HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-09Minutes City Council/Redevelopment Agency City of Huntington Beach Monday, September 9,.2002 4:00 P.M. - Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 A videotape of the 4:00 p.m. meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Call to Order Mayor Cook called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Roll Call Present: Green, Dettloff, Boardman, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Bauer (Dettloff arrived at 5:20 p.m.) Absent: None The City Clerk Announced Late Communications Pursuant to the Brown (Open Meetings) Act, the City Clerk announced Late Communications regarding agenda items that had been received by her office following distribution of the agenda packet: Communication dated September 9, 2002 from the Administrative Services Department transmitting a PowerPoint presentation titled Fiscal Year 200212003 Preliminary Budget Overview — City Council Budget Study Session #3, September 9, 2002. Communication titled Late Communication, Budget Workshop Study Session #3. Communication received September 9, 2002 from Community Services Department. Communication titled Parking Meters on Magnolia. Communication received September 9, 2002 from Community Services Department titled Potential Prime Rate for Parking. The Following Additional Late Communications Were Submitted During the Meeting: Communication received during September 9, 2002 meeting from City Administrator Ray Silver. Said communication was a letter from Mayor Debbie Cook on behalf of Council, to Mrs. Pam Ogdon, Board of Trustees President, Ocean View School District, requesting a partnership with the City for D.A.R.E. funding. Communication received during September 9, 2002 meeting from City Administrator Ray Silver. Communication was a letter from Mayor Debbie Cook on behalf of Council, to Mrs. Shirley Carey, Board of Trustees President, Huntington Beach City School District, requesting a partnership with the City for D.A.R.E. funding. (2) September 9, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 2 Public Comments Chuck Scheid inquired regarding what the fiscal effect would be if retired police officers were hired and how it relates to the staff recommendation for costs for the D.A.R.E. Program. He also spoke on the staff report for the sewer fee CPI (Consumer Price Index) charge. Mr. Scheid spoke in opposition to modifying the subsidized refuse fee program so that low-income residents would no longer qualify for a 100% use exemption. Greg Arbues, Project Self -Sufficiency (PSS) Board Member, requested that the city continue to fund Project Self -Sufficiency at the present funding level. He stated that the PSS Foundation needs to "step up" to fund the budget shortfall. Mr. Arbues described the formation of the program in 1994 and expressed his opinion on how much work the Board Members contribute to Project Self -Sufficiency. Tammy Hudak stated her support of the Project Self -Sufficiency program and gave reasons why she opposes decreased funding levels. Ms. Hudak expressed her opinion on the number of families dependent on help from the Project Self -Sufficiency program. ,Jacquelyn Weir, Board Member of the Project Self -Sufficiency Foundation, expressed her support for continued funding for the program. Ms. Weir stated her opinion that the achievement of families in the Project Self -Sufficiency program is a model for aid -to -needy families. Veronica Archdullet, a Project Self -Sufficiency program participant, informed Council of.her family's personal success due to assistance from the Project Self -Sufficiency program and gave reasons why she believes the program funding should continue at the same funding level. Ms. Archdulet expressed her opinion about the extreme importance of the program to participants. Dave Sullivan expressed his opposition to proposed budget cuts while city employees are being paid in the 75th percentile. Dr. Sullivan also voiced his opposition to the matter of the sewer fee modification having been referred to Council prior to review by the Public Works Commission. (City Council) Continued from 8/26/02 - Budget Workshop Study Session #3 — Fiscal Year 2002-2003 ( 320.20) City Administrator Ray Silverreviewed the. PowerPoint titled Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Preliminary Budget Overview, which was a Late Communication announced by the City Clerk. The City Administrator stated that the budget was balanced. The City Administrator affirmed there were several items that would be discussed later in the meeting regarding staff responses to City Council budget issues. (City Council/Redevelopment Agency) Revenue -Raising Items Considered from Councilmember Bauer's Memorandum Dated 8126102 Recommended by Straw Votes at the August 26, 2002 Budget Workshop (320.20) City Administrator Ray Silver introduced a review of staff responses to Council's August 26, 2002 straw vote motions on Councilmember Bauer's memo regarding his budget recommendations. The communication from Councilmember Bauer dated August 23, 2002 (3) September 9, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 3 and titled Possible Income Sources to Support the D.A. R.E. Program and the Shipley Nature Center was presented at the August 26, 2002 City Council Meeting Budget Workshop Study Session #2. City Administrator Silver stated that an annual $9,000,000 in revenue has been lost for each of the last two years and the loss will continue, which is more lost revenue than