HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-03I
Council Chambers - Civic Center
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California
ROLL CALL: Inglee, Chapman, Tillotson, Livengood, Kerins, Biddle, Speaker
APPLICANT: Catellus Residential Group
LOCATION: 600 ft. north and east of the intersections of Bolsa Chica Street and
Warner Ave., south of Heil Avenue
PLANNER: Amy Wolfe
Tentative Tract Map No. 15469 and Conditional Use Permit No. 97-80 represent a development
proposal by Catellus Residential Group (CRG) involving; subdivision of 48.4 gross acres into
small lots (TTM 15469); construction of 313 single family dwellings, a public park, private open
space/recreation facilities and infrastructure improvements (CUP No. 97-80). The project site is
located approximately 600 ft. north and east of the intersection of Warner Avenue and Bolsa
Chica Street and was previously used as a small craft airport (Meadowlark Airport).
The proposed development plan is comprised of four interconnected Planning Areas, a 2.3 acre
publr c park area and one private park site totaling 0.65 acres. A meandering pedestrian
promenade/ Spine Road provides the primary pedestrian and vehicular access to the subject site
from Heil Avenue and Warner Avenue. The project's density is 9.8 dwelling units per net acre
(6.5 dwelling units per gross acre). The proposed mix of housing product and lot design
provides for development of small -lot, zero -lot -line and z-lot layouts. Development of the four
planning areas is proposed to occur simultaneously.
The project is subject to compliance with the Meadowlark Specific Plan. Amendments to the
originally approved Meadowlark Specific Plan document (adopted March 7, 1988) to allow
small -lot development within the subject area were considered and approved by the Planning
Commission on September 22, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended that Zoning
Text Amendment (ZTA No. 97-4), Zoning Map Amendment (ZTA No. 97-1) and
Environmental Assessment (EA/ ND No.97-21) associated with the Meadowlark Specific Plan
amendment be forwarded to the City Council for consideration and final action.
The Tentative Tract Map and Conditional Use Permit requests for the development of the
residential portion of the Meadowlark project site tracked the public hearing process/ schedule
for the Meadowlark Specific Plan amendment ( ZTA No. 97-4 and ZMA No. 97-1) and on
September 22, 1998, the Planning Commission continued the item (TTM No. 15469 and CUP
No. 97-80) "to a date uncertain" to allow the applicant time to revise the development proposal
and bring it in conformance with the amended Meadowlark Specific Plan.
The current project proposal (dated/received October 19-21,1998) was analyzed from two
different perspectives. First it was evaluated in terms of compliance with the amended
Meadowlark Specific Plan document (as modified on September 22, 1998). Staff determined
that the development plans submitted on October 19 — October 21, 1998, by CRG are not in
compliance with the Meadowlark Specific Plan, therefore staff recommends denial of the
Meadowlark development proposal (CUP No. 97-80 and TTM No. 15469) based on non-
compliance with the approved Meadowlark Specific Plan (September 22, 1998) and non-
compliance with General Plan goals objectives and policies.
Separately, staff reviewed the development proposal to determine project consistency with the
anticipated staff recommendations to the City Council on Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA No.
97-4) and Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA No. 97-1) for the Meadowlark Specific Plan. Staff
found the project to be inconsistent with staff s recommendations and does not support approval
of the project based on non- compliance with design, safety requirements and community
facility needs.
PC Minutes—12/3/98 2 (98PCM123)
The Planning, Public Works, Community Services, Police and Fire Department recommend
denial of the proposed project for the following reasons:
♦ The project is not consistent with Land Use Element, Circulation Element and Recreation
and Community Services Element goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, which
foster development of high quality communities by means of creative design solutions;
ensuring provision of infrastructure and; addressing the recreational needs of the community.
♦ The project, does not comply with the provisions and development standards of the amended
Meadowlark Specific Plan. The proposal is inconsistent with applicable public park, parking
requirements (minimum number of open and enclosed spaces), garage use/ design, building
height, front yard setbacks, exterior side yard setbacks, interior side yard setbacks, rear yard
setbacks, on -street parking, open space design (SW corner of PA-4) and fence/wall
♦ The project will be detrimental to the general health, welfare and safety of persons working
or residing in the project vicinity. The project does not incorporate the necessary street
infrastructure to ensure emergency access; provide adequate buffer areas between park and
residential uses; parking for project residents and neighborhood park users; utilize design
solutions to eliminate crime related activities.
The Planning Commission discussed and took straw votes on the 14 items listed on the tentative
tract map and conditional use permit development compliance matrix dated December 3, 1998.
Inglee, Chapman,
Tillotson, Livengood, Kerins, Biddle, Speaker
Kerins, Biddle
Inglee, Chapman, Tillotson, Livengood, Speaker
PC Minutes—12/3/98
AYES: Inglee, Chapman, Tillotson, Livengood, Speaker
NOES: Kerins, Biddle
The Planning Commission discussed changes to their previous recommendation on September
22, 1998 relative to the draft Meadowlark Specific Plan (Zoning Text Amendment No. 97-
4/Zoning Map Amendment No. 97-1). They voted by minute action to recommend that the City
Council consider three (3) revisions as follows:
Garage Use/Design (Planning Areas 3 and 4) - require a minimum garage area
of 400 square feet to be provided for automobile and general household storage
in Planning Area 3 and 4. Minimum interior garage dimensions shall be 18 feet
wide by 19 feet deep. General household storage areas shall be provided in
accordance with the plans presented by CRG to the Planning Commission on
December 3, 1998 (Vote: 4-3).
