HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-01Minutes City Council/Redevelopment Agency City of Huntington Beach Monday, April 1, 2002 5:00 P.M. - Room B-8 7:00 P.M. - Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 An audiotape of the 5:00 p.m. portion of this meeting and a videotape of the 7:00 p.m. portion of this meeting are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Call to Order Mayor Cook called the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 p.m. in Room B-8. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call Present: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman Absent. None (City CouncillRedevelopment Agency) Joint Study Session Held between City Council and Finance Board — Review of Inception -to -Date Activities and Initiatives and Discussion Regarding Direction from Council to Finance Board for Year 2002 Current Activities (110.10) Finance Board Roll Call Present: Falzon, Geddes, Stanton, Donaven Absent: None Vice Chairman Charles Falzon presented the duties, Board recommendations, and other Council -directed duties and studies performed by the Finance Board. He provided a verbatim oral report of the overview included in the agenda packet, which was dated April 1, 2002 and titled Huntington Beach City Council and Finance Board Study Session. Vice Chair Falzon informed Council of the Board's recommendation to establish a full annual report between the present time and January 2003. At the conclusion of his presentation, Vice Chair Falzon spoke regarding the need to establish an internal audit function. Councilmember Green stated that many departments have already been audited, and queried as to why an internal audit function is being suggested. Vice Chair Falzon responded that the Finance Board is motivated to look for continuous capability to ensure that the existing policies and procedures are followed. City Administrator Silver informed Council that the Finance Division is audited every year, while Management is audited every other year. (2) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 2 Counciimember Green asked if more staff will need to be deployed to accomplish the Board's proposed audit function, to which Vice Chair Falzon responded that there are generally start-up costs involved. Vice Chair Falzon ascertained for Councilmember Dettloff that what she perceives to have been the express concern of the Finance Board members in the past - that the city needs to plan far enough into the future - remains to be the case. Vice Chair Falzon elaborated that the "20-year horizon" is still valuable as to how it affects decision making. He described values similar to concerns regarding the infrastructure. Vice Chair Falzon cited the example that while slurry -sealing is good, there may be other improvements which are being deferred. Mayor Pro Tern Bauer requested that Vice Chair Falzon clarify how Council should direct the Board's activities. He referred to issues delineated on a communication from past Chairman Chuck Bohle, stating that since it was written on personal letterhead, he was unable to determine whether or not Mr. Bohle wrote it on behalf of the Board. Vice Chair Falzon identified that the Board is the source of a December 2001 communication that lists the recommendations for 1.) an Internal audit; and 2.) a Council Subcommittee to look into the budget shortfall. Further discussion ensued regarding the contents of Mr. Bohle's communication. Mayor Pro Tern Bauer expressed the concern that Mr. Bohle's background was in the private sector, and not public finance. Mayor Pro Tern Bauer stated that he is familiar with management audits, and that if there are good department heads such as he finds exist in the city's departments, that an internal audit is unnecessary. He expressed his satisfaction with the current system, while stating that financial audits for cash collection is a worthy effort. Discussion was held regarding a performance based budget, with Vice Chair Falzon stating that the Board will be happy to work with Council on the initiatives for this type of budget. Councilmember Boardman inquired as to the city's progress with conversion to a performance based -type of budget. City Administrator Silver confirmed the direction in which the city is headed in this respect. Assistant City Administrator Workman reported on the timelines for the transition from standard budgeting procedures. City Administrator Silver spoke regarding the city's Strategic Plan. He furnished a timetable for the completion of the evaluation of the Information Systems Division as a separate and comprehensive function. City Administrator Silver elaborated that Assistant City Administrator Workman and Administrative Services Director Clay Martin are currently working on said project, which is to include dialogue regarding the feasibility of setting up a new software system. Council thanked staff and the Finance Board for the update. (3) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 3 Motion to Recess to Closed Session — Approved A motion was made by Dettloff, second Green to recess to Closed Session on the following items. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman NOES: None ABSENT: None 1. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is David Goss v. City of Huntington Beach; Workers' Comp Case Nos. LBO 0310792, LBO 0310793, and LBO 0311632; Claim Nos. COHB 97-0235, COHB 00-0039, and COHB 00-0040. Subject: David Goss v. City of Huntington Beach. (120.80) 2. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Patrick Gildea v. City of Huntington Beach; Workers' Comp Case Nos. AHM 0068575, ANA 0311717, and AHM 0073796; Claim Nos. COHB 93-0159 and COHB 95-0145. Subject: Patrick Gildea v. City of Huntington Beach. (120.80) 3. (City Council) Closed Session -- Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Michael McKay v. City of Huntington Beach; Workers' Comp Case No. ANA 0334865; City Claim Nos. COHB-99-0108 and COHB-98-0196. Subject: Michael McKay v. City of Huntington Beach. (120.80) 4. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is Philip Holt v. City of Huntington Beach, et al.; United States District Court Case No. CV -SA 02-28 DOC (ANX). Subject: Philip Holt v. City of Huntington Beach. (120,80) 5. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the city is a party. The title of the litigation is City of Huntington Beach v. Huntington Beach Police Officers Association; United States District Court, Case No. SA 01-1125 GLT. Subject: City of Huntington Beach v. HBPOA [Gun Range]. (120.80) 6. (City Council) Closed Session — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to meet with its designated representatives, Agency Negotiators: William Workman, Assistant City Administrator; Clay Martin, Director of Administrative Services; and Steven M. Berliner, Esq. of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore regarding labor relations matters — meet and confer with the following employee organizations: HBMEO and HBFMA. Subject: Labor Relations — Meet & Confer. (120.80) (4) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 4 Reconvened City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting - 7:00 P.M. - Council Chambers No Actions Taken Which Require a Reporting Pursuant to Government Code §54957.1(a) (3) (B)). Mayor Cook asked City Attorney Gail Hutton if there were any actions taken by the City Council or Redevelopment Agency in Closed Session that required a reporting. City Attorney Hutton responded that there were no actions to report. City Council- Redevelopment Agency Roll Call Present: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman. Pledge of Allegiance - Cub Scout Pack No. 287, Culver Patrol, Village View School, Scout Leader, John Briscoe. The City Clerk Announced Late Communications Pursuant to the Brown Act (Open Meetings Act) the City Clerk announced Late Communications regarding agenda items that had been. received by her office following distribution of the agenda packet: Communication dated April 1, 2001 from the Economic Development Department transmitting a slide show presentation (slide show presentation titled Public Hearing for the Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for the Fountains Senior Apartments). Communication titled Late Communication for Agenda Item D-1. Slide show presentation submitted to the City Clerk's Office on April 1, 2002 by the Planning Department titled Zoning Text Amendment No. 01-09 (PS 2-Acre Requirement). Slide show presentation submitted to the City Clerk's Office on April 1, 2002 by the Planning Department titled General Plan Amendment No. 01-02 — Negative Declaration No. 01-10 (Huntington Beach Hospital Complex). Communication dated April 1, 2002 from Michael H. Leifer of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron, LLP transmitting their intention to submit objections re: the proposed City Council action. Communication titled Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 1. Second communication dated April 1, 2002 from Michael H. Leifer of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron, LLP transmitting the objections. Communication titled Objections to Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of District No. 1. Slide show presentation dated April 1, 2002 from the Department of Public Works titled Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area Traffic Benefit Charge — City of Huntington Beach. Communication to Council dated April 1, 2002 from Assistant City Attorney Scott Field responding to questions recently received regarding the Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 1. (5) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 5 Communication and photographs from Bob Anderson, Bob Gowdy and Jack Gum in opposition to the proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 1. Communication dated April 1, 2002 from the City Clerk's Office transmitting pages of the March 4, 2002 City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes, whi& correct pages where Councilmember Winchell's name was not recorded on votes taken. Communication titled Late Communication. Communication dated April 1, 2002 from the Department of Public Works transmitting an addition to the proposed Recommended Action. Communication titled Item E-9, Award of Construction Contract for the Tenant Improvements Health & Safety and Work Environment Project, CC-1184. Communications submitted to the City Clerk's Office on April 1, 2002 by Department of Administration transmitting local residents' support of removing the park designation at the intersection of Quarterhorse and Saddleback. Communications were received from the following: Medha# Mikhael, M.D.; Shirin and Shirmard Farahmand; Bill and Sharon Brigham; David and Linda Fender; Curt and Joanne Chivers; Linda and Bob Pappoff; Karin and Marvin Peterson; Denise Menicheillo; Sheila Fogleman; Dr. and Mrs. John Hatherley; Ken and Ann Anderson; Walter Hekimian; Rich and Michele Amaral; Dennis and Kathy D'Ambra; Eric Fresch, and Robert Casares. Communication dated April 1, 2002 from Gerald L. Chapman, D.D.S. transmitting his request to Council to postpone the second reading of Ordinance No. 3542. Communication titled Recommended Council Action — Second Reading of Ordinance No. 3542. (City Council) Informational Oral Report Presented Regarding Huntington Center Mall (Bella Terra) by Representative from Jh Snyder Company and Jerde Architects (Ezralow Retail Properties (460.30) An oral presentation was given, and a model and renderings displayed by Milton Swimmer, representative of Jh Snyder Company and Jerde Architects. Mr. Swimmer announced the Italian Village concept for Bella Terra, the Huntington Center Mall project, for which plans have been approved by the Planning Director. Public Comments Beth Nerrie extended an invitation to all from the Orange County Coastkeepers to participate in Huntington Harbour Clean Up and Awareness Day to be held on Saturday, April 13, 2002, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Ms. Nerrie provided the phone number to contact: 949-723-5424 and the website: www.coastkeepers.org. Helene Skratt stated strong opposition to the agenda item relative to the Ellis-Goldenwest neighborhood park site. Curt Jones, Huntington Beach Unified School District Board of Trustees governing member and St. Peter's Church member, advised Council of problems at the Spano house, pool, and surrounding property. He alleged that the site is an attractive nuisance for transients, derelicts, and teenage gangs, and reported on the nature of calls made to the Police Department and Fire Department. (6) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 6 Martha Morrow, President of Heritage of Huntington Shores, spoke in opposition to the agenda item on the public park in the Ellis-Goidenwest quarter section. She objected on the grounds of adverse effects on the quality of life, including traffic congestion and destruction of property. Ms. Morrow expressed the preference for build -out with compatible residences in the area. Craig Towers stated his concurrence with the previous speaker relative to the five -acre quarter section and spoke regarding the lawsuit process. Kai Weisser, Marine Safety Officers' Association President, announced that he is speaking on behalf of the entire MSOA membership and in the interest of public safety. Mr. Weisser distributed a communication to Council and the City Clerk in support of the agenda item titled Item E-14: Classification/Specification for Marine Safety Positions and the Side Letter of Agreement. Chuck Scheid spoke in opposition to the approval of the Huntington Beach Municipal Employees Association Memorandum of Understanding. Mr. Scheid stated his belief that the agenda item does not belong on the Consent Calendar item for cost reasons. Cathy Rasmussen informed Council that she is speaking on behalf of Debbie Borden to state opposition to the removal of the Invocation from the agenda. Doug Korthof spoke in opposition to the Orange County Sanitation District gaining a 301-H Waiver of Compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act. He stated the purpose of informing Council of the adverse effects on Huntington Beach, of the OCSD plant in Fountain Valley. Mr. Korthof suggested support of full secondary, if not tertiary treatment of the ocean, and spoke regarding ocean outfall. Jene Alexander, St. Peters -by -the -Sea Presbyterian Church member, stated her belief that the deteriorated condition of the Spano house and its pool and landscaped areas, are magnets for