen's Association is supporting the
candidacies of Doney and Julien_
In response to a question by Councilmember Garofalo, Mr. Ogden informed Council that he is
confident that the earlier occurrence mentioned relative to a Huntington Beach fireman distributing
campaign literature has not occurred. In response to a question from Mayor Sullivan, Mr. Ogden
informed Council that he was not directly involved with the campaign sign mentioned earlier in the
meeting. Fire Chief Dolder, in response to a question by Mayor Sullivan, informed Council that the
official terminology was Huntington Beach Fire Department, not the singular terminology. The Fire
Chief informed Council that he did not believe anyone has control over the word "fire."
Bob Winchell informed Council that as he was waiting to speak under Public Comments,
Mr. Edwards had invited him to ride in the police helicopter and that he took it very gravely that he
might have an accident. Mr. Winchell then read an editorial from the Register newspaper titled Surf
City Power Play dated November 4, 1996.
William Bernard continued reading from the article Surf City Power Play referred to by Mr. Winchell.
Tom Logan, representing the Citizens' Bureau of Investigation, referred to the article from the
Register newspaper mentioned by previous speakers. He informed Council of his opposition to
Police Chief Lowenberg writing the argument in opposition to State Proposition 218,
The City Administrator clarified that Police Chief Lowenberg is president of the California Police
Chiefs' Association.
11/4/96 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 9
Steve Gullaae, Huntington Beach Mobile Home Owners' Association representative, spoke
regarding what he believes is a frightening list of contributors to the campaigns of Candidates Julien
and Doney, including the Mobile Home Educational Trust which is a group that spent a great
amount of money trying to pass a state proposition at the last election that would have had mobile
home residents abandoning their homes. Mr_ Gullage displayed literature from the Huntington
Beach Police Officers' Association in opposition to the candidacies of Sullivan and Harman which he
believed was very expensive.
In response to a question by Mayor Sullivan, the Fire Chief reported that fire employees on duty
would be in uniform,
Pauline Robison questioned if Mr. Doney is allowed free television coverage, and the Mayor
responded that all citizens can address the City Council. She stated that the campaign signs of
Council Candidates Julien and Doney were in evidence but not the signs of Sullivan, Harman, and
Leipzig, and that she believes their supporters were responsible for the incumbents' signs being
down. She commented on pay raises for employees.
The City Administrator, at the request of Councilman Garofalo, explained the salary increase which
had been spread over a three-year period.
John Jankowski, Huntington Beach Mobile Home Owners' Association representative, informed
Council that their association strongly supports the re-election of the Council incumbents. He
questioned whether some city employees are mad because pension spiking has stopped. He spoke
regarding the fine city services provided to the senior citizens, including the Senior Outreach Center,
and questioned why seniors would want to change anything. He spoke in support of the Save Our
Kids ballot measures.
Al Caressa presented reasons for his support of the City Council incumbents. He informed Council
that he believes the Police and Fire requests for salary increase are not warranted. He compared
their compensation to that of salaries in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Grayce Davis informed Council of the reasons she supported the Council incumbents and the
reasons she opposes the candidacies of Doney and Julien.
Sandra Cole, Huntington Beach Mobile Home Owners' Association representative, informed Council
of her belief that there should be legislation to keep unions from endorsing candidates. She showed
flyer material that was printed by the Huntington Beach Taxpayers for Responsible Government that
had received funds from park owners and which was not a part of any mobile home residents'
association as inferred. She read the names of mobile home park owners that have contributed to
the candidacies of Julien and Doney.
Lou Baker reminded that -there are twelve candidates on the ballot, not just the incumbents and
Candidates Doney and Julien. Mr. Baker spoke in opposition to the procedure by which the
Huntington Beach Independent newspaper endorses candidates.
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Craig Bradford informed Council that he was a fireman in another city and a resident of Huntington
Beach. He informed Council of what has happened in the City of Hawthorne due to Fire
Department budget cuts and requested that Council recognize the signs that may cause the City of
Huntington Beach to become like the City of Hawthorne. He informed Council that, of course, the
firemen and police are concerned about their pay, but that is not what they work for. He stated that
no one in the audience who has gone to a three -day -old child's funeral or pulled a baby out of a
garbage can does not do it for the pay. He stated that police officers and firefighters take pride in
their communities and the people who live in them.
Dean Albright spoke regarding the type of activity that had run a Councilmember out of town in the
1970's. He informed Council that he had been intimidated recently during this election which he
believes is a civil rights violation.
