HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-06® MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Room B-8 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach California WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2002 - 1:30 P.M. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Mary Beth Broeren STAFF MEMBER: Rami Talleh, Ron Santos, Ramona Kohlmann (recording secretary) MINUTES: January 16, 2002 February 20, 2002 December 2, 1998 APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ORAL COMMUNICATION: NONE ITEM 1: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-68 (PRIVACY GATE) (CONTINUED FROM THE FEBRUARY 20, 2002 MEETING WITH THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED) APPLICANT: Amy Moore, 895 Dove Street, Suite 220, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PROPERTY OWNER: Interval House, P.O. Box 3356, Seal Beach, CA 92660 REQUEST: To permit an existing 6 ft. high vehicular privacy gate located within the 10 ft. side yard of an existing condominium complex and to permit the 6 ft. high fence to be located within the 10' x 10' visibility triangle at the driveway entrance. LOCATION: 7922 Cypress Avenue and 17140 Elm Street (southeast corner of Cypress Avenue and Elm Street) PROJECT PLANNER: Rami Talleh Rami Talleh, Staff Planner, displayed project plans and photographs stating the purpose, location and zoning of the requested project. Staff stated that the item was continued from the February 20, 2002, meeting to allow the applicant time to provide an enhanced design for the fence along Cypress Street. Staff stated that the recommendation for denial was based upon the size of the complex and obstruction of visibility into the public right-of-way as well as incompatibility with the existing fence along Elm Street. Staff presented alternative findings and conditions for approval. Mary Beth Broeren, Zoning Administrator, and staff discussed setback requirements for the gate. Ms. Broeren asked staff if any comments were received from the Public Works (PW) Department and staff stated that PW had no comments. Ms. Broeren reviewed revised plans as presented by the applicant. Discussion ensued concerning visibility, setback of the gate, and the spears and knuckles as proposed for the fencing. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS RE -OPENED. . Amy Moore, 895 Dove Street, Suite 220, Newport Beach, applicant, presented enhanced elevations and photographs emphasizing the spears and knuckles on the fencing. Ms. Broeren engaged in a discussion with the applicant concerning the enhanced elevations, color of paint, ownership of the property, the number of occupants per unit, and the number of anticipated vehicles. A representative from the Interval House stated that they have a 30-year lease, and the City has right of first refusal should the current use of the property terminate. She also stated that most of the occupants do not have vehicles. Tom Brohard, Public Works, and Ms. Broeren discussed traffic, visibility and safety concerns. Mr. Brohard stated that stacking is not a problem but that visibility upon exiting is a problem. Ms. Broeren confirmed that if the site were not a shelter, the foregoing concerns would not change. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Ms. Broeren stated that she re -visited the proposed site and drove onto the property to observe the traffic and visibility. Ms. Broeren questioned the necessity and code requirement for the mesh on the sliding gate. The applicant advised that the mesh serves as a safety precaution. Ms. Broeren stated that she talked to the City Attorney's office concerning protection of the habitants. She expressed concern that should the property revert to a residential use such as a condominium complex, the City would not be able to impose a condition to remove the fence. Ms. Broeren stated that the proposed project is not inconsistent with the neighborhood and that a similar fence exists on a neighboring property. Moreover, Public Works has indicated that stacking would not be a problem due to the size of the project and that the addition of mirrors would improve visibility. Ms. Broeren stated that she was going to approve the request and she modified staff suggested findings and conditions for approval as presented by staff at today's hearing. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-68 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFIED FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEOA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the existing vehicular privacy gate and fencing are minor alterations to existing facilities and their design involves minor deviations to development standards. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 2 (02zm0306) FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-68: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 01-68 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a six (6) foot high motorized vehicular privacy gate located within the 10' x 10' visibility triangle at the driveway entrance of a six (6) unit condominium complex will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The existing wrought iron vehicular privacy gate allows for approximately 50% transmission of light and visibility through the structure in each direction when viewed from any angle. In addition, the moveable parts of the existing vehicular privacy gate are shielded from within the development and the public right-of-way. Stacking resulting from vehicles entering the site will be minimized due to the low number of units in the development (six units) and the low amount of traffic on Cypress Street. In addition, traffic circulation will be facilitated by the placement of mirrors to aid motorists upon entering and exiting the site. 2. The conditional use permit will be compatible with surrounding uses because the existing vehicular privacy gate will be enhanced with ornamental features similar to the existing fencing along Elm Street and proposed fencing along Cypress Street and will be compatible with existing condominium complex and the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, the color of the existing fencing shall be painted blue to match the building. 