• Rear yard setbacks (Planning Area 3) -permit second story projections, no
greater than 24 inches within the rear yard setback (Vote: 4-3).
• Front yard setbacks (Planning Area 4) -permit second story projections no
greater than 24 inches within the front yard setback (mote: 5-2).
PC Minutes—12/3/98 4 (98PCM123)
1. The Negative Declaration No. 97-21 has been prepared in compliance with Article 6 of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. It was advertised and available
for a public comment period of twenty (20) days. No comments were received during the
comment period.
2. Mitigation measures for Negative Declaration No. 97-21 attached hereto shall become part of
the project conditions of approval, (unless superseded by more restrictive TTM/CUP
conditions), and will avoid or reduce the project's effects to a point where clearly no
significant effect on the environment will occur. Mitigation measures address a number of
potential impacts including: affordable housing requirements, land use compatibility, noise
impacts and hazardous materials.
3. There is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the Planning Commission
that the project, as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment.
1. Tentative Tract Map No.15469 for subdivision of 48.4 gross acres for the purpose of
developing a 313 unit residential community is consistent with the General Plan Land Use
Element designation of M-sp (Mixed Use- Specific Plan) on the subject property and the
amended Meadowlark Specific Plan, as approved by the Planning Commission. Detached
single family homes on small -lots are a permitted use.
2. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development at 9.8 units per net
acre (6.5 units per gross acre). The site was previously approved for a higher intensity of
land use (12.4 units per gross acre). The size, lot frontage, street sections and other design
features of the proposed subdivision, as proposed or conditioned, are in compliance with the
amended Specific Plan.
3. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause serious health
problems or substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or
wildlife or their habitat. The project was evaluated in Negative Declaration No. 97-21 and
will comply with appropriate mitigation measures.
4. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements,
acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed
subdivision unless alternative easements, for access or for use, will be provided. The
subdivision, as conditioned, will provide all necessary easements and will not affect any
existing easements.
PC Minutes — 12/3/98 5 (98PCM123)
1. Conditional Use Permit No. 97-80 for the establishment of the 313 dwelling unit planned
community will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in
the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the
neighborhood. The proposed project as conditioned will provide the necessary infrastructure
and site improvements to accommodate the needs of project residents and the adjoining
2. The conditional use permit request, as conditioned, will be compatible with surrounding
residential and commercial uses. The proposed buffer areas between the existing easterly
adjacent properties and PA3, project grading, site design and subdivision layout will properly
adapt the proposed structures to streets, driveways and other adjacent structure and uses in a
harmonious manner.
3. The proposed residential development, as conditioned, will comply with the provisions of the
base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning
and Subdivision Ordinance and any specific condition required for the proposed use. The
proposed use will meet the approved Meadowlark Specific Plan, as approved by the Planning
Commission, HBZSO and HBOC provisions, including, lot size, setbacks, density and
parking. PA 2 is a creative layout and includes innovative architecture and design.
4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is
consistent with the Land Use Element designation of M-sp (Mixed Use -Specific Plan) on the
subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the
General Plan:
A. LU9.L2: Require that single-family residential units be designed to convey a high
level of quality by considering the following guidelines:
a. Modulate and articulate building elevation, facades and masses (avoiding
undifferentiated "box -like" structures).
d. Encouraging innovative and creative design concepts.
B. LU 9.3.2: Require that the design of new residential subdivisions consider the
b. Integrate public squares, mini -parks, or other landscape elements.
i. Consider reduced street widths to achieve a more "intimate: relationship between
structures, to the extent feasible and in accordance with Huntington Beach Fire
Department regulations.
PC Minutes—12/3/98 6 (98PCM123)
1. The tentative tract map received and dated October 19, 1998, as conditioned, shall be the
conceptually approved layout. The plan shall be revised, to comply with the Meadowlark
Specific Plan provisions and development standards.
2. The project shall comply with parkland dedication requirements. Developer shall dedicate a
minimum of 2.4 acres of park land and shall pay parkland dedication in -lieu fees to satisfy
the remaining project parkland dedication obligation. In -lieu fees shall be assessed at a land
value rate equal to $500,000 per acre. The proposed neighborhood public park shall be flat
and shall provide at a minimum three (3) acres of dry, usable park space. Developer shall
provide 16 parking spaces along the Spine Road frontage to serve park parking needs.
3. Retaining walls shall be setback a minimum of four (4) ft. from the back of sidewalks. No
retaining walls shall be permitted within the "Spine Road" street ROW.