Ron Davis informed Council that his comments were directed to all Councilmembers or those who
may be elected. He reported that there are scarce resources which are tough to divide and cited
the need to properly develop the downtown and generate income to the city.
Marge Allen informed Council that Huntington Beach is a very politically engaged community;
however, this election disturbs her due to signs that are divisive. She informed Council that if they
did not support public services, the city would not be first in safety.
Gerald Chapman referred to a Los Angeles Times article on Moreno Valley regarding the financial
crisis that was caused to that city due to not enough of an industrial and commercial tax base. He
informed Council that he was glad that there had been three Councilmembers elected and the City
Administrator appointed before the same situation occurred in the City of Huntington Beach.
Dr. Chapman requested that copies of the article be made for all elected officials and employees.
He requested that the City Administrator make available the salaries of employees prior to the
Ed Deuel, police officer, stated that no matter what happens, the Police Department, Fire
Department, and Marine Safety personnel will always be there for the citizens. He informed Council
that salaries have never been the issue; that the issue has been public safety. He informed Council
that the candidacies of Thom Doney and Pam Julien have been endorsed by the associations only
because they believe those candidates will give respect. He again stated that the safety services
will be there fast if not faster than ever before when needed by the citizens.
Topper Horack addressed Council and asked Police Chief Lowenberg if he had involved himself
relative to a flyer distributed by Candidate Julien in which the Police Chief was referenced. He
displayed the flyer to the Police Chief. The Police Chief replied that he had not. Mr. Horack
referred to other campaign material he opposed. He spoke in opposition to the candidacies of
Doney and Julien. Mr. Horack stated that the issue of the Santa Ana bridges will return if
Candidates Julien and Doney are elected.
11/4196 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 11
Carrie Thomas stated that the city has some wonderful police officers and that she wishes changes
could be made so that the police officers could be paid for the hard work that they do; to give them
raises based on a merit bonus system which she described to Council. She spoke in opposition to
the campaign of the Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association. She spoke in opposition to the
contents of a flyer distributed by the AFL-CIO and her conversation with Bill Fogarty, representative
of the union, regarding why they were supporting the candidacies of Julien and Doney. She stated
he had informed her they had done so based on a request from the police officers.
Jay Kreitz informed Council that he had received a phone call from a communication company in
Tempe, Arizona urging the election of Candidates Doney and Julien. He stated the caller had
informed him the Huntington Beach Police Department and the Huntington Beach Fire Department
were the supporters of the candidates. Mr. Kreitz stated that he believed it was time for the police
to act like they were part of the city family. He spoke regarding the fact that the company he runs
has not been able to give the employees an across-the-board raise since 1999.
Dominic Tomaino stated that he still supported the Police Department; however, the signs were an
embarrassment, and he does not believe all of the police employees approve. He spoke regarding
the private sector losses in pay. He cited areas in which he believes the current City Council has
received blame, such as cost incurred in the Holly-Seacliff area that was not their fault. He urged
that the incumbents be re -elected -
Mayor Pro Tempore Bauer spoke regarding the natural trust in the community for the police and fire
which he believes has been diminished by only a few. He recommended that if people believe their
civil rights have been violated, they should write the Grand Jury. He recommended the
development of a code of ethics to be signed by the candidates so that these events will not happen
again. Mayor Pro Tempore Bauer urged that the police and fire employees who did not agree with
recent actions step forward.
Councilwoman Dettloff stated she was saddened by this past election and that the healing was
going to be up to the Council.
Mayor Sullivan spoke at length regarding election campaign issues, including his belief that the City
Council has supported the police; that there were untrue charges made. He showed a chart
showing that sales tax had increased.
Councilman Leipzig commented on the statements made by Dr. Chapman regarding the City of
Moreno Valley which he believes are very important and demonstrate the need to preserve
commercial/industrial use in the City of Huntington Beach.
Councilman Garofalo spoke regarding his disappointments while in office, including the city budget
deficit. He requested that labor issues be made a top priority and that Mayor Pro Tempore Bauer,
when he is Mayor, take steps in this regard,
Councilman Green spoke regarding his intent that Council resolve many of the issues that have
been brought before the Council at this meeting.
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Councilman Harman spoke regarding the claim of a Council candidate that there is not a balanced
city budget. The City Administrator reported on the preparation of the budget and Council policy on
the budget. Councilman Harman reported that he was going to try to develop a sign code regarding
destruction of signs; however, he does not believe any of the challengers had anything to do with
the sign destruction.
