HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-03 (7)MINUTES CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 7:00 PM - Council Chamber Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 3, 1998 An audiotape recording of the 5:00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Dettloff called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan Absent: Garofalo PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING STUDY SESSION & CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS JIM HIX stated his concern with the amount of water available in Southern California. He spoke regarding what he believes is the proposal of the Orange County Water District. He stated that he hopes nothing takes place that will cause the water to be undertreated. (CITY COUNCIL) STUDY SESSION - PRESENTATION BY ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RE: GROUNDWATER REPLENISHING SYSTEM (1000.80) Ron Wildermuth, Public Information Officer, Orange County Water District, presented a slide report covering subjects including Aquifer Cross -Section, Our Water Future, Land Water Replenishment System and Microfiltration System. Included were an explanation of reverse osmosis and how this water will be business and environmentally friendly and a map of the area where the new facility will be built. A system financial overview was also presented. Councilmember Harman returned to his chair at 5:22 p.m. He had left his chair earlier during the slide presentation (approximately 5:15 p.m.). Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes — 08/03/98 Ron Wildermuth, Public Information Officer, Orange County Water District, reviewed the slide entitled Supporters of the Project together with a Summary. Mayor Dettloff stated that she and Councilmember Sullivan have been aware of this project for some time as they are city representatives to the Orange County Sanitation District. Wes Bannister, Orange County Water District and Metropolitan Water District Director representing the Municipal Water District of Orange County, thanked the Council for the invitation to make this presentation. Tom Dawes, representing the Orange County Sanitation District, stated that the Draft Environmental Impact Report would be presented to Council shortly. MOTION TO RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A motion was made by Sullivan, second Green, to recess the City Council to closed session to consider the following items. The motion carried by unanimous vote. Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire, Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding labor relations matters - meet and confer with the following employee organizations: MSOA, POA, PMA, MEA, MEO, HBFA, and SCLEA. (120.80) A communication from Richard Silber, Attorney representing the Surf City Lifeguards Employee Association (SCLEA) dated August 3, 1998, regarding City of Huntington Beach/SCLEA Negotiation Process relative to this closed session had been reviewed by the City Clerk and provided to Council. Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Hassan v. City - Hassan v. City - People v. Hassan - Reince v. City - Orange County Superior Court Case No. 69 99 03; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 68 95 84; Orange County Superior Court Case No. 48 17 04. Subject: Hassan v. City, People v. Hassan, Hassan v. City, Reince v. City. (120.80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is City of Huntington Beach v. Petersen Law Firm - Nammari v. City - Ice v. City - Orange County Superior Court Case No. 78 24 93 - Orange County Superior Court Case No. 76 91 83 - United States District Court Case No. SA CV 96-510 AHS (EEx). Subject: City of Huntington Beach v. Petersen Law Firm, Nammari v. City, Ice v. City. (120.80) 2 08/03/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 3 RECONVENE Mayor Dettloff reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency at 7:10 p.m. in the Council Chamber. (CITY COUNCIL) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN AT CLOSED OCTOBER 20, 1998 SESSION REGARDING SCOTT V. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, ET AL - ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 76 10 80 The City Attorney reported that on October 20, 1997, the City Council, by a vote of 5-2 (Harman, Sullivan -No), authorized settlement of this case for $50,000. A settlement check of $50,000 was exchanged for the signed release and approval from the court. The case involved an injured motorcyclist resulting from an alleged traffic signal malfunction -dangerous condition of public property. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan Absent: Garofalo FLAG CEREMONY AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The flag ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance were led by members of the city's Junior Lifeguard Program. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Wendy Watson, Assisting Priest, St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach. CITY CLERK ANNOUNCES LATE COMMUNICATIONS WHICH PERTAIN TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Brockway announced the following late communications regarding agenda items which had been received following distribution of the agenda: Communication from Richard Silber, Attorney, representing the Surf City Lifeguards Employee Association "SCLEA" dated August 3, 1998 Re: City of Huntington Beach/SCLEA Negotiation Process relative to the item on the earlier Closed Session portion of the meeting Treasurer's Report dated August 3, 1998 K Page 4 - Council/Agency Minutes — 08/03/98 Communication from Katherine Johansen, MHP, CHES, representing Trident Company dated July 31, 1998, titled Re: Ordinance 3382: Employment Solicitation Ordinance. This