HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-25MINUTES CITY COUNCILJREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 7:30 AM - Cielo Mare Room Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort 21100 Pacific Coast Highway Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, February 25, 1997 California Continental Breakfast - Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort - Cielo Mare Room Prior to the Economic Development Department Red Team meeting, a continental breakfast was provided for Councilmembers, community business leaders, the public, and staff from 7:30 - 7:55 a.m. in the Cielo Mare Room, Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Economic Development Department Red Team_ Meeting (460.30) Jim Lamb, Project Manager, Economic Development Department, distributed a report entitled Economic Development Summary. Call To Order Councilmember Garofalo called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:55 a.m. in the Cielo Mare Room, Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort. At Councilmember Garofalo's request, participants introduced themselves. Present at the meeting were: Councilmembers: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Green, Garofalo, (Sullivan absent) Orange County Supervisor Jim Silva Staff: Tom Andrusky, Assistant Project Manager; David Biggs, Director, Economic Development; Luann Brunson, Economic Development; Michael Dolder, Fire Chief; Melanie Fallon, Director, Community Development; Shari Freidenrich, City Treasurer; Carrol Gibbons, Deputy City Clerk; Ron Hagan, Director, Community Services; Gail Hutton, City Attorney; Les Jones, Director, Public Works; Stephen Kohler, Project Manager; Jim Lamb, Project Manager; Ron Lowenberg, Police Chief; Eli Naffah, Development Specialist; Linda Niles, Senior Planner; Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator; Michael Uberuaga, City Administrator Members of the business community and public 778 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 02/25/97 Councilmember Garofalo explained that approximately 30 months ago, the Red Team (Economic Development Task Force), consisting of 25 business executives in the City of Huntington Beach, was established. He stated that this team of executives has significantly helped the city via the Economic Development Department in the areas of business retention, business expansion, and business attraction. Welcome And Introduction Of Speakers Mayor Bauer welcomed participants and discussed accomplishments of the city over the past four years, including project scrutinization through use of a proforma; addition of a new children's wing at the Central Library; the Art Center which is almost entirely self-sufficient; status of Huntington Beach as a safe city and restoration of law and order on the Fourth of July; linear park, Bolsa Chica wetlands; completion of the General Plan; low unemployment rate in Huntington Beach; Oak View area --appropriation of resources, proposal for a new job center, and potential ordinance to remove loiterers from the street; new Water Master Plan; and improvement of economic vitality in the Crest View area. The Mayor stated that this Council is strongly committed to business activity within the city. Presentations Waterfront Hilton Expansion Steve Bone, President, Robert Mayer Corporation, made a presentation relative to expansion of the Waterfront Hilton. He displayed a drawing of the proposed expansion and explained that the plan consists of three steps: (1) addition of 500 rooms and an 80,000 square foot conference center; (2) building of approximately 240 homes (single family, detached town homes and duplexes), and (3) addition of 250 rooms with an additional nine to ten story tower and 12,000 square foot ballroom. Mr. Bone stated that 100,000 square feet of meeting space will be available when the commercial master plan is completed. Update By Mayor Bauer Regarding Tax Revenue Home Building, Plans For Huntington Center Mayor Bauer stated that the city is $800,000 ahead of last year relative to sales tax revenue. He discussed current home building within the city and future plans for Huntington Center. Pier Plaza/Beach Improvements Ron Hagan, Community Services Director, displayed drawings and presented information relative to Duke's Surf City Restaurant and Pier Plaza. He advised that bids are due March 12 and construction is to begin in May. He stated that a team of 27 people appointed by Council unanimously approved the final plan as presented in the drawing. Community Services Director Hagan explained that Pier Plaza is the area from Seventh Street to Lifeguard Headquarters, approximately seven -tenths of a mile. All buildings, rest rooms, parking lots, landscaping, and sidewalks currently within that area will be demolished and a 779 02/25/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 3 new parking lot, landscaping, sidewalks along Pacific Coast Highway, new setback landscape area along Pacific Coast Highway, blue and green pavers simulating waves, and an amphitheater will be constructed. Art shows, musical entertainment consistent with family activities, demonstrations, expositions, ocean sports exhibitions, etc. will be planned, the goal being to have an activity at the plaza every weekend throughout the year. Community Services Director Hagan stated that the cornerstone of the Pier Plaza Project is the new Duke's Surf City Restaurant. He introduced Sandy Saxton, CEO, T S Restaurants, and Bill Parsons, Vice President of Development, T S Restaurants, who spoke briefly regarding construction plans for the restaurant and the affordable menu that will be offered. Community Services Director Hagan discussed two additional master plans related to beach improvements. He stated that the South Beach Improvement Plan will involve improvements in the area between Lifeguard Headquarters