4. Lot "N" shall be reconfigured to provide a minimum of ten (10) ft. landscape buffer along
Airport Circle and pedestrian access only between Roosevelt Lane and Airport Circle. The
remaining portion of the subject lot shall be incorporated within the adjoining residential lots.
5. Wall and fence plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning, Building and Public
Works Department. Prior to construction of any new walls, a plan shall be submitted
identifying the removal of any existing walls next to new walls, and shall include approval by
property owners of adjacent properties. The plans shall include section drawings, a site plan
and elevations. The plans shall identify materials, seep holes and drainage.
6. Decorative paving shall be provided at main project entrances (Heil Ave/Spine Road and
Plaza Lane/Spine Road) and at all entry points to each of the Planning Areas. The type of
enhanced paving materials to be provided shall be subject to review and approval by the
Public Works and Planning Department.
7. At least 60 days before City Council action on the final map, CC&Rs shall be submitted to
the Planning Department and approved by the City Attorney. The CC&Rs shall reflect and
address the common driveway access easements, use easements, landscape easements,
maintenance easements as well as maintenance of all walls and common landscape areas by
the Homeowner's Association. Moreover the CC&Rs shall require use of the garages for
automobile storage; a minimum of eighteen (18) ft. by nineteen (19) ft. shall be maintained
clear of any obstruction for automobile parking. Furthermore the CC&Rs shall limit
additions to and exterior modification of dwelling units within all planning areas in
accordance with Meadowlark Specific Plan provisions. The CC&Rs shall include
enforcement of "no -parking" areas. The CC&Rs shall be in recordable form prior to
recordation of the map.
8. On -site drainage shall not be directed to adjacent properties. Drainage shall be
accommodated per Public Works Standards.
PC Minutes—12/3/98
9. Drainage flows from adjacent properties shall not be obstructed. Flows shall be
accommodated per Public Works Standards.
10. Street lighting shall be designed and constructed to comply with Meadowlark Specific Plan
provisions pertaining to decorative street lighting.
11. Fire hydrants locations shall be approved by the Fire Department:
12. Tentative Tract Map No. 15469 shall comply with all mitigation measures of Negative
Declaration No. 97-21 (attached hereto and becoming a part thereon) unless mitigation
measure(s) are superceded by more restrictive conditions of project approval.
13. Tentative Tract Map No. 15469 shall comply with A.D.A. Standards.
14. Prior to recordation of the final map and unless otherwise stated, the following conditions
shall be completed. Bonding may be substituted for construction in accordance with the
provisions of the Subdivision Map Act.
a. An affordable housing plan shall be submitted to the City of Huntington Beach, in
accordance with Meadowlark Specific Plan provisions. The plan shall provide for
affordable housing on -site or off -site. The contents of the affordable housing plan shall
include the following:
1) Ten percent (10%) of the total units proposed shall be affordable to low and
moderate income level households (maximum 100% of the Orange County
Median Income) for a period of thirty (30) years.
2) A detailed description of the type, size, location and phasing of the units being built.
3) If rental units are used to satisfy this condition, then the units shall be for
households earning between 50%-80% of the Orange County Median Income.
b. All vehicular access rights to all public and private streets within the proposed
subdivision including Heil Avenue and Street "A' shall be released and relinquished to
the City of Huntington Beach except at locations approved by the City. (PW)
c. A final sewer study shall be submitted for Public Works approval. The development
shall design the sewer system required to serve the development. (PW)
d. A letter of acceptance for additional sewer flows shall be required from the Orange
County Sanitation District. (PW)
PC Minutes—12/3/98 8 (98PCM123)
e. The water improvements shall be designed as shown on the approved Tentative Tract
Map, and per the City of Huntington Beach Water Division's Standard Plan,
Specifications and Design Criteria. The Developer shall submit a final water system
analysis with calculations with the project's first plan check to confirm appropriate
sizing and layout. If the analysis shows that fire flow demands cannot be met with the
City's current water pipeline infrastructure, the developer will be required to upgrade
the City's pipeline system to meet the demands at no cost to the City. The City of
Huntington Beach Water Division shall approve all changes or additions to pipeline
infrastructure. Any new infrastructure constructed in the public right-of-way shall be
dedicated to the City upon successful completion of the project, including
bacteriological testing. (PW)
f. The applicant will work with the Fire Department to assure that the street name of "A"
Street will be consistent from south of Warner through the north side of Heil Avenue.
The applicant will be responsible for any modification to existing signage due to name
changes. (PW)
g. Final hydrology and hydraulic studies for both on and off site facilities shall be
submitted for Public Works review and approval. Drainage easements and lots
designated as detention areas shall also be shown on the Final Map as directed and
approved by the Department of Public Works. On -site drainage shall not be directed to
adjacent properties, but shall be handled by a Public Works approved method. Runoff
from the site shall be restricted as directed by the Department of Public Works to
minimize impacts to downstream facilities. If the detention facilities are proposed
within park areas, all storm flows up to and including the 10 year event shall be
contained below grade. Any surface water detention above the 10 year event shall not
be allowed to pond above grade for more than 2 hours. Porous soil and an underdrain
system will be incorporated in the park and field areas at the direction of the Public
Works Department to insure these areas maintain the required drainage associated with
active park use. (PW)
h. The Developer shall design off -site drainage improvements as required by the
Department of Public Works to mitigate the impact of increase runoff, due to
development, and pass through flows, to deficient downstream drainage systems.
