HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-05-30CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CONNIE BROCKWAY C17Y CLERK CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCEL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FRIDAY, MAY 30,1997 Ralph Bauer, Mayor/Chairman Dave Sullivan, Council/Agency Member Pain Julien, Council/Agency Member Shirley Dettloff, Council/Agency Member Dave Garofalo, Council/Agency Member Peter Green, Council/Agency Member Tom Harman, Council/Agency Member CALIFORNIA 92648 You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council and Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held at the Waterfront Hilton B each Resort at the hour of 8: 00 a. in., Friday, May 3 0, 1997, to consider the attached City Council Communication from Mayor Ralph Bauer to City Council Members Dated May 27, 1997 regarding May 30 Breakfast. Dated: May 28, 1997 ATTEST- City Clerk/ClJrk Mayor/bairman I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call of Special Meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Redevelopment Agency," prior to 8:00 a.m,. Thursday, May 29, 1997. ayoriChairman (Telephone: 714-536-5227) MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 8:00 AM - Meeting Room A Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort 2110 0 Pacif ic Coast H i g hway Huntington Beach, California 92648 Friday, May 30, 1997 An audio tape recording of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bauer called the Special Meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:10 a.m. in Meeting Room A, Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Green, Garofalo Absent: Sullivan COMMUNICATION PROVIDED TO COUNCIL, INVITED GUESTS, STAFF, AND THE PUBLIC The following communication was provided to Council, invited guests, staff and the public on May 30, 1997 by Deputy City Administrator Barnard: Program --Workshop Regarding Property Tax (ERAF) Bills Pencring Before The State Legislature. The following Call for Special Meeting Notice had been posted and provided to Councilmembers and the press as required by the Brown Act: CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FRIDAY, MAY 30,1997 Ralph Bauer, Mayor/Chairman Dave Sullivan, Council/Agency Member Pam Julien, Council/Agency Member Shirley Dettloff, Council/Agency Member Dave Garofalo, Council/Agency Member Peter Green, Council/Agency Member Tom Harman, Council/Agency Member 27 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 05/30197 You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council and Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held at the Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort at the hour of 8:00 a.m., Friday, May 30, 1997, to consider the attached City Council Communication from Mayor Ralph Bauer to City Council Members dated May 27, 1997 regarding May 30 Breakfast. Dated: May 28, 1997 /s/ Connie Brockway ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk /s/ Ralph Bauer Mayor/Chairman I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call of Special Meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Redevelopment Agency," prior to 8:00 a.m., Thursday, May 29, 1997. /s/ Ralph Bauer Mayor/Chairman (CITY COUNCIL) MEETING WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ORANGE COUNTY TAXPAYERS'ASSOCIATION, BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION, STATE LEGISLATORS, ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR REPRESENTATIVES TO DISCUSS STATE "TAKE AWAYS" AND THEIR EFFECT ON CITY BUDGETS AND CITY BUSINESSES 1. Welcome Mayor Bauer stated that the purpose of the meeting was to solicit support for the return of local property tax revenue to local governments. The Mayor explained that the state takes away $3.5 billion annually from cities, impacting essential municipal services and causing citids to rely more heavily on local user fees and new local taxes to help cope with these revenue losses. Mayor Bauer stated that a more honest, forthright approach needs to be developed to meet the needs of local government. He referenced current bills pending in the state legislature — AB 95, SB 880, and ACA 4--and requested support of this legislation by those present at the meeting. Mayor Bauerintroduced Vicki Boatman, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Chairperson and co-chair of the meeting, who discussed how the forum to better educate other local governments and Chambers of Commerce on the issue of state "take aways" evolved. She referenced the partnership that exists between Huntington Beach local government and the Chamber and stated that state "take aways" not only affect local government but businesses as well. 2. What You Can Do To Support The Return Of Funds To Local Government Mayor Bauer introduced Ron Sates, President of the California League of Cities, who spoke regarding the difficulty in continuing to deliver local services to residents. He stated thatone of the main reasons for this problem is that since 1992, the State has been taking $3.5 billion annually in property tax revenue from local government and that it is important that this �L-11 05/30/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 3 revenue be returned to the local level. He stated that cities are the engines of economic development in this state and questioned whether businesses would find cities with reduced services desirable areas in which to locate. Mr. Bates stated that two legislative bills important to those present at the meeting are AB 95 (Sweeney-Aguiar) and SB 880 (Craven). He explained that on the floor of the Assembly on May 30 is Assembly Budget Bill (AB) 107 (Ducheny) which Assemblymembers Sweeney and Aguiar will attempt to amend to give an additional $180 million back to local governments (in addition to the $100 million already in the Governors budget for local governments). He asked meeting attendees to contact their Assemblymembers. and request their support for the budget amendment. 