HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-20MINUTES ® HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Room B-8 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach California WEDNESDAY, TUNE 20, 2001 - 1:30 P.M. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Mary Beth Broeren STAFF MEMBER: Ron Santos, Amy Wolfe, Ramona Kohlmann (recording secretary) MINUTES: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None ITEM l: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 01-144/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-24/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 98-3 (PICOZZI INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS) (CONTINUED FROM THE JUNE 13, 2001 MEETING WITH THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ® APPLICANT: Jason Harris, Burke Real Estate Group, 1805 E. Garry Ave., #100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 PROPERTY OWNER: Parkview, 18600 Main St., Ste 280, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 REQUEST: TPM: to subdivide two parcels with a combined land area of 2.85 acres into eight parcels; CUP. to (a) construct eight single -story industrial buildings raging in size from 5,130 sq. ft. to 6,504 sq. ft. and (b) permit an approximately 4,420 sq. ft. outdoor storage yard. LOCATION: 18241-18251 Gothard Street (west side, between Talbert and Ellis Avenues) Ron Santos, Staff Planner, displayed project plans, elevations and photographs stating the purpose, location and zoning of the requested project. Staff stated that prior to last week's continuance of the proposed project, the request was originally continued in 1998 in order to address the County and Fire Department's methane contamination concerns. An environmental assessment was conducted in 1998 and approval was recommended at that time. Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report. Mary Beth Broeren, Zoning Administrator, confirmed with staff that no written or verbal comments were received in response to the public notification. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. • Warren C. Pitt, 8932 Burlcrest, architect, stated that he was present to answer questions, explained the screen wall materials and stated that the gate can be screened. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Ms. Broeren engaged in a discussion with staff, the architect and the property owner concerning the accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities, landscape requirements and aesthetic concerns, the color palette, and office space in excess of 10 percent. Ms. Broeren asked staff to modify the conditions as follows: Add new Condition No. l.i: All areas of newly designed or newly constructed buildings and facilities shall be made accessible to persons with disabilities as required by Title 24 of the 1998 California Building Code. The Planning Department shall review and approve any required site plan revisions. Compliance with all requirements of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance shall be maintained. The reduction of landscaping for purposes of compliance with accessibility requirements shall be minimized. Add new Condition No. Lk: The percentage of floor area serving as office space within each building shall be noted in the Project Data table on the site plan drawing sheet. Notes shall be added to the site plan identifying buildings with office space in excess of ten percent. Modify Condition No. 21: A Landscape and Irrigation Plan, prepared by a Licensed Landscape Architect, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval by the Park, Tree and Landscape Division. The Developer shall submit irrigation demands to ensure proper irrigation service sizing. (PW) The front setback shall be landscaped with a dense mixture of shade trees, shrubs and ground cover. Delete Negative Declaration No 98-3 Conditions of Approval. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 01-144/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-24/ NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 98-3 WERE APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND MODIFIED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 98-3: 1. Negative Declaration No. 98-3 has been prepared in compliance with Article 6 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. It was advertised and available for a public ZA Minutes 06/20/01 2 (01zm0620) comment period of twenty (20) days. Comments received during the comment period were ® considered by the Zoning Administrator prior to action on the Negative Declaration, Conditional Use Permit No. 98-24 and Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-144. 2. Mitigation measures, incorporated into the attached conditions of approval, avoid or reduce the project's effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment will occur. 3. There is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the Zoning Administrator that the project, as mitigated through the conditions of approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 98-21 and Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-144 will have a significant effect on the environment. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 01-144: Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-144 to subdivide two parcels with a combined land area of 2.85 acres into eight parcels is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element designation of I-F2-d (Industrial — Maximum 0.5 Floor Area Ratio — Design Overlay) on the subject property and other applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development proposed. The parcels will accommodate the proposed development in accordance with the requirements of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, will necessitate minimal grading, and will be provided with adequate access and infrastructure. The HBZSO provides for approval of smaller lot sizes than otherwise required in the IG zone subject to approval of a Development Plan and Tentative is Subdivision Map. 3. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause serious health problems or substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The project site does not contain fish or wildlife or their habitat and is conditioned to ensure no significant environmental impacts. 4. The design of the subdivision and the type of proposed improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The project site is not encumbered by any easement acquired by the public at large. All necessary easements will be provided as a condition of approval. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-24: Conditional Use Permit No. 98-24 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of (a) eight single -story industrial buildings ranging in size from 5,130 sq. ft. to 6,504 sq. ft. and (b) an approximately 4,420 sq. ft. outdoor storage yard will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The project, as conditioned, incorporates multiple building masses for visual interest, quality architectural design, screened storage areas, generous landscaping, and adequate parking to ensure no detrimental impacts. Is2. The conditional use will be compatible with surrounding uses. The proposed site is zoned for, and largely surrounded by, industrial uses. The proposed industrial development conforms to ZA Minutes 06/20/01 3 (O1zm0620) applicable land use regulations and City design guidelines, and features a design consistent with the character of the surrounding area. 0 The proposed conditional use permit will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. The project conforms to applicable land use regulations and development standards including setbacks, building height, floor area, lot coverage, parking and landscaping requirements. 4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of I-F2-d (Industrial — Maximum 0.5 Floor Area Ratio — Design Overlay) on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: a. Provide for the timing of industrial development to coincide with the availability of adequate market demand to ensure economic viability. (Objective LU 1.1.) b. Achieve a diversity of land uses that sustain the City's economic viability, while maintaining the City's environmental resources and scale and character. (Goal LU 7) c. Achieve the development of industrial uses that provide job opportunities for existing and future residents, as well as the surrounding sub -region, and generate revenue for the City. (Goal LU 12) d. Require that new and recycled industrial structures and sites be designed to convey visual interest and character and to be compatible with the adjacent uses, considering the: (Policy LU 12.1.5) 1) Use of common compatible architectural design. 2) Installation of elements defining the key entry points and activity locations. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 01-144/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-24: The tentative map received and dated April 16, 2001, and site plan, floor plans and elevations received and dated April 3, 2001, shall be the conceptually approved layout with the following modifications: a. Plans and elevations shall be revised to provide consistency with respect to the proposed location of the trash enclosure serving buildings "A" and "H". The proposed trash enclosure location shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department. b. The outdoor storage area shall be screened from view by decorative gates and fencing. Fencing/gate details shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. c. Parking lot striping detail shall comply with Chapter 231 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and Title 24, California Administrative Code. (Code Requirement) d. Depict all utility apparatus, such as but not limited to back flow devices and Edison transformers on the site plan. Utility meters shall be screened from view from public rights -of - way. Electric transformers in a required front or street side yard shall be enclosed in subsurface vaults. Backflow prevention devices shall be prohibited in the front yard setback and shall be screened from view. (Code Requirement) ZA Minutes 06/20/01 4 (01=0620) e. All exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened from view on all sides. Rooftop is Equipment equipment shall be setback 15 feet from the exterior edges of the building. Equipment to be screened includes, but is not limited to, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, plumbing lines, ductwork and transformers. Said screening shall be architecturally compatible with the building in terms of materials and colors. If screening is not designed specifically into the building, a rooftop mechanical equipment plan showing screening must be submitted for review and approval with the application for building permit(s). (Code Requirement) f. Depict the location of all gas meters, water meters, electrical panels, air conditioning units, mailboxes (as approved by the United States Postal Service), and similar items on the site plan and elevations. If located on a building, they shall be architecturally designed into the building to appear as part of the building. They shall be architecturally compatible with the building and non -obtrusive, not interfere with sidewalk areas and comply with required setbacks. g. The maximum separation between building wall and property line shall not exceed two (2) inches or as required by the Uniform Building Code, as determined by the Building & Safety Department. h. If outdoor lighting is included, energy saving lamps shall be used. All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties and shall be shown on the site plan and elevations. (Code Requirement) i. The driveway entrance shall have textured and colored pavement (behind sidewalk on private property) for a minimum depth of 20 feet. 4p j. All areas of newly designed or newly constructed buildings and facilities shall be made accessible to persons with disabilities as required by Title 24 of the 1998 California Building Code. The Planning Department shall review and approve any required site plan revisions. Compliance with all requirements of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance shall be maintained. The reduction of landscaping for purposes of compliance with accessibility requirements shall be minimized. k. The percentage of floor area serving as office space within each building shall be noted in the Project Data table on the site plan drawing sheet. Notes shall be added to the site plan identifying buildings with office space in excess of ten percent. 