HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-02MINUTES CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 5:00 PM - Room B-8 7:00 PM - Council Chamber Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 2, 1997 An audio tape recording of the 5:00 p.m, portion of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bauer called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPM ENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, (Garofalo arrived at 5:05 p.m.) Absent: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON STUDY SESSION OR CLOSED SESSION ITEMS There were no persons present to address Council regarding the study session or closed session items scheduled on the agenda. (CITY COUNCIL) STUDY SESSION - DISCUSSION REGARDING HBTV-3 POLICIES AND PRACTICES (120.10) Rich Barnard, Deputy City Ad mi nistrator- Public Information Officer, presented a staff report regarding HI3TV-3 which is one of the several governmental access television stations in Orange County. He informed Council that they had been provided with the City Council adopted operating policies and procedures for HBTV-3 (adopted on September 17, 1990 and amended on April 1, 1996) which was distributed in the Council packet. He distributed an overview dated June 2, 1997 covering his presentation at this meeting. Mr. Barnard reported on where HBTV-3 is today and on opportunities for the future, including placing programming on the Internet. 32 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06/02197 Discussion was held by Council, including issues such as franchise fee, revenue, programming issues, and feasibility of developing a policy for programming for nonprofit organizations, A request was made by Council for a report relative to revenue figures which would be derived from rental of facilities, including the cost of the employee who would be needed to accompany the rental TV unit. The difficulty of promoting community events due to cost was discussed, Including in the proposed city budget all such programs which may possibly be requested was suggested so that the city can anticipate how many requests will be received from the nonprofit organizations. Discussion was held regarding the fact that some cities plan to put their local programming on the PAC BELL System. Extending an invitation to Time Warner Communications to address the City Council regarding their future technological planning as it would affect the city was recommended by Mayor Pro Tem Dettloff. Bringing relatively inexpensive programming to HBTV-3 such as the award winning Water Facilities Programming and the Army Corps of Engineers film regarding protection from floods was commented upon favorably by the Councilmembers. Councilimember Green requested information as to whether the money obtained by the cable utility tax had been used for the Police Department for downtown safety as had been originally planned. Councilmember Garofalo stated that he would like to see a financial breakdown of money allocations for programming per each department. The Public Information Officer reported on this issue. The Public Information Officer reported that staff has received calls from business people stating that Made In Huntington Beach has helped their businesses. Councilimember Harman stated that in addition to Councilmember Garofalo's request, he would like to see from which budgets the programming funds are derived. Coordinating with the nonprofits as to their anticipated programs was suggested. A report on the impact of future technology was requested by the Mayor to be brought to the full Council. Making a tight budget for nonprofits so that there will not be revisions all through the year was suggested. Bringing inexpensive programming as was mentioned earlier in the meeting was recommended. Whatever can be done to enhance press releases to the press was recommended by Councilmember Garofalo. The Public Information Officer brought Council's attention to the graph which had been included in the packet. MOTION TO RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION -APPROVED (120.80) A motion was made by Sullivan, second Julien, to recess the City Council to closed session to consider the following items. The motion carried by unanimous vote, 33 06102/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 3 The following closed sessions will be attended by Dick Whitmore, Whitmore, Johnson and Bolanos, Special Counsel and Peter Brown, Liebert, Cassidy Frierson, Special Counsel. Closed Session - City Council - Conference with legal counsel - anticipated litigation - initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c): One potential case. Closed Session - City Council - pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Huntington Beach Firefighters Assn. vs, City of Huntington Beach: Orange County Superior Court Case No. 75 99 49. Subject: Huntington Beach Firefighters Assn. vs. City of Huntington Beach. Closed Session - City Council - to confer with its legal counsel regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c). (Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative body of the local agency has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation.) Number of potential cases 1. Subject: Huntington Beach Firefighters Assn. vs. City of Huntington Beach. Closed Session - City Council - pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is MEAIMEO vs. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. Subject: Challenge to Personnel Commission Decision in MEAIMEO vs. City of Huntington Beach. Closed Session - City Council - to confer with its legal counsel regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54958.9(c). (Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative body of the local agency has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation.) Number of Potential Cases 1. Subject: Challenge to Personnel Commission Decision in MEA/MEO vs. City of Huntington Beach. The following closed sessions will be attended by the Office of the City Attorney -Gail Hutton, City Attorney. Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code No. 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is City of Huntington Beach vs. Montgomery Watson - Orange County Superior Court Case No. 76 59 40. Subject: City of Huntington Beach vs. Montgomery Watson. Closed Session - Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code No. 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the agency is a party. The title of the litigation is Mulligan vs. Redevelopment Agency - Orange County Superior Court Case No. 74 00 99. Subject: Mulligan vs. Redevelopment Agency. 