HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-19MINUTES CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 5:00 P.M. - Room B-8 7:00 P.M. - Council Chamber Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 Monday, October 19, 1998 An audiotape recording of the 5:00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a video tape recording of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Dettloff called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo Absent: None PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING STUDY SESSION & CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS There were no persons present to address Council regarding the study session or closed session items scheduled on the agenda. (CITY COUNCIL) STUDY SESSION BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL & ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD — UPDATE ON PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL SYMPOSIUM Mayor Dettloff welcomed the members of the Environmental Review Board to the joint meeting with the City Council. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD ROLL CALL Present: Scandura, Anderson, Nagy, Ryan, Davis, Caponi Absent: Grossman, Merow, Lee 107 Page 2 - Council/Agency Minutes — 10/19/98 Late Communication Announced By City Clerk The City Clerk announced a late communication from the Planning Department titled What Is Open Space? John Scandura, Chairman of the Environmental Review Board, invited each member of the Environmental Review Board to introduce themselves to Council and present a brief description of their background. During the presentations, Environmental Review Board Member .lean Nagy stated that she would appreciate Council's assistance in nominating persons for the environmental awards that the Environmental Review Board gives to members in the community. She stated that the Environmental Review Board did not have success in obtaining nominees and would appreciate Council's input. Chairman Scandura reviewed the work of the Environmental Review Board which includes reviewing CEQA reports, participation on the City Infrastructure Committee, input on the various development projects in the city including the Whitehole area along Pacific Coast Highway, the Bolsa Chica issue, and the proposed Crestview project. He reported on future projects which the Environmental Review Board will consider including the Santa Ana River Park and use of alternate fuels in the city. He reported on the proposed environmental symposium which is to be scheduled for the latter part of 1999 for businesses and environmental interest to identify and help address the city's environmental challenges. He cited the instance where the city joined forces with various groups to halt the CENCO Oil Refinery reactivation project off the Huntington Beach coast. He hopes that this symposium will bring together various groups for the benefit of the city to work together on environmental issues. Councilmember Garofalo stated he would like information regarding open space Councilmember Bauer spoke regarding alternative fuel issues and cleanup of the NESI site at Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street. Environmental Review Board Member Rich Davis and Chairman Scandura commented on these issues. Councilmember Harman stated his concern that SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments) grants may not be addressed. He stated that he will place the Environmental Review Board members on the list to receive grant application invitations. Councilmember Harman referred to two upcoming symposiums on environmental issues. One is regarding alternative fuel and electric vehicle workshops to be held in Diamond Bar, and the other is a seminar regarding recycling issues to be held in the city of Santa Monica. Councilmember Harman requested that staff provide the material on the proposed seminars to members of the Environmental Review Board. CITY COUNCIL RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION — APPROVED (120.80) The City Council by unanimous consent recessed to closed session to consider the following items: Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives William Osness, Personnel Director, and Daniel Cassidy, Esquire, Liebert, Cassidy and Frierson, regarding labor relations matters - meet and confer with the following employee organizations: Marine Safety Officers' Association, Municipal Employees' 108 10119/98 - CouncillAgency Minutes - Page 3 Association, Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association, and Surf City Lifesaving Employees' Association. (120.80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is City v. Dahl - Orange County Superior Court Case No. 77 57 26. Subject: City v. Dahl. (120.80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Shiffer v. Utley/City of Huntington Beach — Orange County Superior Court Case No. 78 20 40. Subject: Shiffer v. UtleylCity of Huntington Beach. (12&80) Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to the agency's negotiator, Ray Silver, David