Design of all necessary drainage improvements shall provide mitigation for all rainfall
event frequencies up to a 100-year frequency. All storm inlets shall be gated. (PW)
i. Streets `B" through "L" shall be designed per Standard Drawing 104 with 50 ft. of
right-of-way, and with a 32 ft. curb to curb. Sidewalk shall be 4 ft. wide minimum with
a 5 ft. wide parkway adjacent to curb. Parking shall be restricted to one side. (PW)
j. All street grades shall be a minimum of 0.50%. (PW)
k. Streets "M" through "Z" and "AA" through `BB" shall be designed per Standard
Drawing 104 (42'/32'). The sidewalk shall be 5 ft. wide minimum with "pop -out"
sections around street furniture to comply with ADA requirements. Parking shall be
restricted to one side. (PW)
PC Minutes—12/3/98 9 (98PCM123)
1. A final parking layout plan shall be submitted as part of the street improvement plans
for all private and public streets. This plan shall be used for parking control by the
HOA. For streets with parking allowed on one side only, the opposite curb shall be
painted red and no parking fire -lane" signs shall be posted prior to any move -ins. (PW)
m. The developer shall design and construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Heil
Avenue, Street "A" and Del Mar Lane. (PW)
n. The southerly 29 ft. of existing Pearce Street and all of the new proposed Pearce Street
to the intersection of "K" Street shall be dedicated to the public for street and public
utility purposes per Standard Plan No. 104 (29'/20' half section). The sidewalk shall be
4 ft. wide minimum with a 5 ft. wide parkway adjacent to the curb. (PW)
o. Street "A' shall be dedicated to the public for street and public utility purposes. The
street section shall be designed per Standard Plan 104 modified (60'/32') with no
parking on either side. A meandering 6' wide sidewalk shall be incorporated in the
parkway on each side of the street. The intersection of "A' Street and Heil Avenue
shall align with Del Mar Lane. If parking for the park is to be provided on Street "A', it
shall be in addition to the required 32' of curb to curb width and as shown in the
approved parking layout plan. A queue length analysis shall be performed to provide
adequate stacking for left turn movements from "A' Street to Heil Avenue. (PW)
p. Those portions of the sewer and storm drain system which are in private streets shall be
maintained by the HOA. (PW)
q. All street intersections shall intersect at 90 degrees or radialy to curved streets. The
developer shall perform sight distance analysis (using a design of 45 mph) for all
intersections along Street "A". (PW)
r. The developer shall design signing, striping and street lighting in accordance with
Public Works Standards and the Specific Plan. (PW)
s. The southerly 18 ft of Heil Avenue shall be dedicated to the public for street and public
utility purposes. (PW)
t. Heil Avenue shall be designated per the City's Standard Plan No. 102, modified,
(100'/70'), including a 7 ft bike lane on the south side of Heil Avenue. The developer
shall design protected left turn pockets, (150 ft in length) in both directions on Heil
Avenue, (design speed 50 MPH). The developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way,
if necessary, on Heil Avenue to permit installation of the protected left turn pockets as
directed by the Department of Public Works. (PW)
u. An additional 12 ft. of landscaping shall be required adjacent to the Heil Avenue right-
of-way. Landscaping improvements shall be designed and installed per Public Works
Standards. This landscaped area shall be contained within an easement for maintenance
by the HOA. (PW)
PC Minutes—12/3/98 10 (98PCM123)
v. A reproducible mylar copy and a print of the recorded final map, along with digital
graphic files of the recorded map per the City`of Huntington Beach "CAD Standards
Manual for Consultants", shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works. (PW)
w. The following shall be shown as a dedication to the City of Huntington Beach on the
Final Map:
1) An easement over the private streets for Police, Fire Department, and utility
maintenance access purposes.
2) A 2 ft. public utility easement adjacent to the street right-of-way, as shown on said
map (7 ft parkways or less).
3) The water system and appurtenances as shown on the improvement plans.
4) Access rights in, over, across, upon and through the private streets for the purpose
of maintaining, servicing, cleaning, and replacing the water system.
5) The easements for sewer and storm drain purposes as shown on said map, with
maintenance by the HOA.