34 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06/02/97 RECONVENE The Mayor reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency in the Council Chamber. (CITY COUNCIL) REPORT OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION IN CLOSED SESSION REGARDING CLAIM FILED BY CITY AGAINST CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF CONTROL AND BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF PERS (PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM) WITH THE STATE BOARD OF CONTROL ' A motion was made by Harman, second Sullivan to report out the following motion made and approved during Closed Session as follows: A motion to direct Peter Brown of the Law Offices of Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson to take the following action: 1. File the lawsuit he has prepared on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach for declaratory relief, injunctive relief, and writ of mandate against the California State Board of Control and Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System in the Orange County Superior Court on June 3, 1997; and 2. File the Government claim he has prepared on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach against the California State Board of Control and Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System with the State Board of Control on June 3, 1997. 3. Send a letter to the Public Employees' Retirement System informing PERS that effective immediately the City is exempting itself from the short-term policy, effective immediately. The motion made by Harman, second Sullivan carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, Garofalo Absent: None LATE COMMUNICATIONS ANNOUNCED BY THE CITY CLERK Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, the City Clerk announced the following late communications regarding Agenda Items which had been received following distribution of the agenda: Report from the City Administrator's Office dated June 2, 1997 regarding HBTV-3 Policies and Practices 35 06102197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 5 Communication from Councilmember Garofalo dated May 29, 1997 regarding Alternative Affordable Housing Project In -Lieu of Proposed Bowen Court Project Memorandum from the Economic Development Director to City Council dated June 2, 1997 regarding Additional Article on Multifamily Housing and Impacts on Property Values Memorandum from Councilmember Julien dated June 2,1997 Disclosing Her Property Ownership Within the Yorktown -Lake Redevelopment Project Area Slide Report from the Community Development Department regarding Proposed Bowen Court Project Communication from Chuck Beauregard, Computer Professionals Unlimited, dated June 2, 1997 in support of the Agreement with Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) for School Field Lighting Communication from Eileen Murphy dated June 2, 1997 in opposition to the Letter of Understanding regarding Fire Services for the Bofsa Chica Development Slide Report from the Economic Development Department dated June 2, 1997 on the Huntington Beach Collaborative Network of Service Providers Slide Report from the Library Services Director regarding Sunday Opening of Central Library FLAG CEREMONY AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The flag ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Mayor Pro Tern Dettloff PRESENTATION - By Mayor Bauer and the City Council to Mike Scott, Manager, Norm's Restaurant, of a plaque in appreciation for the restaurant and its employees participating in the Holiday Meal Program at the Senior Outreach Center from November, 1996 through March, 1997. (160.40) PRESENTATION - By Mayor Bauer, the City Council, and Library Services Director Ron Hayden to Dr. Ruth Siegrist, Friends of the Children's Library member of a plaque of appreciation for her work with the annual fund-raising Internafibi7al Festival of Folklales to be held on June 17, 1997 at the Huntington Beath Central Library to kick off the Children's Summer Reading Program. Demonstrating the value of storytelling, the City Librarian read an excerpt from the Stoty of Civilization by Will Durante. (160.40) W. Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06102197 PRESENTATION - To Mayor Bauer and the City Council and Fire Chief Mike Dolder from Bill Holman of a check in the amount of $257,060.28 which represents PLC Land Company's 1997 annual contribution for Emergency Medical Services to serve the Holly-Seacliff area per the terms of the 1990 Holly-Seacliff Development Agreement. To date, Seacliff Partners and PLC Land Company have contributed five annual payments totaling $1,245,886. (160.40) PRESENTATION - By Mayor Bauer of a proclamation to Annabelle Radcliff and Gloria Beckstrom, Presidents of the Huntington Harbour Garden Club, 1996-97 and 1997-98, proclaiming June 12-18, 1997 as National Garden Week. Huntington Harbour Garden Club is recognized for their beautification projects throughout the city and the financial aid distributed to schools, libraries, parks, and nonprofit groups throughout the city. (120.60) PUBLIC COMMENTS JASON DAVIS and KRISTA COYLE, Edison High School students, addressed Council regarding their school class research on the topic of curfew. They informed Council that the majority of people they surveyed favored a curfew; only 5% of the people did not. They presented graphs detailing the particulars of their survey. The Mayor stated that often even older people need a curfew. He requested that the students submit their survey in writing to his office. SAMIR CHOKSY addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed the curfew should be lengthened to 11:00 p.m. He also stated that imposing a curfew may violate constitutional rights. Mr. Choksy stated that often crime statistics drop in a city without a curfew because of police enforcement of other laws. JOYCE RIDDELL invited all to the Savoir Faire featuring outstanding, local restaurants at the Huntington Beach Maff. She informed Council the event will be held June 14 and June 15, 1997. NICK BERNARDINO, Huntington Beach Municipal Employees' Association representative, addressed Council regarding the membership's concerns regarding the proposed Sunday opening of the Central Library in relation to the effect on the families of employees. He requested deferral of the item until meetings can be held to obtain input and to ensure appropriate staffing levels. He referred to current congressional discussion regarding the need for a family friendly environment for workers. Mr. Bernardino stated it was their hope to reach a win -win situation with the city. JACQUELINE CHEREWiCK thanked Council for their support of the Huntington Beach Community Clinic and for participating in the Duck-A-Thon. She spoke regarding a recent experience where she witnessed the police enforcing curfew, stating that it made her very proud of our city police. She stated she was also proud of public servants for grappling with such problems. 