Biggs, regarding negotiations with John Givens and Shaul Kuba, CIM Group, LLC. concerning the purchaselsalelexchangellease of the property located at Block 104 & 105; bounded by PCH, Main Street, Walnut & e Street. Instruction will concern price and terms of payment. Subject: Real Property Negotiation Blocks 104 & 105 an area bounded by PCH, Walnut, Main & 6`h Street in the City of Huntington Beach. Closed Session - City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is City v. Santa Fe Springs — Los Angeles Superior Court Case BS053802. Subject: City v. City of Santa Fe Springs. (120.80) RECONVENE Mayor Dettloff reconvened the regular meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency in the Council Chamber at 7:18 p.m. The City Attorney shall determine if any actions taken by the City Council or Redevelopment Agency in closed session shall require a reporting on those actions as required by law (Government Code §54957.1(a)(3)(B)). (CITY COUNCIL) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN AT CLOSED SESSION REGARDING.. FRANKS V. CITY — ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 78 22 68 (630.40) On October 2, 1998, in closed session at an adjourned regular meeting of the September 21, 1998 meeting, the City Council by a vote of 4-0 (Sullivan, Garofalo and Harman were absent) authorized settlement of the wrongful death case of Franks v. City of Huntington Beach, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 78 22 68, for $500,000. 109 Page 4 -Council/Agency Minutes--10119198 REVISED PAGE (CITY COUNCIL) REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN AT CLOSED SESSION REGARDING CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH V. CITY OF SANTA FE SPRINGS (CENCO — GOLDEN WEST REFINING COMPANY) —>On October -2 5, 1998 in closed session at the regular meeting of October 45 5, 1998 the City Council approved a Settlement Agreement by a vote of 7-0 among CENCO, Golden West Refining Company, City of Huntington Beach, The Robert Mayer Corporation, Mayer Financial, Ltd. And Waterfront Hotel, LLC (collectively the "Mayer Entities") to be effective as of October 2, 1998. The Mayor and the City Clerk were authorized to execute the Settlement Agreement. (Settlement Agreement provided to the City Clerk for public review.) CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION The Pledge of Allegiance was given. The Invocation was offered by Peggy Price, Church of Religious Science. CITY CLERK ANNOUNCES LATE COMMUNICATIONS WHICH PERTAIN TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, City Clerk Brockway announced the following late communications regarding agenda items which had been received following distribution of the agenda: City Treasurer's Slide Report dated October 19, 1998 Communication from the Economic Development Director dated October 19, 1998 titled Additional Language ForAmended and Restated Mobile Home Acquisition and Relocation Agreement Slide report from the Economic Development Department dated October 19, 1998 titled Driftwood Mobile Home Park Amender! and Restated Acquisition and Relocation Agreement (MARA) Communication from Timothy J. Stripe, Co -President, Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. dated October 17, 1998 regarding the CIM request for a six-month extension for their Exclusive Negotiating Agreement for Blocks 104 and 105 with the Redevelopment Agency Of Huntington Beach and Grand Pacific Resort, Inc.'s interest in pursuing a high -end hospitality timeshare project on this site 110 10/19/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 5 Communication dated October 19, 1998 from Keith B. Bohr, Property Owner Representative for property owners Gary Mulligan (117 Main Street), Mr. George Draper (121 Main Street) and Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mase (123 Main Street) requesting the Redevelopment Agency deny the recommended 180 day extension of the CIM Exclusive Right to Negotiate and a possible recommended alternative Agency action should the Redevelopment Agency decide to approve the project Slide report (not dated) from the Economic Development Department titled Extension of the Exclusive Right to Negotiate with CIM Group Mayor Shirley Dettloff's presentation of the Employee of the Month Award was continued to the November 2, 1998 City Council meeting. Mayor Dettloff announced that at a future Council meeting a presentation will be made to Erin Lalor, Huntington Beach Police Officer, for participating in the Hawaii Iron Man Marathon. Ms. Lalor came in 14`h in her age bracket. (CITY COUNCIL) SETTLEMENT OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS Mayor Dettloff announced that a settlement of agreement with the Marine Safety Officers' Association had been reached and that all employee groups have now reached settlement with the exception of the Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association. PUBLIC COMMENTS VIRGINIA SIMS addressed Council on behalf of the firefighters and recommended a salary increase for them. TOM MELTON stated that he had been