2. The following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of a grading permit: a. All environmental studies submitted to date indicate high levels of sub -surface fugitive methane gas. The Fire Department will not approve any project on this site until all mitigation plans have been submitted and approved by this office and the Orange County Health Care Agency. (FD) (Mitigation Measure) b. A grading plan, prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. This plan shall also include an erosion and silt control plan for all water runoff during construction and site preparation work. c. The following improvements in the Gothard Street right-of-way shall be incorporated into the grading plan: (PW) 1) Remove two existing driveway approaches and replace with curb, gutter and sidewalk per City Standard Plan Nos. 202 and 207. ZA Minutes 06/20/01 5 (01=0620) 2) Standard curb, gutter and sidewalk to replace asphalt concrete along Gothard Street at southerly end of site. • 3) New sewer lateral. 4) Common driveway approach for reciprocal access in accordance with City Standard Plan No. 211 (commercial driveway approach). 5) Two new SCE owned streetlights along the Gothard Street frontage. 6) A new water main on site per Water Division standards, starting from the point of connection to the existing 12-inch water main in Gothard Street and extending into the property (approximately 630 lineal feet). 7) All public water facilities and appurtenances shall be located within the public right-of- way or within easements approved by and dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach. There shall be no gates located within the easement. The developer shall enter into a Special Utility Easement Agreement with the City for maintenance and control of the area within the (public) pipeline easement, which shall address repair to any enhanced pavement, landscaping, etc. if City water mains require repair or maintenance. 8) Each proposed building shall have a separate domestic water meter and service, sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the Uniform Plumbing Code. The domestic water service shall be a minimum of two inches in size. 9) Common area landscaping shall have separate irrigation meter(s) and service(s) sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the Uniform Plumbing Code. The irrigation water service shall be a minimum of 2-inches in size. An appropriate Building Owner's Association agreement with CC&R's shall be instituted to provide billing and maintenance of any common area landscape irrigation. 10) Separate backflow protection devices shall be installed per Water Division standards for domestic, irrigation and fire water services. 11) Abandon existing on -site water main and fire hydrant per Water Division standards. 12) The existing water service and meters shall be abandoned per Water Division standards. d. The submitted grading plan shall have the appropriate Fire Department notes. (FD) e. The submitted grading plan shall reflect a design for drainage away from the inactive Gothard Street Landfill. (RWQCB) f. The sewer system required to serve the development shall be designed and constructed as a private system. (PW) g. In accordance with NPDES requirements, a "Water Quality Management Plan" shall be prepared by a Civil or Environmental Engineer and its recommendations shall be incorporated into the project design. (PW) h. Hydrology and hydraulic studies for both on and off site facilities shall be submitted for Public Works review and approval. The study shall include drainage calculations of Gothard Street before and after development. All on -site storm drainage improvements shall be private. (PW) i. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a Licensed Engineer. This analysis shall include on -site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations for grading, chemical and fill properties, methane review, retaining walls, streets, and utilities. ZA Minutes 06/20/01 6 (Olzm0620) Said report shall certify that post development ground water conditions shall not be affected. (PW) ® j. For import soils, the project shall comply with all provisions of the HBMC Section 17.04.085 and Fire Dept. City Specification 429, Methane District Building Permit Requirements. (FIB) k. A Landscape and Irrigation Plan, prepared by a Licensed Landscape Architect, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval by the Park, Tree and Landscape Division. The Developer shall submit irrigation demands to ensure proper irrigation service sizing. (PW) The front setback shall be landscaped with a dense mixture of shade trees, shrubs and ground cover. 