37 06102197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 7 JAN VANDERSLOOT, Bolsa Chica Land Trust, stated that he believed the proposed Bolsa Chica. Fire Services Agreement is premature and presented reasons. He stated instead the item presented later on the agenda, Acquisition of Bolsa Chica Mesa by Outside Third Party, should be approved. He spoke regarding the history and inadequacy of the development Environmental Impact Report (EIR). He cited recent events relative to the item in controversy an the mesa which he believes is evidence that the city needs an EIR by the Koll Company on their project that the City Council will have to agree is an adequate EIR. CHUCK SCHEID addressed Council regarding the meeting of the Orange County Sanitation District at which two members of the City Council by their affirmative vote passed an ordinance which will cost the citizens of Huntington Beach over $30,000 in increased fees over the next ten years. He stated that he believed the Councilmembers involved should have had the advice and consent of the full City Council following discussion at a public meeting. Mr. Scheid requested that this item be placed as an emergency item on tonight's agenda for Council to act upon as they may deem proper. CAL WINSLOW spoke regarding the needs assessment done for the Community Development Block Grant Program, in particular how to deal with intoxicated youth when they are taken into custody by law enforcement officers. He spoke regarding the problems involved and what to do with the youth as they cannot be taken to the Youth Shelter in an intoxicated condition. Mr. Winslow stated that Assembly Bill 1300 would deal with this issue. He stated that there are 500 detoxification units in California for adults and none for kids. Mayor Pro Tern Dettloff informed Mr. Winslow that there may have been some misunderstanding at the last meeting regarding the Volunteers of America. She stated that she 'is very supportive of the activities at the Youth Shelter; that she desires to learn more about the Volunteers of America and to have volunteers come down from time to time to let the Council know of their successes which she knows are many and the programs they are conducting. Mayor Pro Tem Dettloff stated that it was not a request to make a formal report to Council. Mr. Winslow submitted a communication from the Volunteers of America regarding Assembly Bill 1300. TOM LOGAN, Citizens Bureau of Investigation member and member of the Bolsa Chica Land Trust, spoke regarding the proposed Bolsa Chica Fire Services Agreement and referred to documents pertaining to spheres of influence in legislation regarding the city providing city services outside the city and the need for LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) approval. He warned Council of the annexation procedures stating that he believed it would represent something the community did not want. MATTHEW HARPER addressed Council in opposition to Proposed Ordinance No. 3363-- Drinking In Public. He requested an answer as to how this ordinance affects Sand Castle Estates. He requested information as to how the drug zone extends so far north to Beachwalk or his neighborhood, Sand Castle Estates. Mr. Harper stated that he would like the blockades to not affect the two neighborhoods. JACK DILLON spoke in favor of the Agenda Item relative to the Agreement Between City and Huntington Beach Union High School District For School Field Lightng. He stated the need is to illuminate the dark corners for the safety of the community. 38 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06/02197 JOHN LYNCH, President of the NRA (National Rifle Association Members Council --Huntington Beach), stated that both Senator Ross Johnson and Assemblyman Scott Baugh strongly opposed the proposed legislation appearing on the agenda [SB 1339 (Calderon) (Addition To Prohibited Weapon s/Devices: Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines and Belt Feeding Devices, Belt Fed Shotguns)]. He stated that he also believes Attorney General Lungren opposes it. He informed Council that from his discussion with members of the Board of Directors of the Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association, he believes they will oppose SB 1339. He stated his opposition to the process by which these issues are presented on the agenda. Mr. Lynch questioned whether Council's time should be spent on these issues due to the concern expressed regarding the length of Council meetings. Mr. Lynch questioned how the Council can be certain they represent the citizens of Huntington Beach. He presented questions relative to the procedure by which the City Council Intergovernmental Relations Committee meets and whether the meetings are open and minutes available to the public as far as an opportunity for public comments. Councilmember Harman responded to Mr. Lynch's questions regarding the meeting process of the City Council tntergovernmental Relations Committee. He stated that the Chief of Police was in full support. Councilmember Harman spoke regarding the North Hollywood incident where the bandit used a 50-round clip to shoot at police officers at pointblank range, Councilmember Green presented reasons for Council taking action on bills, citing areas of great concern affecting the city such as the issue brought to Council's attention under Public Comments by the Volunteers of America relative to the need for teenage detoxification facilities. CHUCK MCKINLEY stated that he did not believe laws regarding guns, such as on the agenda, stop criminal action and presented an example of his opinion. He stated it would cause the citizens and Police Department cost and would do nothing for the city. In response to Councilmember Garofalo, Mr. McKinley stated how the law would affect persons in his group. Mayor Bauer stated the circumstances of the shooting which took place recently in North Hollywood that was referred to previously by a member of the public. JOHN FORT addressed Council and stated that the new law would not have helped in the North Hollywood situation as the guns used were already against the law. He stated he did not want Council making such decisions for him. He recommended that the legislative items appearing on the agenda be considered -separately and that they be put in more detail on the agenda. DAVE ECKERMANN stated his opposition to the legislation relative to guns and presented reasons, including that the criminals will not obey laws as well as the current home invasion robberies. He stated that the police should be provided with equipment. Councilmember Harman announced his schedule of meetings for the Council Intergovernmental Relations Committee for the information of the audience. 39 06102197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 9 MANNY ROTHSTEIN spoke in opposition to Senate Bill 1339 and stated that if it passes, hundreds of Huntington Beach residents will become felons. He stated that he believes there is an antigun -anti -Second Amendment element on the City Council which he hopes is not a majority as it is out of touch with the values of the citizens of Huntington Beach. He stated that the criminals in North Hollywood had been arrested for illegal weapons a year earlier, jailed, released a few months later and proceeded to commit crimes after collecting an arsenal of largely illegal weapons. BOB WINCHELL, on behalf of Huntington Beach Tomorrow, spoke regarding the proposed fire services agreement scheduled on the agenda. He stated that the cost to the city will be long-term. He stated the city must adopt a position similar to Koll Company's position which is "take it or leave it." He stated that the Koll Company must pay everything necessary to cover city costs and answer questions regarding water and other services. He distributed a document from Mr. Vandersloot. MICHAEL TSANG, Prevention Specialist with C.I.P.C., which he stated is an agency