and Beach Boulevard. Regarding the Blufftop Park Master Plan, Mr. Hagan stated that the city is currently waiting on federal approval for assistance with blufftop erosion. Mayor Bauer pointed out areas in the city in need of beautification, e.g., inland side of Pacific Coast Highway between the Santa Ana River and Beach Boulevard; area on Main Street from Five Points Shopping Center to City Hall; medians along Wamer Avenue; downtown area. McDonnell Centre Business Park Community Development Director Fallon introduced Steve Barker, Director, Business Operations, McDonnell Douglas Realty Corporation. Community Development Director Fallon referred to an aerial photograph and discussed the McDonnell Douglas facility and surrounding vacant land. She explained that one of the goals of McDonnell Douglas Realty Corporation is to plan for the sale of the vacant land and bring new industrial or other uses to the area. She stated that the decision to prepare a master plan with McDonnell Douglas occurred following construction of the Cambro facility and after the Sharp facility was approved. She stated that issues regarding infrastructure problems on this property, environmental regulations, and ways to ensure that this is the best industrial park possible needed to be addressed. Community Development Director Fallon and Steve Barker presented a slide report. The Community Development Director stated that the following goals were established when entering the planning process: (1) resolve the environmental issues to avoid possible legal challenges on the environmental process, and (2) give McDonnell Douglas some certainty that as land is sold, a company will have full knowledge as to what the regulations are in Huntington Beach. Community Development Director Fallon stated that a plan prepared at the onset with tight standards and regulations will eliminate the need for a lengthy public review process for each individual new property owner. Community Development Director Fallon stated that the economic benefits of this plan to the city are 307 acres of pre -entitled property and a comprehensive planning approach which will include urban design and aesthetic guidelines for the new property owners to ensure a high quality industrial project in the city. 780 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 02/25/97 Regarding environmental issues, Community Development Director Fallon stated that the master plan will be reviewed first, then an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared addressing the issues of water, flood drainage, air quality, noise, traffic circulation, sewer, and storm drains. Discussion of cost of internal circulation, traffic improvements surrounding a business site, and building of infrastructure for the new tenants will be discussed with McDonnell Douglas within the next few months. Steve Barker stated that the specific plan following approval will provide a detailed set of standards that will allow new businesses that want to locate in Huntington Beach an accelerated, easy to understand, comprehensive yet flexible process. Mr. Barker stated that the end result is hopefully a 307 acre, high quality, well planned business park which provides an attractive and safe environment that can attract businesses to Huntington Beach. Questions And Answers In response to Councilmember Garofalo, Mr. Bone stated that there are approximately one-half million square feet in the Waterfront Hilton expansion project. Councilmember Garofalo stated that adding the square footage of the McDonnell Centre Business Park, John Tillotson's project, and various other projects brings the total to two million square feet of entitled or near entitled property. Councilmember Garofalo asked the audience to recognize and applaud Councilmembers and Mayor Bauer for their hard work and contributions to the community. He also recognized many business leaders in the audience and noted their contributions to the city. In response to Councilmember Garofalo, Mr. Bone stated that the Waterfront Hilton expansion project should be completed by the summer or fall of 1999. Councilmember Garofalo questioned Community Services Director Hagan regarding the completion date for the Pier Plaza project. The Community Services Director responded that the project should be completed in May, 1998 and the restaurant should open in the summer of 1998. In response to a comment from the audience suggesting construction of a foot bridge over Pacific Coast Highway at Main Street, Community Services Director Hagan stated that such a bridge would block the view corridors along Main Street. He stated that with the planned improvements, the entrance to the pier will be more pedestrian friendly. Orange County Supervisor Jim Silva stated that Orange County is very proud of Huntington Beach. The city is growing, has a low unemployment rate, and will be offering more new jobs in the future. He discussed the need for a new cargo airport which will add an additional 30,000 jobs. Mayor Bauer extended his appreciation to Councilmember Garofalo, Chair, Economic Planning Committee. In closing, Mayor Bauer stated that the City of Huntington Beach has tremendously committed staff and noted the following accomplishments: 781 02/25/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 5 Written goals and objectives prepared by all city departments Quality Improvement Program Performance Based Budget 98th lowest per capita ratio (staff to public ratio) Adiournment - City Council/Redevelopment Agency The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, March 3, 1997 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: Connie Brockway City Clerk/Clerk Carrol Gibbons Deputy City ClerkJClerk Connie Brockway__ City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California By: � / 4 "'�z'-" Carrol Gibbons, Deputy City Clerk/Clerk .4404 IF Mayor/Chairman 782