HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-02MINUTES CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 5:00 PM - Room B-8 7:00 PM - Council Chamber Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 2, 1998 An audio tape recording of the 5:00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Dettloff called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo (Harman and Bauer arrived at 5:01 p.m.) Absent: None (CPAB) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADVISORY BOARD ROLL CALL: Present: Richardson, Phillips, DeMers, Allison, Armendariz, Cohen, Jeffes, Lebow, Lewis, Stanton, Thatcher Absent: Zisakis PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING STUDY SESSION OR CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS DAVID BREES, representing the Oakview Property Owners' Association read from a petition that he and Fran Andrade were submitting to the Citizen's Participation Advisory Board and City Council. Their petition requested the creation of a Set Aside account. Mr. Brees informed Council of his concern regarding factors involved in the proposed Federal Section 108 Loan Guarantee to the Waterfront Hilton, such as only 26% of the current Waterfront employees live in Huntington Beach and that the jobs derived will be part-time. 506 Page 2 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02198 FRAN ANDRADE, Member of the Oakview Community, stated that she has seen the positive things done by the City through the use of HCD funds to make Oakview the area that it is now. She requested that a small amount of the profit of the Set Aside funds be designated for items such as library books for the Oakview Library. She spoke regarding the previous deterioration of the area. Ms. Andrade informed Council that as the property owners are now involved, and there are less absentee landlords, it is a so much better area. Ms. Andrade requested that the funds be given to the Enhancement Areas. CHUCK SCHEID, addressed Council and stated his concerns that the HCD funds might be used for security for the Section 108 Loan to the Waterfront or that the General Fund might be used. Mr. Scheid stated his concern that Block grant funds may be discontinued. He recommended that the developer be asked to guarantee the loan. ED ROBISON, resident of Rancho Del Rey Mobilehome Park, stated that he has just teamed that such loans are available and informed Council of the desperate need of mobile home owners for such loans. City Clerk Brockway announced that two communications had been provided to her just prior to the meeting from the Citizen's Participation Advisory Board. The communications were titled "The Deal" and Huntington Beach City CouncillCitizens Participation Advisory Board Study Session Regarding the section 108 Loan. (CITY COUNCIL) STUDY SESSION - JOINT MEETING BETWEEN CITY COUNCIL AND (CPAB) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADVISORY BOARD REGARDING FEDERAL SECTION 108 LOAN GUARANTEE APPLICATIONS - (CITY GYM AND POOL PROJECT -1600 PALM AVENUE) AND (WATERFRONT PROJECT) (340.70) JEFF LEBOW, CPAB member referred to the two page document titled The Deal and The Numbers. He reviewed The Numbers portion of the document and presented reasons why he and others on the Board believe the spirit and the intent of HCD monies will not have been met if expended for the purpose recommended by staff. WAYNE ITOGA, representative of the Department of Housing and Urban Development presented reasons why HUD is supportive of the Waterfront Loan including the reason that they believe the Waterfront jobs will be beneficial. Councilmember Garofalo spoke regarding the need to look at the long term benefit of the loan. DAWN STANTON, CPAB Member, spoke regarding the benefits that will be provided to families from jobs at the Waterfront. Councilmember Sullivan informed the CPAB members how much their work is appreciated. He stated that he believed the city should make application for the Section 108 loans and then conduct a public hearing. Councilmember Bauer reported that the numbers within the CPAB documents could not be used as the negotiations between the City and the Waterfront are not complete. Councilmember Bauer stated that if there is positive cash flow he believes the recommendation under public comments to give back to the Enhancement Areas is a good one. Councilmember Bauer stated that one must look beyond the city boundaries and that low income jobs can benefit regionally. 507 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 3 Councilmember Julien questioned why the projects must go together. Carol Runzel, Assistant Project Manager, reported on the connection between the city gymnasium and pool and the Waterfront issues. In response to a question by Council, Acting City Administrator Silver stated that he did not know of any other projects that would meet the Section 108 criteria. He reported further on the proposed use of the loan for the Waterfront. Mark Briggs, President of Mark Briggs and Associates Inc., City consultant, reported on the Section 108 loan issue. He stated that Section 108 loans do not lend themselves to repair of infrastructure as infrastructure does not generate revenue to pay for itself. A CPAB Board Member questioned if the city gymnasium and pool is a high priority issue for HUD funds in that the two projects are separate. Discussion was held. Councilmember Garofalo questioned if there is a spillover effect to the community from the jobs created. Mayor Pro Tern Green stated that he believed the Council's perspective is the additional $4,000,000 Transient Occupancy Tax to the city. Jeff Lebow, CPAB member informed Council that it is his understanding that if funds from the Section 108 loan fail to repaid it will be taken out of the City's HCD funding. Mark Briggs, President of Mark Briggs and Associates Inc., informed Council that the funding plan is to be structured so that the city will be practically covered; that this project will have seven times the coverage needed. He informed Council that he has worked on a 150 projects and this project is the most secure of those with which he has been involved. Mayor Dettloff stated that she believed the dialogue between the CPAB, City Council and staff should be continued so that the both the CPAB and Council can come to an understanding. MOTION TO RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A motion was made by Garofalo, second Julien, to recess the City Council to closed session to consider the following items. The motion carried by unanimous vote. Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire, Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding labor relations matters - meet and confer with the following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Police Officers' Association, Police Management Association, Municipal Employees' Association, Management Employees' Organization, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving Employees' Association. (120.80) 508 Page 4 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Municipal Employees Association v. City of Huntington Beach, in the Matter of In Re: Heavy Duty Equipment Operators. Subject: Municipal Employees Association v. City of Huntington Beach, in the Matter of In Re: Heavy Duty Equipment Operators. (120.80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Talbert & Beach v. City of Huntington Beach - United States District Court Case No. SACV 96-969 AHS; 9th Cir. 97-55619 Subject: Talbert & Beach v. City. (120.80) RECONVENE Mayor Dettloff reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 7:11 p.m. in the Council Chamber. The City Attorney reported that there were no actions taken by the City Council or Redevelopment Agency in Closed Session that require a reporting on those actions as required by law (Government Code 54957.1 (a) (3) (B)). CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo Absent: None FLAG CEREMONY AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Huntington Beach Girl Scouts representing, Daisy, Brownie, Juniors and Cadette levels accompanied by Paula Coker, Huntington Beach Community Relations Chairperson. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Lee Worthland from the Church of Latter Day Saints. PRESENTATION - By Mayor Dettloff and the City Council to Paula Coker, Huntington Beach Community Relations Chairperson of a Proclamation proclaiming Girl Scout Be Your Best Day which is March 12, 1998 and falls during Girl Scout Week. (160.40) PRESENTATION - By Mayor Dettloff and the City Council to Golden West College Girl's Volleyball Team in recognition of winning their 5th consecutive State Championship In January 1998. The team is accompanied by Al Gasparian, Coach and Athletic Director Tom Hermstedt. (160.40) 509 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 5 PRESENTATION - To Mayor Dettloff, the City Council and the Huntington Beach Library Patron's Foundation's checks for the Growth for Success" Campaign for the Oakview Library: Ron Shenkman, Senior Vice President, Rainbow Disposal Corporation a check in the amount of $1,500; Bill Gibson, Aera Energy Company, a check in the amount of $1,500; Ed Laird, President, Coatings Resource Corporation, a check in the amount of $500; Kimberly Higgins, Public Relations Specialist, Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, a check in the amount of $500; and Perry Cain, Community Relations Manager, Boeing Space Systems, a check in the amount of $500. (160.40) PRESENTATION - By Mayor Dettloff and the City Council to the following individuals to recognize their contribution to the success of the Beach Boulevard Banner Program; Dennis Brown, Chief of Staff for Senator Ross Johnson, Chairman, Senate Republican Caucus, 35th District Joseph Hecker, P.E., District Division Chief, State of California, Department of Transportation Jo Ellen Allen, Director Public Affairs, Orange County Southern California Edison Les Jones, Former Public Works Director, City of Huntington Beach Ed Coscolluela, Terry York Ford, President, Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Association Jim Upp, Executive Director, Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Association Bill Demarest, DeLillo Chevrolet, Banner Committee Chairman, Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Association Maggi Early, Owner, Maggi Flags (160.40) PRESENTATION - To Mayor Dettloff and the City Council for the Huntington Beach Art Center from Dr. Gerald Chapman and Dr. Diana Casey, Co -Chairs of the Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation of a check in the amount of $100,000. (160.40) Mayor Dettloff and the City Council will be presenting Certificates of Appreciation to members of the Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation for their continued involvement over the past nine years. CITY CLERK ANNOUNCES LATE COMMUNICATIONS WHICH PERTAIN TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Brockway announced the following late communications .regarding Agenda Items which had been received following distribution of the agenda: Revised Page No.2 of the City Council Agenda adding two closed sessions as follows: Municipal Employees Association v. City of Huntington Beach, in the Matter of Heavy Duty Equipment Operators and adding Talbert and Beach v. City to the closed session items 510 Page 6 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 Communication from Chuck Scheid, dated March, 2, 1998 titled MOU Negotiations with Police Officers' Association A document titled Petition received from David Brees listing approximately 41 signatures of residents and property owners in the Enhancement Area submitting the petition to the CPAB and the City Council/Redevelopment Agency (Relative to subjects including Set Aside Funds and participation by Enhancement Area citizen representatives in the decision making process on how the Set Aside funds will be used) A two page communication submitted by David Brees titled "The Deaf' and "The Numbers" Slide presentation from the Community Development Director regarding Zoning Map Amendment No.97-2 - Negative Declaration No.97-6 - Christ Presbyterian Church Slide presentation from the Community Development Director regarding Zoning Text Amendment No.97-3/Zoning Map Amendment No.97-3/Negative Declaration 97-18 - General Day Care Communication dated March 2,1998, from Sherry Smith Mancini, President of the Orange County Association of Realtors Subject: Regarding: H.R.1534, Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 1997 and requesting continuance until updated information regarding the amendments can be obtained Communication dated February 23,1998 written to Senator Feinstein from Yvonne Hunter, Legislative Representative of National League of Cities titled Regarding: H-R. Bill 1534 as amended, - Regulatory Takings Communication from Thomas K. Sobek, member of the Huntington Beach Mobile Home Advisory Board dated February 28,1998 regarding the results of the Lawrence Research Telephone Survey of Mobile Home Park Residents Communication from Vickie Talley, Executive Director Manufactured Housing Educational Trust dated March 2,1998 titled Regarding: Mobile Home Owners Letters To City Council and in support of the mobile home owner survey conducted for the city by Lawrence Research Communication from the Acting City Administrator titled Art Center Fund Communication from Ed Mountford, Vice President Koll Communities dated February 26,1998 regarding water service to the Bolsa Chica development Communication dated March 2,1998 from Nancy Donaven, President of Bolsa Chica Land Trust in support of the item placed on the agenda by Councilmember Sullivan regarding the Bolsa Chica Project PUBLIC COMMENTS PAT DAVIS, thanked Mayor Pro Tern Green for placing the item on the City Council agenda regarding future demands for senior citizens services as it relates to options for a new multi- service center for seniors. 