that assists communities in achieving higher standards of public health and safety by providing them with prevention strategies and technical assistance. He spoke regarding his organization's position on public drinking. He gave reasons why he did not believe the ordinance would achieve the city's goal as it is written for only one day of the year, LEONARD CRANE spoke regarding the plans of Ocean View High School to rebuild the tennis courts stating that this will be an opportunity to build bathrooms for the children. He stated that he was at a supervisors' meeting a while back where a group of people from one of the beach cities was trying to get a signal for the children to cross. He stated if any of the people were out there in TV land that they should bring the letter down and read it to this Council and give them a copy of it and to not stop fighting for it; if it saves one child's life, it is worth it. He urged Council to support it. (CITY COUNCIL) ANNOUNCEMENT OF CRIME STATISTICS (530.10) Mayor Bauer brought Council's attention to the article in the Los Angeles Times and the Registerwhich announced the good standing of Huntington Beach in the crime statistics. He requested that Police Chief Lowenberg. convey Council's appreciation to the officers of the Huntington Beach Police Department. Police Chiefs Report Regarding Patrol of Private Streets and Access to Private Gates Police Chief Lowenberg responded to Councilmember Garofalo's question regarding whether the Police Department patrols private streets, stating they do patrol private streets and have access to private gates. He stated that the two neighborhoods mentioned by the speaker during Public Comments were not of concern to the Police Department relative to barricading. Councilmember Garofalo stated the need to review how Council considers items affecting people. 40 Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06102/97 (CITY COUNCIL) STATUS OF LAFCO (LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION) REGARDING CITY SERVICES TO OUTSIDE ENTITIES (610.40) The City Administrator stated that it may be that LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) would have to approve city services provided to outside agencies and that a report would be forthcoming. (CITY COUNCIL) CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH NAMED SAFEST CITY OF THE 100 LARGEST CITIES (530.10) The City Administrator stated that a report will be made regarding the fact that the City of Huntington Beach has been designated as the safest of the 100 largest cities, (CITY COUNCIL) PRESENTATION OF SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PIER PLAZA PROJECT (240.40) The City Administrator presented a comprehensive slide report dated June 2, 1997 of the schedule for construction of the Pier Plaza Project. (CITY COUNCIL) PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 96-3 - LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 96-2 (OCEANCREST PARTNERS) - NORTHWEST CORNER OF PALM AVENUE AT SEAPOINT STREET - RESOLUTION NO. 97-11 (R) AND RESOLUTION NO. 97-12 (R) (440.50) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider the following: Applicant: Oceancrest Partners Request: On April 11, 1997, the California Coastal Commission staff requested clarification relative to the site location of the proposed Coastal Element language. This request is only to clarify the site location. Location: Northwest corner of Palm Avenue and Seapoint Street. Environmental Status: This item is located in the appealable jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone. Final review and approval by the California Coastal Commission is required. If the revised language is approved, Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 96-2 will be forwarded to the California Coastal Commission for final action. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published and posted. The Community Development Director presented a staff report, The Mayor declared the public hearing open. 41 06/02/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 11 There being no one to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green to: A. Adopt Resolution No. 97-11 (R) which includes revised language clarifying the location of the Oceancrest Project as part of General Plan Amendment No. 96-3 Attachment No. 1 to the Request For Council Action dated June 2, 1997 - "A Resolution Of the City Council Of The City Of Huntington Beach Approving General Plan Amendment No. 96-3 And Negative Declaration No. 96-4. and B. Adopt Resolution No. 97-12 (R) which clarifies the location of the Oceancrest project as part of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 96-2 Attachment No, 2 to the Request For Council Action dated June 2, 1997 - "A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Huntington Beach Adopting Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 96-3, Zoning Map (With Revised General Plan Amendment No. 96-3; Negative Declaration No. 96-4) And Requesting Its Certification By The California Coastal Commission." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: (Harman absent from the room) (CITY COUNCIL) PUBLIC HEARING (BOWEN COURT) SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE STREET AND YORKTOWN AVENUE - APPEAL FILED BY THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-39 - APPEAL GRANTED - PROJECT APPROVED (420.40) The Mayor announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider the following: Applicant/Appellant: City of Huntington Beach, Department of Economic Development Request: Appeal of the Planning Commission's denial for a 23 unit, two (2) story senior apartment project designated solely for very low-income seniors. The applicant has submitted a modified request to construct a 21 unit project consisting entirely of one (1) bedroom units designated for very low-income seniors. The request includes a density bonus for 21 units in lieu of 17 units permitted under the present zoning. Location: 1968 Lake Street (southeast corner at Yorktown Avenue) 42 Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06/02197 Environmental Status: This item was processed and completed in accordance with the California Quality Act. It was determined that the item with mitigation would not have any significant environmental effects and that a mitigated negative declaration is warranted. Prior to acting on the appeal, the City Council must review and act on the negative declaration. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published and posted. The following communications had been provided to the City Council in their packets: Communication received May 29, 1997 from E. Brinker in opposition Communication received May 30, 1997 from Councilmember Garofalo regarding an alternative project The City Administrator referred to a communication that the City Clerk has on file regarding his disclosure of property (residence) in the Redevelopment Project Area of which the proposed Bowen Court Project is to be located. He informed Council that even though not required by law, he prefers not to be involved in this project and would absent himself from the proceedings. The City Administrator stated that to assist the City Council, Ray Silver, Assistant City Administrator, will serve in his place. Councilmember Julien stated that pursuant to Section 33130.