The City Administrator, in response to a question by Councilman Harman, reported that the salaries
of city employees by position had been disclosed, and he informed Council of the various city
departments in which the report would be made available to the public. Extensive discussion was
held by Council regarding the contents of the report and the preparation of the report. The
Councilmembers presented suggestions in this regard.
Councilman Garofalo requested that if employees are ordered to work overtime that a column be
shown designating overtime separately. As a Councilmember, he demanded that the city re -audit
the policy on overtime to determine if it would be wiser to hire more employees. He reported that
the City of Huntington Beach has the lowest percentage of money going to public safety and that the
business of the city is service from employees.
Recess -Reconvene
The Mayor called a recess of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency at 10:40 p.m. The
Mayor reconvened the meeting at 11:00 p.m.
(City Council) Public Hearing - Code Amendment No. 96-3 --introduction Of Ordinance
No. 3340 -Approved - Parking Citation Issuance (640.10)
The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider Code
Amendment No. 96-3 - Introduction of Ordinance No. 3340 - Parking Citation Issuance.
Applicant: City of Huntington Beach, Department of Community Development
Re ue : To permit revisions to Chapters 2.32 and 10.40 of the Huntington Beach
Municipal Code pertaining to General Parking Regulations. This ordinance
will allow the issuance of parking citations by the Code Enforcement staff of the Department of
Community Development.
Location: City-wide
Environmental Status: Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California
Environmental Quality Act
Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communication on this item
had been provided to the City Council:
Amended Ordinance No. 3340 - Pertaining to General Parking Regulations dated
November 4, 1996, received from the City Attorney's Office at the 5:00 p.m. portion of the City
Council meeting
1114/96 - City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 13
The Community Development Director, presented a staff report. She referred to the amended
ordinance provided to the City Council earlier in the meeting.
The Mayor declared the meeting open.
There being no one to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written,
the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
A motion was made by Garofalo, second Harman, to approve Code Amendment No. 96-3 and after
reading by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3340 as amended - "An Ordinance Of The
City Of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 10.40 Of The Huntington Beach Municipal Code
Pertaining To General Parking Regulations." The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
Consent Calendar - Iternns Approved
On motion by Dettloff, second Leipzig, Council approved the following Consent Calendar items as
recommended by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
(City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Minutgs - Approved And Aftled - Approved and
adopted minutes of the Council/Agency adjourned regular meeting of August 12, 1996 and
adjourned regular meeting of September 9, 1996 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
(Cily CounciK Traffic Signal MQdifications - CC-1035 goidenwest Street/Hell Avenue And
Newlland.Street/Adams Avenue - Approval Of Plans And Specifications - Call For Bids -
Approval Of Sample Construction Contract - Approved (600.55)
1. Approved the plans and specifications for traffic signal modifications at the intersections of
Goldenwest Street at Heil Avenue and Newland Street at Adams Avenue, CC-1035 and authorized
the Public Works Director to advertise the project; 2. approved the attached sample construction
contract, subject to award of contract to Council approved lowest responsive/responsible bidder;
and 3. approved the purchase of traffic signal poles, mast arms, luminaire mast arms, and other
city -supplied signal appurtenances for this construction project.
(City Council) Corsican Drive Storm Drain Improvements - CC-1036 - Approval Of Plans And
Specifications - Call For Bids - Approval Of Sample Contract - Approved (600.60) -
1. Approved the attached sample contract subject to award of contract to the lowest
responsive/responsible bidder; and 2. approved final plans and specifications, and directed the City
Clerk to advertise the Corsican Drive Storm Drain System for bid.
Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes-11I4/96
(City Council) Main Promenade, Inc Funding - Fiscal Year 1995-97 - Koury Properties Approved (320.20) - Authorized the execution of a check in the amount of $75,643 ($65,643 from
Account E-AA-CS-344-3-90-00 and $10,000 from E-AA-CS-344-5-93-00 and $10,000 from E-AA-CS-
344-5-93-00) to Main Promenade, Inc. for the city's share of the operation of the Main Promenade,
Inc. (A condominium association formed by the city and Koury Properties in 1991 to administer the
operating budget approved by Council for the common areas of the parking/commercial structure).