3. The Impacts Of State "Take Aways" On Local Government Vicki Boatman introduced City Administrator Mike Uberuaga who presented a slide report entitled Impact of State "Take Aways" On Local Government The slide report included information as to what local revenue the state has taken since 1990, how much has been lost to cities and counties, other taxes lost, how local governments have responded, revenue taken from Huntington Beach by the state during the period 1990-1997, City of Huntington Beach major revenues compared to major expenses, information regarding amount of discretionary dollars spent for police and fire services in a typical California city, examples of how cities have absorbed revenue losses, increase in the state's budget, California League of Cities priorities, and California League of Cities requests to cities. 4. Status Of Pending Bills Designed To Return Funds To Local Government Mayor Bauer introduced Ernie Silva, Legislative Representative for the California League of Cities. Mr. Silva stated that there is a recognition by the Governor and the legislature that some money needs to be returned to local governments and a strong commitment to return ERAF (Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund) funds. He discussed the bills by Sweeney and Aguiar addressing ERAF and the $100 million in the Governors budget for return to local governments as well as the amendment to the state budget to increase the amount of money to be returned to local governments. Mr. Silva asked meeting attendees to call their Assemblymembers and ask them to support the Sweeney-Aguiar amendment. Regarding a long-term solution, Mr. Silva stated that local governments should continue to meet with business communities and keep the community advised. He stated that the problem is in Sacramento. In response to Councilmember Garofalo, Mr. Silva stated that if the money is included in the budget,'the next step will be that the amendment will go to the Conference Committee. He stated that if the amendment has Republican support, the Governor will ultimately provide his support. Mayor Bauer introduced Supervisor Jim Silva who spoke regarding the increase in the state budget. He stated that until the rules are changed to ensure that funds are returned to cities and counties, nothing will change. He stated in addition to contacting Sacramento to see that laws are changed, local agencies need to review their priorities and reduce spending. 29 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 05130/97 Mayor Bauer recommended that those present contact their legislators' offices and the Governors Office and inform the local electorate as to what is occurring. 5. Where Do We Go From Here Mayor Bauer stated that the Chamber of Commerce has pledged to hold meetings such as this meeting in the future. He asked that anyone interested in forming a countywide coalition contact him and they will be assigned to a task force which will meet in the future. Mayor Bauer stated that there is an aggressive building program in Huntington Beach; however, for an increase of $100 million in assessed valuation, the city receives $140,000 which does not provide enough income to pay for the city services required. He reiterated the importance of sending the message to Sacramento and stated that those present at the meeting will meet again as the situation demands. 6. Public Comments/Questions Supervisor Chuck Smith suggested inclusion of notifications in the water billings to apprise the public of the actions of the state legislature and how such actions impact local services. A representative from the Orange County Taxpayers Association stated that she views what has been discussed as a quick fix and stated that a systemic change is needed, e.g., property tax revision, tax equity. She also stated that a grassroots effort, not just local government or California League of Cities, should be initiated to apprise the local citizens of how this issue directly affects them. Mayor Bauer stated that this meeting was a coalition between city elected officials, county elected officials, Building Industry Association, Orange County Business Council, and local Chambers of Commerce. The Mayor stated that it would be ideal to have those people who are not always in agreement on many issues to get together in agreement on this kind of issue. Todd Nugent, representing Assemblyman Scott Baugh's Office, recommended that some of the wayward legislators that may or may not be supporting this bill and the Governor's Office be contacted. In response to Mayor Bauer, Mr. Nugent recommended contacting the League of Cities Office to obtain a listing of wayward legislators to lobby. Mayor Bauer recommended calling other cities and asking them to contact their legislators. He stated that this will require a long sustained, well organized, focused effort. Councilmember Green asked Ernie Silva if any attempt has been made by the California League of Cities to form a coalition with e.g., the California League of Counties, the Police Officers' Association, Municipal Employees' Association. Councilmember Green stated that the coalition that exists in this room if extended to the state level and then planned long term could effect considerable change. Mr. Silva stated that such a group exists consisting of the California League of Cities, California State Association of Counties, Building Industry Association, Chambers of Commerce, most of the public employees unions, and one of the taxpayers' groups. Mayor Bauer thanked all those present for their attendance and support, 30 05/30197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 5 ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUN CURE DEVELOP M ENT AGENCY The Mayor adjourned the Special Meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 9:05 a.m, By: ATTEST: Con n i e B rockway____ City Clerk/Clerk By: '('� le— / (5�� z X- 0�-'7 Carrol Gibbons Deputy City Clerk/Clerk Connie Brockway City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California Carrol Gibbons, Deputy City Clerk/Clerk A 4! 4 A 4 Lfv� Mayor/Chairman 31