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, she was submitting her disclosure of the fact that her residence was in the Yorktown -Lake Redevelopment Project Area. Councilmember Julien abstained from participation in the proceedings. Councilmember Garofalo stated that he has office space in a commercial center in the project area; however, this is not the type of interest that requires disclosure. The Community Development Director presented a staff report including a slide presentation. Linda Niles, Senior Planner, presented a report that included subjects relative to zoning compliance action by the Planning Commission, history of the project relative to the appeal filed by the Economic Development Department, information on the revised project, including density bonus, compatibility issues, surrounding land uses, and the staff recommendations for the project, Economic Development Director Biggs presented a staff report which included background information on the project. Steve Wraight, Architect, representing Wraight Architects, reviewed the architectural plans using wall mounted illustrations. He reviewed the chart titled Bowen Court Land Use Intensity Comparison - Linda Boone, Orange Housing Development Corporation, addressed Council regarding their purpose in building Bowen Court. She stated that Council will be very proud that it is built during their tenure. 43 06/02/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 13 Jean Halvorsen, representing LOMCO (Living Opportunities Management Company), spoke regarding the financial status of the residents who will reside at Bowen Court. She spoke regarding their lifestyle. Economic Development Director Biggs presented reasons why this is a good site for the proposed project, including the nearness of the site to shopping, transportation, and the Civic Center. Councilmember Garofalo cited the need for a low-income housing plan. He referred to the article distributed this evening and announced previously by the City Clerk (Memorandum from the Economic Development Director to City Council dated June 2, 1997 regarding Additional Article on Multifamily Housing and Impacts on Property Values). The Economic Development Director reported on the document. Discussion was held between Council and Councilmember Garofalo regarding Section 202, Federal Funding, and Federal Section 8 Entitlements for the residents. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communications on this item had been provided to the City Council: Communication from Councilmember Garofalo dated May 29, 1997 regarding Alternative Affordable Housing Project In -Lieu of Proposed Bowen Court Project Memorandum from the Economic Development Director to City Council dated June 2, 1997 regarding Additional Article on Multifamily Housing and Impacts on Property Values Memorandum from Councilmember Julien dated June 2, 1997 Disclosing Her Property Ownership Within the Yorktown -Lake Redevelopment Project Area Slide Report from the Community Development Department regarding Proposed Bowen Court Project HAROLD SCHECHTER, representing the Council on Aging, stated that his experience showed that a project such as this will not lower property values. He stated that he wished the Council on Aging had been able to be involved in this project at an earlier time. CHRIS INSLEY stated concern that disclosure of the intended property use was not given to all the residents of the area as they were buying homes. He stated that consideration should be given to reducing project density. He spoke regatding the extra parking and traff ic impact that may result, stating that it is pretty dangerous coming out of the area and if parking spills out into the street, it w4l exacerbate the situation. Mr. insley stated that there were fewer vehicles at the Huntington Classics than the chart depicts. He urged Council to consider alternatives such as reducing the number of units and moving the project to another site where construction cost would be less. 44 Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06102197 MARY JO JEFFES, President of the Council on Aging, asked if the Council does do the project, could it be taken elsewhere to provide more housing. She questioned what time frame was set forth by the Chevron Company an the property. RUTH BERGLAND spoke in support of the housing project and stated that senior income will not allow $600 - $700 per month rent. She stated that she would like to move to this project and begin a little community work. Ms. Bergland informed Council that there is a long waiting list for affordable housing. ADRIA MOLINO, Administrator of Emerald Cove, informed Council of the income requirements for Emerald Cove. She stated that there was a two and one-half to three year wait to move to Emerald Cove. SARA ADLER, resident of Emerald Cove, stated that she worked at the Senior Outreach Center for four years and is well aware of the need. She stated she was pleased to be a resident of Emerald Cove and that she is involved in the Braille Institute. GAIL BOND stated that her mother is a low-income senior and that investment loss and medical cost left her with a fixed income; that when property value went up, it had a bad effect on renters. She stated that her mother is very happy at Emerald Cove. Ms. Bond informed Council that there is a need for this type of housing. SUZANNE VALKER stated that the property owners were never advised verbally about this low-income project. She stated that this project will bring down property values and cause traffic problems. STEVE OLIM stated opposition to the proposed project, citing that rentals on Delaware Street in the area are not maintained and that the people at the Huntington Classics and Pacific Park are not willing to take this chance. He stated that seniors in this community have higher disposable income than others. Mr. Olim questioned whether the entry age would be 55 years old or 62 years old. LINDA PFLUGHAUPT stated that she believed the comparisons provided by the Economic Development Director were not correct. She referred to the staff report to support her contention. Ms. Pflughaupt requested that action be delayed until further study can be made. MILT INBODY presented reasons in opposition to the proposed project, including the past action by the developer which he believes was not legal. He stated that if Council is going to approve the project, that it be for 13 units. He requested that the vote be postponed until a commission can be formed. GAYLE INBODY stated her opposition to the project as she believes it will adversely affect her property value, DARLENE DUNN read a letter from Beric Christensen in opposition to the proposed project. She stated that she also lived on the street where the project will be located and that she and her family will feel the impact of the people who will live there. 