approached by a representative of Pro -Contracting Company who inquired if he had been notified of any defects in the Peck Reservoir. He requested that Council take a close look at the condition of the Peck Reservoir. Mayor Dettloff requested that the City Administrator reply. The City Administrator stated that a report on conditions of the reservoir would be made shortly by the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works reported that the Peck Reservoir is not similar to the water reservoir in the city of Westminster. He stated that a report is forthcoming. At the request of Councilmember Garofalo, the Director of Public Works stated that before the Peck Reservoir is filled with water all concerns will be addressed. Councilmember Harman clarified that the lawsuit between the city and Pro -Contracting Company was primarily over construction of the roof relative to rainwater leakage into the reservoir water. BRAD WHITE stated that he feels a campaign flyer sent by Councilmember Sullivan relative to the County Supervisor election is offensive. He distributed a copy of the campaign flyer to the Mayor stating that he hoped it would not be repeated. He addressed Council regarding the parking problem caused by the overflow of parking from the Golden West College swap meet. Mr. White requested information as to whether the residents could have relief from the parking regulations until the parking issue is resolved. He requested information as to whether he should pay for his parking permit or wait. Mayor Dettloff stated that Mr, White and his neighbors can contact her office and also attend meetings which are to be held on this matter. Director of Public Works Beardsley spoke regarding how the private permit process will work. Ill Page 6 - Council/Agency Minutes — 10/19/98 MATT POSTIY addressed Council in opposition to what he stated is Councilmember Sullivan's change of positions on the El Toro Airport issue and rent control for mobile homes. JOHN PARTIS spoke in opposition to the campaign flyer sent to his house by Councilmember Sullivan relative to the County Supervisor. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL LIAISON TO THE SANTA ANA RIVER CROSSING COOPERATIVE STUDY (SARCCS) POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE -- COUNCILMAN HARMAN A motion was made by Green, second Sullivan, to designate Councilmember Harman as Council liaison to the Santa Ana River Crossing Cooperative Study Policy Advisory Committee. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) STATUS REPORT — MEET AND CONFER PROCESS BETWEEN CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND MARINE SAFETY OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION -- SUMMARY AGREEMENT (720.20) The City Council considered a communication from the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services Director transmitting a Summary Agreement — Marine Safety Officers' Association dated October 16, 1998 setting forth terms of the agreement between the city and the Marine Safety Officers' Association. Formal approval of this agreement will be scheduled for the November 2, 1998 City Council meeting. Also included in the report is a summary of the status of the meet and confer process with all city employee groups. Councilmember Green commented on the status report. He inquired as to the status of negotiations with the firefighters' association. City Administrator Silver reported that at this time the Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association and the city have not reached an agreement, and another meeting has not yet been scheduled by the arbitrator. Councilmember Green inquired as to whether the income from future projects including the Huntington Center Mall redevelopment would be used for city staff and salaries as the subject of income from new projects for this purpose had been discussed previously. City Administrator Silver responded stating that the 10 major projects going through are being projected and that it had been indicated to Council that in order to complement the multi -year employee association agreements this estimated revenue would be necessary; that the projects have been projected out to the year 2003. Councilmember Garofalo clarified what he believes are two sides to the issue. 112 10119/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 7 (CITY COUNCIL) CITY TREASURER AUGUST, 1998 INVESTMENT SUMMARY REVIEW (310.20) The City Council considered a communication from City Treasurer Freidenrich transmitting the Monthly Investment Report for August, 1998. Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communication on this item had been provided to the City Council: City Treasurer's Slide Report dated 10/19/98. City Treasurer Freidenrich presented a slide report. A motion was made by Green, second Harman, following review of the report, to accept the Monthly Investment Report for August, 1998, pursuant to Section 17.0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington Beach. The motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR — ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Bauer, second Green, Council approved the following Consent Calendar items as recommended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) MINUTES — Approved and adopted the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency adjourned regular meeting of October 2, 1998 and correction on Page No. 6 of the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of June 29, 1998 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENT — PAULINE CHAVEZ-BENT, LINDA COUEY, WILLIAM DAZE", KARL WIEBE, HENRY GOLDMAN (110.20) -Approved the appointments of Pauline Chavez -Bent; Linda Couey; William Daze" and Karl Wiebe and the reappointment of Henry Goldman to the Historic Resources Board. These terms will expire on June 30, 1998. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADVISORY BOARD — MORENO, THOMAS, GARCIA (110.20) — 1. Approved the appointments of Conrad Moreno, Diane Thomas, and Stephen Garcia to the Citizen Participation Advisory Board for one term (four years) ending September 30, 2002; and 2. Approved the appointment of Charles Tyler to fill a partial term ending September 30, 1999; and 3. Approved the terms of all current CPAB members to be adjusted according to the Community Development Block Grant Program year, thus changing their respective terms from June 30 ending dates to September 30 ending dates. 113 Page 8 - CouncillAgency Minutes—10119/98 (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-79 — DISPOSITION OF RECORDS — CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (170.50) — Adopted Resolution No. 98-79 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing Destruction of Certain City Records. " (Copies of claims filed against the city - See Exhibits A, B, & C for description of records.) (CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-80 — DISPOSITION OF RECORDS —CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (170.50) —Adopted Resolution No. 98-80 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing Destruction of Certain City Records." (Various City/Redevelopment Agency Agreements - See Exhibit A for description of records.) (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-81 — REQUESTING CALTRANS APPROVAL OF CLOSING MAIN STREET FOR DOWNTOWN HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES (960.20) — Adopted Resolution No. 98-81 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Authorizing Street Closure for Halloween Activities in the Downtown Area and Requesting Caltrans Approve the Closure of Main Street at Pacific Coast Highway. " (Closure of Main Street from Pacific Coast Highway to Olive Avenue on 10/31/98 from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM.) (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED A POSITION OPPOSING PROPOSITION 9 ON THE NOVEMBER BALLOT —1998 ELECTRIC UTILITY PROPOSITION (120.70) —Approved a position opposing Proposition 9, the 1998 Electric Utility Proposition. (CITY COUNCIL) AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES OF FUNDS FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE SOILS LABORATORY — PN 17080 - ARTERIAL REHABILITATION OF SEVENTEEN STREETS (320.45) — 1. Authorized the Director of Public Works to expend a total of $144,000 which includes $120.000 for the preparation of soils reports and estimated contingencies of $24,000; for Arterial Rehabilitation on 17 streets, PN 17080 and 2. Authorized the Deputy City Administrator to appropriate $144,000 from the undesignated fund balance to the project. (List of streets attached.) (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS & AUTHORIZED ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR BUS STOP ACCESSIBILITY PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS — PHASE II — CC-1054 — APPROVED SAMPLE CONTRACT (600.70) — 1. Approved plans, specifications and authorized the Director of Public Works to solicit bids for construction of the Bus Stop Accessibility Program Improvements, Phase II; CC-1054, and 2. Approved the attached sample contract subject to award of contract to the lowest responsible/responsive bidder. (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-78 —APPROVES SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION (MEA) (720.20) —Adopted Resolution No. 98-78 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying the M.O. U_ Between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Municipal Employees' Association." (Resolve issues of classifications and salaries.) 