3. The proposed Conditional Use Permit No. 01-68 will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. The establishment and operation of a six (6) foot high vehicular privacy ® gate within the 10' x 10' visibility triangle is allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. 4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of Residential Medium Density on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: a. Require that special needs housing is designed to be compatible with adjacent residential structures and other areas designated for other categories of use provided that no adverse impacts will occur. (Policy LU 9.5.2) b. Require compatibility with existing structures, including the use of complimentary building materials, colors, and forms, while allowing flexibility for unique design solutions. (Policy LU 9.9.1.c) The proposed vehicular privacy gate is consistent with the aforementioned policies in that it will be enhanced with ornamental features similar to the existing fencing along Elm Street and proposed fencing along Cypress Street and will be compatible with existing condominium complex and the surrounding neighborhood. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 3 (02zm0306) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-68: 1. The site plan and elevations received and dated December 20, 2001, shall be the conceptually • approved layout with the following modifications: a. Proposed fencing along Cypress Street shall match the elevation shown in Exhibit A, dated March 6, 2002. The design of the proposed fencing shall not include the knuckles depicted in Exhibit A. b. The existing steel fencing and vehicular privacy gate shall be aesthetically enhanced by placing spears matching the proposed fencing along Cypress Street and similar to the existing fencing along Elm Street on every post. c. The color of the existing and proposed fencing shall be painted blue to match the building. 2. The use may not commence, and the final building permit(s) cannot be approved until the following has been completed: a. Building permits shall be obtained for the vehicular privacy gate and existing fencing along Cypress Street. b. A KNOX key entry system must be established and retained on the vehicular privacy gate. (FD) • c. A call box shall be established and retained on the vehicular privacy gate. (FD) d. Mirrors shall be placed adjacent to the driveway enterance to facilitate traffic circulation. e. If permitted by code, the steel mesh on the sliding portion of the vehicular privacy gate shall be removed. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 01-68 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Conditional Use Permit No. 01-68 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval which is March 6, 2003, or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 01-68, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 0 ZA Minutes 03/06/02 4 (02=0306) 4. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Division, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 5. All applicable fees from the Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be paid prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 6. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 7. All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and clean manner, and in conformance with the HBZSO. ITEM 2: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO.2002-103 (DAWSON SUBDIVISION) APPLICANT: Keith Dawson, 5200 Warner Avenue, Suite 208, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 PROPERTY OWNER: Downtown 21st Street Partners II, LLC, 5200 Warner Avenue, Suite 208, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 REQUEST: Division of one 50 ft. x 117.5 ft. residential lot into two 25 ft. x 117.5 ft. residential lots. LOCATION: 517 12t'' Street, Huntington Beach (west side of 12t" Street, south of Acacia Avenue) PROJECT PLANNER: Ron Santos Ron Santos, Staff Planner, displayed project plans and photographs stating the purpose, location and zoning of the requested project. Staff presented a review of the suggested findings and conditions of approval. Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report. No written or verbal comments were received in response to the public notification. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. THERE WERE NO PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO.2002-103 WAS APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS.ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN ZA Minutes 03/06/02 5 (02zm0306) FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEOA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15315 of the CEQA Guidelines, because the project consists of a minor land subdivision in an urbanized area which is zoned for residential use. The proposed project is in conformance with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and no variances or exceptions are required. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO.2002-103: Tentative Parcel Map No. 2002-103 for the division of one 50 ft. x 117.5 ft. residential lot into two 25 ft. x 117.5 ft. residential lots is consistent with the property's General Plan Land Use Element designation of RMH-25-d (Residential Medium -High Density — maximum 25 dwelling units per acre — Design Overlay) and applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance including minimum lot area and minimum lot width. 2. The proposed parcels are compatible with parcels existing in the vicinity in terms of configuration and size and are physically suitable for the type and density of development permitted by the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO). The majority of the surrounding neighborhood is subdivided with 25-foot wide lots and 50-foot wide lots. No development is proposed at this time on either parcel; however, the HBZSO permits construction of one single- family dwelling on each of the proposed lots. The neighborhood is developed with a mix of single - and multi -family dwellings. Proposed parcels are topographically flat, rectangular in shape, accessible from a public street and adequate in size to accommodate a single-family dwelling. 