HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-27MINUTES CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Adjourned Regular Meeting - 7:00 PM Eader Elementary School Auditorium 9291 Banning Avenue Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 27,1998 An audio tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Dettloff called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Eader Elementary School Auditorium. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The flag ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance were given. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Dettloff, Bauer, Garofalo (Councilmember Sullivan arrived at 7:15 p.m.) Absent: Green WELCOME BY MAYOR SHIRLEY DETTLOFF Mayof Dettloff extended a welcome to the members of the community present at the meeting. City Administrator Silver introduced the following Department Heads present at the meeting: Acting Public Works Director Daryl Smith, City Attorney Gail Hutton, Economic Development Director David Biggs, City Treasurer Shari Freidenrich, Deputy Fire Marshal/Petro Chem Tim Greaves, City Engineer Bob Elchblatt, Deputy City Administrator/Public Information Officer Rich Barnard, Senior Planner Herb Fauland, Senior Planner Scott Hess and City Clerk Connie Brockway, (CITY COUNCIL) SANTA ANA RIVER BRIDGE CROSSINGS A slide report presentation titled Santa Ana River Crossings - EIR Process, City of Huntington Beach, Histoty Ptior Actions, OCTA Process was given by Acting Public Works Director Smith and City Engineer Eichblatt. 626 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04127198 JOHN SCOTT, Chairperson of the Southeast Huntington Beach Home Owners Association and designated citizen representative to the Technical Advisory Committee for the Santa Ana River Crossing Cooperative Study Project and Capistrano Lane resident, addressed Council regarding the meeting between the OCTA and City staff. He stated at this meeting five consultants were interviewed relative to preparation of the Environmental Impact Report which hopefully will lead to the removal of the bridge. He reported that he believed one firm in particular is very knowledgeable, not only in the technical aspects but regarding the impact on Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. KATHLEEN MOONEY, stated that during this presentation, there was a comment made that the City of Costa Mesa had proposed the bddqes be deleted from the plan and there was a subsequent slide that then said the impact of deleting a ncn-existent bridge was significant. She questioned how can the impact of deleting something that is non-existent be significant. City Engineer Eichblatt reported relative to the theory of having a County -wide Plan of Arterial Highways, and other issues affecting traffic planning. ED FIREBRAND, Banning Avenue resident, questioned why they used population statistics obtained from developments on the west and north side of town (Holly-Seacliff, etc;) to arrive at a decision that the traffic will come through Banning Avenue when the people are five miles from Banning Avenue. He stated that the persons doing the study tend to use total population rather than individual areas. City Engineer Eichblatt reported on the questions, including that just creating a bridge over the Santa Ana river to Brookhurst Street and stopping there, allows some more freedom in the traffic. LARRY SNITZER informed Council that he lives right off of Hamilton Avenue which he stated is just short of an expressway. He informed Council that about five years ago his neighbor was run over in a crosswalk half block from her house at dusk. He stated that Hamilton Avenue is not a safe street to drive on as no one drives under 50-55 miles per hour. Mr. Snitzer stated that he would hate to think of what would happen to the darling children at Eader School who would have to attempt to cross the street going to and from to Eader Elementary School if the speedway comes over here from Newport Beach; that it would have to stop at Magnolia Street thus he does not know what the point is, He stated that nothing will keep cars from speeding up this road if it is built up as was designed several years ago. Mayor Dettloff stated that the City Council is on record that it does not want the bridges and that record stands today. NORMA VANDER MOLEN questioned when the time frame is for the public input into the Environmental Impact Report. City Engineer Eichblaft reported that the Environmental Impact Report should be completed around March, 1999. 