dangerous activity. She informed Council that neither the city nor the county agencies have been responsive to her appeals for assistance in this matter. Ms. Alexander recommended bulldozing of the property. (City Council) Council Responses to Public Comments Re: County -Owned Spano Property (570.60) In response to Mayor Cook's request for an update and clarification of the legal procedures, Planning Director Howard Zelefsky reported on the lien process and demolition timelines for the Spano property, which is under the jurisdiction of the county and the County Public Administrator. Resumed Public Comments J. M. Lopez complained of health maladies, which he alleges to be the result of toxic fumes emanating from the Cambro Manufacturing Company on Huntington Street near his residence. Mr. Lopez suggested relocation of the plant, due to this concern as well as noise pollution, parking problems and street sweeping issues. (7) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 7 Stuart Sherman spoke in opposition to the continued operation in his neighborhood of the Cambro Manufacturing Company for health reasons. Mr. Sherman informed Council that costly and unsafe filters are required to clean the odors emitted from the toxic chemicals the plant produces. Isabel Lopez, Cal -Poly University Professor, stated her intent to reiterate the comments made by the previous public speakers relative to the Cambro Manufacturing Company. She expressed her belief of the deterioration of the quality of life due to the plant's operation. Professor Lopez spoke regarding the danger of traffic speed to children in the area. Art Carr informed Council that it was his understanding 20 years ago that the Cambro plant was moving away from his neighborhood. (City Council) Council Response to Public Comments Re: Cambro Manufacturing Company, Clay and Huntington Streets (570.60) Mayor Cook requested that a liaison serve to address the citizens' concerns regarding the Cambro Manufacturing Company. City Administrator Silver responded that the issue requires a multi -departmental approach and will be brought to the attention of the Nuisance Task Force, with Fire Chief/information Systems Director Michael Dolder taking the lead. Administrator Silver further reported on the role of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Resumed Public Comments Theresa F. Farrar informed Council that she manages a 77-unit complex on Delaware Street across from the Cambro Manufacturing Company. She reported that the majority of the children born in the area have developed asthma and other respiratory problems. Ms. Farrar described noxious odors and soot produced by the plant, and requested Council assistance on the matter. Jim Dellorusso spoke in opposition to the agenda item relative to the proposed neighborhood park site. He expressed his regret for the postponement, and his support of a gated community for the Ellis-Goldenwest quarter section. Rex Ricks spoke regarding what he considers to be the bad effects of the adoption of County Measure'W." He spoke in opposition to air path expansion. Mr. Ricks suggested a solution, which he described as a V-Plan. Judy Bookout stated that she utilizes all the parks within walking distance of her home. Ms. Bookout spoke in opposition to having a park designated in her backyard due to noise and pollution concerns. Joey Racano stated that the belief that the addition of chlorine to the mix of bacteria and sewage in the ocean as a treatment for pollution is not a workable method. He spoke in favor of full secondary treatment. Mr. Racano informed Council that the Orange County Sanitation District representatives voted 18-to-1, and commended Mayor Cook for casting the only vote against the bleach treatment. (8) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 8 Joseph Bookout, Vice President of the Ellis-Goldenwest Home Owners Association, spoke in opposition to the proposed public park. He described the secluded nature of Edwards Hills. Mr. Bookout urged the Mayor to cast a "no" vote on the agenda item. (Councilmember Boardman informed the public speaker that Mayor Cook cannot be involved due to the proximity of her residence to the subject area. Mayor Cook announced that she has recused herself from all matters relative to the issue.) Dave Sullivan requested removal of the agenda item relative to the proposed neighborhood park until such time as the authors of Measure "C" can meet. Dr. Sullivan also stated opposition to a recent Notice of Intention to Circulate a Charter Amendment petition to reduce Council seats from seven to five members, who would be elected by districts. (City Council) Council Response to Public Comments Re: Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition for the Establishment of Council Districts and Reduction of Council Seats from Seven to Five Members (620.10) Mayor Pro Tem Bauer stated the intent to amplify Dr. Sullivan's comments. He provided reasons why he opposes the Notice of Intent to Circulate a Petition to amend the City Charter which was recently filed by Scott Baugh regarding the establishment of Council Districts and proposed reduction of Council seats from seven to five members. By unanimous consent of all present, no members absent, the following agenda item was brought forward: (City Council) Approved Continuation to April 15, 2002 to Consider Adoption of Ordinance No. 3542 Repealing Ordinance No. 3287 (Relating to Designation of a Future Neighborhood Park Site Per Settlement and Release Agreement Approved between Brindle/Thomas, et al. and City-OCSC No. 750203) (640.10) Mayor Cook recused herself from the Council proceedings due to the proximity of her residence to the property under consideration. Councilmember Green informed Council of his intention to approve continuance, seconded by Councilmember Houchen. Discussion was held prior to the casting of roll call votes. Councilmember Dettloff expressed opposition to the delay, stating that the issue is not whether a public park is desired, but that it is in the best interest of the city to follow the dictates of the Court decision. Councilmember Houchen ascertained from City Administrator Silver that staff is requesting an additional two weeks. Councilmember Boardman received confirmation from City Administrator Silver that the city will comply with both the Court order and Measure C voting requirements on the matter. Councilmember Boardman initiated discussion relative to an issue of establishing the quarter section as a gated community, which had been mentioned by a public speaker. Mayor Pro Tern Bauer stated that this aspect is one of ongoing interest and concern to the homeowners, and a very complex matter. (9) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 9 A motion was made by Green, second Houchen to continue to April 15, 2002 consideration of the adoption of Ordinance No. 3542 — "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Repealing Ordinance No. 3287 Related to the Designation of a Future Park Site Within the Ellis-Goldenwest Specific Plan Area." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman NOES: Dettloff, Bauer ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Cook (City Council) Public Hearing Held —Adopted Resolution No. 2002-19 —Approves Issuance by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority of Multi -Family Housing Revenue Bonds for the Fountains at Huntington Beach Senior Apartments — (271 Unit Senior Rental Housing Project on Main Street -- 7200 Fountain Glen Drive) (330.30) Mayor Cook announced that this was the time scheduled for a public hearing to consider approval of the issuance by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds. The staff report sets forth that the bonds are in the aggregate principal amount of approximately $31,500,000 the principal amount of which will be applied to the financing of the acquisition and rehabilitation of a 271-unit multifamily residential rental senior facility to be commonly known as the Fountain at Huntington Beach Apartments (the "Project") located at 7200 Glen Drive in the City of Huntington Beach, California. The owner of the Project will be Fountains Huntington Beach, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Environmental Status: Categorically excluded under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). Categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15061 (b)(3). Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. Housing/Redevelopment Manager Gus Duran presented the PowerPoint slide report that had been announced earlier by the City Clerk as a Late Communication. The City Clerk restated for the record of this public hearing, said communication from the Economic Development Department dated April 1, 2002 and titled Public Hearing for the Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for the Fountains Senior Apartments. Mayor Cook declared the public hearing open. As there were no persons present to speak on the matter and there were no protests filed, either written or oral, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. A motion was made by Houchen, second Green to adopt Resolution No. 2002-19 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for the Purpose of Financing the Acquisition and Construction of the Fountains at Huntington Beach Apartments." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman NOES: None ABSENT: None (10) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 10 (City Council) Public Hearing Held — Approved Zoning Text Amendment No. 01-09 Public - Semipublic (PS-2 Acre Requirement) — Approved Introduction of Ordinance No. 3553 — Amends Chapters 211C and 214.04 Relating to Commercial Districts and Public - Semipublic Districts (Including Hospital Medical Complex at Newman Avenue) (450.20) Mayor Cook announced that this was the time scheduled for a public hearing to consider: Applicant: City of Huntington Beach, Planning Department Request: To amend: 1) Section 211.04 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by deleting provision (A) which limits public -semipublic uses in Commercial Districts to sites less than acres and; 2) Section 214.04 by adding a provision which states that the requirement that public -semipublic uses on sites two acres or greater must be zoned PS (Public -Semipublic) does not apply to Commercial Districts. Location: Citywide. Environmental Status: Categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published and posted. Planning Director Zelefsky presented the PowerPoint slide report, which had been announced earlier as a Late Communication by the City Clerk. The City Clerk restated for the record of this public hearing said communication from the Planning Department, which is dated April 1, 2002 and titled Zoning Text Amendment No. 01-09 (PS-2 Acre Requirement). Mayor Cook declared the public hearing open. As there were no persons present to speak on the matter and there no protests filed, either written or oral, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. In response to Councilmember Boardman's inquiry regarding the initiation of the proposed Zoning Text Amendment, Planning Director Zelefsky responded that the public hearing addresses concerns expressed by the tenants of the Newman Avenue Hospital Complex. A motion was made by Houchen, second Green to 1. Approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 01 -09 with Findings (*Attachment No. 1 -- immediately following in this set of minutes); and 2. After the City Clerk reads by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 3553 — "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Code by Amending Chapter 211 C and 214.04 Thereof Relating to Commercial Districts and Public Semipublic Districts." (Attachment No. 2). The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman NOES: None ABSENT: None (11) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 11 *Attachment No. 1 Suggested Findings for Approval Zoning Text Amendment No. 01-09 Suggested Findings for Projects Exempt from CEQA: The Planning Commission finds that the project will not have any significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 4501, Class 20, which supplements the California Environmental Act. The project is exempt because it involves a minor amendment to the zoning ordinance which does not change the development standards, intensity, or density of the affected districts. Suggested Findings for Approval — Zoning Text Amendment No. 01-09: Zoning Text Amendment No. 01-09 to amend sections 211.04 and 214.04 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. It conforms to the following goals, policies, and objectives in the General Plan: LU 1: Achieve development that maintains or improves the City's fiscal viability and reflects economic demands while maintaining and improving the quality of life for the current and future residents of Huntington Beach. LU 13: Achieve the development of a mix of governmental service, institutional , educational, and religious uses that support the needs of Huntington Beach's residents. LU 13.1: Provide for the continuation of existing and development of new uses, such as governmental administrative, public safety, human service, cultural, educational, infrastructure, religious, and other uses that support the needs of existing and future residents and businesses. LU 13.1.1: Allow for the continuation of existing public and private institutional, cultural, educational, and health uses at their present locations and development of new uses in areas designated on the Land Use Plan Map in accordance with Policy LU 7.1.1. ED 1. 1: Enhance the City's market potential in terms of retail, office, industrial, and visitor serving activity. This would allow Huntington Beach to provide for retail, office, and industrial opportunities that serve the current and projected population and enhance sales and occupancy tax revenue. 2. In the case of a general land use provision, the zoning text amendment is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the standards prescribed for, the zoning district for which it is proposed. The amendment to allow public -semipublic uses on commercially zoned sites two acres or more is compatible with the uses authorized in the affected districts because the Commercial Districts already permit the most intensive uses. Additionally, there are safeguards in the code which require entitlement approval for the majority of public - semipublic uses in the Commercial Districts during which site -specific compatibility issues can be addressed. The amendment will not change existing development standards. (12) April 1, 2002 - CouncillAgency Minutes - Page 12 3. A community need is demonstrated for the change proposed. This amendment will allow certain public -semipublic facilities to maintain their commercial designation which improves the fiscal viability of their property and the City as a whole. Moreover, this amendment will provide additional potential locations throughout the City for public - semipublic uses which provide valuable services to the community. 