communication is in support of said ordinance. Presentation - To Mayor Dettloff and Police Chief Ron Lowenberg by Mr. Fred Johnson, Executive Director of Make a Wish of Orange County, Terry Siplivy, Program Director, and Bob Langston, the "wish" recipient, in appreciation for granting the "wish of Bob Langston." Presentation of certificates to Captain Ed McErlain, Officer Dave Humphreys, Scientific Investigation Unit, Jan Thomas, Huntington Beach Community Liaison, Becky Leveen, Student Worker and Maureen Nugent, Crime Lab Photographer. Presentation of plaques to Huntington Beach Police Department K-9 Unit, Huntington Beach Police Department Aero Bureau, and Huntington Beach Police Department Swat Team. Presentation - By Mayor Shirley Dettloff to Dave Simcox and Mike Eich, coordinators of the Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguard program, and Lauren Weisenthal and Ryan Gaglio representing the A Group (14-16 years), Vanessa Crowell and T. K. Erwin representing the B Group (12-13), and Whitney Gaglio and J.W. Krumpholz representing the C Group (9-11), recognition for winning the CSLSA (California State Life Saving Association) Junior Lifeguard Regional Competition held in Huntington Beach Friday, July 17. There were over 2,000 Junior Lifeguards competing, representing 32 cities from San Diego to Santa Cruz. PUBLIC COMMENTS GLEN WRIGHT spoke in opposition to the agenda item relative to the establishment of a day laborer center for reasons including that he believes it will have a detrimental effect on the legitimate contractors who hire laborers and must pay the various costs associated with hiring employees. He stated that rather than building a day laborer center the city should take steps to see that laws are enforced. DORIS SITYKEN spoke in opposition to the proposed day laborer center stating there is a state employment office where the laborers can find work. She stated that the article in the newspaper regarding checking employee residence status would not be workable. She stated that this is not showing children how to obey the law. JOHN LOWE stated his opposition to any kind of work center for illegal aliens. He stated what he believed are detrimental effects of illegal residents including stolen shopping carts. BARBARA BALAZS stated her opposition to the item on the Council agenda relative to establishing a day laborer center for persons whom she believes to be illegal workers. BARBARA COE, representing California Coalition for Immigration Reform, referred to her letter on this matter which she had previously written to the City Council. She stated that she believes illegal workers should be immediately deported. She stated her opposition to the city's intention to establish the day laborer center. Ms. Coe stated that if the California Coalition for Immigration Reform determines that if just one illegal alien is hired the city will be sued. She 4 08/03/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 5 spoke about the reasons why she believes Lt. Ochoa is advocating multiple violations of federal law. She requested that the item be removed from the Consent Calendar Agenda for separate discussion. Councilmember Harman stated that he takes exception to the comments made by the last speaker regarding Lt. Ochoa. RON PRINCE stated his opposition to the establishment of a day laborer site for reasons including that he believes it would bring more illegal aliens to the city. He informed Council that he believes the day laborer center will violate federal and state laws. Mr. Prince stated that he believes the City Councilmembers can be sued. At the request of Councilmember Sullivan, Mr. Prince stated that the law he had referred to is 9601.5 of the California Insurance Code passed in 1993. DAVE BREES, Oakview Property Owners' Association, spoke in favor of the establishment of the day laborer job center and the proposed employment solicitation ordinance that appear on this meeting's agenda. KATHERINE JOHNSON requested that Council approve the employment solicitation ordinance for reasons including that she believes a significant traffic hazard is caused by the present situation of the congregation of day laborers; also that persons will not rent in areas where day laborers appear on the street. She stated that the proposed ordinance presents a solution that has proved workable in other Orange County cities. VIRGINIA SIMS spoke on behalf of salary increases for the firefighters. She spoke regarding her understanding of the PERS issue which is affecting the firefighters. She stated that she believes the Council is stealing from the firefighters, and the Council should stick to its word. JUHL FLOYD presented photos to Council relating to his request to plant another palm tree at his house to balance the palm tree planted by the city. Mayor Dettloff referred Mr. Floyd to the Public Works Director and informed Mr. Floyd that his photos would be returned. EILEEN LARCOME stated that she believes the city has loitering laws and that she believes these laws should be enforced rather than establishing a day laborer job center. BRIAN KNOTT, firefighter, stated that the morale of the firefighters is at an all-time low. He requested that binding arbitration be entered into. Mr. Knott stated that all that is asked by the firefighters is fairness. BRUCE WAREH, Board President of Huntington Bayshore Community Association located at Lake Street and Orange Avenue, informed Council of his opposition to a leaf blower ban in the city. He stated it is unnecessary, bad public policy, and an injustice to ban the lower noise leaf blowers along with the loud ones. Mr. Wareh stated that people will look elsewhere such as to unlicensed sources for the removal of leaves. ANNA CAPOCCIAMA