HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-14MINUTES Huntington Beach Planning -Commission Tuesday, August 14, 2001 Huntington Beach Civic Center 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California 92648 Study Session Room B-8 5:15 P.M. ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ! COASTAL APPEALS — Mary Beth Broeren / Jason Kelley CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT / PERMIT STREAMLINING— Rosemary Medel AGENDA REVIEW — Amy Wolfe MAJOR PROJECTS UPDATE — Amy Wolfe PUBLIC COMMENTS Regular Meeting' City Council Chambers -7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE P P P P P P P ROLL CALL: Hardy, Kerins, Shomaker, Mandic, Livengood, Kokal, Borden AGENDA APPROVAL A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS— None. B. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS - PROCEDURE: Commission Disclosure Statement(s), Staff Report Presentation, Commission Questions, Public Hearing; and Discussion/Action. B-1. ENTITLEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO.01-01 (THE PEGASUS SCHOOL EXPANSION): Applicant: Ricardo Nieva -Request: To permit expansion of the existing facility as follows: a) amend Conditional" Use Permit No. 95- 33/Condition #2 to allow an increase of student enrollment from 500 to 585 students; b) utilize four (4) additional existing classrooms; c) add eleven (11) staff members; d) relocate'the 31 'overflow parking spaces adjacent to the activity center, and ej'use the existing 35-parking space area along Shalom for staff parking. Location: 19692 Lexington Lane (east side of Lexington Lane between Shangri La Drive and Shalom Drive) Project Planner: Amy Wolfe (O1p=0814) PC Minutes 8/14/01 Page 2 Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 01-01 request: - Amend Conditional Use Permit No. 95-33/ condition No. 2, to allow an increase of student enrollment from 500 to 565 students at The Pegasus School; - Utilize four additional existing classrooms; - Add 11 staff members; - Relocate 31 existing overflow parking spaces adjacent to the Activity Center building; and - Permit the use of an existing parking area adjacent to the Shalom Drive frontage for permanent staff parking. Staffs Recommendation: Approve Entitlement Plan Amendment No. 01-01 based upon the following: The proposed private school expansion is consistent with General Plan objectives and policies which advocate the inclusion of educational uses that support resident needs within residential neighborhoods, provision of employment opportunities for residents of the City and surrounding region and enhancement of the educational opportunities available to the youth of the community. The proposed development will comply with applicable HBZSO site, development standards including parking. The proposed expansion will be compatible with surrounding residential . development because no new structures are proposed and the four additional classrooms already exist within buildings in the interior of the site. The overflow parking area will be relocated within the center of the site and the Shalom Drive parking area will be utilized for staff parking to minimize traffic and noise impact to adjacent residences. The overflow parking area will only be used during nine scheduled school events with high attendance per year. Traffic to and from the overflow parking area will be directed by two parking attendants and will be clearly designated by placement of barriers to ensure safety of pedestrians and drivers. Commissioners Hardy, Kerins, Mandic, Livengood, Kokal and Borden all visited the project site and spoke with neighbors near the project location. Staff made a presentation to the Commission. Questions/comments included: The Commission asked staff to explain traffic data referenced on Attachment 5.1 of the, staff report, including definition of terms such as "vehicle trips", "peak hours" and "trip generation". The Commission questioned staffs public hearing notification process to area residents, and when staff report material is, made available to the public. (01 p=0814) PC Nfmutes 8/14/01 Page 3 The Commission questioned why Attachment No. 4.3 of the staff report indicates that there are four (4) vacant classrooms. The Commission asked staff to explain the cost benefit behind the proposed expansion. Staff replied that the expansion would result in increased utility tax. The Commission inquired about Code Enforcement citations. Staff replied that none had been filed. _ The Commission asked staff to identify the streets most used by motorists to "cut through" the Glen Mar neighborhood to reach the Pegasus School. Staff acknowledged the issue, but explained that it is not relevant to the entitlement application. The Commission asked what student capacity the school was built for. Staff replied 700 maximum. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED: Ricardo Nieva, applicant, Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item. He identified employees and students who reside in the Glen Mar tract, how many students travel by bus, and those who participate in carpool efforts. He mentioned that Pegasus School held several meetings with neighbors to keep them informed of the School's -plans to expand. George Alcaraz, Ludine Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item, voicing concerns about the sports field's locking gates that inhibit public use. - He also voiced his displeasure with the size of the new gymnasium recently built on that property. Hennan Thordsen, Monitor Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item. He made reference to a discrepancy involving the current number of employees listed in the staff report, and voiced concerns about motorists using Monitor Drive as a cut -through street, and cross traffic impacts on Ranger Lane. Laurie Buster, Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item, voicing concerns regarding noise and traffic impacts to the neighborhood. Warren Taylor, Shangri La, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item and voiced his displeasure with the large gymnasium on the school property. Stephen Edele, Assistant Director of the Pegasus School, Hyford Road, Tustin, spoke in favor of the item. He discussed his and the community's appreciation of the school's efforts to modify and improve the property. Betty Friedrichs, Pegasus School employee, Wishfield'Circle; Huntington Beach; spoke in favor of the item. She described Pegasus as commuter school with established busing and carpool programs utilized by over 50% of their (01 p=0814) PC Minutes 8/14/01 Page 4 enrollment. She offered suggestions on subsidizing busing or carpool programs. Justian Tusaf, La Cresta Circle, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item and expressed his support of all suggestions to mitigate busing and carpool problems. William Egan, Carmania Lane, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item, voicing concerns about the amount of cars double-parking on his street, and the absence of streetlights in the neighborhood.- He stated that fencing the sports fields provides no benefit to the Glen Mar residents. Linda Neilan, Shangri La Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item, voicing concerns about traffic and pedestrian safety, overflow parking and increased noise. She stated the negative impacts of school activities make it difficult to reside in the Glen Mar tract. She also requested the City investigate use of the basketball courts during late evening hours. The Commission inquired if the school existed when she bought her property and Mrs. Neilan stated yes. Aaron Rios, Cumberland Lane, Newport Beach, spoke in favor of the item and suggested that the school keep the_grounds open to the public after school hours and provide quarterly meetings to area residents to inform them of school plans or activities. William Cain, Havenwood Circle, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item stating that Pegasus School's concern for children's safety is evident by the busing/carpool programs they established, and the controlled environment within the school parking lot. He also stated that the Police Department has issued many citations for double-parking and that the entrance and exit process poses no problems to the neighborhood. Stephen Monroe, Shangri La Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item voicing concerns about additional vehicular trips in and out of the Glen Mar tract during "school" not "peak" hours. He encouraged the applicant and staff to study traffic patterns during school hours. Susan Perkins, Merrimac Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item voicing concerns about children's safety due to increased traffic on Lexington Lane. Penny Lambright, Ranger Lane, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item voicing concerns regarding traffic safety. She encouraged the Commission to visit the neighborhood during school hours. She also suggested the need for busing/traffic enforcement and inquired about who is responsible for street repairs. She stated that the expansion provides no benefit to Glen Mar residents. . , • • • -- - (01 p=0814) PC Minutes 8/14/01 Page 5 Mr. Gene Andrew, Lexington Lane; Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to :- the item, voicing concerns about traffic speed and safety. - He urged the City to increase the amount of traffic signage to slow down traffic. Paul Cook, Traffic Engineer; Main Street, Huntington. Beach, indicated that he was available to answer questions on behalf of the applicant. Barry Williams, School Board Member, Willbank Lane, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item and the school's carpool program. He also discussed the neighborhood traffic circulation issues, the sports field entrances, and mentioned that Pegasus School had won a National "Blue Ribbon" Award for excellence. Michelle Carr, Pegasus School staff member, Hudson Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item and stated that she had two children that attended Pegasus. She assured the Commission that Pegasus staff members monitor traffic closely for safety. She also praised the school's carpool program and mentioned that the school newsletter frequently updates parents and residents of current school activities. Charles Hurst, Newport Beach, spoke in favor of the item. He has five (6) children who attend Pegasus and supports the expansion and the eleven (11) new jobs it will create. He also stated that parents of students attending Pegasus shop in the City and contribute to the sales tax base.. - Pauline Perdomo, Shalom Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item because of the traffic impact. She voiced concerns about parking, speeding and car alarms. John Medici, Constellation Lane, Huntington Beach, spoke in opposition to the item because of traffic safety issues (speeding and double-parking). He also encouraged the applicant and City staff to provide residents early notification of expansion and/or building plans. Robert Jewell, Clark Street, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item. Living adjacent to another school within the district, Mr. Jewell