HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-06Minutes Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority Council Chambers, Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach; California 92648 Monday, August 6, 2001 A videotape of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk Meeting of the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority (125.40) Call to Order Mayor/Chair Julien Houchen called the regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority to order. Roll Call of the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority Directors (Public Financing Authority) Approved and Adopted Minutes On motion by Dettloff, second Garofalo approved and .adopted minutes of the January 16, 2001 regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority as written and on file in the Office of the Secretary. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardman, Cook, Julien Houchen, Garofalo, Dettloff, Bauer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Green Chair Julien Houchen convened to a Joint Public Hearing of the Huntington Beach City Council and the Public Financing Authority: (City Council/Huntington Beach Financing Authority) Joint Public Held Authorizing Issuance of PFA Lease Revenue. Bonds to Finance South Beach Phase 11 Improvements and the Huntington Central Park (HCP) Sports Complex — Adopted Council Resolution No. 2001-47 and Adopted PFA Resolution No. 14 (330.60) Mayor/Chair Julien Houchen announced that this was the time scheduled for a joint public hearing of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority to consider a communication from the Administrative Services Director and the Community Services Director regarding authorizing the issuance of Lease Revenue Bonds by the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority for Huntington Central Park Sports Complex and Phase 11 South Beach Area Improvements. August 6, 2001 — Council/Public Financing Authority Minutes — Page 2 The joint public hearing is being held in accordance with Section 6586.5(a)(2) of the California Government Code with respect to the financing of improvements by means of the issuance of revenue bonds (the "Bonds") by the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority (the "Authority") in an amount not to exceed $33,000,000. The improvements to be financed will be located in the city and will consist of the development of a 45-acre sports complex and Phase II improvements to the city's South Beach area. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk/Secretary's Office by staff had been mailed, published and posted. A PowerPoint presentation titled 2001 Lease Revenue Bond Issue is included in the agenda packet. Community Services Director Ron Hagan reported that the lowest bidder withdrew its bid and that the second lowest bidder is below budget. Principal Civil Engineer Doug Stack responded to Council's questions regarding unanticipated contingencies, explaining that there is $3.2 million built in to handle such an emergency. Councilmember/Director Boardman expressed concern over when church and industrial use will take place in order to generate revenue. She inquired as to whether a facility maintenance schedule had been determined as the fields will have nearly constant use. Community Services Director Hagan stated that he will provide figures at the next meeting, informing Council that fees should increase at a greater rate than maintenance costs and that the debt service should remain constant. Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Cook requested a 30-year pro forma. Mayor/Chair Julien Houchen declared the public hearing open. Prior to announcing the public speakers, the City Clerk/Secretary restated for the record the following Late Communications that pertain to the joint public hearing: Three letters submitted by the Office of Assemblyman Tom Harman to the City Clerk's Office on August 6, 2001 transmitting support for the development of a Youth/Adult Sports Complex in Huntington Central Park. Communications titled Save Our Kids (SOK) — Central Park Funding Vote. Huntington Central Park Construction Cost Report prepared by the Community Services Director dated August 6, 2001. David Smith, Regional Commissioner of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Region 55, expressed his gratitude for the receipt of a recent grant. Mr. Smith urged a favorable vote on the Huntington Central Park (HCP) Sports Complex, which he considers to be a long -anticipated project. Don McGee spoke in opposition to the Huntington Central Park (HCP), referring to the costs as being high even without the price of the removal of the lead contamination. Mr. McGee stated that cosmetic changes are being made while the infrastructure crumbles. August G, 2001 — Council/Public Financing Authority Minutes — Page 3 Barry Williams, President, Ocean View Little League, stated his objection what he considers to be overbuilding at the expense of losing open space that meets the needs of kids for youth sports. Mr. Williams enumerated other benefits to be derived from maintaining open space, urging funding for the Huntington Central Park (HCP) Sports complex. There being no persons present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either written or oral, the hearing was closed by the Mayor/Chair. Councilmember/Director Boardman referred to the Late Communication from Community Services Director Hagan, ascertaining that the construction costs are based on the second lowest bid. CouncilmemberlDirector Boardman stated that it is not an issue of kids and open space, presenting her concern that there is a problem to pay for Huntington Central Park (HCP) Sports Complex funding when citizens are being asked to pay a sewer service user charge for repairs. She stated that she was in support of the HCP when the cost was estimated at one and a half million, but now the estimate is $18 million. Mayor Pro TemlVice Chair Cook inquired if the transfer of funds from the Public Financing Authority required a Measure C vote, to which Community Services Director Hagan responded that it does not. A motion was made by Garofalo,- second Green to: 1. Conduct a public hearing and close the hearing; and 2. Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2001-47 —A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving Proceedings to Finance the Costs of Certain Capital Improvements of the City, Approving issuance of Lease Revenue Bonds by the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority for Such Purposes, and Approving Related Documents and Official Actions," and 3. Adopt Public Financing Authority Resolution No. 14 " `A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Huntington Beach Public Financing Authority Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Lease Revenue Bonds in an Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed $33, 000, 000 to Finance the Costs of Certain Capital Improvements for the City of Huntington Beach and Approving Related Documents and Official Actions." The motion carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: Green, Julien Houchen, Garofalo, Dettloff, Bauer NOES: Boardman, Cook ABSENT: None August 6, 2001 -- Council/Public Financing Authority Minutes — Page 4 Adjournment — City Council/Public Financing Authority Mayor/Chair Julien Houchen adjourned the Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and the Public Financing Authority. ATTEST: e�ft� Secretary Secretary 6airman