6) All perimeter, streetscape, community open space and greenbelt areas, Norma Gibbs
Park extension and other required landscape improvements shall be dedicated with
the first phase of development. (PW)
x. The developer shall provide a 10 ft (minimum) wide decorative pavement section at the
joint points of the public streets, excluding Pearce Street east of Street "K" per the
City's direction. The decorative pavement section shall end at the curb returns in the
private street portion. (PW)
y. A phasing map shall be submitted for approval by the Department of Public Works
showing improvements to be constructed and right-of-way and easements to be
dedicated with each phase. All required infrastructure including all public streets shall
be designed with the first phase. (PW)
z. The Final Map and phased maps shall be consistent with the approved Tentative Map.
aa. The engineer or surveyor preparing the final map shall comply with sections 7-9-330
and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision
Manual, Sub -article 18 for the following items:
1) Tie the boundary of the map in the Horizontal Control System established by the
County Surveyor
2) Provide a digital -graphics file of said map. (PW)
bb. All improvement securities (Faithful Performance, Labor & Material and Monument
Bonds) and Subdivision Agreement shall be posted with the Public Works Department
and approved as to form by the City Attorney. (PW)
PC Minutes — 12/3/98
cc. A Certificate of Insurance shall be filed with the Public Works Department and
approved as to form by the City Attorney. (PW)
dd. All Public Works fees shall be paid. (PW)
ee. A cash payment in the amount of $35,000.00, in addition to any traffic impact fee due,
shall be made to the City, for the developer's share of the future traffic signal at the
intersection of Bolsa Chica Street and Pearce Street as specified in the Meadowlark
Specific Plan. (PW)
ff. Tentative Tract Map No. 15469 (PA 4) shall be revised to accommodate the proposed
architectural design and comply with minimum setbacks, inclusive of side yard
gg. A copy of the CC&R's shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for
review and approval. The CC&R's shall provide as a minimum:
1) The HOA shall be responsible for performing regular maintenance and monitoring
of the storm water system in conformance with the Storm Water Quality
Management Plan for the development.
2) All public fire hydrants within the development shall be kept clear of landscaping .
and improvements per City requirements and standards and painted as required.
3) The Huntington Beach Police Department shall not be restricted from enforcing all
parking regulations and the citation of violations for any parking not permitted by
the approved parking plan for the project.
4) Red curb for "No Parking" zones shall be maintained yearly by the HOA.
5) Provisions shall be made in the CC&R's to prescribe street sweeping guidelines
performed by the HOA. Guidelines shall be in conformance with City
requirements. (PW)
hh. Rolled curbs shall be provided on all private streets.
ii. Emergency vehicle access shall be provided at the end of the cul-de-sacs as deemed
necessary by the Fire Department. (FD)
J. The developer shall pay a proportional share for the signalization of the Heil/Graham
intersection as determined by a traffic impact analysis approved by the Department of
Public Works. (PW)
The following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of grading permits. (PW)
a. A Grading Plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted for review
and approval. The Grading Plan shall include design of the detention basin area within
the proposed park site. This plan shall also include an erosion and silt control plan for
all water runoff during construction and site preparation work. Final grades and
elevations on the Grading Plan shall not vary by more than 1 ft. from the grades and
elevations on the approved Tentative Map.
PC Minutes—12/3/98 12 (98PCM123)
b. A detailed soils analysis shall be'prepared by a registered engineer. This analysis shall
include on -site soils sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed
recommendations for grading, chemical and fill properties, retaining walls, streets, and
c. A Landscape and Irrigation Plan, prepared by a Licensed Landscape Architect, shall be
submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval by the Park, Tree
and Landscape Division. The Developer shall submit irrigation demands to ensure
proper irrigation service sizing.
d. In accordance with NPDES requirements, a "Water Quality Management Plan" shall be
prepared by a Civil or Environmental Engineer. Water quality BMP and education
information shall be included in the CC&R's.
e. The Developer shall coordinate with the City of Huntington Beach Traffic Engineering
Division in developing a truck and construction vehicle routing plan. This plan shall
specify the hours in which transport activities can occur and methods to minimize
construction related impacts to adjacent residents. These plans must be approved by
the Department of Public Works.
16. The following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits. (PW)
a. No combustible construction shall occur until the approved water system has been
b. The water system shall be located within vehicle travelways dedicated to the City
where possible. Ground cover, hardscape and/or softscape over water lines shall be
approved by the Water Division. The developer or any other subsequent HOA shall
enter into a Special Utility Easement Agreement with the City, which shall address
repairs to any enhanced pavement, walls, fencing, curb, gutter, landscaping, etc. by
other than City forces (at no cost to the City), if City water mains require maintenance
or repair.
c. Construct off -site drainage improvements as required by the Department of Public
Works to mitigate impact of increased run-off, due to development, or deficient,
downstream drainage systems. Design all necessary drainage improvements shall
provide mitigation of all rainfall event frequencies up to 100-year frequency.
17. The following conditions shall be completed prior to final occupancy. (PW)
a. Backflow protection is required and shall be installed per the Huntington Beach Water
Division Standard Plans for irrigation and fire suppression water services.
b. Each proposed dwelling unit shall require a separate domestic meter and service. All
domestic water meters shall be sized in accordance with the UPC and the requirements
of the City of Huntington Beach Building Department and the Fire Department.