114 10/19198 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 9 (CITY COUNCIL) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 98-82 — APPROVES ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (OCTA) COMBINED TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PROGRAM (CTFP) ELIGIBILITY AND AMENDS RESOLUTION NO. 98-45 TO INCLUDE THREE ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (800.45) — Adopted Resolution No. 98-82 —'A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Seven -Year Capital Improvement Program and Approving the Submittal of Transportation Improvement Projects to the Orange County Transportation Authority for Funding Under the Combined Transportation Program." (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH INFO.SYS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND MODIFICATIONS FOR EXISTING MAINFRAME APPLICATIONS (600.10) —Approved the Professional Services Contract between Info.Sys. Business Solutions and the City of Huntington Beach, as prepared by the City Attorney, for maintenance and modifications for existing mainframe applications (Attachment No. 1) and authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) SUBGRANTEE SAMPLE AGREEMENT — APPROVED WAIVER OF USUAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (340.70) — 1. Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute ten individual subgrantee agreements* based on the sample contract (as approved by the City Attorney) between the city and each public service agency (Attachment No. 1) and 2. Waived the usual insurance requirements from the subgrantee contracts. (In previous years, the prevailing insurance requirements have not applied to the Subgrantee agencies.) * (Adult Day Services, Boys & Girls Clubs/Fountain Valley (Financial Aid/Teen Program), Community Services Program (CSP), Episcopal Service Alliance, Hotline of Southern California, Interval House Crisis Shelter, Huntington Beach Community Clinic, Orange County Council on Aging, Fair Housing of Orange County (within the 20% Admin Cap), Special Children's Connection Preschool) (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED EXTENSION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN COUNTY OF ORANGE & CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH -- 800 MHZ PROJECT AND APPROVED LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR OPERATION OF 800 MHZ ANTENNA AT CIVIC CENTER (600.25) — 1. Approved the extension of the term of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for the installation of an 800 MHz Project through December 18, 1998. 2. Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for the operation and maintenance of the 800 MHz facility at Huntington Beach Civic Center — Lease Between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for Equipment Room Space in Connection with the Countywide 800 MHz Communication System. 115 Page 10 - Council/Agency Minutes—10119/98 (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED APPOINTMENTS TO THE ALLIED ARTS BOARD — CASEY, DEWITT, ENG (110.20) -- Approved the appointments of Diana Casey, John DeWitt and Eveline Eng to the Allied Arts Board. Their terms will expire on June 30, 2002. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED TWO FEDERAL GRANTS AND STAFFING CHANGES IN POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS (340.70) —1. Accepted the federal grant and increased the Table of Organizations by ten officers. Appropriated $225,000 from the General Fund balance with one-half in salaries (E-AA-PD-333-10) and the remaining half distributed to benefits in that program for these personal services costs and authorized salary and benefits expenditures with grant reimbursement for a portion of these costs; and 2. Accepted the federal grant and increased Communications Table of Organizations by six dispatchers. No additional appropriations from the General Fund balance for personal services costs will be necessary in the first year. Grant match for technology upgrades will be paid for by salary savings in this program; and 3. Approved increasing the Table of Organization in Communications by two permanent, %-time dispatcher positions and two temporary, part-time cadet positions. Costs will be absorbed by other personal services savings in Communications. (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED PROCEEDING WITH PHASE I OF THE SOUTH BEACH IMPROVEMENT MASTER PLAN — APPROVED PROPOSAL BY PURKISS ROSE-RSI FOR PREPARATION OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS — APPROVED FUNDING METHOD & AUTHORIZED STAFF TO PREPARE TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (440.30) The City Council considered a communication from the Community Services Director, the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services Director and the Public Works Director regarding Phase I of the South Beach Improvement Master Plan which is the area encompassing the municipal pier from First Street south to Beach Boulevard. Community Services Director Hagan presented a staff report. He referred to a schematic located on the Council Chamber wall which showed South Beach Phase I and Phase 11. In response to Councilmember Garofalo, he reported that the oil spill revenue which was to be used for this purpose was tied up in litigation, thus Pier Fund revenue was substituted; that when the oil spill revenue comes in Council could designate it for this purpose and cut down the debt service. In response to Councilmember Sullivan, Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services Director Franz reported on the water funds which were borrowed to rebuild