past years' budget difficulties. Deputy Community Services Director Jim Engle presented a PowerPoint slide report titled Main Promenade Parking — Potential Prime Rate which was a Late Communication announced earlier by the City Clerk. Deputy Engle highlighted the days in the past year when parking activity reached full capacity relative to proposing an increase in rates for these days. Administrative Services Director Clay Martin gave a report titled Refuse Collection Charge Exemption, which had been announced earlier by the City Clerk as a Late Communication. He referred to the memo included in the agenda packet and presented a report detailing the difference in revenue between granting a 50% use exemption to qualified residents rather than the current 100% exemption. Councilmember Boardman requested the qualifying criteria for seniors to be exempt from paying for refuse collection service. Administrative Services Director Martin replied he would respond to Council on the details prior to the meeting's adjournment. Administrative Services Director Clay Martin reported on the communication titled. Follow=up to Council's Questions on General Fund Subsidy of Emerald Cove included in the agenda packet. Administrative Services Director Martin gave an overview on the city's financial commitments relative to the Emerald Cove Senior Citizen Residential Complex.. He stated Emerald Cove may be sold by the city and suggested that staff return to Council in October, 2002 to receive a comprehensive financial study on Emerald Cove. Library Services Director Ron Hayden reported to Council in regard to Councilman Bauer's agenda item. He presented an overview of his memo response dated August 29, 2002 included in the agenda packet. He outlined the procedure for increasing General Fund revenue by increasing the non-resident library card fee to $30. Director Hayden stated the City Council resolution setting fees would need to be changed in order for all the revenue to go to the General Fund. Deputy Community Services Director Jim Engle presented a PowerPoint slide report titled Parking Meters on Magnolia which was a late communication announced by the City Clerk. Deputy Engle highlighted costs versus revenue relating to the installation of 45 parking meters on Magnolia Street and the conclusion that staff believes the anticipated revenue would not justify installation and operational costs. (City Council) Adopted Resolution No. 2002-88 as Amended to Appeal at the City Council Level a Police Department Vehicle Release Fee Appeal Procedure (520.30) Per Council direction at the September 3, 2002 meeting, the City Administrator reviewed proposed Resolution No. 2002-88 pertaining to a Police Department Vehicle Release Fee appeal procedure. (4) September 9, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 4 Councilmember Boardman recommended that rather than stopping at the City Administrator's level of appeal, the vehicle release fee resolution be written to allow appeal to the City Council level. A motion was made by Boardman, second Houchen to adopt Resolution No. 2002-88 - "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing a Process for Waiver of the Vehicle Release Fee"as amended to provide that the appeal procedure continue up to the City Council level rather than stopping at the City Administrator level. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 2002-88, as amended, passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Boardman, Cook, Houchen, Winchell, Bauer NOES: None ABSENT: Dettloff (City Council) Staff Responses to Council Questions at August 26, 2002 Budget Workshop — Discussion Re: (1) Reduction of Recurrent Hours in Beach Maintenance to Fund Recurrent Hours in Project Self -Sufficiency and (2) Council Questions from August 28, 2002 Budget Workshop for Police Department (320.20) The City Administrator reviewed the communications included in the agenda packet from ('I.) the Community Services Director titled Reduction of Recurrent Hours in Beach Maintenance to Fund Recurrent Hours in Project Self -Sufficiency and dated August 28, 2002 and (2.) the Police Chief titled Council Questions from August 28, 2002 Budget Workshop for Police Department and dated September 4, 2002. Community Services Deputy Director Jim Engle reported on the possibility of reducing recurrent staff hours at the Beach Maintenance Facility in order to fund and transfer $22,000 to Project Self -Sufficiency. Councilmember Boardman stated her belief that future CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds will be jeopardized by this proposed action to reduce funding levels. Mayor Cook stated her opposition to decreasing Beach Maintenance funding due to what she believes would be an adverse effect on water quality issues. A motion was made by Bauer second Green to modify the budget and transfer $22,000 to Project Self -Sufficiency and adopt the estimated $37,000 in increased revenue at the downtown parking structure. Prior to Council casting roll call votes, Councilmember Winchell requested a restatement of both parts of the motion. City Administrator Ray Silver highlighted the item relating to City Library gift shops to which staff had provided a response included in the agenda packet. City Administrator Ray Silver introduced Police Chief Ronald Lowenberg who gave detailed explanations and informative descriptions of the various costs and benefits of Police Department programs under budget consideration. (5) September 9, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 