511 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 7 GAE TREECE, informed Council that she resides near the Shore House Cafe. She informed the Council of the parking problems in the neighborhood caused by the restaurant, as well as other problems detrimental to the neighborhood. Ms. Treece stated that there is continuous police response to the area and requested Council's assistance. Councilmember Garofalo requested Acting City Administrator Silver to review the issue of the upstairs use of the restaurant due to loud music which he had heard from the restaurant. Ms. Treece responded to Councilmember Sullivan's questions relative to whether some of the problems caused by prior restaurants at that site still existed. Councilmember Sullivan requested Acting City Administrator Silver to review the entitlements. He also requested Community Development Director Fallon to evaluate the parking conditions as the lot on which the cars have previously been parked is no longer available. It was further requested that restroom facilities be part of the review. BOB WINCHELL, Director of Huntington Beach Tomorrow, stated that organization's support for Councilmember Sullivan's item on the agenda regarding proposed service agreements, permit request and franchise request from Koll Real Estate Group pertaining to the Bolsa Chica Project. He stated that Huntington Beach Tomorrow believes this item represents a step in the right direction. Mr. VVinchell spoke regarding his discussion with the Community Development Department staff as to the many other projects in the city needing to be addressed. He stated that Koll Company has now gone to the Corps of Engineers to ask for six outlets through making application for a Nationwide Permit. He clarified that Nationwide Permits remove the need for local permits. JAN VANDERSLOOT, Board Member of Balsa Chica Land Trust, spoke in support of the statements made by Mr. Winchell regarding Councilmember Sullivan's agenda item on the Kali Company Bolsa Chica Project. He spoke regarding Koll Company plans to place six outfall pipes in locations south of Warner Avenue. Mr. Vandersloot informed Council of the detrimental effect that would occur from such pipes and requested that Council contact the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers and ask that the request of Koll Company be elevated from a Nationwide Permit to an Individual Permit. He stated that Koll Company has told the Army Corps of Engineers that the Koll Company plans to begin its project in April 1998, BART HOLLANDER, addressed Council regarding the intersection of Edwards Street and Talbert Avenue where the Public Works Commission approved a traffic signal to be placed. He showed and distributed a diagram and map to the City Council and reported on the study made by the City on the matter. He stated reasons in opposition to the proposed signalization. Mayor Dettloff stated that she believed there would be further opportunity for Mr. Hollander's input and requested that he give Council a copy of his statement. MAXWELL SMITH, spoke in opposition to the proposed traffic signal proposed for Edwards Street and Talbert Avenue. He stated that the Fire Department's recommendation of no -signal or a half -signal was not taken into account. He stated that according to a city study and police comments there will be an increase in rear end collisions at that intersection. Mr. Maxwell stated there is no reason to impede the traffic coming down or up the hill; to slow it down maybe, but to impose a light on him as a resident in order to improve flow to the new developments above him was not giving him consideration. 512 Page 8 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 JAMES KREG MULLER, police officer, spoke regarding the low morale and strained relations within the Police Department. He requested that binding arbitration be approved. Officer Muller recommended that the same arbitrator be used as used previously. He informed Council that this arbitrator was very much on the city side. KAREN PEDERSEN, Fourth of July Board Chair, spoke in support of the consent calendar item on the agenda regarding the Fourth of July celebration proposed budget. She distributed a copy of the Fourth of July logo to the City Council. BOB TRAVER, representing the Huntington Beach Community Clinic, addressed Council regarding the benefits the Huntington Beach Community Clinic gives to the city. He announced the 6th Annual Duck-A-Thon fundraising event and urged the community support and duck purchase. Mr. Traver invited Mayor Dettloff to participate in the first Mayor's Duck -A -Than Challenge. CAROLE ANN WALL, President of the Therapeutic Riding Center, informed Council that volunteers are needed for the center. She stated that the volunteer coordinator will be glad to meet with persons interested in volunteering for the Huntington Beach Therapeutic Riding Center. HOWARD SUSNICK, spoke regarding the safe environment provided by the Police Department which causes people to move into the city. He informed Council that morale is low and that this is caused by the City Council. Mr. Subnick spoke regarding the officers that have left and planned to leave city employment. GERALD CHAPMAN, addressed Council in opposition to the Consent Calendar Item relative to the Intra Fund Loan of $255,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee Fund balance as a loan to the General Fund. He informed Council that he believed these funds should be used for infrastructure. Mr. Chapman stated that it will take the city 17 years to get back the funds. Mr. Chapman stated that he believes there is a $3 million dollar loan from the Water Fund which has not been repaid that may be forgiven. He expressed his opposition to this issue. He urged Council to look for a different funding source or to develop a procedure whereby the intrafund loan could be paid back sooner. JUANA MUELLER, read the late communication from Nancy Donaven, President of Bolsa Chica Land Trust into the record. This communication had been announced earlier in the meeting by City Clerk Brockway. Said communication supported the item on the agenda relative to the Solsa Chica Project as submitted by Councilmember Sullivan. VICKIE TALLEY, Mobile Home Educational Trust, stated that all nine members of the Huntington Beach Mobile Home Advisory Board recommended the survey which had been conducted by Lawrence Research Associates and which appears later on the agenda. Ms. Talley informed Council that the letters being sent to Council by the Mobile Home Advisory Board were over a year old and had been solicited by the Huntington Beach Mobile Home Advisory Board. She stated that these letters requested rent control or rent stabilization. Ms. Talley submitted her letter dated March 2,1998 to City Clerk Brockway in support of the mobile home owners survey. This communication had been announced earlier in the meeting by City Clerk Brockway. ROBERT LONDON MOORE JR., addressed Council regarding his support of the Consent Calendar agenda item recommending the appointment of Daryl Smith as Acting Public Works 613 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 9 Director. Mr. Moore reviewed the fine qualifications of Mr. Smith and urged Council to consider the possibility of appointing Mr. Smith to the position of Public Works Director permanently. He