the municipal pier. He stated that three percent interest was being paid back to the Water Fund. Discussion was held between Council and the Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services Director. A motion was made by Bauer, second Garofalo, to approve the following recommended actions: Authorize staff to proceed with Phase I of the South Beach Improvement Master Plan; and 116 10/19198 - Council/Agency Minutes — Page 11 2. Approve the funding method presented herein, and authorize staff to prepare tax exempt Certificates of Participation for City Council approval to fund the South Beach Improvement Master Plan and repay the pier debt to the Water Fund; and 3. Direct staff to prepare an agreement with Purkiss-Rose-RSI for City Council approval and appropriate $450,068 from the Pier Fund for Purkiss Rose-RSI to prepare plans and specifications, bid documents, and construction supervision for the Phase I South Beach Improvement Master Plan. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: None ABSENT: None In response to Councilmember Garofalo, Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services Director Franz clarified that after South Beach —Phase I, the payback would go back into the Pier Fund. (CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) APPROVED AMENDED AND RESTATED MOBILE HOME ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION AGREEMENT FOR DRIFTWOOD MOBILE HOME PARK -- AS AMENDED (600.30) The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Director informing Council that in order to proceed with redevelopment of the remainder of the Waterfront site, an Amended and Restated Mobile Home Acquisition and Relocation Agreement has been prepared in conformance with the Memorandum of Understanding approved by the Redevelopment Agency on July 20, 1998. Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced a communication from the Economic Development Director dated October 19, 1998 titled Additional Language For Amended and Restated Mobile Home Acquisition and Relocation Agreement and a slide report from the Economic Development Department dated October 19, 1998 titled Driftwood Mobile Home Park Amended and Restated Acquisition and Relocation Agreement (MARA). City Administrator Silver reported. Economic Development Director Biggs presented a slide report. He informed Council of the need to include in the proposed agreement additional language in Section 9.6. A motion was made by Green, second Harman, to approve (as amended) the following recommended actions: City Council Action: 1. The Amended And Restated Mobile Home Acquisition And Relocation Agreement By And Among Redevelopment Agency Of The City Of Huntington Beach, Mayer Financial, LTD., Driftwood Beach Club Mobile Homeowners Association, Inc., And "Mobile Home Owners" 117 Page 12 - Council/Agency Minutes — 10/19/98 with minor revisions of a non -substantive nature approved by the City Administrator and City Attorney and authorize its execution by the Mayor and City Clerk; and 2. As amended by the inclusion of the following amended language to Section 9.6: The waiver by any Party of any term, covenant, or condition in this Amended Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant, or condition nor as a subsequent waiver of the same term, covenant, or condition. Agency's Executive Director shall have the authority on behalf of Agency to approve (or disapprove) waivers of the provisions in Section 3 of this Amended Agreement that one hundred percent (100%) of the Remaining Driftwood Mobile Home Owners execute this Amended Agreement and the November 1, 1998 deadline for the Outside Operative Date. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: (Julien and Garofalo out of room) A motion was made by Green, second Sullivan, to approve (as amended) the following recommended action: Redevelopment Agency Action: 1. The Amended And Restated Mobile Home Acquisition And Relocation Agreement By And Among Redevelopment Agency Of The City Of Huntington Beach, Mayer Financial, LTD., Driftwood Beach Club Mobile Homeowners Association, Inc., And "Mobile Home Owners" with minor revisions of a non -substantive nature approved by the Executive Director and Agency Counsel and authorize its execution by the Chairperson and Agency; and 2. As amended by the inclusion of the following amended language to Section 9.6: The waiver by any Party of any term, covenant, or condition in this Amended Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant, or condition nor as a subsequent waiver of the same term, covenant, or condition. Agency's Executive Director shall have the authority on behalf of Agency to approve (or disapprove) waivers of the provisions in Section 3 of this Amended Agreement that one hundred percent (100%) of the Remaining Driftwood Mobile Home Owners execute this Amended Agreement and the November 1, 1998 deadline for the Outside Operative Date. 118 10/19/98 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 13 The motion carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: (Julien and