(City Council) Release Of Securities - City Acceptance Of Tract No 14655 - TNR Development
Corporation - Southeast Corner Of Lake Street And Frankfort Avenue - Approved (420.60)
1. Accepted the improvements constructed and dedicated for public use within Tract No. 14655;
2. released the applicable bonds posted for faithful performance, labor and material, and
monuments; 3. accepted Guarantee and Warranty Bond No. 3SM 888 292 00, the security
furnished for guarantee and warranty of improvements, and instructed the City Clerk to file the bond
with the City Treasurer; and 4. instructed the City Clerk to notify the developer, TNR Development
Corporation, of this action and the City Treasurer to notify the bonding company of this action_
(City Council) Professional Services Contract - Sierra Laboratories, Inc. To Perform Water
Quality Analysis Services - Approved (600.10) - Approved the selection of Sierra Laboratories,
Inc. an annual amount not to exceed $40,000 and approved and authorized the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the attached Professional Services Agreement with Sierra Laboratories, Inc.
(City Council) Deferred Fromm October 21, 1996 - Intended Use Of Assembly Bill 3229 -
Citizens Options For Public Safety (COPS) Program Funds - Purchase Of Electronic Data
Entry Equipment - Approved (340.80)
The City Council considered a communication from the Police Chief regarding the Intended Use of
Assembly Bill 3229 (COPS) Funding provided by the State COPS program in the amount of
The City Administrator reported on the agenda item.
A report was made by Police Chief Lowenberg regarding the fact that this equipment will make the
existing personnel more efficient. He informed Council that prior to any equipment being
purchased, he would return to Council for approval.
In response to Councilman Harman, the Police Chief reported on the types of equipment which
would probably be lap top equipment; however, he would report further on the exact type of
equipment to be purchased at a future meeting.
In response to a question by Councilmember Leipzig, Police Chief Lowenberg informed Council that
it is his intent to proceed with the video project.
1114196 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 15
A motion was made by Leipzig, second Garofalo, to approve the purchase and installation of
equipment and appropriate the funds from the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund not to
exceed allocation.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
(City Council) City Treasurer Report Summary Of Investment Portfolio - Activity For
September, 1996 - Report Accepted By City Council (310.20)
The City Council considered a communication from the City Treasurer transmitting the
September, 1996 Investment Summary Review.
Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communication on this item
had been provided to the City Council:
Slide Report from City Treasurer regarding Investment Report for September, 1996 received by the
City Clerk during the meeting
The City Treasurer presented a slide report.
In response to Councilman Garofalo, the City Treasurer stated that she was in the process of
obtaining needed computer software.
On motion by Bauer, second Green, Council accepted the monthly investment report for
September, 1996 pursuant to Section 17.0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington Beach.
The motion carried unanimously.
Ordinancgs Adopted
A motion was made by Green, second Harman, to adopt, by roll call vote, the following ordinances
after reading by titles by the City Clerk:
(City Council) Continued From October 7 199fi - Ordinance No 3336 - Adopted - Timms Limits
For Parking Of Oversize Vehicles On Arterial Streets (640.10) - "An Ordinance Of The City Of
Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 10.44 Of The Huntington Beach Municipal Code Titled
Parking --Time Limits Of Oversize Vehicles."
(Cify Council) Ordinance No. 3337 - Adopt - Oversized Vehic a . J es 'n On Arterial Streets
- M 't' n , (C40.1.0} - "An Ordinance Of The Mkft*htington Beach Amending
Chapter 10.08 Of The Huntington Beach Municipal Code Titled Enforcement --Oversized Vehicles."
Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 1114/96
(CityCouncil) Qrdinance No. 3339 - Adopted - Parking Meter Fees Rates And Time Limits
(640.10) - "An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 10.64 Of The
Huntington Beach Municipal Code Titled Meters --Installation. "
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Harman, Leipzig, Bauer, Sullivan, Dettloff, Green, Garofalo
NOES: None
(City Co it Statement Of Issue - Sallarigs Qf Individual Public -Employees - Report
Presented Earlier In Meeting (700.30)
Mayor Sullivan reported that he had placed the item on this agenda relative to revealing the salaries
of individual public employees by position without naming the individual. As this subject had been
addressed earlier in the meeting, the Mayor stated that action is not required.
The City Administrator informed Council that the subject of retirement has been included in the
City Council Campaign i ance Reports - City Clerk Directed To Report n Placi
Campaign Finance Reports On The Interne (620.75)
Mayor Sullivan informed Council of his request that the feasibility of placing campaign finance
reports on the Internet be explored.
On motion by Sullivan, second Harman, the City Clerk was directed to investigate resources
necessary for placing campaign finance reports on the Internet for improved public access and
understanding of campaign finance. The motion carried unanimously.
Adjournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency.
The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, November 18, 1996 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic
Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Clerk/Clerk
City Kirk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach,
and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the
City of Huntington Beach California