627 Page 3 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04127198 City Administrator Silver advised Ms. Vander Molen to submit her comments on the EIR in writing when the time to do so arises. He advised Ms. Vander Molen to stay in touch with John Scott, the City Council or Acting Public Works Director Smith and City Engineer Eichblatt and himself and they will make sure she is notified of when the comment period is. In response to Ms. Vander Molen, City Administrator Silver stated persons can leave their names on a list with Acting Public Works Director Smith to be notified of the time of the comment period. - TIM GEDDES, resident near Hamilton Avenue and Bushard Street, stated that he thinks most of the need for a bridge at Banning Avenue in the first place was for development from communities surrounding Huntington Beach; that it was not from Huntington Beach development and growth causing the need for these bridges. He questioned that if this is true, then he believes the growth and development of the surrounding communities must be looked at and not have those decisions for future growth impact established communities as is now occurring, City Administrator Silver and Mayor Dettloff reported that it was a combination of Huntington Beach and surrounding areas. Mayor Dettloff spoke regarding the Council's commitment to the decision of the previous Council in opposition to any bridges over the Santa Ana River. She spoke regarding the EIR process which is necessary to remove the bridges from the County Master Plan. (CITY COUNCIL) NESI ROTARY MUD DUMP SITE - SOUTH WEST CORNER MAGNOLIA STREET AND HAMILTON AVENUE (FORMERLY ASCON) A communication from Community Development Director Fallon dated April 27,1998 titled NESI (ASCON) LandrilIlHazardous Waste Site 21641 Magnolia Street, Huntington Beach had been distributed to the City Council in the City Council packet. A staff presentation was made by Herb Fauland, Senior Planner, Community Development Department regarding the communication from his department titled NESI (Ascon) Landfill. Councilmember Bauer reported on his meeting with a representative of a company called Waste Management Corporation - a large company which deals with this sort of problem. He stated that this company had an interest in the potential of this site as they have a repository for the fill. DENNIS CHAPMAN spoke regarding his property being discounted 10% by an appraiser because he lives two miles from the NESI site in an area off Atlanta Avenue. He stated that Cal -Fed had told him that they will not lend any money on residences right across from the site. Mr. Chapman requested that Council take immediate action to site assess this property and begin cleaning the site. He stated that the current entitlement should be studied and that staff should see what the current land use should be. BILL COOPER, resident south of Magnolia Street near Bushard Street, questioned what is the City going to do with this land. He informed Council of his two concerns regarding the land as follows: the chemical aspects and hazard, and the intersection as the property is built up so high that it is a blind comer and narrow, and is hard to get around even with a green light, 628 Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04127/98 HOWARD SUBNICK suggested that the State meet with the property owner and take the contaminated material where it came from. He stated that the contents should be treated and put back into the ground. MIKE 13URKE stated he has not heard of any alternate plan. He questioned why if Huntington Beach has complete control of its area, why does not the city extend Hamilton Avenue to the end and remove that hazard to give it enough width to make the road the same way. He stated the benefits of extending all the way to Pacific Coast Highway near the Waterfront Hotel, and the people then would not have to go all the way down to Pacific Coast Highway to go to Fashion Island or elsewhere. MADELINE ANDOR questioned where is the $100,000 bond that the ASCON developers took out in order to develop the property. She stated that disturbing the property may be more dangerous than cleaning it up. She informed Council that she thinks some scientists have stated that the soil should not be disturbed and maybe this should be investigated to see if this is the case. Ms. Andor stated that there are now a lot of new children in this area. City Administrator Silver informed Council that a written report would be made to Ms. Andor regarding the bond with copies to Council. RICH LOY, member of the Southeast Huntington Beach Neighborhood Association, stated last October he had attended a meeting of the Ascon Ad Hoc Committee and there was to be a remediation report, estimated to be done in January which apparently has not been done. He stated at that time it was stated that all the fencing was to be inspected and corrected by the landowner if there was a problem. He stated that there have been reports of persons living on the property. Mr. Loy spoke regarding his tour of the property. Mr. Loy stated that engineering reports are supposed to be available at the Banning Library Annex and they were not. He requested this be done. Mr. Loy requested that until there is a solution that the property be maintained by picking up trash and making sure the entrance on Magnolia Street is kept locked; that he believes