PC Minutes — 12/3/98 13 (98PCM123)
c. All existing overhead utilities shall be installed underground in accordance with the
City's Underground Utility Ordinance. In addition, all electrical transformers shall be
in stalled underground.
d. The entire public park extension onto Norma Gibbs park shall be improved to Public
Works Standards. The developer shall provide for a minimum of 16 parking stalls with
direct access to a public street. Park parking shall be restricted to the park frontage
along Street "A'. One space shall be ADA compliant.
e. All public infrastructure improvements, perimeter, streetscape, community open space
and greenbelt areas, Norma Gibbs park extension and other required landscaping
improvements shall be completed prior to the first move in. Private infrastructure shall
be constructed per the approved phasing plan.
f. Soil tests for agricultural suitability, fertility and appraisal, from the site to be
landscaped, shall be submitted for review and approval by Park, Tree and Landscaping
Division of Public Works. Test results and corrective recommendations by the Testing
Lab shall be included in the Landscape Plan Specifications for construction.
g. Existing mature trees that are to be removed must be replaced at a 2:1 ratio with a 36"
box tree or palm equivalent. The Developer shall have a consulting Arborist quantify,
identify, size and analyze the health of the existing trees. The report shall also
recommend how the existing trees that are to remain (if any) shall be protected and how
far construction/grading shall be kept from the trunk.
h. All landscaping irrigation and planting installation shall be certified to be in compliance
with the City approved landscape plans by the landscape architect of record in written
form to the City Landscape Architect prior to the final landscape inspection and
i. All streets shall be fully improved per the conditions of approval.
j. A block retaining wall (solid grouted) shall be constructed along the southerly
boundary of the property, as required to mitigate noise impacts.
k. A "Landscape Maintenance License Agreement" is required for the continuing
landscaping maintenance along Street "A" and Heil Avenue by the Homeowners
1. Street lighting for Heil Avenue and all other streets shall be owned by Southern
California Edison Co. Street lighting shall be constructed in accordance with City
Standards and Meadowlark Specific Plan requirements pertinent to provision of
decorative lighting fixtures.
in. The Developer shall install 150 ft left turn pockets at the intersection of Heil Avenue,
Street "A" and Del Mar Lane.
PC Minutes—12/3/98 14 (98PCM123)
n. Signing, striping and street lighting shall be constructed in accordance with City
o. The Traffic Impact Fee shall be paid prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy.
18. The project shall comply with Negative Declaration No. 97-21 mitigation measures
unless superseded by more restrictive conditions of approval.
1. The Final Map shall not be accepted by the City Council until ZMA No. 97-1 and ZTA No.
97-4 are approved and in effect. Once complete, the Final Map shall be accepted by the City
Council , recorded with the Orange County Recorder and a copy filed with the Planning
2. Park and Recreation Fees shall be paid prior to acceptance of the Final Map by the City
3. State Mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits.
4. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid prior to map recordation.
5. Tentative Tract Map No. 15469 shall become null and void unless exercised within two
years from the date of final approval. An extension of time may be granted by the Director
of Planning pursuant to written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum of
30 days prior to the expiration date.
6. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $38.00 for the posting of the Notice of
Determination at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the
County of Orange and submitted to the Department of Community Development within two
days of the Planning Commission action.
1. The Conditional Use Permit plans/documents received and dated October 19, - 21, 1998,
shall be the conceptually approved plans with the following modifications:
a. The Conditional Use Permit plans/documents shall be revised to comply with the
Meadowlark Specific Plan provisions and development standards and any other
applicable provisions of the HBZSO and HBOC, inclusive of public park dedication,
building setbacks, building height, parking and storage requirements.
b. Garage driveway widths shall be designed in accordance with HBZSO Section 231.18
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c. Depict all utility apparatus, such as but not limited to back flow devices and Edison
transformers on the site plan. Utility meters shall be screened from view from public
rights -of -way. Electric transformers in a required front or street side yard shall be
enclosed in subsurface vaults. Backflow prevention devices shall be prohibited in the
front yard setback and shall be screened from view. (Code Requirement)
d. Depict all gas meters, water meters, electrical panels, air conditioning units, mailbox
facilities and similar items on the site plan and elevations. If located on a building, they
shall be architecturally designed into the building to appear as part of the building. They
shall be architecturally compatible with the building and non -obtrusive, not interfere with
sidewalk areas and comply with required setbacks.
e. For zero lot -line construction, the maximum separation between building wall and
property line shall not exceed two (2) inches.
f. The southwest portion of Planning Area 4 shall be redesigned to provide at a minimum a
ten (10) ft wide landscape buffer along Airport Circle, the remaining portion of Lot "N'
shall be incorporated within the adjoining private residential lots.
g. The Wall and Fence plans shall be revised to provide masonry walls at rear and interior
residential property line fence locations and "theme wall" design treatment along Lot "L"
and front yard fence design.
h. If outdoor lighting is included, energy saving lamps shall be used. All outside lighting
shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties and shall be shown on the
site plan and elevations.
i. Product mix modifications shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning
j. Planning Area 1, Floor Plan 2 and associated conditional use permit and tentative tract
map documents shall be revised to comply with the Planning Commission approved
Meadowlark Specific Plan parking requirements. Redesign parlor so as not to constitute
a bedroom by definition of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance.
k. Planning Area 1, Floor Plan 3 includes a master retreat adjacent to a master bedroom
which shall not constitute a separate bedroom provided there is a wall opening of
minimum six (6) feet or that it is accessed through a master bathroom. No exterior
stairways accessing either a dwelling, or balcony/deck shall be permitted.