stated that the job center is not for illegal workers. She spoke regarding the problem of laborers sitting on her fence due to possible breakage of the fence. She stated 5 Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes — 08/03/98 when asking them not to sit on the fence she had met a man waiting for a day laborer job whose father had years ago worked with her father on the bean thrasher. She stated this man had been laid off from his job. She stated that there are unscrupulous people who come by, have the men work, and do not pay them. Ms. Capocciama stated her support for the proposed job center. (CITY COUNCIL) SUNSET MAGAZINE ARTICLE Councilmember Bauer displayed an article featured in a recent edition of Sunset Magazine featuring the City of Huntington Beach. (CITY COUNCIL) STATUS REPORT ON SEACLIFF SHOPPING CENTER PUBLIC ARTWORK REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION AT THE CIVIC CENTER The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Dettloff providing a status report on the Seacliff Shopping Center public artwork removal and relocation. At the August 10, 1998 Council meeting, staff will be bringing forth a recommendation from the Council Ad Hoc Committee (Seacliff Art Committee) for the removal and relocation of the Seacliff artwork to the Huntington Beach Civic Center. Mayor Dettloff brought Council up to date on the Seacliff Shopping Center public artwork removal and reinstallation at the Civic Center. She presented background information on the city's efforts in this regard including the meetings that have been held with the curator. Mayor Dettloff stated that the curator recommended that to keep the integrity of the artwork it should be located in as few locations as possible. She stated the sites planned were the Civic Center, Huntington Beach High School and, when built, the Interpretive Center. (CITY COUNCIL) SEACLIFF SHOPPING CENTER ARTWORK City Adminstrator Silver stated that the item regarding the Seacliff Shopping Center artwork will be presented at the adjourned regular Council meeting to be held August 10, 1998 along with the proposed budget for the artwork removal and relocation. (CITY COUNCIL) CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT REGARDING PRO SURFING CONTEST City Administrator Silver complimented all those involved in the successful pro -surfing contest. (CITY COUNCIL) REPORT FROM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REGARDING STATUS OF STREET WORK Public Works Director Beardsley presented an update on the status of street work in the Holly- Seacliff Development Area. The areas in the report included Garfield Avenue—Goldenwest to 0 08/03/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 7 Main Street; Main Street —Clay Avenue to Garfield Avenue; Edwards Street —Ellis Avenue to Inlet Drive; Goldenwest Street —Ellis Avenue to Yorktown Avenue; and Gothard Street —Main Street to Garfield Avenue. In response to Councilmember Harman, the Public Works Director stated that the streets are inspected during the work on a continuous basis. The Public Works Director reported on the provisions the city has to ensure contractors perform in a timely manner stating that the developer will be held responsible. Councilmember Harman requested that the provisions be looked into and that he would meet with the Public Works Director to discuss the matter further. City Administrator Silver clarified the issue relative to Goldenwest Street. He stated that a report would be prepared regarding the relocation of the poles by the Edison Company. (CITY COUNCIL) CITY TREASURER'S JUNE, 1998 INVESTMENT SUMMARY REVIEW (310.20) The City Council considered a communication from the City Treasurer transmitting the Monthly Investment Report for June, 1998. The City Treasurer presented a slide report. She stated that the city has received certification of the City Investment Policy from the Municipal Treasurers' Association of the United States and Canada. Following review of the report, a motion made by Sullivan, second Green, to accept the Monthly Investment Report for June, 1998 pursuant to Section 17.0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington Beach carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, NOYES: None ABSENT: Garofalo CONSENT CALENDAR — ITEM REMOVED The following item was requested by Councilmembers to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. (City Council) Lease (License) Agreement Between The City Of Huntington Beach And The County Of Orange For The Job Center Site - (Pm 10527 - Transfer Station #2) CONSENT CALENDAR — ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Green, second Harman, Council approved the following Consent Calendar items as recommended by the following roll call vote: 7 Page 8 - Council/Agency Minutes — 08/03/98 AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Garofalo (CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) MINUTES — Approved and adopted the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency regular meeting of July 6,1998 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED YOUTH BOARD APPOINTMENTS/REAPPOINTMENTS (110.20) - 1. Reappointed the following students for a one-year term on the Huntington Beach Youth Board for the 98/99 term: Melissa Doyle, Ocean View High School; Camellia Noor, Huntington Beach High School. 2. Appointed the following students to a one-year term on the Huntington Beach Youth Board for the 98/99 term: Daisy Yu, Edison High School; Kathleen Hacker, At -large; Ryan Foland, Marina High School; Jeff Hung, At -large; Jennifer Alban, At - large; Bryce Boucher, At -large; Nicole Young, At -large. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED AWARD OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSULTING CONTRACT FOR THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PIER BUILDINGS PROJECT TO DOUGHERTY & DOUGHERTY - CONSULTANTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES — CC-883 - APPROVED BUDGET AMENDMENT (600.10) - 1. Approved staff's selection of Dougherty & Dougherty Consultants (a Professional Architectural Firm) to perform the work as outlined in the Request for Proposals for Professional Architectural Services dated March, 1998; and approved and authorized execution of the Professional Architectural Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Dougherty and Dougherty for Architectural Services to Design and Develop Construction Plans and Specifications for Four Pier Buildings; and 2. Authorized the Director of Public Works to expend $68,026 to cover contract costs of $57,726, estimated contingency costs of $5,800 and supplemental expenditures of $4,500 and 3. Approved an amendment to the Fiscal Year 97/98 budget to allocate $68,026 from the Pier Fund for design development, environmental processing, preparation of construction documents and renderings for the Huntington Beach Pier Buildings Project. (CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) REJECTED BID FROM MFC INVESTMENTS & APPROVED SALE OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY - THREE UNIMPROVED LOTS ON YORKTOWN AVENUE TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH - FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (650.70) - 1. Rejected the one bid received from M.F.C. Investments for the three lots and approved the sale of the three remnant parcels to the Redevelopment Agency for $189,000 (appraised value less 10%) for an affordable housing project with Habitat for Humanity; and 2. Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the deeds from the city to the Redevelopment Agency and send to county for recordation after the Agency Clerk has affixed the Acceptance Certificate of the Redevelopment Agency and 3. Accepted the three deeds by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach. (AP# 025-111-39, AP# 025-121- 01 and AP# 025-121-36) E%3 08/03/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 9 ICITY COUNCIL) ADOPTION OF PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR 1998/99 — ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-59 (340.90) - Adopted Resolution No. 98-59 setting the tax rate for voter approved indebtedness - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Fixing the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Tax Rate" ($.04930 per $100 of assessed valuation). (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-60 1998 WEED ABATEMENT COSTS (520.80) - Adopted Resolution No. 98-60 - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Confirming Reports of Cost for Weed Abatement on Lots Within the City - 1998 Season" and directed that all charges listed thereon be certified to the County 1998-99 tax roll. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED SAMPLE REVISED INDEMNITY AGREEMENT FOR USE OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR FIRE TRAINING PURPOSES (600.05) - Approved the Sample Modified Indemnity Agreement for Use of Private Property for Fire Training Purposes and authorized the Fire Chief to sign the Indemnity Agreements on behalf of the city. (CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) DIRECTION GIVEN RE: ORANGE COUNTY BRIDGES AMERICA DEAL POINT MEMORANDUM FOR THE ACQUISITION AND REHABILITATION OF THE (66) UNIT RENTAL PROPERTY AT 16122 SHER LANE (600.30) - Directed staff to return to the August 17, 1998, or to the next available regular meeting of the City Council -Redevelopment Agency, for consideration of a final agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and Bridges America for the acquisition and rehabilitation of 16122 Sher Lane, which reflects the Deal Point Memorandum dated July 22, 1998. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED MASTER AND SITE LICENSE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND LOS ANGELES SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (D.B.A. "AIR TOUCH CELLULAR" FOR INSTALLATION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY - FIRE STATION 7 - WARNER AVENUE) (600.10) - 1. Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Master Communications Site Lease Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Los Angeles SMSA Approved Limited Partnership ("Air Touch Cellular") allowing the installation of wireless telecommunications facilities on public property; 2. Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Schedule of Lease and Memorandum of Lease for Fire Station 7 — Warner; 3. Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Site License Agreement for Fire Station 7 - Warner, permitting the installation of the City's emergency siren on Air Touch's antenna facilities; 4. Delegated to the City Administrator or the Assistant City Administrator authority to approve and execute any other agreements or documents necessary to implement this Master Lease Agreement, Schedule of Lease, Memorandum of Lease for Fire Station 7 - Warner, and the Site License Agreement for Fire Station 7 - Warner, upon City Attorney Approval As To Form of said agreements or documents and attestation by the City Clerk. (CITY COUNCIL) RETENTION OF TEAM PETROLEUM - APPROVED SALES TAX AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND KRISTIN SCHAFFNER IRVIN (600.10) -1. Approved the sales tax agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Kristen Schaffner Irvin and authorized its execution by the Mayor and City Clerk and 2. Approved an appropriation of $8,155 from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance for maximum costs for the 1997- 1998 fiscal year. Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes — 08/03/98 (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED LEASE (LICENSE) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR THE JOB CENTER SITE - (PM 10527 - TRANSFER STATION #2) (600.25) The City Council considered a communication from the Police Chief transmitting a proposed lease (license) agreement between the city and the County of Orange for a job center site to be located at the old Transfer Station #2. Councilmember Sullivan questioned the City Attorney regarding aspects of establishing a day laborer center including whether a part-time city employee can ascertain whether the laborers will be legal workers. City Attorney Hutton reported on the city's procedure that she believes will ensure compliance with federal law. Councilmember Julien stated her concern as to whether a part-time employee will be able to ascertain whether a worker is legal. She questioned the city's liability relative to issuing job center cards to workers. City Attorney Hutton responded. Police Chief Lowenberg stated that he has checked with three other cities and the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) regarding this matter. He reported further regarding the reason his department supports this item and the proposed ordinance which is on the agenda. Police Chief Lowenberg stated he would not bring this ordinance to Council if he believed it was not in the best interest of the city. He responded to Councilmember Julien regarding how the situation would be resolved if a worker did not meet the requirements to work at the job center. City Attorney Hutton spoke regarding the procedure that will be followed in the operation of the job center site including the obligation of an employer of a worker to sign a waiver form. A motion was made by Bauer, second Green, to approve the following action: 1. Approve the lease (license) agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for use of property, AP No. 111-071-35 a portion, shown as Attachment No. 2 to the Request for City Council Action dated August 3, 1998; and 2. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the lease agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for use of property at such time the employment solicitation ordinance becomes effective on September 2, 1998. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, NOES: Sullivan ABSENT: Garofalo 10 08/03/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 11 (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3382 - EMPLOYMENT SOLICITATION ORDINANCE - (TO COMPLEMENT THE ANTICIPATED OPENING OF THE DAY LABORER JOB CENTER) (640.10) - Ordinance No. 3382 - "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Adding Chapter 9.88 to the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Pertaining to Employment Solicitation." A communication dated August 3, 1998 from Katherine Johansen, property owner on Keelson Lane, Huntington Beach, in support of Ordinance No. 3382 had been announced earlier in the meeting by the City Clerk under Late Communications. A motion was made by Harman, second Bauer, to adopt Ordinance No. 3382 after the City Clerk read by title. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: Garofalo (CITY COUNCIL) FIRE MED PROGRAM - APPROVED REQUEST FOR STAFF REPORT RE: METRO NET DISPATCH CENTER IN ANAHEIM (510.45) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Julien recommending a review of the current Metro Net Dispatch Center in Anaheim that the city shares with several Orange County cities relative to whether it provides Huntington Beach paramedics with health information as they respond to a call. Councilmember Julien presented reasons for placing this item on the agenda. Fire Chief Dolder reported. A motion was made by Julien, second Green, to direct the Fire Chief to return to Council in three months with a report regarding how the medical history program is proceeding. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED APPOINTMENT TO THE ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS (120.20) The City Council considered a communication from Mayor Dettloff regarding the need to revise City Council representation on the Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors due to the recent consolidation of the Orange County Sanitation Districts. A motion was made by Harman, second Green, to appoint Councilmember Sullivan as the sole City Council representative to serve on the newly reconstructed Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors. The motion carried unanimously. 11 Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes — 08/03/98 (CITY COUNCIL) DEPARTMENT HEAD SALARIES TO BE SURVEYED BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR (720.10) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Bauer stating that there are a number of indicators which show that the remuneration for city department heads may be falling behind that of the city's significant competition. Councilmember Bauer reported on the reasons he had placed this item on the agenda. A motion was made by Bauer, second Sullivan, to direct the City Administrator to take an appropriate survey to see if department head salaries are indeed falling behind. If the results of the survey show this to be the case, the City Administrator, at his discretion, is invited to make recommendations to the Council or a committee thereof. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT — CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Dettloff adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 9:00 p.m. to Monday, August 10, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk o the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk —T Ma r/Chairman 12