the trees should stay as they help prevent pollution by keeping the dust down. Senior Planner Fauland stated that the engineering reports are in the process of being approved by the State; that there is one outstanding report that has not been totally approved by the State, He stated that the property owner realizes that the fence is in disrepair again and has a work order to fix it. City Administrator Silver stated the Library Director will obtain the information from Community Development Director Fallon and place it in the Banning Branch Library. In response to Councilmember Garofalo, City Administrator Silver stated that Acting Public Works Director Smith would check to see if this area was posted for weed abatement and if not determine if it needs to be posted. CITY CLERK ANNOUNCES LATE COMMUNICATIONS WHICH PERTAIN TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Brockway announced the following late communications regarding Agenda Items which had been received following distribution of the agenda: 629 Page 5 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04/27198 Slide presentation from Community Development dated April 27,1998, titled Nesi (ASCON) Landfill site at the South East corner of Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street. Slide Report - Public Works titled Residential Street And Sidewalk Maintenance Activities - South East Huntington Beach, South of Adams and East of Beach 1996 - Present Slide presentation from Community Development dated April 27,1998, titled Huntington Beach Power Plant - Pacific Coast Highway between Newland and Magnolia Streets Slide presentation from the Community Development Department dated April 27,1998, titled Wetlands Along Pacific Coast Highway regarding the History, Local Coastal Program Zoning and Status of the wetlands along Pacific Coast Highway. Communication from Jon D. Ely, resident of Huntington Beach dated April 24,1998, regarding his opposition to any expansion of the Orange County Sanitation District. The communication is titled Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Plant No. 2 at PCHIBrookhurst Street Economic Development slide report titled Economic Development Update dated April 27,1998 City Clerk Brockway informed the audience that these items were available at her office or by mail. She stated some copies were available at he desk; that copies were also placed at the table at the entrance,. however there had not been enough copies. CITY COUNCIL) STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OF SOUTHEAST HUNTINGTON BEACH The City Council considered a communication dated April 9,1998 from Acting Public Works Director Smith titled Street Maintenance. Earlier in the meeting, City Clerk Brockway had announced that the following communication on this item had been provided to the City Council: Slide Report - Public Works titled Residential Street And Sidewalk Maintenance Activities - Southeast Huntington Beach - South of Adams and East of Beach Boulevard - 1996 - Present Acting Public Works Director Daryl Smith reported on the communication provided to the City Counc, - 11 in the agenda packet dated April 9,1998 - Subject: Street Maintenance. This report was prepared as a result of questions from Council at their April 6,1998 meeting regarding the City's street maintenance program. Don Noble, Maintenance Operations Manager, presented a slide report titled Public Works Residential Street And Sidewalk Maintenance Activities - Southeast Huntington Beach - South of Adams and East of Beach Boulevard - 1996 - Present. The slide report covered subjects including slurry sealing, concrete sidewalk problems caused by expansive soil, parkway trees, residential street and sidewalk inventory of Southeast Huntington Beach, residential street maintenance activities - Southeast Huntington Beach 1996 to Present. 630 Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04/27198 CINDY MORGAN, resident of Rockport Drive, spoke regarding the cost of Southeast Huntington Beach homes from the perspective of a realtor. She questioned when the underground infrastructure and street repairs begin will the work begin in southeast Huntington Beach and work northward or will southeast Huntington Beach be last again. Later in the meeting Ms. Morgan presented a communication to City Clerk Brockway together with an article titled North and South A County Divided from the Orange County Business Lifestyle Magazine dated April 23,1997. Acting Public Works Director Smith reported on the separate types of programs and the mechanism of each. City Administrator Silver reported on the meetings of the Infrastructure Committee which is composed of 35 members and their alternates. He stated the meetings are open to the public and requested interested persons to contact him. Acting Public Works Director Smith responded to Councilmember Bauer regarding the question from Ms. Morgan regarding where in the city will the infrastructure work