1. The architectural plans for all dwelling units within PA-2 shall be revised to comply with
Meadowlark Specific Plan maximum building height requirements (30 ft. maximum).
m. The dwelling unit on Lot 39 (PA-2) shall be re -plotted to comply with the minimum 10
feet exterior side yard setback.
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n. Plan 2 and 2X (PA-2) shall be revised to comply with the minimum 20 feet (width) by 20
feet (depth) interior garage dimensions. Plan 2X and 3X (PA-2) shall be revised to
eliminate the excess substandard compact and tandem parking. Excess tandem/compact
parking areas shall be allocated to alternate uses and shall comply with the Meadowlark
Specific Plan parking requirements.
o. The second story projections in Planning Area 3 shall be revised to comply with
minimum rear yard setback requirements of the Meadowlark Specific Plan, as approved
by the Planning Commission (minimum 13 feet and 15 feet).
p. Garage design and storage for dwelling units within Planning Area 3 shall be revised to
comply with the Planning Commission approved Meadowlark Specific Plan.
q. Plan 4 of Planning Area 4 shall be revised to comply with minimum front yard setback
r. Garage design and storage for dwelling units within Planning Area 4 shall be revised to
comply with the Planning Commission approved Meadowlark Specific Plan.
2. Prior to submittal for building permits, the following shall be completed:
a. Zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on the second page
of all working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural,
structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing).
b. Points of interest (architectural, landscaping, recreational and sculptural), seating areas
and functional pavilions shall be incorporated within the overall pedestrian promenade/
Spine Road design theme. A detailed plan specifying the proposed design elements shall
be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval by the Design Review
c. Decorative street furniture and light fixtures shall be incorporated within the Meadowlark
Specific Plan area (PA 1- PA 4). Street furniture and light fixture specifications and
locations shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval by the
Design Review Board.
b. Names of streets shall be submitted to and approved by the Huntington Beach Fire
Department in accordance with City Specification No. 409. (FD)
c. Submit three (3) copies of the site plan and the processing fee to the Planning Department
for addressing purposes after street name approval by the Fire Department.
d. The Planning Department shall review and approve the following:
1) Enhanced architectural treatment for building facades visible from public right-of-
way, open space areas and parks sites.
2) Revised site plan and elevations as modified pursuant to Condition No. 1.
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e. All Fire Department requirements shall be noted on the building plans. (M).
f. Residential type structures on the subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be
constructed in compliance with the State acoustical standards set forth for units that lie
within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. Evidence of compliance shall consist of
submittal of an acoustical analysis report and plans, prepared under the supervision of a
person experienced in the field of acoustical engineering, with the application for
building permit(s). (Code Requirement)
g. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered Soils Engineer and submitted
with the building permit application. This analysis shall include on -site soil sampling and
laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations regarding: grading,
foundations, retaining walls, streets, utilities, and chemical and fill properties of
underground items including buried pipe and concrete and the protection thereof. (Code
h. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground
surface acceleration from earth movement for the subject property. All structures within
this development shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the
geologist's report. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand
anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of
building permits. (Code Requirement)
i. Floor plans shall depict natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location
of clothes dryers; natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities,
water heaters and central heating units.
3. Prior to issuance of grading permits, blockwall/fencing plans shall be submitted to and
approved by the Department of Community Development. Double walls shall be prohibited.
Prior to the construction of any new walls, a plan must be submitted identifying the removal
of any existing walls next to the new walls, and shall include approval by property owners of
adjacent properties. The plans shall include section drawings, a site plan and elevations. The
plans shall identify materials, seep holes and drainage.
4. Prior to issuance of building permits, the following shall be completed:
a. Submit copy of the revised site plan, floor plans and elevations pursuant to Condition No.
1 for review and approval and inclusion in the entitlement file to the Planning
PC Minutes—12/3/98 18 (98PCM123)
b. A Landscape Construction Set must be submitted to the Department of Public Works and
approved by the Departments of Public Works and Planning. The Landscape
Construction Set shall include a landscape plan prepared and signed by a State Licensed
Landscape Architect which identifies the location, type, size and quantity of all existing
plant materials to remain, existing plant materials to be removed and proposed plant
materials; an irrigation plan; a grading plan; an approved site plan and a copy of the
entitlement conditions of approval.
c. The landscape plans shall be in conformance with Chapter 232 of the Zoning and
Subdivision Ordinance and applicable Design Guidelines. Any existing mature trees that
must be removed shall be replaced at a two to one ratio (2:1) with minimum 36 inch box
trees and shall be incorporated into the project's landscape plan. (Code Requirement)
d. The Final Map shall be accepted by the City Council, recorded with the Orange County
Recorder and a copy filed with the Planning Department. (Code Requirement)
e. The property owner shall sign, notarize, and record with the County Recorder a covenant
assuring that the single family residences will be maintained as one (1) dwelling unit.