3. The design of the subdivision will not cause serious health problems or substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The proposed project site will provide opportunities for in -fill construction and replacement of structures to be demolished in a developed neighborhood. The project site does not contain any fish or wildlife habitat. 4. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision since no public easements exist on -site. The proposed dedication of 2.5 feet along the rear property line for alley purposes will improve public access. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO.2002-103: 1. The tentative parcel map for the subdivision of one 50 ft. x 117.5 ft. residential lot into two 25 ft. x 117.5 ft. residential lots received and dated January 30, 2002, shall be the approved layout. 2. The following conditions shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map unless otherwise stated. Bonding may be substituted for construction in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. (PW) a. All structures existing on the project site shall be demolished or modified as necessary to • conform with applicable provisions of the,Huntington Beach Zoning And Subdivision 6 (02zm0306) ZA Minutes 03/06/02 Ordinance, including permitted uses, setbacks, site coverage and parking requirements. A ® copy of corresponding (finaled) demolition permit(s) shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the final map. b. 2.5 feet of alley right-of-way shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach for alley access and utility purposes, for a total half -width of 10 feet. (PW) c. A reproducible mylar copy and print of the final parcel map shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works at the time of recordation. (PW) d. The engineer or surveyor preparing the final map shall comply with Sections 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18 for the following items: (PW) 1) Tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor. 2) Provide a digital -graphics file of said map to the County of Orange. e. Provide a digital -graphics file of said map to the City per the following criteria: Design Specification: 1) Digital data shall be full size (1: 1) and in compliance with the California coordinate system — STATEPLANE Zone 6 (Lambert Conformal Conic projection), NAD 83 datum in accordance with the County of Orange Ordinance 3809. 2) Digital data shall have double precision accuracy (up to fifteen significant digits). ® 3) Digital data shall have units in US FEET. 4) A separate drawing file shall be submitted for each individual sheet. 5) Digital data shall be in compliance with the Huntington Beach Standard Sheets, drawing names, pen color and layering conventions. 6) Feature compilation shall include, but shall not be limited to: Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN), street addresses and street names with suffix. r File Format and Media Specification: 7) Shall be in compliance with the following file format: ➢ AutoCAD (version 13 or later) drawing file: _.DWG 8) Shall be in compliance with the following media type: ➢ CD Recordable (CD-R) 650 Megabytes Within 30 days of demolition of structures existing on the project site, the project site shall be planted with vegetative ground cover as necessary to control dust and weed growth, and fenced to discourage dumping, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Required landscaping and fencing shall be maintained until commencement of grading for new construction. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 7 (02zm0306) 4. The following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of a grading permit: • a. A Grading Plan, prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. The following improvements shall be shown on the grading plan: 1) The alley shall be improved with A.C. paving and aggregate base per City standard plan 107 to the centerline of the alley. 2) 12t" Street improvements across the entire property frontage shall include a new 8-inch curb and gutter per City standard plan 202, with a transition 8-inch to 6-inch curb and gutter beginning at the southerly property line; new sidewalk per City standard plan 207; overlay of A.C. paving to centerline of street. The existing street paving shall be cold planed to centerline a minimum depth of 0.12' to permit overlay to match existing for a smooth ride finish. 3) The existing sewer and water services shall be abandoned and plugged at the service mains per City standards. 4) A new sewer lateral shall be installed for each lot with a cleanout at the property line. 5) A new domestic water service and meter for each lot shall be installed for each lot per City Water Division standards and sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the California Plumbing Code (CPC). The water meter shall be a minimum of 1-inch in size. A backflow device will be required on the landscaping service b. The applicant's grading/erosion control plan shall abide by the provisions of AQMD's Rule • 403 as related to fugitive dust. 5. The following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of Building Permits: a. The final map shall be recorded with the County of Orange. b. A grading permit shall be issued. 6. Prior to final inspection or occupancy of any new structure(s) on the project site, all improvements shown on the grading plan shall be completed. 7. During demolition, grading, site development, and/or construction, the following shall be adhered to: a. Water trucks will be utilized on the site and shall be available to be used throughout the day during site grading to keep the soil damp enough to prevent dust being raised by the operations. (PW) b. All haul trucks shall arrive at the site no earlier than 8:00 a.m. or leave the site no later than 5:00 p.m., and shall be limited to Monday through Friday only. (PW) c. Wet down the areas that are to be graded or that are being graded, in the late morning and after work is completed for the day. (PW) d. All haul trucks shall be covered or have water applied to the exposed surface prior to leaving the site to prevent dust from impacting the surrounding areas. (PW) ZA Minutes 03/06/02 8 (02=0306) e. Prior to leaving the site, all haul trucks shall be washed off on -site on a gravel surface to ® prevent dirt and dust from leaving the site and impacting public streets. (PW) f. Comply with AQMD Rule 403, particularly to minimize fugitive dust and