HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-17• • • MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach California WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1999 1:30 P.M. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Herb Fauland STAFF MEMBER: Wendy Bounds, Peter Vanek, Kim Langel (recording secretary) MINUTES: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None ITEM 1: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO.99-2 (HUNTINGTON SURF AND SPORT TEMPORARY OUTDOOR SALES) APPLICANT: Aaron Pai, Huntington Surf and Sport, 300 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 408, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PROPERTY OWNER: Bruce Shapiro, 3200 N. Central Avenue, Suite 2450, Phoenix, AZ 85012 REQUEST: To permit a sales booth for the OP PRO/U. S. Open of Surfing and various sidewalk sales for a five (5) year period. The U.S. Open of Surfing sales booth is proposed July 17 through August 1, 1999, July 22 through August 6, 2000, July 21 through August 5, 2001, July 20 through August 4, 2002, and July 19 through August 3, 2003. The sidewalk sale booths are proposed periodically throughout July, August, September, November, and December (for exact dates for each year, contact the Planning Department). LOCATION: 300 Pacific Coast Highway, northeast corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Main Street. PROJECT PLANNER: Wendy Bounds Wendy Bounds, Staff Planner, displayed site plan stating the request is to permit a sales booth for the OP PRO/U.S. Open of Surfing and various sidewalk sales for a five (5) year period. The U.S. Open of Surfing sales booth is proposed July 17 through August 1, 1999, July 22 through August 6, 2000, July 21 through August 5, 2001, July 20 through August 4, 2002, and July 19 through August 3, 2003. The sidewalk sale booths are proposed periodically throughout July, August, September, November, and December at 300 Pacific Coast Highway in the Downtown Specific Plan area. No comments, written or verbal, have been received from the public. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed request as it is consistent with the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and meets the General Plan requirements. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Aaron Pai, 300 Pacific Coast Highway, #408, applicant, stated that he concurred with staff s report and recommendation. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE • REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 99-2 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. HE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEQA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15304, Class 4 of the CEQA Guidelines. The proposal is a temporary use that will have no effects on the environment. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL — TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 99-2: Temporary Use Permit No. 99-2 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the temporary outdoor sales booths will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The booths will be set up directly in front of the store and will not negatively impact the surrounding stores and no residential uses exist in the immediate area. The booths will be placed in a manner as to not block any access to other retail stores. The proposal does not require any additional improvements or alterations to the existing site. 2. The temporary use permit will be compatible with surrounding uses. The proposed temporary outdoor sales are consistent with the retail development in the surrounding area. 3. The proposed temporary outdoor sales will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. The proposed project does not require any variances. 4. The granting of the temporary use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Mixed Use on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the goals and policies set forth in the General Plan, and standards and principles of the General Plan Subarea 1 A Main Street/Pacific Coast Highway "Core" to encourage and promote pedestrian friendly and visitor serving activities. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO.99-2: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated January 22, 1999 shall be the 46 conceptually approved layout. ZA Minutes — 3/17/99 2 (99ZM0317) 2. The use shall comply with the following: a. Service roads and fire access lanes shall be maintained. If fire lane violations occur and the services of the Fire Department are required, the applicant will be liable for expenses ® incurred. (FD) b. No sales of merchandise shall occur to people in vehicles or within the public right -of-' way. • Merchandise sales in front of the fountain shall be limited to U.S. Open of Surfing merchandise. Merchandise sales for the sidewalk sales shall be limited to the area directly behind the fountain as indicated by the site plan received and dated January 29, 1999. d. All displays used for the temporary sales shall be set up and kept in a neat and aesthetically pleasing manner. e. Only the uses described in the narrative shall be permitted. Only the dates outlined in the narrative shall have approval for U.S. Open of Surfing and sidewalk sales. Any change in dates shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to the new dates. f. No booths, racks, tables, or any activity related to the temporary sales events, including lines for merchandise or autographs, shall block the access to any other retail business. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REOUIREMENTS: 1. Temporary Use Permit 99-2 shall not become effective until the ten day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Temporary Use Permit 99-2 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Temporary Use Permit 99-2, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 5. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $38.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. ZA Minutes — 3/17/99 3 (99ZM0317) THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 1:36 PM BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1999 AT 1:30 PM. 0- Herb Fauland Zoning Administrator :kjl C, • ZA Minutes — 3/17/99 4 (99ZM0317)