experiences traffic safety -related issues daily, and pointed out that all school districts face traffic issues because housing tracts were not designed for commuting students. He encouraged the City to consider this a citywide issue. Stacy Mcliveen, Shalom Drive, Huntington Beach, spoke in favor of the item stating that Pegasus School has improved the Glen Mar community by making sports fields available -for children, and by providing a barrier to the riverbed that runs along the back of the, school property. . WITH NO ONE ELSE PRESENT:TO. SPEAK,;THE.PUBLIC HEARING WAS -CLOSED.. (01 NnO814) PC Minutes 8/14/01 Page 6 Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the school site was unique in its design and location compared to other residential school sites, and if so, should the City consider initiating a traffic study. Based on feedback from area residents, the Commission considered continuing the item in order to provide residents more time to communicate their concerns. The Commission requested that the Police Department provide detailed information on traffic issues related to that area. The Commission also requested copies of any carpool program information produced by staff. Paul Cook, the applicant's traffic engineer, addressed the following issues: ■ Identified the dates and times of study associated with the report data ■ Information reported in similar area studies done in 1995 and 1997 ■ Information on traffic impact fees ■ Comparative traffic study analysis done on similar school sites within the area ■ Private versus public school traffic control The Commission discussed at length ideas to improve traffic circulation including staggered pick-up/drop-off delivery schedules, designated carpool/busing points, residential speed bumps, increased signage and relocation of certain staff parking areas to alleviate temporary overflow. The Commission briefly discussed hours the sports fields were available for public use, and access problems affecting residential parking. The Commission discussed neighborhood enhancements listed in Attachment 1.2 of the staff report. The Commission requested copies of traffic studies mentioned by the applicant's traffic engineer. The Commission requested a copy of the Fountain Valley School District conditions for that property. The Commission congratulated the speakers on their community interest. The Commission and staff discussed financial responsibility for additional traffic analysis. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS, SECOND BY KOKAL, TO CONTINUE EPA NO.01-01 TO A DATE UNCERTAIN WITH STAFF TO WORK WITH THE APPLICANT TO ADDRESS ISSUES RAISED BY NEIGHBORS AND PLANNING COMMISSION RELATIVE TO TRAFFIC, CIRCULATION AND SCHOOL OPERATIONS; PUBLIC NOTIFICATION TO BE EXPANDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: (01 p=0814) PC Minutes 8/14/01 Page 7 AYES: Hardy, Kerins, Shomaker, Mandic, Livengood, Kokal NOES: Borden ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None C. CONSENT CALENDAR C-1.' —PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 26. 2001 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD, SECOND BY HARDY, TO APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 26, 2001 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Hardy, Kerins, Mandic, Livengood, Kokal, Borden NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Shomaker D. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None. E. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS E-1. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Kerins reported on the Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Program, an item discussed at a joint meeting of the City of Huntington Beach Environmental Board and City Council Committee on the Bolsa Chica held July 30, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. in Room B-8, Huntington Beach Civic Center. E-2. PLANNING COMMISSION INQUIRIES/COMMENTS Commissioner Hardy — None. Commissioner Kerins — requested that staff provide follow-up to dated items listed in the Planning Commission Inquiry Log. Commissioner Shomaker — requested that staff -remove sidewalk graffiti on Utica Avenue between Park Street and the alleyway. - Commissioner Mandic — None. Commissioner Livengood — attended a Consistency Hearing of the California Coastal Commission on Thursday, August 9, 2001 in Redondo Beach to hear discussion on the Coastal Restoration Plan. He mentioned that the item was continued with no formal action taken. He also alerted the Commission that he (01 P=W 14) PC Minutes 8/14/01 Page 8 would not be in attendance at the September 24, 2001 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Kokal — encouraged the television viewers at home to become involved in community issues, and requested help from staff in obtaining flood control channel widths Commissioner Borden — requested that the Commission receive copies of the Integrated Infrastructure Management Program (IIMP) Citizen Survey Results presented to the City Council on Monday, August 13, 2001. F. PLANNING ITEMS F-1. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Scott Hess, Principal Planner — reported on the Planning Department items heard before the City Council at the August 13, 2001 meeting. F-2. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Amy Wolfe, Associate Planner— reviewed items for the August 28, 2001 regular Planning Commission meeting. G. ADJOURNMENT — Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of August 28, 2001. HZ:HF:d APPROVED BY: /16kard Zelefsky, Secretary (01 p=0814) Connie Mandic, Chairperson