stated that Mr. Smith is a quick study and good at marshalling solutions to problems. Mr. Moore stated that he would make an outstanding Public Works Director for the city. STEVE GULLAGE, addressed Council in response to comments made by Vickie Talley, Mobile Home Education Trust representative. He informed Council that 400 letters had been received asking for some sort of rent control which he stated even the Lawrence Research Survey recognizes as a considerable number of letters. He spoke regarding certain aspects of the survey dealing with fair and somewhat fair categories of response. Mr. Gullage stated he would present a copy of his communication to which he referred. Mr. Gullage responded to questions of Mayor Pro Tern Green regarding why the letters were requested to be sent to the Mobile Home Advisory Board rather than the City Council. Councilmember Sullivan asked Mr. Gullage to reply to Ms. Talley's statements in her letter regarding his "cherry picking" certain letters. Further discussion was held between Council and Mr. Gullage. JAMES JONES, informed Council that he is the manager of Huntington By The Sea Mobile Homes. He spoke in support of the Lawrence Survey. He informed Council of the rental assistance available to residents of Huntington By The Sea. Mr. Jones stated that he believes implementation of any type of rent control in the city would be detrimental to the City Council, City, residents and property owners in the community. He informed Council of the attributes of Huntington By The Sea Mobile Home Park stating that the owners were planning to spend another couple of hundred thousand dollars just to fix up around the clubhouse to continue to improve the communities. ACTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR SILVER TO PREPARE RESPONSE REGARDING COMMUNICATION FROM THE KOLL COMPANY DATED FEBRUARY 26,1998 REGARDING WATER SERVICE TO THE BOLSA CHICA DEVELOPMENT Councilmember Sullivan spoke regarding Koll Company's response to the letter sent to them by Acting City Administrator Silver regarding water services to the Bolsa Chica. Councilmember Sullivan stated that only the first question in Acting City Administrator Silver's letter to the Koll Company was answered by the Koll Company. Councilmember Sullivan spoke regarding the letter from Koll Company addressed to City Engineer Eichblatt dated February 26,1998. This letter was in the Late Communications announcement made by the City Clerk earlier in the meeting. Councilmember Sullivan referred to Koll Company's statement within this letter advising City Engineer Eichblatt that Koll Company will pursue all legally available options to secure water for its development. Acting City Administrator Silver informed Council that staff will respond to the letter from Koll Company. 514 Page 10 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 PRESENTATION BY COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REGARDING POLICE SALARIES (120.90) Councilmember Sullivan distributed a document to the City Councilmembers and City Clerk Brockway titled Councilman Sullivan's Comments Regarding. Police Salaries. City Attorney Hutton requested clarification from Councilmember Sullivan relative to his report on this item as it was not agendized. Councilmember Sullivan stated that he was responding to a public comment. Councilmember Garofalo stated that he does not believe a citizen's salary and a police officer's salary can be compared and cited differences which he believed existed. TALBERT AVENUEIEDWARDS STREET SIGNALIZATION TO BE PRESENTED AT FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING Acting City Administrator Silver reported that the proposed signafization at Talbert Avenue/Edwards Street referred to by members of the public at this Council meeting would be a subject that will come before the Council at a future meeting. HOME DEPOT RELOCATION - REPORT Acting City Administrator Silver reported on the reasons for the relocation of the Home Depot to Warner Avenue and Goldenwest Street. He cited increased revenue to the city and reported on money that has been taken away from the city by the state. CITY EMPLOYEE RESPONSE TO EL NIWO EMERGENCIES Acting City Administrator Silver commended safety service employees on their actions which insured the safety of the city's residents during the recent El Nino storm. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR LES JONES COMMENDED Acting City Administrator Silver commended Public Works Director Les Jones for his leadership of the Public Works Department during the El Nino storms and for the development of the city's infrastructure model. He reported that many cities have contacted the City of Huntington Beach to gain information for their cities. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MAYOR DETTLOFF OF LAST MEETING OF LES JONES AS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Mayor Dettloff acknowledged that this is Les Jones' last Council Meeting as Public Works Director for the City of Huntington Beach before going to the City of Garden Grove. She stated that the city owes him a debt of gratitude. 515 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 11 (CITY COUNCIL) PUBLIC HEARING - CITY INITIATED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 97-2 - NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO.97-6 - APPROVED INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3387 - CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - EAST SIDE OF MAGNOLIA STREET - BETWEEN ADAMS AVENUE AND MEDITERRANEAN DRIVE - (20112 MAGNOLIA STREET) (450.20) Mayor Dettloff announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider the following: Applicant: City of Huntington Beach Location: 20112 Magnolia Street (east side of Magnolia Street between Adams Avenue and Mediterranean Drive.) Request: A zone change for the subject property from CG (General Commercial) and RA (Residential Agriculture) to PS (Public -Semi Public). Environmental Status: An initial environmental assessment (Negative Declaration No. 97-6) for the above item was processed and completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. It was determined that the above item would not have any significant environmental effects and that a Negative Declaration is warranted. Prior to acting on the project, the City Council must review and act on the Negative Declaration. Community Development Director Fallon presented a staff report. Legal notice as provided by the Community Development Department to the City Clerk's Office had been mailed, published and posted. City Clerk Brockway announced that the following communication had been provided to the City Council: Slide presentation from the Community Development Director regarding Zoning Map Amendment No.97-2 - Negative Declaration No.97-6 - Christ Presbyterian Church Mayor Dettloff declared the public hearing open. DARYL ROBINSON, representing Christ Presbyterian Church addressed Council in support of the application. There being no one to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by Mayor Dettloff. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green to approve the following actions: 1. Approve Negative Declaration No. 97-6 with findings as set forth in Attachment No. 6 to the Request for Council Action dated March 2, 1998. and 516 Page 12 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 2. Approve Zoning Map Amendment No. 97-2 with findings as set forth in Attachment No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated March 2, 1998 and following a reading by title approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3387 - "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by Amending District Map 7 (Sectional District Map 7-6-10) to Rezone the Real Property Generally Located on the East Side of Magnolia Avenue Approximately 500 Feet South of Adams Avenue From CG-FP2 and RA-FP2 (General Commercial -Flood Plain Overlay District 2 and Residential Agriculture -Flood Plain Overlay District 2) (Zoning Map Amendment No. 97-2)." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT NO.97-3 - NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 97-18 - APPROVED INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE NO.3388 - GENERAL DAY CARE - MARKO E. BOTICH - NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 97-18 (450.20) Mayor Dettloff announced that this was the meeting set for a public hearing to consider the following: Applicant: Marco E. Botich Request: To permit "General Day Care" uses within the RL (Low Density Residential) District. Location: City Vllide PUBLIC HEARING - CITY INITIATED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 97-3 - ZONE CHANGE INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE NO.3389 - NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO.97- 18 - NORTHWEST CORNER OF BUSHARD STREET AND INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE - 20471 BUSHARD STREET - APPROVED Applicant: City of Huntington Beach Request: A zone change for the property located at 20471 Bushard Street from CG (General Commercial) to RL (Low Density Residential). Location: 20471 Bushard Street (northwest comer of Bushard Street and Indianapolis Avenue). Environmental Status On Above Applications: An initial environmental assessment (Negative Declaration No. 97-18) for the above items was processed and completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. It was determined that the above items, with mitigation, would not have any significant environmental effects and that a mitigated negative declaration is warranted. Community Development Director Fallon presented a staff report. Scott Hess, Senior Planner, presented a staff report. 517 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 13 Legal notice as provided by the Community Development Department to the City Clerk's Office had been mailed, published and posted. City Clerk Brockway announced that the following communication had been provided to the City Council: Slide presentation from the Community Development Director regarding Zoning Text Amendment No.97-3lZoning Map Amendment No.97-31Negative Declaration 97-18 - General Day Care Mayor Dettloff declared the public hearing open. Councilmember Harman requested information relative to building height as he had an inquiry from a constituent. Senior Planner Hess reported that the project complies with the Zoning Code. MIKE ADAMS, representing the applicant, complimented staff on working this difficult project through the system. CORDOOLA DICK- MUELHKE, Ph D., presented a packet of information to Council and presented reasons in support of the application. There being no one to speak further on the matter and there being nor protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by Mayor Dettloff. Councilmember Harman stated that this area had been a matter of residents' concern during the master plan of this area and that he is glad this is the use proposed. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Harman that Council approve the following actions: Planning Commission And Staff Recommendation: 1. Approve Negative Declaration No. 97-18 with findings and mitigation measures as set forth in Attachment No. 9 to the Request for Council Action dated March 2, 1998. and 2. Approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 97-3 with findings as set forth in Attachment No. 1 to. the Request for Council Action dated March 2, 1998 and after the City Clerk reads by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3388 (Attachment No. 2) - "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Section 210.04 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Pertaining to General Day Care Uses." and 3. Approve Zoning Map Amendment No. 97-3 with findings as set forth in Attachment No. 4 to the Request for Council Action dated March 2, 1998 and after the City Clerk reads by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3389_(Attachment No. 5) - "An Ordinance of the 518 Page 14 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by Amending District Map 7(Sectional District Map 7-6-10) to Rezone the Real Property Generally Located on the Northwest Comer of Indianapolis Avenue and Bushard Street from CG-FP2 (General Commercial -Flood Plain Overlay District 2) to RL (Low Density Residential -Flood Plain Overlay District 2) (Zoning Map Amendment No. 97-3)." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: Norte (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ART CENTER FOUNDATION REGARDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ART CENTER (600.10) The City Council considered a communication from Community Services Director Hagan recommending that the city enter into an agreement with the Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation to return it to its original purpose as the capital campaign and endowment fund- raising arm of the Huntington Beach Art Center, and to allow the Huntington Beach Art Center to establish new support groups for fund-raising for ongoing programs and activities. Community Services Director Hagan and Gerald Chapman, Huntington Beach Art Center member presented a report on the proposed agreement. Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communication on this item had been provided to the City Council: Communication from the Acting City Administrator titled Art Center Fund A. motion was made by Green, second Sullivan to approve the following recommended actions: 1. Approve the Cooperative Agreement Between The City Of Huntington Beach And The Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation Regarding The Huntington Beach Art Center, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same; and 2. Direct the Community Services Department, Cultural and Event Services Division staff to work toward the following goals for the Huntington Beach Art Center for 1998: a. institute new support groups and guilds to be responsible for fund raising for ongoing programs and activities; b. Expand programs and center activities to the greatest extent possible within the resources available; c. Emphasize customer relations and community marketing of the Huntington Beach Art Center; 519 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 15 d. Provide oversight and coordination of the city's specific events process; e. Manage the Huntington Beach Art Center so that revenue matches expenditures while maintaining funding level to sustain current level of programming; and 3. Thank the Art Center Foundation board members for their continued support and commitment to future fund-raising efforts, and present them with certificates of appreciation from the Mayor; and 4. Accept the Art Center Foundation's 1997 donation of $100,000. Councilmember Sullivan asked if there was a reason income from film permits was down. Community Services Director Hagan responded that most permits were issued for non-profit users and that staff is trying to obtain more commercial film makers. Community Services Director Hagan stated that he would prepare an answer regarding the increase in staff cost as he could not determine the reasons at this time. Councilmember Garofalo requested that the budget be monitored on a quarterly basis. Acting City Administrator Silver stated that he expects to have the shortfall taken care of by the end of next year. The motion made by Green, second Sullivan carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS REMOVED The following items were requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration: Resolution No. 98-1 5 - wage increase for non -permanent employees Purchase of three parking enforcement vehicles with OCTA Statewide Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program (SAAV) funds Budget appropriation and interfund loan for contractual obligations related to Huntington Beach Union High School District (development of portion of Ocean View High Sch ool/W nters burg site). 520 Page 16 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Green, second Garofalo Council approved the following Consent Calendar items as recommended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) MINUTES - Approved and adopted the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency adjourned regular meeting of January 26, 1998 and the regular meeting of February 2, 1998 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. (CITY COUNCIL) APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL LEADWORKER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - BUDGET AMENDMENT (320,45) - Approved an amendment to the current year budget by appropriating $25,590 for appointment of an additional leadworker. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED APPOINTMENT AND COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENT FOR DARYL D. SMITH AS ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (720.10) - Authorized the Acting City Administrator to appoint Daryl D. Smith as Acting Director of Public Works until such time as a new permanent Director of Public Works is appointed and authorized the Acting City Administrator to adjust the monthly compensation to Salary Range 597, Step A; and increase the monthly auto allowance to $400 which is in keeping with the Department Head auto allowance. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENT FOR SUPERVISOR TREE AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AND SUPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS (720.10) - Authorized the Acting City Administrator to provide a 5% compensation increase to the Supervisor, Tree and Landscape Maintenance and the Supervisor, Park Maintenance beginning March 9, 1998 and continuing until the Acting Director of Public Works is returned to his normal duties as Superintendent, Park Tree and Landscape. (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-17 - SETS PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 20, 1998 TO HEAR PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO WEEDS, RUBBISH, AND REFUSE ABATEMENT (520.80) - Adopted Resolution No. 98-17 - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Finding and Declaring That Certain Weeds Growing in the City, and Rubbish and Refuse Deposited on Public Ways and Private Property are a Public Nuisance; and Fixing the Time for Nearing Protests and Objections to the Abatement Thereof." (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION PROPOSED BUDGET (960.30) - Approved the 1998 Fourth of July parade budget as presented by the Fourth of July Board, not expected to exceed $189,150. 521 03102/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 17 (CITY COUNCIL) CONSIDERED RECOMMENDED INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE POSITIONS ON STATE AND FEDERAL LEGISLATION (120.70) - Approved the following Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC) positions: 1. Support AB-726 - (Baugh) - Local Regulation - Sexually Oriented Businesses. 2. Oppose Government Cost Savings & Taxpayer Protection Amendment to the State Constitution - Sponsored by the Professional Engineers in California Government (PECG) re: design and engineering project development work. 3. Oppose HR 1534 (Gallegly) & S 1256 (Hatch) Federal Taxing Legislation - Mandates new Federal standards on local government regulation of land use, and Directed staff to draft Letters of Support or Opposition, as moved for each bill, for the Mayor's signature and send the letters to the State Legislature and Governor, U.S. Congress, and National League of Cities, where applicable, and Approved support for the Water Management Bond Act - Approved the Emergency Action taken in sending Letters of Support for the Water Management Bond Act (which absorbed the former AB 1180) to Assembly Member Baugh, Senator Johnson and Governor Wilson. (CITY COUNCIL) APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON THE INTEGRATED INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIMP) CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (110.20) - Approved the composition of the IIMP Citizen Advisory Committee as shown in Attachment No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated March 2, 1998. (The City Council on October 6, 1997 approved a list of organizations that were invited to submit an individual to serve as a sitting member of the IIMP Citizen Advisory Committee and an alternate). (CITY COUNCIL) DEFERRED FROM FEBRUARY 19, 1998 - ADOPTED AS AMENDED RESOLUTION NO.98-15 - WAGE INCREASE FOR NON -PERMANENT EMPLOYEES (720.20) - The City Council considered proposed Resolution No. 98-15 - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing a Salary Schedule for Non -Permanent and Unrepresented Employees." (Amends the City Salary Schedule by increasing the wages of non -permanent and unrepresented employees by two percent (2%) effective March 7, 1998, and by two percent (2%) effective December 28, 1998.) Councilmember Harman informed Council of the problem he envisions with the portion of the resolution that allows the City Administrator not to pay an employee in the same class as that of a employee in a similar position that is represented by an association until the represented employee gets a raise. A motion was made by Harman, to adopt Resolution No. 98-15 as amended by deleting the remaining text within Section No.1 beginning with the word provided. Mayor Pro Tem Green made a second to Counciimember Harman's motion. Discussion was held. 522 Page 18 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02/98 Police Chief Lowenberg in response to Councilmember Garofalo stated that he supported the proposed amendment by Councilmember Harman, wherein the temporary employees would receive a raise rather than being delayed until represented employees receive an increase. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED PURCHASE THREE PARKING ENFORCEMENT VEHICLES WITH OCTA - ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY STATEWIDE ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT PROGRAM (SAAV) FUNDS (320.45) - The City Council considered a communication from Police Chief Lowenberg requesting approval for the purchase of three parking enforcement vehicles utilizing state wide abandoned vehicle abatement program funds. Discussion was held between the Council and Police Chief Lowenberg regarding the proposed purchase of vehicles and the(SAAV) Statewide Abandoned Abatement Program. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Green to appropriate $60,000 from the unappropriated General Fund reserve and authorize expenditures to purchase three parking enforcement vehicles that will enhance and support our abandoned vehicle enforcement efforts. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCIL) CONTINUED FOR 30 DAYS FOR REPORT - BUDGET APPROPRIATION AND INTERFUND LOAN FOR CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS RELATED TO HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT {DEVELOPMENT OF PORTION OF OCEAN VIEW HIGH SCHOOLIWINTERSBURG SITE) - (600.10) The City Council considered a communication from Economic Development Director Biggs and Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services Director Franz regarding a proposed budget appropriation and interfund loan for contractual obligations related to Huntington Beach Union High School District. The communication recommended an appropriation of $385,000 for the tennis court reimbursement in the form of $130,000 from the General Fund Balance and interfund loan of $255,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee Fund balance as a loan to the General Fund. Councilmember Harman spoke. regarding his concern with the issue of intertransfer funds. He requested an internal audit report. 523 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 19 A motion was made by Harman, second Green to appropriate $385,000 for the tennis court reimbursement in the form of $130,000 from the General Fund Balance and interfund loan of $255,000 from the Traffic Impact Fee Fund balance as a loan to the General Fund. Councilmember Sullivan cited instances of interfund loans that the city had processed and requested information as to whether these loans have been repaid. Deputy City Administrator Franz stated the pier loan has not been repaid and that he would check the other items Councilmember Sullivan mentioned as he did not believe those instances were related to interfund loans. A motion was made by Sullivan, second Harman that the entire $385,000 be taken out of the General fund. The motion made by Sullivan, second Harman was withdrawn. A motion was made by Garofalo, second Harman to continue the proposed budget appropriation and interfund loan for contractual obligations related to the Huntington Beach Union High School District to a future meeting and directed that a report to be presented by the Acting City Administrator. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) REPORT TO BE PRESENTED REGARDING INTERFUND LOANS A motion was made by Harman, second Sullivan to direct staff to provide Council with a report in 30 days regarding the various different loans between funds that the city currently has. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) PRESENTATION OF TELEPHONE SURVEY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MOBILE HOME PARK RESIDENTS - LAWRENCE RESEARCH - DIRECTION GIVEN TO STAFF - REQUEST FOR REPORT FROM STAFF (430.80) The City Council considered a communication from Economic Development Director Biggs transmitting A Telephone Survey Of Huntington Beach Mobile Home Park Residents, and A Summary Of Public Opinions From A Telephone Survey Of Mobile Home. Park Residents In The City Of Huntington Beach dated October, 1997 prepared by Lawrence Research -Public Affairs/Marketing- The City Council authorized this survey to be conducted at its January 16, 1996 Council Meeting with direction, if any, to be given to the Mobile Home Advisory Board. Mr. Lawrence, representing Lawrence Research Public Affairs Marketing, presented a lengthy slide report to the City Council. He spoke regarding the reasons why two mobile home parks were missing from his survey. Discussion was held between Councilmember Sullivan and Dr. Lawrence regarding portions of the report including the fact that 41 % of the responses were derived from three parks and that 25% of the people of the mobile home park residents are dissatisfied. Dr. Lawrence reported on some of Councilmember Sullivan's concerns. 524 Page 20 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02198 Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communications on this item had been provided to the City Council: Communication from Thomas K. Sobek, member of the Huntington Beach Mobile Home Advisory Board dated February 28,1998 regarding the results of the Lawrence Research Telephone Survey of Mobile Home Park Residents Communication from Vickie Talley, Executive Director Manufactured Housing Educational Trust dated March 2,1998 titled Regarding: Mobile Home Owners Letters To City Council and in support of the mobile home owner survey conducted for the city by Lawrence Research A motion was made by Garofalo, second Julien to direct the Mobile Home Advisory Board to review the information received from the survey and develop a work program for future review by the City Council and further to direct staff to return no later than 30 days with the cost for a survey of the two mobile home parks which had been omitted from the Lawrence survey. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) STAFF TO DEVELOP STRATEGIC PLAN REGARDING PREPARATION TO MEET FUTURE DEMANDS FOR SENIOR CITIZEN SERVICES (590.10) The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Pro Tern Green regarding the need to plan for how the City will handle the demand for senior citizen services when the post World War II so called "Baby Boomer" generation reaches their 60's in the years 2000 to 2020. Mayor Pro Tern Green presented his reasons for placing this item on the City Council Agenda. A motion was made by Green, second Garofalo to direct staff to develop a strategic plan with site and funding options for a new senior multi -service center to meet the Senior Center demands in the year 2000 and beyond. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) PROPOSED SERVICE AGREEMENTSIPERMIT REQUESTSIFRANCHISE REQUESTS - KOLL REAL ESTATE GROUP - BOLSA CHICA PROJECT - RECOMMENDED ACTION APPROVED AS AMENDED (440.60) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Sullivan addressing the delay in the Koll Real Estate Group Bolsa Chica project due to Judge Judith McConnell's favorable ruling on February 20, 1998, on the Bolsa Chica Land Trust/Huntington Beach Tomorrow Lawsuit alleging that the Coastal Commission did not allow adequate public input on the Koll Bolsa Chica project. Councilmember Sullivan presented reasons for placing this item on the City Council Agenda. Councilmember Sullivan stated the one exception to the recommendation that Council direct city staff to stop all staff efforts to evaluate or process these items is the exception that discussion can be held between the city staff and Council regarding annexation issues. Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communications on this item had been provided to the City Council: 525 03102/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 21 Communication from Ed Mountford, Vice President Koll Communities dated February 26,1998 regarding water service to the Bolsa Chica development Communication dated March 2,1998 from Nancy Donaven, President of Bolsa Chica Land Trust in support of the item placed on the agenda by Councilmember Sullivan regarding the Bolsa Chica Project A motion was made by Sullivan, second Harman that the following actions be taken by the City Council: 1. Direct the Acting City Administrator to direct city staff to stop all city staff efforts to evaluate or process any proposed service agreements or requests for permits or franchises for the (KREG) Koll Real Estate Group's Bolsa Chica project until KREG has gone back to the California Coastal Commission and received approval or until Judge McConnell's decision is reversed, with exception that discussion between staff and Council can be held regarding annexation issues with information referred to Bolsa Chica Subcommittee (Dettloff, Green, Sullivan and Planning Commissioner Ed Kerins) for evaluation and report to the full Council. City Attorney Hutton advised Council that if a permit is allowed by the city or state law the city would need to proceed in that regard. Further discussion was held. Acting City Administrator Silver informed Council that only a preliminary report regarding annexation would be prepared, not a detailed report. Councilmember Bauer stated that someone who is knowledgeable relative to the annexation process must advise Council on annexation law, as he has heard that a petition can cause annexation without consent of the city. Acting City Administrator Silver responded that the Local Agency Foundation Commission (LAFCO) would be asked for a written report on this issue and also that any environmental group that is able, would be given an opportunity to purchase the property. Councilmember Garofalo stated that he would like a report on what are the rights and privileges of the land owners in annexation procedures. Councilmember Harman asked how the city would deal with the issue raised by Dr. Vandersloot relative to the Corps of Engineers. Mayor Dettloff suggested that Community Development Director Fallon contact Mr. Fisher, Executive Director of the Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks. The motion made by Sullivan, second Harman carried unanimously. 526 Page 22 - Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 03/02198 (CITY COUNCIL) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO OBTAIN INFORMATION REGARDING KOLL COMPANY APPLICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR NATIONAL PERMIT A motion was made by Sullivan, second Green that the Community Development Director phone the Corps of Engineers to obtain information regarding Dr. Vandersloot's concerns regarding Koll's application to Corps for a National Permit that would remove local input, and if time sensitive, it be agendized for March 9,1998. The motion carried unanimously. REPORT TO BE PREPARED REGARDING FEASIBILITY OF REIMBURSEMENT IN THE ANNEXATION PROCESS Councilmember Harman requested information regarding whether the City can be reimbursed in the annexation process for all previous costs of city staff and funds expended relative to this issue. (CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) STRATEGY TO BE DEVELOPED REGARDING LONG RANGE OPPORTUNITIES ON BEACH BOULEVARD (120.90) The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Dettloff requesting staff return with a strategy to effectively develop long range opportunities on Beach Boulevard. Also, both Community Development and Economic Development should provide their work programs to see how this strategy can be incorporated into the current commitments. Mayor Dettloff presented reasons for placing this item on the City Council Agenda. A motion was made by Dettloff, second Garofalo to direct staff within 30 days to return with a strategy to effectively develop long range opportunities on Beach Boulevard and further that the Community Development and the Economic Development Departments should provide their work programs to see how their strategy can be incorporated into the current commitments. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) PROCEDURE TO CONDUCT COMMUNITY OUTREACH CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS -APPROVED (120.10) The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Dettloff requesting that staff assist the City Council in setting up neighborhood meetings to address concerns of community members in specific area or neighborhoods, and submitting a proposed procedure. Councilmember Julien suggested the possibility of video taping the meeting and Mayor Dettloff requested that the Public Information Office report on the feasibility of video taping. A motion was made by Dettloff, second Green to approve the following procedure to conduct community outreach City Council Meetings: 'I. Meetings would be scheduled on Monday evenings which do not conflict with regular Council meetings. 2. The meetings will use the Council format and staff reports, followed byCouncil and citizen input. 3. T.V. equipment will 627 03/02/98 - City Council/Redevelopment Agency Minutes - Page 23 not be used, but video taping will be utilized. 4. The Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and City Administrator will prepare the agenda with full Council approval. S. A convenient location and one that can handle large numbers of residents will be used. 6. That the southeast section of Huntington Beach be the first area for which a Community Outreach City Council Meeting is scheduled. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A motion was made by Harman, second Green that the City Council Meeting adjourn to March 9,1998 and that the City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney's be excused from this adjourned March 9,1998 Council Meeting. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: Julien, Green, Sullivan ATTEST: City Clerk/Cldk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerl of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington. Beach, California Allayor/Chairman E*T-'