noise to surrounding areas. (PW) g. Construction equipment shall be maintained in peak operating condition to reduce emissions. h. Use low sulfur (0.5%) fuel by weight for construction equipment. i. Truck idling shall be prohibited for periods longer than 10 minutes. j. Ensure clearly visible signs are posted on the perimeter of the site identifying the name and phone number of a field supervisor to contact for information regarding the development and any construction/ grading activity. k. Compliance with all Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and Municipal Code requirements including the Noise Ordinance. All activities including truck deliveries associated with construction, grading, remodeling, or repair shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Such activities are prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. (Code Requirement) 8. The Departments of Planning, Public Works and Fire are responsible for verifying compliance with all conditions of approval herein as noted after each condition. The Planning Director and Public Works Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to parcel map are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director and Public Works Director have reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the HBZSO. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO.2002-103: 1. Tentative Parcel No. 2002-103 shall not become effective until the ten calendar day appeal period has elapsed. 2. Tentative Parcel Map No. 2002-103 shall become null and void unless exercised within two (2) years of the date of final approval, which is March 6, 2004. An extension of time may be granted by the Planting Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 60 days prior to the expiration date. 3. The project shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Division, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. 4. All applicable Building and Safety, Public Works, and Fire Departments fees shall be paid prior to map recordation. i5. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43 for the posting of a Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the ZA Minutes 03/06/02 9 (02zm0306) County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 6. An Encroachment Permit is required for all work within the City's right-of-way. (PW) 7. Standard landscape code requirements apply (Chapter 232 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance). 8. Water Ordinance 914.52, the "Water Efficient Landscape Requirements" apply for projects with 2,500 square -feet of landscaping or larger. (PW) 9. Traffic impact fees shall be paid at a rate of $123 per net new added daily trip. (1 new unit @12 trips per dwelling unit net = 12 daily trips = $1,476. ITEM 3: COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 02-03/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 02-03 (STAVROS RESIDENCE) APPLICANT: David Pacheco, 19531 Brookline Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 PROPERTY OWNER: George Stavros, 17198 Sims Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 REQUEST: CDP: To demolish an existing single-family dwelling and construct an 8,158 sq. ft. two-story single-family dwelling. CUP: To construct a single-family dwelling with a total height of approximately 34 feet. LOCATION: 16832 Marina Bay Circle (Huntington Harbor, west of Coral Cay Lane) PROJECT PLANNER: Ron Santos Ron Santos, Staff Planner, displayed project plans stating the purpose, location and zoning of the requested project. Staff stated that the window -offset requirement of the Infill Lot Ordinance is not applicable to the adjacent property to the east since the dwelling will be demolished and rebuilt and since the Infill requirement only applies to existing dwellings. Staff recommended approval of the request based upon the findings and subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report. Mary Beth Broeren, Zoning Administrator, and staff discussed the setback requirements for the outside decorative fountain. Ms. Broeren confirmed with staff that no written or verbal comments were received in response to the public notification. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. David Pacheco, 19531 Brookline Circle, architect, addressed the requirements as set forth by the homeowner's association (HOA), the setback requirement for the cabana, and the window requirements in order to comply with the Infill Lot Ordinance. • E Jay Golison, 5641 Sorrento Drive, Long Beach, architect for the neighboring property located to the • east of the proposed project, stated, in reference to the Infill Ordinance, that the HOA has approved their project. Mr. Golison urged the Zoning Administrator to enforce the HOA's decision. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 10 (02=0306) ® Ms. Broeren explained that the City does not enforce decisions made by a homeowner's association. She further explained why the Infill Ordinance is not applicable to the adjacent property to the east. A general discussion ensued concerning placement of the windows. THERE WERE NO OTHER PERSONS PRESENT TO SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUEST AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 02-03/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.02-03 WERE APPROVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SHE STATED THAT THE ACTION TAKEN BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CAN BE APPEALED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITHIN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS. FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEQA: The Zoning Administrator finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15302 of the CEQA Guidelines. The project consists of the demolition and replacement of a single-family dwelling on the same site with substantially the same purpose and capacity. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 02-03: ® 1. Coastal Development Permit No. 02-03 for demolition of a single-family dwelling and construction of a 8,158 sq.