45 06/02197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 15 CAROLE THOMAS stated that she was at first in favor of the Bowen Court Project; however, she now opposes it. She stated that she believes this development should be built elsewhere in the city. BOB ECK stated that most residents who bought in the Huntington Classics did not know this project would be built. He stated that he believed the issue is that the project should be further reviewed to see if there are alternatives. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or wdtten, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Economic Development Director Biggs informed Council that the minimum age is 62. Discussion was held between the City Council and the Community Development Director, Economic Development Director, and the Assistant City Administrator regarding aspects of the matter, including the fact that a Draft Affordable Housing Strategy would be presented to Council to meet their backlog of affordable housing requirements. The Assistant City Administrator clarified other aspects pertaining to the comments made during the public comments portion of the headng. Councilmember Garofalo spoke regarding issues, including his alternative proposal set forth in his communication dated May 29, 1997 regarding alternative affordable housing project in lieu of proposed Bowen Court project. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green to continue decision to Tuesday, September 2, 1997. Assistant City Administrator Silver, in response to Mayor Pro Tern Dettloff as to why this requirement was not known earlier, stated that he will attempt to explain; however, he was not employed by the city at that time. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Dettloff, the Economic Development Director reported on alternative sites, stating they were limited unless the Council wanted a rezone of the Huntington Center area; there were three units available in the Oakview area; the Waterfront area could be utilized; and a small parcel at First Street and Pacific Coast Highway would accommodate a few units. He spoke regarding the backlog of affordable housing units needed. He stated that mobile home units would not count toward the backlog. Economic Development Director Biggs stated that there was a deadline to apply for the Section 202 Loan and if it is continued to September 2, 1997, the city will miss the opportunity. He reported on issues relative to the deed restriction. The Community Development Director stated that the Pacific Ranch Development across the street had a one-time affordable housing requirement when it was built. Economic Development Director Biggs responded to Mayor Pro Tem Dettloff regarding the effect on the project of just approving 13 units. 46 Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06/02/97 Following discussion, the motion made by Garofalo, second Green to continue the decision to September 2, 1997 was withdrawn. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green that the project be approved for 13 units contingent upon the Section 202 funding. In response to the Mayor, Councilmember Garofalo stated that if the funding is not approved, the Council would go back to 21 units or 30 units or whatever Council wants to do. Economic Development Director Biggs stated that a condition of approval that funds would have to be spent to develop the Section 202 application and he believes the lowered number of units will make the city less competitive if not uncompetitive for the Section 202 funding. Reed Flory, Principal Consultant, Flory and Associates, reported at Council's request regarding the opportunity of the city getting approval for Section 202 federal funding for 13 units. He stated that on -site management will not be able to be accommodated for a project of only 13 units. He stated that without Section 202 funding that in addition to land, roughly $300,000 will be necessary, Mayor Bauer asked if there had been a violation of the Redevelopment Law by not having an Affordable Housing Program ordinance. He stated that he had been informed that the developer was allowed, contrary to Redevelopment Law, to build this particular project which is in a Redevelopment Area without some form of affordable housing. The Assistant City Administrator responded as to the events that had occurred such as if the developer had completed building the last five units on the property which the city had purchased and no units had been constructed for affordable housing and if the city had not merged its Redevelopment areas and if Assemby Bill (AB) 1290 had not passed there would have been a serious problem in conflict with Redevelopment law, but because we got the land, there was not a violation. The Assistant City Administrator stated that if the city had not bought land that this would be true and that if this is not built, the city would incur cost. Mayor Bauer stated that it is his understanding that prior to land acquisition as this project was moving forward, because the Council did not agree with affordable housing that the project was built without any affordable housing proposal, that prior to the merger of the five Redevelopment Project areas that for whatever reason, the then City Council did not do it and were in technical violation of the law. He asked the Assistant City Administrator if he understood this to be correct and the Assistant City Administrator stated that we would have been in violation if some affordable housing was not constructed. The Mayor stated that the situation was bailed out by the city which bought the land. The Mayor stated that the problem with giving back the land, which is not the motion on the floor currently, is that the city theoretically could lose up to all the money unless the original owner of the property was going to be kind to the city and make the city some kind of deal. He asked the Assistant City Administrator if this is a fair statement and the Assistant City Administrator stated that there would be an added penalty and cost the Redevelopment Agency additional funds. The Mayor asked the Assistant City Administrator whether even if the city took all the opportunities in all the Redevelopment locations under the current combinations and built up to the maximum allowed by law, the city would still not be in compliance with Affordable Housing. The Assistant City Administrator concurred. 47 06102197 - City Counci VRedevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 17 The Mayor spoke regarding the difficulty of the city being knowingly in violation of the law. He stated that Redevelopment is wonderful but the piper must be paid and for whatever reason the piper was not paid in the past. He spoke further regarding the matter, including his concern that the city has no land available to buy other land to satisfy the requirement as there is no money available to buy the land to satisfy the requirement. At the request of the Mayor, the Economic Development Director commented on the proposed Affordable Housing Policy being developed by staff which may be financially problematic as units may have to be done on a two -for -one basis outside the Redevelopment area. In response to Councilmember Garofalo, Mr. Flory clarified his estimated figures. The City Clerk requested clarification of Councilmember Garofalo's motion: A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green to approve Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 94-22 as amended for 13 units and to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 94-39 as modified by the City Council with Findings and Revised Conditions of Approval. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Garofalo NOES., Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan ABSENT: None A motion was made by Sullivan, second Dettloff to: A. Approve Negative Declaration No. 94-22 with Findings and Mitigation Measures as set forth in Attachment No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated June 2, 1997. and B. Approve Conditional Use Permit No. 94-39 as modified by the applicant for 21 units with Findings and Conditions of Approval as set forth in Attachment No. I to the Request for Council Action dated June 2, 1997. Councilmember Garofalo stated if the motion is denied, he would make a motion, second Green to move for a 90 day continuance of the issue to September 2, 1997. At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Dettloff, the Community Development Director reported on what she believed could be accomplished by such continuance. Mayor Pro Tern Dettloff spoke further regarding the project. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan NOES: Green, Garofalo ABSENT., Julien 48 Page 18 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06102197 MOTION TO ADJOURN FOLLOWING ACTION ON SELECTED AGENDA ITEMS A motion made by Green, second Garofalo that the Council meeting be adjourned at the determination of which remaining items on the agenda require action. The City Administrator advised Council that it would be necessary to vote on all the ordinances on the agenda as well as any Consent Calendar items on which there is not controversy. The motion made by Green, second Garofalo carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM DEFERRED The following item was requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar: City Council Positions Regarding Proposed Legislation - SB 1329 (Leslie) (Minors Provision Drivers License); AB 1296 (Morrow) (Government Tort Liability: Skateboarding); SB 1339 (Calderon) (Addition To Prohibited Weapons/Devices: Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines and Belt Feeding Devices, Belt Fed Shotguns); AB 252 (Leonard) (Developer Fees) - Continued to June 16, 1997. The City Council deferred the above referenced item to June 16, 1997. CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Garofalo, second Dettloff, Council approved the following Consent Calendar items as recommended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPM ENT AGENCY) MINUTES - APPROVED (120.65) - Approved and adopted corrected Page No. 14 of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency adjourned meeting minutes of April 1, 1996 pertaining to Pier Plaza Budget Amendment as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. (CITY COUNCIL) AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SCHOOL FIELD LIGHTING - APPROVED (600.10) - Approved an Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Union High School District for Development of Improvements Upon Certain Portions of District Property and authofted execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. M 06/02197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 19 (CITY COUNCIL) HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD APPOINTMENT - BILL BORDEN - APPROVED (110.20) - Approved the appointment of Bill Borden to the Historic Resources Board to a term expiring June 30, 2001 � (CITY COUNCIL) AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY AND TERRY SCHOONHOVEN AND LLOYD HAMROL FOR MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF ARTWORK FOR THE MUNICIPAL PIER PLAZA - APPROVED (600.10) - Approved and executed execution of the following two agreements: 1. Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Terry Schoonhoven for the Manufacturing and Installation of Artwork (Histofical Mural) at a cost not to exceed $40,000 and 2. Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Lloyd Hamrol for the Manufacturing and Installation of Artwork for the Pier Plaza Amphitheater at a cost not to exceed $229,480. (CITY COUNCIL) BID AWARD - ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACTOR FOR FLOUNDER PUMP STATION UPGRADES - CC-742 - ARA ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS - APPROVED (600,60) - 1. Accepted the low bid submitted by ARA Engineering Contractors for a total bid amount of $540,000, and 2. authorized staff to appropriate $313,000 from Drainage Fund Account No. G-ST-3-01 -00 to cover the cost of the Flounder Storm Drain Pump Station Upgrade, and 3. authorized the Director of Public Works to expend $673,000 to cover contract cost of $540,000, estimated construction Change Orders of $108,000 and anticipated supplemental expenses of $25,000. (CITY COUNCIL) AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY COUNCILMEMBERS WHO ARE ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS TO SUPPORT ORANGE COUNTY'S PROPOSED PROPERTY LEASE REQUEST FOR DEVELOPING AN 800 MHz PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO TOWER AT ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRIC 'S HUNTINGTON BEACH LOCATION ON BROOKHURST STREET - APPROVED Directed the two City Council Orange County Sanitation District Board Members to support Orange County's proposed property lease for the future installation of one 800 MHz public safety radio tower at the Orange County Sanitation District's Huntington Beach location on Brookhurst Street. (CITY COUNCIL) BUDGET APPROPRIATION TO COVER COST TO HIRE CONSULTANT - PHYSICIAN TO REVIEW MEDICAL PRACTICES IN THE CITY JAIL AND WAIVER OF GENERAL LIABILITY AND PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE - APPROVED (320.45) Appropriated $4,000 from the General Fund to be placed into Account No. EAA-PD-334-4-03- 00 and approved Settlement Committee's recommendation to waive general liability and professional liability and accepted mutual hold harmless agreement between the City Co nsu Itant- Physician Dr. John Clark. (CITY COUNCIL) AGENDA ITEMS CONTINUED TO JUNE 16,1997 The following Agenda Items were continued to June 16, 1997: 50 Page 20 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06102197 Letter of Understanding regarding Fire Services for the Bolsa Chica Development Approval in Concept of Huntington Beach Collaborative (Network of Service Providers Created to Heighten Community Awareness, Share Information, and Interactive Participation) - Request for Proposals for Professional Services Sunday Opening of Central Library and Cultural Center (CITY COUNCIL) ORDINANCES ADOPTED A motion was made by Garofalo, second Dettloff to adopt the following ordinances by roll call vote after a reading by title by the City Clerk: (CITY COUNCIIL) (DEFERRED FROM MAY 19,1997) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3355 - AMENDS CODE TO ALLOW LEGAL ACCESS TO DOG BEACH - ADOPTED (640jo) - "An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 13.08 Of The Huntington Beach Municipal Code Pertaining To Regulation Of Dogs And