begin. Councilmember Garofalo asked staff to provide information to the audience regarding how to utilize the petition program. MEG WATSON questioned if the slurry situation is making the standing water worse as she has had it in front of her home for many years. City Administrator Silver reported on the curb and gutter problem being a major issue in the community which the Infrastructure Committee will address. JAN SANDER, addressed Council regarding Rambler Drive and requested that the street be slurried so he does not have to keep fixing the front end of his car. Don Noble, Maintenance Operations Manager, reported. He explained the problem of the curbs, gutters and sidewalks are generally caused by trees. He reported on issues involved. GLENN WOODS, resident of Surfrider Lane, stated that he would like the City to acknowledge that the citizens paid $125 per tree. MRS. C. MCCOURT, Capistrano Lane resident, stated that the sidewalk on Banning Avenue remains slippery and wet and needs the slime cleaned off. Mayor Dettloff stated that Mrs. McCourt would be contacted this week. MORRIS O'SULLIVAN stated that he was a resident of Rambler Drive and questioned why it seems a couple of trees are removed and then the work stops. He questioned when Rambler Drive will be slurry sealed. Mayor Dettloff informed Mr. 0' Sullivan that he will be contacted by staff this week. GARY ARMSTRONG, resident of Port Clyde Drive, questioned when his street will be slurry sealed. Mr. Armstrong was referred to Acting Public Works Director Smith for this information. 631 Page 7 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04/27198 DON MOSS, resident of Port Clyde Drive, informed Council that about four years ago Cape May Lane and Wood Island Lane had been slurry sealed, but that his street had not been slurry sealed. He stated that there is problem with the manhole cover in the street and questioned if somebody could repair it. Councilmember Harman commented on the street slurry seal program and explained the Grid Program process. GISELA RA CHEL, resident of Kaneohe Lane, spoke regarding the need for more frequent street sweeping. City Administrator Silver reported that a twice per month street sweeping is being planned. He reported that the City has lost 25% of its revenue to the State, representing $7,000,000. In response to Councilmember Sullivan, Acting Public Works Director Smith informed Council that the City used to receive $2 to $3 million dollars per year from Orange County Arterial Highway Financing Program Funds, however, due to the County's bankruptcy the County has not been distributing these funds. (CITY COUNCIL) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON'S ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT (SOLD TO AES CORPORATION) - PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY BETWEEN NEWLAND AND MAGNOLIA STREETS The City Council considered a communication from Community Development Director Fallon regarding the sale to AES Corporation of Southern California Edison's Huntington Beach Power Plant on Pacific Coast Highway between Newland and Magnolia Streets. The title of the communication is dated April 21,1998 titled Background Material ForApril 27,1998 Southeast Community Meeting - Southern California Edison Power Plant. This document had been distributed in the City Council packet. A slide presentation was made by the Community Development Director regarding the Huntington Beach Power Plant - Pacific Coast Highway between Newland and Magnolia Streets, titled Huntington Beach Power Plant, dated April 27,1998. A repor ' t was made by Community Development Director Fallon regarding the sale of Southern California Edison's Huntington Beach Power Plant on Pacific Coast Highway between Newland and Magnolia Streets to AES Corporation. The report presented included the slide report. There were no comments from the public or questions on this item. (CITY COUNCIL) WETLANDS TOPIC - PROPERTY LOCATED AT PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY BETWEEN BEACH BOULEVARD AND SANTA ANA RIVER AND POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY BY CALIFORNIA COASTAL CONSERVANCY The City Council considered a communication from Community Development Director Fallon regarding the Wetlands Topic on the agenda relative to Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-94 (Zone Change No. 88-18/Code Amendment No. 93-8) White Hole Area, 232 acres 632 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04/27/98 located on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway between Beach Boulevard and the Santa Ana River and 35 acres along Pacific Coast Highway between Magnolia and Brookhurst Streets. Scott Hess, Senior Planner presented a staff report on a communication from Community Development Director Fallon dated April 20,1998 titled Southeast Huntington Beach Meeting - Wetlands Topic. Also regarding the California Coastal Conservancy's consideration of purchasing 35 