HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-23MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ® Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntinston Beach California WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2000 - 1:30 P.M. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Mary Beth Broeren STAFF MEMBER: Sandra Thornton, Ron Santos, Ricky Ramos, Ramona Kohlmann (recording secretary) MINUTES: July 26, 2000 Minutes were approved ORAL COMMUNICATION: None Item I was moved to the end of the Agenda. Please note the Minutes will reflect actions taken in their original order. ITEM 1• CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-27 (PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS FACILITY) APPLICANT: Pacific Bell Wireless, 2521 Michelle Avenue, Tustin, CA 92679 ® PROPERTY OWNER: Robert Teran, Southern California Edison, P.O. Box 800, 2244 Walnut Grove, Rosemead, CA 91770 REQUEST: To permit the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility mounted to an existing Southern California Edison tower as well as equipment cabinets located at the base of the Edison Tower. LOCATION: 9077 Block of Hamilton Avenue (on the north side of Hamilton Avenue east of Magnolia Street) PROJECT PLANNER: Sandra Thornton Sandra Thornton, Staff Planner, displayed project plans, stating the purpose, zoning and location of the request. Staff stated that the proposed project will comply with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, which allows wireless telecommunications facilities to be located within 300 feet of a residential zone with a conditional use permit. Staff presented a change to Finding No. 4 to reflect that the Land Use Element designation of General Commercial should be changed to "public." Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. THERE WERE NO PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST ® AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-27 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFIED FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN -BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEOA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the project is considered a minor alteration of an existing facility. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 00-27: Conditional Use Permit No. 00-27 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the wireless telecommunications facility mounted to an existing Southern California Edison tower as well as equipment cabinets located at the base of the tower will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The antennas will be mounted on an existing Southern California Edison tower, which will screen them from public view. The wireless telecommunications facility will not generate noise or other impacts, which would be detrimental to surrounding uses. 2. The conditional use permit will be compatible with surrounding uses. The proposed antennas will be located on an existing Southern California Edison tower, which will screen them from public view because the antennas will blend in with the tower. 3. The proposed conditional use permit will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. The HBZSO allows wireless telecommunications facilities to be located within 300 feet of a residential zone with a conditional use permit. 4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Public on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: a. Goal LU2: Ensure that development is adequately served by transportation infrastructure, utility infrastructure, and public services. b. Objective U5.1: Ensure that adequate natural gas, telecommunication, and electrical systems are provided. c. Policy U5.1.1: Continue to work with service providers to maintain current levels of service and facilitate improved levels of service. • ZA Minutes 08/23/00 2 (OOZM0823) The proposed new wireless communication antennas facilitate telecommunication service and improve wireless communication coverage for the community. 0 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 00-27: The site plan and elevations received and dated May 1, 2000 shall be the conceptually approved layout. 2. Prior to submittal for building permits, zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on the cover page of all the working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing). 3. Prior to final building permit inspection and approval, the following shall be completed: a. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. b. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished and verified by the Planning Department. c. Chain link fence shall be vinyl coated and may not include barbwire. d. Secure fencing with placards indicating electrical or other hazards must be installed to discourage unauthorized persons or children in the park from entering tower site. (FD) 4. The Planning Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site plan or elevations are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the HBZSO. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-27 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-27 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval which is August 23, 2001 or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 00-27, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington ® Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. ZA Minutes 08/23/00 3 (OOZM0823) 4. All applicable fees from the Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be paid prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 6. Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction shall be prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. 7. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County• of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 8. State -mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. 9. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the right-of-way. (PW) ITEM 2: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 00-26 (AT&T MONOPOLE APPLICANT: W. Dean Brown, The Planning Consortium, 1111 Town and Country Road, #37, Orange, CA 92868 PROPERTY OWNER: Old West Center, LLC, 27711 Pinestrap Circle, Laguna Hills, CA 92653-7810 REQUEST: To permit a 60-foot high monopole (in lieu of a maximum height of 50 feet) within an existing commercial center. LOCATION: 5956 Warner (at the southwest corner of Warner Avenue and Springdale Street) PROJECT PLANNER: Sandra Thornton Sandra Thornton, Staff Planner, displayed site plans and photographs stating the purpose, zoning, and location of the request. Staff stated that revised plans dated August 18, 2000 were received reflecting the removal of two parking spaces. Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report. Staff stated that the request complies with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. One telephone call was received from the owner of the neighboring Family Fitness Center inquiring into the nature of the project. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Dean Brown, 1111 Town and Country Road, Suite 37, Orange, representing AT&T, questioned why the proposed project was subject to the State -mandated school impact fees. Mr. Brown concurred with staff s suggested conditions of approval. 0 ZA Minutes 08/23/00 4 (OOZM0823) THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE ® REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mary Beth Broeren, Zoning. Administrator, asked staff to modify Condition No. 1 to reflect that the site plan and elevations received and dated August 18, 2000 shall be the conceptually approved layout with the plans revised to reflect the removal of the (2) two parking spaces which are located within the required fire lane CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-26 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND MODIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEOA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the new antenna will be constructed at an existing commercial shopping center and will not create any noise, traffic, air quality, or adverse visual impacts to the surrounding community. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 00-26: ® 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-26 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the 60-foot high monopole (in lieu of a maximum height of 50 feet) within an existing commercial center will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The monopole will be located centrally within an existing commercial center, minimizing visual impacts from adjacent properties. The wireless communication facility will not generate noise, traffic or other impacts which would be detrimental to surrounding commercial and residential uses. In addition, the monopole will house two carriers (both AT&T and Sprint PCS) which will allow both carriers to provide enhanced mobile communication with the addition of only one monopole. 2. The conditional use permit will be compatible with surrounding uses because the proposed monopole will be setback substantially from the limits of the site and, as modified, will be disguised as a pine tree, which will blend into the surroundings. 3. The proposed Conditional Use Permit No. 00-26 will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. In addition, the operation of the wireless communication facility will provide enhanced, reliable mobile communication to the area. ZA Minutes 08/23/00 5 (OOZM0823) 4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is • consistent with the Land Use Element designation of General Commercial on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: a. Goal LU2: Ensure that development is adequately served by transportation infrastructure, utility infrastructure, and public services. b. Objective U5.1: Ensure that adequate natural gas, telecommunication, and electrical systems are provided. c. Policy U5.1.1: Continue to work with service providers to maintain current levels of service and facilitate improved levels of service. The proposed new wireless communication antennas facilitate telecommunication service and improve wireless communication coverage for the community. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 00-26: 1. The site plan and elevations received and dated August 18, 2000 shall be the conceptually approved layout with the plans revised to reflect the removal of the (2) two parking spaces which are located within the required fire lane. 2. Prior to submittal for building permits zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on all the working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing) and shall be referenced in the index. 3. Prior to final building permit inspection and approval the following shall be completed: a. All improvements to the property shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans and conditions of approval specified herein, including: 1) Fire lanes will be designated and posted to comply with City Specification No. 415. (FD) 2) Service roads and fire lanes, as determined by the Fire Department, shall be posted and marked. (FD) b. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished and verified by the Planning Department. c. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 4. The use shall comply with the following: service roads and fire access lanes, as determined by the Fire Department, shall be posted, marked, and maintained. If fire lane violations occur and the services of the Fire Department are required, the applicant will be liable for expenses incurred. (FD) 0 ZA Minutes 08/23/00 6 (OOZM0823) 5. The Planning Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site plan and elevations are is proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the HBZSO. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-26 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-26 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval which is August 23, 2001 or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 00-26, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. All applicable fees from the Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be paid prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 6. Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction shall be prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. 7. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 8. State -mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. ITEM 3: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO._00-142 (MFC INVESTMENTS APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: NEC Investment Co. LLC, Robert L. Corona, P.O. Box 269, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 REQUEST: To allow the division of one 5,875 square foot lot into two 2,938 square Is LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: foot lots. 526 12"' Street (southeast corner of 120' and Acacia Avenue) Sandra Thornton ZA Minutes 08/23/00 7 (OOZM0823) Sandra Thornton, Staff Planner, displayed project plans stating the purpose, location and zoning of the request. Staff stated that the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element designation of Residential Medium High Density including minimum lot area and width. Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report. No written or verbal comments were received in response to the public notification. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. THERE WERE NO PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 00-142 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEQA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15315 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the project is a minor division of land into two parcels, in conformance with the General Plan and applicable Zoning. The project site has adequate access and all services available, was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous two years, and has an average slope less than 20%. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 00-142: 1. Tentative Parcel Map No. 00-142 for the division of one 5,875 square foot lot into two 2,938 square foot lots is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element designation of Residential Medium High Density on the subject property including minimum lot area, minimum lot width, and any other applicable provisions of this Code. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. The surrounding neighborhood consists of single family homes, which have been built on similar sized lots. The applicant is proposing one single-family dwelling on each of the proposed lots. 3. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause serious health problems or substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The creation of two (2) new lots from one (1) existing lot and subsequent development of two (2) single family homes will have no adverse impacts on any fish or wildlife or their habitat. ZA Minutes 08/23/00 8 (OOZM0823) 4. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision unless alternative easements, for access or for use, will be provided. All necessary easements will be provided with the creation of the parcels and the development of the site. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE MAP NO. 00-142: 1. The tentative map received and dated June 15, 2000 shall be the approved layout with the inclusion of the General Plan Designation of Residential Medium High Density (RMH). 2. The following conditions shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map unless otherwise stated. Bonding may be substituted for construction in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. (PW) a. All vehicular access rights to Acacia Avenue and 12`h Street shall be released and relinquished to the City of Huntington Beach. (PW) b. The engineer or surveyor preparing the final parcel map shall comply with Sections 7-9- 330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual Subarticle 18 for the following items: i. Tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor. (PW) ii. Provide a digital -graphics file of said map to the County of Orange and the City. (PW) c. A reproducible mylar copy and a print of the recorded parcel map shall be submitted to the Public Works Department immediately after recordation. (PW) d. The final parcel map shall be recorded with the County of Orange prior to issuance of building permits. (PW) e. A 2.5 foot wide strip of alley shall be dedicated for the alley widening project. (PW) f. A 15-foot radius corner cutoff for public street purposes shall be dedicated at 12`" Street and Acacia Avenue. (PW) g. Construct a new sewer lateral connecting to the sewer main in the alley to serve each parcel. (PW) h. Construct a new water service and meter for each parcel sized to meet the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and Uniform Fire Code (UFC), as applicable, and in accordance with current Water Division Standards. The minimum water service size is f- inch and meters shall be the "touch -read" type. The existing 3/4 inch water meter and service shall be removed and abandoned at the main in the alley to the satisfaction of the Water Division. (PW) ® i. Remove the existing curb and gutter and sidewalk along 12"' Street and construct new curb and gutter and a 4-foot wide sidewalk in accordance with current standards. (PW) ZA Minutes 08/23/00 9 (OOZM0823) j. Remove the existing curb return and construct a new 25-foot radius curb return with sidewalk and access ramp in accordance with current Caltrans standards. (PW) k. Construct a new concrete alley approach off Acacia Avenue in accordance with City Standard Drawing No. 210 to replace the existing asphalt approach. (PW) 1. Construct half -width of alley pavement plus the 2.5 foot additional alley dedication. (PW) m. Protect existing traffic signs in place or remove and replace as necessary to accommodate new public street improvements. (PW) n. Standard landscape code requirements pursuant to Chapter 232 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance shall apply. (PW) 3. Fire sprinklers will be required for any residence which exceeds 5,000 square feet. (FD) 4. The Departments of Planning, Public Works and Fire are responsible for compliance with all conditions of approval herein as noted after each condition. The Planning Director and Public Works Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to tract map are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director and Public Works Director have reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the HBZSO. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS - TENTATIVE MAP NO. 00-142: 1. Tentative Parcel Map No. 00-142 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Tentative Map No. 00-142 shall become null and void unless exercised within two (2) years of the date of final approval (August 23, 2002). An extension of time may be granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 60 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Tentative Parcel Map No. 00-142, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. 5. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. ZA Minutes 08/23/00 10 (OOZM0823) • • 6. Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction shall be prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. ® 7. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 8. Traffic Impact Fees shall be paid at the time of final inspection or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. (PW) 9. Park Land In -Lieu Fees shall be paid based upon the August, 1998 City park land appraisal value of $516,500 per acre pursuant to Section 254.08.H. of the HBZSO prior to approval of the final map by the City. 10. State -mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. 11. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the right-of-way. (PW) NON-PUBLIC ITEM ITEM 4: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.00-06 (SASSOUNIAN) ® APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: Bijan Sassounian, Sassounian & Partners, LLC/Sassounian, Adams & Zuckermann, LLC 21190 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 REQUEST: To realign the boundary between two contiguous parcels resulting in a reduced/increased width of ten feet, respectively. LOCATION: 512-604 Indianapolis Avenue (between Delaware Street and England Street) PROJECT PLANNER: Ron Santos Ron Santos, Staff Planner, displayed site plans and photographs stating the purpose, zoning and location of the request. Staff stated that the recommended denial of the proposed project was based upon the finding that the 10 foot shift in the boundary was in violation of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance because the adjustment would allow a greater number of dwelling units than allowed. Staff stated that a revised proposal was subsequently received wherein the proposed project would meet the minimum code requirements for lot width and size. A condition has been imposed stating that the applicant shall dedicate the southerly 2.5 feet of Parcels "A" and `B" to the City of Huntington Beach for use as alley right-of-way prior to final approval. Staff recommended approval of the proposed request based upon the alternate findings and subject to ® the conditions of approval. The proposed project will comply with the development standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. ZA Minutes 08/23/00 11 (OOZM0823) NOTE THIS IS A NON-PUBLIC ITEM; THEREFORE, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS NOT OPENED. Although the public hearing.was not opened, Mike Adams, 21190 Beach Boulevard, the applicant, • explained the intent of the project and expressed concurrence with staff report. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.00-06 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEOA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines. The project is a minor lot line adjustment on a site with an average slope of less than 20%, which will not result in any changes in land use or density. CEQA Guidelines recognize such projects as typically not having a significant effect on the environment, and accordingly as "categorically exempt". FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 00-06: 1. The granting of Lot Line Adjustment No.00-06 for the realignment of the boundary between two contiguous residential lots will not create any additional parcels or building sites. The adjustment . will result in an increased/reduced width of 9.54 feet respectively. 2. The parcels resulting from the lot line adjustment will conform to Titles 20-24 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance because the adjusted lots will comply with the requirements for minimum area, width, and access. 3. The lot line adjustment will not sever any existing structure on either of the two parcels, since structures existing on Parcel "A" will be demolished or modified as necessary to conform with setback requirements as a condition of approval, prior to final approval of the lot line adjustment by the City Engineer. 4. The lot line adjustment will not allow a greater number of dwelling units than allowed prior to the adjustment. The maximum number of units allowed on Parcel "A" per the applicable density standard is and shall remain one; the maximum number of units allowed on Parcel `B" is and shall remain three. 5. A plat map showing the proposed lot line adjustment has been prepared and approved and will be filed in accordance with the provisions of Section 253.24 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. 1�1 ZA Minutes 08/23/00 12 (OOZM0823) ® CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 00-06: 1. The plat map received and dated August 23, 2000 shall be the conceptually approved layout. The maximum width of Parcel `B" shall be 60.66 feet. 2. The applicant shall dedicate the southerly 2.5 feet of Parcels "A" and "B" to the City of Huntington Beach for use as alley right-of-way prior to final approval of Lot Line Adjustment No. 00-06 by the City Engineer. 3. The applicant shall submit a completed City of Huntington Beach Lot Line Adjustment form for review and approval by the Planning Department and Public Works Department. 4. The applicant shall submit the following items to the Engineering Division for review and approval prior to final approval of Lot Line Adjustment No. 00-06 by the City Engineer: a. A current, preliminary title report (less than three months old) on all properties affected by the lot line adjustment. b. Grant deeds or quit claim deeds for properties added to and subtracted from each parcel. Legal descriptions on the deeds or attached to the deeds must be prepared and stamped by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor. c. Modified deeds of trust and partial conveyance, as appropriate. 5. Structures existing on Proposed Parcel "A" shall be demolished or modified as necessary to conform with minimum development standards of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance including setbacks, site coverage, driveway width, etc., prior to final approval of Lot Line Adjustment No. 00-06 by the City Engineer. 6. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished and verified by the Planning Department. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REOUH EMENTS: 1. Lot Line Adjustment No. 00-06 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Lot Line Adjustment No. 00-06 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval which is August 23, 2001 or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Lot Line Adjustment No. 00-06, pursuant to a public hearing for. revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. The lot line adjustment shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire ® Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. ZA Minutes 08/23/00 13 (OOZM0823) 5. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the Count of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. , THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 1:45 PM BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2000 AT 1:30 PM. Ma Beth roeren Zoning Administrator 0 ZA Minutes 08/23/00 14 (OOZM0823)