HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-30MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach California WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2000 -1:30 P.M. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Scott Hess, Acting STAFF MEMBER: Sandra Thornton, Ricky Ramos, Ramona Kohlmann (recording secretary) MINUTES: July 12 and Aug 2, 2000 Minutes were continued to the September 6, 2000, meeting ORAL COMMUNICATION: None ITEM 1: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-46 (SEEDS RESIDENCE) APPLICANT: Hugh Seeds, 5402 Systems Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 PROPERTY OWNER: Harry Devderian, 5402 Systems Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 REQUEST: To permit a new single family dwelling at 34 feet-11 inches high. This request includes a review and analysis for compliance with the Infill Lot Ordinance. The Infill Lot Ordinance encourages adjacent property owners to review proposed development for compatibility/privacy issues, such as window alignments, building pad height, and floor plan layout. LOCATION: 5412 Old Pirate Lane (on Old Pirate Lane east of Graham Street) PROJECT PLANNER: Sandra Thornton Sandra Thornton, Staff Planner, displayed site plans stating the purpose, location, zoning, and existing use of the proposed project. Staff stated that the project complies with all Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Staff recommended approval of the proposed project based upon the findings and conditions as outlined in the staff report. One telephone call was received from a neighbor inquiring as to why a conditional use permit was required when the home has already been built. No other written or verbal comments were received in response to the public notification. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Hugh Seeds, 5412 Old Pirate Lane, the applicant, requested approval of the proposed project and questioned the necessity for conditions 3 and 4. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE is REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Scott Hess, Acting Zoning Administrator, stated that although conditions 3 and 4 are standard, the house is already under construction.. Therefore, Mr. Hess deleted conditions 3 and 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-46 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND MODIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. HE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS, FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEQA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the construction of a new single family home exempt under CEQA. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-46: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-46 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the new single family dwelling at 34 feet- 11 inches high will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The dwelling will only reach 34 feet-11 inches in height at the peak of the roof while the majority of the dwelling will be less than 30 feet high. 2. The conditional use permit will be compatible with surrounding uses because the portion of the roof that exceeds 30 feet in height will only be approximately 25 square feet. There are other homes in the area which have turret elements similar to the proposed home. 3. The proposed new single family dwelling at 34 feet -I I inches high will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. This project meets all requirements including setbacks, site coverage, and parking. 4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Residential Low Density on the subject property. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.00-46: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated July 19, 2000 shall be the conceptually approved layout. 2. Prior to submittal for building permits, zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on all the working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing) and shall be referenced in the index. ZA Minutes 08/30/00 2 (OOZM0830) a 3. The Planning Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site plan, elevations and floor plans are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the HBZSO. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-46 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Conditional Use Permit No. 00-46 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval which is August 30, 2001, or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 00-46, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. All applicable fees from the Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be paid prior to the issuance of Building Permits. S. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 6. Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction shall be prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. 7. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 8. Traffic Impact Fees shall be paid at the time of final inspection or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. (PW) 9. State -mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. ZA Minutes 08/30/00 3 (OOZM0830) ITEM 2• TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO.00-02 (SEACLIFF TENNIS CLUB) APPLICANT: Jim Haley, Agent for Seacliff Tennis Club, 6501 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PROPERTY OWNER: American Golf Corporation, 6501 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 REQUEST: To allow live entertainment during the Seacliff Tennis Club Top Gun Player's Party on November 11, 2000. In addition, to permit live entertainment during the Seacliff Tennis Club Top Gun Player's Party for the next five (5) years on the second Saturday of November. LOCATION: 6501 Palm Avenue (on Palm Avenue west of Goldenwest Street) PROJECT PLANNER: Sandra Thornton Sandra Thornton, Staff Planner, displayed site plans stating the purpose, location, zoning, and existing use of the proposed project. Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and conditions as outlined in the staff report. One letter was received from a neighbor stating that last year's event presented no problems, due to the conditions imposed, and encouraged staff to include the same conditions for this year's event. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Jim Haley, 6501 Palm Avenue, the applicant, stated that he supports staffs recommended conditions of approval. 4 Al Guidotti, 19581 Center Grove Lane, spoke on behalf of the proposed project and explained that the event is a charity event. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Scott Hess, Acting Zoning Administrator, asked staff to add Condition No. 2.g as follows: The applicant shall notify the president of the Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association at least two (2) weeks prior to each annual event. The notice shall include the date, time of the event, and who to contact for questions. A copy of the notice shall be sent to the Planning Department for incorporation into the zoning entitlement file. Mr. Hess confirmed with staff that the Police Department had no comments and that an entertainment permit is not required for the one -day event. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO.00-02 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND MODIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. HE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. 01 ZA Minutes 08/30/00 4 (OOZM0830) FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEOA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15304 Class 4 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the use is temporary and will have no permanent effect on the environment. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO.00-02: 1. The proposed temporary use for live entertainment (3-4 person band) outdoors which will not extend past 10:00 p.m. on November 11, 2000 and for an additional five (5) years on the second Saturday of November in conjunction with an outdoor event will be located, operated and maintained in a manner consistent with the policies of the General Plan and the provisions of Chapter 241. The event is consistent with uses allowed in areas with Open Space — Commercial Recreation designation. 2. Approval of Temporary Use Permit 00-02 will not be detrimental to property or improvements in the surrounding area or to the public health, safety or general welfare. The event will be maintained, secured, and controlled in an appropriate manner with security personnel. Because the event is temporary in nature, it will not alter existing property and improvements in the vicinity. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL —TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO.00-02: to1. The site plan received and dated July 21, 2000 shall be the conceptually approved layout. 2. The use shall comply with the following: a. Hours of live entertainment shall not extend past 10:00 p.m. on Saturday November 11, 2000 and during the event on the second Saturday of November for the next five (5) years. b. Security personnel will be posted in the parking lot to minimize noise impacts to neighboring residences. Security will be present until the event has ended. c. The music played at this event shall be of a light, contemporary nature. Any changes to the music type shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. d. Adequate staff shall be provided to monitor and enforce the following situations: (FD) 1) Prohibit cars from parking in the fire lanes; 2) Prohibit cars from blocking fire hydrants; 3) Eliminate any obstruction of sidewalks and corridors (i.e. chairs, tables, etc.) 4) Reducing excessive noise conditions. e. Valet service will be provided for the event. f. Speakers will be oriented towards the golf course and away from the nearest residences to 0 minimize noise impacts. ZA Minutes 08/30/00 5 (OOZM0830) g. The applicant shall notify the president of the Huntington Seacliff Homeowners Association at least two (2) weeks prior to each annual event. The notice shall include the date, time of the event, and who to contact for questions. A copy of the notice shall be sent to the Planning Department for incorporation into the zoning entitlement file. 3. The Planning Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the request are proposed. Any changes must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the HBZSO. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Temporary Use Permit No. 00-02 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed 2. Temporary Use Permit No. 00-02 shall become null and void unless exercised within the dates approved. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Temporary Use Permit No. 00-02, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the Count of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 1:43 PM BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2000 AT 1:30 PM. <8 t Hess, Actmg Zoning Administrator :rmk is ZA Minutes 08/30/00 6 (OOZM0830)