-ft. two-story single-family dwelling (including garage) and a 290 sq. ft. balcony, as modified by conditions of approval, conforms with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use designation of Residential Low -Density. The proposed project is consistent with Coastal Element Land Use Policy C 1.1.1 to encourage new development to locate within, contiguous to or in close proximity to existing developed areas able to accommodate it. The proposed dwelling will be located on a previously developed site, contiguous to existing residential development. 2. The project is consistent with the requirements of the CZ Overlay District, the Residential Low - Density base zoning district, as well as other applicable provisions of the Municipal Code. The project, as conditioned, complies with all applicable development regulations, including maximum building height, minimum yard setbacks, maximum site coverage and minimum on -site parking, and is consistent with the City's Urban Design Guidelines. 3. At the time of occupancy the proposed development can be provided with infrastructure and services in a manner that is consistent with the Local Coastal Program. The proposed dwelling will be constructed on a previously developed site in an urbanized area with all necessary services and infrastructure available, including water, sewer and roads. 4. The development conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act. The project will not impede public access or impact public views to coastal resources. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 11 (02=0306) FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 02-03: • 1. Conditional Use Permit No. 02-03 to construct a two-story single-family dwelling with an total height of approximately 34 ft. will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity or detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. The proposed dwelling will be constructed in single-family residential neighborhood predominantly developed with two and three story homes of comparable height and value. Conditions of approval requiring the use of obscure glass windows, and the offsetting of windows to adjacent residential units, will ensure no detrimental impacts. 2. The conditional use permit will be compatible with surrounding uses, since the design, materials, height, size and massing of the proposed dwelling is comparable with other dwellings existing in the surrounding neighborhood. 3. The proposed Conditional Use Permit No. 02-03 will comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, including parking requirements, maximum building height, maximum lot coverage, and minimum yard setbacks. 4. The granting of the conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. It is consistent with the Land Use Element designation of RL-7 (Residential Low -Density — 7 units per acre maximum) on the subject property. In addition, it is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: . LU 9.2.1: Require that all new residential development within existing neighborhoods be compatible with existing structures, including the: LU 9.2. lb: Use of building heights, grade elevations, orientation, and bulk that are compatible with surrounding development; LU 9.2.1 c: Maintenance of privacy on abutting residences. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 02-03/ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 02-03: 1. The site plan, floor plans and elevations received and dated January 16, 2002, shall be the conceptually approved layout with the following modifications: a. A ten foot minimum separation shall be provided between the proposed dwelling and the proposed cabana, while maintaining the required five foot rear yard setback to the proposed trellis cover. b. Proposed first -floor windows in the east building wall, at the proposed living room and guest bedroom, shall be realigned (horizontally and/or vertically), fitted with obscure glass, or eliminated, as necessary to avoid alignment with the windows of the dwelling existing adjacent to the east. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 12 (02zm0306) c. Depict all utility apparatus, such as but not limited to back flow devices and Edison transformers on the site plan. Utility meters shall be screened from view from public rights -of - way. Electric transformers in a required front or street side yard shall be enclosed in subsurface vaults. Backflow prevention devices shall be prohibited in the front yard setback and shall be screened from view. (Code Requirement) d. Depict the location of all gas meters, water meters, electrical panels, air conditioning units, mailboxes, and similar items on the site plan and elevations. 2. Prior to issuance of demolition permits, the following shall be completed: a. The applicant shall follow all procedural requirements and regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and any other local, state, or federal law regarding the removal and disposal of any hazardous material including asbestos, lead, and PCB's. These requirements include but are not limited to: survey, identification of removal methods, containment measures, use and treatment of water, proper truck hauling, disposal procedures, and proper notification to any and all involved agencies. b. Pursuant to the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, an asbestos survey shall be completed. c. The applicant shall complete all Notification requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. ® d. The City of Huntington Beach shall receive written verification from the South Coast Air Quality Management District that the Notification procedures have been completed. e. The applicant shall disclose the method of demolition on the demolition permit application for review and approval by the Director of Building and Safety. 3. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the following shall be completed: a. A Grading Plan, prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. (PW) b. A soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered engineer for reference only. 4. Prior to submittal for building permits, the following shall be completed: a. The applicant shall comply with the public notification requirements of Section 230.22(D) — Residential Infill Lot Developments, of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. b. Zoning entitlement conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on one of the first three pages of all the working drawing sets used for issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing) and shall be referenced in the sheet index. The minimum font size utilized for printed text shall be 12 point. ® c. All Fire Department requirements shall be noted on the building plans. (FD) d. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth movement for the subject property. All structures within this ZA Minutes 03/06/02 13 (02zm0306) development shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the geologist's report. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. . (Code Requirement) 5. The structure(s) cannot be occupied, the final building permit(s) cannot be approved, and utilities cannot be released until the following has been completed: a. All improvements as shown on the grading plans. (PW) b. A new domestic water service and meter shall be installed per Water Division standards, and sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the California Plumbing Code (CPC). The water service shall be a minimum of one inch in size. (PW) c. A separate backflow protection device shall be installed, per Water Division standards for domestic water service. (PW) d. The existing domestic water service and meter shall be abandoned per Water Division standards. (PW) e. Address numbers shall be installed on structures to comply with Fire Dept. City Specification 428. (FD) f. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed throughout. Plans shall be submitted to the Department of Building & Safety as separate plans for permits and approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. (FD) g. A fire alarm system shall be installed to comply with Huntington Beach Fire Department and Uniform Fire Code Standards. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Department of Building & Safety as separate plans for permits and approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. The system shall provide water flow. (FD) h. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein shall be accomplished and verified by the Planning Department. i. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 6. During demolition, grading, site development, and/or construction, the following shall be adhered to: a. Wet down the areas that are to be graded or that are being graded, in the late morning and after work is completed for the day. (PW) b. All haul trucks shall be covered or have water applied to the exposed surface prior to leaving the site to prevent dust from impacting the surrounding areas. (PW) c. Prior to leaving the site, all haul trucks shall be washed off on -site on a gravel surface to prevent dirt and dust from leaving the site and impacting public streets. (PW) d. Comply with AQMD Rule 403, particularly to minimize fugitive dust and noise to surrounding areas. (PW) e. Construction equipment shall be maintained in peak operating condition to reduce emissions. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 14 (02zm0306) f. Use low sulfur (0.5%) fuel by weight for construction equipment. 40 g. Truck idling shall be prohibited for periods longer than 10 minutes. h. Ensure clearly visible signs are posted on the perimeter of the site identifying the name and phone number of a field supervisor to contact for information regarding the development and any construction/ grading activity. Compliance with all Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and Municipal Code requirements including the Noise Ordinance. All activities including truck deliveries associated with construction, grading, remodeling, or repair shall be limited to Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Such activities are prohibited Sundays and Federal holidays. (Code Requirement) 7. The Planning Director ensures that all conditions of approval herein are complied with. The Planning Director shall be notified in writing if any changes to the site plan, elevations and floor plans are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Planning Director has reviewed and approved the proposed changes for conformance with the intent of the Zoning Administrator's action and the conditions herein. If the proposed changes are of a substantial nature, an amendment to the original entitlement reviewed by the Zoning Administrator may be required pursuant to the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. . 8. The applicant and/or applicant's representative shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all plans and information submitted to the City for review and approval. • INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: 0 1. Coastal Development Permit No. 02-03/Conditional Use Permit No. 02-03 shall not become effective until the ten working day appeal period has elapsed. For projects in the appealable area of the coastal zone, there is an additional ten working day appeal period that commences when the California Coastal Commission receives the City's notification of final action. 2. Coastal Development Permit No. 02-03/Conditional Use Permit No. 02-03 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval or such extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Coastal Development Permit No. 02-03/Conditional Use Permit No. 02-03, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 4. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Division, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein. ZA Minutes 03/06/02 15 (02=0306) 5. All applicable fees from the Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be paid prior to the issuance of Building Permits. I* 6. The applicant shall submit a check in the amount of $43.00 for the posting of the Notice of Exemption at the County of Orange Clerk's Office. The check shall be made out to the County of Orange and submitted to the Planning Department within two (2) days of the Zoning Administrator's action. 7. State -mandated school impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. 8. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the right-of-way. (PW) 9. Any proposed cantilevered deck, dock, and/or ramp improvements located in the public waterway shall require separate permits. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 2:30 PM BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2002 AT 1:30 PM. Maryeth Noeren Zoning Administrator rmk ZA Minutes 03/06/02 16 (02zm0306)