Garofalo out of room) (REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) APPROVED EXTENSION OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH CIM GROUP FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF DOWNTOWN BLOCKS 104/105 BOUNDED BY MAIN STREETIBTH STREET/eH STREETIWALNUT AVENUE (600.30) The City Council considered a communication from the Economic Development Director regarding the need to extend the Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agreement between the Agency and CIM Group relative to Block 1041105 for an additional 180 days. Earlier in the meeting, the City Clerk had announced that the following communications on this agenda item had been provided to the City Council: Slide Report (not dated) from the Economic Development Department titled Extension of the Exclusive Right to Negotiate with CIM Group Communication from Timothy J. Stripe, Co -President, Grand Pacific Resorts, Inc. dated October 17, 1998 regarding the CIM request for a six-month extension for their Exclusive Negotiating Agreement for Blocks 104 and 105 with the Redevelopment Agency Of Huntington Beach and Grand Pacific Resort, Inc.'s interest in pursuing a high -end hospitality timeshare project on this site Communication dated October 19, 1998 from Keith B. Bohr, Property Owner Representative for property owners Gary Mulligan (117 Main Street), Mr. George Draper (121 Main Street) and Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mase (123 Main Street) requesting the Redevelopment Agency deny the recommended 180 day extension of the CIM Exclusive Right to Negotiate and a possible recommended alternative Agency action should the Redevelopment Agency decide to approve the project Economic Development Director Biggs presented a slide report. Councilmember Bauer listed the projects developed in the area which contrast with the noneompletion of this property. A motion was made by Bauer, second Green, to approve and authorize the following recommended action: 1. The Chairman and Agency Clerk to execute the First Extension To Exclusive !Negotiation Agreement Between The Redevelopment Agency Of The City Of Huntington Beach And CIM Group, LLC For Development Within The Huntington Beach Redevelopment Project (Blocks 104 And 105) with the requirement that the staff be directed to move ahead with all the requirements that need to be met to institute eminent domain. 119 Page 14 - Council/Agency Minutes—10/19198 Councilmember Garofalo stated that pending information from the City Attorney, he would abstain from voting on this motion. The motion made by Bauer, second Green, carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Harman, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan NOES: None ABSENT: (Garofalo abstained) (CITY COUNCIL) APPROVED REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM NOVEMBER 2, 1998 CITY COUNCIL MEETING — COUNCILMEMBER JULIEN (120.40) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Julien requesting permission to be absent from the City Council meeting of November 2, 1998. A motion was made by Green, second Bauer, to approve the request from Councilmember Julien to be absent from the City Council meeting of November 2, 1998. The motion carried unanimously. (CITY COUNCIL) STAFF TO REVIEW MODIFICATION TO ZONING & SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS/DAY SPAS IN COMMERCIALLY ZONED DISTRICTS (120,10) The City Council considered a communication from Councilmember Julien requesting that Council consider a modification to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to permit massage establishments such as hotel spas or day spas within commercial zoning districts. A motion was made by Julien, second Green, to direct staff to review the Sex Oriented Business Ordinance and all other applicable regulations and propose amendments to our regulations so that legitimate massage establishments or day spas may exist in our commercial areas. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Julien, Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Sullivan, Garofalo NOES: Harman ABSENT: None (CITY COUNCIL) ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF CINDY MORGAN TO FINANCE BOARD TO FILL VACANCY CREATED BY RESIGNATION OF ANJI CLEMMONS (110.20) A communication from Councilmember Tom Harman announcing his appointment of Cindy Morgan to the Finance Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Angi Clemmons had been provided to Council in the Council packet. Councilmember Harman announced his appointment of Cindy Morgan to the Finance Board. 120 Page 16 - Council/Agency Minutes—10119/98 ADJOURNMENT — CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPM ENT AGENCY Mayor Dettloff adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 8:30 p.m. to Monday, November 2, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. The motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: City Clerk/Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk ofthe City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California ay rI rman 121