4. Its adoption will be in conformity with public convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice because it will provide more potential locations for large public -semipublic which serve the community where they are generally compatible with surrounding area subject to any required entitlements. Furthermore, it will preserve commercial zones thereby enhancing the City's fiscal viability by reducing the pressure to convert to the Public - Semipublic zoning district to accommodate large public -semipublic uses. (City Council) Public Hearing Held —Approved General Plan Amendment No. 01-02 and Negative Declaration (Environmental Assessment) No. 01-10 — Huntington Beach Hospital Medical Complex — (8 Parcels Located at the Southeast Corner of Beach Boulevard at Newman Avenue) — Adopted Resolution No. 2002-23 (440.50) Mayor Cook announced that this was the time scheduled for a public hearing to consider: Applicant: City of Huntington Beach, Planning Department. Request: To amend the General Plan land use designation for the 13.8 acre site from P (Public) to CO (Commercial Office) to be consistent with the existing zoning designation of CO (Commercial Office). Location: 17742, 17752, 17772, and 17822 Beach Blvd. (southeast comer of Newman Ave.) Environmental Status: An initial environmental assessment was processed and completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. It was determined that this item would not have any significant environmental effect and, therefore, a negative declaration is warranted, The environmental assessment is on file at the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department, 2000 Main Street, and is available for public inspection and comment by contacting the Planning Department, or by telephoning (714) 536-5271. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been mailed, published and posted. Planning Director Zelefsky presented the PowerPoint slide report, which had been announced earlier as a Late Communication by the City Clerk. Director Zelefsky provided the history using the slide presentation, that as in the previous public hearing heard by Council, the public hearing was initiated by tenants of the Hospital Complex who raised concerns relative to redesignation of the subject property. The City Clerk restated for the record of this public hearing said communication from the Planning Department, which is dated April 1, 2002 and titled General Plan Amendment No. 01-02 — Negative Declaration No. 01-10 (Huntington Beach Hospital Complex). Mayor Cook declared the public hearing open. (13) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 13 As there were no persons present to speak on the matter and there were no protests filed, either written or oral, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. In response to Councilmember Boardman's inquiry, Director Zelefsky stated that what the two public hearings relative to the Hospital Medical Complex accomplish are to bring the Zoning and the General Plan to be consistent and in conformance with one another. A motion was made by Bauer, second Dettloff to 1. Approve Negative Declaration No. 01-10 with Findings (*Attachment No. 1 — immediately following this set of minutes); and 2. Approve General Plan Amendment No 01-02 by adopting Resolution No. 2002-23 — a resolution approving the redesignation of property at the southeast corner of Beach and Newman from Public to Commercial Office (Attachment No. 2) — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, Approving General Plan Amendment No. 01-02 Regarding the Redesignation of Certain Real Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Beach Boulevard and Newman Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman NOES: None ABSENT: None *Attachment No. 1 Suggested Findings of Approval Negative Declaration No. 01-10 Suggested Findings for Approval — Negative Declaration No. 01-10: 1. Negative Declaration No. 01-10 has been prepared in compliance with Article 6 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. It was advertised and available for a public comment period of twenty (20) days. The Planning Commission prior to action on the Negative Declaration considered comments received during the comment period. 2. There is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the Planning Commission that the project will have a significant effect on the environment because the request consists only of an amendment to the land use designation of the hospital and medical office complex at the southeast corner of Beach and Newman. The proposed designation of Commercial Office is compatible with and is an extension of the commercial character of the area. The project site is currently developed and located in a fully urbanized area. No new construction or any other physical changes are proposed with this request. (City Council) Public Hearing Held — Motion Denied to Establish Formation of the Holly- Seacliff Area (EllislGoidenwest) of Benefit District No.1 for Financing of Certain Street Improvements — Motion Denied to Approve MuniFinancial Benefit Report —Motion Failed to Approve Introduction of Ordinance No. 3554 — Motion Failed to Adopt Resolution No. 2002-25 for Reimbursement to PLC (the Developer) for Portion of Costs for Widening of Goldenwest/Garfield/ GothardlMain Streets (350.30) Mayor Cook announced that this was the time scheduled for a public hearing to consider establishment of the Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 1, for the financing of certain street improvements. (14) April 1, 2002 - CouncillAgency Minutes - Page 14 The public hearing notice sets forth the following: Your property is located within the proposed boundaries of the Area of Benefit of District, and may be subject to a charge to pay a portion of the costs of providing street improvements which benefit your parcel of land. If, after the date of formation of this District, you either file a final map (subdivision, parcel or consolidation of property), or apply for a building permit, a charge and an inflation adjustment will become due and payable. The public hearing before the City Council on April 1, 2002, will be the opportunity for all persons who desire to testify with respect to the necessary of the street improvements constructed within the Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District, the costs of the street improvements, the benefited area and the amount of costs eligible to be recovered. A communication stating objections from the Law Office of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron, LLP dated March 28, 2002 Re: Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 9 was included in the agenda packet. Two memoranda from the City Attorney's Office dated March 27, 2002 and March 28, 2002 respectively transmitting letters of opposition from 1.) 