5 A motion was made by Bauer to modify the budget by $37,000 by approving increased parking fees of $3.00 per hour, with the maximum being $12.00, at the Main Promenade parking structure only. Further, Councilmember Bauer suggested taking from the General Fund reserves any other budget requirements for Project Self -Sufficiency and the Crime Lab. Mayor Cook informed Council there was already a motion made by Bauer, second Green, concerning the parking structure.' Councilmember Green withdrew his second and Councilmember Winchell stated that she would second the motion. Councilmember Boardman stated her opposition to the rate increase in parking fees citing reduction of parking space due to beach construction. (City Council) First Motion Failed to Modify the Budget by $37,000 by Increase in Parking Fee for Main Promenade Structure only (Voted on Again Later and Approved) (320.20) A motion was made by Bauer, second Winchell to modify the budget by $37,000 by approving increased parking fees of $3.00 per hour, maximum $12.00, Main Promenade parking structure only. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Winchell, Bauer NOES: Boardman, Cook, Houchen ABSENT: Dettloff This motion was voted on again later and approved. (See page 6 in this set of minutes). (City Council) First Motion Failed RE: the Community Services Programs (CSP) for Juvenile Diversion/Gang Prevention and Scientific Lab Forensic Services (320.20) Following discussion, a motion was made by Houchen second Cook to discontinue the $79,000 Juvenile Diversion Program, keep the Gang Prevention program in place, the Police Department Scientific Lab funding to be reinstated, and contract out with other cities for forensic services. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Cook, Houchen NOES: Green, Boardman, Winchell, Bauer ABSTAIN: Dettloff (City Council) Approved Crime Lab Funding of $79,000 out of General Fund Reserve (320.20) A motion was made by Bauer second Green to fund the $79,000 Crime Lab out of General Fund Reserve. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Winchell, Bauer NOES: Boardman, Cook, Houchen ABSENT: None (6) September 9, 2002 - CouncillAgency Minutes - Page 6 (City Council) Approved Project Self -Sufficiency (PSS) Funding of $22,000 out of General Fund Reserve (320.20) A motion was made by Bauer second Green to fund $22,000 for Project Self -Sufficiency out of the General Fund Reserve. The motion carried by the. following roll call vote: AYES: Green; Dettloff, Cook, Houchen, Bauer NOES: Boardman, Winchell ABSENT: None (City Council) Directed Staff to Return to Council December 2002 for Status Report on D.A.R.E. Funding with intent for Reinstatement in Spring 2003 (320.20) Councilmember Winchell stated her opposition to cutting the D.A.R.E. program. She asked Police Chief Lowenberg to restate the status of funding for the program. A motion was made by Winchell second Bauer that staff returns to Council in December 2002 to see where city stands on D.A.R.E. Program funding with the intent of reinstating to full capacity in Spring 2003. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Boardman, Houchen, Winchell, Bauer NOES: Cook ABSENT: None (City Council) Second Motion Passed — Approved Modifying Budget by $37,0 0 by Increase in Parking Fee for Main Promenade Structure Only (320.20) A motion was made by Bauer, second Winchell to modify the budget by $37,000 by approving increased parking fees of $3 per hour, maximum $12, Main Promenade parking structure only. The motion passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Winchell, Bauer NOES: Boardman, Cook, Houchen ABSENT: None (City Council) Adopted Ordinance No. 3570 Amending Municipal Code Chapter 14.55 Relating to Sewer Fee Charge Modification Rates — CPIU Adjustment (640.10) After the City Clerk read by title, a motion was made by Green, second Bauer to adopt Ordinance No. 3570 - "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 14.55 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Rates, Charges, Annual CPIU Adjustment and Billing Methodology for the Sewer Service User Charge." Submitted by the Public Works Director. (Approved introduction August 19, 2002.) The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Green, Dettloff, Houchen, Winchell, Bauer NOES: Boardman, Cook ABSENT: None (7) September 9, 2002 - Council/Agency Minutes - Page 7 (City Council) Staff Report Made on Criteria for Refuse Collection Charge Exemption for Low -Income Seniors Qualified Under HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Guidelines (340.10) Administrative Services Director Clay Martin reported on criteria for the low-income senior refuse fee exemption, and stated the resident must be 62 years of age and over, and qualify under HUD (Housing and Urban Development) guidelines for very low-income level. Councilmember Dettloff inquired how the data is gathered and Director Martin replied that the resident must complete an application form with information verified by the Community Services staff. Adjournment — City Council/Redevelopment Agency Mayor Cook adjourned the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, September 16, 2002, at 5:00 p.m., in Room B-8, Civic Center, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. ATTEST: /Lwoe. 0' 2a44AZ40= ity er -Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk 9'the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Clerk of the. Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor -Chairman