1. A remediation plan shall be submitted to the Planning, Public Works and Fire Departments for review and approval in accordance with City Specification No. 431-92 and the conditions of approval, including methods to minimize remediation-related impacts on the surrounding properties. (PW) in. The name and phone number of a field supervisor hired by the developer who is on -site shall be submitted to the Departments of Planning and Public Works. In addition, clearly visible signs shall be posted on the perimeter of the site ever 250 feet indicating who to contact for information regarding this development and any construction/ grading related concerns. This contact person shall be available immediately to address any concerns or issues raised by adjacent property owners during the construction activity. He/she will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditions.herein, specifically, grading activities, truck routes, construction hours, noise, etc. Signs shall include the applicant's contact number, City contact (Construction Manager (714) 374-5380) regarding grading and construction activities, and to call "l-800-CUTSMOG" if there are concerns regarding fugitive dust and compliance with AQMD Rule No. 403. (PW) n. The applicant shall notify all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the perimeter of the property of a tentative grading schedule at least 30 days prior to such grading. (PW) o. The developer shall coordinate the development of a truck haul route plan with the Department of Public Works, Traffic Engineering Division if the import or export of material is required. This plan shall include the approximate number of truck trips and the proposed truck haul routes. It shall specify the hours in which transport activities can occur and methods to mitigate construction related impacts to adjacent residents. The plan shall take into consideration any street improvement construction occurring in the vicinity. These plans must be submitted for approval to the Department of Public Works. (PW) p. An erosion control plan shall be submitted to Public Works Department for review and approval. The plan shall abide by the provisions of AQMD's Rule 403 as related to fugitive dust control. (PW) q. A plan shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department that details how all drainage associated with the remediation efforts shall be retained on site and no wastes or pollutants shall escape the site. (PW) r. A plan shall be prepared and submitted to both the Public Works Department and the Planning Department identifying wind barriers around remediation equipment. ZA Minutes 06/20/01 7 (Olzm0620) s. The Fire Department must be notified of who will be the environmental site auditor supervising testing operations during soil import. The selected environmental firm is responsible for obtaining Fire Department approval for their testing plan. (FD) • During grading and construction operations, the following shall be complied with: (PW) a. Water trucks will be utilized on the site and shall be available to be used throughout the day in the areas where vehicles travel and the soils are processed to keep the soils damp enough to prevent dust raised by the operations. b. All haul trucks shall arrive at the site no earlier than 8:00 a.m., or leave the site no later than 5:00 p.m., and shall be limited to Monday through Friday only. c. Wet down areas the areas that are to be graded or that are being graded, in the late morning and after work is completed for the day. d. The construction disturbance area shall be kept as small as possible. e. All haul trucks shall be covered prior to leaving the site to prevent dust from impacting the surrounding areas. f. Prior to leaving the site, all haul trucks shall be washed off on -site on a gravel surface to prevent dirt and dust from leaving the site and impacting public streets. g. Applicable sections of AQMD Rule 403, particularly to minimize fugitive dust and noise to surrounding areas. h. Wind barriers shall be installed along the perimeter of the site. i. The remediation operations shall be performed in stages concentrating in single areas at a time to minimize the impact of fugitive dust and noise on the surrounding areas. j. Construction equipment shall be maintained in peak operating condition to reduce emissions. k. Use low sulfur (0.5%) fuel by weight for construction equipment. 1. Truck idling shall be prohibited for periods longer than 10 minutes. m. Attempt to phase and schedule activities to avoid high ozone during days of first stage smog alerts. n. Discontinue operation during second stage smog alerts. o. NPDES Storm Water Permit requirements. p. On -site parking shall be provided for all construction workers and equipment unless approved otherwise by the Public Works Department. q. A Registered, State Licensed Environmental Auditing Firm shall "Always" be present with the appropriate number of site auditors. (FD) r. Any additional discovery of oilfield waste, hazardous materials, or otherwise shall be disclosed immediately to the Huntington Beach Fire Department. All grading operations shall cease until a new remediation work plan is approved. (FD) • ZA Minutes 06/20/01 8 (01=0620) 4. The following agencies shall be notified prior to any soil stockpiling, remediation, mixing for re- use, and/or debris removal: (FD) a. Huntington Beach Public Works Department — (714) 536-5432 b. Huntington Beach Fire Department — (714) 536-5411 c. California Regional Water Quality Control Board — (909) 320-2024 d. Orange County Health Care Agency — (714) 667-3623 5. Prior to submittal for building permits, the following shall be completed: a. Zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on all the working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing) and shall be referenced in the index. b. Submit three (3) copies of the site plan to the Planning Department for addressing purposes. c. All Fire Department requirements shall be noted on the building plans. (FD) 6. The following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of Building Permits: a. A final map prepared by a California -registered civil engineer or California -licensed land surveyor shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for processing and approval. The engineer or surveyor preparing the final map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Sections 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. A digital -graphics file of said map shall be provided to the County of Orange. (PW) b. The final parcel map shall be recorded with the County of Orange. c. A digital -graphics file of the final map shall be provided to the Public Works Department, per the following design criteria: (PW) Design Specification: 1) Digital data shall be full size (1:1) and in compliance with the California coordinate system — STATEPLANE Zone 6 (Lambert Conformal Conic projection), NAD 83 datum in accordance with the County of Orange Ordinance 3809. 