4 Pals, Inc. Plumbing & Fire Protection; 2.) B.G. Williams; and 3.) S & C Oil Co., Inc. were included in the agenda packet. Legal notice as provided to the City Clerk's Office by staff had been published and posted. Senior Analyst Diane Montgomery from MuniFinancial Corporation presented the Power Point presentation that had been announced earlier by the City Clerk as a Late Communication. The communication submitted by Department of Public Works is dated April 1, 2002 and titled Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area Traffic Benefit Charge -- City of Huntington Beach. The City Clerk restated for the record the aforementioned and the following Late Communications that pertain to this public hearing: Communication dated April 1, 2002 from Michael H. Leifer of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron, LLP transmitting their intention to submit objections re: the proposed City Council action. Communication titled Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 1. Second communication dated April 1, 2002 from Michael H. Leifer of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron, LLP transmitting the objections. Communication titled Objections to Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of District No. 1. Slide show presentation dated April 1, 2002 from the Department of Public Works titled Proposed Holly-Seacliff Area Traffic Benefit Charge — City of Huntington Beach. Communication to Council dated April 1, 2002 from Assistant City Attorney Scott Field responding to questions recently received regarding the Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. 1. Communication and photographs from Bob Anderson, Bob Gowdy and Jack Gum in opposition to the proposed Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District No. I. (15) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 15 Councilmember Green cited excerpts of the communication included in the agenda packet received from the legal firm of Palmieri, et al dated March 28, 2002. Councilmember Green requested and received a response from Assistant City Attorney Scott Field regarding the contents of this communication relative to the meetings held with the property owners affected by the proposed Benefit District. Mayor Cook declared the public hearing open. Michael Ramsey spoke regarding the consultant studies, and in opposition to the proposed formation of the Benefit District for cost reasons. Mr. Ramsey appealed to Council to take into account the small business owner. Bob Anderson spoke in opposition to the proposed impact fee on parcels. He distributed communication and photographs to Council and the City Clerk. Mr. Anderson expressed the belief that since the proposed zoning changes on Crystal Street is solely for the benefit of PLC, that developer should pay for the improvement costs. Daryl J. Scott expressed the reason that he is against the proposed property improvement tax, is that he considers it to be a double tax for property owners. Gary Powell stated that his objection to the Benefit District has to do with the small family business he runs in the area. Mr. Powell spoke of the difficulties with parking and accepting deliveries since the loss of the sidewalk due to the Garfield Street widening improvements. Michael H. Leifer informed Council that he represents property owners in the area of the proposed Benefit District. Mr. Leifer spoke regarding the city code relative to the calculation of the "18 foot theory," the right-of-way dedication. Michael D'Angelo stated that he is speaking on behalf of the developer. He stated that the proposed ordinance is rife with problems, and concurred with the previous speaker. Mr. D'Angelo spoke relative to the Subdivision Map Act with regards to excess capacity. There were no persons present to speak further on the matter and there were no further protests filed, either written or oral. The hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilmember Green referred to the Late Communications submitted by the public speaker, concurring with Mr. Anderson that he also does not find the area improved in the "after' photographs. Considerable discussion followed, centered on the public workshops held with Mr. Anderson, Mr. Ramsey and staff regarding the city's obligation for reimbursement of excess capacity. MuniFinancial Senior Analyst Montgomery reported on the charge for the right-of-way acquisition. Assistant City Attorney Scott clarified the Settlement Agreement. He stated that it would be Council's decision whether or not to pay the first $800,000 to PLC and the remainder to the city for road construction. Assistant City Attorney Scott informed Council that every agreement will have a right-of-way dedication, and the majority requires no greater than 18, and typically 10 feet. (16) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 16 Further debate ensued relative to whether Mr. Anderson's property had improved in appearance subsequent to the extension of Crystal Street for right-of-way construction. Mayor Pro Tern Bauer stated his support of the proposed Benefit District. Councilmember Winchell delineated the reasons why she is in favor of the Benefit District: 1. The city needs the revenue and should be paid; otherwise the property owners would be getting a "free ride;" 2. The property owners would not be charged for improvements or pay interest, but will only be charged the true cost of the 10 feet right-of-way dedication; and 3. Excess capacity is not the issue; the agreement merely pays frontage improvements. The property owners have been paid for 20 feet and the city is asking for only 10 feet reimbursement. Councilmember Dettloff expressed the concern that Council is taking matters into consideration on issues decided upon by a previous Council. She spoke regarding the property owners paying their fair share. Councilmember Dettloff recommended closure on the subject. Per Mayor Cook's inquiry, City Engineer Dave Webb reported on the potential effect of excess capacity on over 4,000 homes. He stated that property owners are subject to development fees particular to the property. Councilmember Houchen requested clarification of roadway improvements, to which City Administrator Silver responded by referring to Page Nos. D-4.49 and ❑-4.50 of the staff report. Councilmember Winchell stated that the Holly-Seacliff Agreement is based on normal dedication of property of 10 feet and normal right-of-way improvements. She informed Council that she attended the March 5, 2002 public workshop meeting and had dialogue with property owners. Councilmember Green recommended an alternate action set forth in the Request for Council Action (RCA). The alternative action is not to establish the Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District (to follow). Councilmember Boardman seconded the motion. Prior to casting the roll call votes on the foregoing alternative action, Councilmember Houchen made a motion to take the item back for further review. The motion was seconded by Mayor Cook, but subsequently withdrawn by the maker and the second. A motion was made by Green, second Boardman to approve the Alternate Action: Do not establish the Holly-Seacliff Area of Benefit District. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Cook, Houchen, Boardman NOES: Dettloff, Bauer, Winchell ABSENT: None (17) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 17 Consent Calendar — Items Approved On motion by Green, second Houchen, Council approved the following Consent Calendar items, as recommended. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Winchell (Houchen, Boardman - ABSTAIN -- January 22, 2002 and Houchen, Cook, Boardman - ABSTAIN - March 4, 2002 minutes due to absence.) NOES: None ABSENT: None (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Minutes - Approved and adopted the minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Adjourned Regular meetings of February 22, 2002 and Regular meetings of March 4, 2002 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Submitted by the City Clerk. (City Council) Approved Final Tract Map No. 16272 of Tentative Tract Map No. 16272 — Ash Street Condominiums — Westgate Homes — Ash Street, LLC —w/s Ash Street — slo Cypress Street (420.60) — Approved Final Tract Map No. 16272 pursuant to the Findings and Requirements as set forth in Attachment No. 1 to the Request for Council Action dated April 1, 2002. Findings for Acceptance of Final Map: Final Tract Map No. 16272 is in conformance with the California Subdivision Map Act, the City of Huntington Beach Subdivision Ordinance and Tentative Tract Map No. 16272 Conditions of Approval as approved by the Zoning Administrator. (The City Clerk is instructed to affix her signature to the map and release it for recordation by the County of Orange.) Submitted by the Planning Director. Funding Source: Not Applicable. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Adopted Council Resolution No. 2002-18 and Agency Resolution No. 333 — Sets Date of May 20, 2002 for a Joint Public Hearing for the Southeast Coastal Redevelopment Project Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report — (Hamilton/Magnolia/Newland/Pacific Coast Highway) (410.05) -- Redevelopment Agency Motion: Adopted Resolution No. 333 — "A Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach Consenting To and Calling for a Joint Public Hearing on the Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Related Environmental Impact Report for the Southeast Coastal Redevelopment Project,"and City Council Motion: Adopted Resolution No. 2002-18 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Consenting To and Calling for a Joint Public Hearing on the Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Related Environmental Impact Report for the Southeast Coastal Redevelopment Project." Submitted by the Economic Development Director/Deputy Executive Director. Funding Source: None required as a result of this action. (City Council) Approved Additional Appropriation for Sales Tax Auditing Services — For HdL Hinderliter de Llamas Association (320.45) —Approved appropriation of $23,000 in additional revenue for sales tax auditing service. Submitted by the Administrative Services Director. Funding Source: General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance in the amount of $23,000. (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2002-20 Reciting the Facts of the Special Municipal Election and Declaring Results — March 5, 2002 (620.30) — Adopted Resolution No. 2002-20 —A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, Reciting the Fact of the Special Municipal Election Held on March 5, 2002, Consolidated with the County of Orange Declaring the Results and Such Other Matters as Provided by Law." (18) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 18 Submitted by the City Clerk. Funding Source: Election Program Account. (The March 5, 2002 Special Municipal Election showed a 39.75% overall turnout. The total number of registered voters was 107,902, Results: Measure EE - Property Rights Protection Measure YES: 27,513 --- NO: 12,558; Measure FF - Creation of Infrastructure Fund YES: 21,314 - NO: 15,667; Measure GG - Advisory Vote - Infrastructure Fund: Power Plant, Utility Tax YES: 21,327 - NO: 15,398; Measure HH - Amendment of Gas Tax by Removing Electric Power Plant Exclusion YES: 13,098 - NO: 24,974.) (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2002-21- Approves Side Letter to Memorandum of Understanding Between the City and the Huntington Beach Police Officer Association (HBPOA) Regarding Legal Holiday Policy (720.20) - Adopted Resolution No. 2002-21 - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Memorandum of Understanding Between the City and the Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association, by Adopting the Side Letter of Agreement Regarding Holidays." Submitted by the Administrative Services Director. Funding Source: Not Applicable. (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2002-22 - Approval of Wage Increase for Temporary Part -Time Employees (720.20) -Adopted Resolution No. 2002-22 - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing a Salary Schedule for Non -Permanent Employees" to provide equal wages increases for temporary un-represented employees as provided permanent part-time and full-time employees assigned to the same classifications. Submitted by the Assistant City Administrator and the Administrative Services Director. Funding Source: Fiscal Year 2001/2002 budget Acct. No. 10040101.79100. The total cost can not be determined due to the fluctuating nature of temporary part-time hours worked. (City Council) Approved Second Amendment to Water Facilities Agreement (Business Park Specific Plan No. 11) Among McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Boeing Realty Corporation and the City of Huntington Beach (600.10) - Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Second Amendment to Water Facilities Agreement among McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Boeing Realty Corporation and the City of Huntington Beach. Submitted by the Public Works Director. Funding Source: No funding required at this time. (City Council) Accepted Bid and Awarded Construction Contract for the Civic Center Health, Safety and Work Environment Improvement Project, CC-1184 - Dinalli Construction Inc. - Approved Sample Contract (600.80) -1. Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Dinalli Construction, Inc.; and 2. Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the construction contract in substantially the same form as the attached sample contract, for the Civic Center Tenant Improvement, CC-1184, for a total bid amount of $2,293,667; and 3. Directed the Finance Director to appropriate $1,393,500 from the General Fund undesignated fund balance to the Capital Projects Fund, Civic Center Improvement Account Number 30187012.82200; and 4. Authorized the Director of Public Works to expend a total of $2,928,700 for the Civic Center Tenant Improvement project. Submitted by the Public Works Director. Funding Source: Funds are budgeted in the Capital Improvement Fund; City Hall Rehabilitation accounts ($930,000); Civic Center Fire Sprinklers ($555,200); Equipment Replacement Fund, Communications Equipment, ($50,000) and the Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance ($1,393,500). (19) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 19 (City Council) Approved Agreement for Dry Weather Urban Runoff Discharge Between City and Orange County Sanitation District (600.25) — Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Orange County Sanitation District Agreement for Dry Weather Urban Runoff Discharge. Submitted by the Public Works Director. Funding Source: No funding required for this action. (City Council) Approved Project Plans and Specifications and Sample Construction Contract and Authorized Advertisement of Bids for the Downtown Drainage Catch Basin Improvements — CC-1186 (600,60) — Approved the project plans and specifications, including the sample contract, and authorized the Director of Public Works to request bids for the improvements to five catch basins in the Downtown area; CC-1186. Submitted by the Public Works Director. Funding Source: $70,000 General Fund, Storm Drain Maintenance, Drainage Improvements. (City Council) Approved the Huntington Beach Municipal Employees Association (HBMEA) Classification and Compensation Study (Public Sector Personnel Consultants) and Adopted Resolution No. 2002-24 Regarding Memorandum of Understanding Between the City and the HBMEA Modifying FY 2001/02 and 2002/03 Salary and Benefits (720.20) — 1. Approved the classification and compensation study as recommended by staff and Public Sector Personnel Consultants titled City of Huntington Beach Municipal Employees Association Position Classification and FY 2002 Salary Plan; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 2002-24 — "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach modifying salary and benefits for Fiscal Years 200112002 and 2002/2003 for the Municipal Employees Association." Submitted by the City Administrator, City Attorney, and the Public Works Director. Funding Source: Funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2001/2002 budget. The total cost to implement the classification and compensation study and Memorandum of Understanding is $2,405,000 for Fiscal Year 2001/2002. (City Council) Adopted Resolution of Intention No. 2002-26 to Approve the Formation of City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2002-1 (McDonnell Centre Business Park Second Phase) Boeing Realty Corporation, Areas A & B — and to Set a Public Hearing for May 6, 2002 — Adopted Resolution of Intention No. 2002-27 to Incur Bond Indebtedness and to Schedule a Public Hearing for May 6, 2002 (350.30) — 1. Approved the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax for Area A and Area B, identified as Exhibit C and Exhibit D in proposed Resolution No. 2002-26 Resolution of Intention to Establish a Community Facilities District and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 2002-26 — "A Resolution of the City -Council of the City of Huntington Beach Declaring its intention to Establish a Community Facilities District and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes Therein," and 3. Adopted Resolution No. 2002-27 -- "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Declaring its intention to Incur Bonded Indebtedness of the Proposed City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2002-1 (McDonnell Centre Business Park);"and 4. Approved Proposed Boundary Maps of Community Facilities District No. 2002-1 (McDonnell Centre Business Park), Attachment No. 4; and 5. Set Public Hearing to Establish Community Facilities District at the regular City Council meeting to be held on May 6, 2002 as set forth in Resolution No. 2002-26. (20) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 20 and attested to by the City Clerk: a. Approve new classification of Marine Safety Officer I; b. Approved new classification of Marine Safety Officer 11, include reclassification certification and training requirements from Marine Safety Officer I to 11; c. Approved revised classification for Marine Safety Lieutenant; d. Deleted the former classification of Marine Safety Officer; and 2. Approved Side Letter between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Marine Safety Officers Association and approved and adopted in the format of Resolution No. 2002-29 — to be prepared by the City Attorney, executed by the Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk; and 3. Authorized the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $15,000 from the unappropriated General Fund reserve Account #100.31100.19990 into Marine Safety Personnel Account #10045207.51100. Submitted by the Community Services Director. Funding Source: General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance Account into Marine Safety Personnel Account. (City Council) Adopted Ordinance Nos. 3548, 3549, 3550, 3551, and 3552 Amending Chapters 2.32 and 2.33 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to the Replacement of the Department of Community Development with the Building & Safety and Planning Departments (640,10) At the City Council meeting of March 4, 2002, Council considered and approved introduction of ordinances amending Chapter 2.32 of the City of Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) by replacing the Department of Community Development with the Department of Building and Safety, and formally establish the Department of Planning under Chapter 2.33, and amend other associated Ordinances to conform with existing departmental responsibilities After readings by title by the City Clerk; a motion was made by Green, second Winchell to adapt the following ordinances: 1. Ordinance No. 3548, amending Chapter 2.32 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to the Department of Building & Safety — "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 2.32 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to the Department of Building and Safety;" 2. Ordinance No. 3549, amending Chapter 8.32 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to Standing Water — "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 8.32 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Standing Water;" 3. Ordinance No. 3550, adding Chapter 2.33 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to the Department of Planning — "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 2.33 Relating to the department of Planning;" 4. Ordinance No. 3551, amending Chapter 8.36 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to Rubbish and retitling of Department Director —An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 8.36 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Rubbish and the Retitling of Department Director," 5. Ordinance No. 3552, amending Chapter 8.48 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to Inoperable Vehicles --- "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 8.48 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Inoperable Vehicles. " (21) April 1, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 21 The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Bauer, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Boardman NOES: None ABSENT: None Adjournment — City Council/Redevelopment Agency Mayor Cook adjourned the regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach at 10:00 p.m. to Monday, April 15, 2002, at 5:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. City Clerk and ex-officio ClerVf the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: 4ft,7� (tl3sdrC�4�tJ at XZ4&� City Clerk -Clerk Mayor -Chairman