f. The developer shall submit a separate utility plan showing water system improvements,
including service connections to each building, fire hydrant, valves, backflow devices and
other appurtenances in accordance with applicable U.P.C., City Ordinances, Public
Works Standards and Water Division design criteria. These plans shall be approved by
the Public Works Water Division and the Huntington Beach Fire Department prior to any
construction. (PW)
g. An interim parking and/or building materials storage plan shall be submitted to the
Planning Department to assure adequate parking and restroom facilities are available for
employees, customers and contractors during the projects construction phase and that
adjacent properties will not be impacted by their location. The applicant shall obtain any
necessary encroachment permits from the Department of Public Works.
h. Submit a letter of map revision from FEMA declaring the lot(s) exempt from floodplain
requirements or submit a copy of completed FEMA Elevation Certificate(s) for each unit
to the Planning Department.
5. During construction, the applicant shall:
a. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems in all areas where vehicles travel to keep damp
enough to prevent dust raised when leaving the site:
b. Wet down areas in the late morning and after work is completed for the day;
c. Use low sulfur fuel (.05%) by weight for construction equipment;
d. Attempt to phase and schedule construction activities to avoid high ozone days (first
stage smog alerts);
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e. Discontinue construction during second stage smog alerts.
6. Prior to final building permit inspection and approval of the first residential unit, the
following shall be completed:
a. The applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the South Coast Air Quality
Management District and submit a copy to Department of Community Development.
b. All improvements to the property shall be completed in accordance with the approved
plans and conditions of approval specified herein including.
1) Fire lanes will be designated and posted to comply with City Specification No. 415.
2) Address numbers will be installed to comply with City Specification No. 428. The
size of the numbers will be sized a minimum of six (6) inches with a brush stroke of
one and one-half (1-1/2) inches. (FD)
3) On -site fire hydrants shall be provided in number and at locations specified by the
Fire Department. (FD)
c. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished and
verified by the Planning Department. _
d. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable
material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them.
e. The project will comply with all provisions of the Huntington Beach Fire Code and City
Specification Nos. 422 and 431 for the abandonment of oil wells and site restoration.
f The project will comply will all provisions of Huntington Beach Municipal Code Title
17.04.085 and City Specification No. 429 for new constriction within the methane gas
overlay districts. (FD)
g. If the lots are not considered exempt by FEMA, a second elevation certificate shall be
submitted to the Planning Division for each unit "as built."
7. The use shall comply with the following:
a. Security gates shall be designed to comply with City specification #403. (FD)
b. Fire access roads shall be provided in compliance with the Huntington Beach Fire Cock,
and City Specification #401. (FD)
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8. The project shall comply with Negative Declaration No. 97-21 mitigation measures
unless superseded by more restrictive condition's of approval.
9. The Planning Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The
Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site plan, elevations and
floor plans are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be
issued until the Planning Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for
conformance with the intent of the Planning Commission's action and the conditions herein.
If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement
reviewed by the Planning Commission may be required pursuant to the HBZSO.
10. Approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 97-80 is contingent upon approval of Zoning Text
Amendment No. 97-4 and Zoning Map Amendment No. 97-1 by the City Council, and shall
become effective 30 days after the adoption of the Ordinance adopting the Meadowlark
Specific Plan amendments and following the ten day project appeal period.
1. Conditional Use Permit No. 97-80 shall become null and void unless exercised within one
year of the date of final approval or such extension of time as may be granted by the
Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30
days prior to the expiration date.
2. The Planning Commission reserves the right to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 97-80,
pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions,
Meadowlark Specific Plan, or applicable sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance
Code, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, or Municipal Code occurs.
3. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. (PW )
4. Traffic Impact Fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. (PW)
5. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the right-of-way. (PW )
6. A Certificate of Occupancy must be issued by the Building Department prior to occupy of
building on the project site.
7. Park and Recreation fees shall be paid prior to approval of the Final Map by the City.
8. State -mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits.
9. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code,
Building Division, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire
Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein.
10. Development shall meet all local and State regulations regarding installation and operation
of all underground storage tanks. (FD)
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11. Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction
shall be prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays.
Commissioner Chapman — stated that at a future meeting he would like to critique how
Meadowlark development was processed.
Commissioner Livenizood — discussed the idea of representing the Planning Commission
relative to the Meadowlark project at the City Council public hearing.
Motion was made for Chairman to represent the Planning Commission during City
Council public hearing regarding the Meadowlark Development Plan (Approved 6-1
(Kerins No, because he felt a vote was unnecessary)
Howard Zelefs , . Planning Director — restated actions taken at the previous City Council
Scott Hess, Senior Planner — listed items for the December 8, 1998 meeting.
G. ADJOURNMENT —Adjourn to the regularly scheduled December 8,1998 meeting.
PC Minutes — 12/3/98 22 (98PCM123)
AYES: Inglee, Chapman, Tillotson, Livengood, Kerins, Biddle, Speaker
NOES: None
Howard Zelefsky, cretary
PC Minutes—12/3/98 23 (98PCM123)