2) Digital data shall have double precision accuracy (up to fifteen significant digits). 3) Digital data shall have units in US FEET. 4) A separate drawing file shall be submitted for each individual sheet. 5) Digital data shall be in compliance with the Huntington Beach Standard Sheets, drawing names, pen color and layering conventions. 6) Feature compilation shall include, but shall not be limited to: Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN), street addresses and street names with suffix. ZA Minutes 06/20/01 9 (O1zm0620) 7) File Format shall be AutoCAD (version 13 or later) drawing file: DWG. 8) Media type shall be CD Recordable (CD-R) 650 Megabytes. d. City water mains shall be located within paved travel lanes only. Ground cover, hardscape and/or softscape shall be subject to approval by the Water Division. The developer or any other subsequent Owner's Association shall enter into a Special Utility Easement Agreement with the City, which shall address repairs to any enhanced pavement, walls, fencing, curb, gutter, landscaping, etc. by other than City forces (at no cost to the City), if City water mains require maintenance or repair. (PW) e. The Water Ordinance No. 14.52, the "Water Efficient Landscape Requirements" apply for projects with 2,500 square feet of landscaping. (PW) f. A signing and striping plan prepared by a Licensed Traffic or Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Transportation Division. (PW) g. A landscape plan prepared and signed by a State Licensed Landscape Architect shall be submitted for Public Works and Planning review and approval. The landscape plans shall be in conformance with Chapter 232 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and applicable Design Guidelines. The standard code requirements for trees shall be addressed in the plan. (PW) (Code Requirement) h. A Fire Protection Plan, in compliance with City Specification 426, shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. (FD) 0 i. All soils shall conform to the City of Huntington Beach Soil Cleanup Standard, City Specification 431-92. All structures so affected under the requirements of the City of Huntington Beach Soil Cleanup Standard, City Specification 431-92 shall have methane barriers in the sub -slab area, well vent gas collection systems, or both. (FD) Blockwall/ fencing plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Department of Planning. Double walls shall be avoided to the greatest extent feasible. Applicant shall coordinate with adjacent property owners and make reasonable attempts to construct one common property wall. If coordination between property owners can not be accomplished, the applicant shall construct walls located entirely within the subject property and with a maximum two (2) inch separation from property line. The plans shall include section drawings, a site plan and elevations. The plans shall identify materials, seep holes and drainage. The applicant shall provide proof to the City that all adjacent property owners have been contacted. k. All applicable fees from the Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be paid. 1. The approved water system shall be installed prior to combustible construction. (PW) in. All landscape planting, irrigation and maintenance shall comply with the City Arboricultural and Landscape Standards and Specifications. 0 ZA Minutes 06/20/01 10 (olzm0620) 7. The following conditions shall be completed prior to approval and recordation of the final map ® unless otherwise stated. Bonding may be substituted for construction in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. (PW) a. At least 90 days before approval of the final map, a Property Owner's Association Agreement with CC&Rs shall be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the City Attorney and Public Works Department. The CC&Rs shall reflect the common driveway access easements, and provide for maintenance of all common walls, landscaping, irrigation systems, driveways, sewer systems and other common facilities by the Property Owners' Association. The CC&Rs must be in recordable form prior to recordation of the map. (P, PW) b. The following shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach on the Parcel Map: 1) The water system and appurtenances as shown on the improvement plans. 2) Access rights in, over, across, upon and through the private street for the purpose of maintaining, servicing, cleaning, repairing and replacing the water system. c. All vehicular access rights to Gothard Street shall be released and relinquished to the City of Huntington Beach. d. The existing water line easement to the City of Huntington Beach shall be vacated through the tentative and final map process. e. A copy of the Final Map shall be filed with the Planning Department. (Code Requirement) f. A reproducible mylar copy and print of the final parcel map shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works immediately after recordation. (PW) 8. The following conditions shall be completed prior to final inspection and approval of building permits (occupancy of the buildings): a. All common and private on -site and off -site improvements shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans and conditions of approval specified herein. b. The owner/developer shall install Landfill Gas (LFG) monitoring probes at proposed buildings adjacent to the Gothard Street Disposal Station as required by the City of Huntington Beach Fire Department, Local Enforcement Agency and South Coast Air Quality Management District. (County of Orange IWMD) c. The owner/develop shall agree to enter into a Right of Entry agreement with the County to monitor the LFG probes installed by the owner/developer. (County of Orange IWMD) d. Backflow protection shall be constructed per the Huntington Beach Water Division Standards Plans for irrigation and fire suppression water services. (PW) e. The property owner shall be responsible for all required clean up of off -site dirt, pavement damage and/or re -striping of the public rights -of -way as determined by the Public Works Department. (PW) IS f. Traffic Impact Fees shall be paid at a rate of $120 per net added daily trip. (PW) g. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed throughout. Shop drawings shall be submitted and approved by the Fire Department prior to system installation. (FD) ZA Minutes 06/20/01 11 (O1zm0620) h. Fire hydrants must be installed before combustible construction begins. Prior to installation, shop drawings shall be submitted to the Public Works Department and approved by the Fire y hydrant locations and fire department connections. Department. Required plans shall specif The project requires approximately two hydrants. (City Specification 407) (FD) i. Address numbers shall be installed to comply with City Specification 428. (10 inch height with 1-1/2 inch stroke). (FD) j. Fire access roads shall be provided in compliance with City Specification 401. Include the Circulation Plan and dimensions of all access roads. (FD) k. The project shall comply with all provisions of the HBMC Section 17.04.085 and City Specification 429, Methane District Building Permit Requirements. (FD) 1. Fire extinguishers shall be installed and located in areas to comply with the HBFC and the California Administrative Code, Title 24. (FD) m. Exit signs and exit path markings shall be provided in compliance with the HBFC and the California Administrative Code, Title 24. (FD) n. Service roads and fire access lanes, as determined by the Fire Department, shall be posted, marked, and maintained. If fire lane violations occur and the services of the Fire Department are required, the applicant will be liable for expenses incurred. (FD) o. A planned sign program and processing fee (currently $510) for all signage shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval by the Design Review Board. Said program shall be approved prior to the first sign request. 9. The applicant and/or applicant's representative shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all • plans and information submitted to the City for review and approval. 10. The Departments of Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building & Safety ensure that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site plan, elevations and floor plans are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director and Public Works Director have reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Planning Commission may be required pursuant to the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 01-144/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-24: 1. Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-144/ Conditional Use Permit No. 98-24 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-144 and Conditional Use Permit No. 98-24 shall become null and void unless exercised within two (2) years of the date of final approval which is June 20, 2001. An extension of time may be granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 60 days prior to the expiration date. • ZA Minutes 06/20/01 12 (O1zm0620) 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-144/ Conditional Use Permit No. 98-24, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. Final grades and elevations on the grading plan shall not vary by more than one (1) foot from the grades and elevations on the approved Tentative Map. (PW) 5. Security Gates shall be designed to comply with Fire Department City Specification 403. (FD) 6. Fire lanes shall be designed and posted to comply with City Specification 415. (FD) 7. The project shall comply with all provisions of Huntington Beach Municipal Code Title 17.04.085 and Fire Dept. City Specification No. 429 for new construction within the methane gas overlay districts. (FD) 8. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 9. Construction shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Construction shall be prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. The applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the South Coast Air Quality Management District and submit a copy to Planning Department. 10. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 11. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished and verified by the Planning Department. 12. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Determination at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 13. All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and clean manner, and in conformance with the HBZSO. Prior to removing or replacing any landscaped areas, check with the Departments of Planning and Public Works for Code requirements. Substantial changes may require approval by the Zoning Administrator. 14. New utilities shall be installed underground in accordance with the City's Underground Utility Ordinance. 15. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the City's right-of-way. (PW) 16. A Certificate of Occupancy must be issued by the Planning Department and Building and Safety Department prior to occupying the building. ZA Minutes 06/20/01 13 (O1zm0620) 17. All signs shall conform to the HBZSO. Prior to installing any new signs, or changing sign faces, a building permit shall be obtained from the Planning Department. • THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 2:15 PM BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2001 AT 1:30 PM. Ma"Beth �roeren Zoning Administrator ;rmk LJ 0 ZA Minutes 06/20/01 14 (01=0620)