acres of property designated Coastal Conservation located along Pacific Coast Highway between Magnolia and Brookhurst Street. Earlier in the meeting, City Clerk Brockway had announced that the following communication on this item had been provided to the City Council: Slide presentation titled Wetlands Along Pacific Coast Highway from Community Development, regarding the History, Local Coastal Program Zoning and status of the wetlands along Pacific Coast Highway. Senior Planner Scott Hess presented a staff report using the slide report. He reviewed the ownership of property in the area. JOHN SCOTT, Capistrano Lane resident, stated that he had learned that the State Coastal Conservancy Clearing House had made the wetlands from Brookhurst Street to the Edison Power Plant No. 1 on their list, Mayor Dettloff stated that the City is assisting the State Coastal Conservancy in all ways possible and that the City Council has taken a position in support of the Coastal Commission acquiring that land for restoration. (CITY COUNCIL) ORANGE SANITATION DISTRICT SEWAGE PLANT UPDATE JIM HERBERT, Orange County Sanitation District Engineer and Project Manager on the Strategic Plan, presented a slide report. The Slide Report covered subjects including: District Service Area Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley, Plant No. 2 at Pacific Coast Highway and Brookhurst Street, Projects that will impact Huntington Beach, A Strategic Plan that will develop a road map for the future and importance of aesthetics at Plant No. 2 to the Consolidated Sanitation Districts of Orange County. Mr. Herbert invited all to participate in the Environmental Impact Process. John Scott stated the residents' concern to be a part of the process from the beginning. CONNIE BOARDMAN asked what the goal is in reducing outfall to the ocean and for plans to reduce it to one hundred million gallons a day with a large reclamation project, 13ILL RILEY asked if Mr. Herbert could be more specific regarding the landscape design. Mr. Herbert reported on the plan which would comply with State Department of Fish and Game and protect the area for the Least Tern. Acting Public Works Director Smith presented information regarding the types of trees planned for the power plant. 633 Page 9 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04127198 Responding to Councilmember Sullivan's inquiry, Mr. Herbert reported on the lease terms between the Sanitation District and the nursery located at the end of Banning Avenue. Councilmernber Sullivan spoke regarding the letter received from Jon Ely dated April 24,1998 relative to the possibility of using the nursery area for soccer fields etc. WILLIAM ARNOLD, resident of Susan Lane, addressed Council regarding the intermittent sewer smell in the area of his residence. He stated that he has replaced sewer facilities at his residence however the smell persists. Mr. Arnold stated that the city and county have been called and they have made efforts, however they advise that an engineer is needed. Mr. Arnold stated there are other residences on the street which are affected; that a study was made showing it was Coming out through the roof vents. Jim Herbert, Orange County Sanitation District Engineer and Project Manager on the Strategic Plan, gave his business card to Mr. Arnold. (CITY COUNCIL) METHANE GAS VENTING IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS - SITE OVERVIEW Duane Olson, Division Chief/Fire Marshal, presented a staff report from Fire Chief Dolder regarding Methane Gas Venting and a Site Overview. The document had been distributed in the City Council packet titled Methane Gas Venting - Site Overview dated April 23,1998. Fire Marshal Olson's report covered the history of the southeast Huntington Beach area as it pertains to methane gas venting. He spoke regarding the problem in the Susan Lane/Banning Street area. He stated that he believed as the grant money is gone, the City and an outside party must work on the mitigation matters. Fire Marshal Olson stated that he does not believe it can be totally removed but can be controlled. Mayor Dettloff stated she hoped within the next few days the Sanitation District can make contact with Mr. Arnold to reach a solution to this problem. LINDA SCOTT, resident of Capistrano Lane, spoke regarding the matter of E-Coli bacteria being found four feet underground in her backyard and questioned whether she needs to worry regarding her backyard. Fire Marshal Olson reported on the issue. He spoke regarding the possibility that there may be a problem with the laterals that were put in by the developer. Mayor Dettloff confirmed with Mrs. Scott that the Infrastructure Study would review this matter. KEITH TUCKER, resident of Christine Drive, spoke regarding his concern as to whether his children will be affected as one can light a match in the street and from the methane it will cause a flicker. He stated that he believes it is time for a concerted effort by another consultant; that he is not pleased with the consultant that the city hired, as he believes if they had done a proper job that probably this discussion would not have to be held. Fire Marshal Olson reported on different aspects of the matter including the history of the system, the change in the water table, the possibility of going to another firm and the need to go through a process of elimination looking at the laterals. 