Other Animals On The Beach. " (By recommendation of the Police Department Beach Detail Unit and the Marine Safety staff of the Community Services Department, the boundary of "dog beach" is being extended to include the northern curb line of 22nd Street. This extension will permit not only easier access for the public, but also legal access to the beach when accompanied by their dogs.) (Ordinance introduction approved May 5, 1997) (CITY COUNCIL) (DEFERRED FROM MAY 19,1997) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3356 - AMENDS CODE TO ALLOW PERSONS TO CARRY ROLLER SKATES, IN -LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS ONTO THE MUNICIPAL PIER - ADOPTED (640.10) - 'An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 13.12 Of The Huntington Beach Municipal Code Pertaining To Roller Skates, In -Line Skates And Skateboards On The Municipal Pier (Ordinance introduction approved May 5, 1997) (PITY COUNCIL) (DEFERRED FROM MAY 19,1997) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3358 - CHANGES ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP FROM (15) MEMBERS TO (9) MEMBERS -ADOPTED (640.10) -"An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending The Huntington Beach Municipal Code By Amending Chapter 2.102 Thereof Relating To The Number Of Members Of The Environmental Board." (Public hearing and ordinance introduction held on May 5, 1997) 51 06/02/97 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 21 (CITY COUNCIL) (DEFERRED FROM MAY 19,1997) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3359 - ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 95-1 - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCHILIBERTY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - ZONE CHANGE - NORTHWEST CORNER OF WARNER AVENUE AT NICHOLS STREET - ADOPTED (450,20) - "An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending The Huntington Beach Zoning And Subdivision Ordinance By Changing The Zoning Designation From RMH (Residential Medium High Density) to PS (Public, Semi -Public) On Real Property Located At The Northeast Comer Of Warner Avenue And Nichols Street (Zoning Map Amendment No. 95-1). "(Public hearing and Ordinance introduction held on May 5, 1997) (CITY COUNCIL) ORDINANCE NO. 3362 - ZONE CHANGE NO. 96-4 - HOME DEPOTIRETAIL OUTLET AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING - SOUTHEAST CORNER WARNER AVENUE AND GOLDENWEST STREET - ADOPTED (440.50) - "An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending The Huntington Beach Zoning And Subdivision Code By Amending District Map 31 (Sectional District Map 26-5-11) To Rezone The Real Property Generally Located At The Southeast Comer Of Warner Avenue And Goldenwest Street From PS-FP2 (Public -Semi Public Flood Plain) And RMH-FP2 (Medium High Density Residential -Flood Plain) to CG-FP2 (General Commercial Flood Plain), CO-FP2 (Office Commetrial-Flood Plain) And PS-FP2 (Public -Semi Public Floodplain) (Zoning Map Amendment No. 96-4). "(Public hearing introduction held May 19, 1997.) The motion made by Garofalo, second Dettloff carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Green, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3363 - MODIFIES EXISTING CITY ORDINANCE REGARDING DRINKING IN PUBLIC -ADOPTED (640.10) The City Council considered Ordinance No. 3363 which would modify the existing city ordinance regarding drinking in public. A motion was made by Green, second Dettloff to adopt Ordinance No. 3363 after a second reading by title by the City Clerk - "An Ordinance Of The City Of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 9.44 Of The Huntington Beach Municipal Code Pertaining To Disorderly Persons. (introduction approved May 19, 199T) The City Attorney reported on the question by Mr.. Harper during Public Comments regarding Sand Castle Estates and the effect of the ordinance on his neighborhood. The motion made by Green, second Dettloff carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Dettloff, Bauer, Green NOES- Harman, Sullivan, Garofalo ABSENT: None 52 Page 22 - Council/Agency Minutes - 06/02/97 (CITY COUNCIL) AGENDA ITEMS CONTINUED TO JUNE 16,1997 The following Agenda Items were deferred by Council to June 16, 1997: (City Council) (Deferred from May 19, 1997) Submitted by Mayor Bauer and Councilmember Garofalo - Recognizing the Efforts of the Huntington Youth Shelter as Operated by Volunteers of America - Resolution No. 97-33 (City Council) Feasibility of Allowing Part-time Employees the Opportunity to Purchase the Medical Benefit Plan Currently Offered by the City to Full-time Employees (CITY COUNCIL) (DEFERRED FROM MAY 19,1997) ACQUISITION OF BOLSA CHICA MESA BY OUTSIDE THIRD PARTY - REFERRED TO THE BOLSA CHICA COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND CONTINUED TO JULY 7,1997 (440.60) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Harman transmitting a proposed City Council motion regarding acquisition of the Bolsa Chica Mesa by an outside third party, A motion was made by Harman, second Green to refer the item regarding the acquisition of the Bolsa Chica Mesa by an outside third party to the Bolsa Chica Council Committee for review and input and to continue the item to July 7, 1997. The motion carried by unanimous vote. (CITY COUNCIL) PERMISSION GRANTED TO COUNCILMEMBER HARMAN TO BE EXCUSED FROM COUNCIL MEETINGS (120.40) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Harman requesting permission to be absent from the City Council meetings June 9, 1997, June 16, 1997 and June 23, 1997. A motion was made by Harman, second Green to approve said request. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) PROVISION FOR DESIGN GUIDELINES IN CITY'S GENERAL PLAN - DIRECTION TO STAFF APPROVED (440.50) The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Pro Tem Dettloff presenting a recommendation regarding the General Plan relating to design guidelines. A motion was made by Dettloff, second Green to direct staff to amend the Zoning Code as an implementation measure to the General Plan to include provisions for design guidelines. This will allow clear direction to architects that quality and creativity are to be a part of the design of every project. This will also include entry nodes, downtown, and all major arterials. Public art will be a part of this direction. The motion carried unanimously. 53 06102197 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 23 (CITY COUNCIL) LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING FIRE SERVICES FOR THE BOLSA CHICA DEVELOPMENT - REQUEST BY COUNCILMEMBER HARMAN FOR CONTINUANCE TO JULY 7,1997 (440.60) Councilmember Harman stated he would like the item regarding the Letter of Understanding for Fire Services for the Bolsa Chica Development to be continued until he returns. The City Administrator stated that he will check on whether this item can be deferred to that date. ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 11:30 p.m. to Monday, June 9, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: City 4erk a nodMeZx-off eicio C I e rk df th e C ity Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California r AW A9u4A,--' City Clerk/Clerk Mayor/Chairman 54