634 Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04/27198 (CITY COUNCIL) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE - HUNTINGTON BEACH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATUS REPORT COVERING VARIOUS CITY LOCATIONS INCLUDING WATERFRONT PROJECT AND NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING CENTERS Economic Development Director Biggs reported on a communication from his department dated April 21,1998 titled Economic Development Status Report. This report covers various locations in the city including the Waterfront project and neighborhood shopping centers that serve the area. Earlier in the meeting, City Clerk Brockway had announced that the following communication on this item had been provided to the City Council: Slide Report is titled Economic Development Update dated April 27,1998. Economic Director Biggs presented a staff report using slides. GEORGE MASON, resident of Bahama Lane, questioned why the auto sale event was held across the street from the Waterfront Hotel at Pacific Coast Highway as he believed such events in this location are detrimental to the City. KENT LYLE questioned what are the plans for the old Huntington Beach Inn. Economic Development Director Biggs reported that it is part of the development plans for the expansion of the Waterfront Development. ED FIREBRAND, questioned the ownership of the property on which the Waterfront Hotel is located. Economic Development Director Biggs reported on the parts of the property that the City owns. He reported on the lease payment to the city and the transient occupancy tax derived by the city. PUBLIC COMMENTS - GENERAL LOU STEINMETZ, resident of Windsong Circle, presented a document setting forth his concerns regarding commercial businesses operating out of private homes, particularly a busine�s where there are commercial trucks. He stated that in his neighborhood there are at least three such businesses. He stated that the commercial trucks are parked all over the neighborhood, on the comer where there is inadequate vision for pedestrians, children on bicycles and so forth. He stated that he believes there is no clout and no way to get people to respond to the code without putting some money penalties and fines in the code. He presented a copy of his communication dated April 27,1998 titled Commercial Businesses operating out of private residences, with commercial trucks parked at the residences to City Clerk Brockway. 635 Page 11 - Council/Agency Minutes - 04/27/98 GLENN WOODS, resident of Surfrider Lane, addressed Council regarding his understanding that there is a study being conducted to place parking meters on Brookhurst, Magnolia, Bushard and Banning, He stated he felt that the Council would be saving their neighborhood by not having the bridge built but would destroy it by installing parking meters. Mr.,Vvoods stated he would give this item to the Homeowners' Association so they can watch it, as once meters are installed there is free beach parking causing many problems including trash in the streets and no place for residents' company to park- He requested that the Homeowners Association be made aware if there is a study going on. CHRIS GRISHAM questioned why there is not a life preserver at the end of the pier and City Administrator Silver stated that there is now one there. Mr. Grisham suggested that an emergency button be put on the pier and be connected to the lifeguard tower. City Administrator Silver referred Mr. Grisharn to Community Services Director Hagan who will take the information. City Administrator Silver requested that Mr. Woods contact Community Services Director Hagan regarding his inquiring relative to parking meters. WEB SITE ANNOUNCED At the request of Mayor Dettloff, City Clerk Brockway informed the audience that the city's web site address was printed on the agenda - APPRECIATION EXTENDED TO COMMUNITY MEMBERS Mayor Dettloff expressed her appreciation and that of City Councilmembers and staff to the audience for their attendance at this Community Outreach Meeting. She stated her pleasure at being able to discuss the concerns of the residents of this area. ADJOURNMENT - CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Dettloff adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, May 4, 1998, at 5:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: 44�f q:�O� City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk'& the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California City Clerk/Clerk loyor/Chairmg/ 636